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@coldwarpod@mastodonapp.uk avatar

What @coldwarconversations would have looked like back in the 1980s… @histodons

@curmudgeonaf@mastodon.social avatar

@coldwarpod @histodons A/S/L, comrade?

@TheConversationUS@newsie.social avatar

For the first time in 20 years, the NBA began its season with no Black-owned franchises. In fact, there’s been only one Black majority-owned team in league history 🏀

A century ago, one of the top pre-NBA professional franchises began play in Harlem thanks to the efforts of a Black business owner named Bob Douglas.

The of the New York Rens:


@MarleyandMe@mastodon.social avatar

@TheConversationUS @histodons Come on America! Time to sack those in charge & start over - after all, where would the NBA even BE without black players and supporters?!

@exploreyourarchive@hcommons.social avatar

What archives do you have to share inspired by theme ? We'd love to see them!

@archivistodon @histodons

@Athenenoctua@mastodon.gougere.fr avatar

(en retard)

Traditions multiples dans ce dessin (vers 1919, cote 35II/121), intitulé "183e Société de Secours mutuels des Employés de la Soierie lyonnaise" : les à bien sûr, mais aussi la soierie lyonnaise, les sociétés de secours mutuels, ainsi que les récompenses obtenues lors d'expositions internationales ou universelles.

@exploreyourarchive @archivistodon @histodons


@brian_gettler@mas.to avatar

The Indigenous History Group of the Canadian Historical Association is running an online book panel event on Tuesday, November 28, 6:00-7:30pm EST. The panel, moderated by Sean Carleton, is a conversation with Lianne Leddy and Annette W. de Stecher about their recent award-winning books.

Registration: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUtdu6spj0pHdWo2dMzEbFCWN5vahamAjd5

Leddy, Serpent River Resurgence: https://utorontopress.com/9781442614376/serpent-river-resurgence/

de Stecher, Wendat Women's Art: https://www.mqup.ca/wendat-women-s-arts-products-9780228010678.php

@glansburytrust@mastodon.social avatar

hello !

We're the George Lansbury Memorial Trust, set up in 2012 to commemorate the life of George Lansbury; the life-long campaigner for social justice.

George started life as a radical Liberal, became a socialist in the early 1890s & joined the Social Democratic Federation, Independent Labour Party, and then finally a Labour MP in 1922, leading the Party in the early 1930s.

We organise events and promote his legacy


@glansburytrust@mastodon.social avatar

@histodons what would be a good instance to be on for predominatly UK based labour history people?

@histodons @sslh

@CitizenWald@historians.social avatar

Today being , we can enjoy being treated to a host of historical commentaries & corrections

Gifted for you from behind the paywall, this important piece from 2021

Thanksgiving anniversary: Wampanoag Indians regret helping Pilgrims 400 years ago: Long marginalized and misrepresented in U.S. history, the Wampanoags are bracing for the 400th anniversary of the first Pilgrim Thanksgiving in 1621 Washington Post


(gifted from behind the paywall)


@CitizenWald@historians.social avatar

#Massachusetts again: my colleague Professor Emerita of Photography Sandra Matthews & Nolumbeka Project President David Brule recently published their Occupying Massachusetts: Layers of History on Indigenous Land a photobook of historical & contemporary structures to make us think about the land of the Commonwealth


Video of their talk at Amherst Historical Society:

David will speak about King Philip's War https://amhersthistory.org/events/king-philips-war-a-local-perspective-by-david-brule/


@CitizenWald@historians.social avatar

Teaching about & the & epitomizes the goals @AHAHistorians set for students, e.g. learning to see people of the past as both like us & very different, the latter demanding an act of sensitive imagination


The Plymouth Colony Archive Project

2 pieces from the press:

David Hall, Peace, Love and Puritanism


Maggie Philips The Original Puritans


8. Recognize the provisional nature of knowledge, the disciplinary preference for complexity, and the comfort with ambiguity that history requires. a. Welcome contradictory perspectives and data, which enable us to provide more accurate accounts and construct stronger arguments. b. Describe past events from multiple perspectives. c. Explain and justify multiple causes of complex events and phenomena using conflicting sources. d. Identify, summarize, appraise, and synthesize other scholars’ historical arguments. 4. Apply the range of skills it takes to decode the historical record because of its incomplete, complex, and contradictory nature. a. Consider a variety of historical sources for credibility, position, perspective, and relevance. b. Evaluate historical arguments, explaining how they were constructed and might be improved. c. Revise analyses and narratives when new evidence requires it.

@dbellingradt@mastodon.social avatar

This is how a page from a medieval looks when its original text had been scraped off by someone, overwritten with a new text, and then later, a 19th-century scholar discovered the and tried to make the undertext's ink visible again by painting the page with chemical reagents.



