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BastingChemina, in Patch #4 Now Live!

Fixed some NPCs being able to shoot through floors and ceilings. They’ve said they’ll play fair.

I love this one

MBZzZzZzZz, in Patch #4 Now Live!

One thing that happened in my session is this: I somehow missed the coronation ceremony at Wyrm’s Fortress and went ahead to the lower city. Did a bunch of things, found the submarine, and encountered Gortash who was rather miffed. Retreated, did hours of companion quests, learned that funneling huge groups of enemies into narrow passages makes the combat a breeze (murder tribunal, house of grief, fucking Cazzador). Then I went to the ceremony and after leaving, all of Wyrm’s Fortress wants to cook my bacon, Gortash is even more miffed, but nobody bothers me in the lower city. Go figure …

streetman, avatar

Exact same thing happened to me. Could tell I fucked up at one point because they were mentioning that Wyll’s dad died off screen. This damn game is going to make me play it again isn’t it?!

teft, avatar

I’m on like my ninth playthrough and I am still finding new stuff and areas. This game is absolutely massive.


Yup. I’ve actually started a session of divinity 2 to freshen things up. That’s a helluva game too.

GenEcon, in Patch #4 Now Live!

Hopefully this fixes of our crossplay. Played with PC and Mac over GOG and at some point the Mac couldn’t connect and crashed on loading 100 % of the time.

We now play with a PC and an old PC, but ofc the experience is a lot better on the Mac compared to the old PC.

Maybe someone has the same problem and a possible fix.

conciselyverbose, in The Importance Of Bad Companions In Games Like Baldur's Gate 3

What a weird article.

They have varied characters because different people like different things. "Characters you don't enjoy" aren't and shouldn't be a design goal. That's idiotic.

stopthatgirl7, (edited ) avatar

They have varied characters because different people like different things.

That’s what the writer is saying, though? She’s saying it’s good for games to have characters some people consider “bad,” because what’s “bad” Is different for everyone. It means a game has a well-rounded cast of characters.


No, it's not even close.

He's claiming being "bad" has inherent value. It's a terrible, incoherent article presenting an absurdly stupid opinion.

stopthatgirl7, avatar

“Bad” does have inherent value because one person’s “bad” Is another person’s “awesome.”

I think Gale is “bad” as she’s defining it because he’s boring and his squishy ass kept getting curb-stomped when I tried to use him. I also hate the way he tries to romance you and the incel vibes I got of him. But go on tumblr and folks just adore him and his romance. What makes him “bad” to me is a selling point to others. That’s what I think the writer is trying to say.


No. That's entirely nonsensical.

You're looking for substance that doesn't exist. There isn't a shred of merit anywhere in that article.

stopthatgirl7, avatar

Ok bro. I’ve had basically seven shots of gin and am drink to argue. You enjoy your win on this point or whatever; I’m drunk whee


I think they are being a bit pretentious with their fun fact side note, as if playing a paladin and romancing shadowheart isn’t really compelling, and is fundamentally undeserving of being the most popular option for a first playthrough. Its especially weird to me that they like Karlach but dislike Wyll, because I feel like they are very similar.

It doesn’t matter who your bad companion is. […] But as long as you have one (and only one), you know you’re in for a great game.

That all aside, their conclusion is wrong anyways, because people are perfectly capable of liking the whole cast, and they probably would enjoy bg3 more if they also enjoyed Wyll. Having an ensemble cast means the writers maybe don’t have to worry too much about any particular character being hit or miss, those misses are allowances, not targets.

stopthatgirl7, avatar

Having an ensemble cast means the writers maybe don’t have to worry too much about any particular character being hit or miss, those misses are allowances, not targets.

I don’t think the writer is talking about having characters people don’t like as what the game writers spoiled be aiming for, but that from the point of view as a player, if there’s a character you just to not like, it means the game is written well. Which to me makes sense, because you don’t care one way or the other about a character that’s not written well. For you to actually dislike a character, they’ve got to be well written because they feel like a person.


Wyll is bad for the reason I find so many companions bad in games like this. He’s good: too good. I felt the same way about Kaidan in Mass Effect, who is the archetype for these sorts of companions. They’re always very nice people on the surface, often driven by some military code that holds virtue and justice above everything. Then they have conversations mostly about bread or how clear water is, reveal some deep burden, and then keep on smiling throughout it. It’s supposed to be admirable. But it’s dull. It presents a character who has no flaws, and when faced with their greatest challenge, they simply smile and shrug.

