
Also a depiction of how much of that space is actually paid for by car owners with registration fees. Someone has to pay the road fees to maintain all that walking space too.

Also to consider that the way the shops are build like that is because of cars not foot traffic. If it were a walking space that was explicitly built for walking and then was actually ‘surrendered’ to cars it would have been built quite differently to begin with. So it is far from accurate.

yA3xAKQMbq, (edited )

Also to consider that the way the shops are build like that is because of cars not foot traffic.

Aah, yes, all the European cities which were built way before the car and look like that were built because of cars 🤡


transit and emergency vehicles should be allowed to be there.


And no one, absolutely nobody, has said otherwise.


paid for by car owners.

Ah you sweet summer child. You still believe that cars actual finance the roads. Watch this video from 3:15 mark.…


Coincidentally it is the same space that is used by bikes. Or does the artist picture them as combat-biking on the pavement?

herrwoland, avatar

Bikes take much less space and they will go around people, it’s not uncommon for roads to be shared for bikes and pedestrians at the same time. On the other hand you risk getting hit by a car if you walk into the streets, thus the metaphor of falling down a chasm.


Bikes take much less space and they will go around people,

Well, I seriously doubt that bikes generally go “around” people. For pedestrians in a pedestrian environment, a bike is about as dangerous as a car is for bikes on a road.

you risk getting hit by a car if you walk into the streets

Just like you risk getting run over by a combat-biker in the pavement, the pedestrian zone in the city, or a pedestrian crossing. And don’t tell me those things dont happen - I see them every day.


For pedestrians in a pedestrian environment, a bike is about as dangerous as a car is for bikes on a road.

Numbers, please.

Just like you risk getting run over by a combat-biker in the pavement […] I see them every day.

Numbers, please.

herrwoland, avatar

I don’t know where you come from (I guess US?) but I live in a city that has a very long bike lane shared with pedestrian sidewalk and I take that road very often, nothing ever happens. Worst case scenario I just ring my bicycle bell and they move aside, which is a plus because I love ringing my bell :)


I guess US?

Nope. Europe.

Worst case scenario I just ring my bicycle bell and they move aside

That’s what I’m talking about: Bikers complain about cars, but totally ignore their relationship to pedestrians. “I ring my bell and let them hop away”…

herrwoland, avatar

You qre a very angry person. Absolutely nobody has any issues with what I described 🤷‍♂️


I’m not angry. I just describe facts that you obviously don’t like.


When pedestrians occupy the full width of the path, what do you expect me to do but ring my bell to ask for room to pass them?


Asking for room is OK. But the usual tone is “jump out of the way, or else!”. Just today there was a letter to the editor in the newspaper about reckless bikers in a busy underpass here. Admittedly, this underpass is to narrow for it’s use, but this women regularly observes bikers who speed up down the ramp to the underpass and basically plow through the pedestrian passage at full speed from both directions - and the passage is just 3m/10ft wide.


That sounds like really bad pathway design, I presume the underpass has a downhill entry and uphill exit, encouraging cyclists to gain speed on entry to make the exit easier

I would complain about that underpass rather than the people using it the obvious way


Actually, it does not encourage cyclists to speed down there. It is a pedestrian underpass, and the signs say that cyclists must dismount. But cyclists being cyclists, they don’t.


I think it’s funny because even if cars weren’t invented then the images presented would still be the same. Cars followed the convention that was before them… horses, and horses with carts and cartridges.


Not really, cars are faster and more deadly. People had to be somewhat careful. The auto industry invented a slur (jaywalking) to convince people the street was no a place for people outside of a car. Look up old footage of cities, people are everywhere in the street.


The topic is “Look at the roads, this is because of cars”… Well, no it’s not at all. It was already like this before cars were invented.

