Rooty, (edited )

Number of active users slightly dips after exponential growth, surely the platform is dying, lets run around in circles and scream that the sky is falling.

Ignacio, avatar

Why don't we, instead, sacrifice u/spez to the gods, so they have mercy of us?


Can bot cleaning explain this?

LollerCorleone, avatar

The number of users are just stabilising. This is expected after a sudden spike in users.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod, avatar

How much is Threads down in DAU?

LollerCorleone, avatar

I think a better comparison would be mastodon after the twitter acquisition, but I would agree everything always has a huge surge at first and then there is a drop.


I feel like that is more or less to be expected. A ton of people found Lemmy during the reddit protests. Now that the protests are gone and Lemmy has had its growing pains some users are leaving, going back to reddit or other places. If we keep using it and making content users will grow organically.

Lemmy is having an identity crisis of sorts. It was built to be decentralized yet we (users) seem to want to centralize everything and we all go to a few of the largest instances.

RxBrad, avatar

Having recently jumped from the largest instance to a small unknown one, I will say that it’s nice not having to deal with downtimes roughly 20% of the time when I try to use Lemmy.


I wish there was a way to migrate all my subscriptions, cause then I would probably change instances to ease the burden on my current instance.

Coelacanth, avatar

There are ways! Have a look at these:

rubikcuber, avatar

There are a few others, mostly command line scripts.


I found this


I haven’t tried it out but have been watching it. Looks like a great tool!

Lemmy Account Settings Instance Migrator

Historical_General, avatar

It’s worked excellently. Very easy to use.

OverfedRaccoon, avatar

LASIM can copy your current subs to another instance, as others have said. I wish there was a way to migrate posts/comments over. I guess you could just link to your old account in your bio though.

infyrin, avatar

“You broke Reddit!”

No, you broke yourself.


I appreciate World’s transparency but it’s been a lot nicer on for me. Not having a way to kill time when I need to isn’t the end of the world but definitely annoying.


I have also recently moved and it makes me wonder, will users moving to other instances affect the graph?


I don’t think it’s about a craving for centralisation but for newcomers and people still learning the core ideas about decentralisation it’s about a promise of more active engagement and more varied content.


And FOMO. New users gravitate towards the large instances because they think they will miss content, not knowing they can easily access said content on any instance as long as it hasn’t defederated from them.


I’m barely seeing any content at all, I often see a post click on the community and it shows either 2 other posts and nothing else or nothing at all. It constantly seems like the majority of posts just disappear into the void.


It is much much more of a pain to access content on small instances where it hasn’t synced yet. It means visiting those larger instances anyway to check if it’s worth subscribing to communities. And then trying to actually subscribe is a lesson in patience while it gives you no search results and errors out if you try to visit an unsynced community directly.


Of course it’s not about centralisation per se, but the problems that a centralised platform does not have to deal with.


It’s that everyone wants to create the same community on different instances.


Lemmy is having an identity crisis of sorts. It was built to be decentralized yet we (users) seem to want to centralize everything and we all go to a few of the largest instances.

Because decentralization, at least as it is now, runs counter to what people are looking for in a social media platform; mainly discoverability.


Does it though? My instance has very little locally, but if I browse ‘All’ it really isn’t any different than being on any other instance, even a big one.


You are only shown what your server has stored. Your server only stores what people of your instance have subscribed to. If you visit bogger instances, they all have different Hot feeds, because each server pulls different content. There is no one way to see what is going on in all of the fediverse. You are only ever shown a part.


Sure but above a certain user count, your instance will usually have at least one subscriber to just about every active community. (I may have used a bot to help this process…)


Subscribe to what you want to see?

demesisx, avatar

It’s hard to find instances that offer what world offers, so I get it.

OTOH, I ended up moving or handing over most of my communities that I had created on world because this instance is TOO popular and bogged down all the time. Plus, they make arbitrary and drastic decisions without discussion on matters like defederation and often banning. It’s smart to go to a smaller instance but it’s also risky because any instance could go down at any moment. That’s why many of my communities are duplicated (across world and infosec) because it would be devastating to lose all of those quality links and engagement.

circuitfarmer, avatar

I think there is a gap in understanding how Lemmy works and how it differs from reddit, in particular with the less technical crowd. We definitely don’t want people sharing giant instances, but that matches more with the sign up for reddit, use reddit logic many people are used to.

