Twitch will now allow "Artistic Nudity" following the viral topless meta

Twitch Updated their Sexual Content Policy:

  • Changes: Certain content now allowed with labels
  • Artistic Nudity: Permitted under Sexual Themes Label
  • Game Nudity: Contextual; labels necessary
  • Body Painting: Acceptable with appropriate label
  • Mature Games: Label generally covers content
  • Stream Visibility: Impacted by content labels
  • Twerking, grinding and pole dancing are now allowed without a label.



The fuck is a meta?


Whatever the specific community currently agrees is the best method for success, like strategies for video games, gimmicks for social media, etc.


“most effective tactic available”


This has never been correct, it isn’t an acronym, it’s a prefix. Metagaming is the art of learning how players typically play a game and has been a concept for a long time. The etymology is simple, the greek “Meta-” meaning beyond and “metagame” referring to the way people play a game developing alongside a game. Look at dota 2, the metagame shifts in large ways when the map does not relatively frequently. When we talk about metagaming in card games, it’s in reference to which cards see the most play regardless of their impact on the game.


Sure but it’s still a pretty apt description and acronyms are fun

art, avatar

These comments are wild and mostly sexist as fuck.

If you have kids and you give them complete unfettered access to the web I’m sure they have seen more than a boob. If that bothers you perhaps try being a parent. Maybe getting involved with your child’s online activity. Maybe don’t use the Internet as a fucking babysitter.


Hell if you want to use the internet as a babysitter all you have to do is install one of the many commercially available parental control blockers. Obviously it would be better to actually be engaged in a child’s life, but if that’s not an option for you then there is software that can help.

I have absolutely no idea how effective it is of course but I’m sure there are reviews online.


Twitch is rated 14 and up so parental controls won’t really block it on its own. Unless you have the child listed under 14


Awful idea. I had a friend with helicopter parents that did this, and it honestly sucked for the both of us because of how much was blocked.


I absolutely agree. I’m a parent and I’ll never install a content filter. Ever.

I prefer to operate on trust. My kids tell me what they want to look at, I agree to it, then I unlock the computer to they can access it. If they access anything else, they lose that privilege until I’m confident they’ve learned their lesson and we try again. Rinse and repeat.

Trust is earned, and I hope by the time they’re old enough to be interested in boobs, they’ll value that trust. That worked reasonably well for me.

With a content filter, you’re immediately telling the child you don’t trust them, so they’re going to circumvent it, or just use their friend’s computer. I’d much rather they look at porn on my computer than their friend’s, because I can find out about it if it’s on my computer, whereas I can’t if it’s at a friend’s house. And if they’re interested in porn, that probably means they’re interested in sex, which means we need to discuss it to build that trust before they go out and have unprotected sex. If they’re watching overly violent stuff or whatever, they’re probably talking about that kind of thing with friends and I may need to be careful about who I let them spend time with (or notify the other kids’ parents). And so on.

Content filters hide the problem, I’d much rather confront it head on.


Twitches rating on andriod play is 14 amd up. Woth nudity now allowed it should be 18 and up.

Tattorack, avatar

So… If I’m commissioned to draw furry smut, does that mean I can stream that to Twitch now?

TheLowestStone, avatar

Sounds like artistic nudity to me


I’m troubled by the term “artistic”. Who on earth is deciding what is and isn’t art?

Seems like an ethical quagmire that’s not really worth their time to be wading into, but they seem to be doing so. Perhaps they haven’t thought all the implications through.

I do not understand why they don’t straight up just make a 18 plus tab and be done with it. Why do they seem to have this moral objection to how they make money? After all I am damn sure the shareholders won’t care.

Tattorack, avatar

Hmm… I think what determines nudity to be artistic instead of porn is the presence of urns. Yes, if there’s an urn you can immediately tell it’s intended artistically.


Isn’t the main issue not so much what they will show, but what gets monetized or not? There is always going to be a disconnect with this stuff because twitch wants the content that goes viral to be advertiser friendly.


Just make an adults tab and be done with it

stagen, avatar

Sheeesh. Depressing state of affairs…

cosmicrookie, avatar

Sorry… What category to choose for grinding a dildo on my fanny?? Or is Retro fine as long as I add a label?

Tattorack, avatar

No, retro is for those old school upskirts. You know the ones; where this curly haired blond girl is all “eeek!” on a really small stool and the camera is looking right up the skirt.




How do I apply for this job to determine who is an artist and who isn’t? I have years of experience. 🤵‍♂️

cosmicrookie, avatar

Nobody is not an artist


Decorative urns. If it has an urn in the background then it’s art.

It might be a stupid answer but it solves the ambiguity for them.


Simpyness intensifies!!!

kugmo, avatar

Does that mean I can finally stream HuniePop on there now?


What, you think the dunces that run twitch are actually going to bother updating the banned game list? We all know that the only reason they changed the rules is to avoid punishing the streamers they’ve shown brazen favoratism towards for years.


