
That the UK and USA invaded Iraq to increase the cost of oil and artificially limit supply. Also, that we may be in a history simulation.


Haliburton and Raytheon. Cheney and Rumsfield.

Man I wish we still tarred and featherd people. If anyone ever deserved it it’s those two. Bush was just a useful idiot chosen because he was “a guy you could drink a beer with at a bar.”

Iraq having WMD was an intentional lie and you’ll pretty much never convince me otherwise (unless there’s irrefutable evidence of course lol)


We forced a weapons inspector into suicide to cover it too.

@LaunchesKayaks@lemmy.world avatar

Elaborate on the history simulation please. I’ve never heard of that one


So the hypothesis, not a theory as such, is that something happens that is devastating. Sometime in the future a new civilisation rises from the ashes, sets up super computers to figure out where itwent wrong, due to the passage of time, and to hope to avoid similar. The other history simulation idea is similar, but they’re trying to work out how Universes develop and we’re just a side effect, a blink of an eye to them. Both are tragic, one because if we announce ourselves as sentient byproducts they could switch us off; the other because we were always destined to die and fail.

@LaunchesKayaks@lemmy.world avatar

Holy shit. That’s interesting and grim

@maajmaaj@lemmy.world avatar

So I wanted more information on the history simulation too, this is the closest I could find within the limits of my attention span:


@EhList@lemmy.world avatar

GWB knew he could not undercut China on labor costs but if he could keep energy prices down the USA could compete with China on some parts of manufacturing.


Did we buy much oil from Iraq?


Point is you dont buy what you control. Iraqis still technically owned it, we just controlled the flow. Much like the Saudis do with OPEC.

whileloop, (edited )
@whileloop@lemmy.world avatar

Epstein didn’t kill himself.

9/11 wasn’t an inside job, but the American government did cover up their failures to prevent it.

I’ve heard some speculate that Al Qaeda had placed explosives or fuels inside the buildings in advance, suggesting that they had access to them days or weeks in advance. If true, I can absolutely see a campaign to cover up their failure to prevent it.


Epstein not killing himself is not a conspiracy theory unless you are elite pedobear who did it lol


I don’t think a sexual predator avoiding being held accountable for his crimes is that far fetched


except that the guards conveniently both fell asleep, and the camera malfunctioned all at the same time.


Sadly, general incompetence and buffoonery is far more widespread than you think.


Half the conspiracies about 9/11 are from people not having the basic understanding that they collapsed the building after the fact as a desperately needed safety precaution.

Like no shit they used demolitions tools capable of taking down steel. You can't leave it to fall on its own whenever that happens to be.


Especially not on lower Manhattan. I could maybe see a reason to let them fall down on their own, if they had been in the middle of a gigantic empty field, but never inside a city, fall the wrong way there and they can bring a couple of blocks down with them.


Are you talking about 7? Don’t remember if that was the building number, but the one that wasn’t hit? I assume you don’t mean the twin towers.


All the "jet fuel can't melt steel beams" nonsense like the fact that demolitions grade high-powered explosives being used is some conspiracy instead of the obviously necessary act to take when a skyscraper is damaged and no longer structurally sound.


I know this is kinda vain, but wouldn’t it be unconstitutional for the government to orchestrate things that killed its own people? It wouldn’t be the only time because I know the pentagon(?) was considering staging domestic terror attacks on US cities to justify invading Cuba (I can link the Johnny Harris video)


Just because it’s unconstitutional doesn’t stop the government from doing whatever it wants to its citizens if someone thinks they can justify/get away with it. Government entities have a long history of doing what they want regardless of what the Constitution says. Sherman’s March to the Sea, the interment of Japanese Americans, nuclear weapons testing in the Pacific Ocean, the Tuskegee Experiment, the MOVE bombing in Philadelphia, etc… The Constitution is just pieces of paper. Its power comes from those willing - and able - to enforce it.


Epstein isn’t even dead


Interesting theory. In order for this to work he’d need to mastermind the operation to fake his death. He would have to, at a minimum:

Obtain a suitable body and some kind of face mask based on his likeness.

Convince the two guards to malfunction the camera, move the newly acquired body into the cell and stage a suicide, then fall asleep.

Find a way to escape the prison, obtaining a suitable disguise to aid in the escape.

Grease the palms of the medical examiner to look the other way when the body is examined post-mortem. May also need to bribe other officials as well.

Obtain means to escape the country (probably the easiest part of this entire operation).

If he can’t go back to his Island, purchase another one. Perhaps get cosmetic surgery so he doesn’t obviously look like Epstein.

