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Kecessa, in Oil draining over the hot exhaust? Sounds good guys, let's sign it off and start production!

All this mess could have been prevented with a little bit of cardboard between the drain and the exhaust, you realise that I hope.


Smoldering cardboard doesn’t sound like a good idea.


Good luck lighting cardboard on fire with an exhaust


All fire needs is heat, oxygen, and fuel. You’ve got all of that there.

The exhaust gets hot enough to burn off oil when it’s idling, so I’m sure it’s hot enough to burn cardboard.

I’m not going to risk it, the tinfoil idea sounds like the goer here.


Are you doing your oil change with the engine running or something?

No, it won’t make cardboard catch on fire, just like the oil on it won’t catch on fire if you left it there.


You don’t normally change oil with the engine running


I’m talking about the sparklers I’m using for illumination

ArcaneSlime, in HP insists you must use their cloud printing service, covers USB port with sticker

Fuck HP.

This post was brought to you by the Brother Laser Printer gang.

regular_human, avatar

Hell yeah, brother

victron, avatar

FUCK YEAH, I got one last month. Best printer I’ve ever had. No, I’m not being paid to say this. Fuck HP!


Bought a laser printer in early 2020 and am still on my first toner cartridge lol


Same lmao.


Ok am I taking crazy pills? I bought into the laser printer hype from reddit and got a Brother. And it’s a good printer and all, but my toner runs out just as often as the inkjet did! And I don’t print a lot, like maybe a page per week on average. Am I doing something wrong?


You have to be doing something wrong dude, that’s crazy


Definitely doing something wrong my dude. My cartridges last several reams of paper.


So the cartridge that came with my laser lasted a month of heavy printing and the off brand replacement is still going with daily use after a year or more.


What are you printing out? Photos of the night sky?

ElectroLisa, in Google deleted an open source app I love (install from F-Droid) for being "Fake" avatar

There was a similar thread where Play Protect blocked installation of Signal. As it turned out, said copy of Signal was indeed fake, as op downloaded it from F-Droid, where it’s not being distributed.

Maybe it’s the same case here?



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  • mundane,

    Then this is a KDE Connect issue. If they sign with different keys, they should use different app names (in the manifest, the visible name could still be the same). If two apps have the same identifier but are signed with different certs, Google is right to treat one of them as an impostor.

    ZzyzxRoad, in HP insists you must use their cloud printing service, covers USB port with sticker

    I guess I’m not understanding all the comments saying “why is anyone buying printers anymore? What do you need to print at home? Just buy a Brother or don’t buy one at all.”

    Do you really need to understand why someone wants or needs a printer? Do people need to be explaining their purchases so we can all decide if they deserve to get scammed by HP or not? It doesn’t matter why they bought it, whether it’s a want or a need, whether it’s the “right” brand, etc. They still don’t deserve to get scammed out of their money by some bullshit company that can brick their device whenever they feel like. If you pay for something, it should belong to you. Period.

    JossyBop, in please download our app to see all allergens

    Surely they can’t legally hide allergens?


    It’s not the manufacturer, it’s a 3rd party information aggregation site.


    This makes it better, still shit, but at least kinda acceptable. Just remove partially viewing the ingredients through web if this is how you handle it.

    Mr_Blott, in A light of wholesomeness shining in a bleak dystopian hellscape

    Who TF just leaves a printer on the street and just expects someone else to get rid of it for them?!


    I mean, if it’s a functional printer and they didn’t want it, that’s an easy way to give it to somebody else to use.


    The flyer says that it had to be fixed, so the first person just dumped their trash.


    Still, if it was fixable, better to hand it out if somebody may be able to fix it, which is seems is what happened.


    Sure, but most of the time the stuff that's dropped on the side of the road is just trash. Better to donate it somewhere for recycling.

    andy_wijaya_med, avatar

    Hahaha. In Germany many people put their not used anymore items just outside of their houses with signs: “to give away”. I’ve found furnitures, books, washing machine??? :D


    I’ve heard stories about people putting out old appliances and furniture out on the curb with a “free” sign. It sits out there for 4 weeks. Then they put out a sign that says “$20. inquire within” And an hour later it was stolen.


