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Yerbouti, in The government of Québec goes back on their "public transit or nothing" pledge on 3rd link

This is the most BS governement we had over the past 20 years. Legault doesnt even pretend like he gives a single fuck about environnement. He would build a nuclear central in the middle of Québec city if he beleive that would give him more votes. I hate that stupid governement with passion. I’m still pretty confident nothing will happened with that project, but why even keep talking about it.



A nuclear power station in the middle of Quebec city would actually be environmentally beneficial so I don’t know what you were trying to prove there but it didn’t work…


Lol. I’m not entirely against nuclear, but if you think a nuclear central in the middle of any widely populated city is a good idea (especially the capital of a province with the potential for 100% renewable energy from hydro, wind, solar), I suggest you reevaluate your knowledge on the subject. Or maybe join the CAQ.


Nuclear power is extremely safe, especially in a zone where there’s very little seismic activity and it’s clean energy.

Getting your energy from a source that’s not thousands of km away is also much safer as it relies on much less infrastructure.

Generating power for the major cities without needing to transport it from the northern part of the province would allow us to send the surplus to the USA to help decarbonise their production and since it’s not for local use it might as well come from a source that’s more at risk of shutting down because of wildfires or, in the long run, climate change.

And I’ll continue voting left, thank you very much.


All right, as long as we’re talking Fukushima level safety, I’m on board. Lets ditch hydroelectricty and build a nuclear central in the middle of north America’s oldest city

Kecessa, (edited )

Yeah, if you can’t see the difference between the locations then I guess this conversation isn’t worth continuing… Anti-nuclear “greens” are killing the movement’s credibility…

Edit: Looking back at your first comment “most bs government in 20 years”, guess you’re not very old to not remember the Liberals that got elected 20 years ago!


C’est vrai que c’est pas pareil! Ça remonte à quand le dernier tremblement de terre au Québec déjà!? Oh la semaine passée vraiment? Anyway je suis prêt à prendre le risque, de toute façon j’habite pas à Québec donc c’est pas mon problème.

Pour mon 1er commentaire, je maintiens que c’est le pire gouvernement depuis “au moins” 20 ans, oui. Pire que les libéraux de Charest, oui. C’est un parti de division : catholique vs les autres, Montréal vs le reste de la province, québécois de souche vs immigrants, propriétaire vs locataires, entrepeneurs vs salariés. Ce parti ne fait qu’accentuer les divisons entre les québécois, a des fins purement électoralistes. Et je sais pas pourquoi mon âge t’intéresse, mais il y a 20 ans, j’étais déjà en age de voter et non, c’est pas moi qui a fait élire les libéraux, ni le pq d’ailleurs. Tu chercheras l’UMP.


C’était quoi la magnitude déjà? Combien il y en a au Québec vs au Japon? C’est correct, je comprends, c’est dur d’admettre qu’on comprend pas de quoi on parle 😉

Ok buhbye là!


Lol, c’est vrai que les japonais sont un peu stupides, toi tu l’aurais assurément prédit cet évènement imprévisible, avec ton intelligence supérieure qui trouve bonne l’idée de sacrer une centrale dans le milieu d’une ville de 500k habitants (je peux pas croire qu’on discute sérieusement de cette joke-là), et ton expertise en nucléaire probablement appuyée sur un cégep en science-humaine et un couple de vidéos youtube. Mais sérieusement, je t’en pris, explique-moi: Comme le nucléaire est une source magique et infini d’énergie sans conséquence négativ, pourquoi est-ce qu’il n’y a pas déjà une centrale nucléaire dans toutes les villes? Complot organisé par les “mauvais” écologistes qui savent pas de quoi ils parlent, partenariat secret entre drags-queen-capitalistes et le parti libéral, scientifiques corrompus? Et pour les déchets, on va les mettre dans la cour au chalet de tes parents je suppose? C’est 100% sécuritaire, non? Ou ben on les ship dans un pays en voie de développement?


Eille tit gars, j’ai dis buhbye, envoye scram avec tes niaiseries

Nurgle, in [meme] What would cities be like today if we had never demolished our streetcar networks?

Remember to ask demand grade separate transit, folks!

