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sebastianschroeder, German
@sebastianschroeder@nrw.social avatar

Alle Jahre wieder - am 24.12.2023 - in der
Unterhaltung von Lieblingsschauspieler von 1944!


@mob@akademienl.social avatar

@sebastianschroeder @histodons Wäre sicher gut das demnächst nur noch an Themenabenden mit historischer Einordnung zu senden. Dramaturgisch etc. waren die Nazi-Filme oft erschreckend gut. Und interessant auch, was im Kino dann doch so alles "durchging". Zara Leander's und Johannes Heesters' Leinwandcharaktere waren nicht gerade "brave Deutsche", sondern eigentlich zu hedonistisch und sexy. Manchmal brauchte vielleicht sogar das NS Regime eine Ablenkung von den eigenen Idealen?

@mob@akademienl.social avatar

@sebastianschroeder @histodons PS: Davon, die Filme gar nicht mehr zu zeigen, halte ich nicht viel. Ich fand es als Schülerin/Studentin schwierig, dass viel über "Nazi Propaganda" gesprochen wurde, dass man sich aber kein Bild machen konnte. Erst später konnte ich "Die Goldene Stadt" etc. sehen & besser verstehen, was den NS Film ausmachte. Ich war auch für die kritische Edition von "Mein Kampf" dankbar. Neonazis kommen an verbotenes Material auf eigenen Wegen: Internet & Flohmarkt im Ausland.

@CitizenWald@historians.social avatar

"a conversation to help teachers, at the K–12 & college levels, develop strategies to teach the conflict & many of the attendant sensitive historical topics it entails. It might seem that this history is a minefield worth avoiding, but thoughtful & engaged teachers have been teaching such difficult topics in a civil & empathetic way for decades"

https://www.historians.org/news-and-advocacy/everything-has-a-history/history-behind-the-headlines @AHAHistorians

a cornucopia of viewpoint diversity


° Clear Intention of Ethnic Cleansing”: Israeli Holocaust Scholar Omer Bartov Warns of Genocide in Gaza “Clear Intention of Ethnic Cleansing”: Israeli Holocaust Scholar Omer Bartov Warns of Genocide in Gaza Part 2: “From the River to the Sea”: Omer Bartov on Contested Slogan & Why Two-State Solution Is Not Viable -~ Our Daily Digest brings Democracy Now! to your inbox each morning
Ussama Makdisi & @UssamaMakdisi The @nytimes ran a piece about @SenSchumer's very personal speech in which the Senator appears to be both profoundly aware of aspects of U.S and European history, especially as they relate to the pernicious history of Western antisemitism, and yet also profoundly in denial about the history of colonial Zionism in Palestine from the Balfour Declaration of 1917 onwards that culminated in the Nakba of 1948. Yet again the actuality of Palestinian history and lived experience of decades under occupation and apartheid are made to be fundamentally irrelevant to making sense of current events. Leaving aside the Senator's own perspective and feelings to which he is perfectly entitled, what is disturbing is how @nytimes just casually puts this in its report "Mr. Schumer’s warning came as antisemitic hate crimes have skyrocketed and pro-Palestinian protests, some featuring antisemitic signs and slogans, have swelled across the country as the civilian death toll in Gaza has soared." So note how the association works: just keep linking pro-Palestinian solidarity work with antisemitism...casually, repeatedly, and then fixate on the "crisis" on campuses across the country but not the one being experienced by students of all faiths who are being doxxed, abused, and vilified because they dare stand for justice, equality, and freedom in Palestine. 2:27 PM - Nov 30, 2023 - 17.6K Views
Institute for Palestine Studies Jerusalem Quarterly Issue 92 - Winter 2022 The Jerusalem Light Rail in Historical Perspective: Urban Transportation and Urban Citizenship between Ottomanism and Apartheid Michelle Campos Essays .

@sheepchase@chai.kibbutz.gay avatar

@CitizenWald @AHAHistorians @histodons I read this last night and thought you were endorsing it… 😳

Shockingly narrow perspective!


@sheepchase @histodons @AHAHistorians @CitizenWald

shocking to some, predictable to others.

@exploreyourarchive@hcommons.social avatar
@dorkomatic@mastodon.social avatar
@Deixis9@mastodon.social avatar

@exploreyourarchive @histodons The Popular Diversions

sebastianschroeder, German
@sebastianschroeder@nrw.social avatar
@_bydbach_@hcommons.social avatar


Noch immer eine meiner Lieblingsanekdoten über Engels:

"An einem wunderbaren Tage am Menaikanal in Bangor wurde [Friedrich Engels] sentimental und stimmte plötzlich mit seiner scharfen Diskantstimme in den falschesten Tönen "Ich weiß nicht, was soll es bedeuten" an. Wir stürzten entsetzt mit dem Ruf meines Freundes "Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt Euch," auf ihn zu und brachten ihn mit einer über seinen dicken Schnauzbart von hinten geworfenen Serviette zum Schweigen."


