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Anonymousllama, in Are you fucking *kidding me?!?*

Peak immersion

macisr, in Are you fucking *kidding me?!?*

At least it doesn’t say Damaged, or HaHaHaHa.

Nepenthe, (edited ) in Patch #3 - patch notes avatar

Grym suddenly got eerily smart and was avoiding the Crucible in the Adamantine Forge. With a nervous laugh, we dumbed him back down a little.

Probably for the best, since the whole thing is a gimmick fight and it needs to be winnable. Though I will say that having it all planned out and seeing my target avoiding it and choosing to attack from behind me, directly opposite where he was supposed to be if I had any hope of killing him, was one of the most memorable moments of that battle.

The amount of ice in my veins when I had to lure the damn thing into place by climbing on the forge myself and just hoping I could run really fast before I had to bring it down on my own skull or he got wise and fucked off.

I can see the necessity, it was just...adrenaline-inducing.

Ranger Companions will not be summonable in combat.

Not a dnd player, is there a tabletop basis for this? Being able to summon Scratch in battle simply because he is a good boy but not being able to call a companion animal when doing so is your whole class feels weird to me.

Fixed the game thinking you're dating Gale instead of Karlach in one of the dialogues with Karlach.

Prevented Gale from demanding your attention after talking to Tara when he doesn't really have anything relevant to say.

Fixed a bug where, once you got serious with another Origin, Gale would always break up with you on the topic being discussed.

Not gonna lie, I kinda wish they just wouldn't even touch Gale. You'd think it would get in the way and I get that they technically should fix it because his behavior wasn't the devs' intention for the kind of person they seem to have wanted him to be, but how he's acting has actually added a lot to his personality to me.

Gale is unintentionally incredibly realistic as a Nice Guy,™ enough for me to recognize it instantly for what it is and build my perception of him around it, and his worst trait is being a walking teachable moment. Pointing to how uncomfortable Gale makes everyone literally helped me explain on a more visceral level how "fun" it is to put up with irl to someone last night.

He just sat alone in his tower for years with no normal interaction, so now his judgement is off and he makes a ton of sometimes insane assumptions because you didn't leave him to die and asked him about his cat once and now he won't stop. Even in the middle of the Shadowlands, he's entirely, awkwardly inappropriate for just zero reason.

Withers commented that I'm in a relationship now, and even my character had the option to brush it off as one night spent with a friend, just two buddies talking about magic, 6ft apart because it's not like that.

And I mean, I really didn't notice it wasn't a thing games ever did before I saw others pointing it out. Because between Astarion's dramatic fuckboy attitude and whatever tree Gale and his unholy libido are hiding behind, that's just how guys react to me when I talk to them. I didn't notice it was weird.

Please don't make Gale entirely normal, the jokes are hilarious and he's actually really believable without inherently being unlikable.

Poggervania, avatar

Probably for the best, since the whole thing is a gimmick fight and it needs to be winnable.

Except it is winnable without the Crucible. There’s even an achievement for beating Grym without using the Crucible at all.

It’s much harder to do it, but it’s not an unwinnable fight.


I've killed him on both my runs without using the crucible. The second one was on tactician. Def takes a lot of planning but doable!


I had no idea the crucible was even usable for that, wasn't telegraphed at all. I found the buff/debuff to be infuriatingly inconsistent and eventually the lava mechanic just broke altogether and the only way to leave that zone was to fast travel out of it, and I could never return.


Running around the area everything makes it very clear you need a hammer and heat. I showed up to that fight prepared. Then I saw the achievement pop up, and after I read it I couldn’t help be laugh. I did the equivalent of doing the math problem wrong but getting the right answer.


I fought Grym and it did not even occur to me to lure him into the forge hammer at all. Just suffered through only one character being able to really damage him because he had a bludgeoning weapon. My partner was so bored. Then we beat it and got an achievement for killing him without using the forge hammer and lost our fucking minds. On second play-through, tried the hammer thing and he just would not fuck around with the middle of the platform at all, so I, again, just had to bludgeon him to death (but I came prepared and had bludgeoning damage on all my melee characters this time, lol).

Honestly, it's a neat idea for a fight, but it feels so out of place to have a mechanically scripted fight were you have to learn boss mechanics to do it "right", all alone in the middle of a sea of loosey goosey "how do you want to do this" amazing nonsense fights.


That fight took me so long, used up all my health potions, healing spells, a couple of haste scrolls and still only won because somehow, SOMEHOW Gale (the only remaining alive character) hit him with his quarterstaff for like 2hp before the weakness from lava wore off.

When I found out you could just smash him with the forge I was both immensely upset at myself and incredibly proud.

Cossty, (edited ) in Baldur’s Gate 3 fans have created their own ad-free wiki

There is

Pretty good wiki, a lot of indies use it. For example: Dead Cells, Deep Rock Galactic, Terraria, ARK, Cuphead, Don’t Starve, Brotato, Binding of Issac, Satisfactory etc.

Some AAA games are there too. Like Sea of Thieves, Dying Light.

It would be cool if there was some wiki with ActivityPub.

andybeta, in This game has some pretty sublime humor at times.