    That’s a 5head play, I’m using that next time I have trouble getting rid of something.


    it’s hardly stolen if it was free 1.5 hrs ago [yes i get the point of the story]

    andy_wijaya_med, avatar

    Lmao humans.


    Man macht das, ja. Why not? One man’s trash is another’s treasure.

    andy_wijaya_med, avatar

    That’s true. I did it too when I moved out from our apartment. We have things away serially, like every week days there would be new items, and I got “scolded” by another person living in the building. He/ she (suspect she’s a she) said that I am creating a trash problem in the apartment, and asked me to throw the things away after 24 hours of no one taking them. I discussed this with my wife and we decided not to throw the things away onl after 24 hours. We decided to throw them away after a week.


    I have trash in my bin thats need to be brought outside, could someone with treasure hunting habit come and take it pls?


    CR user here. One time we were taking some items out of my house in order to have them recycled for parts. I was taking out an old washing machine we had replaced some time ago, needing some major fixes to go back to usability… it had already been taken away by someone in the five minutes it took me to return back to the front of my house with another batch of things, and I couldn’t help to chuckle at the speed in which things got recycled in my neighborhood


    We have actual FB groups in many cities in my country where people tell others where there are skips usually accompanied with image. Even my own apartment building allows people to leave things they don’t need for other people to take. My rocking chair, hallway table, and a lot of other stuff were found in one of these ways. I think I have bought maybe 5 furniture pieces in my life, the rest are someone’s cast-offs although some could be classed as antiques. My dining table was my great grandma’s. People don’t really leave stuff at the curb here though.


    I live in a rural town and people put items like this in front of their homes all the time. I have fixed washers, dryers, etc and had things picked up. If it’s there on trash day it gets hauled off.

    Rhaedas, avatar

    That happens a lot here too. Except the trash part, if it's not in the trash or recycle container, it will still be there later. Anything large you have to take yourself to the community waste dump.


    Depending on your trash service you can leave larger items just sitting by the cans and they'll throw it in the truck.

    That's pretty standard in my area if you're on a route with the guys riding on the truck and not the robotic arm. Also even on the routes with the arm they'll have "large trash pickup" a couple times per year and a seperate "brush truck" after large storms or hurricanes.

    Anyway when you set items by the curb if someone wants them before trash pickup they'll take them. If it's metal at the very least a scrapper will take it.

    PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S, avatar

    My town has a “bulk pickup” day where they pick up large trash. Practically, that means that four days every year, there are literally thousands of free items available to take, so long as you beat the garbage collectors. One time I salvaged a whole-ass fridge from the trash. I’ve gotten so many valuable items from other people’s “garbage”.

    The city the image is from likely has a similar concept. It’s not at all surprising that someone threw out a perfectly good printer. If not, then they probably tacked a “free” sign on it and left it out for people to take with a tacit understanding that someone might still benefit from it.

    Now personally, I’m more of a “repair it until it explodes” kind of guy, but especially with printers and their intentional annoyingness I could understand others’ desire to just be done with the thing.


    It’s commonly understood, at least where I live in the States, that if you are getting rid of something that still works you can leave it out on the curb for somebody else to take for free, sometimes with a note saying “Free” but usually without it.

    When I was young and struggling I got most of my furniture that way. I still even have some of it


    Just beware what you grab this way as it’s a great way to spread bug infestations. A friend of mine kept having to deal with bed bugs and cockroaches in her apartment because a guy living down the hall liked to refurbish free furniture he found on the street and kept bringing new infestations in after they cleared out the last one.


    Oh I never grabbed anything with upholstery, just tables and wood chairs and so forth

    Fleppensteijn, avatar

    I got a working Playstation off the street, also some chairs, cupboards, a mirror and other stuff.

