Twitch will now allow "Artistic Nudity" following the viral topless meta

Twitch Updated their Sexual Content Policy:

  • Changes: Certain content now allowed with labels
  • Artistic Nudity: Permitted under Sexual Themes Label
  • Game Nudity: Contextual; labels necessary
  • Body Painting: Acceptable with appropriate label
  • Mature Games: Label generally covers content
  • Stream Visibility: Impacted by content labels
  • Twerking, grinding and pole dancing are now allowed without a label.



The twitch topless meta is just lofi burlesque to chill/study to


Gotta compete with kick


As if there weren’t already enough simps.


What a time to be a cam girl


I’m confused, what does “meta” mean in this context?


It basically means trend. It’s sorta evolved from the concept of “metagaming” where you’re not just playing the game, you’re gaming the game. People now use “the meta” to refer to the collection of viable strategies for a game, and “the current meta” to refer to what is popular at this moment. This could be types of decks in a card game, character builds in an MMO or a MOBA, or other things like that. Presumably, for twitch, “the meta” is referring to not strategies of playing games, but strategies of gaming twitch. In other words, strategies to maximize viewership and income, and specifically, what is working at any given time.

HarkMahlberg, avatar

Slap this right into Urban Dictionary. Great explainer.


This is also what metadata is. Data about data. Not whats inside a file, but the files name, date it was created, created by whom, accessed when, etc. You can also have metadata about metadata, which itself is just metadata.

Its data all the way down.

snowe, avatar

lol and I understood the meta part but have no clue what the viral topless part means.

lorty, avatar

There are many top streams that are just women with just the nipples covered writing donors names on their body

snowe, avatar

oh haha. well that does sound viral, but how was that not banned? don’t people get their streams removed for stuff like that? I gotta be honest, I hate twitch lol so I have no idea about any of it.


I’ve seen some people debate whether “meta” means “applying a concept to itself” or “most effective tactic available”. In gaming, both kind of make sense. But in the context of business models for twitch streams, only the second definition works. (even though it originated from the word “metagame”, where “meta” wasn’t an acronym)


Mm, I think the first also works. Because the meta of twitch requires a shift in thinking from “I am doing a thing, that happens to be on the platform twitch” into “how does the platform of twitch work as a platform, and what actions can I take to manipulate the platform to do what I want it to do.”

Shifts of not only content you like to make -> content that gets max views, but also making content when its convenient -> make content during specific peak hours, etc.

avater, (edited ) avatar

Idiots following a trend to get more money, at least regarding social media


Here we go again. Cue the inflatable pools.

BarrierWithAshes, avatar

Twitch has been downhill since shut down. Nothing they do surprises me anymore.


Can somebody please just link the boobs






Twitch in 2 weeks : video games? Where?


I mean hot tub streams already exist.

Twitch hasn’t been a “games only” site in a long time.


Didn’t they ban them?


I’m actually not sure, I thought they might have moved them to a different NSFW category than “Just Chatting”. I know a streamer I follow was able to have an onsen stream when travelling in Japan and he didn’t get banned.


They were quarantined to the 'pools and hot tubs' category, which presumably modifies what kind of ads run on them.


There was a point 1-2 years ago where the frontpage was literally nothing but softcore porn. Disgusting that they’re doubling down on it. The funny thing is they happily ban game streamers if a game shows nudity for a second or two.


It’s like you chose not to read into it at all.


Twerking, grinding and pole dancing are now allowed without a label.


so there is some improvement.


That’s the point, the only thing this does is allow more sexual content on the platform under a new label. All the other things like pole dancing and women in bikinis and hot tub streams don’t have to be labeled and are considered fine.


huh. Yeah, I see what you mean.


I’m surprised how much pearl clutching there is in this thread. This seems like a good thing. It’s all supposed to be clearly labeled, and if people want to watch streams with nudity, what’s wrong with that?


The twitch boob meta always fascinated me. It’s literally trivial to not watch thirst streams if you don’t like thirst streams. But people on the internet get so fucking upset about it, and I assume at least 100% of them consume actual porn.


