
Early adopters pay more for less anyway and they will remove Denuvo after a few months, because it’s a subscription service. Never understood the hurry of the crack groups.


Never understood the hurry of the crack groups.

You serious?

Obviously the sooner they crack it the sooner they can sell to impatient pirates. The market is only going to decrease over time, and if you’re beaten to the punch you lose out on loads of customers.


Lol pirates by definition don’t pay for software, there’s no profit in developing cracks beyond cred.


Paying for a pirated game? If I wanted to pay for it, I wouldn’t be looking into pirating it in the first place.

I also would not pirate anything at all because it’s illegal and I’m only speaking hypothetically.


Lol, no, pirates dont pay for anything. The cracking community is almost entirely clout based, its just for the bragging rights of being the smartest programmer out there.

Empress is an anomaly, and I dont actually think shes ever been paid her obnoxious “fee.” And even she is only claiming a fee for the clout, as a way to say “no one else can do what I do so its pay up or fuck off”



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  • FinalRemix,

    Or, just don’t play UbiSoft or EA games. SEGA sometimes removes Denuvo after a time, so they’re sometimes good ib a waiting list.


    Yeah, at least if they’re not free-to-play. Publishers have shown time and time again that you can NOT trust them with your money. Only pay for something if you know exactly what you’re getting.


    Patient gamer all the way! I recently played dying light 2. Fun game but a year after release and it’s still buggy as hell.


    One reason I’m glad to be a pretty broke parent gamer. I can only afford to spend money on games a couple times a year at best so I have to be really patient and picky about what I do decide to buy. I end up having no choice but to wait a year or more to pick up any games I’m excited about.


    I’m happy paying for psplus and enjoying the free monthly games and whatever games get uploaded there. Aside from that, my city has a great library with a huge selection of games you can borrow for 3-6 weeks at a time, plenty of time to finish them.


    I quite liked DL 1, but reading the reviews made me stay away from 2. It’s not even about the bugs, but apparently the game is just meh.

    Maybe I’ll get it in 5 years when it’s 10$. Maybe.


    Patient Gamers FTW


    I started Fallout New Vegas last month. It’s pretty neat so far, glad I finally got to it after … holy hell, it’s been THAT long!!!


    FNV is amazing. I’ve gotten all the achievements on Xbox and I recently finished another playthrough on my Steam Deck. Absolutely amazing game

    LaunchesKayaks, avatar

    It’s okay you’re so late to the game. Mr New Vegas still loves you


    Hell, I’m still on Civilization III.


    i’m still on fallout 2


    Both of you are rocking awesome games, so no worries…


    Wizard of Wor will never be dethroned.


    do you still have to force children into the game to have someone play with the Richard Nixon doll?


    I just play unciv instead now


    Unciv is amazing, it’s insane that I can play it on my potato phone while my laptop struggles with civ5


    Unironically the best entry in the series. I play 5 occasionally, but 3 all the time.


    I’m still playing DooM. Nothing will ever top it.


    Now that’s pretty extreme. Quake II was the shit.


    Still is, my dude. The “All pods launched” sound effect from the first level will be stuck in my head forever, I’ve heard it so many times. If you haven’t played Q2RTX, I highly recommend it. It’s like a fresh coat of paint on an old classic.


    I’m learning this the hard way with Starfield 😢

    VinnieFarsheds, avatar

    I play Factorio, it was more stable at 0.8 alpha than the average €/$ 60 AAA game at release.


    I’m a patient gamer so I don’t normally preorder, but I made an exception with CyberPunk as a tribute for paying $5 for Witcher 3 (which was my first game of the series, I went in blind and I couldn’t believe how good it was).

    I wasn’t even mad with the shitshow but I decided wasn’t going to play the game in that state.

    Fast forward a few years, the game runs almost 3 times as fast (went from 25 to 70 fps on my computer) and they fixed a lot of problems people were complaining about for the DLC release. Now it’s ripe.

    Patient games keep being right


    Pretty much the same story here. Finally playing it now, and I can barely put it down. It’s story is nearly as good as W3, and my car doesn’t even take random hard lefts off the road for no reason whatsoever in this one. Actually, gameplay is a massive step up in general.

    TheSaneWriter, avatar

    I'm glad to hear the game's gotten much better! I purchased the game on sale but have left it sitting in my Steam library for a little while, knowing that it is playing much better means I'll move it higher on my playlist.

