@qwet@lemmy.world avatar

There is a cabal arranging to rebuild the US under fascism. I have no proofcicles or datacakes.

@dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, it’s called the GOP. The source is anyone with eyes, ears, and a functional brain.


it’s the heritage foundation, the plan is called project 2025 and it’s all out in the open at this point


I thought it was 2035?

Or am I mixing up the dates because it’s speculated that without a very blatant push to consolidate power at any cost, the GOP will almost certainly never win a national election and even become a longshot to get control of either House of Congress with their current ideology after 2035?

Idk. I for one would be pretty cool with another paradigm shift and the GOP flys way to the left and the already center right DNC takes up the mantle of being the conservative party again. Power is power after all right? If they really wanna be the kingmakers, this would be my fever dream.


Basically all the stuff black people and leftists learn about Reagan. I’m not sure if it’s even still a conspiracy theory but his campaign made a deal with Iran to not free the hostages until after Election Day. They funded Nicaraguan contras by allowing cocaine shipments to inner cities (which led directly to the crack epidemic). Iran-Contra is obviously all accepted history but all the context gets treated as conspiracy theories.

Gary Webb, the journalist that exposed the Reagan Admin - Nicaraguan Contra - crack cocaine thing, is one of those “committed suicide w/ multiple shots” assassinations where the official story is so sketchy, you wonder if they were sending a message to other nosy journalists about what they can get away with.


Dude if you haven’t read it, Dark Alliance is about the CIA’s cocaine contras and it’s pretty eye opening.


Uh I haven’t but isn’t that written by Gary Webb?


He also closed (rather than overhauling/updating) mental health facilities, dramatically increasing the homeless population.


I genuinely think they have a cult like belief that they need to fuck over poor people as much as possible to maintain a society in which they can be above the law, infinitely powerful and wealthy.

Everything they’re doing seems calculated to cause problems and ruin solutions.


We had a similar “suicide” over here in the 80s.

@blazera@kbin.social avatar

No plane hit Tower 7


…people think one did?

@blazera@kbin.social avatar

Tower 7 fell like the twin towers did. But it wasnt hit.


If I remember correctly, I read somewhere that the building 7 was connected to the towers underground. That might have dealt damage to the structure with the fires and impacts. I have no idea if that is why building 7 fell, but it was a theory.

@blazera@kbin.social avatar

Much of the debate around the twin towers falling was the effects of how hot jet fuel can burn and its effect on the steel structure, with engineers concluding while it wouldnt melt, it would weaken the already damaged structure enough for it to collapse.

But again, no planes hit Tower 7, there was no jet fuel, and no damaged structure, making it a skyscraper collapsing purely by fire, which has never happened in the history of skyscraper fires.


That’s because normally they’re seen to by firefighters, but this one was left to burn for about 7 hours (as its was empty and their efforts were obviously elsewhere)


Just the boring one: That all the exciting conspiracies (and other stuff like "culture wars") are there to distract from the banal reality of most people and the world being exploited by a few selfish assholes.


Seems pertinent that US politicians suddenly mentioned a totally reliable account about possible aliens just as people’s unrest over their cost of living and the excesses of the wealthy has been rising.


Exactly. It struck me that they must be diverting attention from something when they came out with the alien stuff


And talks of cuts to military spending at a time when people dont want to get involved in a new European war…


You don’t need a shadowy conspiracy when you make it legal to bribe politicians and write the laws for them. It’s all done out in the open. Regulators and board rooms have revolving doors for the same few people, and they all make insanely disgusting amounts of money while the rest of us suffer.


I'm not saying a few people fucking over the rest is a conspiracy theory.

I'm saying that all those conspiracy theories people love to discuss are pushed to capture the attention of those people and have them think they're involved in something important and spend all their energy on that, so the assholes can keep on fucking them over without much resistance.


It’s interesting that the big “revelations” of conspiracy are things we jokingly referenced and always kind of knew:

Movie executives forcing women to sleep with them or be sexually assaulted to be able to work in the industry.

The catholic church sexually abusing children and covering it up.

Buying votes and Supreme Court judgements.

