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Rambler, in this is all

Recently visited York (UK) and they have a fantastic bus system - and they’re electric.


Busses in my city are also going electric. So far only the local routes. The longer distance routes are still diesel

red, in this is all

but how many gallons does it take without hating to your life?

see answer 1


'murican behaving as a 'murican, as usual. Just live in a civilized country, friend.


I live in Finland and drive an EV, good attempt. My reply was just a joke 🤦‍♂️

@triplenadir@lemmygrad.ml avatar

if you don’t think 68 people trying to drive 68 cars on the same route is going to cause congestion on the roads, and thus “halting”, where do you think traffic jams come from?

Konlanx, in [image] Both cars fit the same amount of people

Both of them are used to transport mostly a single person at a time. Even the small one is too big.


Fuck cars, not just big trucks. They all tuck, they all are responsible for the harm done.

M0oP0o, in [image] Since many people seem to believe you can't tow with cars, here's roughly what dutch people end up doing on vacation.
@M0oP0o@mander.xyz avatar

This seems not very fuck cars but ok. Also who does not know you can tow with a car?


I think this is in response to stupid large truck vs kei truck thread that made the front page. All the car brains are going on about how everyone ever needs a stupid large truck to tow 85 boats at once

venia_sil, in this is all
@venia_sil@fedia.io avatar

68 men plus the driver makes 69, amirite?


But the driver is already at work


That made me laugh out loud in the literal sense of the phrase


But how does the bus driver get to work?

uis, (edited )
@uis@lemmy.world avatar
  1. Dormitory day before morning shift
  • Example: Moscow metro, national railway
  1. Night shift
  • Example: major city, national railway
  1. PMV
  • Example: a city
  1. Car
  • Example: shithole without public transit

To be fair 1 person using car is not 450 people that could use a car. To be fair at most 20% of people have a car in heavily car-centric cities. In good cities it hangs in single-digit.


At some point, public transport had housing nearby the depots. Employees could walk or bicycle to the workplace.

Then some douchebag neoliberal thinking @&€#!?/((+ thought it was privilege and that it has to be cut…

@sirico@feddit.uk avatar

And it takes them all at the same time?? 😳

billothekid2, in [Discussion] What are your opinions on this Not Just Bikes comments on "fixing" North America?
@billothekid2@kbin.social avatar

He's actually been kinda cranky on Mastodon lately. I've actually thought about unfollowing him because he's been a bit of a downer and even downright rude. Still love his videos, but I'm beginning to think he might be kind of a dick.


I don't know or watch this guy. Only just seen this post. My interpretation is that he's just frustrated and he's demonstrating that. It honestly seems like people need to get off his back and leave him be.

M1ster2, in [meme] Pedestrians shouldn't be relegated to the sidelines

So, is the community against all cars? Or just the ones for cities? I went to LA last month to see my brother and we went to this nice area that had blocked the street off permanently and all the restaurants and businesses had taken over the road. I. Fucking. Loved. It. All the extra space was great. So in city life, I completely get it.

That being said… I am a car person. I have an MR2 turbo I love to death. I have a lifted F250 (I grew up on a farm in a small shithole town in SC. I know I’m considered bad here but eh, the Kia Sorento isn’t going to pull the dump trailer or the tractor and the lift is because I’m 8 at heart and still smile driving it around) and a heavily modified Jeep Cherokee I play off-road with. Plus my daily Honda Civic. Cars have souls and driving is a sense of freedom I am addicted to. I can promise you 100% of “grown ups” (age is subjective here) with loud cars isn’t to impress anyone else, it’s for us. I won’t even drive my MR2 at certain times to make sure I don’t disturb anyone and when I’m around a populated area, I shift at low RPM and keep the noise down a lot, but away from everyone in bum fuck rural America, that exhaust note is all for me.

I get you hate cars, I even agree for the most part. But does that mean ALL cars? Am I bad here?

@Goodtoknow@lemmy.ca avatar

Personal vehicles have a place, and a lot of people really enjoy the hobby of it. But at least what I’m against is how they’ve completely and utterly, fully enveloped our modern Life, paving over the places we have to live in the process. The auto industry has made people addicted to the concept that every place has to be accessable and beholdent to the automobile, making it inaccessible and very unpleasant for anyone who doesn’t buy into that system (pedestrians, disabled people, cyclists etc). It’s honestly a violation of personal freedom that many people can not perform their day-to-day basic functions of socializing, gathering food and working without paying into the micro transactional hell that of the Auto/Oil industry.

