
Wizards of the coast paid $0 to fund this game, that’s why it says Larian in the publisher field on Steam and not WoTC or Hasbro.


Although they probably got some good sweet Nvidia dollars.


Honestly, this kind of pleading from the other AAA developers is just making them look pathetic. Yes, it’s reasonable not to expect BG3 for every AAA games, but it’s not because of time and money, but simply because developers are just not always going to make lightning strike twice. But these devs have plenty of time and money and they look terrible in comparison to a dev that took it’s time to make sure it was well polished before release.


Exactly. Every new game doesn’t have to be an instant classic that breaks new ground. But they should be functional, playable, and have enough polish to be considered finished. That doesn’t necessarily mean bug free, but we all know what a finished game looks like, and what one doesn’t.

The worst one I’ve ever personally played was the Lego Hobbit game. My wife and I used to line up kamikaze shots and play Lego games, figuring a child and a drunk adult were about the same level. The game stops when Smaug flies out of the mountain. Roll credits. I guess the last movie did so poorly that they never bothered making the rest of the game.


For ages, AAA games were classed as such by brand recognition, not by quality. Inevitably, they devolved into being just a platform to sell microtransactions. The shareholders want their dividents and the CEO needs a new yacht with coke and hookers.

It’s too easy to exploit the dopamine rush playing the new, official installment of a well-known series. Even if it’s terrible, the customers get their joy by ranting about how trash the game is and how they hope the next one will be better. BG3 being an actual game does not change anything and will not reset expectations.


That’s sad because TT’s games were quite good, I think they hit their apex at Lego Marvel Superheroes 1. Awesome open world, a ton of characters, and lots of exploration in addition to the normal level quests.


It is exactly what I except going forward because, as that moron mentioned this is a fucking AAA game, not a Indy game.

AAA games developers absolutely have those resources and even more, so yes, they should have all of that.

kn0wmad1c, avatar

The one thing that Shawn forgot to say is “Larian’s boardrooms aren’t filled with people who don’t play video games!!”


It's mostly owned by Sven, who is obviously very passionate about video games, storytelling, and tactical rpgs.


Well Shawn. How about this is the new standard for AAA games and if you can’t reach it than you are a AA studio at most.


We should make sure to label games exactly like this. Beta at release? Depending on microtransactions? -> It’s an AA game at most, no matter the production costs.

Syo, avatar

Even more ironic. Larian started BG3 6 years ago, or when they were still arguably AA studio.


Maybe we need to update the nomenclature. Software with loot boxes, pay to win mechanics, predatory gameplay loops, and storefront-first design should now be called “casinos”. They should have disclaimers about gambling and addiction in their load screen, have age restrictions, and should be forced to institute limits on what can be spent in a certain time frame. Feature-complete software with zero storefronts of any kind would be allowed to brand themselves as “games”.


Better idea: just make that shit illegal.


That’ll happen when pigs fly.

Hell, when customers actually learn to have some self respect for themselves.


I guess pigs fly in Belgium and Netherlands


Fair but let me make a vain attempt to save face: Did that actually make an impact in the industry, given they’re small countries with not much customers.


Not really for now, most games usually just skip releasing in banned countries. But let’s hope EU will adopt this in near future


It’s not always about making a big impact. Sometimes you just need to set an example.


Oohh. I like this. I’ve been bothered by the rise of gambling in different packaging in the world over the last decade. We really should be acknowledging that gambling is different from gaming, separating them meaningfully. Are toy department shelves still full of child gambling reandom toy bullshit too? I haven’t had reason or opportunity to pay attention to that for a few years.


I’m not sure about toys, but watching my son grow up with app stores has made me very aware of how so called “games” have been monetizing our children makes me want some real legislation and restrictions on what is legal to market to children. The “idle” category of games is just egregious. They’re a flimsy and thin veneer of game painted over a bank machine. AAA is not much better - they just have more complicated routes take your money.