@_cnt0@unilem.org avatar

Fyi: ask ⟶ ask


Weird it renders right on my app/device. Good to know!

fra_beone, in cycling in Italian cities

Italian here, from a small/medium city nearby Milan. Experience might vary, but generally speaking, Italy is not a very bike friendly country. In the cities you might have separated bike lanes, bike lanes which are part of the street and devided from it by, well, a strip of paint, or no bike lane at all. Outside of the cities, yeah, those are for hard core cyclists and, unless you are in the countryside, not safe at all. The point is, safety on a bike is not guaranteed and you should be aware that our streets are built for cars first. I live in the Netherlands and here the infrastructures are built FOR bikes rather than being an afterthought. Be safe, wear an helmet and hope no one abruptly opens a car door while parked next to a bike lane.

Little OT: mopeds and electric bikes are turning bike lanes in the Netherlands a nightmare too. I am of the idea that electric bikes (the non-assisted types) and mopeds should belong to streets, should have an insurance, a plate an require a motorcycle rated helmet. Sorry, delivery guys. You are danger to other cyclists.


Yes, helmet + fluorescent stuff. Try to take smaller roads, but not always possible. The difference was just striking between for example Alessandria (pretty much 0 cycling) and Lodi (lots) while infrastructure seems almost equally bad.

I am from Belgium, Speed pedelecs (45 km/h!!) are ruining our bike paths too… :( they shouldn’t be allowed on the cycling paths, the speed difference with a regular non electric cyclist (15 km/h?) and especially kids and old people on regular bikes is just too big, and the speed pedelecers (car brains on a fast bike) bring a very toxic behaviour to the cycle paths

drkt, in [meme] Communist Netherlands vs Freedom-Loving USA

It’s getting downvoted, but I want you to know I thought it was funny. It didn’t go completely unappreciated.

@Humanius@lemmy.world avatar

Glad at least someone appreciated it :)

@nei7jc@lemmy.world avatar

I feel like this comment’s rating shows that people don’t think before downvoting.


I laughed. Well done mate.

Pxtl, in Obligatory XKCD!
@Pxtl@lemmy.ca avatar

He wants the harpoon from snow crash.

I want the stickers.

And the shockwave projector.


Can I mount Reason on my bike

@pandarang@kbin.social avatar

... and the dentata.

BuddyTheBeefalo, in [video] Cargo trams (not trucks) should be how we move goods in our cities

Sounds like a pretty niche use case, there’s not many factories in the middle of cities that have a tram line running to them.

And at 15 tonne per car, 7.5 in the end cars, the payload isn’t particularly impressive either.

This also didn’t deliver product to the final destination, which is what most urban trucks are doing.

@ares35@kbin.social avatar

but something like this would get product coming-in from outside a metro area close enough to high-density population and business centers to where smaller EV delivery vehicles or postal services (they already go door-to-door each day) can do the 'last-mile'.


It really sounds like you’re inventing a use case for this technology, to be honest. Most logistics centres are on the outskirts of the city, and linehaul vehicles are loaded and unloaded there, having something like that in the city centre would be a very inefficient use of space.

It also wouldn’t reduce the vehicle movements inside the city by much at all.

FlyingSquid, in [blog] Stay alive and enjoy the ride: Imposing 20mph speed limits to protect lives – time for furious drivers to embrace reality
@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

One of the problems is that a lot of cars have trouble driving at that speed. It’s really difficult to get them to remain at a constant speed under 25 mph or so, which can end up being extremely frustrating for the driver and encourages them to go faster than the speed limit. I realize this is a car design problem, but it’s still a problem at present until that is fixed.

colforge, (edited )

Is this a European car thing or a driver skill issue? As an American I’ve never had a problem maintaining slow speeds in any vehicle I’ve driven - manual or automatic.

Edit: I am starting to realize that some drivers are startlingly dependent on cruise control to maintain a target speed.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

As an American, I sure have. Including my current Prius which doesn’t drive consistently between about 5 and 25 mph. And that was true of my previous Honda Civic as well.


Are these newer models or in poor condition or something? I’ve driven well maintained older Prius, Civic, and Accord vehicles without these issues and I LOVED how the Civic handled all around.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

2006 Civic traded in for a 2016 Prius. Maybe you’re better at handling a car than other people, but my subdivision is 20 mph the whole way through and I have never myself or been behind anyone who can drive that speed consistently. It’s always plus or minus 5 mph, usually wavering between them. I don’t think all of the dozens of drivers in this large subdivision are bad drivers.

@jerkface@lemmy.ca avatar

Presumably it is a skill like all other aspects of driving, and people have little experience doing it.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

That still sounds like a design problem if it requires skill to just drive consistently at 20 mph. Why should that require skill any more than driving consistently at 30 mph?


It requires skills to drive at any speed.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

You actually think it requires skill to drive at 30 mph? Because I was able to do it pretty well the first time I ever stepped behind the wheel of a car.