So what are we joking about now but not doing anything about? Russia owning an entire political party through blackmail? The Left is indoctrinating and grooming kids into thinking that their assigned-at-birth gender might not be their real gender and that non-heterosexual and nonmonogamous relationships are as legitimate as those Ordained By God and that pregnancy planning, prevention, and terminating is a women’s health care issue between them and their doctor and nobody else (I mean… yeah. I guess that conspiracy is openly true and not really a conspiracy but an openly stated goal, and not that we should be trying to prevent or stop it).


I believe there’s definitely some shady stuff going down with Coca cola. [For those interested] (conspiracies.net/coke-conspiracies-capitalism-fin…)

In addition to human rights abuses, there’s an entire other rabbit hole of conspiracy involving the drug trade, the DEA, the pharmaceutical industry, and foreign governments. Quite interesting!

I don’t know how to link properly

@radix@lemm.ee avatar

For linking, I think you just have to remove the space between ] and (

@DABDA@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t know how to link properly

Just need to remove the space between the [square bracket text] and (the parentheses text) – the rest of your syntax was correct

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

That trump is carefully placed and chosen distraction. He was allowed to run as republican so that they could use him as a screen to hide their real plans.

I can’t honestly say I really believe it, not when the rest of it is thrown in, but that part I kinda, sorta think has merit.

The rest of the crazy is that he’s not only a plant, but that the ties to Russia, the convenient invasion of Ukraine, and the sudden leap to the proxy war going on their now (rather than when Russia first started fucking around there years ago) is all part of a plan by the military industrial complex to rise to cold war era riches again, with a long laundry list of companies like Halliburton.

This is not a conspiracy theory I’ve seen on the internet (not yet anyway). It’s one I’ve heard floating around at the shooting range I use that’s lgbtq+ friendly. Which only matters because that’s why I never expected to hear a conspiracy theory there of all places. I mean, a shooting range that’s almost exclusively used by people a bit further left than Bernie Sanders and the local pink pistols group, and a local lgbtq+ shooting group unaffiliated with the pink pistols.

Like, people don’t even discuss politics other than gun politics there usually. But the last three or four times I’ve been this year, there’s a little clique that’s been talking about it. I know them, and the is the first I’ve ever heard them get into this kind of thinking.

But that’s the least bullshit “conspiracy” that I’ve heard that wasn’t more of just a secret. Like, mk ultra shit where it isn’t really a conspiracy, it was classified, and there’s a difference between them.


I honestly believed trump was a democrat plant to guarantee Hillary one.

They're going to reveal the whole trump presidency was fake any minute now.

Right guys? Please?


It could make sense when compared to Brexit. The brexit referendum was supposed to be a 4D chess move from less insane Tories to shut down the new populist party and more radical conservatives. Instead we got shady meddling, “leave” won and they were actually forced to do it and shoot their both feet with a cannon.

Maybe the established powers in the US wanted to use Trump to channel extremism into him and have him lose to get rid of the sentiments. Instead some shady meddling happened etc.


Instead some shady meddling happened etc.


@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

That would have been hilarious. Or hillaryious, I guess.

Sure as hell, nobody I knew (even the die hard republicans) thought he had a chance in hell at the time.

@Alto@kbin.social avatar

I maintain that his initial announcement of his candidacy was more a publicity stunt than anything else.

Then he realized he could actually win


Kinda related to this, but we know prior to the 2016 Russia hacked the DNC emails and only really released info about them talking shit on/working against Bernie (potentially the most damaging info/most helpful to get Trump elected).

We also know that they hacked the RNC, but didnt release any info from it. And we also know the NRA was receiving Russian funds and then donating to Trump and other Republicans.

So it isnt far fetched to believe that between the carrot of campaign donations and the stick of leaking sensitive RNC emails Russia was attempting to force the RNC to force a potential Russian asset in power to cripple/break up NATO to continue Russia’s expansion into Western Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa.

Imagine the lack of support given the invasion of Ukraine if Trump were president. If anything Trump would jump on recognizing the gains as Russian territory.


Was there a massive behind-the-scenes NWO plan between billionnaires, old aristocracy and top politicians to fuck up the world, reduce population etc? No, the world ran its natural, chaotic course for most of history.

