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Darkard, in "Woke people are saying non-woke games are woke to boycott non-woke entertainment", wtf?

When someone says “woke” I immediately assume that they have an opinion of the thing in question that they know will be seen as sexist, racist or -phobic in some way that if they said directly would get them called out on.

It’s just another cowards way of saying “I’m not racist but…”

ultrasquid, avatar

Platforms should start considering "woke" a slur, cause that's pretty much how it's used.


« Sorry for arriving just now guys, I **** up late. »

MxM111, avatar

“I fuck up late”?


He’s saying if some is considered a slur, then it will be censored, if it’s censored then you get odd looking and confusing sentences like that

absentthereaper, avatar

Think they call that the “Scunthorpe Dilemma”.


Can something be a slur if no one is offended by it?

4am, avatar

Thus successfully agitating liberals into censoring a word that originally was created by the black community to highlight the calling out of systemic racism and it’s lasting effects on society.

Which means the assholes win.

Zeroxxx, avatar

Not woke does not mean racist.


People who base their identities about calling things woke or not woke are in fact very likely to be racist, or sexist, or homophobic, or transphobic.

Zeroxxx, avatar

100% true nonsense.


Or some people don’t appreciate the bullshit constantly pushed?


Depends on what you consider bullshit. And if you complain about woke you probably have stupid opinions.

True that some ‘woke’ game suck, like that most recent saint’s row. But that’s because the writing is terrible, not because it includes minorities. Just an example


The bullshit wouldn’t be pushed if marginalized people in our society would be treated the same as everyone else and you know it. Grow up and stop being annoyed with black mermaids ffs

Roundcat, avatar

Like what? what don't you appreciate? What exactly and specifically about it is bullshit? Are we too afraid to say what we actually hate about the content being presented?

MargotRobbie, avatar

I think it’s gotten to the point that anyone who actually uses “woke” as an insult just looks completely ridiculous now.

absentthereaper, avatar

“But you’re just gonna power right on through it, aren’t you?” – Lana Kane

AshLassay, (edited )

Ten years ago it was called “politics”.

Keep women and non-Anglo Saxon people politics out of my war games based on real world conflicts - Gamer™

Rom, avatar

Ten years before that it was “political correctness” when gamers weren’t allowed to use the n-word.


I don’t use it because it’s social suicide, but I think either everyone should be allowed to use it or no one should. But that’s like an opinion on USA tipping culture. You can have your opinions, just don’t exercise them unless you’re ready for trouble


That’s the beauty of freedom. You are free to use it. Other people are free to shun you for being a fucking racist bigot.

Freedom is grand.

norapink, avatar

I don't use it because I'm not black so it would be racist for me to... But you do you.

Also I just don't have the desire to use it.



White and political.
Male and political.
Straight and political.
Christian and political.

idunnololz, avatar

I remember when being called woke was a compliment. I miss those days :(


Still is. If someone who doesn’t think anyone else but white, straight people are allowed representation in our diverse world calls you woke as a slur, you wear that as a badge of honor


“Woke” apparently means being aware of systemic societal issues, and wanting to fix them. I’ll gladly wear that “insult”.


Woke means sexist against men, racist against Caucasians and cis-phobic


Narrator: It does not.


That’s probably a fair assumption at this point, but I wish there was a word for egregiously obnoxious shoehorning of culture war stuff that wouldn’t get immediately diluted into a generic partisan shibboleth. For instance when they were doing the Enhanced Edition of the first games, and using the characters as mouthpieces to break the fourth wall to whine about gamergate, I don’t think you really have to be a bigot to be annoyed by it or want to put a label on that sort of thing.

GreenMario, in gta going woke

evil cops

You mean cops?

darcy, avatar

you mean good cops?

/s ←

ImplyingImplications, in gta going woke

In the South Park game the “difficulty” setting is a slider that changes your skin tone.


And Jew is a character class that starts rich, but everyone hates you.


Which South Park game has this?

I don’t remember it and I’m pretty sure I’ve played them all.


Either or both of stick of truth and fractured but whole. I can’t remember off the top of my head which, but it’s definitely there.


I don’t remember that in either one and I own both…

Maybe it’s time for a replay


Quick googling tells me they don’t affect gameplay at all. Being said, I really liked both games and wouldn’t ever tell anyone not to get another run in


No doubt… They were both super fun from what I do remember.


It’s a fake slider. Cartman just say it will affect every aspect of your life, just not the game one. Still funny af.

