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Madex, in this is all

That’s fine when back in the day they didn’t want to stab you for looking their way for 0.3 ms


Seek mental help, you may be paranoid.


Not sure why I’m down voted, I literally got attacked in a London bus…


Even if we assume this is true, that’s literally meaningless - you can be attacked anywhere by anyone for any reason. Your comment implies this is a common occurrence, which it isn’t.

Bipta, in this is all

This was a lot more appealing before COVID.


Masks work.


Vaccines exist. COVID is not a thing anyone I know worries about anymore. I keep getting surprised on the internet.

@uis@lemmy.world avatar

Fun fact: first working vaccines were created during first months of pandemic.


Yeah, but it took ages for them to be manufactured in large numbers.


I wore a mask had the vaccine and a booster and social distanced and still got it.


So, it does have to be a mask that will actually protect you.

If you didn’t pay, a pretty steep price at the time, for the right mask (like something that will protectv you from paint fumes) then you were wasting your time.

Source: When I mask up I use N95’s. I use best judgement, haven’t gotten covid. Not too late to protect yourself. I don’t think I’ll be able to keep it up forever, but I’m banking on new vaccines kicking covids ass.


So “masks” don’t work. Specific masks work. No one was mandating n95 masks it was all those shitty paper ones then acting like that was sufficient.


Fun fact. None of those things are perfect except staying away from everyone and your entire household doing so as well. Cloth masks work better when both/everyone wears one; that lowers the chance of getting infected to 3%. If only one person wears a mask, there’s a much higher risk of infection. The vaccine and booster are great, but again, not 100%. It is good to stack things in your favor, but stuff still happens. To take the small percentage where people still get sick and use that to decide masks don’t protect anyone at all is ridiculous.


Literally the only person I know that didn’t get it was my mom and we were all masking, vaccinated, washing hands, etc. All those precautions did nothing but delay the inevitable.


I mean, sure, but if you hadn’t used those precautions you would have gotten it sooner, likely spread it to more people who would have them spread it to more people, ect. The point wasn’t to prevent infection for eternity.


Getting it sooner would have gotten it out of the way sooner and the whole ordeal would have been over with after it ran it’s course instead of dragging it out for 2 years.


Not necessarily. I know several people who got it several times within that period. And we dragged it out on purpose to not overwhelm our hospitals.

@Swedneck@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

The mask isn’t to protect yourself, it protects everyone else from being infected by you.

elouboub, in ask patrick
@elouboub@kbin.social avatar

That would require people voting for parties that want that.

Rukmer, in ask patrick

Even if we kept the car way of life (not saying we should) doesn’t it seem like there are way too many cars being produced? Like how many new cars do we really need every year? I honestly do not know the numbers, I’m just saying it sure seems like this many brand new cars don’t need to exist.

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

I mean

We made produce useless shit fucking all over the world nonstop, the stuff with functionality to me is like a drop in the bucket. How many stupid fucking packaging materials are in the guts of fishes because little Cindy wanted to get a W this year with her daughter and decided to buy her a pack of miniature plastic foods

Pisses me off man

PatFussy, (edited ) in this is all

You need about 7 cars displaced per bus at all times in order for it to be more efficient in gas.

I would rather have a world full of velomobiles than buses.



I don’t know how it is in other places/countries but in Paris (inside and in the ≈ 15km area) , clearly, there is always at least 10 passenger in the same bus, I would say 25 average and at the peak hour an easy 50. So I think buses are still an energy efficient transport, at least in some places.

@uis@lemmy.world avatar

Moscow, usually all seats are taken(25 people), maybe only during night passanger count is single-digit.


I think most people recognize buses are effective for major cities. It gets murkier for less populated locations. America doesn’t really build dense.


Which is really just a bad choice. We could have proper town planning if we wanted, and in fact we used to have it. But then we knocked down neighborhoods to make room for highways and that was that. We can work our way back to good towns of any size, if we wanted.

uis, (edited )
@uis@lemmy.world avatar

Public transit doesn’t require density. Example: Old Oskol tram.

@uis@lemmy.world avatar

Only 7? That’s about 10% of rated capacity or 6% of sardines-in-can capacity. And that is for single-section bus.

andthenthreemore, (edited )

Is that still true for modern hybrid buses?

Edit - also surely mean you need to average 7 people as when it’s full it’ll be a little over 12 times as efficient as when there’s 7 people. So it could run for 10 minutes full then about 2 hours completely empty and it would balance.


No i meant 7 cars worth of people. If a bus can displace 7 cars then it is only equal in efficiency. This applies to hybrid buses too as they only get marginally better performance per energy needed to use.


That makes no sense


The average number of people per car is 1.5 so its not like its crazy off. Not sure how that doesnt make sense


So you’d need the bus to have 10.5 people at all times? But why doesn’t an average capacity work? Do you have an figures to back so this up, especially the hybrid bus claims?

Hazdaz, in this is all

That’s great when all those people live in the same block and go to work at the same company and have the same hours.

