NightLily, avatar

Common China internet L.

Arotrios, avatar

抱歉 - 這可能是我的錯

lvxferre, avatar


你TMD做了什麼??? :^)

Arotrios, avatar
finthechat, avatar

Some idiots out there think this meme is racist. Lol.


I’m not happy with this development, but I’m slightly amused by the irony being that is pro-china and has been moderated as such.

Kaldo, avatar

I was curious what has to say about this but it seems the linked post was deleted in the meantime 🤡

Wu9fee, avatar

The poster was banned for trolling but I saw a comment showing that it is real.

ttmrichter, avatar

It is definitely blocked.

Source: I’m in Mainland China.


West Taiwan*

Marsupial, avatar

Saying that is what China wants.

You’re reaffirming the one China policy and keeping the status quo.

Conflating Taiwan and China means Taiwan can never move onto independence.


Taiwan seems very independent already though and the vast majority of the world feels the same way.


This took a major hit just a few years ago when the UK officially backed out.


It looks like this info is out of date based on a quick search.…/uk-parliament-calls-taiwan-independ…

That said, UK support or not seems to have had little to no impact.

YeetPics, avatar

Taiwan is its own country, always has been. china would be lucky to be known as the geographical-offshoot of Taiwan.


It’s my fault. I signed up for it before I realized it was a pro China instance and the other day I said I’m not a Communist.


I feel like I might have legitimately helped as well by mocking them incessantly for being campists and not socialists


Where you drunk?


Who, me? Never.


Why aren’t you a communist?


Hexbear might as well be the CCP propaganda wing, this development is fucking hilarious

Neato, avatar

I don't understand why the pro China tanked subs would get banned but not the rest.


Even China is embarrassed. You ever had someone defend you but really poorly? Ya.

1bluepixel, (edited ) avatar

This is exactly it.

I’m moving to China for work, so I’m interested in alternative points of view on Chinese society from the usual U.S. mainstream media CCP hate boner. I checked out hexbear, and… my goodness.

They cheer for a version of China that the Chinese themselves would be embarrassed by. It’s clearly driven by 14-year-old white boy edgelords who are enamored with a hardcore Marxist-Leninist vision of China that never existed, most likely in reaction to a dislike of modern Western capitalism. I mean, they referenced “struggle sessions” with nostalgia and cheer for Bashar al-Assad because China is being friendly to him.

Real-life China is quite different from the depictions you see on main Lemmy instances, but it sure as hell isn’t anything like what the tankies are jerking off to, either.


It feels like most Western CCP cheerleaders are basically cheering on a pre-Deng version of the CCP and haven’t quite noticed that the CCP of today would totally purge anyone pushing the pre-Deng/pre-1978 views of the CCP.

ttmrichter, avatar

“China” isn’t “embarrassed” by or “China” just shuts down access to non-Chinese social media sites as they are discovered. Any social media site that isn’t currently blocked in China is on numbered days until they are blocked, whether “pro-China” or “anti-China”.


This is true. I was kidding. That said, the Chinese government does engage in social media. And they probably would see lemmy users as a poor messenger, if they cared about lemmy.


They might spread western ideas of communism in China. That’s not something China can allow.

chaorace, avatar

Communism with western characteristics?


Communism as understood by one who has read Marx and isn’t interested in the details of creating it.


How is pro china?


ML stands for Marxist leninist, which means they love authoritarian regimes that don’t like the US. The number of them that unironically stan Stalin is baffling.

mojo, (edited )

ML is machine learning. It means they love teaching AI to overthrow the illuminati government lizard people. Can’t believe u didn’t know that, kinda embarrassing

Sees some use in Mali and for some websites about machine learning. Use is relatively rare elsewhere.


Oh no… It’s retarded.


This is some top-tier shitposting, in case you missed it.


Probably. I’m so used to brain damaged tankies on lemmy so pie’s law is in full effect.

TopRamenBinLaden, (edited )

.ml is the top level domain for Mali, it doesn’t have anything to do with Marxist-Leninism by itself. They may have chosen it as a tongue in cheek reference, but it is also a cheaper alternative to other more popular tlds like .com.


Right. And TV means Tuvalu but it actually means television far more often than Tuvalu when it’s used in a domain name.

loki, (edited )

how many websites have you seen use it based on its meaning of marxist leninist versus how many have used tv for television?

lemmy and lemmygrad, can you name others?

I hate them for ccp/russia propaganda but this is straight up mental bubble made up by some edgelord with no rational argument.

Just because you want it to be so, doesn’t make it.

fkn, (edited )

Here is the rest of the story: the people who chose the subdomain chose .ml because they want it to mean marx-lenin… that’s why it means that for them.

Generally you are right. In this specific instance it was chosen for the fascism.