Is there this kind of conspiracy now?


In 2023 it is not possible to have any influence and not be aware of the climate disaster. Anyone who does have big influence and does not act to mitigate warming and its consequences is doing it willingly and with full conscience. Doubly so if they act to worsen the situation. It’s almost like the elites read some of the crackhead theories and thought “hey, this is actually a decent plan!”


I’d put the cutoff between the “natural” history and emerging NWO around 1995. From whatever little I know the Clinton administration wanted to seriously tackle climate change and use it to reestablish the US as global leader in some regards. In 1992 the first attempt at global climate treaty was sabotaged by big business lobby and it kinda went downhill from there.


One of the first things Reagan did when he took office was take down the solar panels from the White House that Jimmy Carter had put up there.

@Treevan@aussie.zone avatar

fascinating, and also good to have it all in one place.

the subtle bitcoin shill at the end is a cherry on top.

No doubt some bullshit happened in economic policies and capitalist influence, oil crises had their hand, but 1971 is conveniently 26 years after the end of WW2. Which means the boomers entered the job market and society for real.


The Powell Memo was written in 1971.


It might feel almost like that but there’s no conspiracy, just power doing what only power can: protecting itself. These people have billions tied up in fossil fuels; oil wells and coal mines but also the products which rely on them. Tesla is only profitable because it sells its carbon credits to carbon-reliant manufacturers.

None of these people would exactly be left in dire straits if we stopped using carbon fuels tomorrow. But they would lose most of their wealth and thus most of their power.

There are undoubtedly small-scale conspiracies, such as various oil companies covering up what they knew about global warming decades ago, or misleading accounts of emissions. But there is no grand (explicit) conspiracy, just tips and tricks and extremely rich people refusing to become merely rich. Even if it means planning escape bunkers and working out how to control the servants they will need to take with them when their money means nothing any more.


Yes. And they know protecting themselves means destroying lives of billions so they need to make sure the billions won’t go after them. And since the masses are also aware of the situation it means at least short-term planning against the people. This requires at least basic coordination between interest groups and gradual capturing of whatever means of power are still left for the masses. Then they figure out how easy it is to wield even more power and off we go to the land of the tin foil headwear.


Id say we repalce millionares, politicians and all of the leadership with A.I. Im convinced that it will pretty much save us from ourselves, or at least from ashole leadership since they are not capable of making decisions for the greater good, specially when it comes to inequality and global warming. Democracy is a lie, we are playing a videogame and we are the little brother with an unpluged controler being made to think that we are playing, but we are not and the controller is just so that we dont riot.


AI simply reproduces the world it has obtained all its content from. It’s not intelligent in any way, shape or form. It’s a system perpetuator and it’s not going to save you.


But we are close, and it could probably do a better job than the leadership that we have right now if we feed it with the right data. But when i mean A.I. i dont mean language models or machine learning, I mean the singularity type thing that can get better and realize when its failing so that it can correct it and itself.


We’re not close at all. It’s good at some well-defined tasks, that’s all. It is not intelligent, it cannot think, it is not capable of ruling the world and neither should we want it to. “Hey, here’s all the fucking terrible decisions humans have made in the past, copy them.”

icepuncher69, (edited )

I say that we should feed it diferent data and tune its performance before we set it out, of course we are not gonna put chat gpt as it is as the president and pray, of course not, and yes its not inteligent, neither are our leaders, but it would be able to control logistics amd enforce a judiciary system in a fair way . I think that you are simply not open to that idea and i respect that since there are a lot of risks to the A.I. thing, like it going full skynet on us, but imho it shouldnt do that unless we explicitly program it to destroy all humans, and you cant denny that the cycle of corruption with human leadership is just gonna continue no matter what system or people we put on the kings throne, and given time it will always fail or default into tyrany and fascism. Communism is unacheabable, they never get past the dictatorship part, democracy (even if voting actually did something) ends up defaulting into a popularity contest and the masses in all honestly can be terribly wrong be it by willingly having bad hatefull takes or by being manipulated, and i think i really shouldnt explain why tyrany or fascism are wrong, and anarchic comunities work only in a very small scale like tribes or small villages and even then they are usually reigned by religious believes and traditions. You could have something going with social democracies, but the problem of corruption is always present, and it suffers the same problem as democracies. The only thing that might work is the warhamer thing with the god emperor, (stick with me, im serious on this one) in like the golden age of humanity, since by ourselves we are never acheaving unity, we would need an all powerfull figure to trully unite us all, and since we dont have magical psichic neandertals, and religion is a no go, id say that an omnipresesnt benevolent, A.I. is the next best thing.




