franciscawrites, avatar

Join in to know me because getting to know people by the books they hold close to their heart is great,

The Tombs of Atuan - Le Guin
Frankenstein - Shelley
Hunger Games - Collins
Last Unicorn - Beagle
The House of Spirits - Allende
The Handmaid's Tale - Atwood
The Left Hand of Darkness - Le Guin
Annihilation - VanderMeer
Three Times Lucky - Turnage
Good Omens - Pratchett Gaiman
Jane Eyre - Brontë
Pet Sematary - King
Howl's Moving Castle - Wynne Jones


Liesvanrompaey, avatar

@franciscawrites @bookstodon
to know me

The Call of the Wild - J. London
Life of Pi - Y. Martel
Ocean Sea - A. Baricco
Timbuktu - P. Auster
Winnie-the-Pooh - A.A. Milne
Slaughterhouse Five - K. Vonnegut
Jonathan Livingston Seagull - R. Bach
Les jardins de lumière (The Gardens of Light) - A. Maalouf
Het huis van de Moskee (The House of the Mosque) - K. Abdolah
Shame - S. Rushdie
La Peste (The Plague) - A. Camus
Cutting for Stone - A. Verghese
Kafka on the Shore - H. Murakami

dance_along_the_edge, avatar

@franciscawrites @bookstodon

This is torturous, but... (not necessarily novels)

Frankenstein - Shelly
Poetry/Tales - Poe
Ghost Stories/Antiquary - James
The Martian Chronicles - Bradbury
More Than Human - Sturgeon
We Have Always Lived In the Castle - Jackson
Two-Handed Engine - Kuttner & Moore
Dangerous Visions - Ellison
Earthsea (series) - Le Guin
The Norton Book of SF - Le Guin/Attebery
The Dark Descent - Hartwell
Tales of the Flat Earth (series) - Tanith Lee
The Weird - VanderMeer

princelysum, avatar

@franciscawrites @bookstodon A Gentleman in Moscow - Amor Towles
Carpentaria- Alexis Wright
The Moore's Last Sigh - Rushdie
Fairytale of New York - J P Donleavy
Still Life- Sara Winman
Three Apples Fell from the Sky- Narine Abgaryan
A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian- Marina Lewycka
A Confederate General from Big Sur- Richard Brautigan
Going Postal - Terry Pratchet
Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams
The History of the Seige of Lisbon- Jose Saramago
The 100 year old man who climbed out the window and disappeared. Jonas Jonasson
Burial Rites-Hanna Kent

princelysum, avatar

@franciscawrites @bookstodon Oh plus Three Dollars- Elliot Perlman and Bliss- Peter Carey

u24, avatar

@princelysum @franciscawrites @bookstodon I loved A Gentleman in Moscow, and I have Still Life on my to-read. Will take a look through the others in this list too

blueorangeblue, avatar

@franciscawrites @bookstodon

Gormenghast - Mervyn Peake
The bone clocks - David Mitchell
Quicksilver - Neal Stephenson
Wolf hall - Hillary Mantel
The windup bird chronicle - Haruki Murakami
The peripheral - William Gibson
Darkmans - Nicola Barker
The city and the city - China Mieville
Accelerando - Charles Stross
An instance of the Fingerpost - Iain Pears
Gideon the ninth - Tamsin Muir
The sad tale of the brothers grossbart - Jesse Bullington
Between two fires - Christopher Buehlman

All of these were Wow! books when I finished reading them.

glauber, avatar

@franciscawrites @bookstodon

Hmmm... .
All fingers plus 3 toes

The Bible (King James Version)

Grande Sertão (Guimarães Rosa)

O Nome Da Rosa (Umberto Eco)

Lord of the Rings (Tolkien)

Corelli's Mandolin (De Bernieres)

The Once And Future King (White)

The Hitchhikers' Guide To The Galaxy (Adams)

The Big Sleep (Chandler)

Moby Dick (Melville)

A Series of Unfortunate Events (Snicket)

The Things They Carried (O'Brien)

The Great Gatsby (Fitzgerald)