Yes I do believe it takes skills to safely hurtle serveral thousand pounds of steel through a neighborhood. You must keep the vehicle between the lines, maintain adequate following distance, look for and follow signs and signals, and have a high reaction time for anything that may cause a potential collision like another car, cyclist, or pedestrian. There is a lot of hand-eye coordination, a knowledge base, and physical capabilities required to drive safely. Driving is a skill. It is something someone learns to do through experience like any other skill.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Now you are moving the goalposts. We are talking solely about driving at a consistent speed. That is something novices can do without a problem at 30 mph.


Driving at a consistent speed requires skills to do it safely. Unless you are exclussively driving under controlled conditions where nobody else has access to use the street, you need a base set of skills.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

I can’t believe you’re actually saying driving 20 mph takes significant skills. That’s ridiculous and if it’s true, then 20 mph shouldn’t be expected of anyone.


Yup it is a skill and one that studies show people tend to overestimate their abilities with. All the more reason to invest as a society in alternative transportation and heavily cut down on the overall number of drivers behind the wheel.

@jerkface@lemmy.ca avatar

Dude. People manage to do it. If you can’t, practice. If that doesn’t help you, I don’t know what the fuck to tell you except get off the road.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

And lots of people don’t manage to do it, so what’s the point?

@jerkface@lemmy.ca avatar

get off the road

@snooggums@kbin.social avatar

Most people don't do a great job of staying at exactly 30, but going up and down a few mph at 20 is way more noticeable than at 30.


I don’t see why it’s a big deal. The streets near me that are 20 mph are all residential streets with stop signs, driveways, and street parking. You’re almost never going a consistent speed for more than couple hundred feet anyway.


100% skill issue. @FlyingSquid was self-reporting his incompetence.


I’m so confused by the number of people in these comments who apparently can’t maintain speed without cruise control.

@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

This is almost certainly not a European thing. A lot of people here still drive manually and just idling in 1st gear gives you a steady 7-10km/h... or "walking speed" as used in really dense and mostly pedestrian areas cars are still allowed to use. Idling in 3rd gear is around 30km/h (~19mph).

@I_Miss_Daniel@kbin.social avatar

Can't enable cruise under 40kph (~26mph). It's a pain.


Why would to need cruise control under 40kph?

The very fact it is signed so low should be a signal to the driver that this is an area which requires an increase in attention paid to surroundings.

@the_seven_sins@feddit.de avatar

Because otherwise you’ll likely end up either speeding or constantly staring at the speedo…


Perhaps that is a driving habit that needs to change? 20mph is a maximum, not a minimum. If you drive with ±3mph variance, target 17.

@I_Miss_Daniel@kbin.social avatar

You answered your own question. So I can concentrate on my surroundings rather then having to try to precisely control the speed of a car that's not in TCC lockup.


You don’t have to precisely control the speed, just keep it between 0-20mph. Your speed should be dynamic based on what is coming up anyways. Are you just turning on cruise control from the intersection and leaving it until you brake the next time?

I have never even considered using cruise control on anything other than a highway. Am I the one driving wrong?


No, you are not

@I_Miss_Daniel@kbin.social avatar

You probably don't have the police that we do. They'll book you for quite a small overspeed.


I feel like they can’t book you for underspeed?


No, it’s just a different style. It’s like 1 pedal driving with the brake pedal. It would work particularly well with an electric car where the first part of the brake pedal is regen braking.


Skill issue! I have no problem maintaining low speeds in my car lol. Honestly, for the safety of those around you, please take a driving course so you can safely practice driving at low speeds.

@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Idling in 3rd gear = ~19mph... driving manually has its benefits.


I envy your commitment to saving fuel. I would be on the gas in 2nd so I don’t have to faff around changing down when I hit a hill or have to slow down for whatever reason.

@uis@lemmy.world avatar

It’s really difficult to get them to remain at a constant speed under 25 mph or so

You don’t have to drive at exaxtly 25, driving below is just fine

Pipoca, in E-bikes are kicking ass and taking names

Electric cars only have about half the total lifecycle emissions as gas cars, given today’s grid.

Electric bikes are remarkably green - they have even lower emissions than regular bikes, accounting for the extra calories you need to eat to pedal.

They do, however, require safer biking infrastructure and more mixed-use zoning to become a more practical option for many.


You lost me once you started depending on people exercising even less to justify your emissions argument


Electric bikes are generally pedal assist. They require you to pedal, but make it as easy to pedal up a hill as to go on a flat street.