@wuppertal @histodons

@caos@metalhead.club avatar

@sebastianschroeder ...dann mal Prost Kaffee ☕ ☕

@wuppertal @histodons

strandbeutel, German
@strandbeutel@norden.social avatar

Neue Biografie von Daniel https://www.hi.uni-stuttgart.de/institut/team/Meis/ über Hamburgs „Führer“, NS-Gauleiter und „Reichsstatthalter“ Karl , fällt zurück auf den Stand der Historiographie in den 1950er-Jahren: Der Obernazi als „Idealist und Ehrenmann“.

Ein Buch, „das so besser nie geschrieben worden wäre“, meint Olaf Wunder.

@Mareike2405 @histodons https://www.mopo.de/hamburg/neues-buch-ueber-hamburgs-obersten-nazi-fuehrer-loest-fassungslosigkeit-aus/

@strandbeutel@norden.social avatar

@Mareike2405 @histodons komplett (w)irre „Beschreibung“ auf der Verlagsseite:

„Karl Kaufmann war die entscheidende Person im nationalsozialistischen Hamburg: Seine Herrschaft war einzigartig und bildete mit Vorläufern aus dem Saarland die Grundlage für die ab 1938 annektierten Gebiete. Durch seine Herrschaft lässt sich ein Blick auf die Planungen für das Reich werfen, die sich kriegsbedingt immer wieder verschoben. […]“


@sebastianschroeder@nrw.social avatar

@strandbeutel @Mareike2405 @histodons
Leider Paywall auch für interessant

@oatmeal@kolektiva.social avatar

Who’s your daddy 🧐 ...

Shortly after the publication of the infamous Balfour Declaration, the so called “Zionist Commission for Palestine” visited #Palestine. Chaim Weizmann was clearly worried the Palestinians were not quite impressed, and made the following request to make it clearer things are going to change in the near future:

"...[But] we find among the Arabs and Syrians, or certain sections of them, a state of mind which seems to us to make useful negotiations impossible at the present moment, and so far as we are aware – though here our information may be incomplete – no official steps have been taken to bring home to the Arabs and Syrians the fact that His Majesty’s Government has expressed a definite policy with regard to the future of the Jews in Palestine”

Military Governor Colonel Ronald Storrs replied:

“Speaking myself as a convinced #Zionist, I cannot help thinking that the Commission are lacking in a sense of the dramatic actuality. #Palestine, up to now a Moslem country, has fallen into the hands of a Christian Power which on the eve of its conquest announced that a considerable portion of its land is to be handed over for #colonization purposes to a nowhere very popular people. The dispatch of a Commission of these people is subsequently announced … From the announcement in the British press until this moment there has been no sign of a hostile demonstration public or private against a project which if we may imagine England for Palestine can hardly open for the inhabitants the beatific vision of a new heaven and a new earth. The Commission was warned in Cairo of the numerous and grave misconceptions with which their enterprise was regarded and strongly advised to make a public pronouncement to put an end to those misconceptions. No such pronouncement has yet been made; …”

British Government, Public Record Office Cabinet No. 27/23 (1918). In Ingrams, Doreen. 1972. Palestine Papers, 1917-1922: Seeds of Conflict. London: J. Murray. pp. 25-26.


@jonahbk@mstdn.science avatar

@oatmeal @histodons @israel @palestine

Military Governor Colonel Ronald Storrs saying that Palestine was "up to now a Moslem country" is a rather embarrassing historical oversight, since the Jews had lived alongside pre-Islamic polytheistic groups in the region of Palestine for 2000 years before Islam came into existence with Muhammed.

@bifouba@kolektiva.social avatar

@oatmeal @histodons @israel @palestine Quite a choice bit about the British admitting the Zionists for colonizing the land. Puts paid to the whole “it’s not colonialism” BS right out the gate.

@xankarn@mastodon.online avatar

The most recent Brookings Survey of American Attitudes has some interesting data for @histodons.

Asked whether “We should teach our children both the good and bad aspects of our history so that they can learn from the past,” 94% of respondents answered positively.

The book ban people, the Moms for Liberty types, the anti-CRT clique is minuscule and WAY out of touch with the cultural mainstream.

So, feel free to call them on their bullshit.


@neveralways@438punk.house avatar

@xankarn @histodons I think it's probably right that those people are way less common than their visibility suggests, but it's not hard for me to imagine them answering YES to that question.

@xankarn@mastodon.online avatar

@neveralways @histodons

Fair point. Who knows what they consider to be the bad stuff?

@lakelady@mstdn.social avatar

Can anyone recommend some good history books describing resistance movements within fascism? For example how was the resistance successful during WWII. I fear we may need these skill in the too near future. #fascism #resistance #history @histodons

@mcbouju@mastodon.social avatar
@Runyan50@newsie.social avatar

@lakelady @histodons Start with the White Rose.

@TheConversationUS@newsie.social avatar

85 years ago, Hitler set in motion the violent pogrom of Kristallnacht.