Who the f is Shawn, wtf is evolve? Why is every shitty game dev crying that other people make good games, without shame? Oh that’s right, based on their releases, they have no shame.

killeronthecorner, avatar

He didn’t have anyone’s attention and he craves attention and now he has lots of attention, so I guess everything is coming up Milhouse as far as Shawn is concerned.


Hear that Gamefreak, owner of the highest-grossing media franchise of all times?

altima_neo, avatar

They learned their lesson though. They don’t need to put on any effort and people will still buy it.


I know and I fucking hate it. I was one of the fanboys defending them even through the first SwSh trailers, but the more they showed stuff the more it was clear it wasn’t the franchise I used to love anymore.

pomodoro_longbreak, avatar

The next great Pokemon game won’t be by Gamefreak, and it won’t be called Pokemon. But your kids will love it.


Man I hope the next great Pokémon (even if it’s not pokémon) doesn’t take until I have kids to come out. I heard good stuff about Coromon but I’m not sure if it’s genuinely great or “great for an indie”.


"what funding?"is a dumb question. all companies have funding. especially software. very few companies legit started in a basement and progressed to international status relying purely on profit and loss sheets.


It is not when replying to the comment. There was no funding for being a dnd game. They are simply lying for their point.

theodewere, avatar

you are ignorant.. you don't understand what he's talking about.. they are both talking about VC funding.. that means Venture Capital, which you did not know.. for some reason you are here being ignorant and loud about something you do not understand..


You ain't wrong but why so smug?

Learn some tact if you are actually looking to educate people

theodewere, avatar

maybe it's important, but i appreciate your feedback.. it's good for the discussion..


Larian recieved debt funding to found in 2009, late stage VC in 2011 (presumably to offset loan repayments), recieved ongoing support from Arkafund VC and has crowd funded every year 2013–2019. Tencent bought 3006 shares for 30% stake in either 2020 or '21 (not sure exact date).


Just as an FYI, the user who posted “what funding?” Works for Larian; director of publishing.


The OP intimated they received funding from WotC to make the game. They didn’t.

TheObserver, avatar

Who are these people? Seems like some randos if you ask me.

Call_Me_Maple, avatar

Those developers trying to shit on Larian need to cry and seethe more. Terribly incompetent people who can’t create good games themselves, why not trying taking notes instead?

Keep up the great work Larian.

Heavybell, avatar

The devs are mostly not the problem with the state of AAA games today, it’s the people telling them what to do in order to maximise profits.

Same as with most problems we face as a species, really.


But I was told every individual ruthlessly and insatiably acting solely out of greed for personal gain — regardless of ethics, morality, or empathy — was the greatest, most efficient, bestest, freedomest thing to have ever existed?

Why would corporate sociopaths lie? What could they po$$ibly have to gain?


Capitalism is the worst form of economics.

Except for all of the other ones that have been tried.


This is the bad take management wants you to have.

Call_Me_Maple, avatar

Who in management exactly? As far as I know Larian is not responsible for the tweets aside from just making a good game.


I’m not talking about Larian, I’m talking about the studios who want to keep cranking out suppisedly AAA games that are little more than creatively bankrupt, dressed up vending machines.

Call_Me_Maple, avatar

Yeah, in that case I totally agree. It’s just ineptitude shouting at excellence.

Goronmon, (edited )

Those developers trying to shit on Larian need to cry and seethe more.

I can't find developers doing this. Seems like a mostly made up concern by overly sensitive people looking to be angry about something.

Call_Me_Maple, avatar

The picture in the OP is PR for a publishing company. There are many other accounts of people who work in the industry who are angry/jealous of Larian. You’re probably just not looking in the right places.


I can’t find developers doing this.

This entire story was started by game developers on social media (Twitter) complaining about consumer expectations in the wake of Baldur’s Gate 3.


Try actually reading what the developers are saying. Most are saying that they can’t make good games because the suits won’t let them. They keep fucking over and chasing off the most experienced and visionary people, force teams to chase trends instead of concentrating on one type of game and never give them enough time.

