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Twentytwodividedby7, in Why does everyone shit on bycicles but never on cars???

That’s complete bullshit and you know it. People that drive lifted trucks like that are called stupid rednecks that are compensating.


To be fair “stupid rednecks that are compensating” is different from “elitist who is forcing their lifestyle on everyone”.


I don’t think anyone outside of here says that about cyclists. And certainly no one thinks an imbecile in a big truck is an elitist. If anything they probably feel sorry for them that they think Olive Garden is a fancy Italian restaurant


Eh. Depends where you live maybe. I’ve definitely had plenty of conversations and overheard people with exactly this opinion about cyclists.


For my area the only cyclists anyone dislike are fuckers in packs cause theyre stupid and litigious as fuck. Seriously theyve tried sueing folks for “blocking roads” it was some dudes private road he had made so he could pull into his back yard via either street since his property spanned between the two. There was also an instace where a bunch of them plowed into a motorcycle pulling out of a parking lot, luckily a cop was across the street doing the same so his dashcam caught the guy at the front swerve into the motorcyclist.

So all in all individual bicyclists good, packs of them bad.

@Nutteman@lemmy.world avatar

Olive Garden is the only authentic Italian place in the whole world everything else is a pale imitation

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

In my experience regarding pizzerias and Italian eateries, the more authentically Italian the food, the less impressed I am with it. I think we Americans like Chicago mobster food, not authentic stuff from Sicily.

Though a friend of mine did go to Italy and came back with literally dozens of kinds of olive oil, so it may depend on the region and the chef.

@creditCrazy@lemmy.world avatar

Idk it’s pretty elitist to say everyone should buy an expensive hunk of metal that runs on a expensive flammable substance just to get groceries I understand that there are some truck drivers that aren’t elitist but those blokes drive kai trucks and few and far between meanwhile the elitist f150 drivers are everywhere like June bugs

LemmyIsFantastic, in Why does everyone shit on bycicles but never on cars???


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  • yetAnotherUser,

    Jesus Christ.

    Science direct and meta analysis of surveys 🤣

    The definition of googling the result you desire.


    Jesus Christ indeed.

    There are dozens of studies with similar scopes and results. It’s obvious: Car drivers do not care about cyclists and many would prefer them gone.

    Just look at some driver’s attitude about climate protests - here’s a sample from comments online:

    There are humans who won’t be missed. Especially not terrorists [people blockading streets]. Therefore: Full throttle.

    Simply let a semi roll over them. Those pests must be gone… preferably backwards, it’s easier to clean the underride guard.

    Why “kill”? It’s self defence.

    Those aren’t “humans”, they’re criminals making everyone very very angry. Kill them all, there’s too many people on the planet anyway it would help the climate too.

    Ad infinitum



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  • Sheeple,
    @Sheeple@lemmy.world avatar


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  • Cryophilia,


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  • Redrum714,

    Yea the elitist cyclist stereotype exists for a reason.

    @jerkface@lemmy.ca avatar

    Don’t like what you see? Fucking move on. Don’t be fragile and try to drama bomb a community that you don’t give a single fuck about. Just move on, or talk to someone you trust if you find you have difficulty doing that on your own.


    Don’t be fragile




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  • Nouveau_Burnswick,

    You think people sit down in front of their computers to go to fuck bikes?

    Yes: /r/FuckYourBicycle/ & /r/FuckBikes/

    Treevan, in Why does everyone shit on bycicles but never on cars???
    @Treevan@aussie.zone avatar

    Because one time they saw one run a red light and have held a violent grudge ever since…

    When a car does it, it’s cute.


    I get the point you’re trying to make but to think that a car driver would find another car driver jumping a red light “cute” is laughably naïve


    laughably naïve

    This just describes lemmy so well


    I’ll take naïve Lemmy kids over violently abusive Reddit kids any day though

    @Sheeple@lemmy.world avatar

    Fun fact. The average age of Lemmy users is higher than Reddit.

    There is still many kids here, but Lemmy is much less “accessible” than Reddit meaning it’s less attractive to younger folks.

    It’s a bit of a small culture shock when you compare how Lemmy users who have a job and family talk about their lifes versus Reddit users who obviously still go to school.

    @Treevan@aussie.zone avatar

    It’s a Simpson’s quote.

    Did you honestly think I was being serious? I can’t see how you could think I was bring “laughably naïve” without being “laughably naïve” yourself. No offence intended.