TheGreenGolem, (edited )

Okay, but. Are they Marxist-Leninist? Pro-China? Socialists? Anti-capitalists? Looks like: yes. Was the whole thing founded on the grounds of free, shared things and anti-corporate thinking? Also yes. Do we absolutely know for sure that the ML domain was chosen because of this? No, because the fucking register of the domain himself said it was chosen because it was free.

It was simply just free. People and their “knowledge” about topics they don’t know anything about…

Dessalines is the owner of the domain, one of the owners of the ML instance and one of the full-time devs of the Lemmy code.

I think an overwhelming number of people simply chose that instance becuase it was the instance, made by the devs themselves. At least it was the case for me.

nlm, (edited )

.ml domain names used to be free (together with .ga I think it was) through freenom so it might just be that they snagged themselves a free domain that just happened to be ml.

Not saying you couldn’t be right but not everything is quite as well thought out as it first seems.

throws_lemy, avatar

Right? I and others were also banned from talking about China and Uyghurs on world news on

hal_5700X, avatar
asdfasdfasdf, (edited )


Please stop saying “mainland China”. It implies Taiwan is part of China, at least to some.

Wu9fee, avatar

Sorry I only copied the title


You can still edit it.

Wu9fee, avatar

Okay I edit it


The official name of Taiwan’s government is Republic of China, and it’s the continuation of the government that controlled all of China before Mao’s uprising.

So I’m not sure your argument makes sense. They claim to be the legitimate Chinese government in their own name.


They claim to be independent, the name is something given to them by (you guessed it) China.

woelkchen, (edited ) avatar

They claim to be independent

They actually don’t.

Edit: People downvoting this have absolutely no clue at all about Taiwanese politics and don’t even bother googling “Taiwan independence”. If they did, they’d knew that Taiwan never formally declared independence.


And yet there’s a whole wikipedia page saying the opposite?

woelkchen, avatar

And yet there’s a whole wikipedia page saying the opposite?

No, not really.

The Taiwan independence movement is a political movement which advocates the formal declaration of an independent and sovereign Taiwanese state, as opposed to Chinese unification or the status quo in Cross-Strait relations.

Currently, Taiwan’s political status is ambiguous.…/Taiwan_independence_movement


Former president Lee Teng-hui has stated that he never pursued Taiwanese independence. Lee views Taiwan as already an independent state, and that the call for “Taiwanese independence” could even confuse the international community by implying that Taiwan once viewed itself as part of China. From this perspective, Taiwan is independent even if it remains unable to enter the UN.

Most Taiwanese and political parties of the ROC support the status quo, and recognize that this is de facto independence through sovereign self-rule. Even among those who believe Taiwan is and should remain independent, the threat of war from PRC softens their approach, and they tend to support maintaining the status quo rather than pursuing an ideological path that could result in war with the PRC.

The questions of independence and the island’s relationship to mainland China are complex and inspire very strong emotions among Taiwanese people. There are some who continue to maintain the KMT’s position, which states that the ROC is the sole legitimate government for all of China (of which they consider Taiwan to be a part), and that the aim of the government should be eventual unification of the mainland and Taiwan under the rule of the ROC. Some argue that Taiwan has been, and should continue to be, completely independent from China and should become a Taiwanese state with a distinct name.

On 25 October 2004, in Beijing, the U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell said Taiwan is “not sovereign,” provoking strong comments from both the Pan-Green and Pan-Blue coalitions – but for very different reasons. From the DPP’s side, President Chen declared that “Taiwan is definitely a sovereign, independent country, a great country that absolutely does not belong to the People’s Republic of China”. The TSU (Taiwan Solidarity Union) criticized Powell, and questioned why the US sold weapons to Taiwan if it were not a sovereign state. From the KMT, then Chairman Ma Ying-jeou announced, “the Republic of China has been a sovereign state ever since it was formed [in 1912].”


Show me where. Taiwan claims to BE China, not part of China. That’s a big difference.

Also, they don’t need to claim independence since Taiwan has never been part of PRC. That would make as much sense as France never claims independence from the USA.

woelkchen, avatar

Show me where.

Are you seriously not able to read the replies with the “Currently, Taiwan’s political status is ambiguous” line? WTF?


No, that’s just completely wrong. Taiwan’s government was created when Chiang Kai-Shek fled mainland China in the 1950s. It’s the continuation of the Republic of China that governed the entire country of China before the PRC government took over.

Saying that the PRC created the ROC name is ridiculous. The ROC predates the creation of the PRC and is the older name. The PRC didn’t even exist when it was created. Also suggesting that the PRC would ever endorse the ROC in any format is silly. Their entire position is that the ROC doesn’t exist.

You should go read a Wikipedia article on the history of Taiwan as your grasp of the history here is not strong.


