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SheeEttin, in BBEG/Plot Idea

Okay, so how do you lead the heroes to actually find and defeat him?


Oh I don’t know. I just thought it’d be a cool idea and so I posted it. If I was currently DMing then I would figure that part out. Maybe the “keys” reveal details about the BBEG like they’re all of dwarven make or a certain script. Maybe one key could only have been made by some famous smith in a certain town.


Map out the dungeons. On the map they form three arrows pointing to a place in the middle of the most dangerous desolate Level 23 dragon infested place. But if you make it a circle instead at the center is the BBEG’s place which is actually this wood carver hut in the woods NEAR the imperial city and it turns out he’s been making realistic looking wood golems the whole time and replacing key figures in the kingdom because they are loyal to him, the plot to get rid of heroes is just insurance.

Infynis, in How can I make my grappler build better either for grappling or for fighting in general?
@Infynis@midwest.social avatar

Something that doesn’t directly affect grappling, but that could definitely be beneficial, would be looking at ways to increase your movement speed. The faster you are, the easier it is to drag enemies to the edges of cliffs


Good idea! I already have the “Aggressive” trait from being an Orc but this only allows movement towards an enemy. I’ll look around for ways to improve speed.

MaroonMage, in How do you feel about the rules regarding bonus action spells, and why?
@MaroonMage@lemmy.world avatar

Which rules about bonus action spells are you referring to?


When you cast a leveled spell using a bonus action, the only other spells you can cast with your action on that turn is a cantrip.

I, personally, think it’s confusing and doesn’t really add much in the way of balance to the game. Let the wizard burn all his spells twice as fast and be useless for the rest of the adventuring day. If your adventures have meaningful consequences for taking too long clearing a dungeon, it’ll work itself out.


I agree on the confusing part.

There’s a pretty small set of bonus action spells though, so a lil asterisk reminding players of the limitation would probably be enough to settle it.


There’s a pretty small set of bonus action spells

Quickened Spell is a thing.


Yeah it does make quickened spell way more powerful, and there’s not much love for sorcerer amongst the people I DM for, so I haven’t really seen it in combat.

@MaroonMage@lemmy.world avatar

I think the rule is worded really badly in a way that makes it more confusing that it needs to be.

As for the rule itself, my table usually hand waves it and lets you cast whatever you want with your bonus action and action, provided you have the slots to do it. We haven’t had any issues with that feeling game breaking for us yet.


Yeah I’ve traditionally waived it myself, and both as a player and DM haven’t ever noticed any issues with that. As it stands I see no real reason to enforce it, but I always try to really understand the reason for a rule before I decide to ignore it


Yikes; I’ve got one player who would go straight for a Sorcerer so he could just do Sickening Radiance followed by a quickened Wall of Force to just microwave whatever he wanted.

@Zonetrooper@lemmy.world avatar

I feel like this is one of those rules that’s only really necessary if you have a player who cheeses it like that. If a player discovers it and uses it in moderation, well, that’s less likely to break things. If you have a player who builds their character to exploit it…

Melpomene, (edited )
@Melpomene@kbin.social avatar

If you have a player who builds characters to exploit the system then that's a player who needs a talking to, most likely.

Spuddaccino, (edited )

I, personally, think this is a totally valid tactic, and wouldn’t be upset if a player used it in my game. One of the first things we go over in Session Zero, though, is that your characters, while unusual, are not unique. Any BBEG worth his stuff is capable of scrying on your tactics and hiring a hit squad that can copy or counter your tactics.

If a player started doing this repeatedly and trivialized many encounters, maybe the next group has his own sorcerer that can do that, or knows disintegrate, or can teleport the big stompy guy into the obvious spellcaster’s face. Cheese isn’t an arms race the players can win.


Dungeon World’s Fronts system is awesome. Every time my players take too long, I advance a danger and cackle behind my screen. The players are scared of me.


I just make sure there are some consequences, even if it’s something like “There are other things that live in this dungeon you’re camping in, and they just found the pile of bodies you’ve left strewn about and have raised the alarm.”

evilgiraffe666, (edited )

Even this isn’t exactly correct - that would allow you to cast reaction spells on your turn, but the rules do not.

When you cast a leveled spell using a bonus action, the only other spells you can cast on that turn is a cantrip, with your action.

