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Nougat, in B.C. couple faces $600 a month rent hike when their baby becomes new ‘occupant’ |

Why does occupancy even matter in terms of the amount of rent? You're leasing the space. Maybe the argument is "wear and tear," or if utilities are included? Even so, $600/mo is a ridiculous amount even for an additional permanent adult tenant.

Something tells me that there might be more to this story. It sounds like the landlord wants these tenants out of the residence, and doesn't want to (or can't) go through an eviction proceeding. This nonsense amounts to "constructive eviction." Why does the landlord want these tenants out?


I could see it for wear and tear, and also to discourage subletting maybe? Makes no sense for children to count if it’s the second one


If you want to discourage subletting, you put a clause in the lease that forbids subletting. Sure, an additional adult would generate some additional wear and tear, but certainly not $600/mo worth. Besides which, the wear and tear cost would come in the form of post-tenancy cleaning, carpet, paint - and none of those have a real difference in cost whether you have two or three adult tenants.


It’s more than those things.

It’s more cycles on the laundry machines. You cook more so the stove might wear out faster since things seem to break easier nowadays.

Damage just happens as well in a tenancy, maybe you drop something big that damages the hardwood floors. The security deposit will cover that, but the more people, the more chance for more expensive damage, and you aren’t getting a bigger deposit.

$600/m is still nuts though.

LostWon, in She Organized a Starbucks. Then They Fired Her | The Tyee

Wow. Moving someone to another location and then suddenly firing them for “communication standards?” Unless there’s some highly compelling evidence to indicate otherwise, it’s pretty clear cut what happened here. I guess they calculate it’s better to pay a fine for a wrongful dismissal than to have a supervisor that is sympathetic to workers.


As a society, we should ensure everyone that goes through something like this ends up a millionaire who never has to work again.

That’ll motivate workers to unionize more than anything else we could possibly do.

psvrh, avatar

Want to fix this? It’ll take a) jail time, and b) asset seizure.

Corporate structure deliberate distributes responsibility for things like this such that:

  • It’s very hard to find one person to blame, let alone prove malfeasance.
  • If by some chance you do find a smoking gun, the fine for doing so is usually less than the profit of the transgression

If, eg, Howard Schultz and his direct-reports faced fines and/or jail time directly, and those fines were orders of magnitude the harms of the action, then you’d see some of this stop.


I would offer that we hit the entire corporate/franchise structure with a % of revenue fine. That shit will get fixed real quick.


In this region of Canada, at least, the maximum penalty for wrongful dismissal is … Standard severance.

Source: a dear friend launched a successful human-rights complaint against a very deep-pocketed employer who blatantly violated clear medical orders and then fired him when he objected. Like, 100% dead-to-rights on a claim with no normal upper limit. Except here it maxes out at a pittance.

Maybe there too.


Depends on lawyer and time at employer. in Canada you can get severance pay + termination pay + closing pay


You’d think so.

He thought for sure.

His lawyer strongly suggested it.



Need a better lawyer because you aren’t fully terminated till you sign the agreement. Had two friends deal with it. Company thought they would just do standard termination pay, lawyer got one person that plus severance for senior position and years, plus they owed an agreed upon closing pay for ending employment. They other person got every hour of pay they ever worked past their original signed salary weekly hours. Company thought theyd give a few weeks termination, ended up costing them half a years salary in OT

SamuelRJankis, in B.C. couple faces $600 a month rent hike when their baby becomes new ‘occupant’ |

B.C.’s Housing Minister, Ravi Kahlon, told Global News Monday that this couple’s landlord should “give himself a head shake” but he is in a legal position to do this.

“I mean, this is the challenge that we have with sometimes landlords and tenants. Most landlords are good people and they operate in a good, transparent way. But this is a situation in which reminds us that we need to continue to find ways to strengthen the rules to ensure that the tenants are protected when they move into new places,” Kahlon said.

I really don’t understand why people keep perpetuating the belief that vast majority of landlord are anything but for profit investors and society should treat them as such.

This loophole has existed and been used unfairly for a long time now I really don’t understand why they haven’t amended the RTA to at least cap the extra occupancy increase and exempt a reasonable amount of children.


‘This is complete bullshit, but what on Earth could the government do about abusive business practices?,’ Kahlon said.

IMongoose, in B.C. woman who deliberately damaged neighbour's trees ordered to pay $150K in compensation

This is why you don’t fuck around with tree law.


