otter, (edited ) avatar

Post locked again. Please report rule breaking comments and we’ll take a look.

While you can and should still report disinformation, we’re keeping some comments up because there are great replies for WHY those comments are incorrect/disinformation, and it would be more effective to keep the context up.

So we’re still reviewing all reports, but not all reports will result in a removal.

Post reopened, please keep the instance rules in mind while commenting

Post is locked for cleanup.

Jaysyn, avatar

Better the organ saved the life of a non-moron.

MapleEngineer, avatar

True dat.

DessertStorms, avatar

Like, fuck anti-vaxxers and OP was the right call, but the thought process behind that sentence along with the choice of words are a really bad take.

nicktron, avatar

Oh shut up already.

DessertStorms, avatar

no, you.


Language will evolve naturally over time. But to claim that hoping your children are intelligent/physically healthy is a form of eugenics is absurd. If QAnon was left-leaning, this is the kind of shit they would say.

DessertStorms, avatar

So you're openly saying you think disabled people are inferior, got it.


What I said and what you said are not the same thing.

However, you win the gold medal for mental gymnastics.

MapleEngineer, avatar

I believe that that man was made of straw.

It’s funny when the trolls come out to play and no one picks up what they’re putting down.


I could definitely see this person being a troll. What’s wild though is that it seems the linked article was written in earnest.

MapleEngineer, avatar

I think it’s really funny that no one is taking the bait. All of the responses have been simple, on point, and non-engaging. That’s how you deal with a troll.


Disability studies, disability justice, disability theory, crip theory… lots of keywords for you to start googling. The other poster isn’t wrong: prioritizing intelligence and health in a child is the theory behind the practice of eugenics. Yes, these are strong words… but they’re not wrong.

MapleEngineer, avatar

Are you still here flogging this outrage porn? No one is interested.


I am. Disabled people are. People who work with disabled people are. I understand that this topic doesn’t interest you, but that doesn’t mean it’s not fucking important for a lot of us.

MapleEngineer, avatar

You’re trying to hijack a conversation that has nothing to do with your rage. It doesn’t belong here.

Ransom, (edited )

I think that people who are unvaxed shouldn’t get priority for transplants.

Even so, it’s not inappropriate to call out ableism in any topic. If somebody was racist, or sexist, or discriminatory in any other form, would you say, “Hey, we’re not talking about racism — stop hijacking the conversation”?

EDIT: For everyone else reading this: This is what people do when they feel uncomfortable with being called out. They deflect, refuse to admit they could be wrong, and stop engaging. That’s actually a fairly normal response. It’s hard to admit that, for example, ableist comments can be as harmful as racist comments. It’s okay to stop talking as long as one doesn’t stop thinking.

MapleEngineer, avatar

We’re done here.

snowbell, avatar

I’m disabled and don’t care at all about whatever you are going on about




I wonder if you’d be able to take a step backward and consider that the linked article was written in earnest because it reflects a valid way of looking at the world that you may never have considered before. People disagreeing with you may not actually be trolling, but presenting their own valid beliefs. Look up disability studies, disability justice, and/or crip theory.



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  • DessertStorms, avatar

    Congratulation - you've let the world know you're a piece of shit bigot!


    Funny you making that statement and not realizing how it applies to yourself. Talk about a self-own lol.


    I agree that hoping for an intelligent and physically healthy child definitely reflects an ableist worldview. This is basic disability/crip theory.

    For those who are going to argue: wanting an intelligent child is ableist because it implies that people who are intelligent have more worth than people who are not. It’s assigning the value of a person based on a pretty narrow and Western conceptualization of how people think. A person is valuable not because of their intelligence, but because of their existence — all are equally valuable because they’re people, and everyone is equal. The same goes, believe it or not, for physical disabilities, including health. If you disagree, then you think that not all people are equal, which is problematic, as problematic as hoping that your child is straight, or male, or has blonde hair and blue eyes.


    That’s retarded. People can want what they want. The implications and conclusion you jump to sre you-problems, not reflective of society.


    no u

    rikudou, avatar

    I can respect her. She was stupid, but hey, at least she was not a hypocrite. If there were more stupid people who weren’t hypocrites at the same time, life would be a little bit easier.


