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Tahssi, in [Animal Crossing] The new Animal Crossing has developed a black market based on real money
@Tahssi@yiffit.net avatar

This, the hair drama, all the other animal crossing economy issues, and the time travel drama. It’s crazy to me that such a chill game had so much drama.


What’s the hair drama?

@Tahssi@yiffit.net avatar

Animal Crossing released a hairstyle that is most likely afro puffs but some people say they could be space buns. Someone on Twitter posted a screnshot of their game and their character had this hairstyle. The problem started because their character was white and afro puffs are a black hairstyle. This lead to the whole cultural appropriation argument and such. With Twitter being well, Twitter, it spiraled put of control. I’ve added a couple links where you can read about it.




Oh wow. I had no idea. Thanks for the links!

slazer2au, in [Animal Crossing] The new Animal Crossing has developed a black market based on real money

Might be a good option to stick when the post happened as this was 3 years ago.

WintryLemon, in [Repost] [Games] World of Warcraft (Part 7: Classic and Legion) - How an illegal server birthed a protest that forced Blizzard to remake WoW, the new age of nostalgia, grinding, toxicity, and spit
@WintryLemon@lemmy.world avatar

”Just because I have nipples, does not mean I want to be milked, Greg.”

Once the roll-out of Vanilla’s patches was complete, the community began to discuss what would come next. (LINKS TO REDDIT) Many players had gained top level gear, and were effectively finished with Vanilla, but didn’t want the fun to stop just yet (LINKS TO REDDIT).

”Do i just like… (LINKS TO REDDIT) keep running naxx over and over and over for years? What do these people DO with their WoW time. I literally have nothing left to do and quit playing.”

Did the game simply stay this way forever? Would Blizzard start developing new content to extend Vanilla separately to the original release (as had happened to old school Runescape)? Would they reset the game? Or was Burning Crusade Classic on the way?

Blizzard wasn’t too sure themselves. They knew they wanted to go with the latter, but they weren’t sure how to make it work. A survey was sent out, asking players for their opinions. All of the options proved popular, so they tried to appeal to everyone.

There was a lot of nostalgia for Burning Crusade – nostalgia which had yet to be monetised. I won’t explain what BC was because we’ve covered it here before (LINKS TO REDDIT).

The expansion was revealed by accident, when an advertisement appeared on the Blizzard launcher. It was immediately taken down, but the cat was out of the bag (LINKS TO REDDIT).

” ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ MY BODY IS PREPARED”

The crazy thing about the ad was that it promised BC Classic would be available in less than a month.

”We’re less than a month out of this date and we still don’t have official word, it’s fucking stupid”


”Blizzard needs to communicate better so i can book my fucking vacation lol.”

Once again, there were a number of questions to answer.

BC couldn’t overwrite vanilla - that was the whole point of Classic – so players weren’t sure how it would integrate into the existing game. But by that point, Blizzard had decide it would be a separate service to Vanilla, but still covered by a single WoW subscription.

So far, Blizzard had done everything right (more or less). But the announcement of BC was incredibly botched, and infuriated the community in multiple ways. They offered players the option of transferring their Vanilla characters to the BC servers for free. Or, for the price of $35, they could clone their character, keeping one the original in Vanilla and getting a copy in BC.

Cue the shitstorm.

”$35?! To copy some code?! (LINKS TO REDDIT) I mean even $10 would be a lot for that, but it’s in the realm of reasonable.”


“Oh wait, you’re serious. Let me laugh even harder.”


”At this point (LINKS TO REDDIT) I’m reasonably sure I don’t want to spend any dime on TBC. Even a subscription. This is just going to continue to get worse.”

”This process takes SECONDS (LINKS TO REDDIT), and now we are supposed to pay 35 USD for each character if we wanna have a copy in both eras of the game?!”


”Horrifying amount of greed for something that is basically 100% automated.

Their excuse for charging so much for retail server transfers/race changes is they don’t want people to do it too much (some do anyway), what possible excuse is there to charge so much to simply ACTIVATE a clone?”

A lot of players were discussing the idea of abandoning the Burning Crusade altogether out of protest.

”Vote with your wallet. Don’t sub, don’t play TBC.”

The player base worked itself into a lather, getting angrier and angrier until the developers had no choice but to respond. Just days after announcing the price, Blizzard backpedalled and reduced it to $15.

“However, over the last week or so, we’ve gotten a very large amount of feedback from the community, and we’ve decided to lower the price.”

The players had won.

”Absolutely amazing. Thank you so much for listening! I wasn’t going to clone my main due to the high cost, but now it certainly looks a lot more tempting.”

But some were quick to point out that they shouldn’t be paying anything at all. Others suggested that this had been the plan all along. Blizzard never intended on charging $35, they just wanted to make $15 look good by comparison.

”Oh generous gods, how great thine are.

Lord Bobby has blessed us. Now I only have to pay an extra £12 on top of the annual £120 access fee, if I want to keep playing the game I bought in 2006 for a tenner.”


”They are charging money for literally a copy/paste. “


”I’m still not buying it and i’m not falling for this crap for 1 second, Blizzard have revealed their true intentions when it comes to Classic.”

Alas, the cloning fee was not the only controversy here.

Players could buy a Dark Portal Pass for $39.99, which would take any character on a BC server straight to level 58 and provide everything they needed to start playing in Outland right away. That pissed people off even more than the cloning fee.

In an AMA prior to the release of Vanilla, one of the developers had declared, “Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don’t want to break any hearts.” (LINKS TO REDDIT) That had come as a huge relief to the community at the time. And now it came back, as a betrayal. The cracks were starting to show. The only crack players wanted to see in Burning Cruade was Illidan’s, and that’s the only one they weren’t getting.

We already covered the arguments against boosts in the Warlords of Draenor write-up, but those feelings were felt more strongly here. Not only did players care far more about levelling as a rite of passage which was meant to be slow and painful, they were also keenly watching for any signs of ‘corporate money-grubbing’. They saw modern WoW as the ‘darkest timeline’ and wanted to prevent Classic going down the same road. As far as they were concerned, meddling with BC was like trying to rewrite the Bible.

Please change your mind on providing boosts. It makes me happy to see you guys are noticing our complaints and that you’re talking to us because maybe y’all will take boosts out. Tbc is still a classic wow game, and it had no boosts originally.”

Not everyone was against the idea of boosts, however.

”The leveling was part of the draw of Classic, and so they did not want to take away from that. The boost for BC Classic takes you straight to the bare minimum level to get into BC, where that leveling can take place, and gets you to endgame faster, which had a much bigger focus in BC than it did in Vanilla”

Some players thought boosts should be conditional – perhaps they should be limited to players who had already hit max level in Vanilla, or they should only be available for a month after launch.

There were also concerns about bots. Classic already had an issue with them, and giving them a way to skip levelling risked making the problem worse. More bots meant more gold farming, which in turn meant more damage to the economy.

In protest, a thousand players banded together to ‘reboot’ BC on one of its smallest servers, starting over from level 1. ““Blizzard announced Burning Crusade Classic with no fresh servers and no mention of what will happen to the existing low population / dead servers, except hinting there could be the possible creation of new servers post-Burning Crusade Classic launch,” said the organiser behind The Fresh Crusade.

"This makes sense especially in the current state where most servers don’t have a levelling scene with players very much soloing their way from 1-60 with issues finding groups for dungeons/group quests, which is an integral part of the WoW Classic journey.”

(Original post by Rumbleskim on /r/hobbydrama)

@WintryLemon@lemmy.world avatar

”/spit /spit /spit”

And as if Blizzard was deliberately trying to infuriate their Classic players as much as possible, they announced the Digital Deluxe Edition, for the low low price of $69.99. Every single feature came like a new dagger to the heart.

As well as a Dark Portal Pass and 30 days of game time, it included the Path of Illidan toy, which caused characters to leave a trail of green flaming footsteps, a unique hearthstone, a mount for retail-WoW, and most important of all, the Phase Hunter mount, specifically for BC Classic.

Pretty bold of them to firstly cater to a hardcore traditional community by making classic versions of the game, to then add something that this community deeply despises in the pursuit of some extra revenue.


”This is precisely why I’m because you give Blizzard an inch and they take a mile.”


“What do u mean it’s a slippery slope?! We just want X and Y!”


”The sad part is (LINKS TO REDDIT) the whales will still eat it up.”


”I know I shouldn’t be (LINKS TO REDDIT), but I’m always amazed at the incredible amount of corporate fanboying and defending of corporate greed going on here. It’s really hard to tell if it’s bots/paid shills or if these people genuinely just want to suck the teats of Blizzard that badly for some reason.”

Asmongold, one of the biggest WoW personalities, who had followed Classic from the beginning, encouraged his fans to fire the /spit emote at anyone who used the mount. The idea was that if they disincentivised the mount enough, no one would buy it, and Blizzard would learn not to try these kinds of techniques again. The harassment campaign applied to everyone who bought store mounts, but was specifically targeted at those who bought the Digital Deluxe Edition.

It was intensely controversial.

”If you think people trying to punish others (LINKS TO REDDIT) for not conforming with your opinions isn’t toxic then you may need to take a break from the internet. That is the real childishness here.”

Most content creators strongly opposed the campaign, whatever their views on store mounts. But many players were on Asmongold’s side.

”If you think people emoting on a game is harmful, might wanna take a break from the internet until you grow up.”

An addon was created to automatically spit on players with the Deluxe Edition mount. Screenshots emerged of players’ chat logs filling up with notifications that they were being spat on.

In the PTR (Public Test Realm) of BC Classic, Blizzard removed the /spit emote entirely, and took it out of Retail WoW shortly after. This wasn’t entirely due to Asmongold’s campaign, but it was a factor. We’ll cover the rest in another write-up.

”We did it bois, harrassment is no more!” (LINKS TO REDDIT)

This once again provoked the wrath of the gang, who wanted Classic to preserve BC to the letter.

One user on Reddit suggested (LINKS TO REDDIT), “I guess Blizz was worried people would be afraid to buy the mount LULW. While another added, “they found a spit emote too problematic and ‘toxic’ because people were using it against players who spent money on their cash shop.”

They insisted that Blizzard didn’t care about harassment at all, they were just trying to protect their golden goose. After all, Blizzard had done nothing to curb the use of racial slurs.

”Wait till they realize their game is about slaughtering others just because of racial differences” (LINKS TO REDDIT)


”You can buy the n-word pass from the ingame store.”

“Wait, is it actually dead? What the fuck? It’s actually dead.”

When Classic first released, there was little no real concern about it cannibalising the playerbase of retail WoW – the games were totally different, and catered to different people. Burning Crusade Classic didn’t have that advantage. It was directly aimed at players who had enjoyed Classic, but who wanted to move on to Outland. There was a serious risk of splitting the community in two.

When Blizzard cloned players over to the BC servers, their Vanilla characters remained, and the Vanilla servers were never going anywhere – the company had been clear on that. But with everyone playing in BC, the Vanilla community simply disappeared. Since most players went on to BC without paying the $15 dollars for the character cloning service, their favourite characters were gone from Vanilla forever.

Folding Ideas compared World of Warcraft to a religion going through a major schism, with a more progressive branch (Retail) and a fundamentalist branch who desired a return to the old tradition (Classic). And here with BC Classic, the branch split again. Vanilla was left in the hands of ‘Classic Forevers’ who rejected expansions of any form, and chose to remain pure.

In those servers left behind, it was often hard to find more than a dozen max level characters online at once. They soon grew disdainful of the traitors who had abandoned Vanilla.

I wish there was more to say on this topic, but there isn’t. The vanilla servers have languished, largely untouched and unthought of ever since. While they are technically still there, and will be there for years to come, the experience of early wow is gone once again.

(Original post by Rumbleskim on /r/hobbydrama)

@WintryLemon@lemmy.world avatar


When it came to the Horde/Alliance split, very few servers had ever been equal. Often, one faction would vastly outnumbered the other. In the fifteen years since the game began, Blizzard had worked tirelessly to find a solution. Some ideas had worked, but all of them had come at a cost. Whether it was combining servers or splitting them up or developing systems that moved players seamlessly from one to another depending on the need, it always meant messing with the delicate ecosystems and communities of the game’s many ‘realms’.

Faction ratios were just some of the many problems Blizzard recreated in Classic. Racial abilities were much stronger when the game first came out, and certain classes were exclusive to one faction or the other. After many years of debate and investigation, it is generally agreed that the Alliance had an edge in PvE content, whereas the Horde pushed ahead in PvP. The two were different, but surprisingly balanced.

That all changed (LINKS TO REDDIT) with Burning Crusade.

”Even during Classic WoW, there are many arguments about which side is actually best. In the Burning Crusade however, the player base pretty much unanimously agrees that one side is better than the other.”