I used to work at a condo building that chopped down a few trees without city permission. Talk about a spanking, they made the owners replace the trees and paid a fine of like $2k per tree

Nougat, in Hiker rescued off B.C. cliffside after taking non-existent Google Maps trail

Maps - digital or analog - are by definition only approximations of reality. When the two disagree in any way, reality wins every time.

North Shore Search and Rescue says it was starting to grow dark by the time they got a call for help near Mount Fromme. The hiker had no light source with him ...

When you are going off into the forest where nobody in the world knows exactly where you are, and you have to depend on your own wits to get back to civilization, you'd better damned well have a light, as well as a lighter.

Should mapping services correct these kinds of errors? Absolutely. Is it their fault when some dingus with no gear whatsoever goes walking into the forest where no path is? No.

villasv, (edited )

Is it their fault when some dingus […] goes walking into the forest where no path is? No.

Picking a single aspect to assign total blame is kinda pointless, and so is trying to address that through Yes/No. Every incident is the compounded result of multiple contributing factors. One of these contributing factors is that Google Maps displayed inaccurate information, even though common sense should have worked as error correction. The fault is in our stars.


If you ask me for directions to my house, and as part of the directions I give you, I tell you to drive your car down a staircase, and you do, you are entirely responsible for your automobile accident.

villasv, (edited )

Uh, sure? Walking off trail in the woods isn’t as surrealistic as taking a car down a staircase so the analogy doesn’t seem useful to me. Even if the instructions of driving down some stairs were truthful it would still be blatantly illegal/unsafe.

A less silly example: it’s possible to sue the government if one gets into a crash due to bad signage. Even if the driver is the one who technically broke the law, the city may be liable for confusing signage that contributes to accidents.


I used the car down a staircase story because it happens all the time.

[I]t’s possible to sue the government if one gets into a crash due to bad signage.

That's because the government operates the roads.

If you ask me for directions to my house, and as part of the directions I give you, I tell you to walk down a path in the forest where no path actually exists, through pretty serious terrain, and you have no gear to speak of, and you go anyway, you are entirely responsible for having to be rescued and airlifted out by helicopter.

This guy, and anyone like him, is not obliged to follow a map application.


I used the car down a staircase story because it happens all the time.

Ah sorry, when you said “I tell you to drive your car down a staircase” I thought you meant you gave literal “take the stairs with your car” as instructions, instead of giving an abstract map/drawing that the person would follow. Then yeah, in this case the analogy makes more sense. My mistake.

I tell you to walk down a path in the forest where no path actually exists […] you are entirely responsible for having to be rescued and airlifted out by helicopter

lol k


No, that's exactly what I meant. You apparently didn't click the link.

That's a recent incident, there have been others. Other kinds of "people following their GPS" incidents are here:


I have a dedicated hiking bag with two flashlights, a headlamp, and two backup batteries. All use the same 18650s.

I also have an airtight container with zippo fluid, and a ferro rod/striker on the side, a solar charging arc lighter, a regular Bic lighter, and a magnifying glass. I want to put a large ferro rod and a small tin of waterproof matches in there as well.

I also have three mylar blankets, a camp knife, length of paracord and twine, and a first aid kit with splint and tourniquet added.

It sounds bulky, but it all fits in it’s own pouch that hangs off the main bag, and weighs about 2lbs without the knife. Idk if that’s considered bulky or not, but I’ve never had issue with it. Most of my hiking weight comes from water.

That anyone goes out without at least a snack, water, flashlight, and something to catch others attention like a whistle, blows my mind.

I came across 5 people in flip-flops/sandals and gym attire carrying nothing but phones and one or two Nalgene bottles several miles into hilly, winding trails that takes about 3 hours to get to the main landmark, and handed out a couple bottles for their return. Chill dudes, just didn’t plan well. Hopefully they tried again with better planning.

Everythingispenguins, in B.C. couple faces $600 a month rent hike when their baby becomes new ‘occupant’ |

Sounds like the baby is going to need to get its diapered ass down to the employment center on day one. Ain’t no free ride here.


Where did my mans find the money to buy diapers?

Ulrich_the_Old, in Whites Only play group advertised in lower mainland.

Anybody wanting a whites only country should go back to whitelandia where they came from.

xmunk, in British Columbia cages Airbnb, as speculators cry foul | Ricochet

Every time a real estate investor cries, an angel gets their wings.

TSG_Asmodeus, avatar

Yeah, I’m not sure ‘speculators’ have many friends out there in the general populace.


