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quindraco, in [blog] Stay alive and enjoy the ride: Imposing 20mph speed limits to protect lives – time for furious drivers to embrace reality

Given that we know going over the speed limit raises your collision rate, meaning setting the speed limit so low every driver will go over it is genuinely dangerous, do we have any studies supporting the claim that reducing the speed limit reduces the collision rate overall? I couldn’t find one, but it’s a surprisingly challenging search - I easily found studies confirming that collision lethality scales with speed, but that’s not my question.

Purely anecdotally, the vast majority of my collisions have been at very low speeds - in parking lots.

  1. Why will every driver go over 20mph/30kph? Are they incapable of maintaining that speed? All school and community zones in my country are 30kph; are we wasting our time with those?
  2. I’m a vision zero proponent, so I don’t care about the number of collisions; I care about the number of fatal collisions first, serious injuries second, minor injuries third. So even if 20 mph maintains, or even increases collisions; so long as it reduces casualties, it’s positive. Bumpers are replaceable; people are not. The AAA document you link even says a 10% reduction in mean speed reduces fatal crashes by ~34% in the executive summary.

Regarding the first point, drivers naturally trend towards the speed they “feel” is right. Also many modern cars practically idle faster than 20 once you get rolling.

Change the actual road to slow people down and reduce accidents.


I agree, but you are making excuses for bad driving. It’s still their fault that they drive too fast.


Not excusing shit, I’m describing human behavior. Humans literally drift to the speed they think is right, by feel.

Don’t assume intent.


But similarly, human behavior can be trained. We aren’t NPCs. These bad drivers could be taught to drive at a safe speed regardless of the width of the street, through stricter education and enforcement. Pedestrians/cyclists/homes/businesses around the street -> drive slow, that should be an instinct.


I said “change the actual road”

Enforcement doesn’t work for what I’m describing, without conscious effort, humans drift to the speed they think they need. Always. So whenever you try to policy it, you are asking folks to go against their nature.

Change the shape / characteristics of the road to change the speed people drive it.


As I said, I completely agree that changing the shape of the road is an important component of this solution.

Yes, I am asking the operators of deadly heavy machinery to put in a small amount of conscious effort to keep people safe. Why is that an impossible request?


No one in my state complies with the speed limits because they’re ridiculously low for the design of the road. You have a road built to handle 90mph but you tell people to go 30mph? Yeah that ain’t happening

  1. I did not make this claim, and so I do not choose to defend it.

Purely anecdotally, the vast majority of my collisions have been at very low speeds - in parking lots.

The fact that you talk like you have enough samples to make that inference worries me.


Sounds like this guy needs to stop driving into parked cars.

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

He only hits people in the lots, not cars. So it’s fine.


My main concern with this is that what you’re doing is desensitising people from the speed limit.

I’m from a country that has arbitrarily defined speed limits and VERY low compliance rates compared to the UK (if you’ve ever been to Italy for example you know what I’m talking about). The nice thing here is that because the vast majority of roads have a speed limit that ‘feels’ appropriate (ie the road is designed for its speed limit), the amount of speeding I see here is negligible compared to what I was used to.

And generally here when the limit changes people comply to it because you can trust there’s usually a good reason.

There’s roads near me that are arbitrarily set to 30 (no pedestrian walkways, no side roads, but it passes near the back of houses and I assume they successfully petitioned the local authority to change it to 30), and traffic flow there is usually 40-45. I’ve never seen an accident there.

We have a poorly designed intersection not too far away and there’s always accidents there to the point that there’s now a consultation to fix it.

If this rule came to England, both these roads would be turned to 20, and that won’t really be solving anything. In the first example I assume locals will still be driving 40, and it will create unnecessary overtaking because the road is wide and the visibility is good so it’s not necessarily unsafe. But you’ve gone from a safe 40 road to risking head-on collisions pointlessly.

FlyingSquid, in [blog] Stay alive and enjoy the ride: Imposing 20mph speed limits to protect lives – time for furious drivers to embrace reality
@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

One of the problems is that a lot of cars have trouble driving at that speed. It’s really difficult to get them to remain at a constant speed under 25 mph or so, which can end up being extremely frustrating for the driver and encourages them to go faster than the speed limit. I realize this is a car design problem, but it’s still a problem at present until that is fixed.

colforge, (edited )

Is this a European car thing or a driver skill issue? As an American I’ve never had a problem maintaining slow speeds in any vehicle I’ve driven - manual or automatic.

