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FrigidAphelion, in Baldur’s Gate 3 - Discussion Post #3

So I always play a new game blind (no online searching, no communication with people who have played it already, etc) and I ended up just straight up losing at this game. I spent 120 hours on a solo playthrough and despite the time put in, my refusal to eat crow at certain points ultimately led to me failing my overall mission…and it was awesome! The only game ive played before where I could just lose after 100+ hours was stellaris and it drove me to just go nuts on the game, so Im stoked to play again and be completionistic

ayaya, in Baldur's Gate 3 Caused A 40 Percent Rise In Digital Revenue For Hasbro avatar

I’m curious to see if other CRPGs also had big revenue increases from BG3’s success. After beating it I’ve bought Divinity Original Sin 2, Disco Elysium, Pathfinder WotR, and Pillars of Eternity II so far. I had never paid attention to the genre before and now I am deep into it.


Maybe Dragon Age Origins, too.

Coelacanth, avatar

I bought that on the GOG Anniversary Sale pretty much because I finished BG3 and was in the mood for something new but similar. Hadn’t paid any attention to the Dragon Age franchise before.

I’m amazed at not only how well it holds up, but how much inspiration BG3 seems to have taken from it.

stopthatgirl7, avatar

I actually got BG3 initially because people were saying it was so much like Dragon Age Origins.


DA:O was made because the company that made Baldurs Gate 1&2 lost the rights to make 3

Snoopy, avatar

Now you mention it, yes probably. I already owned BG3 in EA, and bought 2 similar games : Pathfinder & Solasta.

When i was a kid i player BG1 a lot. Later DOS.

And the other game above, i already finished them long ago. I think it would be an interesting data to see what kind of player play BG3 and compare our games. :)


Larian are really the only ones that play nice with a controller.

I understand that a lot of people play at literal desktops and prefer mouse/keyboard, but a lot more (regardless of PC split, it's also almost all console owners) would rather play with a controller. Having an official control scheme for one is meaningful to broad adoption.

snooggums, avatar

BG3 plays awesome on both kn and mouse and a controller!

It reminds me of a few other games that are able to do both, and makes me sad how many game devs over focus on one or the other (probably due to crunch, but still).

ayaya, avatar

They are also the ones doing multiplayer as far as I can tell. After my singleplayer playthrough I have two other ones going with different groups and it is just as much if not more fun.


I found out by accident that Disco Elysium plays surprisingly well with a controller. It’s kinda nice to just lean back and play that game.


The beam dog remasters on switch have pretty good controller support. It’s a piss off that those controls don’t exist in the PC versions, discovering that after attempting to play on steam deck

Hexarei, avatar

I thought Pathfinder kingmaker and Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous supported controllers? I haven’t played them yet but intend to if I ever manage to put down bg3 (400 hours and 5.5 plays in, lmao)


They both do, I’ve played both on console. Honestly had more issues playing BG3 than either Pathfinder control-wise (mostly aiming between different heights). They’re grander in scale than BG3, and less open world (there’s an overworld map you use to get between different places), but they’re just as good. In Wrath of the Righteous I became a lich queen who ruled a continent, had a city full of undead minions and armies of them too. It’s highly recommended.

I know you didn’t ask, I just love that game.

vsh, in Neil Newbons performance is unreal

Yeah because developers spend their time editing face expression when the character is looking away from the camera. Big cap🧢


Nah I’m pretty sure it’s mocap so it’s actually more effort to remove it than just keep whatever expression the actor is making


… Big cap…? What? I was going to guess that it was something spelled wrong or autocorrect got you but there’s literally a baseball cap next to it so it’s intentional.


It’s gen z slang

Montagge, in My love letter to Baldur's Gate 3 and Larian Studios avatar

I'm still nervous to get this game after playing DoS and DoS2


What did you have against those games? Dos2 is one of the greatest CRPGs ever made in its own right.

Montagge, avatar

I didn't think either was good. I really don't understand how they're considered one of the best CRPGs.
The combat was a drag.
The story was simple and unengaging.
My girlfriend and I tried to play through both. On each we got a ways in, thought the game wasn't very good, and realized we weren't enjoying ourselves.


The story in bg3 is much more complex, well-written, and varied than dos2, but the combat feels similar (honestly might give the edge to Dos2 for combat). I love bg3, but if you didn’t like dos then it may just not be for you.

Montagge, avatar

Yeah, most likely. It's a shame as I love BG1 and 2.