I think it’s also why we have seen such drama over Sync for Lemmy and its ads and pricing. To the techy crowd that was the majority of Lemmy users, that all seems antithetical to what Lemmy is and how it works. To the people who came to Lemmy from reddit, and especially those who may have tried out Lemmy because of Sync, the criticism sounds maddening because that’s the way it always worked on reddit.

So in some sense all of this is expected. Lemmy will lose some users, but maybe it will find an equilibrium. The key focus these days imho should be outreach about smaller instances, and outreach about donating to your instance (if you can) to keep it running.


I think more people need to make communities they are interested in that might already exist on beehaw/ but on other instances. We really need to not keep everything on a few instances… I agree it contradicts itself. I tried by creating fallout but hard to get activity. Even its main community is quiet so that makes sense. I might try something a bit less niche.


You also don’t have the content of Reddit. It doesn’t take too long to scroll through all top six hours and get to the single digits of upvotes.


Kinda cozy though, if you pay attention you kinda see who’s active.

Like you, only user on my instance who has more comments than me.


How do you think I got so much karma on Reddit?


If Lemmy gets significantly larger we gotta figure out how to make our own CC

Right now private communities aren’t really possible.


There are a lot of parts of Lemmy that are rough around the edges or aren’t there at all. Hopefully it improves over time, especially as new front end apps can free developers to focus on the back end, but we’ll see.


It’s not that users want to centralize everything. It’s Lemmy’s design that promotes it, because despite federation, there are still advantages to choosing big instances and communities.

  1. Joining the largest instance makes searching, joining, or opening communities much more seamless.This can be addressed by:
  • Improving the search so that it can find communities, or even content, that no one on the instance has subscribed yet.
  • Making it easier to open a community in your home instance.
  • In addition to Sub/Local/All feed, you can have a “moderated” feed (with communities selected by admins). The “local” feed is most useful for instances on a specific topic. But for very small instances, it’ll be too empty at least at first. So a moderated feed can create an on-topic feed that’s more lively.
  1. For most topics, only the largest communities are large enough to have good content, so everyone wants to join them. To address this, you need some easy mechanism to subscribe to all communities on a topic. For example, we can let communities follow other communities. Then people can create topical meta-communities that aggregate content without centralizing it.
callinean, avatar

Same shit happened with the ‘temporary’ mass migration to Signal.



Interesting what do you mean? I use signal but I can’t get anyone other than my ex wife to use it with me. It is so much nicer than google voice or the texting app, regardless of the end to end encryption.


I like the idea of federated social media platforms conceptually, but ai absolutely want to make my home on the largest instances. That’s just an artifact of how I use social media, though, I always gravitate towards the busiest platforms because interacting with so many people is the real joy of it.

wasabi, avatar

Lemmy is having an identity crisis of sorts. It was built to be decentralized yet we (users) seem to want to centralize everything and we all go to a few of the largest instances.

Is that any different on Mastodon and other Fediverse projects?


I mentioned this in another thread but I think it’s regression to the mean


Reddit is going to keep trying dumb methods to monetize or annoy their user base. Digg did a similar thing. The people will slowly get more and more annoyed and the content here will increase. It’s just a waiting game and federated services are the future.


Ads are coming. (Well, more ads.)


Old.Reddit will be killed too. I know they said it’s not going anywhere but they have shown to be full of shit in the past.

BrikoX, avatar

It’s natural progression once initial hype wears off. As long we manage to keep core amount of users it should grow slowly over time.

Temperche, avatar

Also, this graph does not take into account kbin which is essentially the same kind of software as lemmy but tracked seperately. Better data can be found here:

Also, instance hopping and users registering on multiple instances before picking only one/being active on only once may be an explanation.

Coelacanth, avatar

Also worth noting is Lemmy only counts posts/comments as “active users”. Lurkers who only read and up/downvote aren’t counted.

Blaze, avatar

That’s interesting, I would expect people who vote to be accounted

Coelacanth, avatar

Me as well. I only remember this because around July 1st there was a post about it, which lead to a wave of “doing my part by posting my daily comment to count as an active user”-comments.

MicroWave, avatar

That was probably my post :)


wow, I lurk so much more than I post stuff… one would think they would track this


I think this is the biggest factor. Most people only lurk. How many people signed up and only lurk?


At least 2.

MicroWave, avatar

So true. This is straight from Lemmy’s documentation:

An active user is someone who has posted or commented on our instance or community within the last given time frame. For site counts, only local users are counted. For community counts, federated users are included.…/07-ranking-algo.html


I wonder if lurkers were counted in reddits active user data


In this case, I have a theory. I remember a month ago people were posting a lot on Reddit and the !reddit community was extremely active. It was like group therapy for refugees. But now the new reality is setting in and people are actually having real and meaningful conversations, which means more lurkers.

