
Saw a bunch of these “peaceful” conservatives ripping pride flags from peoples hands. Especially that one nasty old witch ripping it out of a dudes lap from behind him, when he was sitting by himself on a wall.

Never saw the same from the other side.

@Chefdano3@lemm.ee avatar

I really love the little touch of the march leaving peewee hockey games unscreamed at.


Bigots are always a small group with outsized volume. Just like mal-adjusted chihuahuas. And like chihuahuas suffering ‘little dog syndrome’, when they try to bite, they can be punted across the room with prejudice.

(Note that I do not condone kicking small, obnoxious dogs. That was a joke. I do condone kicking fascists, however.)


This is a weird claim. Being bigoted has clearly been the majority opinion for almost all of human history. That’s why it has been a problem, because they have had serious power and they have used it.

Bigots being in the minority would mean that the problem has largely gone away.


Except now they’re desperate, so each bigot is a bigger problem than they used to be.

@jerkface@lemmy.ca avatar

Bigots being in the minority would mean that the problem has largely gone away.

Does not follow.


Please elaborate.


Never heard of this site, and thought some of the details were a little weird, but then totally realized the satire by the time I got to “first ammendment rights as a Canadian”


I love how these articles are written.

They all start off really subtle, but get less so as you keep reading.

By the end of the article everyone should have realised, at some point, the satire.


It’s the Canadian equivalent of The Onion

@Chefdano3@lemm.ee avatar

Same. What tipped me off was when one of the supposed leaders of the Million March’s original name was the “Million March for Why Won’t Queer People All Go Away.” Hilarious.


That was the first clue for me, before reading futher and solidifying my theory 😂

@rustyfish@lemmy.world avatar

I am offended. My brain kept going BOINK by reading LGTBQ while expecting LGBTQ.

Fuck you, whoever wrote that title.


Trillion march for just getting the fuck along


Side 1: I want to be myself and be allowed to be happy
Side 2: Fuck you, die, and go to hell

You: man, can’t you guys just get along?



@rbos@lemmy.ca avatar

The Vancouver protest did well, outnumbering the assfaces by quite a bit. Multiples, maybe 5:1. Hard to tell.

Their talking points were incoherent and inconsistent. One person will tell you that they only care about teaching children and have nothing against trans people, and the next person will start screaming THERE ARE ONLY TWO GENDERS.

Their chant game was absolute shit, they clearly hadn’t workshopped for cadence or pithiness.

Lots of American politics mixed in, lots of attempts to shame the crowd about “free speech”, they got a couple kids up to scream at the crowd.

@bbbhltz@beehaw.org avatar

The Vancouver protest did well, outnumbering the assfaces by quite a bit. Multiples, maybe 5:1. Hard to tell.

Good to hear


Because there is literally no credible argument against teaching children about being tolerant towards gay and trans kid, other than hate on LGBTQIA+.

Hopefully with kids learning tolerance from an early age, they wont grow to be intolerant idiots like their parents


Is that how many letters there are now? I really haven’t been keeping up.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

I still use LGBTQ.


There’s even more letters now:

  • 2S, because one letter isn’t grand enough
  • at the front, because anything else would be called racist.

I call them Alphabet rights, because I know I’m going to miss one, and thankfully my more-involved friends show me the charity of teasing me for that only a bit.


Why would anyone tease you for that? Unless you’re a member of the community, why would anyone expect you to keep up to date?


Because generally speaking, friends tease each other over mild, inconsequential things. You can tease each other over serious things, but you run a greater risk of your friend not finding it funny.


I think I’d tease them more for actually knowing than not.


Damn bro you’re so edgy and cool.

@rbos@lemmy.ca avatar

Just use “queer” if it bothers you.


You can just say LGBT+, the plus will cover everyone

cheery_coffee, (edited )

The only argument I’ve heard that makes any sense is against gender surgery or hormone treatments, with the argument being that they’re not adults and may regret having that medical intervention later. Truth be told, I don’t know enough to say whether that’s right or wrong, but I do think that’s a reasonable argument (but I would want to hear actual medical opinions over this instead of feelings opinions).

But pretty much everything else about it is silly and undisguised bigotry.

Not teaching kids about being queer isn’t going to make them not queer, as queerness existed before we named it. Dismissing it as a phase is kind of pointless as even if it were a phase, exploring pronouns and gender identity isn’t going to hurt them. Saying it’s just a mental illness to be queer is harmful and even if true it has a reliable treatment called gender affirming care. Stuff like making kids get parental permission to be addressed by preferred pronouns is clearly setting up abusive situations, so I don’t get how any (non bigoted) people can fully support that.