    Naïve doesn’t equal “Doesn’t watch cheaply-produced, low-quality comedy” though

    @Treevan@aussie.zone avatar

    The naïve part is you not understanding nuance or humour, nothing to do with a TV show.

    You’ve used both your comments to allude to your superiority so I would suggest to you that you reconsider the toxicity. It’s not warranted.

    rhythmisaprancer, in Why does everyone shit on bycicles but never on cars???
    @rhythmisaprancer@kbin.social avatar

    I don't have the answer, but about 10 years ago I was invited to go on a group ride. I'm more of a commuter, but have done longer rides. Anyway, the behavior of the folks I was with made me never want to ride with others again. It was terrible! I think that is why pedal bikes get lumped into this scenario. You could replace the pickup with a Porsche and I think it would be the same scene.


    Were they flatulent? Or making fun of the local real estate? Did they play practical jokes on one another? What was with their behaviour??

    @rhythmisaprancer@kbin.social avatar

    Haha no, nothing like that. We were riding on a narrow, windy, river road in the mountains. No ability for cars to pass, but many places for slow moving vehicles to move o er and not even have to stop! Essentially, they wanted the cars to share the road with them but they wouldn't share with the cars. Most people in that area don't care to pause, but after passing multiple pullouts they can become irritable.

    I know this is fuckcars but that particular situation was, for me, untenable.


    I personally pull over when there’s a line of cars behind me and there is space, even if I have to stop for a moment.
    But the general view that cyclists are assholes if they don’t pull over for the convenience of car drivers grinds my gears.
    Cyclists aren’t lesser traffic users, they have the exact same right to keep moving and take up the space they need on the road.

    Kecessa, (edited )

    Sure, but slower vehicles, may they be cars or farm equipment or whatever else they may be (including bikes), can be dangerous to themselves and others by not letting traffic (that obeys the speed limit) through.


    No, I didn’t get this from that comment at all. As a bicyclist attempting to courteously share the road with others …

    – I will usually try to leave room for faster traffic to pass

    – I will take the whole lane, preventing passing, if necessary for my safety

    — I will also pull off when safe, if I find I am being an obstruction to faster traffic

    That’s all true, whether I’m cycling, driving a tractor, or there’s something wrong with my car so I’m trying to limp along to a mechanic

    @rhythmisaprancer@kbin.social avatar

    I think you captured best what I was thinking. I have also driven farm machinery quite often on this road, and it just the same. In both cases I will use the lane for as long as needed, but also in both cases I will pull over to allow others to pass. It takes no longer for me but affects them much more if I don't.


    Many states have slow moving vehicle laws that require them pull over and allow othe vehicles to pass if there are 3 or more behind them. I don’t care if you’re on 2, 4, 6, or 18 wheels. If you are obstructing traffic, get out of the way. I don’t have the right to arbitrarily close down a road to play tag football, hold a party, or anything else, I have to get special permits to do so. I even have to get permits to move very slow/large loads by semi-truck. But some bikers think that just because there are more than 2 of them, they get to organize a rolling road block. To avoid shitting on just bikers, this happens with farm equipment and many other things too.
    In addition, most bikes and farm equipment don’t pay road taxes. The fuel for farm equipment is specifically exempted from pay tax on their fuel and bikes obviously don’t use fuel. Here is a golden rule I use when riding a bike, a motorcycle, a 4 wheeler, or driving a car, “Don’t be a dick.”


    Bikes shouldn’t have to pay road tax because they don’t cause wear on the roads, and the roads aren’t built for them. Road tax doesn’t come close to covering the cost of roads, the rest comes from general tax, so in reality it’s bikes subsidizing cars.

    Bikes aren’t riding in the middle of the lane just for the sake of it, there’s nothing worse than having a car riding up your ass. They’re riding in the middle of the lane because of visibility and to prevent unsafe passing. Once it’s safe to pass, they will pull over and let you pass. They aren’t “obstructing traffic” by riding along as fast, safe and courteously as they can, even if why they’re doing it isn’t always obvious to you.


    Same phenomenon with motorcycles, I can’t go on rides with more than two other riders and we need to be able to communicate via intercom. People act like idiots to impress each other when the group gets big enough.

    Excrubulent, in Why does everyone shit on bycicles but never on cars???
    @Excrubulent@slrpnk.net avatar

    It’s a lot easier to impose your lifestyle on other people with a multiton death machine that eats children for breakfast.