Edit: I am starting to realize that some drivers are startlingly dependent on cruise control to maintain a target speed.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

As an American, I sure have. Including my current Prius which doesn’t drive consistently between about 5 and 25 mph. And that was true of my previous Honda Civic as well.


Are these newer models or in poor condition or something? I’ve driven well maintained older Prius, Civic, and Accord vehicles without these issues and I LOVED how the Civic handled all around.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

2006 Civic traded in for a 2016 Prius. Maybe you’re better at handling a car than other people, but my subdivision is 20 mph the whole way through and I have never myself or been behind anyone who can drive that speed consistently. It’s always plus or minus 5 mph, usually wavering between them. I don’t think all of the dozens of drivers in this large subdivision are bad drivers.

@jerkface@lemmy.ca avatar

Presumably it is a skill like all other aspects of driving, and people have little experience doing it.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

That still sounds like a design problem if it requires skill to just drive consistently at 20 mph. Why should that require skill any more than driving consistently at 30 mph?


It requires skills to drive at any speed.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

You actually think it requires skill to drive at 30 mph? Because I was able to do it pretty well the first time I ever stepped behind the wheel of a car.


Yes I do believe it takes skills to safely hurtle serveral thousand pounds of steel through a neighborhood. You must keep the vehicle between the lines, maintain adequate following distance, look for and follow signs and signals, and have a high reaction time for anything that may cause a potential collision like another car, cyclist, or pedestrian. There is a lot of hand-eye coordination, a knowledge base, and physical capabilities required to drive safely. Driving is a skill. It is something someone learns to do through experience like any other skill.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Now you are moving the goalposts. We are talking solely about driving at a consistent speed. That is something novices can do without a problem at 30 mph.


Driving at a consistent speed requires skills to do it safely. Unless you are exclussively driving under controlled conditions where nobody else has access to use the street, you need a base set of skills.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

I can’t believe you’re actually saying driving 20 mph takes significant skills. That’s ridiculous and if it’s true, then 20 mph shouldn’t be expected of anyone.


Yup it is a skill and one that studies show people tend to overestimate their abilities with. All the more reason to invest as a society in alternative transportation and heavily cut down on the overall number of drivers behind the wheel.

@jerkface@lemmy.ca avatar

Dude. People manage to do it. If you can’t, practice. If that doesn’t help you, I don’t know what the fuck to tell you except get off the road.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

And lots of people don’t manage to do it, so what’s the point?

@jerkface@lemmy.ca avatar

get off the road

@snooggums@kbin.social avatar

Most people don't do a great job of staying at exactly 30, but going up and down a few mph at 20 is way more noticeable than at 30.


I don’t see why it’s a big deal. The streets near me that are 20 mph are all residential streets with stop signs, driveways, and street parking. You’re almost never going a consistent speed for more than couple hundred feet anyway.


100% skill issue. @FlyingSquid was self-reporting his incompetence.


I’m so confused by the number of people in these comments who apparently can’t maintain speed without cruise control.

@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

This is almost certainly not a European thing. A lot of people here still drive manually and just idling in 1st gear gives you a steady 7-10km/h... or "walking speed" as used in really dense and mostly pedestrian areas cars are still allowed to use. Idling in 3rd gear is around 30km/h (~19mph).

@I_Miss_Daniel@kbin.social avatar

Can't enable cruise under 40kph (~26mph). It's a pain.


Why would to need cruise control under 40kph?

The very fact it is signed so low should be a signal to the driver that this is an area which requires an increase in attention paid to surroundings.

@the_seven_sins@feddit.de avatar

Because otherwise you’ll likely end up either speeding or constantly staring at the speedo…


Perhaps that is a driving habit that needs to change? 20mph is a maximum, not a minimum. If you drive with ±3mph variance, target 17.

@I_Miss_Daniel@kbin.social avatar

You answered your own question. So I can concentrate on my surroundings rather then having to try to precisely control the speed of a car that's not in TCC lockup.


You don’t have to precisely control the speed, just keep it between 0-20mph. Your speed should be dynamic based on what is coming up anyways. Are you just turning on cruise control from the intersection and leaving it until you brake the next time?

I have never even considered using cruise control on anything other than a highway. Am I the one driving wrong?


No, you are not

@I_Miss_Daniel@kbin.social avatar

You probably don't have the police that we do. They'll book you for quite a small overspeed.


I feel like they can’t book you for underspeed?


No, it’s just a different style. It’s like 1 pedal driving with the brake pedal. It would work particularly well with an electric car where the first part of the brake pedal is regen braking.


