
The year is 2023. Gamers are expected to pay for the ability to utilize a feature built into their videocard. A true dystopia.


Okay is gamescensor written by actual people, or just some generative learning SEO site? Because wow this is a mess of an article.

The mod replaces the FSR2 upscaling technology included in the game (which is made for AMD graphics cards)

FSR2 works on every major graphics card

a more modern upscaler that is compatible with more recent Nvidia cards.


PureDark, who claimed to make more than $40,000

Nope some one else extrapolated that data from a patreon page.

It may be because AMD is “Starfield’s exclusive PC partner” and only supports FSR2 technology at launch that the game only does so.

Wat again?!?

ICastFist, avatar

PureDark, who claimed to make more than $40,000 per month from locking DLSS3 mods behind their Patreon page,

Make that 50k, his current patreon page shows over 10k members. There’s stuff for several games there, tho, like RDR2, Last of Us 2, Elden Ring, Fallout 4, etc.

Seems there’s plenty of space for competitors to enter the “offer DLSS mods for games that don’t have it”

If I was earning that much per month, I wouldn’t worry about taking extra time to add DRM to my stuff. Despite the cracked version floating around, he got more subscribers since the first stories came around and he’s at zero risk of suffering any significant loss. Pirate that shit with a clean conscience


I don’t have a problem with some mods being sold. My issue is when you price it initially for free and THEN decide later to charge money for it. That’s within your rights of course, but don’t expect people to not get pissed off enough to pirate it.


Dude can charge whatever he wants, and you can choose to buy it or not. Super weird and annoying responses here.


It’s a 1 time $5 fee. People are just mad that they’re broke after buying a 4090. Frustrations should be aimed at Nvidia, not this one dude trying to make a buck

AnUnusualRelic, avatar

After a 4090 and A 57" Samsung G9, you couldn’t afford a 5 dollar mod either!


If you can’t afford a 5 dollar mod after dropping 5k on gear, you shouldn’t be buying the gear my man lol


People should eat less avocado toast.


Yep, and buy real estate 30 years ago


Oh man, I saw a 2,000 word rant about it on Reddit. Just such whining

As if the dude would have bothered to do it for free? Likely not.

Pay, or don’t, and then reevaluate all the things you do for free and if you have room to stand


Idk, here they are pirating stuff a the expenses of a single modder from what I gather. And just to sava 5 usd? Really? A soft drink costs more and it’s probably unhealthy. There’s work behind these things, that ain’t free, you get it? I get it it’s a patreon, but what are they supposed to do if they aim to make a living on that?

BitsOfBeard, avatar

Apparently they have a history of upping the price with every mod-breaking game update.

CaptainAlcohol, (edited )

I see. Well there’s not way you could know this if you’re out of the loop. Anyway, if you’re not fine with the price tag just don’t buy it and don’t use it. No need to pirate this, it’s not a life saving tool


I understand when massive, dlc sized mods are monetized. Not when small ones are.

For example in minecraft, there was a mod with which you could pregenerate your world before making it. The creator decided to gut it and put all the good features behind his patreon.


God forbid someone make money from the things they put time into!


I mean at the end of the day its the decision of the developer who put time in it… if you’re not happy with that look for another mod or code your own.
Sure I appreciate free mods but we shouldn’t take them for granted.


Imagine putting a mod that the devs of the game it’s for can take down at any moment if they feel like it.

Imagine being dumb enough to pay for it as well!


Piracy is always ethical


So the mod creator deserves nothing for their time and work?


I mean won’t they just not provide the mod next time? Or stop supporting it? How is this good?

Grant_M, avatar

Lazy game devs should release finished optimized products.

douglasg14b, avatar

How to say you know nothing about game development without saying you know nothing about game (software) development. But want to assert your opinion on it regardless.

It’s corporate profiteering not lazy devs. The devs work their asses off, these aren’t their decisions to make.

It’s like blaming the guy finishing the drywall for design problems with the building. Lazy drywallers, ruining a good office tower, it wouldn’t be leaning if they weren’t so lazy.

Grant_M, avatar

The more people defend the lazy game devs, the more crappy half finished games we will get. The reason people need to seek out upscaling at all for Starfield is because the game isn’t optimized. Lazy design.


Or bad resource allocation by the management. If they cut performance development in favour of marketing what a developer can do?

douglasg14b, avatar

I like that you are so unwilling to learn that you associate an explanation of a field you know nothing about as “defending”



ITT: A gross misunderstanding about how mod and DLSS/RTX licencing works.