Everblue, (edited )

Bg3 is good, but if you’re like me putting it against bg2, it just doesn’t compare. It’s DOS2 with a coat of d&d paint. And while I did enjoy the game, I still feel larian falls short on their writing. Loved act 1, but act2 and 3 were meh.


Maybe the great is like, DoS2 is like a good store bought cookie. If it’s all you know then you’re good to go. But BG3, is your grandma’s secret double chocolate chip cookie recipe that wins blue ribbon at the State Fair year after year. You just can’t look at those store bought ones the same again. They still good… But…

Son_of_dad, in Ex-Skyrim Developer Explains the Key Difference Between Bethesda Games and Baldur’s Gate 3 | IGN

Sadly I’m one of those people who doesn’t enjoy turn based combat, so I always preferred elder scrolls, warts and all.


Balder’s Gate 3 is so much more than combats


Sure but there’s combat in it, and I can’t deal with turn based at all


So you have turn based allergies? Have you noticed that all those so called non turn based games have things like cool downs and reloads which are just turn based in disguise? Actually real life also takes turns which we call “days” to lie to the turn based haters. They never knew we were all in a turn based game from the beginning.


What a weird reply and dedication to turn based. But no, I despise it, final Fantasy made me hate turn based and not a single turn based game has been able to undo that hate.


things like cool downs and reloads which are just turn based in disguise?

Those are categorically not turn-based lol


… Is this a copypasta? It feels like it should be one.


The guy doesn’t like turn based games, just let him dislike it. People have preferences.


I am! I just want to help him to hate more games and life

teft, avatar

For me turn based is great because you can chill and think about your next move. You don’t have to rely on instinct. I love me some soulslike but sometimes just chilling is great.

Angry_Maple, avatar

Have you been able to try it? If a friend has a copy, or if you can rent/buy it and then return it, I would try it if you can.

I used to also be very against playing anything turn-based. I thought it was odd and unrealistic. In older games, that was definitely the case at times.

This game though, it draws you right in. You can be very creative with how you fight your enemies, and there is nearly always something new to discover. In my opinion, this game’s turn-based mode is more of a strategy game than it is a click and fight. I kind of love that about it.

I initially started playing on my girlfriend’s insistence, but sometimes I find it very difficult to put down.

I hope this doesn’t come off as pressuring you to play. I’m still kind of shocked I like a turn-based game now, to be honest. I thought that I would always dislike them.


Do you have an exemple of a turn-based game that lacks strategy? The closest that I can think of are the JRPGs, but even them have a bit of strategy IMHO. All turn-based games are strategy games in my opinion.


Love people down voting you for having an opinion. Some people don’t like turn based, that’s that. I enjoyed BG3 but I just can’t bring myself to start another game, maybe in a couple months or a year. Trying to get through the main storyline in starfield so I can move on to some of the new games coming out, but I keep getting sidetracked.

I played DOS:2 so knew exactly how combat in bg3 would be. Just has a coat of d&d paint is all.

whitecapstromgard, in Low INT, high WIS

People still use Excel?


Only every business you dont think about, and all the ones you do.

cheeseburger, (edited ) in Baldur's Gate 3 Caused A 40 Percent Rise In Digital Revenue For Hasbro avatar


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    PrunesMakeYouPoop, in Baldur's Gate 3 Caused A 40 Percent Rise In Digital Revenue For Hasbro

    It sucks, because I want to buy this game, but I refuse to give WotC/Hasbro money, and I don't want to pirate it because I want to support Larian.
    It really sucks.


    Could buy gift copies of some other Larian game then pirate this one to potentially sate your personal morals for the situation


    Do Larian deserve your money less because they licensed trademarks from a company that considered and then backed down from a license change? And for this you’ll rob yourself of a fantastic experience? What a strange value system. Wait until you find out how they made sausages, or your phone.

    snooggums, (edited ) avatar

    I will continue to buy stuff that Hasbro has licensed to people who care about the games they make even if Hasbro indirectly profits from it to show support for doing it right. Like the DnD movie and BG3, but not Beyond or the tabletop stuff until they reverse course on those.

    If nothing else there is an opportunity for Hasbro to catch on at some point and the people they license to get to make quality stuff to enjoy in the meantime. It isn't like Hasbro is Nestlé and ruining countries.