Without going into too much detail, it all came down to Blood Elves. They were the one Horde race that could play Paladins, which had been an Alliance-only class in Vanilla. To differentiate them, Horde Paladins got an ability called ‘Seal of Blood’, and Alliance got ‘Seal of Vengeance’. Combined with the overpowered racial ability ‘Arcane Torrent’, Blood Elf Paladins had a major PvP advantage. The Undead racial ‘Will of the Forsaken’ was equally overpowered, and nothing on the Alliance could compete with it. To make matters worse, BC introduced arenas which pitted players against one-another in groups of just two or three. In that setting, a small boost went much further.

This imbalance left a legacy that remains even now. The Horde still dominate high-end raiding and PvP on retail.

”For some, this radical asymmetry is the biggest scar of the Burning Crusade.”

Blizzard had no choice. When BC Classic came out, it brought this problem with it. Whether they wanted to or not, they couldn’t betray the spirit of the original, or incur the fury of the mob.

And so, as expected, the faction ratio slid inexorably toward the Horde. Their majority quickly grew from 53% to 62%. On PvP servers, the Horde simply had no one to fight against. Queues to get into battlegrounds and arenas got longer and longer, so players went out into the world for their fun, which usually meant ganking low level Alliance as they quested in the zones of Outland. In the face of these roaming death squads, those Alliance players either quit, switched to Horde (LINKS TO REDDIT), or fled to the safety of PvE realms, where they formed a majority of 65%. That just made the problem worse.

”Obviously not all horde are like this (LINKS TO REDDIT), but there’s soo many that seem to just try to do whatever they can to make alliance experience a frustrating experience. My last straw for me was leveling in Zang. I realized out of the past 3 hours I had played, about an hour of it was spent corpse running. I could never get alliance to come help. And every day it seemed like I saw less and less alliance. Finally after seeing a horde blockade around one of the towns, I just threw in the towel. Switched to a PVE server and never looked back.”

The end result was a lot of servers where one faction made up over 99% of the population.

“My server at the beginning (LINKS TO REDDIT) of phase 2 was healthy and strong pop with the most balanced h:a ratio at the time.

It’s like 5:1 ratio now and the alliance has basically all stopped playing, or left the server.”

In retail, Blizzard had fixed the problem with ‘Mercenary Mode’, a feature that magically swapped players to a race of the opposite faction to fill in gaps. It had never been around during BC, but Blizzard piloted it anyway. It was either meddle with the game, or let it die. Horde players were given cardboard masks with Alliance races painted on them.

”A lot of players aren’t happy with the idea of Mercenary Mode coming to Classic because it does nothing to fix the underlying issue.

The community saw Mercenary Mode as just the first step to destroying the greatness of BC. There were even calls to reboot the whole project. And with ‘Classic Classic’, we’ve come full circle.

If Classic starts solving ‘old’ problems with modern solutions, at what point will the two MMOs become indistinguishable?”

Some disagreed.

” You know, it seems like people seem to not get that there’s a HUGE gulf of QOL improvements that could be added to Classic and wouldn’t “make it retail”. This is a strawman at its best. You can like parts of Classic and, god forbid, parts of retail and it’s not binary.”


” I think people just look at the differences between classic and retail and assume anything that retail has that classic doesn’t is “retail” and bad.

The truth is that the problems with retail are numerous, but that not all things that changed are bad.”

Should Blizzard implement modern changes, or preserve the game in its original form, no matter how broken it may be? This debate has come to define the Classic community, and corrupts all discourse surrounding it. And as long as the developers keep trying to find a way forward without upsetting either side, they will be paralysed as well.

Glad that the classic wow community has devolved into the world largest trolley problem. (LINKS TO REDDIT) You can either not pull the lever and let the game run into the same problems that have been there since the original release or you can pull the lever and implement the fixes to these problems that came later in the games lifetime BUT someone will say its retail bullshit

In the days of Nostalrius, fans had one simple goal - they knew what they wanted, and everyone was on the same page. Their united effort was able to change the will of a billion dollar company.

But that is the past. Now everyone has a different idea of where the game should go. And so the problem remains; lots of the people are mean, and most of them are miserable, even the ones with digital deluxe editions.

(Original post by Rumbleskim on /r/hobbydrama)

@WintryLemon@lemmy.world avatar


The most remarkable thing about Legion was that it was, for the most part, a success.

There is drama to be had, but it’s thin on the ground. This summary is mainly for non-players, or people who skipped Legion, so that we don’t have a two-year gap in the write-up between Warlords of Draenor and Battle for Azeroth (there will be PLENTY of drama there, I promise). If you just want the controversies, skip to the next section.

It began with a teaser trailer , showing Gul’dan (the only important guy from the last expansion) awakening Illidan (beloved and iconic antihero from Warcrcaft III and Burning Crusade). It generated a lot of hype.

Blizzard officially revealed their next expansion with a features trailer at Gamescom 2015, and then went into further detail with a cinematic and the usual presentations at Blizzcon a few months later. Like a beaten hound loyally returning to its master’s side, the community overflowed with excitement, and optimistic hope that this expansion would be better than the last.

After the mess that was Draenor, Legion had a simple premise. The biggest big bad in Warcraft history was back. Led by the fallen titan Sargeras, the infinite Burning Legion had tried multiple times to escape the Twisting Nether and conquer Azeroth, but had always been thwarted at the last moment. Now it had arrived for a full invasion. The heroes and nations of Azeroth had to do the impossible - defeat the Legion once and for all.

With the previous two expansions, Blizzard had done everything possible to avoid touching their existing lore. Now it seemed the shackles were off. Major changes were happening, major characters were dying. No one was safe. Everything was coming to its natural conclusion.

That resonated with players who had been around since Warcraft first started. Everyone wanted to see the final battle between the Titans and Sargeras. When Legion released in August 2016, the number of concurrent players hit the highest peak since the launch of Cataclysm – though the subscriptions immediately fell again, as had become tradition.

The expansion took place on the Broken Isle. It had always existed in the lore as a group of tiny islands, so Blizzard scaled it way up. Dalaran was copied (with a few improvements) into the skies above the new continent, and served as the major hub.

Players began with an all-out assault on the Broken Shore, where demons were pouring through into Azeroth. But the assault failed (www.youtube.com/watch?v=GE9HVy1vgws). Both faction leaders were killed. King Varian was succeeded by his son Anduin, and the troll Vol’Jin was replaced as Warchief by Sylvanas (with whom we will get VERY familiar in later write-ups).

There were five zones at launch, and players could complete them in any order they liked. Each held a magical item, vital in the fight against the Legion.

  • The Norse-themed Stormheim, full of steep ravines and jagged rocks, a deliberate call back to the popular Howling Fjord of Wrath. Players helped WoW’s version of Odin defeat Helya, the goddess of the underworld.
  • Tauren-focused Highmountain, with its scenic plateaus and snowy peaks, complete with a small city called Thunder Totem. Its story revolved around a dispute with the local Drogbar.
  • Azsuna was a wet, murky zone brimming with Night Elf ruins and haunted by their spirits. The main enemy here were the Naga.
  • The ancient groves of Val’Sharah played host to druid society, which had gathered around the world tree Shaladrassil. Its story focused on the Emerald Dream.
  • Suramar was the stand out zone of Legion. This ancient capital of Night Elf civilisation had been protected from history by a huge magical barrier, which had only recently fallen. It was basically ‘Elf Venice’, and remains one of the most visually stunning cities in WoW – or any game. Since the Nightborne of Suramar were working against the Alliance and Horde, players could only explore the city with a disguise. Certain NPCs had the ability to see through it, and would voice their suspicions whenever the player got too close. This made navigating the city frustrating for many, and caused the NPC lines (which were repeated ad-nauseum) to gain meme status.

Each player joined a Class Order – a secret society where the most iconic lore characters of each class worked to repel the Legion. Each class got a separate ‘Order Hall’, a uniquely designed headquarters that no one else could reach, with its own story and mounts. The halls carried forward several aspects of garrisons, but lacked major conveniences like hearthstone points or auction houses, so players never spent too much time in them. The community loved the Class Orders, though some of the campaigns were better than others (LINKS TO REDDIT). Priests were particularly screwed over, and had to be rescued by the Paladin class hall in their own campaign. But some, like the Death Knight story, had repercussions that are still playing out today. Since every class had such a different experience, it was a good time to level alts.

Then there was perhaps the most well-received addition, the Demon Hunter class. With a dark aesthetic, a double jump, and fan-darling Illidan as their poster child, they became wildly popular. Players have been begging for demon hunters four years, and Legion was the perfect time to make them available.

The dungeons were good (and there were ten on release, an improvement over the previous expansions), and both of the first raids were excellent. The Nighthold ended with Gul’dan’s spectacular death.

Patch 7.1 brought with it a short raid and a fantastic remake of Karazhan, one of the game’s most popular raids (the new version was a dungeon). It also added to the story in Suramar.

Patch 7.2 began when the final General of the Legion, Kil’Jaeden, made his big move, and the armies of Azeroth pushed back against him. Players returned to the Broken Shore, where they gained Legionfall reputation through a mix of world quests, rare bosses, treasures, and story quests. There was also a new dungeon called Cathedral of Eternal Night, and a raid to pair with it, the Tomb of Sargeras. Players repelled the Legion and defeated Kil’Jaeden. At the end, Illidan opened the space between Azeroth and Argus, the fractured homeworld of the Legion. It became visible in the sky in every zone.

Patch 7.3 took the fight to Argus. Players boarded a Draenei spaceship and began their offensive, meeting with the Army of the Light (the new reputation) and working to take the Legion capital. Argus had three small zones, which players could navigate by moving their ship, the Vindicaar. They were Krokuun, Antoran Wastes and Mac’Aree. The latter, a reference to lead level designer Jesse McCree, was renamed to Eredath when he became accused of sexual harassment, but that’s a clusterfuck for another write-up.

Blizzard introduced Invasion Points, which were like world quests, but they teleported the player to small alternate worlds to sabotage the Legion. And of course, there was a dungeon and the big raid: Antorus the Burning Throne. Players worked with the Titans to trap Sargeras once and for all, putting a conclusive end to the Burning Legion. In the climactic final moments, Sargeras thrust his sword into Azeroth.

(Original post by Rumbleskim on /r/hobbydrama)

@WintryLemon@lemmy.world avatar

Legion was a triumph.

”Legion is proof that a 12-year-old game can still find ways to innovate and improve itself, and it’s got the strongest storyline of any previous entry.”

Almost every media outlet praised Legion, with Gamespot declaring,

”Blizzard has proven it can still craft an MMO experience as well as–if not better–than anyone else.”

It is the only instalment since Wrath to gain more positive reviews the negative ones on Metacritic. Blizzard had taken a major gamble by killing Warlords of Draenor to give Legion a shot at success, and it paid off. To many, it was the best expansion ever – the culmination of everything that had come before it, and a fitting send-off. Indeed, it felt like we were seeing the end of World of Warcraft. And in hindsight, it may have been best if the game ended there, when we look at what was to come.

”The questing is more fun than ever before and now with a ton of voice-acting and cinematics, it just oozes good story. The artifacts are amazing and a ton of fun! And the fact you don’t need to level in particular order is just amazing!”

But it was not without flaws, or controversy. And if one thing should be obvious by now, it’s that the World of Warcraft community will always find something to complain about. There are the doubters, the cynics, and those who insists that Legion wasn’t that good at all, it didn’t deserve the praise, but “being an okay expansion sandwiched between two dumpster fires will have that effect on people.”

They may have a point. While Legion has carved itself into the history of wow as a golden age, it benefits from hindsight. Most of its problems were fixed by the time its final patch released. The early days were far from perfect.

”Every expansion has faults. None are perfect. Legion just had, what I feel, are fewer faults than most others.”

Let’s have a look for ourselves.

Grinding and Gambling

One of the big features of Legion was ‘Artefact Weapons’. Every class got a weapon for each specialisation, which they gained through a unique story mission. A lot of these weapons were lore-significant, so players were eager to get their hands on them. There were various appearances you could mix and match for each weapon too, and these were all obtained in different ways.

Artefact power (AP) was best understood as a way to continue levelling, after levelling was done. Each weapon had its own progression system, with unlockable abilities and levels. This was all done through AP. Some of these abilities were woefully unbalanced, but that’s what players loved about them. Gone were the tiny stat increases and passive bonuses of previous expansions - here was max level progression that felt consequential. Some abilities made getting around more convenient, some completely changed the gameplay, and some were so good that they were made permanent at the end of the expansion. Long story short, AP was seriously important.

Unfortunately, it was incredibly grindy.

”There was an overwhelming amount (LINKS TO REDDIT) of trivial shit thrown at you that anyone not completely hardcore was daunted.”