For me it’s how popular and accessible twitch is for kids.

I’ve never really used twitch for anything except getting drops for games (160p and muted lol) but every time I see titty streamers getting recommended despite never watching any

Socsa, (edited )

Yeah I guess I don’t really give a shit what other people’s kids do


You may want to. You will eventually be interacting with them. Or your kids will.

Socsa, (edited )

I am not responsible for ridding the world of maladjusted assholes. I simply do not have the energy.

If there is no other imperative for caring about something beyond “but what about the poorly supervised children?” then that thing is generally going straight to the bottom of my concern list. If the worst thing that poorly supervised children get into is cleavage on twitch, then I’d actually call that a pretty massive win.


How will 14 year olds accidentally seeing a boob on twitch instead of doing what most 14 year olds do by actively searching out porn-esque content going to turn them into a person I dont want to interact with?

snooggums, avatar

Everything on the internet is easily accessible by kids if the parents aren't doing any supervision.


It’s not the same, porn you have to search out. They’re already on twitch for other reasons and are far more likely to be suggested/shown more vulgar content like “artistic nudity”.


If they can google search for twitch, they can google search for porn. They already know. I mean, come on, you were 14 once.

If they cant google search for twitch, then they shouldnt be able to change the channel to boobie streams for the same reason they shouldnt be able to change to any other non-kid-friendly stream. Thats part of being responsible as a parent.

I dunno, this doesnt seem like that big of a deal.


i kinda agree, but i seen like youtube kids, where kids that don’t know how to search spend the day there, or not actually, twitch never marked for the same kids that youtube kids has counted for, hmmm, idk


This is the double standard I hate so much about violence / porn / swearing.

Kids are watching ultra violent game streams? No one gives a shit.

The second a bad word has been said on a stream or a bit of nudity is shown, people are losing their god damn minds.

wizardbeard, avatar

Short explanation of part of my issue with it:

There’s a big, important difference between watching violence in video games/movies and watching a cartel execution or someone being run over on LiveLeak.

There’s also a significant difference between “a bit of nudity”, even contextually appropriate full frontal, and eroticism.

gun, avatar

Kids probably shouldn’t be watching ultra violent games, but that doesn’t mean porn being accessible for minors is not a far more dangerous problem. There is no double standard, because these are two different things. Porn is neurologically addictive. This is an established medical fact. Exposing a minor to more and more sexualized subjects is what groomers do. Interacting with strangers sexually over the internet is not something that should be normalized for children.


Personally, as long as kids are getting access to good sex ed I don’t see any issue with them stumbling across sexualized content online. We all did it at some point in our lives, digital or not. It’s a part of growing up. I also don’t think sexualized content should be seen as more problematic than violent content. If anything it should be less problematic (and to be clear I don’t find either to be an issue personally)


Personally, as long as kids are getting access to good sex ed

i have bad news for most of the US for you


That’s definitely something to improve, but hiding sex from online spaces is not going to help.


Oh, sure, we probably agree. A distressing amount of people have really bad takes on sex, sex education, gender, history, relationships… a lot of things, really. Conservatives especially have egregiously bad views.

I remember when I first saw This Film Is Not Yet Rated, and I talked about it with some coworkers. An older woman and a younger woman who sat next to me in the office. Both of them 100% felt that they’d rather their kid watch a movie where people’s heads got blown off than one where someone got head. I don’t remember their exact argument (this was many years ago), but I’m pretty sure it was such an axiomatic belief for them it was difficult to articulate why.


Yeah, America really got fucked up by the puritans. That prudishness still runs deep. I’m philosophically very sex positive, but I get it, and I’m not immune to that shock factor either sometimes. I try my best to disregard it.


parents don’t have a role in there too?