    Woman chooses to die in favor of the comfort of stupidity.


    Proud grad of the Medical School at the University of Facebook, I’m sure.


    "Taking this vaccine offends my conscience. I ought to have the choice about what goes into my body, and a lifesaving treatment cannot be denied to me because I chose not to take an experimental treatment for a condition"

    Hun, you're not the only person who is looking for a transplant. If you're not going to protect yourself from COVID-19, you don't get the organ. Plain and simple.

    MapleEngineer, avatar

    Yup. The courts have long held that being vaccinated can be a requirement of getting an organ transplant. Organs are hard to come by and they should go to the people who are going to listen to their doctor and do what needs to be done to keep that organ alive for a long time. If not, it should go to someone who will.


    If she won’t jump through that hoop, how many others will she refuse down the road?

    “Taking this anti-rejection medication offends my conscience. These drugs are chemicals!”

    “Getting an hour of cardio a day offends me, I should decide what activities I perform.”

    “Being told to keep my BMI in the healthy range to keep my transplant healthy is offensive and is implying I’m fat.”

    Transplant teams want compliant patients. Refusing a vaccine right off the bat means you are the non-compliant type who likely won’t be a success.


    What a good little sheeple you are.

    MapleEngineer, avatar

    I put on the mask months before it was required because it was the right thing to do. I kept wearing the mask for months after they were required because it was the right thing to do.

    You put on the mask when you were told to and took it off when you were told you could.

    You call me sheeple? Give your fucking head a shake. You anti-reality cultists think with one brain and it isn’t yours.


    Atleast she’s consistent🤷🏿


    I'm not sure whether I take more offense to people still calling the vaccine experimental or thinking it's a treatment. Being so desperately against something without bothering to even pretend to understand what it is or why irks the shit out of me. Good riddance.


    🎼This was a triumph🎶
    🎼I’m making a note here: “huge success”🎶

    Seriously, the experiment is over. The stuff works great. That is not a valid excuse.


    It would mean she had to admit she was wrong.

    MapleEngineer, avatar

    THIS is the key point. She had made this her entire identity. When billions of doses had been administered to billions of people worldwide and none of them became magnetic, or sterile, or had tracking chips installed, or got 5G, or turned into monkeys and the world went on with life while she slowly killed herself while wailing about the injustice…she would rather die than admit that she was wrong.


    It's worse than just being stubborn though. Being wrong and not willing to admit it is petty, but people are willing to go much further (up to dying, apparently) if they're too willfully ignorant to even be open to the possibility they could be wrong. This is some dark ages shit, and it's terrifying how much of it's out there in the wild.

    AnonymousLlama, avatar

    For an "experimental vaccine" it's had a pretty amazing job at limiting the severity of covid and reducing deaths. If only all experiments were that successful

    AnonymousLlama, avatar

    You'd think if she really wanted to live she'd jump through any amount of hoops needed, you know like your life depended on it.. apparently not


    Is this the new location of /r/HermanCainAwards?

    MapleEngineer, avatar

    Yes, and there are a few Facebook refugees here pushing their anti-reality nonsense.


    What do you mean I have to stop drinking gin if I want a liver transplant?

    Patient dies because she didn’t follow doctor’s advice.


    Not remotely comparable. There is no reason to believe she is getting a transplant as a result of covid.

    Stumblinbear, avatar

    You’re less likely to get a transplant if you’re more likely to ruin it based on your lifestyle.


    Well a hospital in the US didn’t seem to think so. I suppose that’s one of the benefits of a less centralized system.


    Yeah, the great US health system


    You will note I was making a point about one aspect of the US health system. Not all of it.


    Yeah but throwing an organ away with someone that will die anyway refusing treatment just because they paid or because your system is incapable of transporting organs to better suited donors is not exactly a “benefit”.


    Why would they want a liver transplant in the first place if they didn’t drink gin? Doctors not thinking it through


    Canada is a fucked up place

    CileTheSane, avatar

    The transplant didn’t go into the trash. The need for transplants far exceeds the supply, so they go to the people with higher likelihood of survival.

    “Woman who refuses to listen to medical professionals advice denied transplant. Transplant instead went to person who listens to their doctor.”


