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SheeEttin, in ELI5: The rules of D&D

Why not read the basic rules?



The simplest explanation: roll to hit, then roll for damage. Or roll a save if it doesn’t need to hit. Or roll a skill check if you’re trying to attempt something out of combat.

That’s about it. You can find the details in the rulebooks.


Seconding the basic rules. You can get pretty much the entire vibe of the game from this. You can even create characters!

Badabinski, in [Screen Rant] 5 D&D Builds That Are More Fun To Make Than To Play

... is anyone else seeing a thumbnail showing an anthro mouse giving a... I don't know what that is, but the mouse is giving the other person a rimjob.

@Brunbrun6766@lemmy.world avatar

Nope? What platform are you accessing from?


Kbin via the PWA. I'd post a screenshot, but I don't want to repost the porn if other people can't see it.

EDIT: I have censored the screenshot, but I still don't want to post it unless I'm asked.

@Brunbrun6766@lemmy.world avatar

That’s very strange, https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/3466519a-2c66-4db4-87b7-d19ab4220921.png This is what it looks like for me on lemmy.world


This is so strange. The actual link you posted obviously doesn't contain that image, so I'm not sure where it's coming from. I don't know how thumbnails are generated or communicated by websites that are being linked to. I'm guessing someone acting maliciously found a way to change the thumbnail for this screenrant post and decided that furry porn would be the best choice.

@fiofiofio@kbin.social avatar

Attempting censored screenshot upload...


Hey @ernest, you may want to take a look at this, someone may be maliciously injecting NSFW thumbnails into unrelated content.

Shift_, in D&D introduction at work - one shot ideas needed!
@Shift_@kbin.social avatar

The YouTube channel Pointy Hat recently had their 100,000 sub special on the Feywild. They created a short adventure (1-2 sessions, obo 3-4 hours each) set in the Feywild. The video it's attached to is kind of long (~40 min) but is an excellent look at the Feywild. The actual portion covering the adventure gives tips on running it as well. I've read it over and it's pretty well put together.

Video link in case you're interested. The adventure is in a link in the description.

Same goes for Ginny Di's Steal This Sidequest. It's shorter and easier to scale too.

@Katt@lemmy.world avatar

Thanks! I’ll check this out.

tuesdaymoon, in What are your best 'That Guy' stories?

We had a guy in our group who would find any and every reason to bail or show up late or leave a session early. When he would show up, he would just goes rogue (usually playing a rogue) and do his best to ruin the game for everyone else. There was a campaign a while back where I was playing a changeling and he/his PC knew. We were sneaking through a dungeon, my character changed into a goblin or whatever the enemies were to do some recon. He knew what clothes I was wearing and we had agreed on a signal. Also, most dungeon goblins aren’t wearing cool sparkly robes. He proceeded to sneak and kill my character saying “There was no way of knowing which was which”. It brought the whole good down. The DM said I could just bring the same character back, bla bla bla, but it just soured the game for me. I never understood why he acted like that, because it never seemed like he was having fun and it’s not like the rest of us were.

The other “that guy” that I know has gotten better, but he had a really bad habit of taking advantage of homebrew material and hiding or fudging stats/rules. He’d always argue that he could do this or that and would fight with the DM over how much damage he could do. It was just weird, because I never got the mindset of cheating in dnd. We’re all supposed to be playing the same game, chill out my dude.


Fudging stats is bizarre, the risk of failure is what makes DnD fun. Otherwise why not just write fanfiction or something.


Right? I never understood the fun in lying in DnD.

Stoneykins, in D&D/TTRPG Creators on this platform

I’m just confused by what you are asking. Are you asking if this community is OK with you self promoting D&D related stuff you made and want to sell? If it were up to me, I would say yes within reason, no one wants this community to become one loud ad. But I’m not sure the moderator would agree and it is up to them. I don’t see a no self-promotion rule yet but maybe message them directly?

If you just want to share content you found and generally participate like normal then I am absolutely sure you are wanted here.


My question was about the community’s outlook on the presence of creators in this space - and yes, that means at least some of the stuff they’d post would be self-promotion.

I dont think that the platform should turn into just a wall of ads, all of the subreddits had sensible rules for that, like only posting once a week etc.

The instance that this community is on does not allow ads. I do not know whether self-promotions fall under that… I feel like it does? So that would mean none of us are welcome here, at least in professional capacity.

@Pekka@feddit.nl avatar

You should always follow the rules of the instance, of course. But if you want to do something that is not within the rules of the instance, you can always set up your own instance or find another instance where this is allowed. Even if a community (like a subreddit) on an instance thinks a certain, way, they can’t conflict with the instance rules.

Creators would probably have to try sharing things in a way that users would not consider it an add. But those lines would be quite blurry, without any clarification from the instance moderators.


