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@exploreyourarchive@hcommons.social avatar

Hello Mastodon!

We are "Explore Your Archive"; an Archives and Records Association (ARA) platform to encourage everyone to visit, use, celebrate and be inspired by archives in the UK & Ireland.

We run monthly hashtags to share archives on particular themes, with a focus week coming up in November. See our website for further details and lots of other great content celebrating archives: https://www.exploreyourarchive.org/create/social-media/

Share your archives with us for October with the hashtag !


@Caddi@wandering.shop avatar

@exploreyourarchive @histodons is there any point in me keeping generations of photos - the printed kind? There is no one famous in our family. Would they be of any use to any archiver? To me they are just junk that my mum asked me to look after. I have no idea who they depict, most have no information. Should I 'lose' them? I have tried to pass them on but no-one seems interested. Or would there be an archive that I can pass them to?

@RassBariaw@mastodon.social avatar
@paninid@mastodon.world avatar

It’s not 1938.

It’s 1923-32.


@RememberUsAlways@newsie.social avatar

@paninid @histodons


• U.S. President James Monroe first introduces the Monroe Doctrine in the State of the Union address on Dec. 2, declaring that any European attempts to recolonize the Americas would be considered a hostile act towards the United States.

@jaykass@mastodon.online avatar

@paninid @histodons eerie how the years are aligning

@bojacobs@hcommons.social avatar
@independentpen@mas.to avatar

@bojacobs @histodons My professor is quoted in there (:

@rspfau@ecoevo.social avatar

@bojacobs @histodons That's an odd shaped human footprint. Seems pinky toe is set too far back toward heel.

telemme, French
@telemme@sciences.re avatar

TELEMMe aux Rendez-vous de l’histoire de Blois 2023

Cette année encore, plusieurs membres de TELEMMe seront présent·es aux Rendez-vous de l’histoire de Blois, consacrés aux vivants et les morts


Anne Carol, Jérémie Foa, Régis Bertrand , Stéphane Mourlane, Margot Garcin, Tristan Portier, ... Retrouvez-les jusqu'à dimanche en différents lieux de la ville :


@telemme@sciences.re avatar

@histodons à cette occasion, Anne Carol intervient dans plusieurs médias :
Le Monde des livres : « La puissance et le mystère des corps morts ».
« Un corps disputé : le démembrement de Gambetta », Le Monde, Hors série La mort en face
texte d’introduction aux RDV de l’Histoire : « Cette mort qui nous oblige »,
grand entretien « La mort est aujourd’hui plus que jamais une affaire solitaire », L’1 hebdo
« La question du jour » de la matinale de France Culture, par G. Erner le 6 oct. 📆

@telemme@sciences.re avatar

@histodons Anne Carol contribue également au Libé des historien-nes de ce jour, concocté à l'occasion des , avec un article sur le Rugby 🏉 : https://www.liberation.fr/sports/rugby/rugby-le-physique-roule-des-mecaniques-20231005_G5QDUK2KJVHFDLXPP5VXFPAQ4A/

Le making-of de ce numéro spécial vous est offert par Jérémie Foa, avec Aïcha Limbada et Philippe Artières :


@LHaasis@historians.social avatar

Looking forward to presenting my work at the annual meeting of the Sixteenth Century Society & Conference in Baltimore this year (26-29 October 2023).

"A Merchant’s Mail and Microhistory: Telling the Story of the Hamburg Merchant Nicolaus Gottlieb Luetkens based on a Forgotten Archive."

Thursday, October 26, 2023.
1:50pm, EST

Many thanks to Prof. Ute Lotz-Heumann for the invitation. Traveling to the US for the first time!

@histodons #histodons #history #prizepapers #microhistory #SCSC2023

@christinkallama@mastodon.social avatar

@LHaasis @histodons

Enjoy Baltimore! Check out the American Visionary Art Museum across the Inner Harbor! https://www.avam.org/

@LHaasis@historians.social avatar
dbellingradt, German
@dbellingradt@mastodon.social avatar

Spot the difference: on the left, the copperplate print is hand-coloured after the print run, and on the right no extra work is done. Colouring prints was a thing in Europe. Guess which version was more expensive - and sold better?