Maybe the one other thing is I do think drag story time is weird. I know the argument is it’s like an actor known for R rated movies doing G rated ones, but drag shows are more like an adult burlesque show and I wouldn’t bring kids to burlesque story hour either. People being in drag doesn’t bother me, but the drag queen thing is different to that.

Edit: I accept that the first doesn’t happen, my point was just that doctors who are sworn not to harm people should be the only ones deciding what medical decisions people are allowed to make.

The second one is a bad comparison yes, but I’m allowed to personally not like it. I don’t think it should be banned or that it is what people say it is.


You are spreading lies. I hope it’s unintentional.

Minors are not getting gender surgery and the few that get access to anything hormonal are not offered anything irreversible.

Equating “story time” with adult burlesque is just simple bigotry. Someone dressing up as a princess to read a story to kids isn’t burlesque, regardless of their gender.


Minors are not getting gender surgery and the few that get access to anything hormonal are not offered anything irreversible.

I should clarify, I don’t know what care is given and I think doctors are the only ones who should be opining on this. I would assume doctors aren’t doing anything they know will cause harm.

Equating “story time” with adult burlesque is just simple bigotry. Someone dressing up as a princess to read a story to kids isn’t burlesque, regardless of their gender.

I know it’s not the same as a burlesque show and they don’t dress like they’re performing in one. What I meant was a story time lead by burlesque performers (out of full costume) would feel weird to me, and for the same reason drag story hour kinda feels weird too. There’s nothing wrong with drag in and of itself.


When you’re a child who doesnt know or care what sex is, flamboyant people in flamboyant clothes are really entertaining and engaging.

The radical christofascist conservatwits want children to be forced by fear and punishment to do and learn “what’s right” by grey men in grey suits who sexually assault their children while their wife is out shopping.


How do you know story time is lead by burlesque performers? And how would you know if a woman in the library reading to kids is not also a night performer? You are the one making that connection. Gender and gendered clothing are not sex. The reason they are making a big deal out drag story time is to associate cross-dressing with sexual performance (i.e., inappropriate for kids). Why, you ask? So that the mere existence of trans women in our communities can be considered inappropriate.


So delaying or stopping puberty, for how long? your body will turn out exactly like if you had not delayed/stopped hormones?

@girlfreddy@lemmy.world avatar

If you want to know those things, educate yourself. I recommend google scholar.


Well, I’m no medical professional, but medical professionals have been prescribing puberty blockers for other things for decades, and if they were as dangerous as all that, then you’d think the FDA would have banned that by now.

Besides which, access to treatments like those ones are documented to reduce rates of self-harm, including suicide, among kids with gender dysphoria. And if your metric is the body turning out like it would have without these treatments, well, I hope I don’t need to fill in the blank for you.


Yeah that is good for them. It just seems wrong to say its reversible.


They’re more reversible than suicide.

But sure, I hear you, that doesn’t actually answer the question. So here’s an authoritative source on the matter. To drastically hyper-over-simplify, they basically are.

Roflol, (edited )

More than suicide yes, but the science is not there to be able to say its basically reversible. It will have an effect being without sex hormones during when you should have started puberty. Im not against the treatment, it just sounds ridicolous to say its will have no impact on your boodys development.


Those are rational concerns. They really are. And these are all concerns that a physician could address when talking to their patients who might be starting to question their gender. And that’s how it should stay.

All that to say that unless you are a trained physician, or are an adult experiencing gender dysphoria, or are the parent of a child experiencing it, it’s none of your business. Trans people exist. Let them exist peacefully.


Why do you think im against trans people? Im not, the poster above complained about missinfo while saying its fully reversrble.


If your criteria are that a medical treatment is absolutely 100% safe and can be reversed as if absolutely no intervention was completed, then well, yeah, we shouldn’t have Tylenol. Medicine is ALWAYS about balancing risks, and trying to make sure things are the least invasive option. It’s done every day, in every Drs office.

Concern trolling about this particular case while spreading misinformation is in fact being “against” those particular people. Let them work out the safest option with their doctor in peace, like you would be able to do with your own health concerns. For all practical purposes, puberty blockers are relatively safe and reversible.


Please re-read my statement. I didn’t say you are against trans people. I simply said that these are discussions best left to a person and their physician. As a cis man, I should have as much say in the matter as I do on abortion or breast reduction or hysterectomy, which is none until it directly involves me or my immediate family.


Hello, sorry this is off-topic but how do you like lemmy.film? I was thinking of making an account there but I was worried about whether it was gonna be riddled with transphobes. How’s the vibe there?


