List of specific video game communities on the Threadiverse, feel free to comment with more

When I mean “specific,” I mean things like something dedicated to a certain genre, a certain video game, to gaming suggestions, to asking whether you should buy a certain game… anything that isn’t just one catch-all for any video gaming topic. So I’m not including the various !games@instance or !gaming@instance links.

EDIT: There seems to be an issue with kbin that is causing problems with my links and sending some people to the search results for the community. Will probably make a new post and link to it here when the problem is solved, or copy/paste my source text on a different account.

I know about the following and will be adding to this list with links people comment with:

Game Design/Development

!gamedev (
!gamedev (
!gamedev (
!gamedev (
!inat (I Need A Team)


!2007scape (
!2007scape (
!dayz (
!dayz (
!undertale_deltarune (
!deltarune (
!guildwars2 (
!guildwars2 (
!leagueoflegends (
!league (
!leagueoflegends (
!minecraft (
!minecraft (
!minecraft (
!pokemon (
!pokemon (
!rocket_league (
!rocketleague (
!splatoon (
!splatoon (
!starcitizen (
!starcitizen (
!starcitizen (


!jrpgs (
!jrpg (


!patientgamers (
!patientgamers (
!retrogaming (
!retrogaming (


!amiga (
!amiga (
!amiga (
!amiga (
!c64 (
!c64 (
!commodore64 (
!commodore64 (
!commodore_64 (
!linux_gaming (
!linux_gaming (
!linux_gaming (
!steamdeck (
!steamdeck (
!xbox (
!xbox (
!zxspectrum (
!zxspectrum (


Am I the only one where all the links show up as searches instead of links to the communities themselves?


Same here, and the only search result is this thread

Untitled_Pribor, avatar

Yea, the correct way to link a magazine would be:
@magazine@instance - for /kbin
!community@instance - for lemmy

Elevator7009, (edited )

This is rather frustrating for me. I was corrected on a different post when I used @community@instance and told to use !community@instance. Now I'm being told I got it wrong again. Not angry at you, just angry that I got it wrong twice.

I was told to use !community@instance because it would leave people able to browse and subscribe to the community through their own instance instead of being kicked to a different URL (e.g. !community@instance lets you browse and subscribe from @instance, while @magazine kicks you to the website), so that's what I'm using here. I am currently under the impression that viewing from your own instance also means you won't see any content unless someone on your instance has subscribed to that community before, as an intentional part of how the Fediverse works; while going to the website directly will show you everything. That's probably why my links send kbin users to a search result: because on kbin, from the search result you can click and look at the instance or subscribe without ever leaving your own instance.

When you say the correct way to link a magazine is @community@instance for kbin, do you mean I should do it that way for links that point to a kbin instance, or is that how I have to format links to any instance at all (whether lemmy or kbin or even something else like Mastodon) for it to work properly for kbin users? Or is this just about wishing that I sent you to the instance's website with all the content instead of somewhere you can view through your own instance? If it's the latter, I'm really not sure what the etiquette is for what I'm supposed to send you to: your own instance or the source instance, seeing as I am getting corrected about this here to use @community@instance for you but was previously told to use !community@instance.

Once people stop commenting with new communities I can comment the list with links formatted as @community@instance.


I don't see either at symbols or exclamations above. I just see a bunch of search links.


Typing in !community@instance and submitting the comment makes it look like !community for me. I typed in !community@instance here: !community

Typing in @community@instance and submitting the comment makes it look like @community for me. I typed in @community@instance here: @community

I see you're on, and I'm from, so we should probably be seeing the same things. Not sure what's happening here.

floppy, avatar

Kbin does odd things with links and communities, so I think part of the problem is it has mangled or added some unexpected links when you’ve written the post. However, some of your links in the original post work for me on Lemmy (!freegames is fine), so you might want to compare them.

I’m not sure why Lemmy uses an exclamation mark for communities when everywhere else uses an @. It would be a lot easier if it used @ then it’s universal for Kbin, Mastodon, Lemmy.

The new communities group suggests to use the format I’ve used in my previous posts (basically /c/community@instance) - this won’t work on Kbin because it uses /m/. It’s better to use @ there as you said.

Paradoxvoid, avatar

I think Lemmy uses ! for instances because @ is used for users - e.g. I expect that @floppy will automatically link to your profile on your instance (and link to your profile on any other viewer’s instance - e.g. for me it should link to an URL).

It’s probably a design decision to differentiate communities from users.


Actually, the @user doesn’t seem to work for me here either. Maybe it’s a frontend thing (using voyager)?

Paradoxvoid, avatar

I think you’re right and it’s frontend-specific - I’m using Alexandrite and it shows perfectly, but I just checked the default Lemmy UI and it doesn’t handle it properly either.


Consider this reply a test. Supposedly /u/[email protected] should work, and @Paradoxvoid should also offer autocomplete, but Voyager at least doesn’t seem to offer it.

floppy, avatar

On Connect, the latter works but the former doesn’t. Weirdly if I click on my own username posted upthread, it can’t find me.