Unlocking all of the abilities for just one weapon took weeks of work, and every class had at least three. The early traits came thick and fast, before slowing to an insufferable crawl. And if you chose the wrong weapon, you were shit out of luck. Though perhaps the worst part of AP was that it technically never ended. You could keep levelling up your artefact weapon forever. Of course the benefits were slim, but completionist players nonetheless felt the pressure.

”I actually quit this week because of it, I can’t take it anymore” (LINKS TO REDDIT)

AP is often attributed with driving away or burning out most of the players who returned at the start of the expansion.

”I log on for an hour, get burned out because I can’t do much other than daily quests, get bored, then boot up steam.”


”Being on a gear treadmill (LINKS TO REDDIT) has been part of WoW for over a decade. Yet, this neck grind just feels so much worse. I look forward to getting gear; I’m motivated to do content for it. AP, on the other hand, just feels lethargic and tedious.”

The system also did much to undo the alt-friendliness of Class Orders, by incentivising players to invest time in a single character. If you switched, you had to start from zero every time.

”It really hurts playing alts for me… Everytime an alt gains AP that’s Ap not going to my main, who already needs every ounce of power he can get because Shaman.

Even worse with low level alts… When I have time to play I have to think about not just leveling up… But leveling through Legion, getting the weapons, getting AP, getting gear…”

Another major issue was the overuse of RNG mechanics – random chance – particularly when it came to legendary item drops. Legendaries could drop during almost any max-level content, and came with unique abilities. Players were guaranteed to get the first few quickly, but the drop rate lowered with each legendary they obtained. The game gave no indication when players might get a legendary that was necessary to play competitively. Since there was no clear connection between work and reward, some felt like they were slaving away for nothing.

“You were better off rerolling your entire character in order to get the legendaries you need, and your class/spec might be completely unviable without it.” (LINKS TO REDDIT)

Blizzard gradually made it easier to gain AP, and by the final patch, the grind was removed entirely. They also created a vendor for legendary items. That did nothing to bring back lost players, but it did wonders for the reputation of Legion going forward.

”People somehow forgot that legion was a hot mess until the last patches trivialized all of its poorly received systems with catch up.” (LINKS TO REDDIT)

Unfortunately, many unpopular systems from Warlords made it into Legion (like the garrison mission table) and even more of the unpopular systems from early Legion made it into the next expansion. But that’s a story for another post.

”Legion was the beginning (LINKS TO REDDIT) of all the awful design philosophy shifts that people have been complaining about ever since.”

Tentacle Boy Just Won’t Go Down

As the general of the Burning Legion, it’s reasonable that Kil’Jaeden would be a difficult enemy to kill. But what resulted was one of the most unforgiving, brutal bosses in the history of the game, with zero margin for error. It was a fight riddled with bugs and design issues, to the point where it was impossible for even the top guilds in the world - until Blizzard tweaked it. To some, that made him the best boss ever. To others he was the worst. Entire guilds disbanded over Kil’Jaeden, such was the trauma of smacking over and over into a brick wall without making the slightest progress.

”We literally couldn’t get more than a few minutes into the fight.”

At first, only one guild was able to defeat him – Method. Here are some quotes from them.

”…after a butt load of nerfs it became manageable. It’s a very challenging fight, maybe the hardest one I’ve done in my 11 years of raiding.”


”Overall I consider it as the hardest boss ever done (in terms of mechanics).”

On the highest difficulty, every small advantage was vital. His knockbacks pushed players off his platform to their deaths. Every class had some ability to overcome it, with the sole exception of priests. And when they died, the fight failed. But Goblins could be priests, and they came with a racial ability that dealt with the knockback. When the Tomb of Sargeras released, almost all top Alliance raiding guilds had already switched to Horde, but the final holdouts were forced to bite the bullet just for a chance to beat Kil’Jaeden. (LINKS TO REDDIT)

On one server, he wasn’t killed on mythic difficulty until three years later.

Really though, the fact that these were the worst complaints about Legion should tell you how good it was. It was a fantastic time to be a World of Warcraft player. But there were storm clouds on the horizon. The two expansions that followed would reduce the game to its lowest ebb, leave its playerbase a weathered and self-hating shade of its former self, and bring Blizzard to ruin.

Until next time.

(Original post by Rumbleskim on /r/hobbydrama)

WintryLemon, in [Repost] [Games] World of Warcraft (Part 6: Warlords of Draenor) – How content cuts, bad communication, money-grubbing and rewrites turned WoW’s most anticipated expansion into its most hated ever
@WintryLemon@lemmy.world avatar

Then there was the issue of isolation.

Garrisons worked much like the farm from Mists of Pandaria. When you approached, you were ‘phased’ into a kind of pocket dimension exclusive to you. You could be standing in the same spot as someone else, but you wouldn’t see them. They would see their garrison, and you would see yours.

You may recall the ‘never leave the city’ problem of Cataclysm. That had been bad, but at least the players had been visible. This was so much worse. Once everyone had finished levelling through Draenor, the entire playerbase simply disappeared. Ironically, you had millions of players crammed within a few feet of each other, but none of them knew the others were there. And that’s how it stayed for the whole expansion.

“A couple of months into the expansion pretty much everyone was already in the “logging, afk in garrison, raid, logout” routine.”


“…they allowed the community to get too isolated, which I’m afraid Blizzard is going to use as an eternal example of why it should never try to do housing in the future. And that wouldn’t be fair, because real housing is inviting and social, whereas there’s almost no point to ever visiting someone else’s keep here.”

What’s more, people quickly realised that the real ‘core system’ of garrisons was effectively a facebook mini game – one which got rapidly boring.

“Even before the game’s general release people were making jokes about the fact that we were sending other characters out to do things instead of going out and doing things. That was always kind of ridiculous.”

On top of that, there were complaints about the aesthetic. Every race in WoW has its own architecture, but most of them tend to get overlooked in favour of Human and Orc architecture for everything. The latter was starting to feel particularly unwelcoming and harsh.

“We have tremendous levels of power but we always live in mud huts. I thought I was a General in a power that controls half of a world. Why is the garrison from which I lead my campaign a timber shack that the Swiss Family Robinson would find primitive? Why do we have all of this power and technology but I’m walking around in mud? Maybe we could stop living like filthy hobos and put our engineers on inventing the road.The Alliance figured out the cobblestone walkway. Why can’t we?

I get it. The Horde is brutal and savage. But, one, I’m fucking tired of every single building everywhere being in the Orc style. That’s so fucking boring seeing the same aesthetic everywhere.”


The horde one (LINKS TO REDDIT) is just… like their entire design brief was “SPIKES AND HUTS AND PUT SPIKES ON THE SPIKES”.”


“I realy dislike the orc themed buildings so goddamn much. The arctic location looks more apeasing to me but those huts with tusks are so old and boring now.”


God that looks lame (LINKS TO REDDIT), all those ugly orc huts, I would kill for some undead, troll, Tauren, belf or goblin buildings.”

Professions were totally overhauled to integrate them completely into garrisons, and became extremely grindy and slow in the process.

Have you ever spent a month gathering the materials for a new bag, or an epic item upgrade? Until Warlords of Draenor, neither had I.”

You had to take primary materials to a building in your garrison, where an NPC would turn them into secondary materials at a crushingly slow pace. These systems were designed to limit what you could do in a single sitting, and force you to log in regularly to make progress.

If you were anything like me, you found yourself feeling that all you were doing in Warlords of Draenor was sitting in your garrison setting up work orders and waiting for cooldowns.

You asked yourself if this was what you had to look forward to for the entire expansion. Was this really all there is to gold-making in Warlords?”

Luckily, Blizzard was aware of this problem. Toward the release of Patch 6.2, they said:

We are actively trying to shift rewards back our into the world (gearing, professions, etc.) Felblight, for example, you’ll need to get out in the world.

The Garrison-centric profession system and daily cooldown of professions took away from the image of being a craftsperson vs. a player collecting daily materials.”

When asked about whether garrisons would be carried forward into the next expansion, Blizzard insisted they would be left behind in Draenor, but various systems from the garrisons would be cherry-picked and integrated into new content.

“From the outset, we have said Garrisons as you know it in Draenor are rooted/tied to Draenor. You won’t be bringing those things back to Azeroth. But the core gameplay of followers/army/base gameplay? We like the system. Is it likely to take the same format as WOD? Probably not.”

Most of the community celebrated this announcement, but not all. There were those who saw potential in garrisons – they just needed to be refined.

Soon enough, garrisons will be a thing of the past, an interesting idea that didn’t quite pan out the way anyone had hoped — developers or players. Personally, I think it’s a shame and slightly aggravating that Blizzard spent so much time working on garrisons only to throw its hands up and walk away from them now.”

These players had nothing to worry about. Garrisons would show up again, but in a very different form.

(Original post by Rumbleskim on /r/hobbydrama)

@WintryLemon@lemmy.world avatar

The Inflation Crisis and the WoW Token

Perhaps the most destructive part of Warlords was what it did to the economy – rampant hyperinflation. WoW had always had inflation, because players had always gathered more gold than they spent. Blizzard wanted to make it possible for new players to buy stuff, so each expansion rewarded more than the last. WoW’s economy sat in this delicate balance for over a decade without issue. Until Warlords.

Garrisons gave players the ability to easily farm herbs, ores, or other material, and also to process them into valuable items. They could send out ‘followers’ on missions which required zero effort to complete, but rewarded hundreds or thousands of gold. Here’s a guide from the time.

“…between 2014 and 2016, it was possible for dedicated players to generate quantities of gold that were previously impossible to obtain, and have not been possible to obtain since.

In that expansion, NPC followers could get an ability called “treasure hunter” that doubled any gold rewards they earned from a quest. And “treasure hunter” perks stacked, so it was possible to get a few thousand gold per day, per garrison. Many casual players who had never had significant amounts of money before earned hundreds of thousands of gold during Warlords of Draenor. Players could sock away millions, since each character could earn roughly the same amount of gold from their garrisons, and you can have as many as 10 characters on a server.”

Before long, the game was full of millionaires.

Blizzard’s solution to this problem was… rudimentary. They removed the ability to generate enormous amounts of gold when the next expansion came out, and they filled the game with gold sinks. A gold sink is an extremely expensive item designed to remove money from the economy. These included gear appearances and toys, but mainly came in the form of mounts. This wasn’t anything new – the famous Traveller’s Tundra Mammoth went back to Wrath of the Lich King. What changed was the sheer cost of these mounts, as well as how many there were.

The Marsh Hopper cost 333,000 gold, and there were three to buy. The Lightforged Warframe and Palehide Direhorn each set you back a spicy 500,000 gold. The Bloodfang Window cost 2 million, and the famous Mighty Caravan Brutosaur cost 5 million.

This wasn’t really a solution. The gold farmers had so much money that none of these mounts made a dent in their wealth, and it meant a lot of mounts were totally unattainable to everyone else. This was especially bad in the case of reputations. Imagine working your socks off for weeks to max out your reputation with the Argussian Reach faction, only to find out you would never get the mount, because it had been turned into a ludicrously expensive gold sink. One expansion (Battle for Azeroth) would turn ALL of its faction mounts into gold sinks.

Rather than fix the problem of inflation, this just made the non-wealthy players more angry about it. Now it was affecting them directly. And since it didn’t fix inflation, everything else remained exorbitantly expensive.

“There is massive inequality, because WoW’s trade goods economy tends to funnel wealth to a small number of players.”

If you avoided these gold-making techniques, or weren’t subscribed during the time when they were possible, you were effectively locked out of the game’s economy.

Blizzard is fully aware of the damaging impact that some content in Warlords of Draenor has wrought onto the game economy. However, I am worried that attempts to fix it will not be heavy-handed enough, which could cause problems such as making new player experiences even more frustrating due to the sheer amount of gold they’d have to earn to make any headway into some aspects of the game.”

Blizzard did have one other trick up its sleeve to help with this.

In April 2015, Blizzard introduced the WoW Token. It was an in-game item representing one month of game play-time. Players could buy them for real money, and sell them to other players.

WoW gold had always had an in-game value on black markets, but now it was official. Blizzard took some measures to limit the tokens - unlike other items, players could neither set the price, bid or haggle, or choose who to buy from. The market price was automatically set by an algorithm based on supply vs demand, and tokens could not be directly exchanged for real money – though they could be exchanged for Battle.net account balance to spend on other Blizzard games, and those games could be legally sold on key-selling sites for real money.

Players only need a finite amount of game time; you buy 24 tokens, and you’re fixed for two years. So the players sitting on hoards of gold had an incentive to sell only a fraction of their stash. The rest of their wealth sat idle in their coffers, out of circulation.

Once Blizzard allowed players to redeem tokens for Battle.net balance, however, there was basically no limit to how many tokens players needed. Rich players began dumping their stashes, and with so many more people trying to sell than buy, the value of gold relative to dollars plunged, and the gold price of the tokens started skyrocketing.