Keep a low profile for essentially the rest of his life.

boredtortoise, (edited )

Yeah. He has his blackmail and beneficieries so there’s a ton of powerful people to make that happen

Also there was the “wrong ears on the corpse!” situation.

I like theories which are plausible yet also stupid.


I believe the military is covering up something about UAPs. I doubt it’s aliens but they know or should know more than they admit.


Absolutely agreed here but I wouldn’t even consider that conspiracy, I think documents showing UAPs even admitted that. It being extraterrestrial would be the true WTF moment.

@Neato@kbin.social avatar

It's always just US spy craft, foreign spy craft, foreign craft of unknown purpose, weather balloons, weird atmospheric shit. Also: instrumentation fucking up/data corrupting. When you combine the instrumentation with any of the former, it doubles it.


I think it’s bogus and they’re using it to distract from something else, just like they used the culture war

@AtHeartEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

100% it’s bogus. They aren’t using it as a distraction for any specific thing. They are using it because qanon and Jan 6th scared the shit out of the government and this is a way to keep conspiracy theorists busy.

@skillissuer@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

some of the OG UFOs were in fact prototype B2, alien technology is just catchier story than (boring for most people) new warplanes


It’s the intersecting lasers making plasma thing they were working on, all the same physical properties and it’s probably what they were testing at that exercise where the tictac was filmed.

My guess is it half works but it impractical so they’re doing this poor cover up attempt to make China think it does work so they’ll invest r&d into it and waste resources, they used to do that to Russia all the time


After the Pandemics I believe nothing and trust noone.

This comedy-drama is all the proof I need that this world isn’t real.


It all started with Harambe. A series of events each more ridiculous than the last. At what point will they finally realize it’s all fake? Tune in next week for the next thrilling installment!


I don’t necessarily subscribe to this idea, but everything seems to ridiculous to me at this point. Idk how to explain it, but I feel like there was a big change in reality. Everything is so different than it used to be. Not sure if it’s just me aging and being more conscious of certain things, or if there was actually a change.

Things are off and idk how to explain it


There was a comment a few years ago, during the height of Trump and COVID, that basically said “You all remember when that Large Hadron Collider experiment went off and they said it was totally okay? You sure about that?”

I think it hits the same idea you’ve got. And I know this is crazy, but several years back (at a completely different time), I had the same feeling you’re describing. I woke up with the feeling like there’d been a switch thrown and now reality was on a different track


I’ve always toyed around with the idea that we are living in a simulation but it was just that — an idea.

But lately? Some days I feel like I’ve been asleep for weeks and haven’t woken up. Other days it feels like the world around me was generated by demand (dynamically) and all my memories were just implanted to fool me into thinking it’s all real.

I realize I probably sound like a real nutter by now, but when these feelings come up they’re fleeting and temporary so I don’t know what to think.

@mysoulishome@lemmy.world avatar

Not sure why you’re being downvoted. The thread asked for conspiracy theories…why come in and downvote peoples thoughts


Because you can leave Reddit, but it doesn’t mean that Reddit has left you… 😜

And while I appreciate the sympathies, worry not. I didn’t give a damn about votes there, I certainly won’t develop the interest for them here.


Because reality hurts normies, they still believe their votes count, there are rich benevolent daddies taking care of them and they merely a temporarily impoverished millionares


Votes do count, of course they do. (Depending on the country), but the problem is the industrialised propaganda machine consistently convincing people to vote against their own interests time and time again in order to protect the wealth, status, and motivations of the richest in society around the world.

They drum up news stories on culture war bullshit and pick scapegoats to direct anger towards. Immigration, LGBTQ+, Race, currently Trans people appear to be the popular target. They do this so we continue to direct anger at each other and not the people in charge.

If you can convince someone the reason they didn’t get a payrise, or are struggling during an economic crisis, is because of someone else, then nobody is going to be aiming at the few who are hoarding all of the wealth and building their own mini-empires.

Trickle down economics is the best lie ever told.


The world isn’t real, or we’re in some sort of low grade hell?

If we’re going all in, I’d lean towards the low-grade hell hypothesis.


I’m more about “we’re living in a make-pretend kind of illusoric construct, that is fragile and completely fake”. All this, the law, society, traditions, possibly our history and more, it’s all so manipulated that even the curators of this illusion no longer can tell how things are and were.


I don’t even think it matters whether or not Epstein killed himself. Because even if he did, there was too much incentive for those in power to build in the conditions to make it easy enough to happen. IRCC, he was on suicide watch. There had to be intentional negligence to allow the suicide to occur and it seems unlikely that no one attempted to tip the scale in favor of allowing it to happen.


