
I believe there’s definitely some shady stuff going down with Coca cola. [For those interested] (…)

In addition to human rights abuses, there’s an entire other rabbit hole of conspiracy involving the drug trade, the DEA, the pharmaceutical industry, and foreign governments. Quite interesting!

I don’t know how to link properly

radix, avatar

For linking, I think you just have to remove the space between ] and (

DABDA, avatar

I don’t know how to link properly

Just need to remove the space between the [square bracket text] and (the parentheses text) – the rest of your syntax was correct


Just the boring one: That all the exciting conspiracies (and other stuff like "culture wars") are there to distract from the banal reality of most people and the world being exploited by a few selfish assholes.


Seems pertinent that US politicians suddenly mentioned a totally reliable account about possible aliens just as people’s unrest over their cost of living and the excesses of the wealthy has been rising.


Exactly. It struck me that they must be diverting attention from something when they came out with the alien stuff


And talks of cuts to military spending at a time when people dont want to get involved in a new European war…


You don’t need a shadowy conspiracy when you make it legal to bribe politicians and write the laws for them. It’s all done out in the open. Regulators and board rooms have revolving doors for the same few people, and they all make insanely disgusting amounts of money while the rest of us suffer.


I'm not saying a few people fucking over the rest is a conspiracy theory.

I'm saying that all those conspiracy theories people love to discuss are pushed to capture the attention of those people and have them think they're involved in something important and spend all their energy on that, so the assholes can keep on fucking them over without much resistance.


It’s interesting that the big “revelations” of conspiracy are things we jokingly referenced and always kind of knew:

Movie executives forcing women to sleep with them or be sexually assaulted to be able to work in the industry.

The catholic church sexually abusing children and covering it up.

Buying votes and Supreme Court judgements.

So what are we joking about now but not doing anything about? Russia owning an entire political party through blackmail? The Left is indoctrinating and grooming kids into thinking that their assigned-at-birth gender might not be their real gender and that non-heterosexual and nonmonogamous relationships are as legitimate as those Ordained By God and that pregnancy planning, prevention, and terminating is a women’s health care issue between them and their doctor and nobody else (I mean… yeah. I guess that conspiracy is openly true and not really a conspiracy but an openly stated goal, and not that we should be trying to prevent or stop it).

blazera, avatar

No plane hit Tower 7


…people think one did?

blazera, avatar

Tower 7 fell like the twin towers did. But it wasnt hit.


If I remember correctly, I read somewhere that the building 7 was connected to the towers underground. That might have dealt damage to the structure with the fires and impacts. I have no idea if that is why building 7 fell, but it was a theory.

blazera, avatar

Much of the debate around the twin towers falling was the effects of how hot jet fuel can burn and its effect on the steel structure, with engineers concluding while it wouldnt melt, it would weaken the already damaged structure enough for it to collapse.

But again, no planes hit Tower 7, there was no jet fuel, and no damaged structure, making it a skyscraper collapsing purely by fire, which has never happened in the history of skyscraper fires.


That’s because normally they’re seen to by firefighters, but this one was left to burn for about 7 hours (as its was empty and their efforts were obviously elsewhere)


Basically all the stuff black people and leftists learn about Reagan. I’m not sure if it’s even still a conspiracy theory but his campaign made a deal with Iran to not free the hostages until after Election Day. They funded Nicaraguan contras by allowing cocaine shipments to inner cities (which led directly to the crack epidemic). Iran-Contra is obviously all accepted history but all the context gets treated as conspiracy theories.

Gary Webb, the journalist that exposed the Reagan Admin - Nicaraguan Contra - crack cocaine thing, is one of those “committed suicide w/ multiple shots” assassinations where the official story is so sketchy, you wonder if they were sending a message to other nosy journalists about what they can get away with.


Dude if you haven’t read it, Dark Alliance is about the CIA’s cocaine contras and it’s pretty eye opening.


Uh I haven’t but isn’t that written by Gary Webb?


He also closed (rather than overhauling/updating) mental health facilities, dramatically increasing the homeless population.


I genuinely think they have a cult like belief that they need to fuck over poor people as much as possible to maintain a society in which they can be above the law, infinitely powerful and wealthy.

Everything they’re doing seems calculated to cause problems and ruin solutions.