Beryl, in BALDURS WOKE??

“Reportedly” ? How hard would it be to verify this claim ? Now that’s some investigative journalism !


They went blind while researching the game, so were unable to verify it definitively.


Their eyes got poked out


Daily Mail is a trash newspaper in the UK. It should completely be ignored as being factual.


It’s a trash newspaper everywhere

STUPIDVIPGUY, in "Woke people are saying non-woke games are woke to boycott non-woke entertainment", wtf?

woke doesn’t even mean anything anymore


for gamers, woke = minority.

There’s a gay person in my game? Woke

A black man or woman is the protagonist? Woke

Tigbitties, avatar

It must be hard for them to live in the real world.


“I can’t believe they made real life political!”


It must be hard for them to live in the real world.

They don’t live in the real world. They live in some conservative fantasy land manifested through sheer force of hatred and bigotry.


It actually means a lot of things. Because it’s a dogwhistle.

Neato, avatar

At this point it's a train whistle but the bigots have been hearing it so long they're deaf.

CynAq, avatar

True. Might as well be a foghorn.


Just a modern dog whistle, used by the worst among us.


Wait, amongus is woke now??


Yes, they refused to violate the Geneva Convention, just more woke big government trying to wokify gamr


It never meant anything. It is just a slur word invented by right wingers for when they face repercussions for their bigotry. They regularly switch out the word when they think it has outlived its usefulness. Older terms were PC and SJW. None of them meant anything.

PunnyName, (edited )

Used to be it meant “not asleep”, in that you were aware of social injustices: a la “wake up sheeple!”

But it was co-opted by right-wingers as a catch-all term like “political correctness”, and has since lost the original meaning.


It was around the 2016 US presidential campaign when the shift happened.

GeneralEmergency, in "Woke people are saying non-woke games are woke to boycott non-woke entertainment", wtf?

What having zero personality does to a motherfucker


Also constantly being bombarded with propaganda from the day we’re born. Some folks figure it out, others fall in line with it

MxM111, avatar


PunnyName, (edited )

Bitching about everyone being “woke” = having no personality.

Because they’re just a parrot, with less charisma or intellect than an actual parrot.


🦜 RAAAAHHH Go woke go broke go woke go broke

Mandy, in gta going woke

realistic american cops is woke now? get outta here


Check the sub you’re in


Me when I dom (I’m blind)


Hmm, it fits to the literal meaning, at least. If you are awake, you see the reality.

Ignacio, avatar

More like realistic US cops.

JJROKCZ, in "Woke people are saying non-woke games are woke to boycott non-woke entertainment", wtf?

It contains women and POC not being completely subservient to the nearest white man at all times and so they consider it “woke”

MxM111, avatar

There is bear sex in it. Must be woke.


“The future liberals want”


Freedom of choice that literally affects no one?

Sign me up!


What if my religion says you shouldn’t go around fuckin’ bears tho?

Then would you give up your bear-fuckin’?


MY religion says I must support bear fuckers at all costs. So I guess it’s a religious war.

I don’t have time for something like that though. If I send you an Amazon gift of several bags of salt, could you kindly spread that over your fields for me? And then send a reaction video, maybe gift me some candles for my curtains and I’ll do the same.


My religion says “if he’s a bear, it’s gay, unless he’s a literal bear” but wildshaping was not known to the sages so we must mediate on this.

4am, avatar

So that’s what the classroom litter boxes were for; the bears. I KNEW it! /s

DavidGarcia, in A general sentiment i've noticed

IMO all depictions of women should be removed and replaced with hot muscly mem

abbotsbury, avatar

But those new men should also be covered in oil so you know they are replacing women.




Yes. Or sexy lamps.

StarServal, in BALDURS WOKE?? avatar

Is it because female body types in this game are smaller than males but the penis size remains the same, so they only appear larger?


on the feminine body models they get measured in girl inches


Or is it because the devs are (secretly?) huge fans of futa?


Yes. A fat person penis will look smaller despite being the same size as another who is normal.

PostingInPublic, in "Woke people are saying non-woke games are woke to boycott non-woke entertainment", wtf?

“I’m deathly afraid of the gay, is there any gay in the game? Because I don’t know what will happen if I’m confronted with the gay!!!”

“Calm down, nothing in there is going to remind you of these urges of yours, play away.”

My translation.

Here_in_Malaysia, (edited )

So the guy in the pic is just a homophobic bigot? Or homophobic but also sexist, on account of the female characters looking as worn as the male characters? I’m too old to understand what woke means, but the guy’s post is also confusing to read.