@dbellingradt @histodons

I love book curses. Were they just an English thing or did all languages do it?

A fave:
“If anyone take away this book, let him die the death; let him be fried in a pan; let the falling sickness and fever seize him; let him be broken on the wheel, and hanged. Amen.”

@arvrrob@twit.social avatar
@politicdormouse@mastodon.online avatar

Élisabeth Le Port (1919-43) member of French Resistance. Ran illegal newspaper La lanterne, printed it in her school. Denounced to Nazis by piano pupil, imprisoned, beaten, tortured, never broke. Deported in Convoi des 31000, died at Auschwitz New page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89lisabeth_Le_Port @histodons

@peterbrown@mastodon.scot avatar

@politicdormouse @histodons the Israelis would have just shot her

DigitalHistory, German
@DigitalHistory@fedihum.org avatar

Umfangreiche französischsprachige Quellenkorpora des Mittelalters maschinell erschließen?

Im nächsten nimmt Pauline Spychala (DHI Paris) die Texterkennungsplattformen & unter die Lupe. Ziel ihres Projektes ist die Entwicklung eines Workflows, der beide Tools effektiv kombiniert, um u.a. den Eigenschaften der untersuchten Quellen gerecht zu werden.

🔜 Mi, 22. Nov., 4-6 pm - via Zoom

ℹ️ Info: https://dhistory.hypotheses.org/6384


@mob@akademienl.social avatar

@DigitalHistory @histodons Vielen Dank für den spannenden Vortrag heute Abend! Ich hoffe, dass das Video veröffentlicht wird und dass wir noch das Chat Protokoll mit all den interessanten Links bekommen. 😃

@DigitalHistory@fedihum.org avatar

@mob @DigitalHistory @histodons aber klar! Einfach unseren YouTube Kanal im Blick behalten oder am besten gleich abonnieren: https://youtube.com/@digitalhistoryberlin7543 Spätestens nächste Woche sollte es drauf sein.

@oatmeal@kolektiva.social avatar

Who’s your daddy 🧐 ...

Shortly after the publication of the infamous Balfour Declaration, the so called “Zionist Commission for Palestine” visited #Palestine. Chaim Weizmann was clearly worried the Palestinians were not quite impressed, and made the following request to make it clearer things are going to change in the near future:

"...[But] we find among the Arabs and Syrians, or certain sections of them, a state of mind which seems to us to make useful negotiations impossible at the present moment, and so far as we are aware – though here our information may be incomplete – no official steps have been taken to bring home to the Arabs and Syrians the fact that His Majesty’s Government has expressed a definite policy with regard to the future of the Jews in Palestine”

Military Governor Colonel Ronald Storrs replied:

“Speaking myself as a convinced #Zionist, I cannot help thinking that the Commission are lacking in a sense of the dramatic actuality. #Palestine, up to now a Moslem country, has fallen into the hands of a Christian Power which on the eve of its conquest announced that a considerable portion of its land is to be handed over for #colonization purposes to a nowhere very popular people. The dispatch of a Commission of these people is subsequently announced … From the announcement in the British press until this moment there has been no sign of a hostile demonstration public or private against a project which if we may imagine England for Palestine can hardly open for the inhabitants the beatific vision of a new heaven and a new earth. The Commission was warned in Cairo of the numerous and grave misconceptions with which their enterprise was regarded and strongly advised to make a public pronouncement to put an end to those misconceptions. No such pronouncement has yet been made; …”

British Government, Public Record Office Cabinet No. 27/23 (1918). In Ingrams, Doreen. 1972. Palestine Papers, 1917-1922: Seeds of Conflict. London: J. Murray. pp. 25-26.


@jonahbk@mstdn.science avatar

@oatmeal @histodons @israel @palestine

Military Governor Colonel Ronald Storrs saying that Palestine was "up to now a Moslem country" is a rather embarrassing historical oversight, since the Jews had lived alongside pre-Islamic polytheistic groups in the region of Palestine for 2000 years before Islam came into existence with Muhammed.

@bifouba@kolektiva.social avatar

@oatmeal @histodons @israel @palestine Quite a choice bit about the British admitting the Zionists for colonizing the land. Puts paid to the whole “it’s not colonialism” BS right out the gate.

@IHChistory@masto.pt avatar

📖 In "The Interwar World", edited by Andrew Denning and Heidi J.S. Tworek, more than 50 authors discuss, analyse and interpret this crucial period in the history of the 20th century.

It includes a chapter by Arturo Zoffmann Rodriguez on .