I’ve had more genuine laughs from this game (first playthrough, early act 3) than from any other. Just having Karlach in my party makes me smile every time I switch to her.


Hot Karl has such a fun personality, and her VA just makes her sound so happy to be free, but worried (a little) about what’s next. She’s always in my party.

ImpossibilityBox, in I'll have a.... Uhhhh.....

You found that outfit and you didn’t immediately put it on astarion? I didn’t know it was possible to play BG3 incorrectly.


This scene cracked me up as well. Such a dumb look on their faces. I love watching the characters in the background during cutscenes. They are either perfectly matching your expressions exactly at the exact time or just completely brain dead thousand yard stare into the distance.

Stamets, avatar

I was actually going to ask but do you remember which scene this is? Is it when Vlaakith shows up to be, well, herself?


I think it’s later. The Vlaakith scene is much more yellow.

fsxylo, in Are you fucking *kidding me?!?*

I think I finally know what tattoo I want.

“Left arm”

Glide, in Favorite minor/side character?

I know it’s late enough in the game that it’s a big whatever, but I really wanted to keep Hope. She was just exactly the kind of chaotic positive-but-insane energy I needed in that chapter of the game, and while I buy her personal conlusion, choosing to join you would make a lot of sense too.


I liked her too! House of Hope is a top 3 “dungeon” for me.

Tyr_Raidho_Othala, avatar

House of hope was my No.1 abuse mechanic


You mean it’s abuse to spend all my spell slots summoning and buffing with everything I have and then taking a bath before every encounter??

I planned to abuse it before leaving but I’m sorry to report that the faucet stops working after the last fight.

Also sorry to report that the restoration pod that worked similar at the end of Act 3 isn’t there on Tactician difficulty…

teft, avatar

Wait is that bath not one time use like the regen plants in the nautiloid?


Bath is unlimited use up until you beat the final fight!

The pod before the courtyard fight at the end is also unlimited use. And the one before the final fight is single use

Fafner, avatar

Fuck, I ran his whole place on a single long rest…


That just means you’ll get to abuse it when you replay on tactician :)

You don’t need the spell prepared anymore after you summon something so you can get real cheesy with it.


She steals the show in her short part in BG3. I mean, it’s so over the top her personality would probably dominate your group.

Kolanaki, in What can you ACTUALLY use Mage Hand for? avatar

I used it to

  • Steal the idol of Sylvanus from the Emerald Grove without starting a fight.
  • Open doors attached to levers on the other side of gates or rooms I could otherwise see into, but not enter.
  • An extra bit of damage in combat; or to shove someone off a cliff from a distance.
  • Grabbing objects that for whatever reason was out of reach of my character (often something on the top of a high shelf).
  • Throwing things I can’t reach.

We tried to use it to steal the idol from Sylvanus and they still attacked us. Not sure what we did wrong

Kolanaki, avatar

Make sure no one is looking directly at it. I had to use minor image to cause a distraction first then had the invisible mage hand just throw the idol down toward Astarion who was hiding in the middle canyon area that leads down to a bear by the water.


Oh dang yeah we didn’t do any of that lol

Kolanaki, avatar

Yeah, it took some fanagling and I went through all sorts of other things I tried before I found the mage hand method. Knowing they just lose their shit the moment they notice the statue is gone was a crucial discovery lol.

You gotta be fast, too. The distraction doesn’t work too long and they will initiate combat (even if they can’t see a target) as soon as they see the statue isn’t on the pedestal. But if done right, you can toss it to your character, grab it and then just go directly to your camp and then fast travel elsewhere.


I just cast from top of the elevator by the tree. Fly the hand so it is on the idol. Throw idol down the hill. Pick up if out of site. Throw again if necessary.

trslim, in My reaction varies quite a bit.

Lae’zel is my best friend. If anyone makes her sad, I will kill them.

Additionally, my favorite i interaction with her involved freeing the Drow Nere, who I then talked to. I was like, “Nere, you use slaves, thats terrible,” and I saw a little ‘Lae’zel disapproves’ box. Nere was mouthy, then I responded, “You don’t understand. You aren’t leaving here alive.” I then saw ‘Lae’zel approves’ immediately after. Best natural interaction ingame I’ve had.

Her trust bar is maxed out for me because if bad people give me shit, I tend to murder them enthusiastically, and when good people give me shit, I ignore them and tell them to go screw themselves. And hey, she’s gone from evil crazed zealot to less-evil skeptic that loves me. She’s my bestie 💓


I tried to get along with her but just can’t. During beta, I did a playthrough where I shot her in her cage at the beginning and kept wearing her armour. That was the most satisfying experience I had with her yet. Now after full release I kept her in my party for the whole act 1, trying to make it work but I just can’t bear her snarky arrogant zealot shit so she stays in camp condemning me for helping people from there.


