MushuChupacabra, avatar

Apparently, being argumentative about topics she didnt understand was more important than being alive.

MapleEngineer, avatar

Someone said, “If you disagree with the experts you don’t have a different opinion you’re just wrong.”


"Taking this vaccine offends my conscience. I ought to have the choice about what goes into my body, and a lifesaving treatment cannot be denied to me because I chose not to take an experimental treatment for a condition"

Hun, you're not the only person who is looking for a transplant. If you're not going to protect yourself from COVID-19, you don't get the organ. Plain and simple.

MapleEngineer, avatar

Yup. The courts have long held that being vaccinated can be a requirement of getting an organ transplant. Organs are hard to come by and they should go to the people who are going to listen to their doctor and do what needs to be done to keep that organ alive for a long time. If not, it should go to someone who will.


If she won’t jump through that hoop, how many others will she refuse down the road?

“Taking this anti-rejection medication offends my conscience. These drugs are chemicals!”

“Getting an hour of cardio a day offends me, I should decide what activities I perform.”

“Being told to keep my BMI in the healthy range to keep my transplant healthy is offensive and is implying I’m fat.”

Transplant teams want compliant patients. Refusing a vaccine right off the bat means you are the non-compliant type who likely won’t be a success.


What a good little sheeple you are.

MapleEngineer, avatar

I put on the mask months before it was required because it was the right thing to do. I kept wearing the mask for months after they were required because it was the right thing to do.

You put on the mask when you were told to and took it off when you were told you could.

You call me sheeple? Give your fucking head a shake. You anti-reality cultists think with one brain and it isn’t yours.


Atleast she’s consistent🤷🏿


I'm not sure whether I take more offense to people still calling the vaccine experimental or thinking it's a treatment. Being so desperately against something without bothering to even pretend to understand what it is or why irks the shit out of me. Good riddance.


🎼This was a triumph🎶
🎼I’m making a note here: “huge success”🎶

Seriously, the experiment is over. The stuff works great. That is not a valid excuse.


It would mean she had to admit she was wrong.

MapleEngineer, avatar

THIS is the key point. She had made this her entire identity. When billions of doses had been administered to billions of people worldwide and none of them became magnetic, or sterile, or had tracking chips installed, or got 5G, or turned into monkeys and the world went on with life while she slowly killed herself while wailing about the injustice…she would rather die than admit that she was wrong.


It's worse than just being stubborn though. Being wrong and not willing to admit it is petty, but people are willing to go much further (up to dying, apparently) if they're too willfully ignorant to even be open to the possibility they could be wrong. This is some dark ages shit, and it's terrifying how much of it's out there in the wild.

AnonymousLlama, avatar

For an "experimental vaccine" it's had a pretty amazing job at limiting the severity of covid and reducing deaths. If only all experiments were that successful

AnonymousLlama, avatar

You'd think if she really wanted to live she'd jump through any amount of hoops needed, you know like your life depended on it.. apparently not

nobleshift, avatar


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  • MapleEngineer, avatar



    Does that make you happy?


    It really doesn’t. Things shouldn’t have come to this in the first place.




    It’s God’s plan, not for the likes of you or I to judge.

    CarbonIceDragon, avatar

    If there is a god, who has a plan, which involves absolutely everything that ever happens (by virtue of it being planned out by an omniscient being that therefore would know and take into account exactly what will happen when making any plan), would not you judging said plan, if you do so, necessarily be part of the plan in the first place and therefore be for you to do?


    Can god microwave a burrito so hot even he couldn’t eat it?


    Knowing how dumb they were, I can’t deny the world’s probably better off


    I am pleased when bad things happen to harmful people, yes

    DessertStorms, (edited ) avatar

    People think it's hilarious to reference the Darwin awards and say shit like "thinning the heard" but that shit is all based in eugenics which is largely based in ableism and that line of thinking has real life implications.
    It's a shame ableists don't actually give a shit.

    nicktron, avatar

    Stop being offended by absolutely everything and I promise your life will improve.