    RampantParanoia2365, (edited )

    Well, I meant a step up from the overall quality of Witcher 3. But, it is really smooth and solid combat with a real variety of styles/builds. I’m digging katana/guns/mantis blades/sandi. And I know the 2.0 skill revamp made a huge and smart impact on the gameplay.


    It’s because people weren’t patient that they were able to fix it

    But it still isn’t the game they marketed it as


    I pre-ordered Elden Ring for a slight discount off of the launch price. No regerts whatsoever about that one. Best game of the 21st Century.

    But yeah usually I get games well after launch on sale. Starfield looks cool but they can eat a $70 bag of dicks before I pay that much.

    LaunchesKayaks, avatar

    The only game I’ve ever preordered is Animal Crossing New Horizons. I knew it wasn’t gonna be horseshit on release lmao. I wait until games are on sale and have been out for a while. My friends keep harassing me to buy Baldurs Gate and I’m not doing that until it has all dlc released and is on sale lol


    I’m the same way but I bought bg3 because of how not asshole they are. It’s a great game and honestly worth the money. This is the first game I’ve bought at full price since games came on cartridges.

    LaunchesKayaks, avatar

    My thing is that I wanna wait until Larian comes out with all content for it. I don’t wanna get the game and immediately have to replay it because dlc came out. I’ve done that with games before and replaying just for dlc made the game feel like a chore. I’ve waited since the announce of cyberpunk’s expansion to even consider finishing the game. I plan on playing that one once I get myself a steamdeck later this year. My gaming computer became a total turd since 2020 lol.


    I get that, but that game is so big, you’re going to want to play over regardless. You’ll probably start over anyways after at least 40 hours of game play. The game is really insane on how much there is and how much every choice you make matters. You could play this game for the rest of your life and I don’t think you’d have the same game twice.


    Play Divinity 2 with your friend

    Then go into DM mode to run a DND campaign or into the SDK to build your own levels/quests


    We’re still playing Tower Climbing simulators?


    Which, the older, the modern, or the far ones?

    Blxter, avatar

    Wouldn’t buy from there crap launcher anyway.


    Last I checked, you had to download and launch from Uplay even if you buy game from other stores. I haven’t buyed any of their games after they pull a stunt on Brotherhood anyway.

    Blxter, avatar

    Yes very true Ubisoft games take much longer to launch than others. I believe because of this. And by longer I mean like an easy minute longer.


    Man I uninstalled Steep from my PC yesterday. I had to download an update to their shitty launcher and then login just to remove a game from my PC. I also have ghost recon on Epic games which requires you to use the launcher to launch another launcher to launch the game.

    Buying the games is genuinely a worse experience than pirating them. Fuck Ubisoft but also EA and other publishers that do this bullshit.

    Netrunner, avatar

    Well I know what game I’m not buying. This should just fuel the pirate ships I’d think.

    redcalcium, (edited )

    If Denuvo’s claim that their DRM has no negative performance impact were true, then why Ubisoft pull this shenanigan (adding Denuvo DRM just hours before release)? Ubisoft must’ve know their game run better without Denuvo so they want the reviewers to play the drmless version.


    Everyone knows Denuvo’s statement isn’t true. There are hundreds of games with Denuvo that have improved performance after being cracked, compared to the legitimately owned version. This conversation pops up all the time. It’s quite funny when pirated games have a better experience. At least until Denuvo is removed to cut cost (it’s a subscription).


    It’s simple. Stop buying crap products!


    That’s the thing though - they deliberately made the product crappier after people already bought it.

    Think this applies if Denuvo is included from the beginning, but it wasn’t here


    Lesson is to make steps being even more patient and play backlogs and opt for older titles that are cheaper. Doesn’t even have to be super old. Could be just within a year. Very few games these days that are an absolute much play the moment it drops. Haven’t actually come across any of that caliber past decade, but maybe I’m too patient.


    I’ve heard that Baldur’s Gate 3 was a massively successful launchday title, though it’s not my cup of coffee.

    There are still good games around, just unfortunately not the majority of them


    There were still a lot of bugs that they are still patching. But even on day 1 baldur’s gate 3 was amazing.

    neshura, avatar

    Baldur’s Gate 3 also was in Early Access for a few years so people had plenty of independent experiences to base their opinion on. The release content was more, true, but there were a lot of known factors.

    RickyRigatoni, avatar

    Yeah but it’s an assassin’s screed game it was crap before denuvo.