It doesn’t seem like that’s how they feel, and this paragraph to me says the opposite. Their complaint about wyll is that he is (to them) unrealistically too good of a person. I don’t know about you, but I frequently actually dislike characters because they don’t seem like real people, which seems to be the article author’s position on Wyll.

Nepenthe, (edited ) avatar

More damning that they've been able to put into words exactly why I don't care for him. And notice that I did not say I disliked or hated him, I do not care about him enough to have something to hate about him. Which is a MUCH bigger problem, storywise. He's not unlikable, he's bland.

It's not even like he doesn't have the capability. He has a fair number of things the writers could have worked with. A semi-pampered noble forced to strike out on his own, who is very obviously trying to find absolution by making a name for himself as a hero he's questionably cut out to be? For all he bleeds idealism and dreams of being a protector, you have the option when you first meet to say you don't have the slightest idea who he is.

Don't tell me that doesn't have every hallmark to be just as compelling as anyone else in the group. But he's not. Somehow, a plot like that is easily outshone by Gale, whose whole thing is he did a Stupid one time and now his ex that he can't get over is being really mean to him. That's the basics of Gale's storyline. And it manages to be more interesting, mostly because he manages to feel several ways about it.

He doesn't have Astarion's complicated hatred for his own physical form. He doesn't have Karlach's recognizable PTSD response to the idea of slavery and life in Avernus, stopping at what feels like general disgust and annoyance. He does share Gale's overblown self-image and Shart/Lae'zel's hyper-devotion to a cause, but those are not traits that are ever drawn into question for him like theirs are. Whatever goes on with him, he seems to accept it with minimal self-blame.

The end result is a character that is, like the article says, a walking shrug. That he doesn't have to be only makes it more frustrating to experience. He has all the elements required to be just as compelling as the others, but instead he just stands there like the adventuring equivalent of a fat friend and the article spins this as necessary if we're to make all the others look good. To suggest it's even a contributing reason all the others look good.

The author seems to have misunderstood that the opposite of love is not hate. The opposite of love is apathy. I wish I disliked Wyll the way I used to hate Lae'zel, because it would have meant he struck me enough to at least form some sort of meaningful opinion about him. As it is, I simply don't even care enough to dislike him. He could be removed from my game and I don't think I would notice. They dropped the ball.

I wish she would have given any insight into why her wife loves Wyll as much as she does. It would have been invaluable to know the other side of it, even if the way she wrote off Astarion immediately and forever makes me suspect it's mostly a personality preference.

Fluid, (edited ) in Patch #4 Now Live! avatar

A staggering amount of tweaks and fixes, awesome!

Unfortunately still no option to toggle on auto-fill of items in empty slots on the hotbar though

Ipodjockey, in Patch #4 Now Live! avatar

Holy shit that is a hell of a patch.

lowleveldata, in Patch #4 Now Live!

Have they fixed the missing nudity options yet?

Onii-Chan, in The Importance Of Bad Companions In Games Like Baldur's Gate 3 avatar

Wyll stayed at camp my entire first playthrough while I adventured with Astarion, Karlach, and Shart - it was so much fun. Things are different this time round though. Time to see if he grows on me.

Kolanaki, in Too horny? avatar

The first time I saw Wyll’s scene, it was especially horny because I set my camp clothing for all the characters to be nothing, so he was buck ass naked doing that dance routine.

PugJesus, in Too horny? avatar

Gale ropes you into his weird romance if you just try to be nice. He's the only one who actually skeeves me out.

Wyll comes on strong, but I don't feel like it's weird per se, just him not getting the subtle hints.

Astarion I love, and he reacts in such an Astarion way when you turn him down.

If you reject Shadowheart, it's like kicking a puppy.

Rejecting Lae'zel is pretty easy, since she's pretty upfront that she just wants to smash at first.

Karlach is way too cool about being turned down for someone so hotheaded. I love her and her big, flaming, mechanical heart.

teft, avatar

The half ton of rothé hits on you no matter what too. Like the second conversation with him after he becomes a permanent companion he starts dropping hints in every conversation til you call him names.


are you talking about Halsin?

teft, avatar



Man halsin was hilarious with me.

He confessed to me in act 3, I had literally only had him in my party for his quest with Thaniel and talked to him a couple times with no flirting or romance.

When I told him I was not interested he was crushed and said "the car you showed me was more that of a lover than that of a host.

And I was sitting here like “buddy I barely talked to you, are you ok?”