Furthermore, Americans invented the slur. Everywhere else in the world it’s called crossing the road and is perfectly normal.

yA3xAKQMbq, (edited )

Ever seen pictures and movies (yes, they exist) before cars were the norm? Streets were for people. People were not “crossing” the road, they walked . People walked everywhere.

lemmyingly, (edited )

You and I have seen very different imagery then. I have not seen an image as you have described, yet I have seen many images of what I described. No bias in the search either “roads before cars existed”. Obviously I’ve just done it now to check if I was wrong.

Edit: ……/eastermorning1900nyc.jpg




See above…


See my edit too.


Congratulations, you found three pictures of the two largest cities in Europe and the US at their time. Where there streets with mostly horse carriages? Yes. Where they the norm? No.

Why and when do you think traffic lights and zebra were invented. Why didn’t they exist before?


You answered your own questions with opinions. Your last couple of questions are irrelevant.

The issue of the topic was around before cars were invented. I’m sorry it doesn’t fit your agenda.


Every time I see this photo it’s more and more mangled


This is such a weird picture, because you can still walk out into the street when there’s no vehicles around


Man this sub is weird. i would block it but im kinda curious to see if it devolves into some kind of weird flat yearthy / vegany hybrid sub. god speed to you all, cuz you dont have cars i guess.


Plenty of regulars of this sub do have cars and no issue with using them, but instead just want cities to favor other methods of transportation. This would be a good example. Not sure what relation do you think any of this has to flat earthers.


It’s fine to be against cars and not use them. But then to be obsessed about it to the point you end up preaching it like hardcore vegans, it gets obnoxious and is counterproductive. The reason for the connection to flat earth is because there are plenty of valid conspiracy theories to be analysed (oil companies doing suspicious shit) and having seen multiple posts about how roads are not meant to exists indicates the early stages of a warped worldview. And i sont just mean “the current road structures are bad”, but rather it being porttayed as unnatural and therefore bad. Combining these factors makes me think these anti car communities are headed in that direction. But idk enough about it to know if it will happen, its just based on loose snippets i’ve seen from these communities.


having seen multiple posts about how roads are not meant to exists

Can you point to these “multiple posts”? Because I have never seen a single post here, nor on other communities including reddit saying “roads are not meant to exist”.

But idk enough about it

just based on loose snippets

You go on a lengthy explanation why you think there’s a “connection to flat earth” and fuck cars only to then concede that you have literally no idea what you’re talking about?

You know what “early stages of a warped worldview” are? Your posts here.


nah, ill just see what happens. i dont care enough about any of this to justify spending time defending my viewpoint. especially when the dude asking me to do so warps what im saying right out of the gate. good luck on your journey to ending cars

karlach, avatar

Jaywalkers are people with jetpacks


Now do the hazards of transit in which you accurately depict how monorails have the potential for incredibly tragic death for people falling out of it if it’s overcrowded because ‘EMISSIONS’ cuz while we can talk public transport we better talk about the severely lacking supportive infrastructure for everyone going back to work when they could be perfectly fine working at home but oh no someone claimed we create just as much emissions staying at home but that is clearly ignoring that transit also creates emissions.

psud, (edited )

Which cities are building transit that one can fall out of?

The closest I have seen is the incredibly crowded tube lines in London, where one may be pushed out on a platform other than which they want


If you ever see a sign that says ‘don’t lean on door’ it actually means “don’t let people crowd so hard against you that you fall out the door” is more accurate of the scenario that happens. There are no bouncers on transit that can stop too many people getting on a vessel. There is also no limit on population. There is also no law stating “not everyone should show up at work at 9am exactly”


It’s missing parking lots :(

karlach, avatar

Lololol you can cross the street outside of crosswalks.

Swedneck, avatar

in many places the law says that you must cross at a crosswalk

Uranium3006, avatar

In many places it's illegal and where it's legal it's often dangerous


I recall reading a study about stray dogs in urban environments. I don’t remember much from it, but I diatinctly remember the authors discovered that urban dogs tended to avoid intersections. They would walk down the block a significant distance before attempting to cross a street.