    Says the corporate conservative fox news watching bootlicker.


    You give the organ to the best chance of survival. That’s the person with the covid vaccine.

    This is someone who has literally chosen to die, or is so used to controlling others, that it never occurred to them that they won’t get what they want

    Freedom works both ways. She has the right to refuse the vaccine, the transplant board has the right to deny her a transplant

    MapleEngineer, avatar

    Those of you seemingly celebrating need to slow down and take a look at yourself.

    MapleEngineer, (edited ) avatar

    I’m not celebrating. I think it is an incredible fucking shame that a bunch of crushingly ignorant people were mislead by a very small group of people with a highly destructive agenda. She died because she believed lies, made it her entire identity, and couldn’t figure out how to change her position. She eat made to feel like a hero for standing up to “the man” and died a miserable, unnecessary death.


    You’ve made some fairly empathetic comments in the thread, so don’t take it directly at you. I’m immunocompromised so I understand the risks. I still have space for compassion. This is a sad loss in convincing these people and we should be sorting out how to do better.

    I will always refuse to dance on graves, and you should too.

    MapleEngineer, avatar

    I always tell my kids that we don’t wish death on anyone and we don’t celebrate anyone’s death. This woman made petulance her entire identity and it cost her her life. She died for stupid political reasons and her children and her grandchildren and their families are all hurting. What a stupid, senseless hill to die on and for people who don’t give a shit about her or her family.


    It’s an incredibly stupid thing to die for, for sure. It’d just be nice to see less celebration of death in the world and in the communities I interact with.

    MapleEngineer, avatar

    Part of it is the fact that these people were so condescending, so arrogant, so self-satisfied about their nonsense. They called us sheeple for following the recommendations of experts when they were lining up behind a dozen people writing obvious nonsense on obscure blogs and worshiping it like a religion. They quote made up facts and numbers. They abused and assaulted people who were just trying to do their jobs. They were truly the worst that humanity has to offer. So you can understand why there might be a bit of a sense of schadenfreude when one of the rides the crazy train into the ground.

    Like I’ve said…I’m not celebrating her death. I think it’s a fucking tragedy that anyone is that stupid, that gullible, that arrogantly stubborn but it was her choice.

    UglyEgg, avatar

    Natural selection. Idiots will remove themselves from the gene pool.


    “I have grandchildren, I have children. Like, they’re grown men, but they’re my kids.”

    I get the sentiment, but she didn’t remove herself from the gene pool.

    JoeBigelow, avatar



    At least she can’t hurt anyone anymore with her votes


    If she had kids, her genes are still clogging up the pool sadly.



    MapleEngineer, avatar

    I don’t see it that way. She was fed a diet of fear and hate and made an extremely bad choice. Her family is grieving because she made this ridiculous choice.

    corsicanguppy, (edited )

    I think we can agree that gullible people were victimized for someone else’s benefit.

    But she became irredeemable as well as oppositional. So she wasnt going to get heroics.

    MapleEngineer, avatar

    She died from her own petulance.


    If she gave 2 fucks bout her family and how they would feel, she would have got the vaccine and then transplant. She rather chose to be a brainless foot soldier for the people who duped her


    You make it sound like she was a helpless child. She was a fully grown woman responsible for her own actions.

    MapleEngineer, avatar

    Yes, but she was a dumb, incredibly gullible adult who was fed a diet of lies by people who didn’t give a shit about her.


    It’s her fault she fell for it.


    Exactly. Who feels bad for that idiot who got swindled by scammers? Not me.


    Sorry. Don’t have time to feel bad for every idiot out there


    Good. These people paid their nickel and took their chances. It’s not anyone else’s fault that they made a stupid bet. It’s no different than those whiners suing over their stupid NFTs being bad investments.


    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Imagine being the donor and your organ goes to someone like that. It’s like someone pissing on your grave (assuming the donor is dead or will die, article doesn’t mention the organ).

    Also the comment section from that article, holy shit what a dumpster fire.


    She got what she wanted. Post it everywhere.


    I can’t understand this. She was fine retaking the childhood vaccines but the one for COVID. What kind of misinformation led her to believe that?