If you dont wanna keep this up then just dont answer, this shit is like 2 days old, move on ffs.


Convenient slight of hand to also blame the Jews and other minorities in the hope we don’t look to closely to where all the real power is.



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  • UnD3Rgr0uNDCL0wN,

    I have arthritis in my hands for a start. Secondly belittling another over spelling and grammar when everyone around the world is educated differently has no baring on their actual intellect. Either listen to the messenger or dont.



  • Loading...
  • UnD3Rgr0uNDCL0wN,


    There are different English spellings around the world. Are you an American? Do you spell it “color”? Other places spell it with a “u”


    QAnon was made up by Trumps entourage to deflect the accusations against him.


    Nah the Trump fanbois would gladly do that work for free. They’re pretty communist like that


    Yes, this is it. Most likely it was the South African guy who first said that someone had hijacked Q’s account that started it. He couldn’t admit he was behind the account or he’d expose and embarrass himself when CodeMonkey (Ron Watkins) took it from him. Then the Watkinses were behind it from then on.

    The QAnon docu-series on HBO did an excellent job of showing that this is likely what happened. I’m super interested in that loony movement (as a spectator and worrier) and yet it still presented all kinds of details and info that I hadn’t known. Also, Will Sommer, author of * Trust the Plan: The Rise of QAnon and the Conspiracy That Unhinged America* and the hosts of the QAnon Anonymous podcast (also spectator and worriers) think this is the most likely answer and they collectively know more than almost anyone about the subject.

    In the end, it was sort of an accident that it got so big and they just lucked into it.

    @A_A@lemmy.world avatar

    Trump conspired against the USA.


    Conspiracies require more than one actor. Who are the others? Otherwise, he’s just a bloated orange painted Cheeto with objectively tiny hands committing crimes.


    His lawyers, some of his staff in the white house and kid rock


    Probably Roger Stone too


    Not sure if you’ve followed just the “alternate” electors plot, but that alone is pretty conspiratorial.

    @radix@lemmy.world avatar

    He was literally indicted (in part) for conspiracy. There are easily findable legal documents that list all the others.


    Do your research on the case and the answers will be very obvious.


    Fact. Not a theory.

    @A_A@lemmy.world avatar

    in the United States of America you would be innocent until proven guilty. Yet, I believe he is guilty. And, to answer not only your question but also our friends here :
    i search this …

    2023 Aug. 3, Trump pleaded not guilty to three counts of conspiracy and one count of obstruction, all related to the Jan. 6 insurrection. (many sources easy to find).

    Finally, I also believe he should be found guilty in many other such cases.

    @EhList@lemmy.world avatar

    During the Trump administration the DoJ successfully prosecuted a few people in his campaign for collaborating with Russians. They were later pardoned by Trump.

    @A_A@lemmy.world avatar

    Yes ! Thanks for reminding me - - this is so telling.
    So very clear for us and yet some conservative sees nothing. What a shame.


    Because patriotism was always only a tool to let them attack their fellow Americans, when Putin offers a better way of attacking liberals and progressives they’ll happily support Russia.


    His son in law took money from them too.


    Which time?


    I agree. I think that he knew that Russia was going to attack Ukraine. (It is weird how trump got involved with Zelensky during that infamous phone call.)

    Trump tried to get us (US) out of NATO so bad because then we would be free to use our military power in favor of Russia against Ukraine.


    Trump being on the ruzzian payroll is not a secret. He’s a puppet.

