
Not great, work is dumb and micromanaging is a pain


Okay. Fucking tired as shit, although that’s not something that can be changed much considering complicated personal nonsense.

World Cup is going great. Having some fun with that. (As long as I ignore all social media and avoid going to “alien logo discussion site”, which I made the mistake of doing today… shiver)

Today’s game became a fucking roller coaster in the last ten minutes. Supported both teams and would have been fine if either won, but my slightly preferred team won, so I’m good.

Speaking of football, I decided to finally watch Ted Lasso. It was nice to have a show with some heart that doesn’t embrace this bullshit cynicism so much else does (well, new animated Superman show also helps, thankfully).

Finale near wrecked me, but in a good way, and I actually just feel like I’ve done myself a good service simply by watching it.

Also, Hannah Waddingham is super awesome. I urge everyone to watch her appearance on QI (particularly the XL/extended version), because she was fucking hilarious and that’s what initially spurred my interest in actually watching the show after sitting on it for so long (was a bit behind on QI as well).


Ooof, I’m not doing well. My disabilities and chronic illnesses and chronic pain are flaring up in all kinds of ways and I had to overdraft my bank account by $20 to afford my medication and I don’t know how the hell I’m going to get the money to dig out of that hole since I can’t work due to the aforementioned disabilities. & Then on top of that I have no idea how I’m going to be able to afford my medication next week.

I had a friend helping me but they lost their job so I’m on my own. Everything is so damn expensive and DEAR GOD HELP ME I’M DROWNING 😭

Our air conditioner is broken and I’m super heat sensitive which is making the pain and other symptoms worse. In really stressed about that and the money and I don’t know what to do. I don’t have anything I can sell. I’m FUCKED. OhgodohgodohgodfuckfuckFUCK


You in the US, friend? I know our social safety net ain’t great, but you should make sure you’re on social security, EBT, Medicaid, the whole 9 if you can be. Our social services ain’t great but they can go a LONG way if you use them right.

mobyduck648, avatar

I am having whatever the programming equivalent of the reverse Midas Touch is this week. PRs that break things despite extensive testing beforehand, PRs that somehow break the infrastructure due to some obscure bug on their end that requires lengthy calls to Azure support, being left with no choice but to craft janky regex-based solutions to people keeping their data in inconsistent formats, and oh my god as much as I love IntelliJ I wish it was a bit more reliable about warning me when the config has a typo because our app does not start in a hurry.

I’m sure the programming gods will favour me a little more next week, but it is only Tuesday!


Watching the drama unfold on and all the freeze peach warriors going ape shit over there has me grateful for this little corner.


care to explain that one? I haven’t done much venturing in lemmy outside of our instance here, curious what the drama is?


They banned some piracy communities citing they don’t want to be liable (seems reasonable to me but not sure how much merit there is there). Now people are screaming “censorship.”


big yikes. i mean i’m no stranger to piracy communities but like…couldn’t they just take the respective communities and spin up their own lemmy server somewhere else where the admins have no power? isn’t that the point of this whole fediverse thing?


Having the communities removed does not prevent them from starting their own instance. They weren’t even being hosted on to begin with, so nothing has changed for them other than unmitigated posting/presence on world’s instance. Any user who wants to participate in those communities still can. Nothing is stopping them.


lol so these are just the worst kind of losers? man. i’m with you, i am grateful for our lil community over here.


I just think there is so much drama happening because people don’t understand the fediverse yet combined with this incessant need to catch “power tripping mods” on forums. Because something sounds bad and some alt-right troll rolls in stirring the pot, people suddenly start crying “FREE SPEECH!” when the content they want to see and comment on is just one keyboard stroke away.


It’s like watching the history of internet filesharing and warez from the 90s on a speedrun. LW happened to be the most populous instance by chance, and the nature of federated network means the admins can get legally held liable for contents they didn’t choose nor wanted to host, because all it takes is another federated server going rogue.

Sure, freedom of speech is fundamental. But it’s a hard place between “saving yourself from financial and legal troubles” and “betraying the (vaguely defined) principles”. When the crowd is shouting “freedom of speech”, they don’t just want a nice speech for an announcement; they want the admins become a martyr for the cause. And shit, what for? For some vague internet fame?

Had become the largest instance, we would have potentially watched this unfold on lemmy devs themselves. Knowing their political affiliations, it might have turned into a different scenario. Legal threats might have been rebutted in an open way that even pleased the “freeze peach” crowd despite the “tankie” accusations. Perhaps all the extra pressure and legal threats meant Lemmy development come to a halt and slowly decline. But no one knows, really.

I don’t condone nor condemn LW or its staff. I wish they didn’t have to carry the baggage of becoming the guinea pig of this ongoing experiment.


I think people also for some reason think they are entitled to free speech, a.k.a. they can do whatever they want, and virtually any space they please. All it tells me is they lack a fundamental grasp of what the first amendment actually is and what it guarantees. I think they also forget the Internet operates outside of the US. 