Paradoxvoid, avatar

Can confirm that the first doesn’t work on Alexandrite, but the second works as expected.


Yeah, your first link shows up as a search on's instance for me, it doesn't even look like a community link. It's a fully typed out url. Your second link connects me to the magazine community on my own instance.

Paradoxvoid, avatar

Since you’re posting to a lemmy instance (beehaw), you should probably use the lemmy style - i.e. !community - I don’t think there’s any need to create an explicit link since I think most UIs will format it for you.


I did use the Lemmy style.

I was told to use !community@instance… so that's what I'm using here

This is also what constantly pops up in Lemmy sidebars.

You are not logged in. However you can subscribe from another Fediverse account, for example Lemmy or Mastodon. To do this, paste the following into the search field of your instance: !communityName@instanceName

Unless you mean that the Lemmy style is just !community, you don’t type @instanceName after it. Did you mean that?

I was under the impression the way I typed the links would work for everyone. I suppose I was taught incorrectly and I’m extremely frustrated by it. I don’t want to be the village idiot trying to help only to require everyone fix their mistakes for them but it seems that’s what I am right now.


I just want to say, I don’t think you’re the village idiot. The fediverse is honestly pretty confusing right now and I would have expected what you used to work too.

This list is so comprehensive, I’ve been looking at it for quite a while and found lots of communities I hadn’t seen before. Thanks for posting it!

ram, avatar

When I mean “specific,” I mean things like something dedicated to a certain genre, a certain video game, to gaming suggestions, to asking whether you should buy a certain game… anything that isn’t just one catch-all for any video gaming topic. So I’m not including the various !games@instance or !gaming@instance links.

I know about the following and will be adding to this list with links people comment with:

Game Design/Development











The hero we need.


Not saying this resentfully, honestly curious. What need does reposting my post as a comment with the instance names that I had in parentheses removed fulfill, what benefit is gained? I put the instance names there for communities that have the same name or close to it, and/or cover the same thing, so that you can tell the various same-name links apart. If it does something useful, I'll be happy to repost this when no more links are submitted with the instance names taken off. Is this kind of like what some people used to do on Reddit, reposting the post as a comment because otherwise mobile users would be unable to copy/paste the content?

Paradoxvoid, avatar

If you look at the source between your post and the OP of this chain, you can see that they haven’t got any special link formatting, but the links will all work correctly for any lemmy user no matter their instance - not sure if kbin handles it correctly.

e.g. [!destroy_my_game]( vs [email protected]

I suspect it’s just a convenience thing, since a number of your links point to search results.

Elevator7009, (edited )

I can’t actually see the source of the OP of this chain on kbin.

I’m going to be honest, I have no idea why this is happening. I never thought I would be the idiot who would have to have other users reformat their unusable links and I’m upset that I am apparently that idiot and I’m incredibly frustrated by it. I thought !communityName@instanceName and @communityName@instanceName were supposed to work across the Fediverse so I didn’t have to resort to [text I want to display](URL) every time I wanted to share a community, I guess not. I cannot grasp why some of these are not working for people and are sending everyone to a search link, even if they’re from Lemmy. Especially since when I used @communityName@instanceName on a different post, I was told by a Lemmy user that !communityName@instanceName was instance-agnostic and would let you access the community through your own instance. Not through mine ( And that I shouldn’t use @communityName@instanceName because it would send everyone straight to that instance, where if it isn’t also your instance you’re probably not logged in so interacting would be inconvenient.

I wanted to make a helpful resource, not something people have to spend time fixing because it doesn’t work and I’m very upset that 1) it had to be fixed for me and 2) I can’t understand how to fix it myself. Apparently @communityName@instanceName should be equivalent to [text I want to display](URL) but given that listening to that Lemmy user didn’t work out for my current links I have no idea if swapping the ! for @ would actually work. Plus even if it did, interacting from your own instance would be inconvenient.

Paradoxvoid, avatar

Tbh it sounds more and more like it’s a kbin interaction problem rather than anything you’re doing…

Not sure if there’s any way for you to resolve it other than getting a Beehaw mod to update it for you.


I think you are right, considering there’s an issue on Codeberg directly referencing my post.

adam, avatar

Mmm. Looks like you've stumbled across (or at least highlighted) a bug in the way kbin federates out links in it's content. I thought I'd covered the various cases but apparently didnt.

When a post is made to kbin (or federated into it) that contains !magazineName@instance it does a best effort to make links that will work for users on that instance, but it appears that best effort applies to the outgoing federated content too - and it shouldnt, or at least, it should do something different.

I'll get a bug ticket in.

EDIT. For now I'd recommend that where possible you use fully explict links i.e. [{@|!}community@instance](https://instance/{m|c}/community)


Because the links actually work to send me to those communities


For whatever reason, your post is just showing as !community rather than [email protected]. When I click on your links it is taking me to a kbin search results page, while when I click on ram’s links it is taking me to the communities viewed via my instance.