I, myself, have very limited time availability, and I really doubt I would have enough technical knowledge to set up an instance myself. I am also already running 2 discord communities… so right now running an instance on top of that is just not an option. That leaves me I guess just to wait and see if someone else creates something like that. Risking blurring lines on instance rules, investing my time and energy into a community that will likely ban me isn’t particularly appealing either :(.

@Pekka@feddit.nl avatar

That makes a lot of sense, hosting an instance is definitely not for everyone. But from what @Stoneykins posted, it seems things like that would be allowed here. But it might be a good idea to bring this up in !lemmyworld That is the general lemmy.world community, there we can get input from the instance admins.

Well, based on the linked rules, I guess it should be fine here.


I spent a while looking for a “no ads” rule and then I figured it out.

Your home instance sh.itjust.works , where your account lives, has a rule of no ads. Lemmy.world, where this D&D community lives, does not appear to (yet) have a broad rule against advertisements.

I would still ask the mod before posting self promotion tho.


here are the only rules relevant lemmy.world I could find (from mastadon.world):

“Regarding Spam: We are not your free advertising platform. If you are here only to sell your products or services, you will be removed. Occasional posts of commercial links are OK, but when the vast majority of a user’s posts are commercial in nature, we regard the account as a Spam account. Moderators will evaluate reports of Spam on a case by case basis.”

so it seems just do it in a restrained way and don’t let it be the majority of your content and it should be ok?


I mean… thing is… On reddit i have 80k karma because of my content posts. 99% of my posts there are my content posts. That would be considered “spamming” here, even if I only post once a week.

I’d much rather spend time painting an extra battle map for the community than sit on lemmy to hit whatever quota of interaction to not be considered a spammer.

@Pekka@feddit.nl avatar

As far as I know, we don’t have user based karma here. Only posts and comments get a score. But we really should make sure that the community does not get over-run with a specific type of post. Unless the community is for that specific purpose, of course.

But I can imagine that not every instance would like to host a “share your Kickstarter project” community, as those posts will also show up for the users that like to read all local posts. Here on Lemmy.world that feed would already be a full of stuff you aren’t interested in though, but that’s my opinion and I also never used r/all or any of the other extremely broad subreddits.

servingtheshadows, in What are your best 'That Guy' stories?

I tried very hard to work with that guy. I knew it was going to be tough when he would hold the party up while he investigated a pendulum trap to try and disarm it when all it needed was a pretty easy dex check to bypass it. He ended up getting killed by it and the party just left him there. Then they were in a town bringing the party cleric to the temple for a greater restoration due to some stat drain. I had the priests collect the cleric and take them to the uppermost floor. That guy followed them up despite the priests telling the party to go find something to do while they fixed the cleric. The priests told him all the way up to not anger the gods and to wait with the party. The priests at the top said turn back now or the temple itself will act. That guy walks past the priests on the stair case, i have the steps dissappear and he falls 80ft, takes max damage and dies, then complains that i gave him no warning and no chance to survive because he was out of ki. The party has my back on this. They were yelling at him the whole time to just it go. I set up a fun session where the parry is being hunted for sport. I let half the party play the hunters as well as thier own characters. They got very into it including the paladin fireballing his own character. That guy complains when his character took damage during the chase amd said he felt he was being targetted.

The last straw was getting him to DM Icewind Dale for us. He was trying to emulate my style of dming where the fights are far and few between but are incredibly dangerous. The difference is that i shower the party with magic items and give them some cannon fodder/flavourful and helpful npcs they can control to help them out. He just hits the level 1 party with a cr 4 monster that kills half the party in one hit and only went down due to two lucky crits. Then he has every single npc act like a complete dick for no reason even though we just saves the town from an incredibly dangerous creature. His last day with us he made fun of one of the other players for his dead wife.


Holy shit, ain’t nobody got time for that. That last bit is insane. Who does that? Surprised he lasted as long with you guys as he did…


I was tired of this guy long before everyone else was. Ive actually got one more story where he betrayed the lich they were doing some work for and expected to still be alive after the rest of party ratted him out.

normalincafes, in Creating Discussion: Favorite DnD Class?

I first played a druid in World of Warcraft, and the druids in DND are even better. I try to shake things up a bit by making clerics or themed druids (spore is a fun one).


Just started playing as a semi homebrew druid Golden Retriever that can “tame shape” into a human and has “speak with people” “lay hands” is now “pet me” and there’s also "healing bark’

It’s been an absolute blast.


Omg I love that, what a fun idea.

Rumblestiltskin, in This is a miniature I made for a one-shot character. Rigby the haregnon wizard!
@Rumblestiltskin@lemmy.ca avatar

Do you always need a miniature to play D&D? I have never played before but a few neighbours are going to get a game together.

@Katt@lemmy.world avatar

No you don’t. We use dice, bottle caps, even snacks if we don’t have minis available.

Playing with minis is more expensive but it’s a hobby to most people to design a character, (have it) print and paint.

Tmastergamer, in Creating Discussion: Favorite DnD Class?