Call_Me_Maple, avatar

From all that I’ve seen it’s more like they are trying to dismiss the success that Larian has found by saying that they are a special case which is nothing but smoke and mirrors. Larian did hard work and are being rewarded for it.


People have been saying this game is exciting because of the lack of mtx, but it seems to me that any big rpg gets a lot of attention. Eldan Ring got similar praise last year. Bioware was making these kinds of games fairly consistently about a decade ago and then stopped to make shit like Anthem. It’s a design decision not a budget problem.


Microtransactions come with specific challenges. Specifically, you have to give the players a reason to pay them, and that’s usually done by making the game purpously worse for those who don’t pay.


Or the other trend these days, Wich is to remove content from the base game and sell it as dlc or just money-gate it even if it’s on the base disk/release.


“these days” that’s been going on for over a decade


Yeah, but some of us oldies still remember the before times when we just had 35 Sims 2 expansions.


I don’t necessarily believe this to be universal. I’ve played plenty of games with cosmetic mtx that I can absolutely play without the desire or need to spend money.


Tencent owns 30% of Larian iirc, so most likely from them


Interesting I didn’t know that, how long have they owned 30%?

This post is a bit reminiscent of r/gamercirclejerk but at least your comment taught me something new and salvaged it


Not sure, at least since 2020…/1431899588324175873


Well someone posted a screenshot on Twitter so it must be true…


Okay but an actual source?

Or is this a “trust me bro” thing

SturgiesYrFase, avatar

☝️ This guy Sources!


A source on Lemmy? Don’t be ridiculous!


Owned, unless you have proof they still do.

Edit: Looked it up a bit, the shares are 70% Sven and wife, 30% Tencent. Honestly not too bad considering at the time those shares were sold, Larian was almost bankrupt.


Love seeing you edit your comment and correct yourself/validate the other user’s statement. Breathe of fresh air from the toxic doubling-down 99% of the time on reddit.


Time to kneel down and pray to our future Chinese Overlords, for they are everywhere and everything.


nah their demographics are doomed



Zoboomafoo, avatar

Because they’re having less babies than is needed to maintain or grow their population

2.1 babies/woman is about what’s needed to maintain a population, China was at 1.09 last year


Some religious extremists try to argue abortion is bad, but really it’s bad when we cut a person up into 1/10ths. Strangely silent, hmmm.

Zoboomafoo, avatar

Chopping up babies has biblical precedent


their 1 Child per family policy for decades has left them with a gigantic pile of elderly and not nearly enough working age people to support them. not to mention the young people have no training on how to support their infrastructure or manufacturing tools.


This doesn’t even mention the gender ration disparity either that is going to hit even harder as well for them. China is gonna have even more issues in the next few decades


I’ve also heard that they abort mostly female fetuses compared to male fetuses. Don’t know why, culture or something, but could also be a lie.


because if you can only have 1 child to support the family in the future you need to have the one that gets educated and paid. it went on for decades. if you search youtube for the word ‘china’ theres countless recent explanations of the various ways they are collapsing.


Why are people pretending baulders gate is the only high selling game with no microtransactions as of late? Off the top of my head Elden Ring and Tears of the Kingdom both released in the last year or so, no microtransactions or dlc as of now.

Madison_rogue, avatar

They’re not. Most of the videos and articles I’ve read specifically mention Elden Ring and TotK as other examples.


I have a large backlog of games to play before I even think about buying anything new, but is this even a good game? Serious question because I know there has been a huge amount of press on it, but haven’t watched any reviews yet (on purpose because I hate spoilers and don’t want to be tempted with a new purchase yet).


If it doesn’t immediately spark the interest to buy it, go ahead and wait for it to go on sale. It sounds like you may have buyers’ remorse if it ends up not being your thing and you pay full price.


I NEVER pay full price! But if I hear of a game that sounds interesting I’ll throw it on my wishlist and maybe buy it when it goes on sale.


That’s the spirit!

Zehzin, avatar

Do you like old school CRPGs?

Do you like tabletop/pen and paper RPGs?