Intersections are complicated. Traffic can be coming from any direction, turning toward or away from your path. Halfway down the block, though, traffic is only approaching from two directions. Much less going on, and much safer for the animal.


You can use a rusted nail as a toothpick, but I wouldn’t recommend doing so.


Good Lord you people live very frightened lives.

FlyingSquid, avatar

Not when cops will ticket you for it.



FlyingSquid, avatar

Okay, roll your eyes. I saw it all the time when I lived in L.A.

dog_, (edited )


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  • Isoprenoid,

    Cargo bikes need to become more common. It would have easily carried a laser printer … and a second laser printer … and your groceries for the week … and a kitchen appliance.

    Edit: Here are the examples from the Not Just Bikes video on cargo bikes:

    dog_, (edited )


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  • Nouveau_Burnswick,

    Hench why they said they should become more common.

    There’s a few pilot projects for cargobike shares popping up in my city, and I hope they become more prolific to allow everyone easy access without having to own.


    There’s also the option of renting a car that single time.


    Or just paying for delivery.


    What exactly made the theoretical bike not an option instead of the theoretical car?

    kadu, (edited ) avatar

    The bike doesn’t go vroom vroom really loudly so it’s not manly enough, obviously



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  • FlyingSquid, avatar

    Jesus Christ. Take the bus home. Get the bike. Ride the bike to where the printer is. Put the printer on the bike, and ride home.


    Because you were wishing for a car but ruled out a bike as an option? 🤪

    Good grief…


    Even a rear or front cargo rack or basket that’s big enough should be able to carry most items.

    Here’s a large rear cargo rack that should work:



    Swedneck, avatar

    i mean this is why we invented carts lol



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  • Gabu,

    Just use a bicycle, then?



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  • Gabu,

    You can’t use a car either, so your point is?



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  • Gabu,

    Why not?



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  • oldGregg,

    A cart for your bike is a thousand times cheaper than a car loan, title, monthly insurance, gas, and maintenance of a car.

    Swedneck, avatar

    you literally just said you carried a printer 3 miles, what are you on about?


    Taxi? wheelbarrow? Cart? Steal a shopping cart?

    I used to say things like this when I lived without a car, but it took me way too long to realize other people walking to the grocery would take a taxi/Uber home. It makes it a lot easier to carry the load and it’s not too expensive in one direction for a short distance



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  • ASeriesOfPoorChoices,

    You can’t “find” a cart or wheelbarrow or trolley? 🤦



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  • ASeriesOfPoorChoices,

    No, you numpty. In such a situation, you pay for it, ask them to hold it behind the counter for you and you’ll be back to pick it up.

    Then you come back with a way to pick it up.


    But you can take a car on the school bus? What the fuck are you on about?

    derpoltergeist, avatar

    @dog_ @Potatos_are_not_friends ok, but how often do you carry a laser printer? Should all urban design be made to prioritize cars just so someone can carry something heavy once every three years? Wouldn't it be better if you only had to use a car when you actually needed it?



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  • derpoltergeist, avatar

    @dog_ yes, it's fine to use cars from time to time. But is it fine to absolutely destroy our cities to prioritize space for cars? That's the point of this community. It's not "never use a car", it's "cities should belong to people, we shouldn't have to give up so much space for cars".



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  • derpoltergeist, avatar

    @dog_ ok, cities, towns, human settlements, whatever you want to call it. Why should any of those be made for cars and not for people?

    derpoltergeist, avatar

    @dog_ replying to your edit: if you live in a place that forces you to drive, that's not your fault. We're all striving here so more places can be places where you're, actually, not forced to drive a car.

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    And I wish it wasn’t raining when my daughter had her 8th birthday party in the park. We don’t always get what we want in this world, even when we’re doing something we want to do.


    I wish I had a private plane available to me


    That’s such a contrived example why would we even bother with it?

