skaeth, avatar

@bookstodon I need #BookRecommendations please! I’m looking for low #fantasy recommendations. Romance can be there but I want plenty of adventure & banter to go along with it. Nothing epic- magic should take a back seat and it’d be amazing if the main character did not have magic at all. Best if MC is not royal/deity/etc.

The closest thing I’ve read to this is Intisar Khanani’s The Dauntless Path series (which is amazing and I highly recommend). Anything else like it?

#Bookstodon #FantasyBooks

JoanGrey, avatar

@skaeth @bookstodon

Legends and Lattes.

skaeth, avatar

@JoanGrey @bookstodon Thank you!

Clundoff, avatar

@skaeth @bookstodon Heather Rose Jones’s Alpennia series might work.

skaeth, avatar

@Clundoff @bookstodon Interesting! I've heard of Heather Rose Jones but this is another author I haven't gotten around to reading yet! Thank you!

libreture, avatar

@skaeth @bookstodon Have you read The Healers' Road by S.E. Robertson?

Wonderful slice-of-life fantasy. Both of the main characters are healers, with one of them using a form of magic to heal - which is the extent of the magic in the books.

skaeth, avatar

@libreture @bookstodon I haven't heard of this before but wow, it looks excellent! It looks like it could be a bit of an undiscovered gem.

libreture, avatar

@skaeth @bookstodon Very much so!

I've read books 1 & 2, and I think book 3 is out. Love the series.

It's included on @paracactus 's Mundane and Slice of Life SFF Recommendations List. 👍

skaeth, avatar

@libreture @bookstodon @paracactus Oh sweet-- and now I have another blog to follow too! Awesome!

jarulf, avatar

@skaeth @libreture @bookstodon @paracactus oh, this looks fantastic! Thank you for putting this together.

@skaeth this is probably what I meant by down to earth earlier.

skaeth, avatar

@jarulf @libreture @bookstodon @paracactus

This list is like a breath of fresh air-- sometimes you need a little slice-of-life to cut through the sweeping epics that so often get center stage!

jarulf, avatar

@skaeth @bookstodon the fit may not be perfect but Robin Hobb and her Realm of the Elderling series?

skaeth, avatar

@jarulf @bookstodon I adore those books! They're a little more high fantasy than I'm looking for this, but they are one of my all time top favorite books ever. Robin Hobb is incredible.

jarulf, avatar

@skaeth @bookstodon I really like them too, and am in the happy position of still having the last two to be read.

skaeth, avatar

@jarulf @bookstodon Oh the ending is so epic. I really liked it. I think I heard a rumor that she's writing a new series with Bee.

jarulf, avatar

@skaeth @bookstodon Oh, no! Now you've done it. I thought I knew what to read next, but but ...
I'd already decided to finish The Realm of the Elderling series this year, but thought I'd do it a little later.

skaeth, avatar

@jarulf @bookstodon lol oh no, a few months earlier than you'd expected 😂

I had to sit back and just exist for a while after The Realm of the Elderlings was done. Huge book hangover. I can't wait for more from her though!

jarulf, avatar

@skaeth @bookstodon right, it's terrible. Good thing I have a four day weekend now, hopefully I'll be able to finish a few of the books I'm reading now. Then I will have to find that elusive thing called 'discipline', about as common as a unicorn round here, and actually not get distracted by suggestions here on Mastodon.

Some books make it impossible to pick another one up at once after you've finished it. They have to settle in you a bit first, before you're ready for the next.

skaeth, avatar

@jarulf @bookstodon


I have had better luck with reading recommendations here than I ever have anywhere else. It's a dangerous, wonderful thing!

jarulf, avatar

@skaeth @bookstodon #Mastodon is amazing. I've never liked social networks much, but this, here I do like. Today has been a great Mastodon day for me.

jarulf, avatar

@skaeth @bookstodon oh, and speaking of book recs. Which of your own books would you suggest I start with? Or should I just pick one?

skaeth, avatar

@jarulf @bookstodon Oh, wow, thank you! I wasn't at all intending to get eyes on my own books with this.