It represented the turning point where he decided extreme violence against Jews would no longer be left to the Nazi brownshirts. Rather, it would be wielded by the German government.

@GhostOnTheHalfShell@masto.ai avatar

@TheConversationUS @histodons

Hard to resist comparison to current affairs.

@phil_stevens@mastodon.nz avatar

@TheConversationUS @histodons Seems like millions of people around the world right now are failing to learn from history and a repeat will doom us all.

spatial_history, German
@spatial_history@mstdn.social avatar

Weimarer Rendezvous mit der #geschichte | The history festival in our region #Thuringia
Please come, listen and discuss with us about time, temporality, acceleration…. NOW: 3-5 Nov 2023
@histodons @earlymodern @bundeskultur @thueringen

@spatial_history@mstdn.social avatar

@histodons @earlymodern @bundeskultur @thueringen

My panel on Saturday:
„Wie schnell waren das Mittelalter und die Frühe Neuzeit? Über Zeiten, Uhren und Beschleunigung vor der Moderne“


@spatial_history@mstdn.social avatar

@histodons @earlymodern @bundeskultur @thueringen

Ein Panel mit Hans-Werner Goetz @unihh , Joseph Kretzschmar @unibremen und Susanne Rau https://weimarer-rendezvous.de/de/menschen/rau-susanne/

macgraveur, French
@macgraveur@framapiaf.org avatar

"Non loin du "cimetière italien" des Crottes (1784-1905) découvert en 2013, des fouilles archéologiques mettent au jour cette fois des traces d'occupation depuis le XVIIe (église, moulin, bâti moderne) sur le site du futur campus Theodora, avenue du capitaine Gèze" par D.Coquille (La Marseillaise)

@cpolitic@todon.eu avatar

@macgraveur @histodons dommage pour les promoteurs immobiliers, les banques...

@macgraveur@framapiaf.org avatar

@cpolitic @histodons je pense qu’une fois la fouille et les relevés effectués le chantier reprendra. Vu lieu, je pense que cela a même dû être anticipé pour le planning. Les archéologues devaient fortement se douter d’y trouver un site de fouille.

@historyshapes@mastodon.social avatar

Another excerpt from The History Shapes Cookbook, out now:


24 pages, full color, with bonus facts and brand new illustrations. Pay what you want ❤️


Boosts (so very much) appreciated 🙏


@microblogc@paquita.masto.host avatar

@historyshapes @histodons Not the first time I toast bread to make a sandwich and I eat the bread instead. So, eating bread with bread (which, as an Spanish idiom says, is "fools' meal") seems delicious to me...

@historyshapes@mastodon.social avatar

@microblogc @histodons who's got time for sandwiches when there's delicious toasted bread at the ready? I see no fool in this scenario. 🍞 - mert.

@TheConversationUS@newsie.social avatar

'Killers of the Flower Moon' delves into racial and family dynamics that rocked Oklahoma to the core when oil was discovered on Osage lands. White settlers targeted members of the Osage Nation to steal their land and the riches beneath it. But from a historical perspective, this crime is just the tip of the iceberg.

Pictured ⬇️An Osage delegation with President Coolidge at the White House in 1924:

@Teop_Versant@mastodon.social avatar
@Sandywb@dftba.club avatar

@TheConversationUS @histodons Yet another horrid historical genocide that we learn nothing about in US schools.

@TheConversationUS@newsie.social avatar

Same-sex relationships and gender beyond a strict cisgender binary was more common in ancient Greece and Rome than many people today assume, if we look at the surviving writings 🏳️‍🌈



@hugh@mastodon.nz avatar

@TheConversationUS @histodons
"The concept of homosexuality as a distinct sexual orientation or distinct kind of behavior did not exist."
Hell, it didn't exist until the late 19th century. It had been demonised, then it was pathologised through the first half of the 20th century.
Even your term "LGBTQI-like" tends to impose our thinking on it. They were who they were and they did what they did, and maybe things like honour, virtue, valour and status were more salient than sex and gender to them.

@olav@theweird.space avatar

@TheConversationUS @histodons

Until the mid-20th century Corinthians was more than likely pedastery. Leviticus the jury's out a bit but picking the words either (again) pedastery bit more likely incest. Like, don't sleep with your brother either.


@bojacobs@hcommons.social avatar

The whole ecosystem is "marked" by radioactive particles globally distributed by nuclear weapon testing:

"Anthropogenic uranium signatures in turtles, tortoises, and sea turtles from nuclear sites"

There are countless species, flora and fauna, with studies tracking this. Interested in more on this, read my book Nuclear Bodies



@Legit_Spaghetti@mastodo.neoliber.al avatar

@bojacobs @histodons I'm assuming you know about how apparently metal that was forged before nuclear testing is a hot commodity for scientific instruments.

@bojacobs@hcommons.social avatar

@Legit_Spaghetti @histodons
Absolutely. One key early source of this pre-contamination metal was World War One German naval vessels that had been scuttled off the coast of Scotland in the 1920s.

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