    You’re the one here who can’t tell the difference between stupidity and cognitive disability.

    Guess which one you are?


    I’m dying… This comment is fucking comedy gold.


    Hopefully he forgets about the “you’re” at the beginning by the time he gets to the question at the end.


    If you aren’t gonna take steps to protect yourself, you’re not worthy. There’s a long list and many people who will work hard to safeguard such a gift.

    MapleEngineer, avatar

    Most definitely.


    Wonder if she gets any of this funding…/covid-19-vaccine-injuries-compensation-c…

    MapleEngineer, avatar



    They don’t give organs to alcoholics who don’t stop drinking either.

    Good luck getting a heart of you refuse to quit eating a hamburger an hour.

    Look, you have to pass a baseline level of taking care of yourself to qualify for an organ, and vaccinations are the bottom, base level first line of defense.

    MapleEngineer, avatar



    Sure, she might be dead, but the libs have been owned! Who’s the real winner here?

    MapleEngineer, avatar

    I think this was more about petulance. She had made refusing the vaccine her hill to die on and nothing was going to dissuade her.


    It will be “See! This vaccine killed this woman!” They will just leave out that she refused and didn’t actually take the vaccine. I remember seeing a few people claim that some of their friends took the vaccine and they died, even though they never did and was very anti-vaxx.


    I swear that stubbornness kills more old people than anything else. Won’t go see the doctor, won’t listen to the doctor, won’t take their medicine, won’t do exercise, won’t change diet, won’t quit smoking, etc. They should list “stubbornness” as the cause of death.

    MapleEngineer, avatar

    I hear that.


    Nobody wins, this is and was unfathomably stupid.

    Behind door number 1 is certain death, door number two is take one of the best tested vaccines in history and have a pretty good shot at things. I know she believed it was untested or evil, but she must have ignored so many things the medical team told her.

    I just cannot understand what was going through her head.

    MapleEngineer, avatar

    In the end, when it became clear to everyone that the vaccine was safe and effective she had made refusing her entire identity. She felt heroic. She just couldn’t bring herself to give up her crusade and slowly died because she was stubborn.


    Nobody wins

    No actually, the person next on the transplant list is the clear winner here


    Yeah, there was exactly one deserving winner here.


    A stubborn Darwin award winner. Way to hang in there.

    MapleEngineer, avatar


    DessertStorms, avatar
    nicktron, avatar

    You need a new hobby.


    Piece of advice, I don’t know if you’re trolling or not, but if you’re being genuine you’re making everybody hate you.

    Please pick better battles, for your sake and ours.

    MapleEngineer, avatar

    What a bonkers hill to literally die on.

    MapleEngineer, avatar

    If you make being petulant your entire identity…


    Petulant is such a great word for all these people.

    MapleEngineer, avatar

    It applies equally well to the tantrumists who blocked the border crossings and shit all over the street in downtown Ottawa.


    Yea but think of all the libs she owned


    As a lib… I feel so owned.

    Greg, avatar

    On the flip side, transplant given to person who follows medical advice

    MapleEngineer, avatar

    She did several people a solid over the course of her senseless battle for the hill that she died on.


    Bet she wasn’t an organ doner though.


    You didn’t want those organs anyway. Lotta diseases in there

    ThatWeirdGuy1001, avatar

    Good thing I’ve gotten the vaccines for all of them


    Looking forward to reading the comments section of this article right after I finish my broken glass cocktail.

    MapleEngineer, avatar

    It will be a fetid shithole of nonsense spewed by a number of people who speak with great authority about things they know nothing about and rights that they don’t have or don’t understand.


    I had a double lung transplant 6 years ago. You have to be EXTREMELY compliant to even get put on the list.

    So many meds and tests and shit stuff you need to follow EXACTLY, every 12 hours, every day, for the rest of your life.

    If you refuse a vaccine you’re never going to care for your new lungs. It’s not easy.