Nobody knows what woke actually means in cases like these because it basically signifies “anything I don’t like or agree with”.

It usually means you aren’t racist, you don’t hate gay people or any other member of the lgbt community, and treat women fairly. So like… a decent human being.

redimk, in Even 4chan knows avatar

I once tried to watch one of his livestreams… I had no idea what he was saying and he was trying to come up with a simple argument/sentence for something and took about 3-5 minutes to go through 7 words.

I mean, kudos to him for making it to the top but… I seriously have no clue how people understand when he tries to talk.


I once saw a clip where he seemed to be a stutterer. If that’s the case, it’s understandable.

thedrivingcrooner, avatar

I think he’s on the spectrum as well, that combination plus his french Canadian accent makes some people dislike him.

_Sprite, avatar
UnaSolaEstrellaLibre, in "Woke people are saying non-woke games are woke to boycott non-woke entertainment", wtf?

Must be mentally tiring to be a right winger. Especially a gamer ™ one.


It is.

Leshoyadut, avatar

And that’s exactly the point, too. Keep you mentally tired and angry so you don’t have the energy to question why too deeply.


You ever looked at Twitter, or Lemmy for that matter? The left is every bit as bitter and angry if not more so. Currently both sides (or at least significant portions of them) think the other is in power and responsible for all their problems, and it’s the media’s job to keep us thinking that way.


…all the while, reasonable people in the middle are just tired of getting bludgeoned by both sides’ messaging & want to get on with their lives.


I miss the days before identity politics when it was still possible to keep political pandering and normal life stuff separate, and just enjoy my grill. But now if you use meat on the grill, you’re pandering to the right. If you use soy or lab grown vegan meat substitutes you’re pandering to the left. And thanks to the inflation both cost too much.


Ah, yes. Both sides. Both sides hate net neutrality. Both sides clamouring to make healthcare worse. Both sides fighting against the right for women to control their own bodies. Both sides hinting that their supporters violently attack the opposition at rallies.

Except maybe not quite so much sometimes.


I’m with you on net neutrality. I have no problem with women doing what they want with their own bodies, it’s the child’s body I’m worried about. I’m not a huge fan of the healthcare system either, I just think giving “free” healthcare to illegal aliens and putting the government in charge of it will make things worse and not better. Honestly not sure what you’re on about with the violent attacks thing, but I’ve seen plenty of calls for violence from prominent leftists, and the “summer of love” 3 years ago destroyed quite a bit.

But either way, I’m not a “muh both sides” centrist. To the contrary, I think the media is trying to distract both of us sides from the real enemy: moderates.


There's a smaller number of rage-filled dumbasses on the left than on the right.

And the rage-filled dumbasses on the left tend to be teenagers who will grow out of it. On the right it's middle-aged people with brain rot from too much Fox News.

Tigbitties, avatar

There are other choices.


Thanks, but I don’t want to be wrong.


As someone who used to have a lot of similar opinions, it really isn’t. If anything, it was energizing to make people squirm and try to prove you wrong, only to have another issue chambered and ready to go.

They thrive on this shit. And after moving left, I’m fucking exhausted.


When your entire ideology is contrarian.


Especially a gaymer one

thedirtyknapkin, in I swear I'm not horny 24/7 this is a serious matter

lmao, they could’ve made this a completely valid and not creepy criticism by instead saying “i hate how every npc has the same exact body model”


Yeah. Say height or something.

snooggums, avatar





Or list a bunch of different characteristics

jontree255, in starfield is shoving political WOKENESS down OUR THROATS 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 avatar

Game also lets you pick pronouns 😤. Everyone knows only straight white men play hidden gems like this.


I truly don’t understand how anyone can get upset about that… makes no sense


You can suck a bears dick in balders gate 3 but nah telling a game how to call you is over the line


I’m sorry, can you back up a bit there?

JowlesMcGee, avatar

You can be sexually involved with a druid who can turn into a bear during sexy times.


Wait, what if I’m not gay?

JowlesMcGee, avatar

Then you're out of luck with the bear sex, sorry. Try being gay next time.


Hey! Spoilers!

Neato, avatar

I think that stream that showed the start of that scene got them banned from TikTok?


Any acknowledgment of the very existence of a trans person is a grievous crime. /s


People being able to do things that don't effect me in any way is a direct personal attack on me.


You're taking away my ability to stop them from doing what they want!

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