Yeah, let them make the financial decision to sell or rent out long term properly. Use Airbnb to curb rental law is just asking for law to adjusted and fix it. The legislators even though most are also in the business of keep the re price high, but their heads are also tied to make housing affordable. I hope there is no loop holes in it and someone/corp have capital just scoop up units and put all of them under a tourism business or something.

SkepticalButOpenMinded, in 'The landlords have no accountability': Wrongfully evicted B.C. woman wins tenancy branch battle, but says former landlord refuses to pay up

I didn’t realize it was so difficult to actually force landlords to pay up, even when they’re in the wrong. I can’t believe this family expects to never see any money when the RTB has already ruled in their favour.

Tigwyk, avatar

I know a guy who also won his hearing but now has to enforce the ruling, and it seems like it’s completely up to him to now to get his money? Like he has to seek out bailiff services himself I guess? It feels pretty strange to hear that he won the hearing against his landlord, they owe him money, but getting the money isn’t some automatic process. Like what’s the fucking point?


I know somebody who ran into this after a judgement regarding false information on a property sale (known, expensive defects were not reported). Once the judgement was in their favor, they basically went with the authorities to seize the seller’s RV and/or some other stuff roughly equivalent to the judgement. They paid up pretty quickly then

ClopClopMcFuckwad, avatar


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    Nope, other side of the country. Among other things, they’d indicated that the septic field was in good health when in fact it was failing and they’d had to have it pumped out multiple times.

    It had issues shortly after move in, and when my friends got it pumped the company recognised them as an address they’d visited frequently for the previous several years, which basically meant documented proof the previous owners knew it was defective.

    It was a costly thing to have the lawn torn up and a new field created and I’m not sure if the settlement covered it all, but AFAIK they did get a decent amount after all was said and done.

    LPT: If you’re buying a house with septic, it might be a good idea to check if the local companies that deal with such are aware of issues the sellers are not disclosing. It’s an expensive and messy fix


    Before you buy a house it’s best to invite as many professionals as you know to come look it over. Contractors are always going to be expensive, and they’re only human so plumbers, electricians, landscapers, if you can, have them look over the house. We didn’t do our due diligence and it’s been a pain in the ass.


    Yeah, the actual “Home Inspectors” often don’t do shit and have little to no liability for missing important stuff

    ClopClopMcFuckwad, avatar


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  • SkepticalButOpenMinded,

    Huh that’s shocking to me. Does that include taxes and parking tickets?

    corsicanguppy, in who would support a nuclear power plant near their town/city

    We’d locate it where earthquakes - those not caused by fracking - have been historically very rare.

    That’s just room-temperature-IQ smart.

    Also, Nuke plants are pretty resilient, as long as they aren’t hit with a massive quake and then a massive tsunami.

    Also, Nuke plants historically release LESS radioactive material over their lifetime than a coal plant; and it’s not even close. Go look.


    It’s not a choice between nuclear and coal. Both suck. Nuclear “green” power besides the risk also leaves behind radio active waste for centuries that nobody wants to deal with. Go look.


    My lunchbox has Spider Man on it. Go look.


    I looked, nothing unusual, it’s just the usual corporate trash you guys love.


    saying nuclear and coal both suck is kind of like saying both a plate of shit and a plate of overcooked brussels spouts would suck to eat for dinner. In theory I don't like either but one is significantly worse.

    At least with nuclear waste it's not loosely scattered in the atmosphere, doesn't have a harmful effect as long as it's properly stored, and in the future we will likely have better ways to deal with it.


    It’s never properly stored, never. Nobody wants that stuff stored nearby them. There is not even any good experienced knowledge how to store that stuff stable long term. So far it’s all been temporary storages and quite a few of them have gone real bad. And we are doing nuclear for how many years now? This problem won’t go away. In fact it will multiply and become much bigger if we were to increase the number of nuclear plants.

    transigence, avatar

    This is complete bullshit. The storage is fine, to the point that there isn't a problem. Even as temporary as it is, there is so little of the high-level nuclear waste that we can use our "temporary" storage for thousands of years before it gets to the point where we have to mark off, say, a football stadium to keep it.
    You're fear-mongering out of your own ignorance.


    They’re working on new reactors that eat that waste. You missed that?


    That’s future talk. None of it is available for the energy problems we’re facing now. And we still need to deal with all the waste from the currently running plants, that will continue to run a long time.


    also leaves behind radio active waste for centuries

    97% of the waste produced from non-breeder reactors is what’s classified as low-level or intermediate-level waste. The low-level waste in particular is only dangerous for a few decades to a century on the outside. The containers for anything more hazardous (the ‘Type B’ casks) have never seen an accident which have breached it, and are designed to exist in pristine condition for over a thousand years without maintenance.