Being able to go somewhere and visit worry people without dribble feeding that piggy industry with my hard earned money into gas/electricity is freeing and should be the default. If someone wants to blast down a country road listening to the purr of the engine, power to them. Forcing everyone through deliberately exclusionary infrastructural planning to pilot a few Tons of metal plastic and combustion engines just to perform basic tasks? Fuck off.

(Edit: my bad language is not directed at you, but at the industry, you sound chill)


Nah man, I completely get it. Like I said above, I live in a rural shithole in SC and transportation is like 1/4rd or more of a lot of people’s income. Its easy to say “JuSt bUy SoMeThInG oLdER, yOU DoNt NeEd AnyTHiNg NiCe” but Im a technician at heart and full understand the depth of knowledge you need to properly maintain and repair an old car. If you are super duper lucky, you’ll have an uncle or brother to help you but most people are at the mercy of the shops around them and I personally have been F’d in the A because of ignorance or compliance and I know in some rather silly and not on purpose detail how a vehicle works. Public transportation doesn’t seem to be a possibility in our neck of the woods but doesn’t mean being a slave to car manufacturers is the only solution. I love the freedom, I even drive for a living now and still love it, but I’m not foolish enough to think I am not the outlier.

quindraco, in We almost have a consensus

Thing is, if we’re conflating hate for other drivers with hate for other cars, the absolute worst thing on the road is buses because bus drivers absolutely never obey certain traffic laws like “drive in one lane at a time” or “no changing lanes without signalling”, and when they park by the side of the road, it’s way worse than when a mere car does it.

Seriously, bus drivers are the exact opposite of 18-wheeler drivers. They’re the bullies of the street.

@Nerd02@lemmy.basedcount.com avatar

Where the hell is this coming from? In my city buses are the bullied ones, if anything. I feel like drivers have some minor degree of empathy towards other drivers but that totally goes out of the window when they have to let a bus pass.

Also, buses are generally operated by the city administration so it makes zero sense that the city would let its own employes violate traffic laws.


The thing is, buses are 30x more important than most cars and should be prioritized as such, in the same way that emergency services are infinitely more important than every other vehicle. Buses are (morally)allowed to drive like aggressive twats and every other vehicle needs to get out of the way.

Unfortunately, some car drivers have missed the memo and think their time is more important than 30 other people’s. Those are the people that should be shamed, not the poor underpaid bus driver that’s trying their best to get a whole busload of passengers to work on time.


You can complain that a bus cut you off when you have 20 people in the back of your car

Aesthesiaphilia, in We almost have a consensus

I swear y'all are rotten in the brain

You think we drive around and sit in traffic because we just like doing it?

We drive because we have no other options. Driving sucks, almost everyone hates it, it's just the most efficient option by a landslide in most of the US.


Are there people here who don’t know that? You’re preaching to the choir.


Are there people here who don’t know that?

Yes. Quite a few. Plenty of terminally online cyclists think motorists are intentionally trying to run them over, it's insane. Like literal mental illness levels of persecution complex. Every time fuckcars pops up on my feed I see it at least once and call it out.


If you don’t think there are some drivers that actively try to scare cyclists off the road then you don’t ride a bike. Hint: they often drive black lifted pickup trucks with tinted windows; you know the type.


Sure but that's because they're assholes, not because they own a vehicle. They're like that outside of their Small Penis Cope Machines too. They litter, they're rude, etc.


Earlier you said:

Plenty of terminally online cyclists think motorists are intentionally trying to run them over

And I have explained why cyclists know that some drivers are indeed aggressive towards them: punishment passes, honking, etc.

Sure but that’s because they’re assholes, not because they own a vehicle

That is moving the goalposts. It’s easier to admit that you were wrong and we can all move on.


I said


You said

some drivers

The brain rot cyclists I'm talking about think all drivers hate cyclists. Everyone knows these assholes hate cyclists. Some of the terminally online types think everyone behind the wheel is like them


It only takes one crash to injure or kill a cyclist – there’s no such thing as a fender bender when you are on two wheels.

Try commuting by bike for a month and you will understand why cyclists are so distrustful of cars in North America. It’s a lot scarier than drivers realize.


Yeah but the thing is: most you do nothing to change that and some of you actively prevent change.