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    I grew up in a college town and the day after the students left, a huge number of people, myself included, would go to the part of town with all the frat houses and get all kinds of awesome stuff they left behind. We got a mini fridge and a bunch of wine coolers one year. My wife got a necklace she still wears 20 years later.


    I saw a desktop PC in front of someone’s house once


    In a city like the one in the picture, anything remotely usable you put out will be gone by the end of the day.


    It is sadly extremely common for people to dump their broken or other unwanted goods on the side of the road or a street corner. This is especially true for large items. People do it because they are either too lazy to dispose of them properly (taking them to the dump or scheduling bulk trash pickup) or too cheap to pay for it (you have to pay to dispose of trash at the dump and some places charge for bulk trash pickup).

    It's shitty, trashy behavior which taxpayers end up paying for because the city or county will have to send someone to dispose of the garbage.

    I wish people in my city would stop doing it. We've got transfer stations (the dump) strategically located throughout the city so that it's never that hard to get to one, and people still dump their trash on the side of the road.


    Some places do hard rubbish collection like that, often on specific dates or through prior organisation.

    capt_wolf, avatar

    The town I live in now has 2 bulk pickup days for heavy items, up to 5 items, a box of stuff counts as one. They usually don’t care if you go a little over either. Then theres the pickers, who go absolutely nuts right before. Antiquers fighting over furniture like dogs over a bone, metal scrappers, etc…

    Then theres my parent’s town, which will pick up whatever you leave as long as it isn’t hazardous. And if they won’t take it, you leave a sign that says “free” and someone else will!

    That’s how I built my first pc back in the 90s. I cobbled one together from pcs people junked in my old neighborhood.

    ChapolinColoradoNZ, in HP insists you must use their cloud printing service, covers USB port with sticker

    Best trick in the book is to download the Windows 7 version of the drivers or software package as it is all prior to this cloud BS. Install that in your windows 10 or 11 and it will all work as intended.

    LazaroFilm, avatar

    Best trick is to not buy HP.


    Obviously I meant to whom owns one though…

    LazaroFilm, avatar

    Best trick then it to trash it and buy a new printer. Done keep on sending them money for ink.

    GlitchyDigiBun, avatar

    I just learned how to manually install PCL5 from the “Professionals ONLY!” Section of their driver download page.


    Or just use linux with CUPS and you never have to let hp install spyware on your computer.


    Agreed but not everyone uses Linux. I do but not on every machine I own.



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  • TimeNaan,

    I’m not saying that you should do that as a solution to this one specific problem. I’m just pointing out there is a better way.


    I think you still need the proprietary drivers to use the scanner.


    I guess that’s probably true unfortunately. But official linux hp drivers are less annoying than their windows counterparts at least

    Kevnyon, in Paid for MS Excel out of the goodness of my heart so now I get this popup every 2 hours... avatar

    Shit like this is why I switched to OpenOffice and then LibreOffice all those years ago. LibreOffice is just as good for my personal purposes and I'm never going back to MS Office. Unless your work specifically requires something only Microsoft's product can do, I highly recommend LibreOffice, I use it every single day.


    I switched to OpenOffice, and hated it. But it was free, so i used it. Then tried Libre, it was better… But it will was not Microsoft office. Then years later i had to use Microsoft office for work (it was Alli was allowed to install on the work computers) and realized how much i enjoyed using Libre over Microsoft.

    whyNotSquirrel, avatar

    and if the work required it, THEY should pay for it

    ivanafterall, in HP insists you must use their cloud printing service, covers USB port with sticker avatar

    Terrible printer. Among the worst purchases I've ever made. Stunningly anti-customer design choices. I will never, ever buy another HP anything.


    HP is doomed, sadly. All our parents who slaved and sweated blood to build their wonderful tech, wasted, their lives pointlessly ruined. All thanks to the horrible directors and management of HP. If you know anybody who works for HP today, make sure to victimise, ostracise, belittle, denigrade and castigate and bully their entire families into submission. No mercy for these fuckers and destroyers of all that is decent.