You see the frontispieces with a star map from the 1742 "Atlas Novus Coelestis", Nuremberg, from J.G. Doppelmayr (1677-1750). Bonus details: , , and discussing things.

frontispiecve from Doppelmayr, Johann Gabriel: Atlas Novus Coelestis: In Quo Mundus Spectabilis Et In Eodem Tam Errantium Quam Inerrantium Stellarvm Phoenomena Notabilia… Nürnberg, Homannsche Erben, 1742 . Source: https://pic.sub.uni-hamburg.de/kitodo/PPN822197634/00000001.tif

@_bydbach_@hcommons.social avatar

@dbellingradt @histodons Als "Malen nach Zahlen" verpackt, wären die Drucke sicher zum Verkaufsschlager geworden. Es ist alles nur eine Frage der richtigen Werbekampagne.

@raymccarthy@historians.social avatar

@dbellingradt @histodons
Even some early movie films were hand coloured. All those tiny frames!
Though there was RGB colour film at the end of the Victorian age an exposure was 20 minutes. It wasn't till there was CYM layered film that colour movies were possible.
I think before 1742 China was doing coloured prints using multiple wood blocks.
Nitric acid was 14th C, or maybe 10th C. But using it for silver nitrate photos was 19th C.

@brian_gettler@mas.to avatar

My next band: the Fantom Fingers of Microfilm. Who's with me, ? @histodons

@cdanby@mastodon.social avatar

@brian_gettler @histodons I like the ghostly hands in scanned books.

@brian_gettler@mas.to avatar
@CitizenWald@historians.social avatar

Just read this, which is fine:

Why Separating Fact From Fiction is Critical in Teaching US

But my head & that of all @histodons will 🤯 upon reading this drivel

"In our view as cultural anthropologists, the disputed sentence is true as define facts – tiny nuggets of truth one can find in archives, artifacts & diaries"

This caricature is so hard to eradicate. Luckily I am teaching new students otherwise from Day 1



@CitizenWald @histodons Interesting that the authors focus (barely) on the reception of the teaching techniques applied at Williamsburg. They understate the unmitigated disaster of the enterprise at Williamsburg proper and the (now closed) woke annex at Carter's Grove.

I used to discuss Williamsburg /Carter's Grove as an example of the history of (Art) History-making. To a class about 80% Black. Went over well.


@CitizenWald @histodons
Basically I recycled Eric Gable, Richard Handler and Anna Lawson, On the Uses of Relativism: Fact, Conjecture, and Black and White Histories at Colonial Williamsburg, American Ethnologist Vol. 19, No. 4 (November 1992), , pp. 791-805, which has some devastating anecdotes. The bit about whether or not to reference watermelons (because after all that's historically accurate) is worth the price.

@poemproducer@systerserver.town avatar

also dealing with heavy anniversary over here, on our island

'The Russians repeated the massacre in early January 1715 and once more afterwards. As a result of these events, Hailuoto became an uninhabited wilderness.'


history is full of wars and massacres. One took place in Murhaperjantai - Murder Friday - in Hailuoto, Finland, part of Isoviha (Great Wrath)

if you have any knowledges send me please @histodons

@poemproducer@systerserver.town avatar
@poemproducer@systerserver.town avatar
@HuShuo@mastodon.social avatar

From the Shanghai Musuem (via
@peharch on twitter)


@andiechu@o3o.ca avatar

@HuShuo @histodons Sir, you just can’t explain to our audiences how we lied about our history.

@rmathematicus@historians.social avatar

@HuShuo @histodons

I got told off for doing this in a museum in Nürnberg

WerkstattGeschichte, German
@WerkstattGeschichte@openbiblio.social avatar

#WerkstattGeschichte 86/2022 nun komplett online verfügbar:

🧵 1/3

Im Thementeil "papierkram", hg. v. Michaela Hohkamp, Beiträge

▶️ zum Beginn der Papierherstellung im dt. Südwesten im späten 14. Jh.

▶️ zur wachsenden Bedeutung von #Papier in habsburgischer Kriegsverwaltung Ende des 17. Jh.

▶️ zu den Papieren von Schriftstellerinnen als Ressource im Literaturmarkt um 1800

▶️ zum Verschwinden des Papiers aus wissenschaftl. #Bibliotheken im 20. Jh.

#histodons @histodons

Auszug des Inhaltsverzeichnisses von WerkstattGeschichte 86/2022 mit den Beiträgen des Thementeils "papierkram".