The WoW token had four aims:

  1. To motivate dedicated players to keep playing by allowing them to pay their subscription fee in gold
  2. To give casual or new players an avenue into the economy by letting them buy gold through legitimate means
  3. To generate more profit from their shrinking player base
  4. To undermine the black market

It succeeded spectacularly on the first three, but failed just as spectacularly on the fourth.

Most MMOs had some kind of ‘token’ service – WoW wasn’t doing anything new. Indeed, most of the community were in favour of tokens. It was a popular addition which benefitted new and old players.

Here are a few comments from the Youtube trailer

“Even though I quit WoW a long time ago it’s good to see things like this being implemented in to the game.”


“This feature is completely amazing! Thanks so much for this Blizz ! :)”


“Finally an excellent idea, now people will play easier without thinking about membership. Great Job.”


“let me just say, as someone who’s highest level non-death knight is lvl 26, that this is the best feature i’ve ever seen on a multiplayer game”

But the community was divided on whether the WoW token would actually work.

Some players worried that in order to pay for WoW tokens, more of them would start farming gold, and so inflation would rise rather than fall. Gold spent on tokens never actually left the economy. If anything, by linking all of the servers within a region in the same token market, Blizzard guaranteed that gold would hit the same value everywhere. In small servers with low inflation, that meant a huge drop in the value of gold.

Internet angry-man Asmongold had this to say.

“I think that it is a negative. I think that it makes the game worse, and it’s a bandage that Blizzard puts on the game in order to make up for the fact that they’re not balancing, and they’re not dealing with [back market] gold sellers. That’s what it comes down to. It fucks the economy. It makes every single accomplishment that can be achieved with gold – which is basically all accomplishments – basically an Ebay achievement.

WoW token legitimises and it provides a vehicle for pay to win to occur. […] And what is winning in WoW? Winning in WoW means something different for everybody. But I think for many people, winning in WoW does imply, to some degree, getting a good arena rating or getting very good gear. Gold can buy both of those things, and if you can buy gold, I think that’s pay to fucking win.”

To clarify, he is referring to the ‘boost’ economy, in which groups of highly skilled and geared players escort other players through end-game content or pvp so they can get the rewards, in exchange for gold. Since the creation of the WoW token, the black market has gradually transitioned away from selling gold and toward selling these boosts.

It has been streamlined to the point where it has more in common with Uber than the shady websites of old. But unlike the black market gold sales, Blizzard profits immensely from the boosting industry, because players pay for boosts with gold, and they get that gold from tokens. In fact, Blizzard overtly works with boosting companies to track down RMT (real money transactions) in exchange for the implicit protection of these companies. In order words, Blizzard audits boosters to keep the profits flowing through the token system.

“Fundamentally, it’s a lot like randomly getting an insanely good group on the group finder, but reliable, repeatable and on-demand. They have made it convenient, low risk, and professional. Hell, if your run goes wrong, you can even get a refund. These companies have moderators, they have customer support staff, and of course advertisers. All so that you can have a good experience.”

Most full-time boosters come from poorer countries, where the profits from wealthy westerners can easily cover the costs of living. Globally, it’s an industry worth tens, perhaps hundreds of millions.

(Original post by Rumbleskim on /r/hobbydrama)

@WintryLemon@lemmy.world avatar

How to Monetise Fun

That was not remotely the only money-related drama in Warlords.

In the Wrath write-up, we covered the controversial sparkle pony. Players had been furious at the idea of paying real money for a mount. But Blizzard had assured them that it was only so expensive because half of the profits were going to charity.

Then, they added another mount to the store. And another, and another – each costing $25 or £19. Blizzard’s half-hearted excuse was that they didn’t ‘fit the theme’ of the expansion, and so there was no logical place to get them in game. But that logic didn’t persuade anyone - Blizzard had deliberately designed them that way.

Around the time of Warlords, it really kicked off. This was due to the addition of the Iron Skyreaver and the Enchanted Fey Dragon (the latter changed colour). These two mounts not only ‘fit the theme’, they were actively present throughout Draenor, both on the ground and in flight paths. It was pretty obvious that Blizzard had picked through the mounts of Warlords late into development, chosen the two most attractive ones, and cut them away to add to the in-game store. There was even an area in Shadowmoon Valley full of fey dragons and NPCs labelled ‘dragon trainers’, which suggested there had been a whole section of content surrounding these faction mounts, like the dragon serpents in Mists of Pandaria.

And it escaped no one that a vast majority of the mounts in Warlords were slight recolors of the same half a dozen models. There were, for example, nine different variations of the same wolf mount. It was almost like they had to compensate because they’d lost two of their main mount models.

“The best mounts should be ones earned in game no excuses, it ruins the game when you can just buy all the coolest stuff.”

Since mounts were technically cosmetic, there were some players who didn’t care.

“Don’t like them don’t buy them. Very simple.”

But for the most part, the community was incensed.

“Would someone please think of the wealthy corporate executives and majority shareholders!”

This usually always led onto the debate of whether Blizzard needed to sell store mounts. Costs were going up and subscribers were going down, some said, so Blizzard had no choice but to push harder on microtransactions. Profits were higher than ever, others replied.

And so the response would always be that Blizzard was a business, their goal was to make money.

A company providing a service, they were told, and the customer is king, not the shareholder.

Then quit, they’d say. Vote with your wallet. If you’re going to keep paying your subscripton, you’re implicitly supporting Blizzard’s choices, and so your arguments are in bad faith.

This was an effective rebuttal. It left the complaining party with two choices – sit down and shut up, or leave the game (and shut up). It may have been effective at stifling arguments, but more and more players were taking the latter option these days. That was becoming a problem.

When you’ve been in the WoW community long enough, you look at disputes in the forums the way Doctor Strange looks at timelines. The exact wording changes, but it always plays out the same way.

Regardless of what discourse went on, store mounts were insanely successful, and so they have become more and more prominent. For context, there are now twenty-two. It would cost you $550 dollars to buy them all.

Another money-grubbing addition was the level 90 boost. This isn’t the same as the boosting I described in the previous section. When pre-orders became available for Warlords, one of the perks used to justify the higher-than-usual upfront cost was the ability to send any character straight to level 90 – max level in Mists of Pandaria.

After Warlords released, you could buy as many Level 90 boosts as you liked – for $60 dollars each.

Casual players rejoiced.

“Free lvl 90 is exactly what this game needed. I’ve been playing off and on since vanilla, and leveling a new character to max level is the absolute LAST thing I want to spend my time doing. I’d literally rather be outside shovelling snow because I’d at least be getting a bit of exercise.”


“Hey, this isnt a bad thing ._. why does everybody treat it as such. Gives players who dont have the oodles of time to spend leveling 1-90 a character tht they can play endgame stuff with. Thats pretty awesome.”

It goes without saying that not everyone was happy. To many hard-core players, it was a slap in the face. The early World of Warcraft experience was defined by painful grinding, and now yet another rite of passage was being stripped away to pander to casuals.

I guess this makes sense if you hate levelling (LINKS TO REDDIT) so much that it feels like work that you should be paid for, but it’s just part of the game to me. Paying extra money to skip part of the game that you’re paying a sub fee for seems crazy to me.”


Even though I hate levelling, I wouldn’t trade these experiences for anything.”

It’s certainly true levelling gradually teaches players the basics of the game, and their class. Skipping that risks overwhelming newbies with systems and challenging content and an interface full of abilities they have no idea how to use.

Getting a boost from level 1 to 90 is like learning how to swim by jumping off a diving board, straight into the deep end. As a newly minted level 90, I expected to see a special quest marker or notification that pointed me in the direction of adventure. There wasn’t one.”

“While endgame raiders have always bellyached about bad players, the sudden influx of level 90 characters without 90 levels of player skill has caused drama in WoW’s Looking For Raid feature. And while it’s hard to quantify the issue, it’s not hard to imagine that many low-DPS accusations are based on players who haven’t mastered their new characters.”

When asked about the steep price of the boost, Blizzard declared that their motivations were not capitalistic – far from it. They only cared about the game.

“In terms of the pricing, honestly a big part of that is not wanting to devalue the accomplishment of levelling,” Hazzikostas said.

"If our goal here was to sell as many boosts as possible, we could halve the price or more than that - make it $10 or something.”

How benevolent of them.

“So what are we to Blizzard? Are we just poorly educated pissants who flock to their games no matter what they do? Are we actual people who make their game live or die, or are we just cash cows to be milked until we can be milked no more (or until we start kicking)?”

(Original post by Rumbleskim on /r/hobbydrama)

@WintryLemon@lemmy.world avatar

More Like Trashran

It was designed as a small island zone, rocky and covered in ruins, just off the coast of Tanaan Jungle. Players from either faction would meet in the middle and battle it out for rewards. The controversial hubs of Warspear and Stormshield perched on either end – close to the PvP action, but separate from it.

It should have been simple. Blizzard had been making PvP zones since Wrath. They knew what to do, and what not to do. With such a pedigree, it’s mind boggling that they fucked up so badly with Ashran. It became so overwhelmingly, unanimously hated, in fact, that it is held up as a symbol of just how terrible Warlords became.

“Ashran, a shitty battleground that no one liked and just sucked fat, meaty Ogre cocks.”

But what made it so unfulfilling?

Players criticised the layout of the zone, which tended to result in a big confused ‘soup of people’ at its centre, and which usually ended in an unsatisfying stalemate.

The design did nothing to split the factions down into groups, so individual players felt like they were just being carried in a vague, chaotic wave, with very little personal responsibility and no opportunity to shine.

In other battlegrounds, getting two evenly matched sides forced players to work harder. In Ashran, getting two evenly matched sides meant nothing you did could make a difference – so there was no reason to bother working at all. It was boring and monotonous. When you finally pushed toward the end, you won, but you didn’t really. You might get your loot, but then a new wave of enemies would spawn and the fighting would continue. Unlike Wintergrasp or Tol Barad, Ashran never ended.

Ashran is super lame. Just two blobs of players wacking at each other until one side wins.”

According to Bellular, another flaw was that Blizzard rewarded players for completing secondary objectives which didn’t contribute much to the flow of the battle, and failed to incentivise actual PvP. As one player put it:

“It didn’t even feel like a BG, it was just a bunch of PVE events in a PVP environment.”

Other criticisms surrounded Ashran’s size - it was cramped for the number of people it was meant to host in a single match. And it’s queues were soul crushing, though that was nothing new for WoW. It was also horrendously laggy.

"Never once won it by completing the objective, it’s just raw attrition and lag.

Which speaks of terrible design. If the objectives are less efficient than butting heads for 40 minutes, the objectives clearly suck."

Tweet About It

The biggest controversy of the expansion was Patch 6.1, ‘Garrisons Update’. The name alone gives you an idea of how much effort Blizzard had put in. The patch contained an heirlooms tab, updated Blood Elf models, introduced Twitter integration and the ability to take in-game selfies, and added a few bits to the garrison. That’s it.

The announcements came in February 2015.

“In terms of fresh, repeatable content to keep players invested, there was virtually nothing.”

It would be an understatement to say that players were upset.

That video felt offensively underwhelming for a full content patch.” (LINKS TO REDDIT)


“When players ask Blizzard to fulfill promises that they’ve made, they get all abrupt and moody, and tell us that it will cost us a raid tier.



“Remember how you waited 14 months with no content during SoO? And when we promised you we learned our lesson? And then when we charged extra for this expansion? And when we cut Farahlon, pushed back Tannan and BRF, and took away your capital cities?

Here’s Twitter and a few things for your garrison, keep paying us $15 a month and maybe we’ll give you something in the spring. Actually, make it the summer.

This is why I am pissed off. Because after all the promises, all the delays, all the millions of loyal fans paying $15 per month for over a year (the equivalent of buying a new AAA game every four months), taking more time to develop than any other expansion, and then still requiring us to pay more when it finally arrived, Blizzard completely drops the ball at launch and delivers less content than we’ve ever seen.

And then patch 6.1 comes along. Does Blizzard try to remedy any of this? Regain their customers trust?

No, instead we get the garrison update with Twitter integration.

What. The. Flying. Fuck.”

So why did this happen?

According to Blizzard, they had always given ‘minor’ patches a second number. So instead of being patch 6.1, Garrisons would have been patch 6.05. For whatever reason, they chose to change that with WoD, perhaps because they were falling behind on their first major patch.

“Which means that Blizzard itself admits that Warlords was only technically a two-content-patch expansion — in actuality, it was only one content patch.”

The subscriber numbers didn’t just fall, they collapsed. Warlords may have begun with an unprecedented spike in players, but just a few months later, the game was facing an all-time low. Blizzard pressed the ‘abort’ button and simply stopped reporting the numbers.