Folks act like modding is a constitutional right and not expressly allowed within TOS. Guys of Bethesda wanted to go full on piss on the community they could shut all of it MPAA style. They choose to let modders use and monitize their assets because it’s less expensive and harmful then attacking everyone e.g Nintendo.

RTX is fully redistributable without modification as long as it’s used on Nvidia hardware.



They choose to do that because the community caries their games. I wouldn’t own a single beth game if they didn’t have mod support.


And? I’m just informing everyone bitching about the legal issues who lack a fundamental understanding of the aforementioned documents.

stevedidWHAT, avatar

ITT: Bitching “the old ways were better” user clearly doesn’t understand the hipocricy of charging for mods when devs didn’t pay for access themselves.

What you get to be the only person who profits? Not the companies who made the rest of the fucking game so you can copy and paste some fucking stackoverflow implementation posts?

Dev needs to get real - enjoy that bite in your ass. Fees for thee but not for me




I think the Nms skins are looking great

p5f20w18k, avatar

This isn’t anything new, there’s some community software locked behind paywalls like patreon already. Doesn’t mean we have to like it though.

Then again, DLSS is an nvidia product, so there’s a legal issue here I think.


DLSS is free to redistribute. ……/nvidia-rtx-sdks-license-23jan2023pd….

Unless they go crazy like oracle/Java devs are encouraged to use it.

stevedidWHAT, avatar

Nah it’s free to use tech, but yes the dev is indeed still charging for something that they themselves could have to pay for but don’t.

Only the mod dev gets to make money, not any of the hundreds of people (if not more) working on the base game.

Come on man it’s fine, charge the little guy, big guy make more money. It’s simple /s


Just to clarify for everyone, only this clown’s DLSS 3 mod (3 as in frame generation) is paywalld. His dlss 2 mod (2 as in normal dlss) is free on nexus.

Also to all the mental gymnasts trying to justify this horse shit, remember, the patreon sub is $5/MONTH. This means if you buy 1 month at $5 to download the mod, and the author “conveniently” comes out with an update one month later, you need to subscibe for another $5. So basically it’s a fucking subscription for a god damn dlss 3 mod. You know the author is milking this bullshit to keep subscibers and keep his income flowing. Marty mcfly does the same fucking dogshit with his stupid ass RTGI reshade shaders. Fuck that shit. Those people can go get fucked.


Does this type of mod break with updates, or could you potentially just stay on the version you downloaded and forego any updates? I don't mod much to the point where I've paid for any, but curious the requisite of ongoing subscription for this type of thing.


That’s a good question. I’m not sure but I’d assume it would break with updates. I was thinking more about just updates the author makes to make the mod better. Likely he’ll keep working on making it better but you can bet your booty thay he’ll keep making minor updates once a month to milk his subsciber’s money. Patreon is a fucking scam.


It could. No way to tell for sure until it happens


Gaming community reaction to new games in 2023:

Starfield: install these community mods to get the game to look good, 9/10, GOTY candidate

Jedi Survivor: some performance issues but overall complete, 2/10

Diablo 4: technically flawless, 0/10, wanted Diablo 3

BG3: same issues as Jedi Survivor but no one cares, 10/10, definite GOTY


Ghost of Tsushima: narrative masterpiece, evokes the sensibilities of a time and place, despite (very) infrequent frame stuttering–particularly if there are large crowds. F-


When did that come to PC?

CordanWraith, (edited )

To be fair to Starfield, if you’re playing on the recommended hardware it runs incredibly well. I’m running a 7900xt and a Ryzen 7600X and the lowest fps I have with everything on ultra at 1440p is 80, don’t need any mods.

Edit: also Diablo 4 sucks because they turned it into another MMO with a battlepass that nobody wanted.


Diablo 4 technically flawless? The game barely works to this day. Just check the patch notes of how many abilities weren’t working. It’s still awesome but lol


BG3 one is so true. The game is clunky and finicky as hell. Everyone praising it as being polished breaks my brain.


I got it on PS5 (co-op) and in the space of 2 hours had randomly silent cutscenes, an invisible character in one, and my PSN Name and a mute icon permanently stuck the top left of the screen where all the information about rolls and characters liking or disliking things should appear.

Didn’t get any tutorials either, which is apparently a thing. So we’re just randomly pressing things and hoping it doesn’t fuck up the story for later.

It’s really quite broken in places.