Skill issue! I have no problem maintaining low speeds in my car lol. Honestly, for the safety of those around you, please take a driving course so you can safely practice driving at low speeds.

@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Idling in 3rd gear = ~19mph... driving manually has its benefits.


I envy your commitment to saving fuel. I would be on the gas in 2nd so I don’t have to faff around changing down when I hit a hill or have to slow down for whatever reason.

@uis@lemmy.world avatar

It’s really difficult to get them to remain at a constant speed under 25 mph or so

You don’t have to drive at exaxtly 25, driving below is just fine

bouh, in E-bikes are kicking ass and taking names

Bikes are cool and all until it rains or it’s crazy cold or crazy hot outside. I’d rather have public transport than bikes everywhere.


One of the better features of e bikes is that you won't get into sweating or exhaustion as easy as with a regular bike. This means you can just cover yourself in some plastic poncho to stay dry while riding without getting damp inside from sweating.


To add to this you won’t sweat as much in heat either because you can wear breathable clothing and the wind from your movement really cools you off substantially on a bike even without pedal assist so with it I’d imagine you’d barely break a sweat barring high humidity.

RetroGradeBE, in E-bikes are kicking ass and taking names

I’m trying to reduce my car usage for my 40 km daily commute, and it also has helped me a lot in the health department.

So far i’m averaging two or three times a week.

Ziggurat, in [blog] Stay alive and enjoy the ride: Imposing 20mph speed limits to protect lives – time for furious drivers to embrace reality

Tons of European cities already set-up speed-limit to 30 km/h. It's not just large cities, I've seen villaged limited at 30 too.
it's basically less nuisance for the residents

@uis@lemmy.world avatar

I envy you. My city is still at federal maximum of 60 km/h. I know only one city in Belgorod oblast that has 40 km/h.

HexesofVexes, in [blog] Stay alive and enjoy the ride: Imposing 20mph speed limits to protect lives – time for furious drivers to embrace reality

I think the main problem here is for folks forced to drive every day in the dervish of death that is rush hour.

If you can’t afford to live near where you work (as is often the case in the UK), and you’re already looking at a 1 hour commute both ways, current public transport isn’t an option. You can either give up on sleep, or you will have to drive.

A lot of these changes are coming in the wrong order - first you improve public transport, create affordable housing near city centers, and drastically reduce the price (and let’s be frank, increase the quality of) public transport, and THEN you hit car users to push them on to these options. In the current order, they just introduce further hardship to folks who already have a bad time.


Yeah, the current approach globally - at least it seems to be the same in Germany - is to make the “experience”, if you want to call it that, for car users worse to the point that it’s worse than public transport in order to force people onto it. There are some minor improvements being made to public transport, but it’s of course a lot faster to put up signs for a speedlimit everywhere or even blocking access to certain roads completely than to increase the capacity of a rail network. And as you said, this hits the already disadvantaged parts of the population more, since they more often than not have manual labor type job that requires going into the “office” everyday, that are living further from work, …

@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

That's not some "approach" but a symptom of conservatives fighting change tooth and nails. And it's always easier to destroy something. So while one side is trying to improve public transport and create proper bike infrastructure at the same time, the other side is sabotaging.

@snooggums@kbin.social avatar

Plus the car centric model was helped along by sabotaging public transport, so it shouldn't be a surprise if doing the reverse is the way to get back.

@uis@lemmy.world avatar

Disadvantaged parts of population usually don’t have cars. For example in Moscow total amout of cars is about 20% of population, in regions it’s even less.


Missed one - you actively encourage mobile working so you have less people moving around in total.


I agree here, a larger push towards remote working would definitely help, though such a move would likely come at the expense of privacy (teams is already a privacy nightmare as it is, with wider home work adoption no doubt Microsoft would implement more “features for employers”).


A lot of these changes are coming in the wrong order - first you improve public transport, create affordable housing near city centers, and drastically reduce the price (and let’s be frank, increase the quality of) public transport, and THEN you hit car users to push them on to these options. In the current order, they just introduce further hardship to folks who already have a bad time.

It might be a little different in the UK, but in North America step #1 needs to be “first you abolish the low-density zoning restrictions that displace almost everybody far away from the city center to begin with.” It’s not just that walkable housing isn’t affordable; it’s that it’s not even allowed by law to exist.

Ooops, (edited )
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

There is another substantial difference. In Europe you have private spaces to park your car and then roughly as many public parking spots as there are cars. In the US you have about 8 times as many public parking spots as cars exist. The amount of concrete wastelands just for potential cars is incredible.