    Look man, initially WotC didn't move on with Larian's pitch and only changed their minds later on. I get it, you don't like WotC but you're robbing yourself of a fantastic experience because of this stance you've held. Baldur's Gate 3 oozes with passion and creativity, you only do yourself a disservice by ignoring it.

    It's probably my favourite game of all time and loads of people refuse to play it because they know it'll make other games feel bland by comparison. You have nothing to lose but your money.


    Just pirate it, and buy a gift pack of dos2 or dos1

    conciselyverbose, in Baldur's Gate 3 Caused A 40 Percent Rise In Digital Revenue For Hasbro

    DOS2 working so well is a big part of why I bought BG3. I mostly play handheld (steamdeck, with a little bit of switch), so controller support is a huge factor for me.

    RinseDrizzle, in FSR 2 or 3?

    Pardon the silly question, but what is FSR?


    It’s a technology by AMD. FidelityFX Super Resolution. Basically, it is a technology that lets you improve the performance of a game while not sacrificing too much quality.

    If I remember correctly, the way it works is by running the game at lower than native resolution (say 720p instead of 1080p) and then using fancy algorithms to upscale the graphics back to native resolution. It tries to get the best of both worlds, the better performance of running at a lower resolution and the better graphics of a higher resolution.

    Hairyblue, in Baldur's Gate 3 Caused A 40 Percent Rise In Digital Revenue For Hasbro avatar

    Daragon Age Origins is awesome. It was fun playing the game where your choices affected the outcome of the game. And you got to play different characters--poor, rich, royalty, slave.

    Baldur's Gate 3 is like this game and updated.

    Ashtear, in PSA: Sculpt spells will not save your party from spells that still do damage on spell save.

    Sounds like you ran into a bug somehow, because casting Evocation spells around your party is exactly what Sculpt Spells does (the whole point of taking Evocation spec is to be able to freely lob Fireballs into the melee). Or maybe you triggered a secondary effect since it would take a very specific scenario (plus a very high damage roll) to be able to one-shot a Guardian of Faith with Ice Storm. Even something like Wall of Fire only does the environmental damage if an evoker paints it over a party member.

    Ice Storm is a little weird in that it will ignore Sculpt on a party member if you accidentally click on them, but it shouldn’t hit anyone else in the party even then.


    Sculpt spells says that your party automatically passes their saving throws, but ice storm still does half damage on successful save.

    Keegen, avatar

    So does Fireball and yet that one does no friendly fire damage. Either Ice Storm is bugged or it's as the other commenter pointed out, Guardian of Faith detected a hostile action and triggered an attack on all nearby hostiles (your party), which dealt enough damage to it to kill it.


    That’s a good point. I’ll drop it on my party again after my next long rest and see what happens.


    The saving throw clause is more for something like Gust of Wind, where the throw is for a knockback, not damage.

    Do you have the latest update? I poked around and did see some older posts about Ice Storm specifically on the BG3 subreddit.


    I’m playing on PS5, so it should auto update. But maybe it isn’t fixed on this platform yet.


    Ice Storm is a well known bug for Sculpt Spells. It has multiple threads on both Steam and Reddit.

    urbanzero, in I had DALL-E draw my Dark Urge
    bouh, in PSA: Sculpt spells will not save your party from spells that still do damage on spell save.

    Scultp spell does protect your party. I did it multiple times, even with ice storm.

    BUT it only protect one ally per level of the spell. So ice storm would not protect the divine guardian if the whole group is around it. And then maybe the guardian was triggered against the group?

    Another thing that will not work is the meta magic careful spell, because it only makes allies succeed the saving through.


    The sculpt spells description says that your party automatically passes their saving throws, but ice storm still does half damage on successful save. It also says “and take no damage from them”, so maybe you’re right and the divine guardian attacked us since I attacked it? I’m not quite sure. I should have checked the combat log.


    I think the ally limit that’s in the 5e tabletop rules isn’t implemented in the game. I just cast a Fireball on the whole party after summoning four ghouls and no one took damage.

    owenfromcanada, avatar

    Yeah, the half-damage-on-save with careful spell is mainly useful if you have a rogue with Evasion (takes no damage in those conditions).

    Rhoeri, in Ex-Skyrim Developer Explains the Key Difference Between Bethesda Games and Baldur’s Gate 3 | IGN avatar

    Bethesda makes a buggy mess of a semi-passable base game and relies on free labor to turn it into a playable and interesting game.

    Larian doesn’t.

    There’s your difference.


    Saved me a click. Thanks!

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