Wait, did I misunderstand you the whole time? Are you actually saying that the problem with puberty blockers is that they block puberty? Did you somehow miss where that’s literally the entire point of them?

Also, repeating the same claim you just made again while ignoring the authoritative source I just provided that contradicts it is some shit I see creationists doing. Not a good look. If you support trans people, like you say in your next comment, then why are you arguing this in the same way someone who doesn’t support trans people would?

sweetviolentblush, (edited )
@sweetviolentblush@sh.itjust.works avatar

If you want to be upset about children getting gender surgeries, then rage at circumcisions and forced gender reassignment for intersex infants, because no one is giving transgender children gender surgery or hormone treatments. The only thing kids may receive (within the us and canada, I’m not sure about other countries) is puberty blockers, which are safe and reversible simply by stopping their usage.

Drag storytime is not sexual at all, don’t fall for that lie. There are many different types of drag shows; storytime and adult burlesque are miles apart in differences.


This is informative but kinda of rude. The OP just said they don’t know if that’s a valid concern or not they didn’t “want to be upset” at anything.

Sorry to jump on this, but I just find that people immediately dogpile on anyone who says anything other than “pride good”.

Appreciate the link and info though.

@sweetviolentblush@sh.itjust.works avatar

I was plenty nice. If you had to constantly defend your existence, you might get a little touchy about it too. You do not have the right to tell me how to react to that… are trans people not allowed a bit of frustration when we have to deal with this 24/7? I do not owe anyone pleasantries when they’re pushing propaganda, and whether they meant to or not is irrelevant when the outcome is the same- propaganda being pushed. You’re welcome for the link, but please stop telling trans people how they should act, yeah?


I hear you, that seems like it would be frustrating. I just think you’re doing your own cause a disservice by attacking folks that admit they don’t know. I think in OP’s case you’re painting them as a adversary when they’re mostly on your side.

Anyway, you do you, I’m just hoping you’ll think about it a bit. All the best.

@sweetviolentblush@sh.itjust.works avatar

Trans folks do not owe you kindness as payment for existence. Do not respond, I’ll be blocking you cause you’re still trying to tell me how I should act in the face of anti-trans propaganda, which is pretty fucked up.

BeneGesseritWitch, (edited )

Do you tell Jewish people they should be kind to antisemitic remarks? Being nice to bigoted shittakes is not a way to live


I’m just asking questions…

A person can choose to learn by repeating lies on social media so they can be “dog-piled” and have their statements picked apart, or they can google “what trans healthcare can minors access in Canada?” If they choose the former, they probably have thick skin by now.


I getcha, I’m just saying that engaging with people who ask a question by implying they’re stupid or malicious isn’t a great way to reach them, or others that read what you’ve written.

Maybe you disagree, but just think about it some.


Actually, I directly suggested they were misinformed and not malicious, rather than implying anything. Since then, they confirmed their intent by moving the goalposts away from their clearly disprovable point, rather than acknowledging that they might have been misinformed by an irresponsible source.

I’ve thought about this issue plenty, thank you for implying that I’m acting thoughtlessly.


The whole point is to give educated information to children/teenagers. If one goes to the counselor and tells that they think they might be trans, the school will give proper information about it.

People act as if drugs are being given in lunch time to the kids.


Or as if the school is involved in transitioning the child.


It sounds like you have the radical fascist talk shiw host understanding of the issues rather than the rational person’s basic knowledge of reality understanding. The things you listed arent happening. They are things that the psychotically christofascists made up, and then pointed to fake news sites or Facebook memes to back their claims.


This is a pretty rude answer to someone admitting they don’t know much about a subject.

BiNonBi, (edited )

We live in an age where we have countless information at our fingertips. Google scholar is literally a browser click away. If they don’t like social media answers from individuals because they’re too rude then they should do their own research, on their own time, instead of complaining about the quality of free labor from a minority group that is constantly forced to justify their existence ALL the time. 🤷‍♂️


That’s not fair to OP. He didn’t complain about the answers anywhere. I’m just suggesting to folks here that maybe you’d reach more people if you didn’t imply that anyone who asks a question is either stupid or malicious.

It doesn’t seem too crazy to me to say that someone should be able to enter a conversation and say they don’t know something without being attacked.


OK now I now you’re trolling. Where did I attack the person I was responding to? This is just manufactured drama, how very reddit of you.


Drag Queens are just people dressed fancily in a different gender’s clothing. It is not sexual or inherently adult oriented. As Drag performers are artists and performers most are quite capable of tailoring their act for their audience so a show for families is not the sane act as one for adult clubs.

