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Gigan, in The pretty old door avatar

I wonder if Mario still grabs Flurry’s titty to use her power.


They’ll probably censor it for the remake and have Mario motorboat them instead.

JackGreenEarth, in A general sentiment i've noticed

Can you explain your memetic image? I am not quite sure I understand what you’re trying to say.


People love flawed male characters and are willing to forgive them almost all missteps, but don’t treat female characters with flaws the same way.

To keep with the show the meme originates from: Think Walter white, the viewer is suckered into his thinking and supports most of his shit until he goes really off the rails. During rewatches of the show it is much more obvious that Walt is a piece of shit who can’t leave well enough alone out of personal pride.

Meanwhile skyler is almost universally hated during the first watch. That whore who fucked Ted and keeps messing up Walt’s plans? Fuck her.

And then you watch it again and realize she’s just a normal woman trying to cope with an egomaniac husband and to keep her kids safe from his crime escapades.


This is all true, 100%

I still can’t stand her

Remember the last scene of the pilot episode? No wonder Walter went nuts if that’s what his life has become

That birthday handjob while on a laptop shit stabbed me in my soul


I mean there’s therapy, divorce, fuck even cheating. It becoming a drug lord….? He’s zero percent admirable or justifiable. If that stabbed you in your soul I hope you can get some couples therapy or something.

LChitman, avatar

I still can't stand her

That's the point of the meme,lol

But also they specifically made her character unlikable. You were supposed to find her irritating in comparison to Walter, who is an objectively worse person. I think that was almost the entire point of her, to make you side with an objectively bad person over the other slightly less objectively bad person.

ShustOne, avatar

The rewatch feeling is spot on. Walt was completely passive when we meet him and then he becomes.a gigantic, abusive asshole. It’s tough to watch again because he destroys so much.

It’s annoying how many people are like “she treated him like a child” and then use that to justify what he does. Which includes sexual assault, murder, gaslighting, emotional manipulation, oh and making drugs.

kryptonianCodeMonkey, (edited ) in A general sentiment i've noticed

Unflawed female characters that make all the right decisions get called a “Mary Sue”


Unflawed male characters also suck to be fair, give me a group of fuck-ups any day over Jason Statham types.


Jason Statham types still have flaws, they’re being played by Jason Statham


I have never heard.


Flawed female characters get called Mary Sues lmao

If someone thinks Rey is a Mary Sue and Luke Skywalker is not, they need their head examined.


Rey’s only flaw was her acting. Lol “flawed”.

And Luke is not a Gary stu. He’s a Padawan who happened to have an emotional connection to the bad guy he could leverage. If you actually watch the OT you realize that Luke is straight bad at being a Jedi.

Rey is the most perfect person ever who don’t need no Jedi master to ruin her yass girl vibe.

I could write a thesis on why only people with brain rot compare the two.


See? Needs his head examined


See? Brain rot.

ech, (edited ) in A general sentiment i've noticed

From that very series: Walter White vs Skyler White. The public perception of both was quite disperate, considering one was a housewife and the other was a murderous, aspiring drug lord.


More to the point: Hank Schraeder versus Skylar White.

ech, (edited )

I wouldn’t say that’s a more apt comparison since Hank got much more of a redemption arc (though he admittedly wasn’t “bad” to start, just insufferable) than Skylar did. Walt willfully went all out in his bad choices while Skylar was mostly just left to react to his bs, but he is still viewed more favorably than she is.


Hank has much lower lows than Skylar ever did.

Hank became an outright abusive piece of shit at one point during the series, constantly verbally berating his wife until he pushed her over the edge and triggered her kleptomania.

The worst Skylar ever did was sleep with someone outside of the marriage that Walter had already destroyed.


You know, that’s fair.


But Skyler was such a bitch!



But Skyler sang the cringe birthday song!


A lot of female characters all do he same thing; The protagonist men are getting up to shenanigans and their loved ones are telling them to stop it for the sake of love and / or responsibility. The thing is that as the audience we’re entirely there for the shenanigans because that’s there the action or tension takes place.

Suddenly you have a character that is telling the protagonist to refuse the call to adventure which results in delaying the excitement, it’s a recipe that’s makes the audience associate the character with boring parts of the show, especially in breaking bad where the relationship is depicted as an old marriage with no romance left, nobody is rooting for it.