I agree however I’d like to add that I do see piracy as being, at least partially, a social movement. Perhaps it isn’t apparent to everyone, or right now, and maybe it’ll never become anything, but still we should respect that there are different points of view on topics such as copyright. So I understand when people call it censoring when they have that point of view.


I just think vague gestures (not your doing) to someone’s personal interpretation of what free-speech is, which is generally “I should suffer no consequences for anything I say or do,“ hits a wall when it comes to asking somebody to host conversations and possible links to pirated content on their own servers. Especially when they are doing it on their own dime as a hobby and don’t have a legal team to protect them from the feds.


Yap it’s really up to the host to decide I think. And also there’s a huge difference between talking about piracy and actively sharing links.


Yeah I just can’t imagine running an instance. Minimum hundred dollars a month so I can constantly police content just to make sure people aren’t sharing CP or pirated content or otherwise illegal content all on my storage.


That’s quite a lot of money. Then you’d have enough users to recruit some moderators.


Pardon my ignorance…

acastcandream, (edited )

So right now you are on a specific instance of lemmy or Kbin or whatever your preferred fediverse system is. is an instance. is a lemmy instance. Users can create accounts on both and can browse the content of the other instances, unless the instance they are on (let’s say 1) defederates from the other (2). Then you cant browse the other instance(2) from within the one (1) that chose to defederate. The content from 2 doesn’t appear anymore on 1. But there’s nothing stopping you from browsing either.


I’ve been struck down by some mystery illness. My head hurts but mostly I’m just fatigued and my mental faculties aren’t where they should be. I teach languages yet I can’t remember words for basic things right now! So I’m taking a few days off to recover. Hopefully will be back in by the end of the week.

In other news, I’ll be five months off alcohol this week. Social situations have become easier, I’m getting used to being a little bit goofy at parties and my friends have been super supportive! One even looked shocked when I held my partner’s beer at a festival a few weeks ago and made a joke saying they couldn’t remember the last time they saw me with a beer! It sounds small but it meant the world 😊

As I’m confined to my couch for the next little while I’m probably going to be a bit more active on beehaw! Hope you’re all having a nice week!


I’ve been struck down by some mystery illness. My head hurts but mostly I’m just fatigued and my mental faculties aren’t where they should be. I teach languages yet I can’t remember words for basic things right now! So I’m taking a few days off to recover. Hopefully will be back in by the end of the week.

2 years ago I would have said that sounds a lot like long COVID. I’m assuming you’re vaxxed and everything so that’s probably unlikely. Fingers crossed you feel better! Make some posts in your favorite communities here. We need the content 😉


You’re right I’m all vaxxed up! It’s a real head scratcher. I don’t have any physical symptoms other than being tired and having a sore head but the mental symptoms are awful! And of course having no physical symptoms (no cold symptoms) makes me feel like I’m faking it ughhh.

I’m a huge believer of listening to my body when it’s in distress so I’m HOPING all this couch time will speed up my recovery.

Make some posts in your favorite communities here. We need the content

Aye aye captain 🫡


I am not a medical professional but it sounds like you could have a bad migraine, or an iron or vitamin deficiency.

Congrats on 5 months sober!!! Quitting drinking was the best decision I ever made.


So weird that you mention the iron deficiency because a friend of mine literally just suggested that too. I follow a mostly plant based diet and I’m low on iron to begin with. Not only that but being sober means I don’t get as many meaty takeaways as hungover treats, I wonder if that has affected my nutrition. Will put myself on some iron tablets and report back!


Week is okay! I’ve been not making plans with friends because i’m trying to reserve time for applying to new jobs, but spending more time at home has me a lil depressed. it’s a small funk, and I’ll get over it. It’s just hard balancing carving out time for this when life keeps on happening. Reminds me why i’ve been putting this off for like 2 years now.

I’ve been tooling around with using GPT4all to write cover letters - tbd if that is worth the effort, but i hate writing cover letters from scratch so i’m willing to put up with a lot of BS if it saves me from that.


Ha, I’ve been using ChatGPT to write cover letters too! You still have to go in and edit it, but it saves soooooo much time.


I haven’t made it to actually generating one yet (it’s been a busy week), but it’s good to hear that it helps!

Megaman_EXE, (edited )

I’ve been attempting to make youtube videos for the first time. I realized there was a topic surrounding the new zelda game that hadn’t been covered yet so I am doing finishing touches on that. But its made me want to make more videos.

I’m really struggling to come up with a core theme or topic for my channel. I’m thinking of making some kind of video game / anime / Manga type content. The tricky part is I don’t want to do just reviews and I don’t want to make just gameplay or whatever either. I was thinking of talking about certain topics. The idea seems really vague though. I’m also trying to not get discouraged before I even start.

But realistically I know that section of youtube is pretty saturated. So I know that whatever I make needs to be solid otherwise nobody will want to watch it lol.