    When he was elected (with the help of russia), he was brougt into a dark smoke filled room that smelled like sigarettes and cheap vodka, with a dosen men was sitting behind their desks. He couldn’t see any faces. No words said before Trump said: “what’s my agenda?”


    What I wouldn’t do to have the transcripts of his private conversation with Putin that only one other US personnel, the interpreter, was allowed to attend. Just Putin, Trump, and the translator. No one else was allowed in other than Putins translator.

    Try to tell me Putin wasn’t giving orders or giving information to Trump that he expected Trump to use in Putins favor…



    I suspect that Trump’s taking national classified documents included these documents. Trump classified these with the highest of secret classifications at the time to hide them, and he did not dare leave them for Biden to get his hands on.

    If Biden’s administration could still could get these transcripts, they could have been redacted to take out the sensitive parts and been declassified. We are likely to not have all the secret documents that Trump took, still.


    I can’t see a situation where the US would have actively supported Russia, but it’s 100% believable that our support for Ukraine would be significantly muted if Trump were still president. And this would almost certainly also translate into reduced support from the rest of NATO.


    I do not think that Putin would let Trump have that information. Trump would blab it, and Putin knows that he would.

    Convincing Trump that America should realign with Russia to take down China (and Europe) a few notches is more likely. That was obvious when the Republican Party changed their platform concerning Russia back in the 2016 election. Putin still was being fed a bunch of BS by his intelligence agencies and thought that his little green men could again take over another small satellite country. If America had not started helping with training Ukrainians to defend their country, that would have been the outcome. Simply refusing to aid Ukraine would have been enough. Even our intelligence thought that Russia was a major military power at the time.


    What did he give North Korea for them to step back?

    @khannie@lemmy.world avatar

    We’re either alone as an intelligent species in this galaxy or the great filter is true


    Even with our current level of technology which has gone from first flight to landing on the moon in just 66 years we could colonize the entire galaxy in 200 million years which is a blink of an eye.

    I think life is common but humans are special or we’re fucked.


    Or maybe there’s a bunch of civilizations that are currently 10 million years into their timeline and just haven’t reached us yet!


    I like the theory that we’re a precocious intelligent species. Like, although the universe is 13 whatever billion years old it takes a few cycles of suns going supernova to disperse the heavier elements to the point where a planet can form that will sustain complex life. Maybe the Earth is one of the first set of planets suitable for intelligent life to develop on, and although the Earth is 4.5 billion years old and there has been life on it for 3.7 billion years there has maybe only been multicellular life for about 500-600 million years. It took hundreds of millions of years for an intelligent species to arise once there was complex life and maybe even that was lucky, who’s to say it doesn’t “usually” take a couple billion years.

    On top of all that, the universe is expected to continue forming new stars for another trillion years, so yeah, maybe we are one of the first civilizations at the dawn of the universe.

    DragonTypeWyvern, (edited )

    It’s even more than that.

    Imagine a dinosaur species was sapient, what do they use to fuel their industrial revolution? There might have a few scatterings of oil reserves but most of the fossil fuels we have were created at the end of their era. They’d have to jump from water power to nuclear.

    We are in an incredible accident of timing and opportunity, and we’re wasting the convergence of eons on a few centuries.


    Good point! I’m just gonna riff on some of this for a bit cause it’s fascinating. A sapient lifeform arising is not enough to guarantee a technologically advanced civilization. It blows my mind that there were stone tool making hominins over 3 millions years ago, well before the first human species. And the type of stone tools made by early humans didn’t change for a million years. We take it for granted that technology inexorably progresses but does it even? A million years of basically the same technology. And then like you said, how many of our advances were dependent on external factors like the formation of oil, or domesticatable food animals, farmable plants, WOOD ffs, and on and on really.

    And our species went through a population bottleneck at some point, homo sapiens have a strikingly low genetic diversity compared to many other animal species, some theories suggest there were only 2000 of us as recently as 75,000 years ago. We almost went extinct, and all the other homo species did go extinct, before even making it out of the stone age.