Well, Just download a D&D 5th edition player manual


The game rules here are actually very different. I play a ton of 5e D&D and it’s close enough to be useful but different enough to trip me up. S great example I just found out last night after over 80 hours of play as a Paladin: the smite spells last 10 turns and apply to each attack. In 5e the smite spells only affect one attack and are usually worse than divine smite (which isn’t a spell be uses a spell slot) because divine smite you decide to use when you hit so it never wastes a spell slot while the others can miss.

I would copy it but the fucking D&D Beyond app prevents copying. The smite spells in 5e say “on the next hit” basically. A lot of spells in BG3 have simplified descriptions and it’s hard to know when it is different language or a different effect.


What do you find clunky in the game?


Not OP, and I’ve been loving the game, but it does have some jank. Pretty early in act 1 I came across a bugged quest which I couldn’t complete. Couple the occasional bugs with my inexperience never playing a game like this before and a somewhat unintuitive interface/help system, and it made for a pretty clunky onboarding experience. Now that I’ve more got the hang of things it feels better. But I needed to look for help outside of the game to really get a handle on it.


I’ve never finded bugs (Just the horny npcs One) that’s probably me being lucky. I do agree that without knowledge of a tabletop gdr or at least of other Classic RPG it’s pretty hard do get inside the mechanics. A Better tutorial Is probabily needed but still you can inspect every Word using “T” on the keyboard and read the rules


Some of the tooltips are wrong.


Yeah, once I figured out how the inspect menu worked, I started learning much faster. I feel a little dumb regarding that. When I first tried it, I just saw that it made the tooltip stick on the screen, I didn’t realize I could hover over the text for more information. So I just went “huh, that’s dumb” and barely used it again until I saw someone online do it lol.

And for what it’s worth, other than the quest bug, the rest of it is mostly just me feeling out the game, which I’m fine with and had fun with, just did a lot of save scumming. I’ve played MMOs so the interfaces and whatnot aren’t completely unfamiliar, but before this game I was only vaguely aware of how tabletop RPGs work


Inventory is clunky as fuck. When I Ctrl click multiple items and pick up and add to wares nearly 100% of the time it fails on the first and I have to do it a second time. Dragging items to other characters when inventories are filtered will actually swap with the item that would be in that slot of their pack without the filter rather than the one showing. Opening containers (especially the ones that need an item inserted like puzzles) get covered by the main inventory and I have to drag them over. Everything with moving items around just feels slow as hell in general. I can’t manage characters’ inventory unless they’re in the party so I have to go through the dialogue to kick someone out then let someone join which isn’t all that long but can add up when they’re on opposite sides of camp and you realize you forgot something. The search is nice but why not let us search camp inventory too, that’s where most of my crap is. Items in containers in your inventory can help with clutter but they aren’t added to the hot bar automatically.

Last night I had two enemies spasm out of existence. One of them was so glitched that the game crashed when I killed them. I’ve had multiple enemies just sit as round for nearly ten seconds or more trying to decide what to do before they do it sometimes even at the end of their turn. When dealing with elevation in battles it is absolutely awful to try and target shit above you, there’s no way to have the camera “move up a floor”, you can sort of get around this by selecting an enemy on that floor but it’s tricky. Trying to do anything precise in combat is a pain. There’s no easy way to get you character to jump the maximum distance without moving first for example. Also it’s an annoying choice to make jumping take movement like 5e but also take a bonus action like D&D One, it should be one or the other, not both. There’s no easy way to save 10 ft of movement at the end, you’ll move 20 ft only to realize you have 9.9 ft of movement left and don’t have 10 ft for the jump.

There’s no way to demo what a dye will look like before using it. There’s no way to know if an item it’s dyed and with what. There’s no way to add wares to the barter screen (which is what the name wares seems to imply to me), only on the trade screen.

I’ve had a few dialogues that were confusing and seemed to rely on events that didn’t happen. Astarion told me he was a vampire then later but me but still acted like it was a big reveal moment. When clearing out the Githyanki creche multiple characters said something about how it’s a good thing we didn’t nuke them or something? That was never an option I saw. No idea what they’re talking about.

Characters will willfully walk into things that damage them including spotted traps and AOE spells from the battle they were in rather than walk around them. This is not in turn based mode, this is real time. When in real time why not just walk around it rather than mindlessly walk towards the player? Even if you want to blame me for the traps saying I should be in turn based mode (which is silly because they know the trap is there, it is spotted) when a battle ends with an AOE damage effect still on the field they automatically enter turn based mode and walk to me through it and take damage.