“Note that this is the last quarter that we plan to provide the subscriber number as there are other metrics that are better indicators of the overall Blizzard business performance,”

But that wasn’t enough to escape the cruel eye of the community. Through machine learning, one wise nerd came up with this graph. Warlords hit lows of just over four million. It represented the beginning of a new trend for Blizzard, in which subscribers would peak and then immediately drop with the release of each expansion. And excluding those temporary subscribers, the core community (who remained subscribed non-stop) followed an almost linear decline.

(Original post by Rumbleskim on /r/hobbydrama)

@WintryLemon@lemmy.world avatar

The Pathfinder Achievement

Lead Game Director Ion Hazzikostas heavily implied in May 2015 that patch 6.2 wouldn’t be the final patch of the expansion.

“We’ve got plenty of more story to be told after this,” Hazzikostas says when asked whether patch 6.2 would be the last big content update for Warlords of Draenor. But Blizzard is also working hard to make sure players aren’t left waiting for new content in general.

This was not true.

In an interview just a few weeks later, fellow Blizzard lead Cory Stockton revealed the truth – there would be nothing after the upcoming patch. It wasn’t the mid-game update players expected, but the big finale. Aside from the shocking u-turn, the interview struck the playerbase as incredibly out of touch, with Cory being torn apart for statements like, “Overall we are happy with garrison feedback," and perhaps even worse,

”Sometimes we’ve had four patches in a cycle, sometimes we’ve had three, obviously here we’re looking at two big patches with 6.1 and 6.2”

[The community responded]( mmo-champion.com/…/1811060-Cory-Stockton-(Mumper) as you might expect.

“What kind of fucking bullshit is that, 6.1 should not even be called a fucking patch!”


“How fucking deluded is he? Being happy with how WoD turned out doesn’t give me any hope for the next expansion, which will probably be overpriced and only have one “big” patch. Pathetic.”


“Do they communicate internally at all?”


Nicely done Corey, you just added in the final nail to the coffin.”

All this left 6.2 with a lot to live up to. But would it deliver?

‘The Fury of Hellfire’ released on 22nd June 2015. It was pretty good. Players were finally able to explore Tanaan Jungle, a tropical zone with a demonic aesthetic. Its raid, Hellfire Citadel, was long and complex. Players enjoyed it immensely.

But it served as the first raiding patch of the expansion, and was the only raid the game would get until the launch of the next expansion, 434 days away. It didn’t matter how good it was. No content could stay popular in those circumstances. Warlords went into a content drought (LINKS TO REDDIT) with an already-paltry amount to do.

“Every World of Warcraft expansion prior to Warlords of Draenor boasted either three or four content patches. Warlords settled for a mere two.

It gets worse. Those two content patches for Warlords of Draenor were some of the most anemic and disappointing in the game’s history.”

There was also the issue of cohesion. Most of the expansion lay on the cutting-room floor, and the writers had to cobble together what remained into a usable story. Perhaps that’s why many of the characters in Warlords have such promising beginnings, and such anticlimactic ends. Players often say that if Warlords had been finished, it could have been the greatest expansion ever, but we may never know.

The Farahlon patch was gone. The Ogre Continent never even made it off the ground. Shattrath City, a recreation of the most iconic location in Burning Crusade, had been planned to host a raid, but that had been cut, so it was left an empty shell that couldn’t be entered or interacted with.

I still don’t understand the deal with Shattrath (LINKS TO REDDIT) even now at this point in the expansion.

The Draenei are pretty much locked out of their own capital city aren’t they? You think something as big of a deal as that would come up at some point in the story but no - we just kill some mobs on the perimeter and act like everything’s A-ok.”

If all that content had been completed, Warlords may have a very different legacy.

But setting all that aside, it may surprise you to know that the big controversy of 6.2 had nothing to do with the writing or the raid. It all came down to an achievement called ‘Draenor Pathfinder’. You see, ever since Blizzard introduced flying in Burning Crusade, they had been looking for an excuse to get rid of it.

Every time the idea was even mentioned, the community rose up in fury, and flying remained. For a long time, the solution had been to let players buy flying, but only after they had out-levelled most (or all) of the new content, so they were forced to play through it once on the ground. That came with the added benefit of making it feel so much sweeter when players could finally fly in those areas.

Prior to the release of 6.2, Ion announced that Warlords of Draenor would not have flying at all, and nor would any future expansions.

“At this point, we feel that outdoor gameplay in World of Warcraft is ultimately better without flying. We’re not going to be reintroducing the ability to fly in Draenor, and that’s kind of where we’re at going forward.”

And so, like clockwork, the outcry began.

“Keeping flight out of Draenor permanently is a truly, profoundly awful plan. Ugh.”


“The no flying at max level was a disaster. No flying while leveling was great, everything he mentioned. But, no flying at max level made for a dead world, no reason to explore or play the content.”

This was a widely repeated idea.

“I’m fine with not flying while leveling, I’m fine with not flying till the first major content patch, I’m not fine with no flying ever.”

There were more than a few players who left the game entirely due to it.

“I just quit WoW over this, on an account active since 2004.”

The user Muneravenmn put it succinctly.

“Wading through crap may be immersive, but it isn’t fun.”


if we lost flying it would be another hit against this game for me that would result in me no longer wanting to play. I don’t want to have something that takes 1 minute to reach turn into 5 minutes because I have to run. It would make no sense to bar flying forever, especially since they just released another flying mount with the expack.”


“Just because flying is allowed, doesn’t mean you have to use it. If you like slowly walking around exploring in old zones, knock yourself out. No one is forcing you to fly.”

This wasn’t a one-sided issue. Many players, such as the user ‘Steveosizzle’, defended the decision.

“For the time I spent after resubbing I found it great. I’ve played since vanilla and I forgot exactly how much the community lost when they added flying. It was great to have that back.”

A topic on the World of Warcraft forums about this announcement reached over 500 pages, and most of the responses were overwhelmingly negative.

Inevitably, Blizzard backpedalled. They went with a ‘compromise’ that united the playerbase – against them - the Pathfinder achievement. In order to get it, players had to explore every part of the continent, complete all the story quests (each zone had easily over a hundred), collect a hundred treasures, complete twelve daily quests, and grind reputation to ‘revered’ with all three of Tanaan Jungle’s new factions. The latter could take weeks. After doing all this, players could fly in Draenor.

Unless you were willing to dedicate days upon days to the achievement, you were out of luck. A lot of players went multiple expansions without being able to fly in Draenor. And the strangest thing is that Blizzard carried the system forward to future releases.

Writing for Massively Overpowered, Tyler Edwards summed up the mood of the community.

”I think about having to do another Pathfinder grind, and my heart just sinks. The story is what drove me away, but Pathfinder is what keeps me from coming back.

Meeting in the middle always sounds virtuous and reasonable, but Pathfinder is a great example of how a compromise isn’t always fair if the original ask was completely outrageous.

It’s an exhausting, tedious grind, and the worst thing about it is you don’t even get something new and awesome out of it. You just get to go back to using a feature that has been a pillar of the game for the large majority of its lifespan.

I firmly believe Pathfinder only exists as a way to artificially extend the length of content so as to earn more subscription dollars. It’s not as if Blizzard is above that sort of thing."

By forcing players to grind in so many ways, Blizzard guaranteed that everyone would encounter at least one mechanic they hated. Players who liked levelling dungeons were forced to go back and ensure hours of questing. Players who only cared about raids were forced to grind reputations.

(Original post by Rumbleskim on /r/hobbydrama)

@WintryLemon@lemmy.world avatar

Draenor Pathfinder is a bitch and a half, especially the rep grinding. Instead of grinding rep with all the factions we care about and have been playing alongside for the entire expansion, we’re introduced to three new factions toward the end of the expansion, which can only be grinded via dailies and weeklies. To me this just seems like a time waster.”

Pathfinder has somehow stuck around, requiring players to fill out a new arbitrary shopping list of goals with each expansion. It remains a hated part of the game (LINKS TO REDDIT) by most, though some players have come to embrace it. Blizzard keeps toying with the idea of removing flight completely, only to add it in a later patch. It has become just another part of the cycle of life.

Half-finished Stories – Yrel and Maraad

Cutting several zones, raids, and entire patches had a serious effect on the characters who were meant to develop over the course of the expansion. None suffers more due to cuts than Yrel – particularly unfortunate since she is the only significant Draenei in an expansion which is technically meant to be half Draenei, half Orc. She’s introduced at the start of the expansion as a native of Draenor, and is intriguing by virtue of how normal she is, in a game-world where everyone with any importance is either ultra-powerful, royal, or both. She is immediately likeable.

The plot of Shadowmoon Valley focuses heavily on her and AU-Velen, and ends with his self-sacrifice. It’s a great cinematic, but it fails to hit emotionally for reasons this blogger explained better than I could.

“…making an alternate reality your story is BAD, especially when you’re revisiting characters that exist/existed in your main reality.

You know why? Because those characters had their shot, or are currently having their shot, shall we say. Those MU characters are YOURS. See, the Velen on Draenor that died? Well, what did it matter? That wasn’t OUR Velen. Our Velen is still doing nothing in the Exodar, so the AU Velen’s sacrifice comes off as almost false or not as horrible. Emotional, yes, but something easy to shrug off when you remember that our Velen is still okay. Therefore the emotional connection to the AU characters is more or less carved in half with this in mind.”

She appears again in Gorgrond, in the company of the other main Draenei, Non-AU-Maraad. Accrding to the writers, Maraad had originally been married to Non-AU-Yrel, but she died, so he has a whole big story with AU-Yrel, who doesn’t know him (AU-Maraad died before he could meet her). Gorgrong’s story was meant to focus on their relationship, with the two gradually falling in love. That whole backstory and love affair was cut, so they never get beyond acquaintances. Maraad still gets his climactic death in the next zone, but it’s hard to care because he was such a minor character.

Yrel skips Spires of Arak, but comes back for Nagrand, where she is suddenly wearing Maraad’s armour (one size fits all, I guess) and using his ceremonial title, and multiple characters are talking about how ‘Maraad would be so proud of you’. Presumably some important stuff was cut there. Then in the Garrison questline, Yrel goes through a series of trials to become an Exarch – one of the three people who lead the Draenei on Draenor. It’s sudden and inexplicable. There’s even a quest where she emotionally lays Maraad’s ashes to rest and says goodbye to his spirit – even though they only knew each other for like an hour.

When the player investigates her backstory, they learn she has a ‘dark secret’ with enormous consequences, but that part of her story was cut too. When she was added to Heroes of the Storm (Blizzard’s tactical game tie-in), one of her flavour dialogues referenced this.

“You want to know what my dark secret is? I see dead people. Kidding! About that being my secret, that is. We Draenei see dead people all the time.”

Yrel appears in the final raid and has a speaking role in its cinematic. Another character foreshadows the following expansion, and she says ‘If you ever need us, we will be here,’ and then expresses her intention to rebuild Draenor alongside the Orcs (a goal she never mentions prior to this, presumably because it was cut). But any future she might have had is cut too. Yrel doesn’t appear in the next expansion. Like almost all of Draenor’s characters, she’s simply forgotten.

She gets a cameo in the one after that, however, when it is revealed that time has sped up on Draenor, thirty years have passed there, and Yrel is now ruling the continent as some kind of Holy Hitler. Despite how major that sounds, it is never expanded upon in much detail.

Half-finished Stories – The Warlords

The seven Warlords of Draenor are Kargath Bladefist, Blackhand, Kilrogg Deadeye, Durotan, Grom Hellscream, Ner’Zhul, and Gul’dan. They all appear briefly during the introduction at the Black Portal, but after that, their fates become a little scattered. Almost all of them fell pray to content cuts. Also, as far as I can tell, no AU-character meets their non-AU counterpart, ever. Blizzard didn’t want too much time travel in their time travel expansion.

Arguably the most important Warlord was Ner’Zhul. His non-AU version had been responsible for turning Draenor into Outland, and had become the first Lich King. Despite barely appearing in WoW, he had been pivotal to the entire game’s narrative. But in Warlords, he comes to a pathetic end. After a foiled attempt to create an evil Naaru (light god), he gets killed off in a dungeon.

What pissed me off (LINKS TO REDDIT) the most was they bring back all of these iconic and cool characters, then we literally just steamroll all of them.”

Kargath comes to an even more inglorious end. After barely appearing in the questing zones, he becomes the first boss of the first raid, Highmaul, and you can really tell he was thrown in because they couldn’t think of any other way to get rid of him. Considering he had gotten a short film and everything, players were unimpressed at his death.

Blackhand appears multiple times over the questing of Gorgrond, gets a cool cinematic, and becomes the final boss of the raid Blackrock Foundry, which is dedicated entirely to him, and is arguably the only Warlord who gets a satisfying ending in this expansion. He’s literally the only orc in this expansion that no one complained about.

As the leader of the Iron Horde, Grom Hellscream is the most fleshed out Warlord before the expansion begins. He fills the cover of the game, but barely appears until the Hellfire Citadel raid, where he was originally meant to be the final boss until he was ousted by rewrites.