Outside of that very specific context, China == PRC. I understand the history of Taiwan very well, and it’s important for people to understand that they are two different countries.


Yeah, in colloquial usage, most people understand that China and Taiwan are two different countries and there’s no confusion over which one is which.


I also read it to mean not HK. Is that not right?

ttmrichter, avatar

Not HK and Hong Kong.

Also some people in Hainan will refer to the “mainland” as opposed to Hainan island.

It turns out words can be used in multiple ways. It’s not all about Taiwan.

woelkchen, avatar

Please stop saying “mainland China”. It implies Taiwan is part of China, at least to some.

It means without Hong Kong.

ttmrichter, (edited ) avatar

Mainland China refers to China sans Hong Kong and Macao, yes. Because you have to distinguish and “Mainland China” is a whole lot less typing than “China but without Hong Kong and, oh yeah, Macao too”.

RickyRigatoni, avatar

Hong kong also isn’t part of china

YeetPics, avatar

“Papa China is just gonna go buy some milk,, you’re in charge, don’t let hexbear use the stove or any knives while I’m out!”

[disappears forever]


The original post on has been removed by the mods with this justification:

Removed Post has been banned in China mainland reason: Not a question


p03locke, (edited ) avatar

What community was in posted at? I hate how these post URLs don’t show the community in the URL.

EDIT: The modlog is interesting. Very sporadic activity up until a few days ago, and then the mod is cleaning up posts, comments, getting rid of moderators, etc.


No idea. It’s indeed very annoying that the links don’t show the community.


It was in AskLemmy iirc. Which, yeah, definitely the wrong place to post that.

Stovetop, (edited )

I tested two services that supposedly allow you to check if a site is blocked in China. I don’t know with certainty how accurate these tools are in general, but I can say they gave me consistent results for,, and Hexbear and register as blocked, while other instances go through.…/blockedinchina/


Results:,, could not be parsed using this tool, perhaps due to not being set to work with that TLD.


That’s fucking hilarious, if true.


Heh. Ironic.

ImADifferentBird, avatar

Must be doing something right.


That’s my stance.


lmfao the Xinny the pooh boot suckers are banned from their favourite dictatorship?

weeahnn, avatar

Critical support for the comrades in China for having to put up with those instances for so long.

redballooon, (edited )

The great misunderstanding of hard left leaning western folks is that neither Russia nor China are socialist or communist.

Just like their hard right leaning counterparts they’re stuck in a mindset from the first half of the past century.


Pro politolog here

antonim, (edited )

They don’t really believe Russia is socialist to any degree, they just support it because it (supposedly) opposes the western hegemony, USA/NATO, etc.

Basically the same logic as that of pro-Russian right-wingers.


I had a bunch of hexbear and ml’s tell me russian war crimes in Berlin were “Nazi myths”. Apparently the Nazis had more influence over the world of historical academia after they lost than Russia.

Also other allied war crimes did happen and weren’t Nazi myths.


Supporters of autocratic state capitalist regimes like China and Russia also aren’t left-leaning.


They are, they’re just ignorant


Idk, just last week I overheard a report of an old communist whose life wishes were to visit Vietnam, Kuba and Russia.




Not truly sctosmen either.


What part of “authoritarian state capitalism” is left wing to you?


I don’t know. I’m not a fucking tankie. They are masters at cognitive dissonance.


If they’re definitionally wrong, why call “no true Scotsman”?


To feel smart. Funnily enough, socialism really has it pretty hard trying to get off the ground. The US coups another nation every five years to install some corrupt dictator that’s more than willing to sell out his nation to US interests in exhchange for power. So being hunted down and utterly corrupted by the worlds biggest terrorist nation, calling socialism “never truly tried” is kiiiiiiiiiind of correct. There is a lot of social policies in Europe and those worl pretty well, though US interests and their bootlickers erode those, too.


Depends which hard left, I know hard/far left people who hate them


I think I’m confused. I haven’t seen any left leaning people support Russia or China. It’s right leaning people that support them. What am I missing? Also I’ve never seen any left leaning people say Russia and China are actually socialist or communist since the 80s or 90s. I’ve seen right leaning people claim that lefties believe that but never any examples in real life.


Left and right is not a defined group, it’s a name and any group can pretend/think they belong to it.


The most support for China is basic materialist analysis: they’ve heavily invested in housing, high speed rail, electric car infrastructure, and green energy. Coincidentally: all rather related.

But that is generally the support associated with China: a materialist analysis, usually, if not always, regarding infrastructure.

morrowind, avatar

Not lemmygrad though, how odd

ttmrichter, avatar

Lemmygrad hasn’t been spotted yet. When it is spotted, it will be blocked as well, like literally every social media site that reaches the authoritarians’ awareness.

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