I’ve had times where I told them to walk somewhere only for the game to say I can’t get there so I have to figure out a tricky jump. Then everyone will walk around some nearby path and get to me without doing a jump at all.

Lit areas around characters die to weapons or spells do not show up with the clear outline that stationary lights have when in stealth mode.

This is all shit just off the top of my head. I’m fully aware a lot of it is minor. I’m fully aware a lot of it can be somewhat avoided or dealt with. It just frustrates me to no end to see people defending this game as if their baby is being attacked. Here’s the thing: I love this game! I’ve been enjoying it a lot! But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have bugs. It doesn’t mean it is above criticism. A game can be a great game and still have flaws. It just irks me to no end to see how so many of the reviews of the game call it polished when it’s just not. Especially when the context of a lot of the reviews are spinning a narrative that this game should set a new standard that triple A studios have failed to meet. This feels like every Bethesda game (pre Fallout 76) did on launch: a ton of promise and a lot of fun but very rough around the edges. And I don’t appreciate it when fans of the game mock and victim blame me for problems in the game.


Jedi survivor and Baldur’s gate 3 are in very different genres. Performance issues in a turn based game is way more forgivable imo


DLSS 3 is way better than 2, so I pirated the shit out of that mod. Frame Generation is a game changer. It’s like a magic button that gives you an extra 30-60 FPS for free. Never understood the hate.


Why do people hate on it? I thought ot was pretty clear that it’s great. Unfortunately i can’t use it since I have a 3080.


It’s great if you have a decent framerate to start with, but it really struggles at lower framerates and you’ll get a lot of ugly artifacts if there’s any rapid movement on screen.


Where would one pirate thie mod?

Psythik, (edited )

An alternative mod that does the same thing is on the* Nexus now; you no longer need to pirate anything. Just download that.

TheGrandNagus, (edited )

DLSS 3 is far worse than DLSS 2 IMO.

There’s basically zero disadvantage to turning on DLSS 2. Most of the time you cannot or can barely tell the difference.

DLSS 3 introduces lots of artifacting, some frames straight up look like DALL-E image, it adds input lag, and it needs you to already have a high framerate to start with to make it bearable, text in particular gets mangled by it.

Fast paced games and games that rely on quick reactions are a no-go for DLSS 3. It’s suitable for games like MS flight sim where adding input lag doesn’t really matter and there’s not rapid movement.


Knock it off with the fake news. My TV artifacts more than my 4090 when converting 24Hz films to 60/120. You can’t even notice any artifacting in DLSS 3 without taking screenshots and pixel-peeping. Quit talking out of your ass. DLSS 3 FG works amazingly well in Starfield.


If you think you can’t see any artifacting with DLSS 3 then you are crazy.

pory, avatar

You’re arguing about visual fidelity with someone who uses their TV to “convert 24hz movies to 120fps”. It’s the equivalent of the guy who got into a heated debate over Italian food with a Redditor that also posted about drinking his own piss on /r/piss.


Yes, because comparing apples to oranges is the same thing as drinking your own piss. Get real, my dude.


Do you not understand how analogy works? Nobody is comparing what you did with drinking piss.


So I take it somebody else is providing a dlss 3 mod for free then?


Yes, it already exists on Nexus, and without ReShade, but it is currently crashing the game a lot for users.


Why would reshade be relevant? I don’t get why without reshade is even worth mentioning?


The DLSS3 mod runs via ReShade. I don’t mind people charging for their work, but this guy is selling access to an Nvidia dll via an open source tool, which I am not a fan of. Not a lot of original work, just repackaging.


I’m talking about the DLSS3 mod with Frame Generation that is free on Nexus and doesn’t rely on ReShade. It was created by another person.


That McFly guy has been riding the “It’ll be released soon™” train for something like five years at this point.


I don’t feel bad for anyone pushing a subscription model.


Personally I find it hard to care as I won’t be playing the game for longer then a month anyhow. That said, real easy to wait for someone else to drop a dlss3 mod or just go without.

stevedidWHAT, avatar

Even easier to download the mod from someone else.

dylanTheDeveloper, avatar

Okay but Martys RTGI is great and works in quite alot of games without much tinkering (just need to access depth buffer), don’t mind paying for it. Useally sub and let it expire once every few years.

stevedidWHAT, avatar

“I don’t mind buying my own painting and then paying monthly for it to have some details filled in that eventually get painted over anyway at some rate”

Is it morally wrong to have someone spy on the detail painter and copy their techniques? (In this metaphor techniques are DLSS implementation, not the paint (DLSS itself))

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