Do you have one to 3 friends to play with?

If the answer is yes to 2 of those, then I highly recommend it.


I’m not too fond of CRPGs and I’m hooked on this game. It oozes excellent workmanship and appreciation for the genre/source material which makes it hard to resist.

emptyother, avatar

Yes. Yes it is. Excellent story so far. Gameplay is the best of DnD mixed with the best part of Divinity Original Sin 2. Difficulty is maybe a bit harsh the first few levels when an encounter with a bad initiative can take you out before its your turn. It looks graphically good and runs fine on older graphic cards. The companions have interesting backstories and related quests.

I havent tested it in co-op yet.

I have encountered a few bugs: Actors missing in cutscenes. Money-stacks getting corrupted. The ugly pre-order clothes just disappearing after a patch. But nothing serious.

Zoomboingding, avatar

Co-op is excellent. Drop in/drop out works flawlessly, no lag. It even has LAN options in the year of our lord 2023. One issue is that a player can start an encounter without the others and people can miss out on story. All in all highly recommended.


Co-op is legit, only had a stuttering issue that we all experienced in a certain area. But we reloaded the save and it worked fine again


It looks graphically good and runs fine on older graphic cards.

Yes, but not older processors, apparently, as I found out. I sure as hell never expected a CRPG to be the first game that screams at me to get a better one.

brawleryukon, avatar

It’s alright.

Have you played Divinity: Original Sin 2? Because it’s literally just that game with a D&D skin on it. If you liked D:OS2, or you’re really into D&D/Forgotten Realms, then it’s fine. If you were frustrated by certain things in D:OS2, they’re probably not fixed here.


I have not played that game. In fact I haven’t heard of it before.


It uses DND 5e as the underlying rules set. I hate DND 5e. It’s a garbage system full of old bad ideas, and it has such tremendous brand awareness it sucks all the air out of the hobby space.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is still an extremely good game in spite of all that.

Carighan, avatar

That sounds promising, because like you I really really really do not like the DnD system. But to hear that the game is decent in spite of that makes me curious about trying it soon, TYVM. :)


Controlling 4 digital 5e characters in rapid succession feels very different from controlling 1 character in a tabletop setting. Idk if it’s better or worse this way, but (to me) they’re pretty distinct experiences so it’s worth at least trying


Haven’t played it, but been reading/watching a lot of reviews. Seems like they got a lot right and a few things wrong, still some early bugs but not nearly the amount that most releases have, some people complain about length (very long playthroughs might drag out for some, especially the slow combat). But I suspect many people will love or hate this game based on whether they like turn based combat.


I bought the game early access a couple years ago. The reason they got so few things wrong is they actually listened to community feedback from the early access. They made a lot of minor changes on things (from what I saw most of that was to make the game feel more like DND)

landsharkkidd, avatar

Honestly I’d recommend watching someone play it to get an idea of if you like it. Steam also has the option to let you “borrow” someone’s account so I’m sure if you have friends playing this you could ask. That’s what I did and enjoyed it so much I ended up buying it.


I'm about halfway(?) and if the quality keeps up, this is going to be my favorite game of all time, beating out Elden Ring and Outer Wilds.


That’s high praise!


If you approach it with a standard videogame attitude (get the strongest weapons and most powerful skills, steal everything that is worth good money and so on), then it is a solid game.

If you approach it as a simulated tabletop rpg game, it is fantastic. You can experiment with all sorts of things. For example: in one fight I was outnumbered and cornered in a small room, with enemies coming from outside. I pulled some furniture in front of the door to block the passage, threw some oil on the ground in the other side and lit it with a torch, then hid my characters behind the walls out of any projectile’s path until I could fully heal them.

Unlike other games those weren’t things that the devs put there specifically for this fight. There was no button prompt suggesting the furniture could be moved or anything like that. They just put a bunch of stuff in the world that can be interacted with in many ways depending on what sort of skill you have and leave it up to you to find a way to use them, or not. You can still min-max your stats and ignore all that. You won’t even know you’re missing anything.

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