    Typically when people purchase or obtain items that they need to transport home or to someplace, they do some sort of planning ahead. Also, when I was a kid and needed transportation I typically could just ask an adult to help out with this. Or, another option would be to ask the school to hold the object until you could arrange transportation.

    In any case, three miles is not a particularly long distance to traverse, and as you pointed out above you were actually able to walk that distance while carrying it. Well laser printers are somewhat heavy, I’m sure it was a little annoying to carry and you probably had to stop several times and rest. By myself had to carry 30 lb of lumber about 3 mi home from the lumber store years ago when I didn’t have a car. And yes I was able to manage.

    However, cargo bicycles exist and are quite popular in many parts of the world including the United States and can carry up to 400 lbs, so it is not true that the only means of transporting moderately weighty items is by automobile.


    In fact, I would be willing to bet that you would not even need a cargo bicycle but a normal bicycle with a rear rack and a couple of bungee cords would probably suffice. I know this because I got away without having a bicycle for 6 years as an adult American in a city and even went bicycle camping a few times with my friends.


    I gotta hand it to you, kid, you’re the perfect specimen why communities like fuck cars exist, and why nothing is changing.

    Even presented with a fucking wishing well you cannot come up with anything but “CAaAaR”, because your imagination spans from wall to wallpaper.

    You could have imagined and wished for e.g. a working infrastructure of cargo bike sharing, but nope!, car it is!

    You don’t understand why people hate cars, you’re part of the reason people hate cars.

    I don’t have money, I don’t make money, so I couldn’t get an Uber/Lyft/Taxi (Not to mention that we don’t have taxis where I live).

    Ah, a car is free, of course, it just drops out of nowhere and runs on unicorn dust. Tonight, please ask mommy and daddy what they’re paying for their car(s). Full cost: down payment, monthly payments, fuel, repairs, insurance, loss of value, everything.

    I’m gonna tl;dr it for you: if you cannot afford a taxi/uber/whatever even once, you cannot afford a car. There, that was easy, wasn’t it?

    I ruled a bike out as an option as I CANNOT take a bike onto a school bus, so I can get to school.

    I thought the printer was just 3 miles away? Did it ever occur to you you could have just gone home, pick up the cargo bike, ride the 3 miles to the printer which literally takes 10 minutes and pick it up?


    Hey, I know that place. That’s exactly what the old downtown area of my native city looked like while they were renovating all the streets (which took well over a year).

    Also looks like Venice, just fill the hole with water.l and tourist will be pouring in.

    Note: to be fair, after finishing the work in my city, those streets were all closed off to cars except for people who live there (not many) and deliveries for the local businesses.


    The walkways are a fair bit wider in Venice.


    Cars also have people in them, which images like this conveniently forget.

    TheBat, avatar

    🚘🧠 spotted


    People also have cars in them, which comments like this conveniently forget.

    Swedneck, avatar

    have you seen that ad showing people simulating traffic but without the cars? it’s just even more poignant as it shows how absurdly inefficient cars are at transporting people (on average a car contains 1.2 people).

    Swedneck, avatar

    this isn’t even as hilariously obvious as that ad is, i searched it up because look at this shit lmao


    I’d love to see a video that takes this concept, but walks around with it. Literally

    Start by getting out of a car on the side of the street or in a parking lot, and when the camera gets out of the car, all the “car areas” drop away, leaving only the paths you’re “allowed” to take. Tiny sections right against the parking spaces, zebra crossings, sidewalks, all normal (or in this style).

    Camera goes about a normal day, and as they’re looking around, all the car designated areas are just voids.

    Bonus points if areas you’re technically not supposed to walk are boxed off in like a video game style DO NOT ENTER wall. For instance, there are sections of my city with NO sidewalks, up against private residences. So your options are walk over people’s yards or in the street. In this scenario, it’s a void against a wall. Good luck.