The Book of Bebb (Buechner)

franciscawrites, avatar

@glauber @bookstodon
Corelli's Mandolin, so sad, so beautiful and so filled with the grays of being human.

glauber, avatar

@franciscawrites @bookstodon and what an ending

glauber, avatar

@franciscawrites @bookstodon plus very true to mandolins too.

ramiro, avatar

@franciscawrites @bookstodon @B_Archer this list is great.

franciscawrites, avatar

@ramiro @bookstodon @B_Archer

Any favorites?

ramiro, avatar

@franciscawrites @bookstodon @B_Archer Honostly there's a ton of overlap on my own favorites – I love howl's, Both of the Ursula K Le Guin titles, Frankenstein, Good Omens, and Jane Eyre.

For my own list I'd probably use that and append A wizard of Earthsea, and Wicked

BunRab, avatar

@franciscawrites @bookstodon

The Walls Around Us - David Owen
The Dispossessed - Ursula LeGuin
Evenings With The Orchestra - Hector Berlioz
A Wizard's Guide to Defensive Baking - T. Kingfisher
Bimbos of the Death Sun - Sharyn McCrumb
Sci-Fi - William Marshall
Second Foundation - Isaac Asimov
Bring the Jubilee - Ward Moore
The Wizard's Butler - Nathan Lowell
Ridiculous - DL Carter
Why Fish Don't Exist - Lulu Miller
Light from Uncommon Stars - Ryka Aoki
Perfection Salad - Laura Shapiro

rchopgood, avatar

@franciscawrites @bookstodon
This is tough, but here goes .
100 Years of Solitude, or anything by Garcia Marquez
The Death of Speedy, or any Love & Rockets by the Hernandez Bros
The Futurological Congress, by Lem
Hurricane Season, Melchor
The Twilight Zone, Fernandez
Life and Times of Michael K, Coetzee
The Fan Man, Kotzwinkle
The Land of Hearts Desire, Yeats
Omeros, Walcott
El Polizon del Ulises, Matute
Miguel Street, Naipaul
The Savage Detectives, Bolaño
The Overstory, Powers

SmallOther, avatar

@franciscawrites @bookstodon

Whipping Girl - Julia Serano
Ubik - Philip K Dick
Psychopolitics - Byung-Chul Han
The Left Hand of Darkness - Le Guin
What Tech Calls Thinking - Adrian Daub
Y The Last Man - Vaughan and Guerra
Liquid Jade: The Story of Tea - Beatrice Hohenegger
The Severed Head - Julia Kristeva
Difference and Repetition - Deleuze
What is Philosophy? - Deleuze and Guatarri
Diagrammatic Immanence - Rocco Gangle
Food Lab - J Kenji Lopez-Alt
The Bread Baker's Apprentice - Peter Reinhart

franciscawrites, avatar

@SmallOther @bookstodon
The Severed Head is such a wild ride. The way Kristeva wove such varied representations (both in time and space) and their meanings while keeping a coherent thread in the way she presents them makes for a very compelling read.

SmallOther, avatar

@franciscawrites @bookstodon

The powers of horror and abjection were fused to my thoughts for a long time after reading it.

schnoots, avatar

@SmallOther @franciscawrites @bookstodon

Another J. Kenji Lopez-Alt fan!!

SmallOther, avatar

@schnoots @franciscawrites @bookstodon

I love Kenji. Ever since I read "Make the Bread, Buy the Butter" by Jennifer Reese I've been annoyed at the trade-offs most cook books make between effort, cost, availability, time, taste, and presentation. Kenji makes trade-offs that are realistic for most chefs while also explaining or refuting cooking superstitions through experimentation. He's like a better version of Alton Brown with the practical mindedness of Reese.

schnoots, avatar

@SmallOther @franciscawrites @bookstodon

"Make the Bread, Buy the Butter" sounds like another one to check out! Wonderful to meet other writers that also cook :D

I'm a big fan of learning the basic principles of anything I'm doing, so I've been reading "Salt, Sugar, Fat, and Heat" by Samir Nosrat. She takes the science of cooking and makes it practical--for example, I had no idea that the shape of a salt controls the strength of its taste.