Do you mean it’s the most efficient for personal choice given current political conditions, or do you mean it’s the most efficient for a society to organise around and for politicians to plan for?


Most efficient route for an individual to get from A to B. Probably the least efficient as a standard for society when you factor in carbon emissions.


Precisely. That’s what this sub is about.

Also, if you’ve lived in an area that’s really designed properly like Amsterdam, renewable transport is more convenient than cars are in America


I hope we get to that point too.


This place is like a zoo for stupid people, it’s great.

bstix, in this is all

Despite having the tube and double-decker busses, London is the most traffic congested city in the world.


@GreatAlbatross@feddit.uk avatar

Good job they have them, in that case!

@Stumblinbear@pawb.social avatar

I was in London for a few days last year and it was pretty fine


At least in my experience most of the traffic is people trying to go into London from commuter towns, and they’ll take the motorways not the streets


Imagine how bad it would be without the tube and busses! All these people trying to drive in London? Just thinking about it I shudder and I’ve never even seen London.


Not all sources agree on that. Also, I can think of a way or two to eliminate all traffic congestion.

severspade, (edited )

According to a study conducted in 1000 cities in 50 countries based on data from connected vehicles and phones. Not disagreeing with the premise but I expect there are plenty of other more “congested” cities, visit Manila or Jakarta for example. The UK should however definitely do more to fund its public infrastructure.

@Syldon@feddit.uk avatar

London has one of the best transport system in the country.

Hazdaz, in this is all

That’s great when all those people live in the same block and go to work at the same company and have the same hours.

But Frank lives 10 miles away and works on the other side of town. And Tim lives 3 towns over and works the night shift. Bill lives in the country and works 40 miles away. Eddy lost a leg in the war and while he is only 1/2 mile from the bus station, can’t walk that far with his disability.

When it is convenient, it is convenient, but there’s a reason why when given the choice, most normal people will drive their car instead no matter what the nonsense in this subs likes to pretend is real.

@uis@lemmy.world avatar

can’t walk that far with his disability.

Neither he can drive. Or in some countries even not allowed to.

while he is only 1/2 mile from the bus station

  1. This is seriously fucked.
  2. Powered wheelchair.

Hand-controls are a thing. Eddy is perfectly fine driving his handi-van around. He’s not too keen on when motorcycles part in between the handicapped spots though.


Jessie got shot in the face in the war, his lack of depth perception from having one eye stops him from driving.

Fred, Stephanie, Phil, Jack, and Masha all have severe hearing loss from the war (Jack’s is actually from training for the war), while they can still drive, it’s safer for them not too.

Nick, Chloe, Phil (different Phil), and Jessie (same Jessie) all got blown up in the war, driving vehicles is extremely stressful for them. Being a passenger to varying less degrees. Trains don’t seem to trigger any reaction, and busses don’t for at least one of them (not sure about the others)


Don’t forget Susan, whose base wages are so low that she has to work overtime to make ends meet. But the bus doesn’t run that late, so 2/3 of her overtime goes to an uber, whose driver also can’t feed her children.


Well Susan sounds rather dumb if she is using an Uber as a daily form of transportation where 2/3rd of her money is going to. She should consider getting a car.


Paycheque to paycheque can’t buy you a car, but it can guy you multiple cabs.

It’s expensive to be poor.


Being stupid is even worse.


Bit of a dick, aren’t ya?


Only sometimes. Imaginary “gotcha” type of hypothetical situations tend to bring that out.


Not imaginary but ok. Didn’t realize you were one of those insufferable “actually” kind of trolls. My bad, I really should have clued in. Carry on.


Susan should’ve been born on a civilized country, as those run buses around the clock

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

The post is a meme about how buses are a better option than cars because they can transport more people at once using amount of gas less than what would be done on a 1:1 basis.

I feel like you’ve not ridden a bus before though - you didn’t mention schedules or routes once which solve the majority of your claimed points.

The disabled persons perspective is an interesting point, but shuttle services for the disabled would be even easier to run, as they would require vans instead of buses. Also, choosing to live in the country side away from bus routes when you can’t fucking walking is not the fault of the bus haha


Spoken like a true clueless 'murican. What the fuck do you think bus lines are?

regul, in Today, I bike to school

Here in Portland we have the bike bus. It recently got enough attention that the state legislature passed a bill allowing schools to use transportation funding to promote/organize their own.