    Only dummies buy games before they’re available to the public. I thought this has been known since Watch Dogs (another Ubisoft game lmao).

    neshura, avatar

    On another note this will make for an easy comparison of Denuvo ridden game vs Denuvo removed. The Day 1 Patch bringing some Fixes and Performance gains would muddy the results a bit but I think it’s still a good idea to have a test like that. If the rumors/speculation about Denuvos performance impact are true I doubt even a Day 1 Patch would manage to balance out the performance difference.


    It was the same with lies of P… I think it’s becoming a trend and someone needs to stop it, it’s false advertising. None of the reviews are credible, they’re not reviewing the same game


    Nah, they don’t need to stop this at all. This basically lets people pirate games all they want so long as the devs don’t intentionally throw in a game breaking bug on the review version.


    I think Valve has the power to end this nonsense…


    Ah shit… Removed it from my wishlist. At least I didn’t already buy it.

    KairuByte, avatar

    I… but… that… that isn’t how this works…

    You’re putting the cat outside after it already ate the canary.


    Well, they’ve accidentally made a really easy workaround, then. Just download the day one depot and you can play without Denuvo.

    FoundTheVegan, avatar

    True, but will also prevent you from getting any other updates or bug fixes. This is such a scummy action for Ubi to do, I wouldn't it put it past em to pair this with some sort of game bricking.... "glitch" that needs a patch.


    They did exactly that In another assassins creed game


    Wait, but they already launched it without Denuvo. So pirates can easily crack the launch version without it, and only paying customers need to deal with the antipiracy bullshit? Nice, they took a pro-piracy hyperbole and made it actually real.


    I’m thinking this too… like what’s even the point of using denuvo if it’s not applied day one? The whole point is to delay piracy so they sell more copies during launch week (in theory), so waiting until after day one completely ruins that since you can just pirate the easily cracked launch version.


    The point is that they purposefully left (or created) bugs in the day one version that are fixed in this patch after you install denuvo

    It’s not the first time they’ve done something like that, they broke another assassins creed game and leaked it to get people to buy the real copy, this is no different…/43146901


    Doesn’t this make it easier to crack the denuvo as well though? Since now you have a list of changes to look at for where denuvo is implemented.

    kautau, (edited )

    I mean, decompiling an obfuscated binary down to each individual CPU instruction is pretty nuts to compare two separate releases, even at that level, denuvo can be injected into game assets everywhere, so it gets hard to tell what’s an actual patch and what’s denuvo. I’m guessing it’s sort of on purpose, by combining legitimate updates with denuvo, it’s harder to tell what’s denuvo. If denuvo was included in version 1, it would be easier to tell what was a legit update in the patch, and rule out those pieces of the install being denuvo. But that’s all sort of the whole point of denuvo is that it’s all over the codebase, all over the binaries, the assets, the libraries. It’s hard to nail down every spot it exists


    It’s not a day one patch, but day-1 patch. The game will be released a few hours from now.


    If non DRM version is given to reviewers, it will leak to crackers, unless you control 100% of reviewers you give a copy. This does not make any sense.

    circuitfarmer, avatar

    That’s the thing: paying consumers always pay the price for DRM by having to jump through any hoops.


    There are no “hoops” here though?

    Veraxus, avatar

    DRM ONLY ever affects paying customers, ergo DRM is always unethical malware.

    Also, let’s never forget how Ghostwire Tokyo had Denuvo patched IN over a year after release.


    Eh, I only meant hyperbole in terms of antipiracy affecting the pirates that had to figure out how to crack it. As a broad gesture at the fact piracy (consumption) depends on piracy (effort) to work


    Reviewers get games prior to release day. So it may not be so likely that you can get a working game without the day 1 patch.


    Sounds like they added it after the review embargo ended but before the game releases to the public.


    So time for those reviewers to send their version.


    😂 yeah if they want to get blacklisted and sued.


    Unless each review copy is internally flagged, I wouldnt expect anyone to own up to leaking the copy to even risk being sued.


    You’re right, according to Ubi the update on PC was ‘included in the 41.6 GB game files ahead of Oct 5’. It was a prerelease patch, not day 1.

    Nice of Epic to start directly exploiting the lack of PC physical media around the same time people are talking about getting rid of disc drives on consoles.


    Epic? This is Ubisoft.


    I think the primary method of PC sales for this game is on the Epic Game Store. Yeah I neglected to consider it’s also available from Ubisoft+ or whatever but also does anyone actually use that

    Epic Game Store also doesn’t have any preloading, meaning they had all the opportunity to deploy Denuvo pre-launch but post-embargo without having preloads as a loose end.