But Frank lives 10 miles away and works on the other side of town. And Tim lives 3 towns over and works the night shift. Bill lives in the country and works 40 miles away. Eddy lost a leg in the war and while he is only 1/2 mile from the bus station, can’t walk that far with his disability.

When it is convenient, it is convenient, but there’s a reason why when given the choice, most normal people will drive their car instead no matter what the nonsense in this subs likes to pretend is real.

@uis@lemmy.world avatar

can’t walk that far with his disability.

Neither he can drive. Or in some countries even not allowed to.

while he is only 1/2 mile from the bus station

  1. This is seriously fucked.
  2. Powered wheelchair.

Hand-controls are a thing. Eddy is perfectly fine driving his handi-van around. He’s not too keen on when motorcycles part in between the handicapped spots though.


Jessie got shot in the face in the war, his lack of depth perception from having one eye stops him from driving.

Fred, Stephanie, Phil, Jack, and Masha all have severe hearing loss from the war (Jack’s is actually from training for the war), while they can still drive, it’s safer for them not too.

Nick, Chloe, Phil (different Phil), and Jessie (same Jessie) all got blown up in the war, driving vehicles is extremely stressful for them. Being a passenger to varying less degrees. Trains don’t seem to trigger any reaction, and busses don’t for at least one of them (not sure about the others)


Don’t forget Susan, whose base wages are so low that she has to work overtime to make ends meet. But the bus doesn’t run that late, so 2/3 of her overtime goes to an uber, whose driver also can’t feed her children.


Well Susan sounds rather dumb if she is using an Uber as a daily form of transportation where 2/3rd of her money is going to. She should consider getting a car.


Paycheque to paycheque can’t buy you a car, but it can guy you multiple cabs.

It’s expensive to be poor.


Being stupid is even worse.


Bit of a dick, aren’t ya?


Only sometimes. Imaginary “gotcha” type of hypothetical situations tend to bring that out.


Not imaginary but ok. Didn’t realize you were one of those insufferable “actually” kind of trolls. My bad, I really should have clued in. Carry on.


Susan should’ve been born on a civilized country, as those run buses around the clock

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

The post is a meme about how buses are a better option than cars because they can transport more people at once using amount of gas less than what would be done on a 1:1 basis.

I feel like you’ve not ridden a bus before though - you didn’t mention schedules or routes once which solve the majority of your claimed points.

The disabled persons perspective is an interesting point, but shuttle services for the disabled would be even easier to run, as they would require vans instead of buses. Also, choosing to live in the country side away from bus routes when you can’t fucking walking is not the fault of the bus haha


Spoken like a true clueless 'murican. What the fuck do you think bus lines are?

RIP_Cheems, in ask patrick
@RIP_Cheems@lemmy.world avatar

Because O I L E C O N O M Y.


Sure, but i also don't think you can make a fatty use their legs

CADmonkey, in No Baby On Board

Yes, I imagine every single woman who goes for an abortion must look heavily pregnant.

My worry is someone will point this out to them and then they’ll have to stop every car with a woman in it.

pinkdrunkenelephants, in this is all

And never mind the rampant spread of bedbugs and disease, being exposed to violence and sexual assault, risking being arrested simply for angering the bus driver, being made late to work or even missing it entirely because of bus breakdowns, route changes or cancellations, or any number of problems that are more easily rectified with an electric car or a bike

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah man because these are all inherent issues and not at all to do with the implementation


Yes, they are inherent issues. You can’t control who goes on that bus and therefore can’t guarantee the safety of passengers. You can’t control whether buses break down or if the routes will change or not, so you can’t guarantee riders will get to work on time, if at all. And in many cities, bus service is so poor that jobs will not hire people who ride the bus for those reasons.

You also can’t stop people from spreading bedbugs and disease, and we all saw how well you reacted to that during covid.

Accept that you’re just wrong on this. No matter how much you want buses to be a viable solution, they just aren’t.


Ok, I’m curious if you think all mass transport is just a no-go then. What can be done?


Electric cars, of course



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  • stevedidWHAT,
    @stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

    I’m not gonna argue with a troll lmao we’re done now


    Normal people don’t live in your strawman world of mental conjurations. Civilized countries already have great public transportation infrastructure working for hundreds of years.

    applesfirst, in this is all

    VPN uses 0 gallons.

    @EternalNicodemus@lemmy.world avatar

    Acktually, to use a VPN, you would need to turn on your PC or phone, which uses a small but existent amount of petrol -🤓


    Solar power. Checkmate, atheists.


    It’s nighttime doe

    @Vampiric_Luma@lemmy.ca avatar

    Never give up


    Pumped storage hydropower works all the time.

    1. it won’t be in a few hours 2. if only we had some way of storing electricity for later use

    Collect moon and starlight


    and EV car. also fuck petrol. and gallons while I’m here.


    EVs solve about 2 of the 20 problems cars create.