    Varyk, (edited ) in [discussion] transit oriented development vs 15 minute city

    Just to add a supplemental anecdote to humanius’ great explanation of the two, an example of transit oriented development turning into 15 minute cities is many large Chinese cities, where the metro map has rapidly expanded each year and each new metro stop will very quickly develop restaurants, department stores, parks, municipal sevices and residential areas all within a 15 minute walk.

    It’s pretty amazing to get off a metro stop anywhere in Beijing and walk around a completely serviced town or neighborhood with a distinct personality.

    Humanius, in [discussion] transit oriented development vs 15 minute city
    @Humanius@lemmy.world avatar

    The “15-minute” city is a term used to describe a type of neighbourhood (or preferably whole city) where, for everyone, all their day-to-day needs can be met with stores that are at most a 15 minute walk or bike ride away.
    Transit-oriented development refers to planning the land around transit stations (trains stations, tram stations, etc) to be designed as much as possible with destinations in mind. That means housing, offices and shops, instead of large parking lots for commuters.

    The two concepts refer to different things, but they are not incompatible with each other. In fact, they complement each other.
    I would say neither is better than the other, and they are best used together.

    kd637_mi, in Any good Cities Skylines-style game with support for bike lanes, bus lanes, bike paths and pedestrian paths?

    Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic. It doesn’t have bike lanes but you can set a fully pedestrianised city, as emergency vehicles can use footpaths if needed. It also has trains, trams, buses and trolleybuses. Also helicopters, which are cool but impractical most of the time. The public transport line management is pretty in depth too, you can have pick up only spots, spots specific for workers or students, drop off only, or a bunch of other parameters. It’s really good.

    It also has resource management, but the difficulty settings are really granular so you can adjust it to however you like.

    huskypenguin, in Any good Cities Skylines-style game with support for bike lanes, bus lanes, bike paths and pedestrian paths?

    A Netherlands simulator? I’d love to see this.

    RedKrieg, in New 20mph limit in urban areas in Wales
    @RedKrieg@lemmy.redkrieg.com avatar

    My city recently did 15mph for neighborhood residential roads and 20mph for the wider through roads connecting to them. I feel much safer now when walking and biking in the neighborhood. The roads here were never intended for cars to be parked up and down both sides.

    ZC3rr0r, in DOJ sues eBay for selling ‘rolling coal’ devices; fines could hit $2 billion [article]

    Coal rolling is the stupidest shit ever in terms of car modifications. You’re spending money to modify a vehicle so it will make less power, pollute more, and have reduced longevity.

    There is no upside unless you’re a massive asshole who likes to smoke screen bystanders, at which point you should be charged for assault with a deadly weapon.

    Not only should eBay work harder to stop these mods being sold on their platform, people that roll coal should have their licenses suspended. And yes, they ought to be charged if they ever pull a stunt next to other road users.

    disposabletentacle, in Why Pedestrians Never Die In This New Jersey City

    With a title like this, it's kind of disappointing that the answer is just "good infrastructure planning" and not something like "the land is cursed such that all who walk upon it shall rise again forever more."

    Aidinthel, in Why Pedestrians Never Die In This New Jersey City

    So, the answer is basically “Because the city government decided they didn’t want pedestrians to die, and acted accordingly.”


    Yes it’s really that simple.

    When Oslo and Helsinki achieved the same thing, it didn’t start with people asking for visible crossings or bicycle lanes. It started with people voting in a government that promised to get rid of pedestrian deaths. The actual plans and design followed.

    People might dismiss and argue for or against specific solutions, but I think we can all agree that pedestrian deaths are bad, so it shouldn’t be difficult to get started, regardless of who is running the government.

    @LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net avatar

    The problem I’ve experienced in the US is that the local governments will voice support for this goal, claim they are pursuing it, but then just not implement really easy and basic solutions because of their fear of backlash.

    someguy7734206, in One week in Mexico City and I've walked as much as all last month in the US

    To be fair, though, you would expect to spend more time walking when traveling than at home, simply because you’re visiting more places. At least, when I was in Europe last year, I basically only ever went to my hotel room to sleep and have breakfast, whereas in Canada, most of my free time is spent at home.

    gnuplusmatt, (edited ) in and no this is not an invitation for oil addicts to rant about EVs

    I drive an EV (not a tesla) and I agree. I have it primarily because its cheaper to run… My ancient previous car didn’t owe me anything, I ran it into the ground.


    Yep, I got an EV purely for the savings.

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