I’ve been watching creators for over a decade now. I have a general idea of what makes good content and I’ve been doing more specific research too. But I realize at some point t I just need to start publishing stuff


best of luck! i can’t imagine trying to break into that space now. Honestly though, i feel like the YouTube game is aged enough that now there is always a certain percentage of users that are “in between” favorite channels, and that creates room for people like you to become their new favorite channel. I know for me personally, I used to watch a lot of Game Grumps, then I stopped with that once their politics started to bother me (the grooming allegations didn’t help either). Then I watched a lot of Giant Bomb, and then a bunch of their core crew left and the content changed so i stopped watching that.

At each of these points i was a very “capturable” user, so idk. I think there’s always a chunk of users like that these days, so don’t feel like no one will care about your stuff, even if the space is saturated. “Saturation” is not a permanent state.


Thanks for the encouragement! Yeah I’m intimidated but I figure the worst that can happen is that I learn some new skills. So I figure it can’t hurt to try haha.

Your thoughts on saturation are actually very similar to what I was thinking about too. Some of the channels that I started watching a lot only started in 2015 or 2017. So I figure it’s worth a shot if I put some effort and elbow grease into it


I struggle with making videos sometimes too, even though we have a pretty clear vision for our channel. I encourage you to put your stuff out there! You’ll find people who’d like to have those conversations with you and that can help to further define your content. It’s daunting for sure, but it’s been rewarding to build and find community by sharing what we’re passionate about. For us, it’s mostly garden related but there’s always an opportunity to show other aspects of who you are. If you’re worried about a theme, consider that your thoughtful take and genuine interest will be enough to bring folks to you, whatever topic you might decide to pour yourself into.


Thank you so much for the advice :) I’m hoping I can make something that others can enjoy as much as I enjoy making it


When you’re done with your video can you send it to me? I love Zelda.


Sure! I don’t think it’s anything too special to be honest. I found that nobody had covered what all the kilton statues looked like, so I went and gathered them all in one place so someone could look them up.

I’m still learning, but it was a good way to take those first steps. If you have any feedback I would love to hear it! I think for my next video I want to work on my audio levels more and figure out how to make my voice sound better.


Haven’t posted on Lemmy before. Excited to be in a small queer community. This week: made some fun art with my partner, organized back if house at a nonprofit, had great coffee, and enjoyed nature


we’re excited to have you here! have an awesome week!


Aww sounds like my dream life!


Got an interview for a potential promotion at the company I work for. Pretty stoked.




Last week is hellish for my mental health (depressed for entire week for no reason it seems.) but this week is pretty good! I get thing done, I feel better and enjoying my day so far! I hope you all have a good week or at least thing will get better soon!


i hate sudden random depression. try taking walks outside if you can and you haven’t been doing that already! my old therapist used to recommend that all the time and i scoffed at it, but i’ve been going for walks every day this summer and I have been shocked by how low my depression and anxiety have been these past few months. Intrusive thoughts hate this one weird trick!


Oh yeah! Not going to lie, but I completely forget about this entire last week. What time do you like to go for a walk, if you don’t mind me asking? In the morning or before sunset :o ?


I’m working on a flyer for the open days of the place I work at. The hardest part is realizing that I’m a perfectionista and have to stop myself. I mean at this point I have files in writer, blender, Krita, Inkscape, and even unity. It’s kinda absurd really, just for a tiny square one sided flyer.

Anyone else struggling with this blessingcurse?


If it looks good, it looks good!


lol i’ve been there, but i haven’t gone quite that far in my obsession. That said, i haven’t designed a flier that will be viewed by that many people, so maybe it’s the added pressure.


What kinda stuff do you make?

Fortunately I don’t have stage fright. I’m also a perfectionist with purely private things.


Okay. Going on month two of a new job at a startup that is building a fusion power plant. Moved out from mother’s house in June. Started painting landscapes. Finally reaching the end of TOTK, just in time to start Sea of Stars (sidenote, gaming in 2023 has been FIRE)


huh? i thought humanity as a whole had only achieved net-positive fusion two times total, with the second time being only a few weeks ago. How is your startup creating a plant out of this technology already?


From someone else with an avid fascination with all things nuclear science; the only thing I can think of is “pregaming” infrastructure for when the technology gets to where it needs to be. The core concepts of fusion, how to harvest its energy, how to initiate it, and the risks involved are all understood at a foundational level, but the recent net gain achievements is likened to the Wright Brothers’ first flight when the goal is to get to the moon. We proved its possible to get off the ground, which is no small feat, but we are a ways off from our goal.


Good, been trying to understand assembly (I am failing miserably). It’s been awesome!


This is an amazing attitude; thank you for sharing your joy with us.


Pretty awful. Work sucks and I had to put my cat down on Friday. She was my best friend. I was okay over the weekend but I am increasingly lonely and heartachey.


I lost my kitty last year. Was very close to her as well. I don’t believe in ghosts but I think her ghost visited me in a dream shortly after she died. I’ll miss her forever.


Grief comes in waves and you can never predict when one will hit. I lost my cat of 15 years a couple months ago and I still swear I hear his meow sometimes


I’m sorry for your loss. it will get easier, but i’m sure it doesn’t feel like that right now

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