    I’m just thinking about walking to get to downtown, and there’s no way I could do it without being somewhere I’m “not allowed”. And imagining the massive voids everywhere is a bit depressing. Not that roads and parking lot deserts are any less depressing… I need to go walk in the woods for a bit…


    And sudden cracks and voids appear, when cars park on sidewalks or a car crashes into pedestrian areas.

    the_real_monte, avatar

    Sounds like something that Corridor Crew/Wren would make


    I’m just thinking about walking to get to downtown, and there’s no way I could do it without being somewhere I’m “not allowed”.

    If I want to cross the 4-lane road just outside my apartment, there is simply no legal way to do it. There is an intersection but no crosswalks and no way to request to cross. I shouldn’t have to have a vehicle just to get from one side of the road to the other.

    Neato, avatar

    In most states you can cross at any intersection without crosswalks.


    The cross at will laws


    And in many countries “jaywalking” is not illegal at all.

    karlach, avatar

    zebra crossings

    “CAUTION! Pedestrians must be accompanied by at least one Void Navigator when crossing the Void.”


    Something like this?

    Not quite the way you describe it, but I you reminded me of this vid anyway


    Okay, so if there are no more cars and only public transports, people can walk all over the road without worry? Where do you think buses drive?


    Most transit advocates prefer trams/streetcars over buses. They’re safer and can coexist with people much better.


    Not to mention the fact that rails can be placed underground


    Public transport needs much less space than cars. Especially if you put all the parking lots into the equation. So much space in cities is wasted by cars that do not even move most of the day.

    dual_sport_dork, avatar

    Also delivery vehicles? The hipster organically grown vegetables in the local bodega at the foot of your apartment building in your walkable urban utopia don’t arrive there by magic.



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  • Zehzin, avatar

    If I don’t invent someone to be mad at how am I supposed to reinforce that I’m right?


    Pour one out for all the Dutch, who don’t know what vegetables are because they bike everywhere and have walkable cities.


    One of your two braincells must’ve died.


    The point is that the whole thing should be designed differently. We should focus these spaces around people rather than cars. There probably wouldn’t even be roads there at all. Streets would be fewer and with more space between them, and they would be designed to defer to pedestrian traffic more often, rather than the other way around. Bus stops would be on those streets, and pedestrians would walk a distance away to board them, while moving through safe, walking-focused sidewalks and avenues on the way.


    It’s a fucking metaphor. JFC…


    This surely translate to less traffic, better commute times, less noises, less pollution, safer streets and the list goes on.


    It’s one bus every so often vs a non stop stream of cars. That’s the difference.


    It’s only every so often because of all the other cars there. When there are no cars, the buses will be a LOT more frequent

    Ooops, avatar

    🤦‍♀️ I literally gave you the space requirements of cars vs PT in a city that already has stellar public transport compared to the US, and you still can only come up with this utterly lobotomized hot take. Please tell me you’re not developing something important.

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    As frequent as cars are now? Doubtful.

    yA3xAKQMbq, (edited )

    It’s almost like everyone would have more space if cars wouldn’t eat up 50% of the available space, while public transport and bikes only get 4% and 2%… :O Ö O: .O.

    And this is in an area of Berlin where only 13% of trips are taken by car while bikes and public transport account for 32% and 22%.


    Buses are better than cars but they’re still the worst form of public transport. They pollute like cars. They’re dangerous like cars. And they move as slowly as the traffic, like cars.

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    To be fair, some cities have an EV bus fleet, which is much less polluting.


    True but tyre pollution and road wear are still huge issues.

    Swedneck, avatar

    my dude you do realize that’s exactly what people did in the past before cars existed, right? There’s a video of olden gothenburg that shows kids running in front of the trams for fun!

    And if you go there now you’ll see people crossing precisely wherever the fuck they please, because it’s just inherently way easier to deal with a couple public transport vehicles per minute than it is 50 cars.

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