I’ve played maybe a dozen characters, but the one I always want to go back to is my DND4 runepriest. I’m not sure why, I don’t think DND4 is particularly good, but that class just felt so fun for me


I don’t know how you or your table feels about third party stuff but Indestructoboy has a a Runekeeper for 5e that is heavily influenced by the 4e one (I’ve never played 4e so I can’t verify this myself.) It looks very awesome and you might like it. It is not free but you can download a preview of the whole thing for free from the dmsguild site (so basically free).

Here’s a Youtube Video where Indestructoboy goes over it.


That looks awesome for sure! We were thinking about starting a fresh 5e campaign so I’m gonna look into this some more and maybe make one, thanks for posting this

CeruleanRuin, in High Proof Alchemy - [@lukemckay on TWITTER]
@CeruleanRuin@lemmy.one avatar

It may indeed be vile, but that’s a vial.

@Brunbrun6766@lemmy.world avatar

I’ll try anything once

IndependentRanger, in Penelope Silverthread - Fallen aasimar warlock of the fanthomless
@IndependentRanger@lemmy.world avatar

Sounds like a fun character to play. The next thing to concentrate on is what does this entity want with her? Why save her? Is it actually really weak and needed a body? Are these nightmares from people from her past lineage who are fighting to get her back? If so can we meet one of these characters in the campaign?

All things to ask your DM about. The story will just flow from there and I guarantee they will appreciate it. - A forever DM

@Katt@lemmy.world avatar

Oohhhh excellent prompts. I’m already going wild with ideas. Thanks so much!

DMWolffy, in Non 5e players
@DMWolffy@mastodon.social avatar


I play 3.x (3.0/.5/PF1e. Folks in my group have different preferences and opinions between the 3, but what I run is mostly 3.5)

We like having a range of options to make characters feel unique.
We like having the game promote tactical movement and positional advantage.

To me, these things help form the groundwork for my own encounter design, suspension of disbelief, and worldbuilding.

VoxAdActa, in How would you run a 'swarm'?
@VoxAdActa@kbin.social avatar

I know at least one is getting frustrated with combat because he can’t roll to save his life.

Yeah, that's a feature of 5e combat, not a bug. It's what makes me despise combat. I miss three times, wait 20 minutes for my turn to come back around, miss three more times, wait 18 minutes, and then combat is over.

Some of us are just cursed. The only workarounds I've found so far are:

  1. Specialize in making the DM roll saving throws, rather than me rolling attack rolls. A spellcaster who focuses on save-for-half spells feels so much better (because even when the monsters pass the save, the player still get to feel useful).
  2. Specialize in party buffs and reaction spells. They don't have to roll anything to Enlarge or Dragon's Breath their friends, and they get to feel like they helped. Also, never underestimate how good it can feel to make a Counterspell bot. Even if the bad guys start upcasting their spells and your player always fails the check, they still made them waste a higher-level spell slot than they'd have used otherwise.
  3. Halfling Divination Wizard with the Lucky feat. Three re-rolls, two portent dice, and rerolling all 1s once really helps brute force one's way through being cursed. And it's not broken when people like us play it, because we end up finally managing to get around the same number of successes that non-cursed people get normally.

Notice that none of these solutions are possible with pure martial classes. Steer your player away from those, maybe even let him make a new character. Martials are totally at the mercy of the dice.

My ultimate solution was to switch systems and play FATE instead. But that's an extreme reaction to an extreme level of frustration.


This player already switched from rogue because he didn’t like the playstyle, is now a barbarian and still can’t hit shit.


Elf or half-elf rogue with Elven Accuracy and using Steady Aim is another great option. 3d20 for each attack with gobs of sneak attack

RQG, in Whats your recent Campaign/Setting you've been playing in?
@RQG@lemmy.world avatar

Currently running Dungeon of the Mad Mage after we finished Dragon Heist. We’re in level 3 and skull port in the dungeon. But the party has taken a way back to the surface of Waterdeep now to deal with their conflicts with the Xanathar guild which has escalated into all out war.


How has the transition been? I’ve played Dragon Heist, but Mad Mage is a megadungeon, right? It seems like a completely different gaming style, has your group adapted well? Do you see them finishing the megadungeon, or do you think their travel back to the surface means the campaign is going towards homebrew?

@RQG@lemmy.world avatar

There is a lot of homebrew that I added in. I tied in NPCs from the PCs back stories. All the lose ends from the Dragon Heist adventure I’m also directing to down there such as the fleeing Skeemo Weirdbottle is making his way to skullport now. Some is already in the adventure like the Xanathar guild.

The gameplay is very different but the party said they wanted to try it and it’s a nice change of pace. But I make sure to expand some of the roleplay elements down in the dungeon to be more prominent. Overall the dungeon is pretty well designed imo so it all ends up working out well.

Currently they are back to Waterdeep to deal with the Xanathar once and for all.

b1ab, in Non 5e players
@b1ab@lem.monster avatar

2e. We like the role playing more than rolling dice to simulate a pen and paper MMO.

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