    Also, jumping back to the formation of the Earth, a lot of assumptions about alien life developing rests on how many other “Earths” there must be but there is something possibly unusual about our planet. Our moon. Not just that we have a moon but that it was likely formed by a collision with a Mars sized proto-planet called Theia. We ended up with a moon larger than a planet our size should have. The collision also caused the Earth to tilt on its axis. So at a minimum without that collision we wouldn’t have tides or seasons which seem like pretty important factors in spurring adaptations in life on Earth. Just having the extra mass helps Earth hold onto its atmosphere. Other effects of the Theia collision may include more water on Earth, more iron and other heavy elements, and more active plate tectonics/volcanism.

    It’s late and I’m not sure that last part makes sense after a couple rewrites but yeah, incredible accident and convergence of eons and whatnot for sure. Cheers.


    It blows my mind that there were stone tool making hominins over 3 millions years ago, well before the first human species.

    Just thinking about this point for a second is really mind-blowing especially when you think about it with the added context that up until about 200-300 years ago, human technology levels were probably closer to the stone-tool wielders than it is to modern humans in an EV listening to music through a smartphone and navigating by a global satellite system.


    Ooh that’d be a close call. Maybe though. I could see an argument at least. But at the same time… the 3 mya stone tool users were arguably closer to chimpanzees than modern humans, closest common ancestor being 6-8 mya. They probably couldn’t make fire, didn’t have language or clothes or make structures to live in. Even late stone age peoples were so much more advanced than that.

    The agricultural revolution starting about 10,000 years ago would maybe be where I’d put the dividing point. Or bronze age 3,000 years ago?

    But that might be underselling how much progress we’ve made since the start of the industrial revolution. I don’t know, interesting to consider though.


    About the rare huge-moon part - there’s been a recent discovery of a pair of young, still-forming exoplanets sharing the same orbit in a young star system - “PDS 70”; one protoplanet is in the L4 or L5 “Trojan” LaGrange point of the bigger one. Physicists reckon Theia may well have formed in one of Earth’s Trojan points, before being perturbed out onto a collision course by a third planet (thanks Jupiter)

    So. While the planetary-collision-forming-a-huge-moon idea sure sounds wild, it might not be incredibly rare. Maybe.

    We’re still at the very early stage of knowing what is normal for solar systems.


    Neat! Plug that into the Drake equation. Problem is everything in there is pretty much guesswork and estimates of the number of intelligent lifeforms capable of interstellar communication in our galaxy vary between 1 and like, 100 million.

    I think that if it happened once it’s bound to have happened many times but then where’s the party at? Hopefully we are just early, maybe we can still be the host at least.


    we could colonize the entire galaxy in 200 million years

    This is just extrapolating based on math, while ignoring the reality of the actual situation.

    Even if we have an amazing breakthrough tomorrow, the reality of interstellar colonization is that you would necessarily be creating two different species by doing so. They would have very little reason to cooperate after a relatively short time. Space is huge, y’all. Communication would be cumbersome at first, and rapidly get worse as the two different species diverged, first culturally, then physically.

    And that’s even assuming that we would do it. You’re basically asking a large group of people to sacrifice enormously for, at best, a marginal benefit. We can’t even convince people to stop burning coal, and that’s for our own enormous benifit.


    Smack a religion on it and you’re good to go


    Oh boy oh boy, here I go, schisming again!


    I get your point but it’s only marginal benefit for our limited immediate perspective. Even if we stop actively destroying our planet, we are still at risk of catching a stray asteroid and that would be it for our whole civilization and most of life. We really need to learn better self-preservation at an interstellar scale.


    I don’t think we even understand the impact quantum computing will have on science over the next 100 years, much less what new discoveries we may make in the next 1,000 or 10,000 years. Also, I don’t think interstellar travel will necessarily look like what you think it will look like. We might not be flying huge man-made ships through space, but asteroids, or planets, or solar systems instead.


    In Frank Herbert’s Dune books they get around that with eugenics. Which is both a solution and terrifying.


    Yea, we’re talking about sending people out on trips that could last for hundreds/thousands of years, with no way to provide support or backup if anything goes wrong along the way, to go to other planets that may not even be habitable when they get there. We don’t know if there’s any other sort of faster-than-light travel even possible, so there very well may not be any space travel shortcuts. Chances are “the great filter” is just the astronomical distances between everything and so all life eventually figures out it’s better to just stay home. If anything, maybe the best we can hope for is to convert all the mass in our solar system into a Dyson sphere and just wait out our Sun for a few billion years, that may be more realistic than travel to another star system (maybe slightly less impossible).