I agree! I keep saying the same thing. I think he was allowed to kill himself. They put him on suicide watch as a suggestion to him. That way their hands are washed of him by his own hand.


Even if you ignore the rich and powerful, it still makes sense.

If you were the security officer at a facility that was holding a man who trafficked and molested dozens if not hundreds of children, you would probably strongly consider “accidentally” leaving his gate unlocked or taking away any suicide prevention measures.


Agreed! The broken bone in his neck is fairly common for hanging, especially when the person is older. I believe the real conspiracy is that they let him do it not that they did it to him.

@chemicalwonka@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

John McAfee is still alive


Only his malware legacy

@chemicalwonka@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

I’d like to believe that only his malware legacy remains alive.


A cabal runs the world. Every market becomes a monopoly or a cartel in the absence of regulatory forces. There’s no world police, therefore the Rothschilds, Carnegies, Mellons, etc. would have coordinated to divvy up territory and install puppet rulers. They’re not going to waste resources competing when they can cooperate. They stay out of the public eye so they don’t get targeted and don’t have to suffer the burdens of being famous.


The issue with this type of conspiracy is that it seems a little too optimistic. If there was a secret organisation with the power and cunning to control the entire world in secret, then you’d expect they’d do a better job of running the place. Right now, the economy is in shambles, there’s wars just about everywhere, and the planet is on fire. I doubt anyone who can put the world in a condition this bad could keep a secret from literally everyone.

@czech@kbin.social avatar

When the economy is in shambles they buy-up assets at a steep discount. Wars are big money-makers too. It looks like things are going great for them.


I’m not denying there are rich assholes who profit from disasters, but there’s no master plan. There’s no group with total control over the world. The vultures are pecking at the same carcass, but they definitely didn’t kill the beast. If they were strong enough to kill it, then why are they fighting each other over the scraps?

The conspiracy is a pipe-dream that there’s someone in control of a world constantly thrown into chaos. It’s a belief that the pilot is in control of the plane and this turbulence is just them having a bit of fun, even as the engines catch on fire. I’d love to be idealistic enough to believe this could be true, but I can feel the heat coming off of the engines and I can hear the pilot yelling at his co-pilot about who gets to fly.

czech, (edited )
@czech@kbin.social avatar

That may be, I'm just dismissing that "assets are cheap" is evidence that there is no cabal. I'm not sure who is fighting over the scraps- Rothschilds and Carnegies? I haven't heard of that.

I don't know about "pipe-dream". There are organizations we're aware of that literally control economic conditions of the world such as the Federal Reserve. Do you remember voting for anyone on the Fed board? They are appointed by presidents. We vote for a president in America- but we can decide between the rep-party backed candidate or the dem-party backed candidate. If you can't convince one party to support you there is literally 0 chance to win in a "first-past-the-post" electoral system. I see a system of "checks and balances" but not one that benefits us.

I think that your scenario is more likely (which to me, is that what we're seeing is just the outcome of deregulated capitalism) but I wouldn't fall out of my chair to find that strings are being intentionally pulled by the people who control the world to benefit themselves.


They’re living high on the hog and don’t care how the sheep are doing. In fact it’s better for them if the sheep are in disarray so they don’t have the energy to revolt. And as another commenter said, constant war and economic turmoil is good for them because they can buy up assets and war profiteer to stay in control of the lions share of the wealth. They could totally run the world so it’s a better place for everyone but then they wouldn’t get to stay in power and live on mega yachts. Or in their private bunkers if it comes to that.


The pentaverate. Don’t forget the Colonel.


Rothschilds are actually a fascinating family, almost none of the accusations thrown at them are born out in real history and a huge part of the stories are opposites - Alex Jones was yelling about them doing all the intentional slave trade, actually they lent the money to the British government to end it when all the other bankers refuse because they were outspoken campaigners against slavery.

Of course he’s an idiot even for right wing conspiracy theorists but the more reasonable anti Rothschild taking points all stem from the same pedigree, it’s like a snowball that’s kept rolling. I’m sure they’ve got plenty of corruption in their past and present but the idea of them as this super powerful evil elite just doesn’t really hold water.

Oh and I agree with your concept but rich people are too greedy to cooperate, they work together to fuck us over but they’d fuck each other over in a heartbeat


That’s interesting and good to know. Is there a good biography or show you’d recommend to read up on them?

I get your point about selfishness, but we still got the 5 Families mafia, and the cartels in Mexico. And the robber barons had to be taken down by the Sherman anti-trust act. Are the super rich above them somehow at a different level of selfishness? It may be true, that you have to be a sociopath at a higher level to be at the true top of the totem pole, that’s an interesting question. Unfortunately not something that’s easy to research for obvious reasons.