Yes all we brainworms know this


Nice. The porn streaming wars have begun.


Yay! Boobies!

Fredselfish, avatar

Are we now going get topless women playing games? I remember early days of YouTube there was a chick who had a topless cooking show.

I watch it.


Already furries are live streaming drawing giant cocks lmao

Kolanaki, avatar

some horny c**t will crop that




That explains why cats can be dicks.


Yall know there’s free porn on the internet right?

Twelve20two, (edited )

Five years from now, Amazon launches its first premium-only porn site (and then five years more down the road, it will absorb and replace Twitch)


Considering how similar the audience interactions work, I could see Amazon buying OnlyFans and integrating it into Twitch.


then Apple buys it and rebrands it iFap

TheLowestStone, avatar

Or Elon does and rebrands it XXX.


Vin Diesel sues… with his family


There’s also Internet allow only firewalls specially designed for parents who want to implement some control, which isn’t enough when content on platforms decide to saturate their content with that you don’t want to expose your children to. Then, it just becomes an exponential game of having to keep up and adjust each platform’s individual controls when they could have simply kept their adult content elsewhere and have it be easily accessible to any adult who wants to see it.


If you let your kid on twitch, porn is the least of your problems


That’s a good point, but for any media. The problem is identifying something a child can watch and letting them watch it and because of a spur of the moment oversight find them watching something they shouldn’t be because they are not mature enough yet, and the same but having it devolve to extremes. It’s just not that difficult to set up a different domain/service name for it and making it easier for parents.


No, my point is specifically for twitch and other streaming platforms.

If you let your kid on twitch, and you arent locking them in to a pre vetted list of known safe channels, youre letting them expose themselves to far far worse shit than porn.

In the same way that if you let your kid watch netflix or HBO, you dont open the streaming app, hand them the remote, and walk off. You pick the channels or movies they can choose from.

Other media is typically pre crunched into known safety levels. Twitch is a way to watch things, not a thing you watch.


I consider the risk on those platforms much less, and if they begun hosting hardcore porn I would consider only other platforms. Netflix and HBO implement parental controls and involve fixed runtime content, whereas Twitch involves real-time streams and widely differing types of moderation where streamers may be involved in safe and non-safe content, and it lacks the ease of the parental controls of the services you’ve mentioned.

Why do you consider forcing all that micromanagement to parents easier than just moving porn to another domain or under another brand?


You mean, besides the fact that your kids are your responsibility, and not everyone elses?

Or beyond the fact that netflix has the same level of softcore content, and HBO has far far far worse sexual and non sexual content?

Do I need more reasons beyond those?

AMillionNames, (edited )

Fortunately for most parents, most governments disagree. They realize it’s a society problem. But I really hope that they eventually catch up with this type of bullshit in the Internet industry. I know that Steam and other services have begun to get flak for it, specially in countries like Germany.

Click. On. Another. Fucking. Link/Brand. It’s not that hard.

Thank f-ing god that this thread is nowhere near representative of the real world:…/twitch-rolls-back-artistic-nudit…


If you need the government to pick what your kids are able to watch, you shouldnt have kids mate


If you diss and fail to understand why there is government regulation surrounding it all because you dealing with adult only websites is too difficult for you, it’s less a case of shouldn’t and more of a case of mustn’t for you, bud.


So you think HBO should be an adult only space? With stricter regulations?


The same sort of legislation that the GDPR applies penalties with for not giving users controls over their ads could be adopted and applied to create a standardized form of parental controls of sites over the Internet, but until that happens, people can benefit from keeping explicit adult porn websites and services separate from the rest of their offering and forcing the rest of their offering to implement easy to implement parental controls if necessary.


Answer the question mate.

Do you believe HBO should be labeled and treated as an adult only site or app due to the content it provides?


I did, I just avoided your disingenuous attempt at controlling the narrative by fishing for particular answers and applied it universally. You can answer it yourself from there, big boy.


You dropped a run on sentence about regulating the entire internet. My question had nothing to do with the internet at large.

Is HBO content adult only or not?

We both know youre hiding from the question because you want to have your cake and eat it too.


Oh yeah, you’re totally right 🙄


That has fuckall to do with my question.

Can you read?


Pretty sure twitch is supposed to only be for all 16 plus anyway right I’m sure that’s somewhere in their terms of service that you can’t have an account of your underage.

Kolanaki, avatar

And now some of that free porn will be on Twitch.


That is what has always boggled my mind about all this softcore stuff, like why are you on twitch with your dick out anyway? If you want to jerk off why not just do it properly lol


People listen to music without dancing, it’s the same thing - it activates pleasurable parts of your brain which trigger various biochemical responces. I normally work with video essays on in the background but when things get complex and stressful I switch to hot people dancing or similar, trying to juggle a dozen variables and get all the code loops right can be mentally taxing so when my brain in churning over my options it can be good to have a nice juicy butt to rest my eyes on, watch sway and pop and grind… It’s not going to interrupt my train of thought but it holds it.