You are really confused by the looks of your post.

@Chefdano3@lemm.ee avatar

I do hate on LGBTQIA+. It sucks! The acronym is too damn long, and a pain to type out. Can’t it be something easy to say and type? Like WIE - We Include Everybody, PAB - People Against Biggots, NBE - Non Binary Equality, or something like that.


LGBT is also ok


LGBT+ is just 5 characters, less than your username


As someone from the UK, it always makes me laugh when people try and claim free speech as if we have the constitution here because they’ve watched too many yank grifters online.


Yeah, it sucks but the literal peasant class in your monarchy doesn’t have actual rights.


We do have rights, they’re enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights. We just don’t have an unfettered right to free speech that makes us have to accept Nazis like the US does.


Just the ones that allow Germans to lock up climate protestors for future crimes, or Brits for insulting their monarch~


Dude, governors are banning books en masse over here in the good ol’ land of the free. Laws were never the problem. People always were.


No, they aren’t. They can not stop people from making or purchasing those books.

They’re removing them from state funded programs but that’s a much different thing.


Ohh, yes they are. Go look it up and actually research it honestly instead of looking for holes to win an argument. It’s happening here, especially in certain southern states, and it’s bad. Some counties even shut down whole libraries specifically to get around anti-censorship protections we have here.


Do you actually not understand that libraries are mostly state institutions or what?


Do you not understand that it’s mass censorship regardless and therefore you’re wrong?

Who am I kidding? Of course you don’t. You don’t want to grow up and accept facts, you just want to be right. Well, go sod off and be right then, see if political tyrants will care either way.


That self righteous irony is absolutely amazing, but I’ve never seen you have a good take so it’s not surprising.

Feel free to point to the part of the Constitution that guarantees all government libraries carry every book ever printed, or even the part that says they can’t ban whatever they want from them.

Hell, point to your right to government funded library access at all.

If you weren’t aware that your indignant screeching is the relative of the morons who think private companies can’t moderate their platforms because of the 1st, consider this my last attempt to make you see the tiniest bit of sense in the world.

@GCostanzaStepOnMe@feddit.de avatar

All overshadowed by “Zillion march for Zorg the destroyer”.


The protest in Nanaimo today saw a larger attendance by the Pro-SOGI side. We had better flags and banners. We took the high ground with our numbers.


This is a weird way to say it, but if I understand correctly a win for tolerance and acceptance, in which case I salute you!


Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI), for those not familiar with the term.


That said, the rainbow flag crowd far outnumbered the dogwhistling “parents rights” crowd in Winnipeg today. And I’m hearing similar in many other cities.


I’m so happy to see this acronym catching on. I think it’s much more inclusive. I actually recall suggesting it to someone like 5 years ago, although I think it should technically be SOGIM with the M standing for minorities. So if you’re talking about taking to school kids about crushes, or what they feel it means to be a boy, that’s SOGI education (inclusive of cis het) while members of the lgbtqia2s+ community would be SOGIM.

@Sir_Osis_of_Liver@kbin.social avatar

That's good to hear. I was out for a walk at lunch and went past the Legislature. From my vantage I could only make out the nutters, which was depressing. I didn't have time to really investigate.


Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI)

Thanks for the de-reference on the jargon. I’m not in a spot where I use an initialism like that enough to retain it.


That’s good to hear! Up Island we were outnumbered 4:1.


“Billion March For Not Being Bigots” would be an awesome name for a counter protest


Ate the onion?

@Pxtl@lemmy.ca avatar

No, why? AFAIK there is no rule against satire in !canada


If you’re ever at an anti-LGBTQ march “for the children”, ask these bigots why they aren’t marching against the sexual exploitation of children in local parishes.

They will stutter on their words, I guarantee. Seeing this strategy in action is hilarious and highly effective!


Yes, but the government is not grooming children in the church, it is for grooming children in the schools, it is trying to force the grooming of children in the schools.


Seek medical help I think you’re having a stroke with that comment.

Unless there is a missing /s there somewhere.

@Pxtl@lemmy.ca avatar

Letting the kids be who they are, and letting them know that certain minorities exist is not grooming them.

However, acting like parents own their kids is.


Bigots really want to pretend that some teenager discovering that they are gay or trans is a result of some massive conspiracy rather than, you know, they just being gay or trans.

They call it "grooming" when LGBT people simple exist in society where people might notice them, and they want to make such a scandal that people don't even think what is the opposite of that which they want.