    Veraxus, avatar

    What does Epic have to do with this?

    alldreadme, avatar

    Yeah, but pirates won’t be able to get the newer updates/bugfixes


    I think anyone who reviewed it should publish a secondary videos explaining this.

    This seems like it’s legitimately false advertising


    Where is the false advertising?


    None of the reviewers experienced the game with Denuvo. Reviews are a form of advertisement (good or bad)


    That’s not how it works. Someone else reviewing your product isn’t advertising by you.


    Providing a deceitful product for your reviewers before publication is kinda exactly that.


    They’re not advertising anything.


    The point is, the reviews represent a game that’s not the one being sold. Additionally, it’s reasonable to believe this was done on purpose. This should be simple to understand ?


    You know what’s simple to understand? False advertising. They’re not advertising the game as “no Denuvo!!” and then putting in denuvo. A completely independent company doing a review isn’t the publisher doing advertising.




    Of course it is.
    Them sending a copy of a game in the hopes the media outlet will write a favourable review is marketing 101.
    It’s practically free marketing, so it’s the best kind even.

    If the review came after launch from a purchased copy, then your argument would have had a leg to stand on mate.


    False Advertising has a definition, and that ain’t it. Someone else doing “free advertising” for them isn’t false advertising by them.

    This isn’t rocket science. They’re not doing any advertising saying it has no denuvo.


    By your logic, if I release a drug not mentioning it will kill you while knowing it will, I am not guilty of false advertisement even if I send it out for free knowing this will be published.
    Murder sure, but not false advertisement.

    If a game is being sent out without a performance limiting software with a clear plan of introducing this for the retail version, I would argue it follows the actual definition.

    Quote: «the crime or tort of publishing, broadcasting, or otherwise publicly distributing an advertisement that contains an untrue, misleading, or deceptive representation or statement which was made knowingly or recklessly and with the intent to promote the sale of property, goods, or services to the public».

    It’s deceptive. There is no arguing it. You seem like a bright dude arguing a moot point in to deep to accept being wrong.


    I’m not wrong though, which is why I won’t accept it. They didn’t publish an advertisement. End of story. It’s shady as shit, but it’s not false advertising because they didn’t advertise anything here, let alone “no denuvo!”.


    Then I suggest you stop talking about rocket science until you gain the ability to see the world in a bit more of a nuance mate.

    Have a great weekend!


    By “more nuance” you mean “ignore meanings of words and terms”, right?

    If you didn’t advertise something you didn’t do false advertising.

    riskable, avatar

    Actually this guy is correct: What Ubisoft is doing here isn’t false advertising, it’s fraud.

    False advertising is a very specific thing: You say something that isn’t true in an ad or as part of your product’s packaging. Like saying your product has a USB C port when in reality it has a Micro USB port and comes with an adapter. Companies that pull stunts like that rarely have legal consequences but technically it is against the law (why there’s not usually legal consequences is because most retailers will refund a product within 30 days without any penalty to the consumer).

    Ubisoft is giving reviewers a different product than what they’re planning on giving to consumers. It’s like going to a car dealership, test driving a car, ordering that model, then when it finally arrives it’s a completely different car (e.g. smaller engine, different/weaker/flawed parts, etc). Case law is filled to the brim with scams like this. It’s one of the oldest and most widely-repeated types of fraud that’s ever existed: Bait and switch.


    Denuvo has an impact on performance for many games, so they artificially inflated the performance, and some people don’t buy games with Denuvo on principle, many reviewers will note that in their video.


    That’s not false advertising by the developers/publisher.


    Fuck off with your corporate shilling


    Imagine being so dumb you think that correctly pointing out when something isn’t false advertising is “corporate shilling” 😂


    You’re arguing over semantics. Legally it’s not false advertising but it effectively is. You’re both talking past each other but only one of you is being stubborn for the sake of it. I’d have little patience for you too.

    empireOfLove, (edited ) avatar

    Ubisoft does the Ubisoft thing - nothing new under the sun.

    Refund, refund, refund. The only single thing they will ever care about is the $.



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  • Pregnenolone,

    No one fucking cares. This isn’t Reddit.


    Why, you going to fight them one by one, Jay and Silent Bob style?

    resketreke, avatar
    empireOfLove, avatar

    No clue, cause my instance has downvotes disabled and idgaf lol

    Probably a corporate bootlicker(s), why there are so many who feel like they need to defend the huge game companies I have no idea…


    It’s Ubisoft, who would be surprised? Pirates get a better experience than paying customers and it’s been that way for over a decade

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