I’m very aware of the trope. That doesn’t justify the level of disdain shown in comments like the one jackoneill so eloquently shared on this very thread.


I agree, I suppose the root of what I meant was that the hatred Skyler gets is half blatant misogyny and half because she’s written to be the fun police.

I remember when the TV show Arcane was coming out, there were lots of judgemental comments towards a character called Caitlin, but 3/4 of the main characters of that show are women and the others didn’t see similar hate, but it was Caitlin who often made the lawful and restrainted decisions.

Although I also agree that if the character of Caitlin was a man instead, they’d have gotten much less hate.


Have you considered that the perspective may be driven by the former being the protagonist, while the latter is not?


Considering the long, ongoing history of female characters (and real women, to be frank) being derided or dismissed for any number of “flaws” not held against their male counterparts, I don’t think that generous, context-less assumption is really worth merit.


Do you have any examples?


Ummm…the majority of human history? Are you seriously expecting me to spoon-feed you a history lesson here? Just Google “Women’s rights” and see where that leads you, though I have the notion you’re not actually looking to learn much.


You explicitly mentioned an ongoing history of female characters treated unfairly compared to their male counterparts.

The minimum you should be able to provide is a female character and its male counterpart.

If I search on Google “women’s rights” I don’t find that.


Dude, I literally started the thread with an example. Regardless, I’m not here to convince you of basic historical precedent, nor am I interested in falling into the trap of you quibbling over whatever other example I could mention to dismiss any and all context like you already exhibited you will do.


What do you mean? I thought Skyler was quite an empowered character. In all the moments were the traditional wife character would have fallen for her husband’s lies, she catches on pretty quick.


I’m not really sure what that would have to do with my point that viewers generally don’t like her or outright hate her?


I just didn’t know she was that unliked, but I’ve since googled it.

DavidGarcia, in A general sentiment i've noticed

IMO all depictions of women should be removed and replaced with hot muscly mem

abbotsbury, avatar

But those new men should also be covered in oil so you know they are replacing women.




Yes. Or sexy lamps.

JakenVeina, in A general sentiment i've noticed

Boy, if this isn’t the perfect character example to illustrate the phenomenon.

Decoy321, in gta going woke

Didn’t they have those in gta3?


Yeah I’m pretty sure this is nothing new for the series


And Vice City, and San Andreas.

Deceptichum, avatar

Racism is an Easter egg in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Grand Theft Auto IV, and Grand Theft Auto V.

Sounds like this will be the first for racial profiling by police, well if the denial of it happening in V is true.

DrCatface, avatar

racism is an easter egg. wow never thought I’d see those words together.

Akasazh, avatar

Sometimes, the cops will say “I only listen to white rappers”

I think that’s very funny and poignant satire. It’s racism of the most stupid and least consequential order.


I always thought they were more aggressive with Lamar vs Trevor out in Blaine County. At least it always felt that way when playing.

Leperhero, in gta going woke

Who cares. Ill be doing so much crime, them pulling me over will be warranted.

They will have to catch me first.

MIDItheKID, in gta going woke

Have cops pulled over NPC citizens in GTA before? Or is this hinting at a similar multi-character storyline like GTA5?


You could always come across chases going on, there were nocshootouts happening. But I don’t know if you ever saw the race of the npc.


I think I’ve seen it before, but admittedly I think my actions lead to the interaction.

Ie: I was driving as one does hit a car which hit a police car leading to the civilian getting shot


Yeah I think I’ve seen stuff like that, but I don’t think I’ve seen an actual pull-over. Like a car on the side of the road and the cop walking up to it and issuing a ticket. NPC interactions have definitely advanced over the generations of the game, this might actually be interesting to see.

Blapoo, in gta going woke



Like far too many people, OP appears to not understand the definition of woke.


Shit. I don’t understand what it means.


someone who is overly worried about issues like discrimination to the point they create their own problems would be one definition.

GrammatonCleric, avatar

A bad definition, to be sure.


That definition is really helpful for blocklist curation.


Woke - Anything right wing politicians and media has decided to rile their base against. Defining “woke” any more specifically than that today will mean that the definition is wrong tomorrow because what is or is not “woke” changes almost daily.


Woke simply means being conscious of diversity and discrimination issues happening in your society.


Are people not aware that this is gaming circle jerk?


Also, as far as I’m aware, highlighting police brutality and racial injustice IS woke


The point is that it’s being used as satire by posting in a circlejerk sub, not that it’s being used incorrectly.