    Modern disposal techniques of the Intermediate-level and high-level waste also includes vitrification. This involves embedding the waste within molten glass, which is incredibly resilient to environmental conditions over several millennia.


    I’m pro nuclear and pro renewable. Maybe there’d be appetite for one in the interior but I live in the lower mainland and don’t see how it could be done here (politics, unceded territory etc).

    Lauchs, in Man who refused to wear mask, assaulted B.C. Walmart greeter sentenced

    Am I a vindictive asshole or does 6 months seem a little low for someone who assaulted a senior citizen? (Admittedly, both things can be true!)


    That was my thought as well.


    This poor man also won’t be allowed to have firearms for three years, the poor baby.


    Right? That seems so crazy! Call me Mr restrictive but I think once you start punching seniors in the face, I just don’t think you’re the type of person who should have a gun.


    Still unlikely he would be allowed if he applied for a license anyway due to a violent criminal record. And if he already had one, I strongly suspect this would get it revoked after a charge related to violent crime.

    Would be cool if they would just say that though.


    Great point!


    With priors he only paid fines for, he’s a “freeman of the land”, the judge thought he only pled guilt as part of the script and not because of remorse, when he committed the assault he was in a scooter he didn’t need, he still believes that his rights were infringed by the requirement of a mask.

    After all that 6 months is to make an example of him.

    Fuck, do criminals ever get kid gloves in this country.

    Assaulting an elderly person just doing their job, causing bodily harm, showing no remorse and thinking laws don’t apply to them, while admitting all that in court? 5 years to think about it at least if you’re trying to make an example.

    You just told all these other morons they get a time out for doing whatever they want.

    nik282000, avatar

    Punishment should be both cruel and unusual (otherwise it’s just a job). Let the local retirement home have a go at him with canes.

    Skies5394, in ‘No foundation in any law’: ‘Sovereign citizen’ questions B.C. traffic stop

    His problem was he didn’t speak the incantations just right.

    These sov cits are so close with their spells, they just haven’t gotten the words just right yet.

    Keep trying.


    See, that’s his problem. He should have claimed to be a Freeman on the Land, and referenced the Magna Carta.

    Or invoke Her Majesty, Queen Roman Dildo Romana Didulo I of Canada. Totally would have worked! Give it a try guy, and post the results online!

    ogeist, in Hiker rescued off B.C. cliffside after taking non-existent Google Maps trail

    I hope I’m never in this situation but you cannot blame a map, you need to use your own judgment when following a route.


    “It’ll get better soon I’m sure”

    tetris11, (edited ) avatar

    I’ve been there though. Bike tour with my girlfriend. Weather report is fine, road is marked clearly on map.

    Caught in a torrential thunderstorm at the top of the mountain, road down to the hotel is blocked off since last month but its not visible anywhere online.

    We take a side trail marked on the map. Google says its there, OSMAnd says its there. It technically is there, but it clearly hasn’t been maintained in years, and it is clearly not bikeable, but we have no other alternative to get down the mountain (other than go back the way we came through the storm).

    Cue to us carrying our bikes down a steep “path” (read: vertical border of some farmer’s field, so marked as a path for legal reasons) under a quickly darkening sky. The village below is reachable, we just have to survive the drop. No turning back, tensions are high, the bulls in the field next to us are eyeing us warily, and who knows how friendly they are.

    We make it down by the skin of our teeth, onto a real road, cycle the next 30km to the hotel, and eat a victory pizza. That pizza, to this day, sticks out in my mind as the most tastiest meal I’ve ever had.


    Nice. These are the moments we feel truly alive

    tetris11, avatar

    It was also a nice bonding moment between my gf and I. Up to that point I had no idea how she would react in a crisis; suffice to say she took note of the situation, remained cool as a cucumber under my silent but visible duress, and did her part without complaining, only voicing her concerns after we made it out. Keeper.


    100%. Relationships tempered in fire early on really help dealing with other crisis down the road, to say nothing of the day-to-day issues that pop up.