TransplantedSconie, in Baldur’s Gate 3 - Discussion Post #3

Closing in on 100 hours and I still haven’t finished the game lol. Could I? Yes. Will I? No. I’m exploring every nook and cranny and doing every damn quest I can. This game is just too good not too.


Yeah, it took me almost 150h to finish my first playthrough, and instead of touching grass, i started a new one.

WhiteHotaru, avatar

I am at 120 and just started act two. You are fine.

Anticorp, in Arise before we become ghaik
synae, avatar
yildo, in A brief guide to making the worst possible choices (spoilers abound)

Could be worse. Could be a party with your cleric, Shadowheart, and two cleric hirelings

addie, avatar

Is it possible for your DPS output to go into the negative!? Shaz does good work in keeping the rest of your party dealing damage, and ‘sneaky Shaz’ can help your party cheese some hard fights, but man alive, take a shot whenever she actually hits something for double-digit damage.

Plotting how I’d be able to get all four of my BG3 party into the back row, now…


Shart can deal decent damage but I almost always respec her to life domain for better healing. But there’s one spell she’s got that slaps unreasonably hard and that’s Guardian Spirits. You can drop that spell and do huge damage to groups of enemies just by running by them. If they’re undead you can just wreck them with Radiant damage.

owenfromcanada, avatar


She absolutely dominates with guardian spirits in the fight >!defending the portal for Halsin. Caste longstrider and/or haste, and she can take out half the battlefield in one turn.!<


I dunno man, a tempest cleric can slap pretty hard. Imagine all those guardian spirits. And everyone’s got plate!

Sol0WingPixy, in This game has some pretty sublime humor at times.


I didn’t realize until talking with friends that you could win the abduction fight at the Harper camp in Act 2. If you don’t kill the baddies in time, the safe bubble collapses, and everyone in the Harper camp gets shadow cursed, and you have to fight your way through them. It’s genuinely heartbreaking and horrifying.


This happened to me and my friends two sessions ago. We ended up reloading an older save since it seemed as might lose a lot of story threads otherwise.


Indeed, depending on various conditions, quite a few threads can end there on the spot. Other consequences (like losing the necrotic resistance) can be severe, too.

As is, I think the fight is probably too challenging considering the stakes. From what I can tell, her gloves have been bugged since launch, and the fight was likely balanced around them being active and auto-clearing her debuffs. Last time I was there, she got paralyzed early in the first round and they made quick work of her after that (and this was a multiplayer session on Explorer).

Sanctuary does make the fight all but trivial if there’s a cleric in the party.


Is act 2 obvious? Because I’ve just finished the underdark, and a ton of other areas up top and they’re had never been a big sign that says Act 2


There are two places you can go to trigger Act 2, either by going into the elevator in Grymforge or continuing into the Mountain Pass after meeting/fighting the Githyanki.

There’s a popup in each area to be sure you’ve finished what you want to, as moving to either area progresses the story and quests, and some stuff you don’t do is left undone.

There’s a similar popup between Acts 2 and 3, though there’s only one way to go for that and once you do, you can’t fast travel back to anywhere in Acts 1 or 2.


The Mountain Pass is actually still Act 1, but you can get to Act 2 from there.


Ah, I was just tinkering with the elevator but instead went down to the forge. Good to know there is a check, because I feel I have much more still to do topside. I stumbled into the underdark one fateful night and thought I was there too early but I’d have a quick look around and then get back to what I was doing… Fast forward to today and I’ve been on many adventures in the deep, forgetting my life above. Fitting for A Drow I suppose

teft, avatar

The forge isn’t the elevator to act 2. The elevator to act 2 is near the waypoint by the boat in Grymforge. There are 2 or 3 duergar out front and one calls another Stick shit. They warn you before you go onto the elevator so you’ll know before you proceed to act 2.


Ah yeah that area, different elevator!

EmpathicVagrant, in I'm with them

Stamets posting BG3 memes? What is this, a crossover episode?

Stamets, avatar

You’ve been missing out buddy, I’ve been posting a bunch!


Oh I know, I’ve lurked here since I made it to act 3 but I’m feeling particularly low so today I’m trying to comment more! You’ve been feeding my meme addiction like you wouldn’t believe.

Stamets, avatar

That’s fair. Well I hope that today helps you feel a lot better! If you’re unfamiliar, might I introduce you with the Narrator outtakes from BG3?


Oh? Do share, that sounds fun

Stamets, avatar

Oh my word I needed this.

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