@DakRalter@thelemmy.club avatar

That’s awesome!

Nacktmull, in this is all
@Nacktmull@feddit.de avatar

But everybody loves cars! Just look at how many cars people buy all the time!


HexesofVexes, in [meme] How would you rather see this land developed?

A lot of people are pro-apartmemt before living in one, so here are some fun facts:

  1. Apartments usually have a maintenance cost, that covers as little as possible while still costing a lot. You never really own the flat, the building company does.
  2. You often have a communal garden; it’s looked after by the lowest bidding contractor. Not all flats have balconies, so you are unlikely to have your own.
  3. Fear of fire and flooding - if someone else messes up, your stuff is toast/soaked. Insurance companies love that extra risk, it gives them an excuse to charge more.
  4. No flat has good sound proofing - the baby screaming downstairs at 5am and the thunder of the morbidly obese person upstairs going to the bathroom at 1am will denote your new sleep schedule (i.e. disturbed)
  5. I hope you’re in for deliveries - apartments have no safe spots to leave things.
  6. You will not be able to afford a flat with the same floor space as a house. I’m sorry, welcome to your new coffin.
  7. Good luck drying your laundry (spoiler, your living room is going to have a laundry rack).
  8. Good luck owning a bike (it’s either the bike or your laundry, take your pick).
  9. Vocal intimacy becomes a community event.

Living in a flat is a pile of little miseries grouped together.


That is pretty pessimistic. I never lived in a big block of appartments but in 8 flat/building houses. We have thick walls, so flooding and noise isnt really a problem. We know our neighbours, they even take deliveries inside (into the stairway) so they dont get stolen from outsiders. We have a dedicated bike-room downstairs, with a dedicated bikeramp from the outside, every house in the area has this. We have a communal parkinggarage with electric charging-spaces.

The cost of living i cannot really compare, the inability of repairing something or our own (as we are renting) is a negative. The fire risk is something I have never thought about but is a fair point I guess.

Big minus is smoking neighbours


Flooding from above is the big one - I’ve been lucky so far, the guy across from me was not so lucky.

Your milage may vary with flats, but you’re going to enjoy at least 2–3 of these issues living in one (or some of the unlisted ones).

Out there, the ideal block of flats probably does exist. However, so does your winning lottery ticket!


You’ve never lived in a large apartment building but you think the issues people have with them are pessimistic?? I wouldn’t have a problem with a townhome but apartments definitely have some trade offs


I want to say that living in an european low-/midrise block isn’t as bad as said in the comment


ITT: dude’s been living in $200/month flats and wonders why people living in $2000/month luxury apartments are enjoying it so much


£900 a month to rent actually - definitely not as bad as $2000 a month!

About £300,000 if I wanted to buy sadly.


FWIW a lot of your problems with apartments were fixed in the Soviet Union lol


This made me stop and do a double take.

Have you lived in one?

They might have fixed the cost issues to an extent during the Soviet Union, but that is about it.

Everything they list applies and more. They are generally small, 90m^2 is generally the biggest sizes, with some exceptions, they have nearly no parking space because when they were built, parking was not a huge consideration. There is very little yard space usually, not really anywhere decent for kids to play unless the building or community have forked up for it (spoiler, they favor parking spaces). The walls are in fact fairly thin, the floors are often creaky as hell.

Plumbing is old, metallic and corroded / clogged. Water pressures up top are abysmal. Don’t even get me started on electrical, the people who built them did not give a hoot unless the building was meant for more than common workers. You can literally hit a live wire in the middle of the wall while hanging a painting, because, again, the people building it didn’t give a hoot and often layed wires using the shortest path not rational right angles.

Many of these houses are in a subpar state. Like okay, they wont probably crumble, but heat insulation is near non-existant, leading to high heating costs. The elevators are tiny, many of them smell like piss, accessibility for disabled people was never considered, nor was access in general - moving in large furniture, or bringing down people on stretchers (EMS) is often a PITA.

And all of this leads to a huge issue they didn’t explicitly outline - getting shit done for your building, is often impossible. One such building I lived it had a resident who was pushing for a full renovation, he had surveyed other houses that have done this across the city, did the math and presented how doing this would lead us to pay less overall, even with the loan considered, than before, with higher property value and a nicer property to boot. Some 60% refused to even take it as far as getting an actualy consultant involved.