@pbjamm@beehaw.org avatar

Also teens are learning who it is they are and are going to try out all kinds of identities and activities til they find ones that fit. For some that includes their sexuality. No one is forcing kids to try being gay or trans, just not judging them for the curiosity. Some of those kids will find out that they are more comfortable that way, some will find out it is not really for them. C’est la vie.

@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

It’s so vile. I detest that so many people are so willingly and freely hateful of complete and utter strangers, over things that don’t effect anyone else.

This is slowly turning into everything history lessons warned me of, and it’s insane. We are in 2023, we have the damned WORLD at our fingertips, yet people happily choose blind hatred, even if it means they also get harmed in the process themselves.

I hate all of this. I used to believe that way more people were actually caring and intelligent, but it seems like many are very eager to prove that as wrong as possible.

If you ask me, it’s fuckin’ ironic that “facts over feelings” is a point that they try to make. Science supports transitioning, so that doesn’t even make sense. Many animals change their full bio sex in nature. It really shouldn’t be rocket science that humans change genders. It’s not a new thing either, historically speaking. We’ve been transitioning for a pretty long time, throughout many years and cultures.

@agent_flounder@lemmy.one avatar

Only the rabid right would say batshit crazy crap like that.

@shinratdr@lemmy.ca avatar

Where’s the block button on this thing…


Which App? on Jeroba, 3 dot menu at the bottom right of the post > Block [user]


Oh cool someone else who has no idea what they’re talking about! I’m in the education industry and work closely with 7 schools in my local district. No one is grooming or indoctrinating children, those are conservative buzz words. They’re simply teaching the kids that if they don’t feel like they fit the gender norms that it’s okay.


And this right here is hate speech. The same comments were being done by the protestors


No it isnt, Nazi punk


These were primarily Muslim. But I get your point


These were primarily Muslim.

Absolutely no difference if we’re talking about sexual abuse (including children). There are victims within every religion community, so don’t let their deflection deter you.


This link is a pdf that autodownloads just in case people don’t want to download some random pdf.


Hmm, loads in a webapp for me (no download). Firefox on Android.


This link is a pdf that autodownloads

You know that’s what links on the web do, right? If you see a link to a cat pic, it’s auto-downloading that pic when you click it.

If you want to say “This link is a pdf that autodownloads”, you can say “PDF on the web”; it’s faster, just as sound a phrase, and just as complete.


Riighhht, because your browser popping an image into temporary cache is the exact same as downloading a pdf into your downloads folder, as long as you ignore the security implications of holding random pdfs in long term storage, bypassing browser security features, and relying solely on your pdf viewer.

I mean semantically sure, you’re not wrong, but you’re well aware of what I meant and your condescending attitude reaks of someone stuck on the first peak of a Duning-Kruger chart.


What you could have easily said was nothing.


Oh, the homophobes were mostly muslims? what a surprise.


Add another edgy loser to the block list.


Muslim supporters hate women and gays.


Were they though?


I’d like to see SOGI education advocates more explicitly frame their efforts as anti suicide initiatives.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

I’ve asked this question several times.

Name one drag queen who has ever been convicted of grooming and sexually abusing children.

I said to someone once, "There are branches of several international organizations in town that have a centuries old well documented history of grooming and sexually abusing millions of children worldwide then hiding the abuse and moving the abusers to other locations so that they can continue to groom and sexually abuse children. These are the same organizations that are telling you that drag queens are the problem. Why aren’t you protesting them? "

@rbos@lemmy.ca avatar

That’s a bold but risky move, I wouldn’t bet the argument on someone having dug up some obscure examples. The set of people in drag has to contain at least one, and using a ‘gotcha’ like that could backfire.

But you’re right, they do seem exceedingly rare. Like, weirdly rare compared to the general population, even.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

I’ll give them a list of 1,000 clergy who have been convicted and ask them for the name of another drag queen who had been. They will run out of drag queens long before I run out of thousands of clergy.

@rbos@lemmy.ca avatar


kool_newt, (edited )

(pedo drag queens) they do seem exceedingly rare

This is because interest in expressing one’s fabulousness and interest in abusing kids are radically different things. People become drag queens because they are too fabulous to be contained by a single gender and they have to hold it in with Spanx. People become religious leaders because they are trusted positions of power which can provide an opportunity for them to abuse kids and other vulnerable groups with little risk of consequences.


The drag queens are sinners, but the priests are believers and are forgiven for all of those children that they shoved their dicks into the asses and mouths of.

Wait, was that too graphic? Well it should be. By now “sexual abuse” has been overused into meaninglessness. Start calling it what it is and see if anything changes


“well, we are all broken in the eyes of Teh Lard!..”

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