Also something that no one seems to consider possible but there are some really interesting and funny women that enjoy showing off their body, the music is often great and the atmosphere fun and light hearted - the notion that because it’s sexy it can only be low tier, base and worthless is just puritan nonsense, it’s good content.

And no you don’t have to jerk off the second you see a sexy butt, I think that way of thinking might be more puritan baggage. You can just feel good about seeing sexy bodies gyrate.




I think a large part of it is the parasocial aspect. People get to know streamers (or at least, the streamer’s persona) and form attachments to them over time. The same way someone wants to see how their favorite character’s arc plays out in a show, people want to watch streamers because they feel a personal connection to them.

Even though that connection is almost certainly one-sided, (except maybe for smaller streamers who actually interact with all of their viewers on a regular basis,) it doesn’t stop the viewers from forming those emotional connections. And that somehow makes them more “real” than some random piece of ass on pornhub.

I think a lot of it stems from loneliness, and wanting a personal connection. Pornhub is great for porn, but it’s undeniably commercialized porn. Lots of people will likely end up viewing nude twitch streams the same way they’d view nudes from a significant other. Even if the quality isn’t as good as pornhub, it may be considered more desirable simply because the viewers feel like they know the person.


So basically, dress like a prohibition era stripper and call it art? I’m really not comfortable about so many gaming companies not giving a shit about nudity, and I rate it on the same level as them not giving a shit about fostering and creating gambling addictions.

Steam has been at the forefront of this degradation of divides … Is it really so hard to establish XXX subsidiaries separately for this type of content? I have no problem with services like OnlyFans even though I don’t use them.


I rate it on the same level as them not giving a shit about fostering and creating gambling addictions.



Because of the high overlap between exploiting sex, drugs, and addictions.


Do you rate it on the same level as showing games where people are shot, stabbed, torn apart? Cuz that’s a much larger part of their content base.

AMillionNames, (edited )

If it was a game that encouraged going Columbine shooter, no, I’d rate it even worse. But because they are fictional universes, either they just involve the unequivocal bad guys or they are on an arc that has the undertone of exploring the morality of war, the shooting, stabbing, and tearing apart I can dismiss, because while there is a danger to desensitizing the reaction of the visuals of said violence, it does not desensitize the moral qualms people should have about committing those acts.

Sex is to sell sex, and should be kept in adult only stores just like it is in real life. There’s no problem with those sex stores existing, there is a problem in dismissing that underage exposure to porn and hardcore porn to the point where using ai fakes in school is becoming a problem.


Sounds like unsupervised internet access is the problem to me.


It’s much easier to supervise if you don’t have to limit individually by each site’s implementation of child control mechanics and can make some gross assumptions about worst case exposure and how bad it can get if they accidentally click the wrong link due to momentary inattentiveness. The adult version is all the work that the admins and moderators due to keep lemmy free from gore/sexually explicit/even worse bullshit spam in NSFW, why suddenly ignore it for some categories of porn, and potentially directed at children no less?

We can end this discussion and just accept that Twitch should begin to identify itself as an adult only streaming platform, if you want. I don’t know if that’s fair to streamers who struggle to make family friend NSFW content, but the access to porn they can already find on services that explicitly identify themselves as adult only seems to be important enough for people.


We can end this discussion and just accept that Twitch should begin to identify itself as an adult only streaming platform,

Then end it. It’s been clear that twitch isn’t appropriate for unsupervised children from the jump.


Then we are in agreement. Unfortunately, raising its 13+ year old requirement to adult only is really only up to Twitch.


Children don’t listen to age requirements on sites anyway. It’s up to parents to monitor what they’re doing online.


I’m really not comfortable about so many gaming companies not giving a shit about nudity

American spotted

AMillionNames, (edited )

Not really, just someone who reads the news in Europe and reads the headlines about revenge porn, ai fakes in school, and hormonal headbutting, pissing of teachers, and disrespect of the education system and caretakers only there to benefit them at even younger, more immature ages with far more disdain. If you want to go pedo on children, it’s on you, but it’s not hard to establish a distinction for adult only stores beyond a really useless age check and just enjoying it yourself without exposing children to it. Why are you so interested in rushing children into (false notions of) sexual (in)maturity (as is often the case when rushed) when that’s something that takes time for a reason?


whoa there. cleavage, drawings, and naked NPCs are not that serious, bestie


That should be up to the parents, not you, and they shouldn’t have to wonder if a platform composed mainly of children has now decided to host adult content and their own specific forms of child controls. Clicking on another link for adult content is not that hard.

Literally having to argue why streamers drawing porn for money and exposure to sexuality becoming a circlejerk to personality cults is bad, incredible…


That should be up to the parents

That ship sailed 30 years ago with the invention of the Internet, but anyways parents are perfectly capable of blocking twitch or supervising their children’s media consumption. The rest of the adult world should not have to cater to entitled and incompetent puritanical parents


It shouldn’t have to cater to “adults” who find it too hard to just type another link or go under a different brand when they want to wank off.

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