But what sort of thing are you feeling like right now? Windward is faster paced with fire and fury, dragon riders and dragons and internal-cave-strife. Single POV.
Between Starfalls (and the series it kicks off) is set in the same world (same island) but's slower paced with a much more epic scale and some sci-fi elements spattered in more and more as the series progresses. It's multi-PoV.

jarulf, avatar

@skaeth @bookstodon Oh, I really didn't think you were. Please don't worry about that. I'm always happy try a writer that is new to me.
Both sound interesting but I'm not generally that interested in epic fantasy, I usually prefer more down to earth stuff, so Windward probably sounds more like my thing.
I'll just fire up my computer and nab a copy then.

skaeth, avatar

@jarulf @bookstodon
Oh thank you! By "down to earth" what do you mean? Windward's smaller in scale but I wouldn't consider it down to earth, myself.

jarulf, avatar

@skaeth @bookstodon I suspect neither book would fit that exactly (definitely not one about dragons!), but I usually like books that are about fairly normal people, having dangerous but ultimately not too grand adventures. A focus on relationships and character development is something I often enjoy.

That said, I absolutely read things that tends to more High Fantasy Epic storytelling too.

skaeth, avatar

@jarulf @bookstodon

It sounds like Windward is more likely up your alley then-- Palon has no special magic apart from her dragon bond, which is 100% usual for her community. She happens to excel at dragon riding because she's talented like that. Definitely there's danger, but nothing too grand in scope, and relationships and character are the center.

For the epic series, the MCs are all superheroes but also they have no idea what they're doing. Lots of relationships and development though.

jarulf, avatar

@skaeth @bookstodon Well, since you're basically giving the ebooks away for free right now, I picked up both. Just waiting for them to arrive now.
So now I have a few more books to agonize over trying to decide what to read next. 😉

I should probably quit Mastodon...

skaeth, avatar

@jarulf @bookstodon Oh yes, I had just finished a sale and hadn't gotten around to changing the price yet-- lucky for you! They should arrive soon if they haven't already! Hopefully you can carve some reading time to tackle that TBR mountain lol

skaeth, avatar

@jarulf @bookstodon Mastodon is my favorite social network I've ever tried (unless you count Discord, in which case it's a strong second)! I'm very bad at social media-ing but it's just nice here.

luigirenna, avatar

@skaeth @bookstodon I was recommended here the Greatcoats series by Sebastien de Castell, four books inspired by the Three Musketeers. Lots of banter and adventure, and up to the point I got there is only very little magic and it's not essential to the plot

skaeth, avatar

@luigirenna @bookstodon Oh this sounds interesting! I love the Three Musketeers aspect. Thank you!

fskornia, avatar

@skaeth @bookstodon Jacqueline Carey's Kushiel series is great rich low fantasy.
Ellen Kushner's "Swordspoint' is also great.
Guy Gabriel Kay writes some of the best very low-magic historic fantasies (they're mostly history in an analogue world, but there are hints of magic here and there)

jarulf, avatar

@fskornia @skaeth @bookstodon just piping up to add my vote for Guy Gavriel Kay, one of my favourite writers.

skaeth, avatar

@jarulf @fskornia @bookstodon I ADORE Guy Gavriel Kay! His writing is right along the lines of what I'm looking for. I can't believe I forgot about him. Thank you both!

Also I've read one of the Kushiel books and it's just not for me. I'll check out Swordspoint! Thank you again!