The difference is you can’t cast more leveled spells at all, and you can’t cast any spells including cantrips if they don’t use an action. That last part doesn’t usually matter, unless you have multiple bonus actions, or reaction cantrips (which appeared in the playtest of next edition).

Edited to reduce misinformation, left the wrong in place so corrections make sense


As a testament to how terrible this rule is, not even this is the right one. The rule is, when you cast a spell (including cantrips) with your bonus action you can’t cast any other spells except a cantrip with a casting time of one action on the same turn. So casting Shillelagh stops you from casting leveled spells and (although I’m not sure why you would want to) from using your action to start or continue casting a cantrip like Mending, because it has a cast time of 1 minute (Aka 10 actions, aka not one action).


This cements two things for me. The first is that I hate the wording of things in 5e, especially it being called a Bonus Action. I think that specific phrase confuses people.

The second is that this is much easier in Pathfinder 2e. You can cast any spells as long as you have the actions for it using your 3 action turn. Cantrips are usually one action, and greater spells usually range from two to three actions. Simplifies this confusing mess quite easily.


Yeah, the more I play DnD and other games, the less I end up liking 5e’s system of action, bonus action, reaction. Systems that just have actions are much more appealing, imo.

TheOneWithTheHair, (edited ) in Rotary dial adding machines are a great way to track HP and ammunition in combat!
@TheOneWithTheHair@lemmy.world avatar

If you’re looking for one, that appears to be a 1940s Lightning Portable Adding Machine with a Bakelite surface. Sometimes just called a Lightning Adding Machine.


This one in particular is one of the later 50s models that does direct subtraction. The earlier ones don’t have the updated mechanism and you have to clear the unit to switch between subtraction and addition which makes them less useful for this.

guangming, in What abilities/spells/powers could a "culinaromancer" have ?

For those rare occasions when magic won’t get them out of a pickle, their melee weapon is a large cast-iron.


Or a giant pickle, to get them out of a pickle. Yes, the book is gonna be littered by bad puns

vzq, in You've got four friends over. They don't play D&D, or any TTRPGs. They spot your cabinet full of awesome D&D minis, and your cool poly dice, and say 'hey could we play now?' What do you do?

I’d probably pull out my starter kit, hand out pre-gens and jump right into LMoP.

MrCharles, in You've got four friends over. They don't play D&D, or any TTRPGs. They spot your cabinet full of awesome D&D minis, and your cool poly dice, and say 'hey could we play now?' What do you do?
@MrCharles@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve been doing this for a while, so I’ve got old modules saved in my head. I also know generally what is required to run a successful one. What I would personally do is say “Yeah, sure. But I’ll need a bit to get ready. Give me 30 minutes.” I would then use a tool like 5etools to whip up a bunch of pre-generated characters and hand them out. If I had my printer handy, I’d print them. Then I’d run them through something like the Delian Tomb that Matthew Colville made (youtu.be/zTD2RZz6mlo?list=PLlUk42GiU2guNzWBzxn7hs…), a simple orc or bandit raid on a town, or whatever else I thought was cool in the moment.

I hope that helps. I’ve been DMing for over ten years now and playing for almost twenty, so Idk how well my technique would work for you.

aubertlone, in You've got four friends over. They don't play D&D, or any TTRPGs. They spot your cabinet full of awesome D&D minis, and your cool poly dice, and say 'hey could we play now?' What do you do?

I have never played D&D with friends.

Couldn’t manage to find a group etc and etc

That being said I feel like you go with the one-shot and pre-gen characters right? The quickest way to get playing, from what I understand


Just to expand, I already play weekly with my established group.

But I have some non-D&D friends who have expressed an interest in the past, so what I wanted to discuss was my options for if they’re like ‘let’s go! Right now!’


When I was younger we played role played so much over so many different systems that we eventually would just “play” any world and scenario we wanted. D20 for skills and resistance, d6 and d10 for damage and percentage spreads.

We didn’t need a lot of rules because we knew how games worked.

Eventually others would join us and be playing right away because we weren’t a bunch of rule lawyers.

If approach it like that. Very simple subset of rules to get them playing without fussing over everything.

niisyth, in The cellar

So, this is what baffles me. You use it for one encounter. And it is an absolute blast, coz I mean look at it.

But what do you do with these after that encounter?


I take it apart and use the pieces in my next build.


Would you mind showing the separate pieces once you’re done with the session?