    Appoxo, avatar

    As if any other conglomerate is any better. Just don’t buy the cheap bs and do your research before buying shit… >_>

    dan1101, in We are Verizon, we profited 77 billion dollars last year, we can't accept your emails because we are too busy avatar

    This was on a paper letter. They actually bothered to print [email protected] on their paper letter, as a final “fuck you.”


    They actually bothered to print [email protected] on their paper letter, as a final “fuck you.”

    Good lord! That’s absurd! LOL


    Yeah, at first I was like, “well, they probably have a separate receiving email, which is not that weird…” but on a paper letter?! Send them back an ad for fire insurance or something. (Not shredded paper, that can damage post office sorting equipment).

    edgarallenpwn, avatar

    Save 2 dollars a month if you sign up for e-statements!

    Norgur, in Raising your price for prime day

    Here in Germany, we once had a hardware store called "Praktiker" which advertised their regular 20%-Off-sales with the slogan "20% on everything except pet food" (the joke was that they didn't sell pet food).

    We once needed a very specific type of screw for an old Fender Amp and went to Praktiker when they didn't have their sale on, so we decided to come back when they resumed the sale again, which they did regularly. When we came back to the store, the screw would have been more expensive than before even with the "20% off" (which was a fucking lie). This opened my eyes to all black-friday-prime-day-whatever-day-sales from then on.

    queque31, in Ubisoft will delete your account if you haven't logged for some time (Even if you owned games in it) avatar

    Guess it’s time to pirate the games I legally own and bought 🤷

    grizzzlay, in A light of wholesomeness shining in a bleak dystopian hellscape

    Glad to see someone freed up the printer, but gosh I wish we could have open source printer firmware, like DD-WRT for routers.

    tallwookie, avatar

    it’d require that all OEM’s agree to specific standards and they won’t because being closed source = $$$.

    likewise why no one is reverse engineering printers, there’s no $$$ in it


    The demonic summoning ritual involved in bringing a printer to life is awfully hard to replicate using non-proprietary methods.


    I wonder how feasible an open source printer would be, like the open source 3d printers.


    Possible, but the tolerances would be a lot for people. Also, one would need a solid stream of supplies.


    Which is kinda funny if it’s easier to make a printer that can print objects vs a printer that can print on surfaces. Like it’s harder to draw a picture of an object than it is to create an instance of that object.


    The idea is pretty ironic. If one was patient enough, they could design a CAD machine that would write out their prints. I believe I had seen them before. The problems with that machine are speed and efficiency.


    3D print a plate with your document on it. Dip the plate in ink and press it to a sheet of paper.


    The latest update to the printing press: adding a 3d printer to print new plates, and a recycler to reuse that plastic once you’ve printed your page.

    Uses 10x the energy, recycled plastic gets junked because of ink contamination, but still 25% cheaper than running an hp inkjet because you can use bulk ink and don’t have to keep replacing your dried up CMY inks to stop it from refusing to print your black and white document.

    nottelling, in Oil draining over the hot exhaust? Sounds good guys, let's sign it off and start production!

    This is super common with motorcycles. The motor should be warm, but not ignite-the-oil hot during an oil change. Clean it up with some brake cleaner.

    Use a piece of aluminum foil to make a little drain to direct the oil over the exhaust.


    I know that’s a solution, but as a solution to bad design it’s a little bit “Just wear a rubber glove to stop your oven electrocuting you”. Yeah sure, but maybe design it better?


    Do you have any idea how much the manufacturer saved in not extending the pipe tho?

    Because I have no clue. Probably wurf rite

    nottelling, (edited )

    What they actually probably saved was needing to design a whole separate engine case for each bike in their lineup to match all their exhaust configurations.

    The idea of having a little pipe protruding out is a different kind of bad design. Things that poke out from engine cases tend to snag or get punched in during a crash, turning what would be some scrapes on the block into a completely totaled engine.