CuriousMagpie, avatar

@skaeth @jarulf @fskornia @bookstodon I love all of Kay's books and really enjoyed the Swordspoint books. Like you, I didn't care for the Kushiel books but Carey's 2018 Starless was very good. Sharon Shinn is a SFF romance writer and the Angel books don't have magic and the series has an unexpected trajectory.

skaeth, avatar

@CuriousMagpie @jarulf @fskornia @bookstodon

These look interesting! I'll check them out-- thank you so much!

paul_ipv6, avatar

@fskornia @skaeth @bookstodon

+1 on both.

i re-read Swordspoint regularly and will read anything Kay writes. they are both among the small number of authors i buy in hardcover.

skaeth, avatar

@paul_ipv6 @fskornia @bookstodon
Guy Gavriel Kay writes like he's painting with words. It's been a while since I've read something of his, but I love his books so much!

paul_ipv6, avatar

@skaeth @fskornia @bookstodon

indeed. his language/imagery is amazing.

kushner i enjoy for the characters. i enjoy charles de lint for much the same reason (characters and interactions).

skaeth, avatar

@paul_ipv6 @fskornia @bookstodon

I've heard of Charles De Lint but I've never read anything by him. Do you have a favorite?

paul_ipv6, avatar

@skaeth @fskornia @bookstodon

svaha, mulengro, yarrow are great. he's got a couple of long series of interconnected short stories in a shared environment, newford and ottawa. i haven't hit anything of his that wasn't worth a read.

skaeth, avatar

@paul_ipv6 @fskornia @bookstodon

Awesome! There's a certain captivation to knowing there's a ton of works to get buried under, just waiting to be read. Thank you!

drsbello, avatar

@skaeth @bookstodon Voyage of the Fox Rider by Dennis L. McKiernan could fit the bill

skaeth, avatar

@drsbello @bookstodon Sounds interesting-- I'll check it out! Thank you!

BunRab, avatar

@skaeth @bookstodon
How about space opera with a lot of fantasy elements? Liaden Universe series by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, adventure, romance, spaceships, psychic powers, 8 foot tall knife-throwing space turtles, mind-reading chinchilla-ish critters, witches, dragons, healers, evil spy agency, sentient space stations.

skaeth, avatar

@BunRab @bookstodon Um, that sounds freaking amazing. Definitely adding that to my TBR! Thank you!

paul_ipv6, avatar

@skaeth @BunRab @bookstodon

simon green has some series you might like if liaden appeals. nightside and secret histories.

skaeth, avatar

@paul_ipv6 @BunRab @bookstodon Thank you! This looks like more urban fantasy in London, is that right?

paul_ipv6, avatar

@skaeth @BunRab @bookstodon

nightside is sort of london multiverse. secret histories is similar but more alternate history.

both have dark heroes, snappy dialogue, interesting plot twists.

skaeth, avatar

@paul_ipv6 @BunRab @bookstodon I'll take a look! Thank you!

BunRab, avatar
leece, avatar

@skaeth @bookstodon Legends and Latte's might be worth a look.

skaeth, avatar

@leece @bookstodon Ooh yes, thank you for the reminder on that one! Good call!

zakyfarms, avatar

@skaeth @bookstodon have you read Steven Brust?

skaeth, avatar

@zakyfarms @bookstodon

I have not-- yet! It looks like he's got a series, Vlad Taltos. This looks super interesting-- not exactly what I was looking for on paper but it actually might fit really well from this description. I love the idea of this whole other-planet, sorcerer race plotline! Thank you!

paul_ipv6, avatar

@skaeth @zakyfarms @bookstodon

definitely worth reading the vlad taltos series.

if you don't mind urban fantasy, the harry dresden series have some nice snappy repartee.

skaeth, avatar

@paul_ipv6 @zakyfarms @bookstodon I’ve heard mixed things about Harry Dresden, but I don’t usually enjoy urban fantasy, so I haven’t tried it. I’ll have to see if I can get my hands on the Vlad Taltos series!

BunRab, avatar

@skaeth @zakyfarms @bookstodon
Or you could start with The Phoenix Guards, and then talk funny for a week!

zakyfarms, avatar

@BunRab @skaeth @bookstodon I enjoyed that trilogy very much, but I was thinking the Vlad Taltos series might be more what the OP was looking for. But you really can’t go wrong either way!

skaeth, avatar

@zakyfarms @BunRab @bookstodon I'll check out both!! This also sounds interesting!

Da_Gut, avatar

@skaeth @bookstodon Take a look at Rosemary Kirstein.