I’m not sure what you mean. Parents are ideally involved in raising their children, but there’s no guarantee they’ll be involved, good at teaching, teaching anything true, alive, or anything. Public education is important.

pulaskiwasright, (edited )

The women in Twitch use sex and interactive false sexual interest and love to get people to give them money and buy them gifts. In some ways that’s worse for kids than pornhub porn. Do you expect a 15 year old boy to be able to avoid the “stripper really loves me” trap?


Then it sounds like your actual problem is with a certain pattern of behavior rather than nudity/sexuality itself. So maybe you address your actual concern rather than something tangentially related.

AnUnusualRelic, avatar

For me it’s how popular and accessible twitch is for kids.

You mean, as opposed to the notoriously unpopular and inaccessible PornHub (among hundreds of others)?


It’s not the same, how many children are going to pornhub to watch video games and happens to see and click on a recommended stream for actual porn?

Your false dichotomy does not hold up.


If my child is on twitch, I can reasonably assume it’s for game streaming. If my child is on pornhub, I can assume they are watching pornography. I dont like having that line blurred.


Yep. It’s a lot easier to block Pornhub than it is to block porn on Twitch but leave the rest of Twitch unaffected.


twitch could block mature content behind an account, and only if that account is +18


I was thinking more from a parent’s point of view. It’s a lot easier to block a whole website than parts of a website.


While porn sites are well protected behind a question. Ultimately it’s up to parents to monitor their kids media consumption.


As if I wouldn’t know how to block domains and IPs on my router


most parent don’t even know that the router can be configured, how could they block IP


Yup, I’m not letting my kids on Twitch because of that.

I hate kiddie accounts, so if I don’t trust my kid to browse a service safely, I ban it. As they gain my trust, I open up the services I allow. For example, I used to have a “no YouTube” rule, now I let my oldest (10yo) to browse on his own, provided he tells me what he wants to watch. If I catch him watching something he knows I don’t approve of, he’ll lose that privilege until he regains that trust.

Twitch will take a while.


The problem, at least to me, is the wildly inconsistent application of the rules. Plenty of streamers have gotten bans for inappropriate content for far, far less than this, and been told to shove it when they tried to appeal. I can guarantee you nobody would be up in arms over this if twitch just treated it as a free for all, and didn’t care if people streamed tits. The problem is that it isn’t, and lots of people get banned, while the big thirst streamers get given a free pass on everything

Also, If this goes through, the “banned games” list is going to need some real pruning.

avater, avatar

Yeah on porn sites.


My only problem with it is that it’s always on the homepage under recommended, despite the fact I’ve never watched any streams like that. Even if I tell the site “not interested” it still shows the content. I only get on twitch to watch content for one game and from a small number of creators.


The thing is, teens with accounts set to 18+ do access twitch. And they are going to be diverted there more and more which can draw viewers away from genuine streamers who are just gaming.


Nothing wrong with streaming nudity, but Twitch is specifically marketed to children for the purpose of watching people play video games. Blending porn in that with an algorithm that throws new videos in your face is a recipe for disaster.

Your “supposed to be clearly labeled” argument is really doing a lot of the heavy lifting here and ignores the reality of people gaming the system or finding loopholes and we all know there aren’t going to be any real people moderating the site just like every other social media/video streaming site.

They really should have split it up into two different sites because I see this blowing up in their face spectacularly.

ImFresh3x, (edited )

I’ve never once seen these girls on my twitch feed. Also, adult channels would obviously be excluded from children’s feed if they’re set up with parental settings.

Also, anyone who has access to the internet has access to porn if they seek it out.

“Think of the children” is such a boring argument. Grumpy old conservatives said the same thing about music videos in the 80s. Now we’ve got incels raging over naked people on the internet.


Yes, anyone with access to the internet is able to seek out porn which is why it seems unnecessary to risk pushing it in the faces of kids on a site marketed to children.

I find the incel comment hilarious considering you’re the one pushing for more women getting naked in game streaming videos like some thirsty dude.

Goldmage263, avatar

If a parent doesn’t want their kid seeing something adult on the internet, they shouldn’t let their kid use the internet or only under supervision. Besides, booba isn’t going to affect kids any worse than Twitch chat already does.