    Source: Similar thing happened to us and we’ve been married almost two decades and are still going strong. We are each other’s ride-or-die bitches and best friends.

    tetris11, avatar

    Glad to hear it :-)


    Awesome. My wife was a total city girl ( and a bit anxious about life in general i.e. white knuckles on an airplane), one of our first dates I took her to a park with trails. She wanted to take a less travelled path, I explained it would get quite bush-wacky. we got 80% in and she started to freak out about slugs and the bramble like shrubs. She wanted to turn back. I explained it was a loop and I knew the parking lot was 20ft ahead, and going back would mean way more bugs and branches. Hearing that she was having a crisis and wanted me to call the fire department to extricate us. I’m like hear that traffic, we are on the opposite side of the ditch that runs along the road we came in on. Like if we busted through the tree line we would be at the road. So she calmed a bit, we kept going and got to the car. She was in tears. Almost a decade later she is full on nature now; Enjoys trails and swimming in lakes that used to freak her out because “you don’t know what’s down there”. . Took a lot of reassurance from trail loop till now. But this year she went Skydiving.

    tetris11, avatar

    wow, she really got into it - that’s a huge character development!


    I still can’t believe it actually.


    Seems like taking the blocked off road would have been the much smarter option. Or, even smarter, just come back the way you came.

    tetris11, avatar

    Oh we tried, but we were stopped by two construction workers sitting in the car. The road ahead had literally been raized.


    What about the way you came?

    tetris11, avatar

    Back through a storm that almost drowned us? No way. It was a possibility sure, but not one we could mentally do again.


    next 30 clicks

    Lol this ain’t the army. Just use the word kilometer. Or are metric units a taboo to say out loud

    tetris11, (edited ) avatar

    I thought it sounded more concise and casual, but fair enough, I’m not military. Will change.

    otter, avatar

    Glad you guys made it down safely!


    marked as a path for legal reasons

    I don’t think things can be “marked as a path for legal reasons” unless you can explain that…

    tetris11, avatar

    Depends entirely on the state/country, but some places have a law where a plot of land that is surrounded by other plots of land must always have some kind of accessible path to it, in the case that the surrounding plots develop around it and box it in, leaving no route for the landowner to actually reach it. Cyprus, for example is such a country where they do this. Germany, where this trek took place, probably has similar laws(?)

    I actually don’t know, but that is what was going through my mind when I thought “who would mark this as a public access path?”


    Thanks for that response. The more you know.


    I don’t know about the “marked… for legal reasons” part, but there are officially surveyed road allowances all over the place that have no actual roads or have “roads” that are impassable except with the right vehicle in the right conditions.

    I live in rural Saskatchewan and my work as a school bus driver and my interactions with the municipality mean that I can point out lots of bad mapping. The official bus route mapping that comes from head office always has to be amended because it seems that they do not have the data to distinguish between all-season maintained gravel, seasonally maintained dirt, unmaintained path, and road allowances that a farmer is permitted to seed or a rancher is permitted to fence off. Google and others just lump them all together when displaying or routing.

    WashedOver, avatar

    I’ve been there too even with Alltrails in urban areas. Trails are overgrown deer trails at best and there are overgrown long ago. Dead reckoning was the only way out.


    Plenty of people fuck up using their own judgement. Hiking can be dangerous. You assume that if something is on googlemaps, it is somehow vetted and/or “commonly used”, otherwise why would googlemaps even have a path in the forest/mountain.

    Angry_Maple, avatar

    I don’t know if other people do this, but sometimes they can be a bit of a way-marker.

    “Oh, coming from this way, it will be the third house after the trail” -getting directions to a friend’s house

    “When I pass this trail, I know I’m halfway there”- during a long car trip

    They should just put an icon or a pin instead of laying out the trail. It would stop a lot of the questions about liability, and more people would hopefully look elsewhere for the trail details and hazards. It’s crazy how often gps-related deaths happen.

    needthosepylons, in B.C. couple faces $600 a month rent hike when their baby becomes new ‘occupant’ | avatar

    I am totally against biting landlords. Absolutely. I condemn people clawing landlords faces. Landlords are human beings that definitely shouldn’t be punched in the face repeatedly, because they’re not parasites.


    Chairman Mao redistributed the land of 700, 000 landlords to those who had none, and executed them, and personally I think thats just taking things a little bit too far.


    I absolutely completely agree! If given the position I would not do exactly the same. I wouldn’t make money unnecessary and even completely pointless. In that, I’m a lot like Trump! I’m not even being sarcastic saying so.

    TheAgeOfSuperboredom, in Alberta premier calls on Parliament to reconvene and end B.C. port strike | CBC News

    But I thought the federal government was supposed to stay out of everyones affairs and shouldn’t use any power cause freedom or something. Also don’t Albertans want to separate or some shit? I’ve lost track, and I have another four years of this shit to deal with :(

    Aceofspades, avatar

    Albertan here. I’m sorry.

    Willow, avatar

    I second this, as I’m overly-embarrassed Albertan myself.

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