Edit: I’ll just add, I know it sounds like you tried to do it the right way and it didn’t work. But most people don’t even try and just copy/paste the URL as viewed from their instance so thank you for at least making an attempt!

Fizz, avatar

I think the threadiverse is still to small to have individual game communities. I’d rather see people posting things about their games in a generic game community.

Elevator7009, (edited )

I think there's a good use for the individual communities. If everyone posted stuff about their games in a generic game community I think it would turn a lot of people off. I wouldn't want to see a constant influx of posts where I actually like only 1/8 of the games being talked about and don't understand or like the other 7/8. The general gaming communities tend to stick to big gaming news or topics most gamers might have some input on. You probably don't want a community that started out with conversations you can join in on to be overrun with my favorite niche game in a genre you hate with an artstyle you hate, but that also happens to have a super active Threadiverse community. I completely get what you're saying, the Threadiverse is pretty small and a lot of specific magazines just don't get content at a decent rate, but I appreciate that we have separate communities.

Fizz, avatar

“Big gaming news” is generally just talking about game marketing and honestly kind of boring. I want to see people talking and sharing clips and things about their games. If there is to many posts from one game dominating the feed then they could be asked to form their own community.

Its easier to post to an active community than a dead one. For example I may not have played old school runescape in a while and I wouldn’t be following the osrs community but if I saw a thread about osrs on a generic gaming community I would be drawn into the conversation. I think having lots of people in one place can encourage people to Participate in threads they wouldn’t have gone out of their way to search.


Different people will be different, I find big gaming news interesting to talk about and don't want to see games from genres I have no interest in. I definitely see your point about active communities and how a more general community might bringing up stuff that you don't like enough to follow but do like enough to have a casual conversation about it!


The ones for the bigger games (Baldur’s Gate 3, Starfield, probably Cyberpunk soon) have been active enough to make it work.

Fizz, avatar

But they won’t be in a few months.


Possibly. And if so, that’s perfectly okay.


Thank you for compiling this!



^ I started that one a while ago, with the idea being that the fighting game community loves its gameplay clips, so we shouldn't fill up other instances with gameplay clips and cause storage problems for other servers.

I haven't promoted it (or even posted much to it yet) because I only just barely got the file storage worked out last week, but it works now so I'll starting trying to get it active. Plenty of space for gameplay clips and pictures of your arcade sticks, what with Mortal Kombat 1 coming out soon and Tekken 8 not long after that.




!dda_discussion - we’ve got a micro-instance for our ultra-nichd foss roguelike, cataclysm: dark days ahead.



Infynis, avatar

In addition to the Minecraft community, there’s also !moddedminecraft

Profilename1, avatar


Edit: didn’t mean to make this a comment reply instead of post reply, but it still counts





Oneeightnine, avatar

I run both !currentlyplaying and !photomode

Currently Playing is a place to discuss what you’re currently playing and Photo-Mode is a place to share in game screenshots and photographs you’ve taken whilst playing.

Sorry if the links are messed up. I’ve got no idea the right way to link at this point. The whole system seems a bit of a mess.



russjr08, avatar

A couple of video game specific communities I’m subscribed to that I don’t see here already:



And then this one is a genre based one:




Lileath, avatar

There is also !baldurs_gate_3



neme, (edited )

Rocket League


Old School Runescape




tamlyn, avatar

We have an active jrpg community here on lemmy as well. !jrpg




I see you've included gacha titles as well. There's a small Girls' Frontline community - it's mostly me posting posting news at the moment so it could definitely use a spotlight.


Added. Not a fan of gacha titles myself whatsoever, but gacha titles are still games and this is a list to help others. Have you tried posting in various “new community” magazines like !newcommunities?


Completely understandable, thanks for doing this!

floppy, avatar





As for platforms, there are a load of retro ones which can be added, not sure if you want to include those?


Added. I don’t mind including retro platforms. Also, Lemmings wins the best URL on the Fediverse forever ([email protected])

floppy, (edited ) avatar

OK, so will probably miss loads, but try these for starters. Where I’ve found multiple for the same platform the more active ones are nearer the top.


!amiga (Kbin)




!commodore64 (Kbin)





!zxspectrum (Kbin)



!atari (Atari 8-bits, can’t find one for the ST)

Elevator7009, (edited )

Before I add these, would you mind putting all the ones for the same platform, even if it's less active? I added all the ones I know of so it feels weird to suddenly be more exclusive about it. I'm aware there are some posts here that probably have communities on other instances that aren't listed, but I don't expect each submitter to actively know about every single community for their game. The reason I'm requesting this of you is because you actually went and found all the communities, and I want to include the ones you chose not to submit due to size as well. If you're not willing to go get the ones you chose not to submit, I'll go hunt them down myself, but to be honest I'd rather not so I'm making the request of you.

floppy, avatar

No problem, have added all the ones I know about.


Added, thank you so much for finding them!


I didn’t see !huntshowdown



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