    And if you pick up a dime on the sidewalk and it takes a second, you’re making $8640 a day bro!


    I reckon 99% of biomass in the Universe has to be microbial and viral. Its the most successful life on Earth and lives everywhere pretty much. Looking for that 1% is going to be hard. SETI say the galaxy is like our ocean, but we’ve only sampled a small glass.


    There is no filter, other forms of life are already here. UAPs are real and confirmed by the US government and military personnel.

    People just can’t accept it. We aren’t special and we never were.


    UAPs could be anything, we have no idea what. No evidence was presented that they are aliens, and the ex-intelligence guy who claimed that they are aliens also believes the Vatican is involved in the cover up, not exactly credible.


    How is that a conspiracy theory? Surely that’s philosophy/science extrapolation.

    Whenever this comes up I remember the story of someone going to the Amazon and asking a tribe how to communicate long distances. Like future sci fi technology. They used drums to communicate so all they could come up with was really big drums that can go further than their current ones.

    If they were looking for intelligent life they couldn’t even imagine radio waves nevermind understand it or search for it.


    We feel alone, but that’s because all other intelligent life is staying away.

    Nobody wants to meet meat.


    Industries are making bad products on purpose to weed out consumers with standards, therefore breeding a crop of consumers that exist only to give their money to them if they ask.


    That is exactly why Shein and Temu exist as far as I can tell.


    I have no clue what temu even is, like what is it and how is it different than other sites?


    Pound shop crap direct from the manufacturer


    Yeah, it’s stuff that shitty shops like Woolworths used to sell for £9.99 but it’s £1 with postage included now and straight from the source.

    You can get some total rubbish and you can get some generically shit stuff that’s as good as anything else in the shops, there’s great stuff too compared to other options but it’s hard to find.

    Quality is generally better for things designed for the Chinese market, they just sell overstock cheap where as the made for export is made to be cheap.

    Really quality isn’t a huge issue in manufacturing for a lot of things because everything is well within basic tolerances of the machines, is it’s just a few bits of plastic and a PCB then they’re going to come out the same from anywhere

    @charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

    From what I can see it’s the new Wish


    It’s not different than other sites. It’s exactly the same as Wish or Ali Express. Extremely cheaply made goods that will probably give you lead poisoning with enough use.

    @Ullallulloo@civilloquy.com avatar

    It’s basically the same as AliExpress or Wish but with the junk being warehoused in the US instead of China. So you can get your junk in like a week instead of a couple months.


    I’m seeing ads for this constantly on YouTube. Might finally go to vanced.


    This is like the physical product version of the Nigerian prince scam - have something so shit that the only people who engage with you are idiots.


    That’s just unregulated capitalism.


    Is it a conspiracy theory if it’s damn near verifiably true?


    Can you clarify a bit?

    Do you mean that they are trying to identify, corral, and market heavily to these low-standards consumers so as not to waste their time with the rest (analogous to email scams)?

    Or more that they are progressively beating down our collective level of standard so as to make the cheap crap more broadly palatable?

    I don’t necessarily disagree with either, but they are pretty different, so just curious which direction you are going.


    A secret service agent fired the kill shot at JFK when he fell forward in a moving vehicle.


    I take it further in my belief that it was entirely accidental.

    @JusticeForPorygon@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    Imagine being the guy that has to carry the fact that they accidentally killed the youngest president in US history


    What’s the significance of falling forward in a moving vehicle?

    An argument to convince people whose physics knowledge stops before Galileo?


    He forgot to mention that the theory is that it happened on accident. Thus he fell forward, causing him to misfire


    As in accidental discharge when losing balance.


    Watch a 2 part video about his assassination, this theory is complete bs


    It was believed by a gun / ballistics expert who was the only person to complete the Oswald shot challenge in the time the shots were fired (I know, appeal to authority). It would also explain why there would be a coverup, as it would be deeply embarrassing during cold war times.