    A genuine question if you would like please, I know you meant warm oil for easy maneuvering (oil moves faster when warm/hot), but what about hot oil? Is it safe to change motorcycle oil after an hour or more ride when the oil might be toi hot?

    A co-worker of mine tried adding water to his car reservoir after he just stopped from a long ride, the water was near boiling point and it blowed up on him the moment he opened tha water reservoir (not sure that is the correct name). Can such a thing happens with oil exchange?


    Oil doesn’t expand and steam like water, so no that won’t happen, but hot oil leads to very nasty burns and can melt gloves onto your hands. Most bikes run the oil around 200 degrees. So no it isn’t safe to change hot oil. Don’t do that.


    And, specifically because oil doesn’t boil at those temperatures, it can be at much higher temperature than water can be as a liquid.

    We tend to have a mental model of how much damage water can do at its “max” temperature, because liquid water stops existing after a certain temp.

    But oil can be so much hotter than that, and still just be a liquid. It’s dangerous in that way, because while a drop of water at near boiling can only do so much damage but a drop of oil can be holding a lot more heat and hence cook a lot more of your flesh before it runs equalizes with the surroundings


    No, you should just idle the bike until the temp gauge comes up. Should definitely not be after a long ride.


    Foil is a great idea, I’ll use that next time.


    Plus people know you mean business when you’ve got some foil.

    Guy pulls over his car and brings out the the lug wrench, okay fine. He’s gonna change that tire. Let’s hope he doesn’t forget to chock the wheels, but he’s got the idea.

    But you see a dude pullin reynolds wrap out of his bags next to a motorcycle on the off-ramp, that’s a serious dude. That’s the kind of dude you give that dude a burger when he walks by. That’s all I’m sayin.


    … I’m going to start carrying foil with me.


    my man

    murtaza64, in Is This Even Legal?

    Regardless of if this is intentionally designed to be misleading, a stack of sliders is the wrong way to show portions of a whole. I wonder what a better way would be for the web? A single slider with multiple knobs? Or like a single stacked bar with draggable boundaries between sections? I bet you could accomplish that with multiple sliders and some CSS to make them look like a single thing

    MostlyBlindGamer, avatar

    Just checked the website. Your interpretation (and nine) was incorrect.

    The publishers and charities sliders and connected, so they split up a total between the two. The Humble slider is independent (or connected to a referral in a similar way).

    There should be some kind of separation here. I’d go so far as to say there should be a text explanation.

    The other issue is that they’re absolutely no indication that spiders can affect each other, when using a screen reader. There’s no feedback for a slider you’re not adjusting.


    Now you’ve got me wondering whether a client-side change would work to unlink the sliders and set them all independently. Could just be sending one value (the Humble slider’s position with the other two determined by splitting the remaining percentage) but if all three values are submitted and pass whatever validation takes place on the server, this could be fixable. No argument that it’s a shitty design though.

    MostlyBlindGamer, avatar

    You could check your browser’s dev tools network tab and inspect the request. There isn’t much “hacking” you can do here though. If you send a low enough total amount, you just won’t get the games. If you send a higher total amount, you’ll get charged for it. This interface comes before the checkout proper.

    It would still be interesting to get some insight on how this works though.

    JBloodthorn, avatar

    All 3 are connected. If you have Humble at minimum and lower one of the other 2, the humble slider increases along with the one you didn't slide. Keeping humble at minimum while fine tuning the other 2 is really fiddly.

    I set up a monthly donation to charity:water when IGN first added the sliders, before they lowered the humble minimum. It used to be 50%. So now a charity gets a bit more than I was donating through humble, and I spend roughly the same amount buying games elsewhere. I get a bit fewer games, but I play all the ones I buy. /shrug

    MostlyBlindGamer, avatar

    Sorry, kind missed this. Yeah, there’s some weird stuff going on.

    It’s more than fair to focus your perspective on Humble on how they deal with charity and move your resources elsewhere.

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