    While that’s true, they “solve”* the two issues that are most pressing with ICE cars, air polution and fossil fuel use. I’d rather have EVs over ICEs, and I’d rather have walkable cities and robust public transit than either of the car options.

    • are better, not perfect

    perfect is the enemy of good.


    With climate change, we have a multiplication of flooding and heat wave. Cars increase the effect of both of them. EVs or ICEs, it doesn’t matter.


    EVs are not and will never ever be the answer. It’s a myth like many created by the car industry.


    no one said they were, calm down.


    The real waste is in converting solar to electricity. Use fiber optics, powered by light! Simplify! 🥴

    @stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

    perfectly valid point to bring up on a community dedicated to hating on polluters even if it was originally just a joke. Pretty serious matters


    Hydroelectricity, nuclear, wind and solar BABEEYYYYYY!!!


    Hydro destroys environments, uses enormous amounts of concrete and the related disasters have killed orders of magnitude more people than nuclear.


    Yeah if three gorges broke then it would be the biggest mass death event in human history. Hydro dams are at the bottom of my list


    Orders of magnitude more than nuclear is a low bar, nuclear is quite safe. How does it compare to coal or oil?


    Very hard to deliver milk over VPN

    @Syldon@feddit.uk avatar

    When was the last time you saw a milkman on a bus?


    That was, of course, just a random example of a job that cannot be done from home. A lot of jobs do require physical presence of people, that’s all I was trying to say.

    Of course, a milkman would also require to travel to and fro their place of work, dunno why they cannot be on a bus for that.

    @Syldon@feddit.uk avatar

    You do not actually see many milkmen these days. A milkman’s business was ran a bit like McDonalds’s with the milkman buying the as an individual and then selling it door to door. Every single milkman that I have known has worked from home.

    So kind of a bad example but I get your point. No not all people can work from home, but those who can should surely be given that option. I have a wife who is a civil servant. She is required to travel to work for 40% of her hours worked. This is for no other reason than going into work by direction of the Tory party. This was not really an issue until they moved the place of work 8 miles away. She literally has to pay for a bus, sit on a bus for an hour each way, while carrying all her PC equipment with her, just so she can do exactly the same job while sitting in an office. All her meetings are done online, even while in the office. So there is a lot to be said regarding this Tory agenda of forcing people to work from the office just to appease their Donors.

    Marcbmann, in [meme] How would you rather see this land developed?

    Nah. I’m sorry, but fuck apartments. I was spending $22k a year. Apartment complex did a crap job clearing snow in the winter. My neighbors were disgusting. I had to walk across the complex to get to my laundry room, where the machines rarely worked. The AC wall units were expensive to run, and did little to cool the apartment. The downstairs neighbor’s front door slammed every time they closed it. The people next door would vacuum for an hour every night starting at 10pm. I got a $45 fine for hanging a beach towel over a chair on my balcony.

    I mean shit, they decided to renovate the apartment beneath me, and turned off my heat and left for the weekend in the middle of winter. They turned off my water multiple times with no notice making me late for work. And then the construction workers stole my package before heading home.

    I bought a house. Every time I pay my mortgage I build equity in my home. I have my own laundry room. I may have to clear the snow myself, but I have plenty of space to store a snow blower and shovels - something I could never do before. I can buy bulk sized non perishables too and save money, because I have plenty of space to store it. I can sleep at night without being awoken by my neighbors fucking to the sounds of Bob Marley. I can hang up a towel to dry without being fined for it. And if I need to do work, I can determine when or if the water is being turned off.

    Oh, and renewing my lease would have seen me paying almost as much in rent as my mortgage payment. For what?


    Maybe if you tried not being a whiny little bitch about everything it would help.

    ultratiem, in this is all
    @ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

    People people. We need to solve the problem of cars by building bigger cars!

    @stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

    Yeah man if you solution doesn’t completely solve the problem, fuck it! Throw it away it must be entirely useless right. No merit. And plus we have all the time in the world to wait until we have a perfect solution right? Duh!



    No that’s not it. They need to be smaller

    @ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

    Well if they get smaller we’ll need more of em!


    With the exclamation mark, it’s obvious to me that this is sarcasm. However Lemmings seem to take anything not marked with /s seriously or interpret things in the most negative way to the degree that I’m starting to question myself.

    This is sarcasm right?

    skymtf, in It’s Official: Cars Are Terrible at Privacy and Security

    Imagine being AFAB and having your car snitch on you cause their AI detected the car left Florida and parked near an abortion clinic in ankghed state. Keep in mind States are researching systems they will help them get this data automatically as it happens or tech companies might start automaticlly reporting if to avoid increased liability in these states.

    HawlSera, in this is all

    We need to get one more man to work

    someguy7734206, in [discussion] How are you fucking cars?

    When I do drive, I follow the rules of the road exactly. People have commented on the fact that I actually come to a complete stop at stop signs, and didn’t turn right in front of a crossing pedestrian.

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