Kirstein, Rosemary. The Steerswoman (Steerswoman Series Book 1) . Kindle Edition.

While they do NOT fit your criteria, the Penrec Novellas by Lois McMaster Bujold have that low fantasy "feel".

Same with Minor Mage, Nettle & Bone, and (less so) a Wizard's Guide to Defensive Baking by T. Kingfisher.

skaeth, avatar

@Da_Gut @bookstodon These sound wonderful, especially the Steerswoman! I knew about T. Kingfisher but her books completely slipped my mind--I haven't gotten around to them yet so I'll bump them up in my TBR, but The Steerswoman looks like the type of book I was looking for! (The Penric novellas also look interesting).

Let me know if you think of any others! Thank you so much!

Da_Gut, avatar

@skaeth @bookstodon The Steerswoman series has some science fiction elements that enter into later books. But the first book or two should fit the bill nicely.

I know there is one niggling around my head, but its staying hidden.

skaeth, avatar

@Da_Gut @bookstodon I love it when science fiction elements cross into fantasy so that’s excellent!

Da_Gut, avatar

@skaeth @bookstodon

I need to reread this one.... I don't think there is magic in it, or not much if there is. It's an awesome low fantasy book, regardless.

skaeth, avatar

@Da_Gut @bookstodon I am intrigued! And my library has it too! Definitely time for a library run!

CommonMugwort, avatar

@bookstodon @Da_Gut @skaeth Piping up with love for The Steerswoman books, a perennial favourite - there’s a link to a review of the first one pinned to my profile and to say don’t be put off by the word “wizard” that appears in them ; )

jarulf, avatar

@CommonMugwort @bookstodon @Da_Gut @skaeth Just headed over to Kobo and grabbed a copy of Steerswoman. And it was really cheap too.
I have a mile high TBR pile (who doesn't?) but maybe I can squeeze it in somewhere. I have a long weekend in front of me with nothing planned after all.

skaeth, avatar

@jarulf @CommonMugwort @bookstodon @Da_Gut Yes, I saw it wasn't very expensive! I love that my question got you to pick up this book too! The contagious aspect of reading is fantastic.

jarulf, avatar

@skaeth @CommonMugwort @bookstodon @Da_Gut it is, isn't it. :-)

I also got Paladin's Strength and Paladin's Hope by Kingfisher. I'd already listened to Paladin's Grace, which I thought was ok at the time, but sometimes you want to give a writer some extra time before you decide what you think.

skaeth, avatar

@CommonMugwort @bookstodon @Da_Gut Ok I am definitely reading this book! It sounds fantastic!

Da_Gut, avatar

@skaeth @CommonMugwort @bookstodon I need to reread the series.

The Penric Novellas are interesting. While he uses magic, it's not like your standard European lore. It's more Mediterranean in feel. And its considerably more grounded than fantastic fiction. It has a very low fantasy flavor. Don't overlook it.

skaeth, avatar

@Da_Gut @CommonMugwort @bookstodon I am very much on board for the non-standard-European lore! Definitely going to check these out, especially knowing that!

CommonMugwort, avatar

@skaeth @Da_Gut @bookstodon More theology than magic, I feel. The whole 5 gods universe, of which the Penric stories are the…lightest, I guess? They all feel like they’re grappling with death and what it would feel like to have gods who were palpably involved in the question of the afterlife

jarulf, avatar

@CommonMugwort @skaeth @Da_Gut @bookstodon The Penric stories are among my absolute favourites, and definitely worth looking into imo if you want something that's more about people than epic high fantasy.

BunRab, avatar

@Da_Gut @skaeth @bookstodon
Wizard's Guide was great - long live Bob! The latest one of hers, Thornhedge, is great. For sparkling repartee, though, can't beat the Paladin books and Swordheart!

skaeth, avatar

@BunRab @Da_Gut @bookstodon

Ok I definitely need to read more T. Kingfisher, sounds like!!

Da_Gut, avatar

@BunRab @skaeth @bookstodon bob is her sour dough starter that is her familiar

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