I think it takes a certain kind of person who can put up with snarky comments and act extremely aggressively towards people. Like my character! I made my classic Neutral Tiefling Fighter I play in tabletop, who doesn’t give a shit what others believe, thinks violence is the second option if the first one fails, likes killing and fighting, tries to respect other cultures (most of the time,) and hates slavery. I tend to get strange looks at my table when I say, “Not saying we should, but we could just kill him,” in regards to the innocent guards protecting a prison. Karlach is like my second best friend ingame, and she’s like a good version of my character.

Anyway, Lae’zel respects that if my character doesn’t like someone, I’m cutting off their head then and there. My character also tends to be brutally honest with people, and she enjoys that. You can have her like you without being evil, I still helped the grove and tieflings, I saved the Harpers, helped Halsin and stormed the Moonrise towers. AND I murdered dozens of her kind at her crèche and she was pretty chill with it after some stuff I won’t get into involving the parasite and Vlaakith.

She’s my favorite character.


Pretty much same for me. My half-orc barbarian hit it off from the start with her. As I’m new to this whole dnd world, I don’t know shit about any of these cultures or religions. Nearly everyone you meet is a zealot or has some major character flaw. My guy is all about that half-orc smash! In as many ways as possible. I’m just in the start of Act 2 but Lae’zel has my loyalty.

pyrflie, in [Act 1 spoilers] Why does Karlach disapprove of...

She’s fine with freeing the Deep Gnomes, but she’s not big on siding with the Duergar as they are literal Slavers. She’s not big on slavery for, if you take some time to think about it, very obvious reasons.

Keegen, avatar

Karlach is a simple gal, Duergar are bad slavers, Nere is bad Absolutist and also a slaver. Why side with either when you can chop both into pieces and kill two slaver birds with one greataxe!


Yeah - if you say “fuck both of you” and kill both the dwarves and here then I’m pretty sure that she’s fine with that

deegeese, in Baldur’s Gate 3 fans have created their own ad-free wiki

What a shit article. They link to everything except the ONE SITE that’s the subject.

stopthatgirl7, avatar

Yeah, that was annoying. I had to go to Reddit to get the link.

Anyway, here’s the link.

burgundymyr, in Karmic dice: yay or nay?

TL;DR It does NOT stabilize your rolls. It DOES Stabilize your number of successes/failures (which I think is bad for the system).

There is a lot of confusion in this thread about how this works.

If you understand the mechanics of bg3 and are try to optimize your build you should definitely turn it off. If you don’t care about that and just want to play without understanding all the mechanics I would still turn it off, but it’s fine to leave on probably.

What it does is make rolling a success more likely the more you fail and vice versa. It also applies to enemies. So if you have put all your resources into Armor Class so that enemies miss you more often… well you might be marginally less, but the whole point is that enemies will hit you at a fairly regular frequency and you will hit them back at a similar rate. It means you won’t keep failing and that you won’t succeed at everything.

It punishes you for being really good at something and rewards you for taking more actions rather than being good at the ones you take. It is kind of good for new players that used a scuffed build because it means they won’t fail all their checks even if they made terrible choices, but if you make some basic common sense choices like getting a high armor class or pairing expertise in stealth (Rogue 1 ability) with a high DEX then it can be very frustrating.

ulu_mulu, (edited )

Thank you! That explains a lot.

I’m a new player, didn’t know anything about DnD nor cRPGs when I started, but I like to understand what I’m doing when I play a game so I’m doing my best to learn.

I started on the easiest difficulty with the dice on, by the end of act 2 I think I got a hang of how the rules work (still far from fully understand them but I’ll get there eventually), I noticed that no matter what I did in combat to get advantage or trying to avoid damage, my party ended the fight badly wounded, I never died but still.

I started a new playthrough on normal difficulty with the dice off, it’s been a few fights already that I can finish with most of my party unscathed, something that never happened before even if I was on easier difficulty.

This is just anecdotal experience and I’m most probably getting better as a player, but now that you explained it, I can’t stop thinking it’s also the dice normalizing (or not) things for me.

I don’t regret using it because if you start from nothing like me, there’s a hell lot of stuff you have to “digest” to be able to play, it’s pretty overwhelming so the game sort of helping you in avoiding too many failures is a good thing IMO. But now that I’m starting to get a better understanding of how things work, I’ll definitely keep it off.

joel_feila, avatar

So it makes things less swingy

vsh, in Neil Newbons performance is unreal

Yeah because developers spend their time editing face expression when the character is looking away from the camera. Big cap🧢


Nah I’m pretty sure it’s mocap so it’s actually more effort to remove it than just keep whatever expression the actor is making


… Big cap…? What? I was going to guess that it was something spelled wrong or autocorrect got you but there’s literally a baseball cap next to it so it’s intentional.


It’s gen z slang

MTLion3, in I really feel for Daddy Halsin

True, but have you considered that maybe he loves the madness? 🤣 Better than that bitch Khaga gunning for his position

Stamets, avatar

Oh Khaga, you vapid bitch.

I love this game though. I have over 400 hours in it so far and I only just found the note to Khaga that proves she was working with the Shadow Druids. This playthrough I’m gonna be grabbing it and giving it to daddy to see if it makes any difference.


That’s awesome! I mean, it makes sense given her disposition. It’s so full of awesome details both small and large. So good

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