@WerkstattGeschichte@openbiblio.social avatar

86/2022 nun komplett online verfügbar:

🧵 2/3

Der Mittelteil bietet:

▶️ Ulrich Prehn über fotografische Inszenierungen von "Kriegstrauungen" deutscher Soldaten in beiden Weltkriegen

▶️ Thomas Etzemüller über seine doku-fiktionalen Erinnerungen eines deutschen Rassenanthropologen

▶️ Johanna Lessing in der kleinen -Rubrik über ein paraffiniertes Herz einer medizinhistorischen Sammlung

@histodons @historikerinnen

@WerkstattGeschichte@openbiblio.social avatar

#WerkstattGeschichte 86/2022 nun komplett online verfügbar:

🧵 3/3

▶️ Für die #Filmkritik wirft Maxi Braun einen neuen Blick auf die tabubrechende filmische Inszenierung homosexueller Subkultur in "The Boys in the Band" (1970)

▶️ Für die #Expokritik haben Christian Curtil & Ulrike Blumenthal getrennt voneinander das wiedereröffnete Pariser Stadtmuseum Carnavalet besucht

▶️ Außerdem 14 kritische #Rezensionen u.a. von @nikolaiokunew

@histodons @historikerinnen #histodons

todzi, German
@todzi@historians.social avatar

Thank you for the interest in our section "German revisited" at this year's
@historikertag . It was an exciting discussion.


@aufsmaulsuppe@chaos.social avatar

@todzi @historikertag @histodons Are the any recordings of the panel? Audio/maybe even video?

@todzi@historians.social avatar

@aufsmaulsuppe @historikertag @histodons no, unfortunately. There will be a report on the panel on Hsozkult later this year and we are trying to get our papers published in a historical journal (but that won't happen until late next year).

dbellingradt, German
@dbellingradt@mastodon.social avatar

I like big books and I cannot lie. Fellow , this is me in 2013 and 2023 doing my work.

My main field is called . It is an umbrella term, an overextension of many fields and approaches dealing with past communication flows and artifacts:



Me sitting next to big books in Augsburg. The foto is part of a story about my work from Der Spiegel. Simon Koy made the picture.

@Irisfreundin@troet.cafe avatar
@agustinharo@historians.social avatar

@dbellingradt @histodons a good song with a good context

@Rbratspies@mastodon.social avatar

Spent a wonderful evening with a room full of New York historians! So honored that my book Naming Gotham won the 2023 APHNYS award for Excellence in Promoting Local History! @histodons

@rejinl@mastodon.social avatar

@Rbratspies @histodons Congratulations!

@Rbratspies@mastodon.social avatar

@rejinl @histodons thank you

@AnnalesHSS@sciences.re avatar

Our latest published issue is a special issue on social histories of across the world. Although it is in French, two articles are already available in English:

👉 Margherita Trento, "Martyrdom, Witnessing, and Social Lineages in the Tamil Country (17th-18th c.)": https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/annales-histoire-sciences-sociales-english-edition/article/abs/martyrdom-witnessing-and-social-lineages-in-the-tamil-country/8C80008A9F920E96A26AFD64CCB77A83

👉 Jean-Pierre Dedieu and Gunnar W. Knutsen, "The Trial of Faith in the Spanish Inquisition: Between Law and Repentance": https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/annales-histoire-sciences-sociales-english-edition/article/abs/trial-of-faith-in-the-spanish-inquisition/D17B7B3C9B07D66A1566EA5EF69FEA9C


@AnnalesHSS@sciences.re avatar

How did a Portuguese become a saint, whose worship is still strong today?

In a stunning fine-grained, , Margherita Trento (EHESS) weaves together all the threads of the and of a Jesuit in the early-modern encounter in the south of the subcontinent.

👉 "Martyrdom, Witnessing, and Social Lineages in the Tamil Country (17th-18th c.)": https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/annales-histoire-sciences-sociales-english-edition/article/abs/martyrdom-witnessing-and-social-lineages-in-the-tamil-country/8C80008A9F920E96A26AFD64CCB77A83


@AnnalesHSS@sciences.re avatar

Penitential or judicial truth? Examining through manuals the sentencing practices of the , Jean-Pierre Dedieu and Gunnar W. Knutsen explore the inner workings of the institution, and uncover the tension between repression and salvation at its heart, opening new questions about the history of in early-modern Europe.

👉 "The Trial of Faith in the Spanish Inquisition: Between Law and Repentance": https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/annales-histoire-sciences-sociales-english-edition/article/abs/trial-of-faith-in-the-spanish-inquisition/D17B7B3C9B07D66A1566EA5EF69FEA9C


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