I have a bunch of unused pieces I can use to show you: imgur.com/gallery/wDrEBgs

Let me know if you have any other questions.

gsf, in Fighting the Forces of Evil at the D&D-Themed Picket Line

Short clip of Mulligan charging up the crowd www.instagram.com/reel/CwqF978plze/


Soo… for us that are huge fans of Mr Mulligan. But have everything facebook so hard blocked on eveything, it would take a week to dig out all the rules… are there alternative sources?

sodiumbromley, in [Polygon] D&D’s latest campaign book feels specially made for fans of Baldur’s Gate 3
@sodiumbromley@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

There’s nothing about their description that really seems to link into Baldur’s Gate at all. Unless they’re saying that if you love Baldur’s Gate 3, you’ll love DnD. That’s not groundbreaking information.


It more sounds like “If you liked Baldur’s Gate 3, you should read this article… very very please” to me. 😂

I’m glad the title is not true, though. I do love Baldur’s Gate 3, but Lost Mine of Phandelver was the first campaign I DM’d, it would have been a bit heartbreaking to me if The Shattered Obelisk was just a remake capitalizing on BG3 with a few references here and there. Phandalin deserves a full campaign, properly crafted. :)


Boy, you are dense.

It’s no concidence shattered obelisk releases shortly after BG3. Same way descent into Avernus was supposed to release shortly before BG3 was announced.

Both of them have some minor lore ties into BG3. Descent into Avernus is the introduction to Etruiel and Archduke Ravengard, both are major lore parts of BG3.

Shattered obelisk has netherese artifacts and mindflayers. Both big parts of BG3.

@joel_feila@lemmy.world avatar

I hear shattered obelisk and all i can picture is puffin forest

Moobythegoldensock, (edited ) in The Music Critic

I’m thinking go rogue with the folk hero background.

Rogue: You know your line of work brings enemies. You’ve learned how to get out of tight scrapes quickly and discretely (Cunning Action, stealth) and how to sucker punch and run (sneak attack.) You always carry a dagger for protection, and picked up a rapier and shortbow when the heat was picking up just in case you got jumped.

Folk hero: You started as a commoner, and gained a good reputation for being able to take the celebrities down a peg. The people love you, but the establishment wants your head. Choose the options involving a tyrant for the defining event and flaw: you insulted their favorite bard, and now you’re in trouble.

Choose Calligrapher’s Supplies as your artisan’s tools, since you write your critiques in style.

Stats: Dexterity and Constitution, in that order. The rest you can put wherever. Put Intelligence third if you want Arcane Trickster, otherwise Wisdom is always a solid third choice.

Subclass you can figure out at level 3. Inquisitive and Arcane Trickster may be viable options.


This is a great idea and a good write up! I don’t know why I didn’t even think of rogue when I wrote my comment. I think it makes a lot of sense as someone with a lot of enemies

bionicjoey, in Help with Combat

Recommend you check out www.themonstersknow.com


I write down the top two rounds of strategy on the stat block sheets. If TMK says a caster novas and then tries to bail, that’s what I write.


Sounds a bit like Matt Colville’s concept of “action-oriented monsters” which are all about scripting an encounter in terms of what happens each round in order for the combat to have a sort of narrative arc


It’s more that I forget what critters are supposed to do. I try to have a mix of baddies in my encounters, so I forget synergies and tactics.

I’ve used action-oriented monsters for bosses or BBEG fights. It’s a great approach that mitigates 5e’s repetitive combat.

Olap, in What is your favorite cleric spell?

Healing word. A bonus action. Throw out a toll of the dead and a healing word combined with a move and your maximizing that action economy

Spiritual Weapon. Bonus action, and not a concentration! Another great action economy spell

Piecemakers3Dprints, (edited )
@Piecemakers3Dprints@lemmy.world avatar

Am I misremembering that on a turn wherein your Action was used to Cast a spell that your Bonus Action cannot be used to Cast, as well?

(A downvote? For asking a genuine question regarding a canon rule? Mediocre. 🤣)


That’s how it works yes, but any rule can be vetoed by their DM if they prefer to play like that


You can’t cast two leveled spells. But you can cast a cantrip and a leveled spell I believe


wahming, in [Polygon] D&D’s next iteration needs to keep things simple, too

Gotta keep it simple enough that Crawford won’t keep issuing contradictory rulings on twitter.

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