In the raid trailer, he is shown having a random and inexplicable change of heart, and now totally supports the players. He is freed in the raid, and lives on to make the Iron Horde good. It’s an incredibly jarring transition which can only be the product of cut story content. He proudly lifts his weapon at the end and declares ‘Draenor is free’ as if the Iron Horde was never even a thing. There’s no talk of him facing consequences for trying to genocide the Draenei or take over Azeroth. The Iron Horde never even officially disbanded, and he never stood down as its leader. It’s all nonsense. He is one of the most butchered characters of the expansion.

What in the world? GROM gets to have the victory salute while yelling “Draenor is free!” ? Grom, who TERRORIZED Draenor by slaughtering Draenei, threatening annhilation on the orc clans who wouldn’t join the Iron Horde, and transforming various parts of the continent into his own personal war machine so he could slaughter even more people on a world he’d never been to?


And just because Gul’dan is the “bigger bad,” we suddenly have collective amnesia and go: oh yeah! Gul’dan had Draenor in his clutches the whole expac… not Grom for the majority of it.”


“Now this utter lack of commentary about Grom’s villainy would be better (but still horrible) if we got some hint – ANY hint – that Grom is remorseful for his actions. That he saw what his absolute greed for conquering and war had done to his people (sounds familiar, I’m sure.) But instead, we get nothing. Grom only allies with us because he got captured and Gul’dan got the best of him. If Gul’dan hadn’t happened, Grom would have kept pushing back with the Iron Horde despite his heavy losses. Victory or Death, and all that. Hundreds, if not thousands more, would have died – both his soldiers and ours, and innocents besides.”

As the only ‘good guy’ of the lot, Durotan gets more development, especially since he’s Thrall’s dad. Most of Frostfire Ridge is dedicated to his story, but he accompanies Horde players throughout the expansion. At the end, he is promptly forgotten about for multiple years. Two expansions later, we’re told he was killed by Nazi Yrel.

(Original post by Rumbleskim on /r/hobbydrama)

@WintryLemon@lemmy.world avatar

Kilrogg becomes a demonic follower of Gul’dan and becomes an early boss in Hellfire Citadel. The dude is basically an extra in his own expansion.

“Kilrogg? He might as well have been any no name boss.”

Gul’dan himself ends up being the primary antagonist of Warlords, by summoning Archimonde, one of the two generals of the Burning Legion. Not AU-Archimonde, just Archimonde. Apparently there isn’t a different version of the Burning Legion for each timeline, there’s just one, because their home in the Twisting Nether exists outside of space and time. But this time when he’s killed, it’s for good. It’s confusing and rife with plot holes (LINKS TO REDDIT). A lot of players joke that the only purpose of the expansion was to introduce him to the story, so that he could set up Legion.

While not technically one of the warlords, Orgrim Doomhammer was a major character in the original timeline and was promised to be significant in Warlords. He ended up being written almost completely out. As one reddit user put it, his story became. “I follow the Iron Horde! Wait, the Iron Horde is bad! Agggh, I am dead!”

“Orgrim…that pissed me off so bad. Iconic guy relegated to a stupid quest chain and then just casually dies…no big deal”

So out of seven Orcs, one gets a solid story with a good ending. These are literally the people they named the expansion after. How could it go so wrong?

It was mentioned in one of the art blogs that the expansion was originally designed to focus entirely on the Iron Horde. Each zone had a clan, each clan had a warlord, and each warlord had a story. However at some point during development, Blizzard realised this caused, in their own words, ‘Orc-itis’. They expected players to get sick of the constant Orcs.

Halfway through the alpha, large parts of the story and zone design were scrapped, and new threats were brought in to make it all feel more varied. Gorgrond was almost entirely remade. It originally had an entire functioning train system (which is still inexplicably present in the Grimrail Depot dungeon) but it was changed to focus on Primals (sentient plants). Nagrand became Ogre-centric, Tanaan got its demon makeover, and the Iron Horde invasion of Shadowmoon Valley from the trailer was removed entirely.

Draenor pivoted from a theme of all-out war to a focus on exploration. The Iron Horde got pushed to the background. There was no time to rewrite the warlords to make their stories fit around this new premise. Instead, we are left with small snippets of their original plot lines, and hastily thrown-together resolutions.

#Half-finished Stories – Garrosh and Thrall

Perhaps the most hated writing choice was Garrosh’s death.

He had been the main antagonist of Mists of Pandaria, and its final boss, but had escaped and set the plot of Warlords in motion. You might expect his ending to be climactic, and involve the player heavily. But you would be wrong. He runs into Thrall, the two have a mak’gora – an Orcish tradition of ritualistic duelling. On its own, that sort of works. Garrosh had actually had a mak’gora with Thrall before, during Wrath of the Lich King, and Garrosh began his ‘downward spiral’ during a mak’gora at the start of Cataclysm, during which he dishonourably killed another major character, Cairne Bloodhoof.

The cutscene that follows is wildly controversial. Not only does Thrall steal the kill for the second time in a row, not only does he blatantly cheat in order to win, he also completely dismisses any responsibility he holds for making Garrosh into a villain. But since it’s Thrall, and as we established in the Cataclysm write-up, Thrall can do no wrong, he is treated like a hero.

First of all Thrall (LINKS TO REDDIT) and his babymomma stole the spotlight when we killed Deathwing. Then Garrosh starts pulling all this shit and Blizzard finally says, “Hey you can kill that asshole now!” So we gather up a raid, we fight our way to him, we fight him, we defeat him, only to force us to spare him, put him on trial, have him travel into the past, so we follow him again, lead an assault on the Warsong, fight our way to him again, fight him again, only to have Thrall interrupt the fight, and have us sit on the sidelines while we watch Thrall kill him.”


“Thrall doesn’t even bat an eye when Garrosh starts screaming at him that he left him to pick up the broken pieces of the Horde. Thrall isn’t stupid, Thrall isn’t heartless, in that green Mary-Sue is the feeling that he DID have a hand in breaking Garrosh. The fact they ended the story between them by saying “No…you did this to yourself” and calls down Zeus on his ass, just left a sour taste in my mouth.”


“Ahh, Garrosh. We get a quest called “Justice for Thrall” and watched as Thrall takes the player’s fight with Garrosh into his own plot-armored hands and slaughters him in a shoddy duel in a horrifically brutal way.

Right. “Justice for Thrall.” Not Justice for Pandaria, Theramore, the Trolls… okay. Whatever.”

#The Legacy of Draenor

Warlords did basically nothing to forward the main plot of Warcraft, outside of the final boss of its final raid. It was a pointless diversion that existed purely to familiarise players with the characters in the movie – which was delayed twice and hadn’t even come out by the end of the expansion.

“Warlords, in the end, hardly affected our world. The Blasted Lands got hit, sure, and Stormwind got that annoying Everbloom portal, but other than that, Azeroth is A OK. We did lose some great characters (Maraad and Baros come immediately to mind) but otherwise…

Nothing happened that mattered.

See, that’s it. In my opinion, Warlords didn’t give us ANYHING THAT MATTERED. The story could have been completely annihilated and we wouldn’t have lost any development, except getting back a couple characters.”

This sentiment is echoed in an article on Gameskinny:

“Call me unfeeling, but there’s really no connection between the players, who have lived and died as heroes in one timeline’s Azeroth and Outlands, and this alternate timeline Draenor. The alternate universe Draenor is not Azeroth. It would be one thing if the timelines were bound together in some manner and actions in one timeline had consequences in another. But they are separate, and by the next expansion this alternate Draenor may be almost entirely forgotten.”

This expansion left behind a troubled legacy. It’s a scar on the history of Warcraft, spoken about in the same tones used by cliche Vietnam veterans. It has become the benchmark for bad quality, the low-water mark against which all other disappointments are compared.

“At best, Warlords of Draenor is something that never reached its full potential. At worst, the expansion sets a precedent for future expansions: that Blizzard will be giving us less content, and poorer quality content at that, for more money.”


“It’s important to look at the data to understand just how disastrous Warlords of Draenor has been. There isn’t just a vague feeling that the game is worse now than it used to be; there is objective evidence that this is the expansion with the least amount of additional content Blizzard has ever provided.”

Blizzard had long established a system in which three expansions were always in production. At any one time, they were working two expansions ahead – or so they claimed. But nothing about Warlords matched up with that.

“If Blizzard had planned properly, we could now be enjoying some sort of post-Hellfire denouement for Warlords in Farahlon, just as the Timeless Isle provided a satisfying resolution to Mists.”

When they unveiled their next expansion, Legion, it was with the promise that things would be better. You live and learn. At any rate, you live. But they had been making this game for a decade, with development often led by the same faces. How was it possible they were getting worse with practice?

“Blizzard developers have been very upfront and honest about their failures with the last expansion. The studio has, if it’s to be believed, learned its lesson.”

No one was quick to trust them there.

With every expansion, Blizzard states that they know that these content gaps are terrible for the game, but whatever actions the company takes to rectify the situation continue to fail.”

(Original post by Rumbleskim on /r/hobbydrama)

@WintryLemon@lemmy.world avatar

After reading all of this, you might be asking why? Why did Warlords of Draenor fail so spectacularly. Well we have a few reasons.

Firstly, Blizzard was hiring. During the development of Warlords, they expanded their team by 50%. Blizzard had to divert a large portion of their staff to help train up the new recruits.

I’ve already mentioned the huge sweeping rewrites and redesigns of Draenor, but Blizzard also got held back in other areas. Garrisons turned out to be far more time-consuming to build than anyone expected, with huge amounts of content half-finished and thrown away, and updating character models proved unusually resource-heavy.

Blizzard’s leaders also brought up the idea of yearly expansions with fewer patches, and suggested that Warlords was meant to pilot the idea. Consumer backlash put a quick stop to it.

And of course, when Warlords started to flop, they cut their losses and shifted most of their staff onto the next expansion, effectively leaving Warlords to die.

And die it did.

“[WoD in my opinion is still the biggest wasted potential that Blizzard ever made with this game. The hype for this expansion was huge. WoW saw a huge spike in subscriber numbers for this expansion.

All for it to turn out to be a failure.” (LINKS TO REDDIT)

A Final Note

If you follow the HobbyScuffles threads, you may know that halfway through writing this, I shattered the radius and ulna bones in my right (dominant) arm, severed a number of tendons, and had to undergo a four-hour surgery to reassemble my arm. I have typed this with my left hand and the help of voice dictation while on extensive painkillers, which is a new thing for me. As a result, there may be some errors in the write up. Please point them out and I will make sure to fix them.

I really appreciate the help, kindness and support I’ve gotten recently from this sub, and want to thank everyone who has read through these posts or posted feedback on them.

(Original post by Rumbleskim on /r/hobbydrama)

@verity_kindle@lemmy.world avatar

I saw no errors and I’m keen on spotting that stuff. You did a great a job, Wintry. Feel better soon and heal fast. Thank you for making this epic available on Lemmy. I now have rich historical context for my own experiences, playing far too much from 2014-2015. It was a “lost year” of depression and anxiety which I tried to medicate with WoW. I’m so glad I quit, based on my therapist’s recommendation. =)

WintryLemon, in [Repost] [Games] World of Warcraft (Part 5: Mists of Pandaria) - This was an expansion mired in talk of racism, furries, rip-offs, and gay baby dragon shippers, which saw three million subscribe leave
@WintryLemon@lemmy.world avatar

Blizzard’s game development operates like a pendulum. They swing one way, fans complain, so they go to the exact opposite extreme. If you know that, and you know what happened in Cataclysm, you can guess how Mists went.

Cataclysm hadn’t had enough daily quests or reputations, so Mists of Pandaria was absolutely stacked with them. Each day, you would complete quests for the Golden Lotus, the Order of the Cloud Serpent, the Shadow-Pan, the Anglers, the Tillers, the Klaxxi, and the August Celestials. There had always been a daily cap on the number of daily quests a person could complete, which was 25. Blizzard removed that when MoP released, so that players could complete Pandaria’s 48 daily quests unimpeded.

“…it looks like there will be approximately 1300 quests in Mists of Pandaria. Right this moment we don’t have the numbers off-hand to show how that that compares exactly to the previous expansions, but the quest count seems to more closely mirror Wrath of the Lich King, however with a much greater emphasis on dailies. Mists of Pandaria is actually the expansion where we have emphasized dailies the most… ever!”

And don’t worry, the first and second patches both brought yet more dailies.

It didn’t take long for daily-fatigue to creep in. Unfortunately, high level gear was locked behind faction reputation requirements, so many players felt forced to do every daily, every day, in order to stay competitive. I recall it would take me several hours. Here are some experiences from other players.

”I think what turned a lot of people off was the huge emphasis on doing dailies for literally every faction every day in order to get rep and gear upgrades. If you missed a day, it felt like you were ages behind everyone else.”