Yeah it’s a sorting problem, in capitalism every decision where it’s morality Vs profits the worst person gains more power. Take Microsoft as an example, they used immoral business practices because they were obsessed with creating monopolies while many of the company’s they famously destroyed were run by people who were tech obsessives and cared about making a better world.

I absolutely agree the super rich are conspiring to fuck over regular people, I also think being super rich is horrible for your mental health. Elon as a great example, so many of them end up lonely and isolated but also in the spotlight so they feel they have something to prove and the only thing they have is money so they use the to try and get the respect they’re desperate for - I think that’s why a lot of them turn heavily towards people that do worship their money.


It actually was a weather balloon




I think TalkingCat is referring to the Chinese balloons that were recently spotted floating over the USA and into Canada, I believe. The Chinese government said they were merely weather balloons.




The Chinese spy balloon from several weeks ago. I believe this one. Why would China send such a big, obvious thing to “spy”? They’ve got better ways.

@Soulgiver@lemmy.world avatar

That our entire existence and the world we live in -our so called reality- is being manipulated in every corner. Whether its historical, economical, entertainment wise, food, you name it.


That’s very broad. Do you mean by some force outside our universe, or actors inside, possibly on earth?


That honestly sounds like clinical paranoid delusions. I have a couple of bipolar friends who think this way.


my brother too. absolutely everything is part of an “agenda”.

including the fact the stars are fake and we live in a concave planet. for reasons he can’t articulate

@nexguy@lemmy.world avatar

If you mean this is being done by people I don’t think human people are nearly smart enough to do this without fucking up constantly and blowing their cover.


I believe there’s definitely some shady stuff going down with Coca cola. [For those interested] (conspiracies.net/coke-conspiracies-capitalism-fin…)

In addition to human rights abuses, there’s an entire other rabbit hole of conspiracy involving the drug trade, the DEA, the pharmaceutical industry, and foreign governments. Quite interesting!

I don’t know how to link properly

@radix@lemm.ee avatar

For linking, I think you just have to remove the space between ] and (

@DABDA@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t know how to link properly

Just need to remove the space between the [square bracket text] and (the parentheses text) – the rest of your syntax was correct

@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

Apologies for sort of weaseling out of a committed answer…but I do think the Dead Internet theory will be true at some point, and that we’re already on the way there. However, I don’t think it’s absolutely true right now.


Whoa, this is one I haven’t come across. What is it?


Basically the internet is made of primarily bot accounts interacting with each other and the majority of content online is not people interacting with people.

It’s a gross oversimplification of the theory, but I’m of the same mind. We’re getting really close to it.

@haych@lemmy.one avatar

So… Reddit


Is my Lemmy client busted or the parent comment is about Lee Harvey Oswald


I see dead internet theory

Might be your app (or it could be mine)


Yeah it looks good to me now. That was weird (bots are out to get me lol)

@magnor@lemmy.magnor.ovh avatar

The true conspiracy is always in the comments, friend.

@dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world avatar

Small specialized cases of this have already been happening for nigh-on decades at this point (yes, the internet really is that old).

This article from 2014 describes the process of automated arbitrage in some detail, which was already happening back then:


In summary, some web retailer somewhere runs a bot to buy an item from someone else, mark it up, and resell it. When poorly managed, a bot run by one vendor winds up trying to pull stock from a bot from other vendor doing the same thing, and then that vendor tries to the pull-and-markup scheme on the first vendor. The net result is both bots getting into an infinite circular markup loop trying to buy the same item (which doesn’t exist) from each other at an increasingly insane price. This only continues because no living person actually notices.


All your online interactions are with bots.

Brought to you by Carl’s Jr.


Why do you keep saying that?


Idiocracy reference


We half way there lol


I know, that the next part of the quote.


I love that someone explained unironically.


We’re definitely at the “self-digesting” phase of the internet. Content is regurgitated again and again based on what’s already there. Currently it’s only AI-assisted, mostly, but we’re on the way to autogenerated bullshit.


Ironically, this post is itself a repost.


Repost are not an indication of the Dead Internet as long as human beings do it. Regular people don’t expect each topic to only be brought up a single time ever. They want to add their opinion too.


I was responding to a comment about regurgitated content, though.

@whileloop@lemmy.world avatar

With the number of accounts being used to spread disinfo online, I’d say we’re watching it become true as we speak.


Google already seems more full of AI generated blogspam than ever

@whileloop@lemmy.world avatar

You may have also seen the article shared here on Lemmy earlier that mentioned someone was publishing ai-written novels and impersonating real authors to get sales. The dead internet is spreading offline!