You could basically scrap ¾ of your parking spaces to create walkable areas with small shops beside the big malls or oversized markets, then do some public transport to those areas (or still drive by car there), just to establich the idea of walking while shopping.

That's no replacement for getting rid of zoning regulations but a realistic start, where changing the zoning (even when the regulation vanish) would need a generation or more to change.

Boomkop3, in [blog] Stay alive and enjoy the ride: Imposing 20mph speed limits to protect lives – time for furious drivers to embrace reality

This is great, and with electric vehicles being more and more common it should be super easy to drive slow

JohnDClay, in [blog] Stay alive and enjoy the ride: Imposing 20mph speed limits to protect lives – time for furious drivers to embrace reality

Fine where alternatives are available. But this also would slow down busses, right?


We have this speed limit in the Netherlands, mostly in areas with housing. It doesn’t really affect busses because they stay on the bigger roads that are 50 kmh (about 31 mph). In my opinion it’s fine to drive 20 mph on the more local roads, as long as there are collector roads where you can go a bit faster.

loke, in Uber was supposed to help traffic. It didn’t. Robotaxis will be even worse

Regardless of anything else, there are no circumstances under which companies like Uber would decrease traffic. This is because of two effects: Firstly, any regular car ride replaced with an Uber ride will result in more road-hours, since there is now a car travelling to your pickup point as well travelling on the road after dropping you off.

Secondly, the convenience of Uber can cause more travellers taking a car instead of public transport, again increasing the total number of road-hours.

Is there even a hypothetical scenario under which any of these private hire companies would reduce traffic? The only theoretical benefit is that less parking spaces are needed.


It was originally a ride share, so you’d get to work by ubering with someone driving that way, one less car, a slightly increased journey.

But it’s just a taxi now.

Kuinox, in Uber was supposed to help traffic. It didn’t. Robotaxis will be even worse

Where I live, Uber solved the getting home drunk problem.
Public transport isn’t open at night.


Public transit has been lacking in my city even before the pandemic. They are still paying off for a light rail system from a decade ago that they are not maintaining. Also all the ticket machines smell like piss, which should not be a surprised considering for years there’s been some guy who has been urinating at almost all the station.

echo64, in Uber was supposed to help traffic. It didn’t. Robotaxis will be even worse

Everything that encourages someone to get in a car will make traffic worse.

someguy3, in Uber was supposed to help traffic. It didn’t. Robotaxis will be even worse

Of course Uber wouldn’t help traffic.

Robotaxis? Probably not. But autonomous vehicles that can communicate and drive as a group? Yes that will help. Then induced demand and all that, but it will increase capacity.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Robust public transportation will help a lot more. But go ahead and argue with the MIT scientists who wrote this article if you like. Their research seems to show you’re wrong.


He literally agrees that they won’t magically help with traffic, what’re you talking about?


autonomous vehicles that can communicate and drive as a group

Is it time to reinvent the train again already?

@HeyThisIsntTheYMCA@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, but wireless. And I think you mean horse.


We’ve seen time and time again that increased capacity doesn’t actually help traffic.

Capacity just isn’t the issue.

Pipoca, in E-bikes are kicking ass and taking names

Electric cars only have about half the total lifecycle emissions as gas cars, given today’s grid.

Electric bikes are remarkably green - they have even lower emissions than regular bikes, accounting for the extra calories you need to eat to pedal.

They do, however, require safer biking infrastructure and more mixed-use zoning to become a more practical option for many.


You lost me once you started depending on people exercising even less to justify your emissions argument


Electric bikes are generally pedal assist. They require you to pedal, but make it as easy to pedal up a hill as to go on a flat street.

They’re less exercise vs a regular bike, but you still get a good bit of exercise. Perhaps more exercise, if the e-bike causes you to bike something you would have driven instead.


they have even lower emissions than regular bikes, accounting for the extra calories you need to eat to pedal.

This is a dumb argument because exercise is good.


they have even lower emissions than regular bikes, accounting for the extra calories you need to eat to pedal.

This is a dumb argument because exercise is good.

NarrativeBear, in [video] 10 Steps to a Stunning Car-Free Street | Oh The Urbanity!

Wish more cities in north america would have “destination streets” like this year round.

Instead all we have is Walmart parking lots that look the same everywhere with no personality of sense of community.

Great job on the cities that do make this work and see the need for it.

LilDestructiveSheep, in Can you build transit for small towns and farms?
@LilDestructiveSheep@lemmy.world avatar

Of course you can. They just don’t want. Maybe not in a high frequency like in a city, but still something decent enough.

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