Apartments works very different in your country. For me it’s like this:

  1. Building companies build apartments, usually they are owned by whoever paided them. That can be a private company, it can also be state owned, a cooperative, or a collection of privates. It’s not uncommen to buy single apartments here. Depending on the constellation you have a say in what is what done in what way. However: cost like garbage collection, tax,… Are always there. No matter if you live in an apartment or single home.
  2. Same as 1. Depends on the constellation. Many people living in apartments have a garden plot somewhere else. There are places (close to nature, away from streets) where you can rent a garden and have a place of piece. Quieter than your lawn next to the next house.
  3. If apartments are that more dangerous then insurance companies will want more money, sure. As far as I looked for my neighborhood the cost seems to be related to the living area, I. E. Same size same price. So it does not has to be more expensive.
  4. Of course can you have sound proofness. Usually here walls are massive and not made out of paper.
  5. And houses do? Isn’t it a thing that people steel packages from your doorway/garden in the US? But nevertheless: usually I was friends with other people in the house who could get my parcels for me, like the elderly lady on the ground floor. It does not get safer than that.
  6. Yes? Flats are obviously cheaper for the same size as a house. You will not find 500m^2+ appartements, but >200m^2 can be found. How big are your houses usually?
  7. Dryer? Balcony? A lot of apartments have an extra room in the basement, or a sun roof.
  8. Bike or laundry? What are you on about? A lot of places have an extra bike room. Most of the time you have also your own compartment in the cellar. Bigger apartment complexes here are also required to have room for cars, I.e.you can rent a garage if you really want more space.
  9. Same as 4.

I am really not sure if you are trolling or houses work differently in your area.


Probably an American, that hears 15min cities and runs away screaming.


Everything works different in the US. Worse.




I’ve lived in a flat, a student dorm, 2 terrace houses, and a detached house.

The flat is better than the student dorm and one of the terrace houses. It’s larger than only the student dorm.

The list is a comparison to the decent terrace and the detached.

I’ve not had theft issues, just polite refusal to leave the package due to too much foot traffic (solved by a kind elderly neighbour). A dryer is great, if your energy bills are reasonable - the rest of us use trying lines/racks.

Not all flats have built in facilities - indeed not all flats began life as flats. The best of flats is still worse than a detached in terms of noise, space, and privacy, however it can outstrip the worst terrace. However, that’s a matter of design, which could be solved by a government that wasn’t drunk at the wheel…


Yeah, these issues are all really weird. I live in a flat with one other person, it’s two stories so there’s one person in the top flat and one in the bottom, they’re in a terrace and we each have our own entrance. It’s nice we have plenty of space and a decently large living room and bedrooms (though annoyingly one room is much larger than the other, I suppose because it is for families.) We also have a small bit of fenced of space outside and most have a full garden space.

This is in a council estate in the UK, so equivalent of a “project” but the whole area is very nice, there’s lots of grassy spots to take our dog on and there a decent amount of trees around. We have both just been really happy here, much more than I was living in a house before which had no outside space, no trees or grass for a good 50 metres or so and there was more crime despite not being a council estate where as where I am now is. I mean a house is nice I can get why people would prefer living in one, but apartments/flats are nice too.

Oh yeah and we don’t really ever hear our neighbours either.

@Vellingo@lemmy.world avatar

Your apartment is just shit

DakRalter, in Today, I bike to school
@DakRalter@thelemmy.club avatar

Good on you, buddy. When you say they don’t talk about it, do you mean among each other or with others? If the former, maybe you could use questions about bike maintenance as a way to start the conversation?

@nei7jc@lemmy.world avatar

There aren’t many others who also bike. It also feels weird to start a convo just from that.

@DakRalter@thelemmy.club avatar

You could just ask something like, what’s the best lubricant for your chain, something like that. You’ll know from that if they’re the type to nerd out about bikes. Good luck!

@nei7jc@lemmy.world avatar

Idk, there are only so many people, that seems like a weird way to start, and it can be easily looked up. I haven’t had a bike for very long, so I’ve never lubricated my chains. Different times, thanks for the advice anyways.

@DakRalter@thelemmy.club avatar

Oh I see. I guess it’s a different culture where you are.

(you should have lubricated your chains already btw. Give them a clean with degreaser or washing up liquid, let them dry, then add lubricant. Every month or so, more in wet weather. Regular maintenance will save you a lot in repair costs)

@nei7jc@lemmy.world avatar


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