Does this theory even need to be true for the impact to have a similar result? The algorithms are doing all the heavy lifting whether the content is human or AI. We already are incredibly manipulated by the information we are fed by algorithms, whether they are human or bot.

@Boozilla@lemmy.world avatar

You make a good point. I think the difference would be the measurement of real human engagement / interaction with the web. While both are very bleak, there’s a difference between humans consuming (and responding to) a bunch of bad bot-and-algorithm-generated content and bots just talking to each other while the humans are out of the equation entirely (watching passively, being completely lost in the noise, etc). I assume you and I are both human, for example. I know I’m splitting hairs here, but I guess you could say it’s the difference between a terminally ill patient and a dead one.


I believe the NRA is involved in money laundering for the Russian mob and Trump ran for office to do the same thing, launder money through donations and by paying for advertising for donations with dirty money and getting clean clean donations back.


A small part of me (not fully) thinks that COVID was a biological weapon that got out of hand from some pseudo dictator, there’s too many of them and they aren’t that bright/care to measure the consequences.

@Neato@kbin.social avatar

Came from a lab? Possible. But it doesn't really have the hallmarks of a bioweapon. It spreads way too rapidly. There's no functional antidote/vaccine/treatment. There's no preventives. It mutates waaaay too quickly. All things that remove control from the users. If you're going to bio-bomb a population, you definitely don't want major blowback.

@whileloop@lemmy.world avatar

I’d believe COVID was a bioweapon if the main suspect wasn’t also the country that was hurt most by COVID.

@dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world avatar

And also, if COVID was a bio “weapon” its efficacy was really crap considering that the majority of people still survived it, even without medical assistance.


Heh. Survived but at what cost? 10% infected are temporarily disabled, 2% permanently. Unless you design it for battlefield, quick death is not a priority. In the era of directed refugee streams used as bargaining card at best, weapons at worst it’s not hard to figure out, that disabling/incapacitating a part of population is a better long-term strat than going for decimation: you burden the social services and diminish the workforc. For the record: I DO NOT believe COVID was a weapon and I DO NOT believe it leaked from a bioweapon lab.

@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

I actually read a pretty funny theory that claimed it was a bioweapon designed to function like a naturally occurring disease.

The basis of the argument was that it was used to rapidly disrupt the global market which would cause many large international corporations’ stock value to drop, allowing China to buy out ownership of direct competitors or expand control for cheap.

In that sense, it would have been a perfect bioweapon because it absolves China of having manufactured it in a lab, and its rapid spread but low mortality did have the disruption effect that China wanted.

tbh though I’m still convinced it was just SARS’s cousin that probably mutated in a bat lol


China didn’t really benefit from Covid, so one would think that if that was their plan, they would have planned better.


Sounds feasible. What was the purpose of the wuhan lab again? It could clearly be a facade for bio weapon research

@skillissuer@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

chemical and biological weapons aren’t useful for modern military and this is the reason these were banned, not any ethical constraints acoup.blog/…/collections-why-dont-we-use-chemical…


QAnon was made up by Trumps entourage to deflect the accusations against him.


Nah the Trump fanbois would gladly do that work for free. They’re pretty communist like that


Yes, this is it. Most likely it was the South African guy who first said that someone had hijacked Q’s account that started it. He couldn’t admit he was behind the account or he’d expose and embarrass himself when CodeMonkey (Ron Watkins) took it from him. Then the Watkinses were behind it from then on.

The QAnon docu-series on HBO did an excellent job of showing that this is likely what happened. I’m super interested in that loony movement (as a spectator and worrier) and yet it still presented all kinds of details and info that I hadn’t known. Also, Will Sommer, author of * Trust the Plan: The Rise of QAnon and the Conspiracy That Unhinged America* and the hosts of the QAnon Anonymous podcast (also spectator and worriers) think this is the most likely answer and they collectively know more than almost anyone about the subject.

In the end, it was sort of an accident that it got so big and they just lucked into it.


The industrial revolution is an illusion created by 14:th century wizards.

@radix@lemm.ee avatar


Would you mind elaborating? I approach in good faith :)


No technology actually works, it is all a magical illusion. You may think a steam engine works with heated water and pressure; a computer with circuits and electrons; etc.; well, that is all gobbledygook, and what actually makes any of these things do things that occasionally seem useful is nothing but powerful illusion magic. If the assembly of mages decide to dispell the illusion, we’ll be back in the middle ages. For one thing, it seems they never really got the illusion to work quite right for printers.

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