Probably correct lol, twitch chat is the worst

Goldmage263, avatar

Well, that didn’t last long now did it?


Pushing? I don’t care at all. Pushing. Ok. Gamer.


To be honest, you’re making a lot more wild assumptions in this comment than anything I said.

If you’re right, then maybe the system will need some improvements. But it’s all just speculation your part, so I don’t see any reason to worry about it for something so inconsequential to begin with.


Gamers mad at women and attractiveness. This is a really hard combo for them.

Nothing new.


A hear a bag of cookies calling your name


It destroys the brand. The more nudity makes it on the site the more it changes the user base, advertisers change, the whole thing just takes a turn into something completely different


Eh the site was always shit anyways. 🤷

HerbalGamer, (edited ) avatar

That’s not all; certain dances, such as “twerking, grinding, and pole dancing” are now allowed to stream on Twitch without a label, and broadcasts that are labeled with “Drugs, Intoxication, or Excessive Tobacco Use; Violent and Graphic Depictions; Gambling; and/or Sexual Themes” will no longer be allowed on Twitch’s home page.

This is what got me: Now you can have tits out and twerking, but no longer smoking?

Edit: I personally don’t use Twitch nor mind it when nudity becomes more normalised, but as I said in my other comment it’s mostly about weed or just smoking a cigarette while doing something else.


Makes sense. Normalizing smoking isn’t cool. It’s one thing if it’s in a movie or TV show, but Twitch has the pretense of being real people who can have parasocial relationships with their fans and influence their behavior. Kids don’t need to see or be influenced on that level. At least the nudity or sexuality will be properly labelled.

HerbalGamer, avatar

Personally I was thinking about weed; there’s a large community surrounding it and ever since parts of the US started legalising a lot of discussion around it has been popping up.
For example a stream discussing and reviewing different strains could definitely work.


I’d actually watch some streamers if they did it like Getting Doug With High


Doug the pepper man? Because thats one streamer I wouldnt watch get high, his content is too thought heavy and directed and getting intoxicated would derail the hell out of that


Getting Doug With High is a podcast by Doug Benson where he invites other celebrities to hangout and get high with him. It’s pretty entertaining most of the time.

The first Eric Andre one is really good imo. Eric said he doesn’t usually smoke because he had a bad experience when he was younger, but in the episode he gets super baked and asks a random person in the studio for a hoodie, and then he just spends the rest of the time all cozied up in someone’s sweater. It’s pretty great.


Smoking kills people.


I don’t think that’s what it’s saying given that “sexual themes” is on this list as well. Seems more like they’re saying “we’re allowing more sexual content if it’s properly labeled, but we’re going to start keeping those labels off the home page, and while we’re at it we’ll take off a bunch of other objectionable content”


I don’t think people object to it from a moral standpoint, but more from the perspective that it will overtake the content that they want to see.

bunnyfc, avatar

Getting ready for GTA 6 I see


But Yandere Sim is still banned.


It eternally amuses me that it’s on the banned games list. Like yeah, it’s a shit game, but looking at the rest of the list (and games that aren’t banned, for that matter), it’s absurdly mild.

ElBarto, avatar

Porn is artistic nudity.


That’s the Infinite growth model for you.


If it grows infinitely, contact your doctor instantly!

And also if you manage to do that, you should contact the Clay Mathematics Institute as well, you’re likely eligible for a free $1 Million.


I watch it for the plot.

Holzkohlen, avatar

I’d argue that it can be, but often times isn’t.


Twitch was good when it was video games only, it really went downhill since Amazon bought it.


“[service] really went downhill since [tech conglomerate] bought it” could be a Mad Lib.


I’ll take “buy out directly leading to enshittification” for 500, Alex


You’ve got the history backwards. Twitch is just a spin-off of, rebranded.


It was never video games only. My first introduction to was the fact that it had 24/7 Seinfeld streams.


It’s fine lol, except they are way too aggressive on ads

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