👉 https://www.routledge.com/The-Interwar-World/Denning-Tworek/p/book/9780367616847


@PMKeeling@mastodon.me.uk avatar

@IHChistory @histodons

£28 to 'rent' an ebook for a year?! Academic publishing is such a scam.

Book looks great though, thanks for the heads up.👍

@david@genealysis.social avatar

Has anyone listened to the latest theories on Richard III's murder of the Princes?

Philippa Langley and a massive team have worked for seven years to prove the Princes were not murdered in the Tower.

Podcast : https://podfollow.com/gone-medieval/episode/177b82aa71d267709ac57caead96cf469f7731a2/view

Also on the UK TV on Channel 4: https://www.channel4.com/programmes/the-princes-in-the-tower-the-new-evidence

I was fascinated, and quite convinced by the latest findings.

What does everyone else think?


@RichardIIISociety@mstdn.social avatar
@JenWojcik@mastodon.social avatar

@RichardIIISociety @david @histodons

That's not true at all. I have long thought Margaret Beaufort had something to do with the disappearance and I only heard about Phillipa Gregory a couple of years ago. So, you know, thanks for assuming.

jaschaschmitz, German
@jaschaschmitz@fedihum.org avatar

I'm currently writing my master's thesis on & @histodons 🤖 ... so method. history of in a (specific) way.

...and I've stumbled across so many great quotes now which could just as well have been written today and not in, like, 1970. I really feel the urge to start sharing some of them, because that groundhog-day experience I keep having is as entertaining as it is lowkey frustrating lol.😅 Also saw it's topical for some people so maybe it'd even be useful?!

@jaschaschmitz@fedihum.org avatar

in quote III reference:

Vern L. Bullough, 1967, "The Computer and the Historian: Some Tentative Beginnings" in: Computers and the Humanities, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 61-64. https://www.jstor.org/stable/30199211

@jaschaschmitz@fedihum.org avatar

@histodons This is a great and interesting read for the history of digital hisory in general, lots more quotable bits. Also one of the early and few genuine historians mentioning simulations, albeit a bit misguiding as "predictive history".

AnnalesHSS, French
@AnnalesHSS@sciences.re avatar

Le n°2 des est en ligne! Il s'agit d'un numéro spécial dirigé par Romain Grancher:

➡️ Sociétés maritimes et mondes de la pêche

Il est préfacé par une substantielle et très utile introduction historiographique sur le "tournant océanique", en (sur Cambridge Core)

👉 https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/annales-histoire-sciences-sociales/issue/20FFD129EE38FAAB501CC2D5854AC55A
👉 https://www.cairn.info/revue-annales-2023-2.htm

L'éditorial du numéro est en .


@AnnalesHSS@sciences.re avatar

Comment a-t-on territorialisé les océans du monde? Nadin Heé examine l'industrie thonière japonaise, et montre comment les héritages impériaux et les politiques de ont lourdement pesé sur l’établissement d’un nouvel ordre mondial de océanique.

➡️ Régimes de pêche et nouvel ordre mondial dans le bassin Indo-Pacifique au XXe siècle

👉 https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/annales-histoire-sciences-sociales/article/abs/regimes-de-peche-et-nouvel-ordre-mondial-dans-le-bassin-indopacifique-au-xxe-siecle/1131DCFE9DB1A42A2A5BDA45B7A8702F
👉 https://www.cairn.info/revue-annales-2023-2-page-271.htm


@AnnalesHSS@sciences.re avatar

Comment penser historiquement l' du Nord-Ouest, et la conception qu'en avaient les marins (surtout des pêcheurs) qui, au XVIe siècle, le fréquentaient? Jack BOUCHARD propose d'en explorer les mentales dans ce très bel article:

➡️ Terra Nova. Cartes mentales de l’Atlantique du Nord-Ouest au XVIe siècle

👉 https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/annales-histoire-sciences-sociales/article/abs/terra-nova/DB1B68464F9867707709EBD5EC86E8E6
👉 https://www.cairn.info/revue-annales-2023-2-page-297.htm


@bojacobs@hcommons.social avatar

Disaster Control

NYT video about the Palomares nuclear accident over Spain in 1966.

A US h-bomber was refueling in mid-air over Southern Spain. Both exploded and four h-bombs fell onto a small Spanish beach town (2 into the Mediterranean). This film examines health consequences to the clean up crew.

@histodons @nuclearhumanities


@CitizenWald@historians.social avatar

@peterjriley2024 @bojacobs @histodons @nuclearhumanities

Some of this--even though we were small children back then--have a deep memory of this incident

@CitizenWald@historians.social avatar

@peterjriley2024 @bojacobs @histodons @nuclearhumanities

Some of us--even though we were small children back then--have a deep memory of this incident

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