So many people don’t understand what woke means that the meaning of woke changes




Name me one person or company that has gone broke after “going woke”

oldGregg, (edited )



So you can’t name one, got it.

oldGregg, (edited )



Are you gonna edit this comment as well once you get downvoted enough?


Oh fuck oh shit i got downvoted??? Fuck i need to get institutionalized before i off myself goddamn sheiiiiit


So you did edit it lol

imagine caring that much about downvotes lmao


Come at me scrublord im ripped




Your face



How’s that onion taste?


'n Boke?

GreenMario, in gta going woke

evil cops

You mean cops?

darcy, avatar

you mean good cops?

/s ←

ImplyingImplications, in gta going woke

In the South Park game the “difficulty” setting is a slider that changes your skin tone.


And Jew is a character class that starts rich, but everyone hates you.


Which South Park game has this?

I don’t remember it and I’m pretty sure I’ve played them all.


Either or both of stick of truth and fractured but whole. I can’t remember off the top of my head which, but it’s definitely there.


I don’t remember that in either one and I own both…

Maybe it’s time for a replay


Quick googling tells me they don’t affect gameplay at all. Being said, I really liked both games and wouldn’t ever tell anyone not to get another run in


No doubt… They were both super fun from what I do remember.


It’s a fake slider. Cartman just say it will affect every aspect of your life, just not the game one. Still funny af.

520, in gta going woke

GTA worlds have always been about reflecting what goes on in the real world, either played straight or as a parody. Something like this is not off-brand for Rockstar North at all, and certainly isn't them going woke.


In the remaster trilogy they removed a southern flag from some inbred redneck because they said it’s no longer culturally sensitive. I seriously doubt they would do something like this with the next game.


That was Grove Street Games who made the remaster trilogy. Rockstar North had nothing to do with that.


Oh I know that they were the ones who actually did the work. But Rockstar had to sign off on this stuff in some way. They definitely had a say in what was removed from the game.

520, (edited )

They in no way had to sign off anything about that game. The GTA franchise is controlled by Take Two Interactive, not Rockstar North.

It was very evident that Rockstar North had no input into these games, or they simply weren't listened to, considering the game launched with obvious errors that clashed with the intended designs for the original games.

Edit: also, do you really think that Rockstar North of all people, the developers of the original Manhunt game and the same people that put a graphic torture minigame in the GTA5 mission By the Book, would somehow draw the line at the Confederate flag?


You say that as if going woke is a bad thing.


I don't think woke is a bad thing, I'm just saying this isn't even a change of course for Rockstar North. They have always done this kind of social commentary in GTA.

MossyFeathers, in gta going woke

That’s actually kinda awesome imo. GTA has always been a parody of real life; parodying police brutality against minorities might actually help people to stop and notice when it happens irl (assuming they handle it well).

That said, and I might be misremembering this, didn’t postal 2 do this? You never saw it happen to you since the Postal Dude’s white, but I swear I remember cops would occasionally randomly arrest people who weren’t white. That’s not to say that Postal 2 is “”“woke”“”, it’s about as far from it as you can be; nor do I think that a lot of the jokes would land nowadays because some of the edgier ones were satirizing the politics of the time. However, I vaguely remember it having some really potent satire about society hiding under the crackhead edgy humor (the Postal Dude is literally a crackhead).

morphballganon, in gta going woke

What does woke mean?


The recognition that there are entrenched systematic inequalities based on bigotry in American society, and the belief that action should be taken to break them down.

Source : Ron DeSantis’s lawyers (not joking)


DeSantis’ general counsel, Ryan Newman, responded that the term means “the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them.”

But, yeah.


To be “woke” is to be aware that things are not all butterflies and puppy dogs, and to acknowledge that fact.

In other words, to be anti-woke is to willingly chose to remain ignorant about all the awful things that are happing in the world, such as racial inequality, for example.

It’s a good thing to stay woke.


Alternatively, and one adopted by the alt medicine movement, new age and fringe groups, is to be aware of chakras, crystals aliens (Pleiadians, the Grays, etc) and other conspiracies. Basically to buy into the quack. I used to lurk those communities on FB for years often back in the day and was incredibly confused when people meant the other type of woke when the term gained traction.


The real answer is just that it’s a blanket term used by conservatives to refer to liberal ideas. For example, saying that gay marriage should be legal makes you “woke”

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