Abibliophobia, avatar

@franciscawrites @bookstodon
This is hard! Here’s my attempt:

Broken Earth Trilogy, NK Jemisin
Monk & Robot series, Becky Chambers
The Overstory, Richard Powers
The Meadow, James Galvin
Perdido Street Station, China Miéville
Case Histories, Kate Atkinson
North and South, Elizabeth Gaskell
Joy of Man’s Desiring, Jean Giono
Blindness, José Saramago
The Road, Cormac McCarthy
Emily Alone, Stewart O’Nan
Shriek, Jeff Vandermeer
One Hundred Years of Solitude, Gabriel García Márquez

rchopgood, avatar

@Abibliophobia @franciscawrites @bookstodon
Overstory and 100 Years both on my list... automatic follow 😁 And The Road could've easily been included. I LOVE that book.

schnoots, avatar

@Abibliophobia @franciscawrites @bookstodon

Perdido Street Station was such a wild trip!

kimlockhartga, avatar

@Abibliophobia @franciscawrites @bookstodon This is an incredible list. Mad props!

Abibliophobia, avatar
arnoldtabbs, avatar

@franciscawrites @bookstodon

Seamus Deane: Reading in the Dark
Primo Levi: If This is a Man
Kurt Vonnegut: Cat's Cradle
Brendan Behan: Borstal Boy
Robert McLellan: Linmill Stories
Robert Tressell: The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists
Jack Kerouac: On the Road
Irvine Welsh: Trainspotting
Barry Hines: The Price of Coal
PG Wodehouse: Right Ho, Jeeves
Beatrix Potter: The Tale of Tom Kitten
Mark Twain: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Jane Austen: Emma
David Simon: Homicide. Life on the Streets

rchopgood, avatar

@arnoldtabbs @franciscawrites @bookstodon Somehow missed Vonnegut in my list, not sure how. Shoud've been there. I would've gone with Bluebeard.

arnoldtabbs, avatar

@rchopgood @franciscawrites @bookstodon So many to choose from!

pretensesoup, avatar

@franciscawrites @bookstodon that's so many books.

Ulysses, Joyce
The Crying of Lot 49, Pynchon
Good Omens, Gaiman/Pratchett
Peter Cabot Gets Lost, Sebastian
The Gun Seller, Laurie
How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe, Yu
The Affair of the Mysterious Letter, Hall
Priestdaddy, Lockwood
All Systems Red, Wells
As I Lay Dying, Faulkner
All the Times We Passed McDonald's..., Daly
Sherlock Holmes, Doyle
House of Leaves, Danielewski

Ask me again tomorrow for different answers.

jillrhudy, avatar

@pretensesoup @franciscawrites @bookstodon Good Omens, Sherlock 👊🏻

willelm, avatar

@pretensesoup @franciscawrites @bookstodon
Great list! How to Live Safely..., yeah that's one I forgot to list. And now I want to go read it

tbcasap, avatar

@pretensesoup @franciscawrites @bookstodon love to see Pynchon on someone else’s list! Against The Day on mine but could have chosen any of them👍🏼

pretensesoup, avatar

@tbcasap @franciscawrites @bookstodon yes! Inherent Vice! Gravity's Rainbow! I just picked the first one I read. 😁

kimlockhartga, avatar

@franciscawrites @bookstodon I haven't done this in a while. Great idea! to get to know me:

The Starless Sea, Erin Morgenstern

Gnomon, Nick Harkaway

The Library at Mount Char, Scott Hawkins

Midnight Robber, Nalo Hopkinson

Pilot Impostor, James Hannaham

Slade House, David Mitchell

St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves, Karen Russell

The Broken Earth Trilogy, N.K. Jemison

The Wind-up Bird Chronicle, Haruki Murakami

The Seasonal Quartet, Ali Smith

QualityLand, Marc-Uwe Kling

Meet me in the Future, Kameron Hurley

Starfish, Lisa Fipps

franciscawrites, avatar

@kimlockhartga @bookstodon
I haven't read The Starless Sea but really liked The Night Circus. She has such a vivid way to put the reader in the scene and such an interesting take on rarely used narrative devices.