    What’s your theory?


    This theory is complete bollocs and ridiculous. There is not a single witness who saw this happen. Almost all heard the shots coming from the book depository, not two from there and one from the limo. The shot that killed JFK was vastly different from one that would be fired from an AR-16. Furthermore, this person who, according to this theory “shot kennedy” testified, that they were long in the overpass when he reached for his gun. Also it is PROVEN that oswald fired 3 shots, by 3 shell casings and massive amount of witness testimony.

    Not to mention the fact that he wasn’t the only one to complete the oswald shot challenge. His shots were easy to reproduce, by anyone who would try it.

    Finally, there wasnt a coverup, if any sort. Unless you think a massive report is a coverup, then i can’t help you.

    My theory is that Oswald acted alone, fired 3 shots and killed JFK


    Interesting. I was just going off of something I heard on a podcast, which I know isn’t necessarily authoritative. I don’t think we’ll ever know for sure, so it’s not terribly interesting to me and I don’t bother with the topic much.


    Thing is, we do know for sure. This is not a thing that is really debatable, the data only leads to one conclusion.


    I don’t feel 100% on the data or that the data is complete. Either way, it ultimately doesn’t affect me so it’s fine that I don’t know how much I trust it.


    IIRC there is a diary entry of the agent that has been cited as evidence.


    What was the substance of the entry, as best that you can recall?


    Good question. It was on a Channel 4 or 5 docu over here in the UK. I think it was generic, that he’d done something terrible due to a hangover or something. Bare in mind I saw it about 10 years back.


    Oswald shot JFK … but he was aiming for John Connally, against whom he had a grudge because he believed Connally had blocked Oswald’s request to have his dishonorable discharge expunged after he returned from the Soviet Union.


    We’re really hot right now because the earth is trying to kill us. It got a taste of peace during COVID and wants more.


    I agree with the first point. Using our human bodies as an example when we get infected. It gets really warm. It’s usually a technique used to kill bacteria among other defenses.

    I don’t personally believe it’s some kind of “I got my peace for a brief moment and want more” thing. I just believe that we ramped up production after the COVID “recovery” period and we went back to business as usual at a rapid rate.


    Have you heard of the Gaia Hypothesis?


    Great movie


    Brief search - we’re fucking with homeostasis?


    Absolutely true, although imo not necessarily as a conscious choice. It’s simply earth’s feedback systems. We cram all kinds of animals together and accidentally breed highly contagious viruses, which come back to bite us in the ass. We destroy biodiversity and now people in certain parts of the world have to manually pollinate crops, because the insects all died. Etc.

    If all goes well, earth will find a balance again that still favours life (possibly not human life). If not, earth might end up like Venus. Not a big deal for earth, but a bit of shame of all this life we currently see here.


    I get where you’re coming from, but rather than the “earth trying to kill us”, we are causing the earth to kill us through our own selfishness, willful ignorance and greed.

    @1984@lemmy.today avatar

    9/11 was a huge conspiracy and one of the easiest to see through in my opinion.


    I don’t see the US government perpetrating the attack. I could see the US government getting good evidence it was going to happen, and just… letting it happen.

    The former requires a whole bunch of people involved that would need to keep their mouth shut about the things they did. The latter can be completed by simply not doing anything (someone in charge saying someone else will look into it, treat it like a hoax, or just file it somewhere and otherwise do nothing). If they wanted some major attack to go through, a couple loyal (to the agency) sociopaths people already used to working in highly confidential operations could drop some suggestions and assistance into a terrorist cell and then sit back. It’s possible and knowing what we know about the government is not outside the realm of reason. Still, with no evidence of it, it is purely speculation, and believing it is an enormous leap from it being treated as a thought exercise.

    The conspiracy theories that involve a bunch of workers installing explosives through the towers, etc, are unnecessarily complicated and implausible.

    @Send_me_nude_girls@feddit.de avatar

    The Italian aliens.


    Italians are aliens?!?

    @Send_me_nude_girls@feddit.de avatar

    So many UFO landed there. Coincidence?




    Is this the pancake story?

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