So it doesn’t mean that active users are down per se, it’s just that it’s stabilised because people are mostly over Reddit.

Coelacanth, avatar

Absolutely, and also keep in mind that many who were lurkers on Reddit and came over here maybe made one or two comments immediately saying something like “Happy to be on Lemmy!” and then went back to lurking here and haven’t commented since. They would have counted as monthly active users for July, but not August.


Well, to keep a user is way harder than to attract his attention.

I think that the key differences between this platform(s) and the more known alternatives are part of the problem - people are very dumb these days and lazy. Often the first reaction to something new and not working in the expected way is to skip it, or demand the solution, rather than look around, try different approach and such.

I feel like I’m witnessing Diaspora 2.0 effect…


Yes, most people give up as soon as something does not work first time.

Maybe there are enough of us to be enough abd to fix those annoying little things that make lemmy complicated to use.

A lot if issues got resolved, apps are here,it is getting better fast.


I doubt it - too many people with different preferences they aren’t willing to let go, I’m afraid.

If you’re asking me, it’s “good enough” the way it is. I’d gladly have some more content filters, but even without them I perceive it as a platform with enough potential to consider it good.

o_oli, avatar

I think those issues will be solved though. Apps will increasingly make onboarding simpler so Lemmy will be as simple to use as Reddit.

At that point really its just a case of waiting for Reddit to fuck itself, which it absolutely will do eventually via corporate greed, and there we go, all the Lemmy content anyone could ever need.

jesterraiin, (edited )

I don’t think Reddit will fall, sadly.

It harbors too many people, who go there for a specific content and don’t care about the internal dramas, or who leads the place and what he thinks about the userbase. In addition… Eh, it hosted Obama, Arnold, plenty of actors, celebrities.

My assumption is that it will simply evolve into something different, but no less popular.

After all, Facebook was caught redhanded on such abominable practices that it should be burnt to a crisp long time ago, and yet it’s still there, led by that automaton, what’shisname…

o_oli, avatar

I mean Facebook is actually a perfect example though no? I don’t know anyone below 40 who uses it. Eventually people get fed up of these stupid websites and move elsewhere.

Reddit will be around just like Facebook sure, but somewhere else will pick up the slack.

In Facebooks case that was Instagram largely which you know, also they owned. In Reddits case it may be Lemmy it may be elsewhere, we will see.


But that’s the point I’m making here. Facebook didn’t fall and Reddit won’t either. It’s going to evolve, cater to different clientele, offer different content/experience. But it won’t fall.

o_oli, avatar

I mean fair I guess we’re on the same page there then. But if it caters to a different clientele then the existing clientele will move elsewhere was really what I was getting at, and that may possibly be here.



This is both a blessing and a curse. Already there are some… less welcome, Reddit behaviors visible here. I’d rather people leave their old baggage at the doorstep, heh. 😬


I think I am on shitjustworks… i don’t know how big my instance is I just chose it because it has a cool name.

It has gone down a few times and at first my reaction was to go to is it down dot com to see if the problem was with my app… but then I had the realization that ohhhh, it’s just my home server is down… I thought about making a separate account on another instance but instead just decided to do something else with those few minutes I would have spent here….

No big deal…. It’s happened a few times in the couple months I’ve been here, but it always works eventually… I really like this platform, and the philosophy behind it, but I’m not knowledgeable enough to understand all the inner workings and how the instances work together, but I don’t feel like I need to.

But I can see how people who understand it even less than I do might get frustrated and so that is going to be a limiting factor with new growth here I would assume…

swan_pr, avatar

One thing that bugs me is people asking for/using tools that replicate the look and feel of Reddit instead of learning the ropes. I left Reddit, I don’t want another one. I get it, familiarity is comforting, but when the user base is a fraction of the other platform, no UI or app will ever give you the same experience. I say move on, get out of your comfort zone and participate.


Amen to that.

I don’t imagine staying on some site that resembles a drowning wreck, because “I got used to how things work here”.


I’m just here because I like the pretty 3rd party apps.

1984, (edited ) avatar

I’m not too worried. Graphs dont only go up. :)


Graps are delicious and I love the wins they make.

1984, avatar

:) I erased any evidence of any misspelling that may or may not have taken place here tonight.

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