    MapleEngineer, avatar

    Nope. That’s why the courts allow transplant coordinators to require that you be vaccinated. This vaccine was so incredibly safe that it’s ridiculous that she chose to die rather than getting it. I mean, literally the worst thing that could have happened to her because she got the vaccine happened to her because she didn’t get the vaccine.


    This vaccine was so incredibly safe that it’s ridiculous that she chose to die rather than getting it.

    Unlike the transplant meds. Pretty large increase for cancer from them.

    Seems weird to refuse a COVID vaccine, but be fine swallowing a ton of meds every 12 hours that increases your risk of cancer significantly.

    Obviously me and many others accept that increased risk, because like you said, the other outcome is just dying straight up.

    In the end I’m glad the organ went to someone else who will respect and appreciate it.

    MapleEngineer, (edited ) avatar

    I have a background in chemistry. Early in the pandemic when all the anti-vax nonsense was at its peak I took a look at the ingredients in the three main vaccines in Canada (A-Z, M, and P). For the most part they all included:

    mRNA which we all have in our bodies all the time

    4 salts of which one was table salt

    4 fats of which one was cholesterol

    and sugar.

    That’s it.


    While I do agree the vaccines are safe enough, saying “mRNA which we all have in our bodies all the time” is a bit misleading. The number of ways an mRNA strand could mess you up is astronomical.

    MapleEngineer, avatar

    It is not misleading at all. Every single cell in our bodies contains mRNA at all times.

    What are these ways that mRNA could mess you up of which you speak?


    Every single cell in our bodies contains mRNA at all times.

    That’s like saying computer viruses are fine because they’re made of code, which computers are already full of.

    We’re full of mRNA, sure, but we’re full of mRNA that’s supposed to be there.

    What are these ways that mRNA could mess you up of which you speak?

    I’m no biologist, but perhaps mRNA that creates a prion?

    MapleEngineer, avatar

    Sure, mRNA could be created to create a prion but the mRNA in the vaccine does not. It creates a small fragment of protein similar to a trans-membrane protein on the covid virus.

    I assumed that you had concrete information to share no just wild anti-vax fear mongering.


    Lol, the wild anti-vax fear mongerer who said “I do agree the vaccines are safe enough” two comments ago. Really seems like he has an agenda here

    MapleEngineer, avatar

    Concern troll.


    I am not calling into question the safety of these vaccines. They are safe.

    I’m pointing out that just because something is a salt doesn’t make it safe (see Sodium Cyanide), and just because a compound is mRNA doesn’t mean it isn’t dangerous.

    If you base your assessment of the safety of a drug on the premises you laid out instead of on controlled studies, you’re no better than anti-vaxxers.

    MapleEngineer, avatar

    I am very well aware that you are just being an argumentative pedant. I’ve been dealing with people like you for years so I recognized it right away.

    I am not calling into question the safety of these vaccines. They are safe.

    Yes, they are.

    I’m pointing out that just because something is a salt doesn’t make it safe (see Sodium Cyanide), and just because a compound is mRNA doesn’t mean it isn’t dangerous.

    All four of the fats in the Covid vaccines naturally occur in or bodies.

    All four of the salts in the Covid vaccines naturally occur in our bodies.

    The tiny fragment of mRNA in the Covid vaccines is perfectly safe.

    The only molecule in the Covid vaccine that is absolutely, provably killing many, many people is β-D-Fructofuranosyl α-D-glucopyranoside.

    If you base your assessment of the safety of a drug on the premises you laid out instead of on controlled studies, you’re no better than anti-vaxxers.

    There WERE controlled studies. Many controlled studies. The main vaccines are demonstrably safe.

    “If you are not a scientist, and you disagree with scientists about science, it’s actually not a disagreement. You’re just wrong. Science is not truth. Science is finding the truth. When science changes its opinion, it didn’t lie to you. It learned more.”