kimlockhartga, avatar

@franciscawrites @bookstodon Yes. And she's been working on a new book for years. I'm impatient, but it's probably true that genius can't be rushed.

jillrhudy, avatar

@kimlockhartga @franciscawrites @bookstodon get the lead out Morgenstern!

kimlockhartga, avatar

@jillrhudy @franciscawrites @bookstodon I used to check on her on Twitter. Now, I have no idea how long we have to wait. 😣

jillrhudy, avatar

@kimlockhartga @franciscawrites @bookstodon I don’t get Penguin Random House as quickly as Tor/Macmillan but I’ll let you know when an ARC drops.

kimlockhartga, avatar

@jillrhudy @franciscawrites @bookstodon I'm the opposite. Tor hates me. (I did post a scathing review of DOCILE) but PRH and S&S love me. Odd, right?

jillrhudy, avatar

@kimlockhartga @franciscawrites @bookstodon yes! Hopefully Tor can’t take away my Netgalley pre-approval now that I have one, because I’m considering panning one of theirs later on today—or what they would consider a pan anyhow: three stars for confusing me for what seemed like 800pp unnecessarily. Maybe I’ll hold off awhile since it would be a SUPER early meh review (5 months out) and others may just love it? And maybe I just have brain fog? Or am old and crochety?

kimlockhartga, avatar

@jillrhudy @franciscawrites @bookstodon My take is that I'm glad Tor takes so many chances, but some of their stuff just isn't up to par. They probably won't care if you pan them. If I were a blogger, librarian, or professional, they wouldn't have gotten so miffed at me. 😁

deborahh, avatar
blueorangeblue, avatar

@kimlockhartga @franciscawrites @bookstodon David Mitchell is a fantastic writer. Commenting do I can look up others on your list.

olliefern, avatar

@kimlockhartga @franciscawrites @bookstodon I just finished Jamison's first book in the Broken Earth trilogy - can't wait to read the rest. It had one of the most unusual and effective plot twists I can remember in a novel.

kimlockhartga, avatar

@olliefern @franciscawrites @bookstodon I am excited for you. I wish I could go back and read that trilogy again for the first time. The first and third books are the strongest, in my opinion. That final book absolutely blew my mind!

olliefern, avatar

@kimlockhartga @franciscawrites @bookstodon Wonderful! I'm looking forward to it. 😊

raemariz, avatar

@franciscawrites @bookstodon

to get to know me

Parable of the Talents – Butler
Semiosis – Sue Burke
Artificial Condition – Martha Wells
Assassin’s Apprentice – Robin Hobb
Ishmael - Quinn
Tomorrow x3 – Zevin
All the Birds in the Sky – CJA
The Genius Plague – Walton
To Be Taught If Fortunate – Chambers
Uprooted – Novik
Parasite Rex – Zimmer
Mr Wilson’s Cabinet of Wonder – Weschler
Radicalized – Doctorow

franciscawrites, avatar

@raemariz @bookstodon
I discovered Uprooted (and Novik) quite recently and quickly became a fan.

jillrhudy, avatar

@raemariz @franciscawrites @bookstodon Artificial Condition, Uprooted 👊🏻

MastoJules, avatar

@raemariz @franciscawrites @bookstodon all books I never ever heard of

kimlockhartga, avatar

@franciscawrites @bookstodon I love that you included Isabel Allende and Jeff VanderMeer, two authors whose artistry is like no other.

franciscawrites, avatar

@kimlockhartga @bookstodon
I read The House of The Spirits when I was 12 yo. It's a long book but I remembered devouring it in one day (and night). I'd loved Allende's work since then. Now, Annihilation is as weird as it is awe inspiring. To say I was obsessed with how it's written is a crude understatement.

kimlockhartga, avatar

@franciscawrites @bookstodon I dig people who can appreciate many different genres!