Players often cited the sheer avalanche of daily quests as the reason why they quit – they just burned out.

The MOP dailies were so time consuming that I was unable to do all dailies for all factions in one day. It took me 3 months to get ambassador. I came tired physically from work and then got tired mentally from endless grind to get exalted in wow.”


”The rep grind was so bad it actually made me unsub. It wasn’t fun anymore when I’d spend 3 hours a day doing what felt like a tedious chore, knowing that the amount of rep I could get in one day was capped so to get exalted would take a month of daily quests. Really sucked the fun out of the game.”


”Gameplay shouldn’t be something you feel you have to do; it should be something you want to do. And to me, daily quests are never something I want to do.”


”Dailies are the worst form of content, ever.”

There were, of course, critics. Dailies weren’t mandatory, at least not technically. And according to the user ‘Styil’, what could possibly be wrong with more content?

I will never understand this mentality. How can you have “too much” content, let alone see it as a problem?


There weren’t too many dailies. People just have zero self-control.

One of the most heavily marketed additions in Mists was that of ‘Scenarios’. These were like dungeons, only more story-based. Rather than a team of five people with three damage dealers, a tank, and a healer, scenarios were made to be completed by anyone. This was done in the hope of avoiding the lengthy dungeon queues, but as a result, they were extremely easy. There were 29 scenarios in Mists of Pandaria, and while some players (like me) loved them, they proved unpopular with others.

In order to cater to players who wanted more of a challenge, harder ‘Heroic’ scenarios were released, with such massive rewards that everyone was pretty much forced to do them.

Unfortunately, scenarios came at the cost of dungeons – a cornerstone of the game. Vanilla had 26 dungeons, Burning Crusade and Wrath had 16 and Cataclysm had 14. Mists of Pandaria had 6, and they were all rather simple, with no real variation from ‘Normal’ to ‘Heroic’ modes. Players found them far too easy.

The raids, at least, were fine. The ‘Looking for Raid’ feature added in Cataclysm continued to become more and more toxic and hated, but there’s nothing I can say about it which hasn’t already been covered.

The Talent Tree

After the content drought of Cataclysm, Blizzard took pains to create plenty of things to do.

There had always been world bosses – extremely powerful enemies roaming questing areas, which players could group up to kill – but MoP turned them into a real feature. World bosses had a tiny chance of dropping mounts.

Speaking of which, MoP introduced systems for players to conveniently track mounts across their characters, as well as toys and gadgets. ‘Elite Enemies’ were scattered across the world in their dozens. There was also the ‘Lorewalkers’, a unique faction which rewarded players for examining monuments, reading scrolls, and hearing folk tales across Pandaria. The Brawler’s Guild allowed players to take part in an underground fighting ring. Warlocks got a long requested questline to turn their fire demonic green. Professions were re-worked, gameplay was drastically changed across the board, and the talent system was totally remade.

This last change was quite controversial. The ‘talent tree’ had always offered players a number of small stat boosts which they could buy with points. Blizzard didn’t think the system felt very rewarding, and was too easily ‘optimised’, which they were kind of right about. But many players were attached to it.

”Sure, people still used cookie cutter builds, and there were plenty of worthless talents, but I enjoyed it. Getting a point to spend every level made it feel like I was actually getting stronger,” said Reddit user ‘PB-Toast’.

Others disagreed.

”Dont let nostalgia hide that a good portion of these talents were increase chance to hit 1/5% and incredibly boring.”

The replacement was this. Every fifteen levels, players had the option of choosing between three abilities. Usually, they were of similar types – they might all be damaging spells, or movement-related, or healing powers. The intention was to free players from the need to do whatever the internet said was best. But that didn’t work, and the internet quickly figured out which choices were the most efficient.

Players saw it as a departure from the classic RPG elements, and yet another appeal toward casuals.

”It’s not even about nostalgia, it’s about making it an RPG. Levelling up was rewarding, you got talents, got stronger levels of spells and had a general sense of progression. Wow is a MMO. Its been long since it lost the RPG.”

Players argue to this day over which system was better.

(Original post by Rumbleskim on /r/hobbydrama)

@WintryLemon@lemmy.world avatar

Farmville and Pokemon

Another major feature was the ‘Sungsong Ranch’, a little farm players could own in the Valley of the Four Winds as part of the ‘tillers’ guild. Each player would only ever see their own farm upon entering the area, but could visit other peoples’ farms by grouping up. It worked similarly to Stardew Valley. Next to the farm was a market, where players could sell their vegetables or give them as gifts to the locals in order to improve their relationships, and gradually unlock more parts of the farm.

Despite the inevitable Farmville comparisons, it was well received overall, which was a massive problem, because Blizzard only ever works in extremes. A far more elaborate version of this mechanic would rear its head in the following expansion, with terrible results, but that’s a drama for another post.

The most eye-catching addition to MoP was ‘pet battles’. Pets had existed for years, and were just little animated creatures that followed the player around. But now a system had been created to track and collect pets, name them, trade them, level them up, and fight them in matches against NPCs or other players. It was almost identical to Pokemon, a similarity lost on absolutely no one, and yet everyone felt the need to point out. Indeed, Blizzard had to reassure the community that it was not, in fact, a joke.

“This is like a comedy reel. Everyone’s laughing cuz it’s exactly like Pokemon in every way…he mentions feature after feature and they’re all taken from Pokemon. I’m surprised he kept a straight face for the most part.”

Youtuber ‘King Beaver’ had this to say:

”I thought this was gonna be really gay at first but then i realized i loved pokemon as a kid and you know what =/ i honestly wanna give this a try”

I suppose his intentions were good?

At any other time, pet battles probably wouldn’t have raised any eye-brows. But in a time of ‘Farmville knock-offs’, simplified talents, and cuddly pandas, when the community was already freaking out about MoP being aimed at girls, children, and casuals, it only poured fuel on the fire.

In his thread titled ‘Mists of Pandaria – Made for Children?’, one user writes:

Who honestly plays World of Warcraft and says “I’ve got to log in to duel my pet!”? Who gets a kick of these things? Go play tamagotchi or Pokemon if you wanna play a game like that. AND FARMS?! GO PLAY FARMVILLE OR SOMETHING!

Of course, when they actually got into the game, these people realised that the pet battles system wasn’t even noticeable unless you actually took an interest in it. And those who did take an interest usually loved it. But that didn’t matter. What mattered was that development time had been spent on it. WoW players have always had a toxic relationship with the finite nature of development. Whenever they see a feature they didn’t want, they immediately imagine the things they did want, which had to be sacrificed (usually a raid), because Blizzard could only create so much content.

”Blizzard need to focus on the bloody gameplay and not waste their time on these childish things. They have dug the grave for this game with cataclysm and now they are just sh*ttin on it”

Fortunately, there were some sane responses, such as this one by the user ‘Tziva’.

Everyone I know who is looking forward to the pet battles is well into adulthood. I’m not sure why they cross the line into childish more than, say, having a pet in general. Or transmogging to play dress-up. Or riding a giant kitty. Or getting your hair style changed. Or any of the other aspects of the game one could single out and proclaim “for children.”

Standing alongside this whole drama was another one, relating to ethics. Pokemon has always managed to sidestep the ‘animal cruelty’ aspect of making creatures fight each other through heavy worldbuilding. Pokemon are treated well, given the utmost medical care, and are shown actively choosing to participate Particularly in the show, Pokemon are treated less like slaves and more like fully independent characters who just happen to live in balls.

WoW never really tried to do this. And in many cases, the pets were literally just normal cats, rats, dogs, and birds. For example, the baby ape or Whomper, whose description is “When Whomper wants to play, he’ll let you know with a playful headbutt.”. WoW had hundreds of pets, and a lot of them didn’t really fit the whole ‘pokemon’ aesthetic. Players criticised the ethics of making them fight.

There were also literal children who could be used as pets, but Blizzard prevented them from being used against each other. This decision upset some people.

”I can’t have my own little humanling running around, punching squirrels in the face!”


If the Hunger Games taught us anything, we love to see children fight it out to the death. I hereby propose letting the little orc and human children join the pet battles. Add the little Christmas orc slaves too.

Aside from the jokes, there were some users who pointed out that many pets were just as sapient as humanoid children, so Blizzard was sort of making a statement by choosing which ones to allow. This drama didn’t really go anywhere, but it’s fun to talk about.

(Original post by Rumbleskim on /r/hobbydrama)

@WintryLemon@lemmy.world avatar

Is it okay to fuck a baby dragon? Asking for a friend.

While this isn’t one of the biggest dramas in Mists, it’s one of the strangest.

Anduin was the son of the Alliance leader, Varian Wrynn. It was clear he was one of the main characters Blizzard had singled out to become important later on. He was a recurring figure throughout almost every zone in Pandaria, and every patch too.

Wrathion was a black dragon – the last ‘uncorrupted’ one (all the others fell under Deathwing’s spell). When he took a human form, he appeared as a dark-skinned young man with red eyes, a beard, and a turban. Anduin and Wrathion had an story which proceeded through the game’s main patches, in which they had an enemies-to-friends relationship.

It had a powerful effect on the community. In the history of World of Warcraft, no pairing, before or since, has ever provoked such an astronomical amount of smut.

The problems here were manifold. Not only was Anduin a teenager, Wrathion was a baby. He had been born during one of Cataclysm’s quests. There was a lot of criticism of this ship, considering neither member was technically ‘legal’.


”it’s a 16 dating a 3 YEAR OLD. thats a toddler. unless you want to have it be bestiality your talking pedophilia pick your poison. it doesn’t matter what fantasy terms you use to dress it up the fact of it still remains that he’s DATING A TODDLER.” Said user ‘breadisfunny’.

There was some debate on this point.

”Paedophilia between this ship would be if Wrathion could not give consent as he does not have the mental maturity or physical capacity to do so. However, because he’s a dragon, he’s able to do so. Because they age much more quickly.”


”People love pushing fictional kids together. It’s really weird.”

Some members of the community were quick to disclaim that they didn’t want to portray Anduin and Wrathion having sex, only enjoying a wholesome romantic relationship. Here’s a little taste of that discourse.

”Are you kidding? They’re adorable.”


”it’s pedophile territory and you know it.”


”Seriously the most interesting relationship dynamic in WoW. Who even cares about genders at that point?

It’s basically the best. <3”


”Nice try but homosexuals do not and will not exist in the WOW universe.

Whats your next fetish, a gay relationship between a Walrus man and an Arakoa?”

World of Warcraft had dozens of main characters, and none of them were LGBT, so they couldn’t be blamed for latching on to the next closest thing, right? That’s what they thought. And in their defence, Anduin was very twinky.

“why does WoW need a homosexual character?” said one user.

Indeed, often the problem was not the ages of the characters, but the fact that they were gay. We’ve already covered how the average player sees ‘gay’ things in this post, so I don’t need to elaborate there. Homophobia was, and still is, rife in the playerbase.

”Because people do not understand what a platonic relationship is and are quick to jump into the LGBT agenda bandwagon”

Don’t worry though, this has a happy ending.

”This looks like some weird anime shipping shit”

This ship would simmer down for a while, and Wrathion would largely disappear from the scene. This is pretty common. Blizzard picks up new focal characters every expansion, and then tends to drop them straight after. But Blizzard continued refreshing Anduin’s model over the expansions to show him aging. And three expansions later, he was officially Anduin the Manduin, and had gone from twink to twunk to full on hunk. When Wrathion made his unexpected return after a glow up of his own, the shippers reawakened from their slumber.

”Anduin-kun…" “Nan deska, Wrathion-senpai?”

An almost industrial amount of fanart was churned out, with adult characters this time. I took the liberty of collecting some of it, for the good of the academic community. You may be wondering whether I really needed to assemble such homosexual multitudes, such a bevy of boy-love, just to prove my point, and to that I say you can get the hell out of my thread.

”Varian will be so proud of his son, sucking some dragon’s dick.

First Jaina, now you, what is happening to this world”

For context, Jaina was a character who also had a reputation for puffing the magic dragon - that was actually her least controversial boyfriend.

Indeed, Wrathion x Anduin the ship is so popular that there has been a lot of push for them to be canon. Considering Blizzard’s recent obsession with proving they’re definitely not evil, I can see them doing it. But we won’t get to all that for a while yet.

”With Wrathion returning at the end of WoD and with Anduin’s heavy heart of his betrayal do you think Blizzard will cave and let them be an official couple?”

Only time will tell. At any rate, this was a vast improvement over the situation during Cataclysm, when Anduin had been shipped with a cow

(Original post by Rumbleskim on /r/hobbydrama)

@WintryLemon@lemmy.world avatar

Things start to get better

Only two months after MoP released, the first patch dropped. ‘Landfall’ was heavily story-based, and mostly followed the Horde and Alliance as they built up fortifications on the southern coast of Pandaria. As players progressed through the story, the defences got bigger and stronger, which made it feel rewarding. Even though it was mostly more daily quests and reputations, it went down well.