    How was I supposed to know from your earlier comment that you weren’t literally saying “the COVID vaccine is safe because it’s made of things similar to stuff in our body”? 🤣


    Cool, guess my pancake breakfast works then. I’ve already got the mRNA and the breakfast takes care of the rest!

    MapleEngineer, avatar



    Highlighting her fundamental lack of critical thinking skills.


    Fact is, there’s more people in need of transplants and simply not enough viable organs to go around.

    I’m not going to fault the transplant committee for denying someone over a vaccine. Simply, why give this very finite and very precious resource to someone when they’re just going to go get themselves unalived over something as dumb as a 100% preventable disease or something just because they have a brain malfunction that makes them think vaccines are bad. Especially when so many other people are literally dying without the same organs, who are more than happy to follow doctors instructions to ensure they can live a long and prosperous life with the replacement they desperately need.

    It’s all rather silly.

    The thing that probably bothers me the most about organ transplants in general is that if cloning research and stem cell research was allowed to proceed properly, it’s entirely possible that science could find a way to grow you a replacement of your own organs… Apart from genetic problems causing organs to fail, it would almost completely eliminate the entire demand for organs. But no, some idiots don’t want cloning because it upsets their imaginary friend.

    On a related note, go fill out your donor card people. Even if you’re one of those “nobody will want my organs” type of people, do it anyways. The transplant people will figure out if your organs are viable when you no longer need them anymore. Let them figure that shit out for you. Just check the box to be a donor and don’t think about it any further.


    Don’t just put it on your license either. In many places that isn’t legally binding. Have a conversation with your partner/children/parents who are going to have legal authority over your body while brain dead and tell them you want to be a donor.


    On a related note, go fill out your donor card people. Even if you’re one of those “nobody will want my organs” type of people, do it anyways. The transplant people will figure out if your organs are viable when you no longer need them anymore. Let them figure that shit out for you. Just check the box to be a donor and don’t think about it any further.

    and the stupid rumour about “the doctors will kill me to save 8 others” is bullshit. I am glad my donor signed. His wife said she didn’t want him to, but seeing me live because of his selflessness made her reconsider, and she tells everyone to be a donor.


    That rumor flies in the face of the first rule doctors vow to uphold “do no harm”.

    IDK about you, but killing someone for their organs is pretty damn harmful for the individual “donating” their organs.

    It’s a different story if you’re braindead or hurt to the point of being capable of recovering at all, even with all of the modern science and medicine that is available.

    avidamoeba, avatar

    How’s life as an immunocompromised person in the last few years?


    Stupid people commit suicide in lots of creative ways. It’s not news.

    Grant_M, avatar

    Solution: Get vaccinated. (It’s Postmedia, so odds are pretty good the story is exaggerated or outright fake)

    KairuByte, avatar

    Even if it’s not fake… this is kinda how it is. You’re required to jump through so many hoops to get a transplant. One of the steps is to suppress your immune system, and not taking one of the required vaccines increases the chances of not only your death, but the waste of the organ.

    Grant_M, avatar

    Agree. Vaccinations are important, especially in the case of transplants.

    M0oP0o, avatar

    It is not fake, this has been going on for a while now.…/… <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a>


    What do you mean I have to stop drinking gin if I want a liver transplant?

    Patient dies because she didn’t follow doctor’s advice.


    Not remotely comparable. There is no reason to believe she is getting a transplant as a result of covid.

    Stumblinbear, avatar

    You’re less likely to get a transplant if you’re more likely to ruin it based on your lifestyle.


    Well a hospital in the US didn’t seem to think so. I suppose that’s one of the benefits of a less centralized system.


    Yeah, the great US health system


    You will note I was making a point about one aspect of the US health system. Not all of it.


    Yeah but throwing an organ away with someone that will die anyway refusing treatment just because they paid or because your system is incapable of transporting organs to better suited donors is not exactly a “benefit”.


    Why would they want a liver transplant in the first place if they didn’t drink gin? Doctors not thinking it through

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