    The usual primary talking point is that it was developed "too fast", which is of course ignoring a bunch of very important "details". But explaining why that is wrong takes multiple sentences, but shouting out the misrepresentation that pulls people in can be done in a second.


    Remember that us idiots that took the vaccination would die in about half a year? I can't remember my funeral, but I really hope it was beautiful.

    Or maybe we didn't die and their bullshit was all made up and by now they could have had a chance to understand that. But that's speculative.



    MapleEngineer, (edited ) avatar

    I had a discussion with an anti-reality troll on Reddit who insisted that I would be dead within a year of taking the vaccine. He actually did a RemindMe! 1 year. That was more than 2 years ago and I never heard back from him. I wonder if he died?

    Blamemeta, (edited )

    Its because its made psuedo-mandatory by the government. If you don’t trust the gov (no one shoule trust the gov), then I can see not trusting the vaccine.

    Its a matter of trust, and the government isn’t trustworthy.

    Edit: trustful to trustworthy

    MapleEngineer, avatar

    I think you mean trustworthy.

    The government is more trustworthy than the people telling you the vaccine is dangerous.



    Guns4Gnus, avatar

    Well, you are right on this at least. Especially since cops are some of the bigger supporters of anti-vax nonsense, that only care about displays of force over understanding of context.


    If you don’t trust the gov (no one shoule trust the gov)

    I see you need to vote for trustworthy community-minded types so you can learn to trust the people you appoint to manage consolidated resources.


    Politicians are all self serving assholes. Best you can do is either vote for the most incompentent or vote for the one that at least panders to you.


    You know who’s trustworthy? Dr. Dimpleton69 from this lit Telegram group, he’s legit and a real doctor, not a scam artist at all.


    Compared to the government? The Doll Chucky is more trustworthy.

    MapleEngineer, avatar

    Pseudo-mandatory = not mandatory.

    MapleEngineer, avatar

    It became a matter of political identity. Rejecting Covid, the science, the vaccine, and the reasonable public health measures became more important to them that life itself.


    I wonder if the global average IQ went up or down as a result of COVID?

    MapleEngineer, avatar

    Definitely up.

    Greg, avatar

    Don’t forget that autism anti vaccine movement was fueled by fairly intelligent well educated people who were tricked by one flawed study. We shouldn’t assume people are stupid if they’re anti vaccines.

    MapleEngineer, (edited ) avatar

    After I got the first dose of a covid vaccine, Astra-Zeneca, I posted on Facebook that I had gotten the vaccine and now have the autism. My friend who is autistic replied and said, “You had the autism before you got the vaccine!”

    Oh. Right.

    I’m Candian so I’m, OG A-Z M P P Omicron PBiV so far. I had the OG Covid back in December 2019 before it got cool and everyone started doing it.


    Actually, it wasn’t a “flawed study”, it was an outright fraud. The doctor responsible lost his medical license, but not quickly enough.


    Even mild covid appears to sometimes cause permanent cognitive damage so I doubt it.

    nobleshift, avatar


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  • MapleEngineer, avatar



    Does that make you happy?


    It really doesn’t. Things shouldn’t have come to this in the first place.




    It’s God’s plan, not for the likes of you or I to judge.

    CarbonIceDragon, avatar

    If there is a god, who has a plan, which involves absolutely everything that ever happens (by virtue of it being planned out by an omniscient being that therefore would know and take into account exactly what will happen when making any plan), would not you judging said plan, if you do so, necessarily be part of the plan in the first place and therefore be for you to do?


    Can god microwave a burrito so hot even he couldn’t eat it?


    Knowing how dumb they were, I can’t deny the world’s probably better off


    I am pleased when bad things happen to harmful people, yes

    DessertStorms, (edited ) avatar

    People think it's hilarious to reference the Darwin awards and say shit like "thinning the heard" but that shit is all based in eugenics which is largely based in ableism and that line of thinking has real life implications.
    It's a shame ableists don't actually give a shit.

    nicktron, avatar

    Stop being offended by absolutely everything and I promise your life will improve.


    You’re the one here who can’t tell the difference between stupidity and cognitive disability.

    Guess which one you are?


    I’m dying… This comment is fucking comedy gold.


    Hopefully he forgets about the “you’re” at the beginning by the time he gets to the question at the end.

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