Only a few months after Landfall came ‘The Thunder King’, widely considered to be one of the best patches in Warcraft history, with a new zone containing a really interesting story, and one of the best raids in the game. It had an awesome Chinese/Aztek theme.

It would have been enough to satisfy players for up to six months, but they only had to wait two. The third patch, ‘Escalation’ took players to the zones surrounding the Horde capital of Orgrimmar. It was mercifully short on dailies, and continued to tell the story of Garrosh’s turn to Tyranny.

Just four months passed before the final patch dropped. Less than a year after Mists began, it had ended. ‘The Siege of Orgrimmar’ was another incredible patch. Its raid was colossal and had a number of creatively designed fights. Garrosh Hellscream, Chad of Chads, took seven phases to kill. The Vale of Eternal Blossoms was redesigned and given a totally new story.

Blizzard brought in the Timeless Isle, a new form of end-game content which eschewed dailies in favour of treasure chests, puzzles, mini games and dozens of bosses, some of which were very creatively designed. For example, there was Evermaw, a giant whale that circled the island, which players had to chase down using water-walking spells.

The Timeless Isle was incredibly addictive and got a positive response from players.

Following the release of MoP, subscribers continued to fall. At first, quite rapidly. Then slowly. Then, to everyone’s collective shock, they began to go up again. 200,000 subscribers came back during Quarter 4 of 2013. And it’s not hard to see why. Blizzard were releasing excellent content at a rapid pace. There were talks of Mists being a new renaissance for Warcraft.

But it came at a steep cost.

The Four Hundred and Sixty Day Patch

After the Siege of Orgrimmar, players waited eagerly to see what would come next. For a moment, nothing happened. Then, after a second or so, nothing continued to happen. Nothing went on happening for several months, in fact. If you celebrated the release of Siege of Orgrimmar by having unprotected sex, your baby would be transitioning from milk to solid food by the time the next major patch came out. Or crawling, if it were particularly smart. Which it wouldn’t be, because its parents played World of Warcraft.

You may remember Hour of Twilight, Cataclysm’s infamously long patch from the last write-up: that one had been 301 days long. Siege of Orgrimmar lasted 460. To this day, it is the longest pause in the game’s history.

”Does Blizz just expect us to keep killing the same bosses week after week for this length of time? It seems really ridiculous. The game is getting so boring when it’s just the same thing week after week for months on end.”

As you can imagine, the attitude among fans went from jubilant, to bored, to downright furious. And all the while, they followed the next expansion with ever-more critical eyes, but we’ll get to that absolute disaster next post.

The love players had for Siege of Orgrimmar gradually turned to hatred. They started to hate its length – it made it time consuming to finish for the hundredth time. They hated its focus on story – it was just a distraction. They hated its complicated fights, because they just wanted to get them over with so they could get to the loot. The freedom that made the Timeless Isle great started to feel like a lack of direction. The bosses, which could only be taken down when entire communities worked together, became unwinnable because no one wanted to be there anymore.

“All that time yet I only killed Garrosh once”

Oh, and by the way, the ending of the raid was… inconclusive. The only way to learn of Garrosh’s fate was to read the novel War Crimes. I won’t go into the whole ‘Faction Bias’ issue yet, because I’ll have much more material a couple of posts down the road. But these are the basics: The Horde had effectively nuked an Alliance city, committed heinous atrocities, split apart, revolted, and deposed its leader. After years of fighting on-and-off, a (mainly Alliance) force had taken the Horde’s capital city and cut off its leadership. They finally had the power to break up the Horde for good, or turn it into a vassal, or at the very least prevent it from arming again. They could have done whatever they wanted.

And what did they choose to do?

They wagged a very imposing finger in the faces of Horde leaders, told them not to do it again, let them choose a new ruler, and left. And no one questioned this decision. Well, pretty much all the fans did, but no one within WoW’s world. Garrosh wasn’t even killed, or taken into Alliance custody, he was sent to an ‘international’ court and freed, to terrorise another day. Cataclysm had experienced its fair share of writing flops, but this was one of the first real deep cuts to the faith fans held in their writers. And it would not be the last.

Anyway. The WoW renaissance had ended as quickly as it started. The Subscribers started falling again. Mists had started at 10 million subscribers and hit lows of roughly 7 million. It had been, for the most part, an excellent expansion, but its ideas were just too much for some people, and its content release schedule was far too ambitious.

Mists of Pandaria still divides fans today, but its public perception has changed dramatically. It gradually developed a sort of ‘cult classic’ status, which has grown more and more common over the years. Most of the community looks back on it fondly. It’s not uncommon to hear it described as the best expansion, World of Warcraft at its absolute zenith.

…it was a consistently good expansion that defied its early reviews to deliver a great experience. I do wish we hadn’t been subjected to the lull of 14 months of no content…”


”I came into padaria wanting to hate it. (LINKS TO REDDIT) But honestly it was one of my favourite expansions.”


”Mists of Pandaria, despite any dispersions people have for the aesthetic of that expansion, was a great example of the game could be when the WoW team had a complete vision for the story and plenty of content for the players to experience.”

But there are still those who see it as a disappointment. If Cataclysm was the downward turn, Mists of Pandaria was the cliff.

”An expansion where Blizzard wanted money and weren’t afraid to degrade itself as a company along with the Warcraft franchise in the process. Have they done it before? Yes. Was it more apparent this time? Indubitably.”


”Terrible, made me leave. Leveled to 90, looked around and say “nope, not gonna jerk off the panda folk for dailies ad nauseam” and unsubbed for a year.”


”The dreadful leveling experience, the lackluster dungeons, the unbearable shitfest that is LFR, and the isle of a thousand chests can all go fuck themselves.”


”for me it was the worst expansion yet, the theme has been my big issue and I can’t get over it : /” Said the user ‘Horizon’.

You don’t tend to hear from those people as much anymore, perhaps because they quit the game and left its community. Personally, I loved MoP.

But I’m a massive weeb, which probably helps.

(Original post by Rumbleskim on /r/hobbydrama)

Grimfelion, in [Hugo Awards] How History and Gay Porn Defeated a Sci Fi Alt Right Takeover

I’m glad you clarified this had already been written on Reddit. I thought I was going crazy! I could have sworn I read this one…

Thanks for posting here! I miss the HobbyDrama community too! But sadly I have absolutely nothing to contribute… just my upvotes and comments.


Comments make posts like these more interactive, so I think they are also very valuable

massive_bereavement, (edited ) in [Lolita Fashion] How to mistake a $1500 dress for a $150 dress and lose all credibility in the process
@massive_bereavement@kbin.social avatar

I won't claim to know anything about this world but a quick check on Mercari shows me most Angelic Pretty dresses are below 50K (360 usd), with some exceptions around 80K (580 usd) for rare complete sets.

That's a far cry from 500 usd.

Note: These are all second hand in fabulous care and look almost new.

Edit: USD conversions.

WookieMunster, in [Lolita Fashion] How to mistake a $1500 dress for a $150 dress and lose all credibility in the process

Stolen from a comment on Reddit

She (Kelly) got exposed for tweeting antisemitic memes and even touring an abandoned nazi camp while cracking nazi jokes & wearing a red arm band... stole her dad ashes to mix into paint. scammed $10K from a go fund me that was meant to fund her family member who died cuz suicide funeral, instead spent the money on herself.. ( plastic surgery i think) ... supported known rapist & pedo David vanity .. theres a lot more, like a lot more.. but she isn't mainstream enough to make the drama channels

AngrilyEatingMuffins, in [Lolita Fashion] How to mistake a $1500 dress for a $150 dress and lose all credibility in the process

Seems pretty reasonable to trust your translator and then want a refund when you haven’t worn the outfit yet. Not sure how this is as bad as everyone is making out. Is it because she got a refund in spite of them not wanting to give it? Why should she give a fuck about their policies if it’s going to cost her a grand and a half? None of this seems unreasonable and the one valid piece of criticism (being able to resell it) is judging someone for what they didn’t do which is usually a bad idea.


It wasn’t her translator, it was her traveling friend, the store has a strict no refund policy, which is why the manager had to make calls to have it approved. She made up lies about how the store was failing and was going to lose their spot in the shopping center. She has also tweeted antisemitism things, made jokes at an abandoned nazi camp, stole her dads ashes to mix with paint, stole 10k from a family member’s funeral who committed suicide…


Yeah she sounds like she sucks but holy fuck hate her for that shit, not getting a dress she didn’t even wear returned.

x4740N, in [Comic Books] Hey kids, wanna see Batman commit unspeakable atrocities while using slurs? Also, boobs, and the shaming of a beloved writer. The saga of All Star Batman and Robin

This batman seems to be an edgy psychopath with George colony levels of cringey batman mixed in

TimeMuncher2, in [Lolita Fashion] How to mistake a $1500 dress for a $150 dress and lose all credibility in the process

There's a tv presenter on NHK Japan wearing these dresses. She does the Japan railway journal show with a university professor. Gorgeous dresses imo. Too bad they went out of fashion.

majere, in [Lolita Fashion] How to mistake a $1500 dress for a $150 dress and lose all credibility in the process

I would never stumble on something like this on Reddit. An overall mundane story, but I still enjoyed reading it. Crazy such a culture exists and is widespread!

Enkers, in [Lolita Fashion] How to mistake a $1500 dress for a $150 dress and lose all credibility in the process

the fashion has nothing to do with that awful pedophilic book

I’m aware you’re not the original author, but I can’t really let someone bashing Nabokov stand unchallenged, so I’ve reproduced one of the top comments from the original post:

I appreciate the post, but need to defend Nabokov — Lolita is not a pedophilic book — it’s an ANTI-pedophilic book.

Nabokov is trying to show how deluded and unreliable the narrator Humbert Humbert is, even as he uses beautiful language to describe his monstrous crimes of murder, kidnapping and rape.

Humbert is trying to lure the reader into sympathizing with him. Nabokov won’t let him.


And it's not just anti-paedophilic, it's one of the best books of the last century in my opinion - his writing is superb, the way Humbert is a creep who tries to dress everything up in flowery language to disguise what he is when he is just the same as Quilty, it's all really good.

Caesium, in [Lolita Fashion] How to mistake a $1500 dress for a $150 dress and lose all credibility in the process

how would someone mess up so much on that conversion… 100 yen is like 3/4’s of a us dollar, so all you really need to do is move a decimal two spaces for a rough estimate.


How, you say? Because some people are dumb, dumb, dumb. That’s how.


I wonder if her friend was Korean. I used to live in Korea and the currency difference is about 10:1 with Japan. I spent a weekend in Japan and made the same mistake once. I saw a 10,000¥ wallet, mistakenly did the Korean mental math (1000₩≈$1) and thought it was $10 instead of $100. Luckily the cashier corrected me before I bought it.


ooooohhh that would make a lot more sense! shame on me for doing the classic american-centric thought process

eee, in [Lolita Fashion] How to mistake a $1500 dress for a $150 dress and lose all credibility in the process

sounds like every other “entitled influencer” story tbh, but the lolita fashion thing is interesting

some people pride themselves on being labeled ‘brand whores’ for only ever wearing brand items.

these people just sound like brainwashed products of capitalist megacorps.


You might think they are brainwashed, but it’s definitely not “mega corps”. These companies custom design each item, using uniquely sourced materials. Their not like Gucci or something, they arent pumping out millions of items and then artificially keeping supply low by destroying items, the revenue of these companies are in millions, not billions.

This isn’t the case of regular brand/throwaway culture. The materials are all high quality and if taken care of well, the items can be resold at the same value in the future.

What I don’t understand about Angelic Pretty specifically is many women that don’t have the right body size for their clothes will still buy them and then go through an inordinate amount of effort tailoring it so it will actually fit, usually themselves. These projects can be incredibly complicated depending on the dress design, to the point where I start wondering why some of these women with great sewing skills don’t just make the dress themselves from scratch.

Emotional_Series7814, (edited )

I’m not into Lolita fashion myself, but this seems a similar to a discussion I saw about Dungeons & Dragons. Why spend all that time homebrewing a bunch of new systems and rules for situations when there’s another TTRPG system that already has systems and rules for those situations? Because some peoples’ enjoyment comes from tinkering with an existing product, adding onto it. They also get a starting point instead of having to build a whole new TTRPG, design and sew an entire new dress, for themselves. For some, it’s easier to see a pretty dress and change it to fit yourself than it is to think of a design for a pretty dress you’ll love as much. It’s easier to start a Dungeons & Dragons campaign and add on rules to tack onto it than to come up with a whole new campaign or rule set yourself, or to come up with the same campaign idea with the other TTRPG’s world as a basis.

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