wendypalmer, avatar

@franciscawrites @bookstodon

Choosing was much easier than trying pick favourites, because most of it was just looking at the books on my shelf that have survived multiple culls because of the impact they had me when I first read them, and the rest was looking at the books I consistently turn to for comfort re-reads. Though I could have used a couple more slots :)

Watership Down. Richard Adams
Howl’s Moving Castle. Diana Wynne Jones
Guards, Guards. Terry Pratchett
Bridge of Birds. Barry Hughart
Gaudy Night. Dorothy L Sayers
Doomsday Book. Connie Willis
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell. Susanna Clarke
The Goneaway World. Nick Harkaway
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay. Michael Chabon
The Kingdoms. Natasha Pulley
Boy Swallows Universe. Trent Dalton
Sword Dance. AJ Demas
Slippery Creatures. KJ Charles

franciscawrites, avatar

@wendypalmer @bookstodon
I've never read Watership Down. I think I should fill that hole in my literary formation...

kimlockhartga, avatar
tffmh, avatar

@wendypalmer @franciscawrites @bookstodon Watership Down, such a unique feeling, unparalleled ambiance. To this day, from now and then, every so often, the voice of El-ahrairah echoes in my mind: "Prince with a Thousand Enemies...". "Guards! Guards!" solidified my mental image of any city watch. When ever the topic comes up, even in a historical context - I'm on the streets alongside Captain Carrot.

kimlockhartga, avatar

@wendypalmer @franciscawrites @bookstodon You had me at Susanna Clarke and Nick Harkaway.

jillrhudy, avatar
wendypalmer, avatar

@jillrhudy @franciscawrites @bookstodon it’s so nice seeing everyone’s lists.

franciscawrites, avatar
pretensesoup, avatar

@wendypalmer @franciscawrites @bookstodon ooh, yes, especially love the Charles and the Demas...

blueorangeblue, avatar

@wendypalmer @franciscawrites @bookstodon I used the same criteria.

Jonathan Strange ... and The Goneaway World almost made my list, I would like to read both books for the first time again.

princelysum, avatar

@wendypalmer @franciscawrites @bookstodon Damn, missed Boy Swallow s, what a cracker

tffmh, avatar

Here are my picks for .

"Dune" - Frank Herbert
"Heart of Darkness" - Joseph Conrad
"Solaris" - Stanisław Lem
"Das Parfum" - Patrick Süskind
"Hyperion" - Dan Simmons
"Der Magier von Erdsee" - Ursula K. Le Guin
"Der Prozess" - Franz Kafka
"Neuromancer" - William Gibson
"Der Herr der Ringe" - J.R.R Tolkien
"Das Foucaultsche Pendel" - Umberto Eco
"Malpertuis" - Jean Ray
"The Shadow over Innsmouth" - H.P. Lovecraft
"Eine Woche voller Samstage" - Paul Maar

@franciscawrites @bookstodon

franciscawrites, avatar

@tffmh @bookstodon
Solaris, such a great book.

kimlockhartga, avatar

@tffmh @franciscawrites @bookstodon I just checked out Hyperion from the library! Glad it made your list.

tffmh, avatar

@kimlockhartga @franciscawrites @bookstodon The narration, characters, intertextutality - brilliant.

franciscawrites, avatar

@kimlockhartga @tffmh @bookstodon
If you are one to need some sort of story resolution (like I am), I recommend you get The Fall of Hyperion, at least reserved it, or you may feel a bit frustrated when reaching the end of the book.
It's a great book. In some ways, I feel is the opposite of Le Guin's take on Sci-fi but not less good for it.

kimlockhartga, avatar

@franciscawrites @tffmh @bookstodon Interesting! Thank you.

rchopgood, avatar

@tffmh @franciscawrites @bookstodon I went with Futurulogical Congress from Lem, but coul'dve easily picked Solaris or Star Diaries or Imaginary Magnitude or just about any of his books.

schnoots, avatar

@tffmh @franciscawrites @bookstodon

Some excellent books here--I'm almost finished with Hyperion!

tbcasap, avatar

@tffmh @franciscawrites @bookstodon love Solaris, and Hyperion on my list too 👊🏼

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