They’re less exercise vs a regular bike, but you still get a good bit of exercise. Perhaps more exercise, if the e-bike causes you to bike something you would have driven instead.


they have even lower emissions than regular bikes, accounting for the extra calories you need to eat to pedal.

This is a dumb argument because exercise is good.


they have even lower emissions than regular bikes, accounting for the extra calories you need to eat to pedal.

This is a dumb argument because exercise is good.

HawlSera, in A Mother And Daughter Got Trapped In A Rental Tesla After It Ran Out Of Charge

And people really thought Elon Musk was the future


Fuck all to do with him, but you do you


I never bought the hype

TimeNaan, (edited ) in High Quality Transit Should be the Standard for “Normal” Cities

Great video! I use Warsaw’s transit system every day and can confirm all that you said.

However there is imo a big issue with this system - the tickets are quite expensive and because of that there is a lot of fare dodging. People figure out that it is cheaper to pay the fine if they get caught. I believe public transport should be free, and it is in many cities in poland already, so why not Warsaw?

anon_8675309, in this is all

Won’t work in the US. We all hate each other.


British people all hate English people. Even the English.

@Swedneck@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

damn english people, they ruined england

HawlSera, in this is all

We need to get one more man to work

Nioxic, in [meme] How would you rather see this land developed?

Fewer people …1 house


I’m sure this solution works well with cities like London or New York. /s


just genocide eh?

thantik, in [meme] How would you rather see this land developed?

How about apartments for people who want to live in apartments, and houses for people who want to live in houses, and proper civil engineering to limit sprawl?

Why does it always have to be black or white? There’s a shade of gray here that’s closer to the apartment model, but that would still allow freedom of travel. Public transportation SUCKS ASS. Cars are a central identity to Americans. They are part of our culture. Not having them just means everyone feels like another bee in the hive.


Because this “high density housing” is code for commie block slave quarters.

There are places, and I know this is hard for you city dwellers (which translates to “bourgeois” in French FYI) to understand, where there is still nature, there are still forests, the houses are a miniscule proportion of the land area. Its like that basically everywhere else except for where you insist on living and think everyone should live. It’s really pretty, but the downside is that you cannot get by with a busywork job sitting at a desk doing nothing productive all day. I know that’s a deal breaker for most of you. Some of us have the life you wish you were living, or something close to it, no expecting the whole world to bend over backwards to accommodate you required.

@Semi-Hemi-Demigod@kbin.social avatar

It’s really pretty, but the downside is that you cannot get by with a busywork job sitting at a desk doing nothing productive all day.

Not true. I've lived out in the country and had a WFH job where I sat at a desk and did nothing productive. It was awesome.

thoro, (edited )

where you insist on living and think everyone should live.

Where people want to and do live

No one is coming for your ranch/farm/cabin. If you had the life “we wished to live”, you’d be in a dense community with access to local cafes, restaurants, markets, entertainment, and other neighborhoods without needing a car and with a healthy amount of green space as well. We’re specifically, typically talking about population centers.


Oof that’s a lotta targets for one troll


It’s all 1 target: full of shit communists. They’re so uniformly predictable its crazy. It’s almost as if its a cult.


Godspeed, you beautiful keyboard warrior


Hey man, you’re on the internet making your opinions known too.

Treczoks, in Berliners rave against the motorway as extension threatens 20 cultural venues

To put it into perspective for the British readers. Imagine the London orbital was lacking a bit, e.g. no M25 between Oxted and Merstham, and all the traffic would go through local roads.

The highway would bring extreme noise and pollution to the city.

On the contrary. Closing the ring Autobahn gap would very much reduce the traffic - especially the stop-and-go traffic on local roads. The new piece of Autobahn would be forced to be very low on noise, as Germany already has insane requirements on sound insulation for new and renovated roads - there was a news item recently that they had to erect a sound isolating barrier on a German road to protect a cemetry from the noise. As if the inhabitants would complain.


To be fair, a cemetery is one if the last places I’d like a noise complaint from.

@MrMakabar@slrpnk.net avatar

Induced demand. This will lead to the motorway being full AND all the local roads also having traffic jams. We saw this happen all over the place. If you were to close of local roads, make the slower to drive or something similar, it might work, but that is not the plan. This is building a motorway throu land, which has perfectly good public transport and is walkable. Cycling infrastrucutre is around, but if you were to actually use unneed local roads to extend that, it would be easy too.


So what you're saying is.. just one more lane?

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