We had a similar “suicide” over here in the 80s.

qwet, avatar

There is a cabal arranging to rebuild the US under fascism. I have no proofcicles or datacakes.

dual_sport_dork, avatar

Yeah, it’s called the GOP. The source is anyone with eyes, ears, and a functional brain.


it’s the heritage foundation, the plan is called project 2025 and it’s all out in the open at this point


I thought it was 2035?

Or am I mixing up the dates because it’s speculated that without a very blatant push to consolidate power at any cost, the GOP will almost certainly never win a national election and even become a longshot to get control of either House of Congress with their current ideology after 2035?

Idk. I for one would be pretty cool with another paradigm shift and the GOP flys way to the left and the already center right DNC takes up the mantle of being the conservative party again. Power is power after all right? If they really wanna be the kingmakers, this would be my fever dream.

Blamemeta, (edited )

I can’t prove it, but all this road contruction is a front, a con for money laundering.

dual_sport_dork, avatar

I mean, it almost is.

The major construction operations know by now how to game the system and how to milk the state for as much money as possible to complete a project after intentionally underbidding it. The play is not money laundering, per se, since the money all comes from public funds. The con is rather to drag feet and rack up as many man-hours and the biggest most padded materials invoice possible to get paid more so the management can pocket the difference.

There was a scandal in my state where a big construction company did this blatantly enough that even the uninformed public noticed, and after the inevitable lawsuit a judge finally had to step in and smack them with a per-day fine until they completed the work. This was because it was discovered that they were intentionally delaying in order to run out of their originally allotted budget so the could come crying back to the state for more, under the assumption that since the job was half finished the state would be forced to capitulate. Turned out, it didn’t work out that way this time.

I think this is less a case of a cabal in the back of some dark and smoke filled room, but more of capitalism mutating to its inevitable conclusion when the same players have had their same hand in the same cookie jar placed there by the same system for decades on end, with no functional oversight.


For proof of this just look at the Alaskan Highway. During World War 2 the Army built a 1,700 mile long highway from British Columbia to Alaska. There was zero infrastructure or existing routes along the way. Also they had to deal with mountains, permafrost, and all sorts of stuff using 1940s technology. Construction started in March 1942 and was completed in October of the same year. Or 7 months.

For comparison here in DFW they built an overpass between Hwy 820 and I-35W. No actual new roads, just a new overpass. It took them 7 fucking years.


The industrial revolution is an illusion created by 14:th century wizards.

radix, avatar


Would you mind elaborating? I approach in good faith :)


No technology actually works, it is all a magical illusion. You may think a steam engine works with heated water and pressure; a computer with circuits and electrons; etc.; well, that is all gobbledygook, and what actually makes any of these things do things that occasionally seem useful is nothing but powerful illusion magic. If the assembly of mages decide to dispell the illusion, we’ll be back in the middle ages. For one thing, it seems they never really got the illusion to work quite right for printers.

MonsiuerPatEBrown, (edited )

a next level civilization moved here and lives in the ocean doing their thang. and we have to use super fancy machines to even notice them.


Why do you believe that?


And the oceans are too cold for them, so they are pushing us towards global warming, right?


Someone recently watched The Abyss

whileloop, (edited ) avatar

Epstein didn’t kill himself.

9/11 wasn’t an inside job, but the American government did cover up their failures to prevent it.

I’ve heard some speculate that Al Qaeda had placed explosives or fuels inside the buildings in advance, suggesting that they had access to them days or weeks in advance. If true, I can absolutely see a campaign to cover up their failure to prevent it.


Epstein not killing himself is not a conspiracy theory unless you are elite pedobear who did it lol


I don’t think a sexual predator avoiding being held accountable for his crimes is that far fetched


except that the guards conveniently both fell asleep, and the camera malfunctioned all at the same time.


Sadly, general incompetence and buffoonery is far more widespread than you think.


Half the conspiracies about 9/11 are from people not having the basic understanding that they collapsed the building after the fact as a desperately needed safety precaution.

Like no shit they used demolitions tools capable of taking down steel. You can't leave it to fall on its own whenever that happens to be.


Especially not on lower Manhattan. I could maybe see a reason to let them fall down on their own, if they had been in the middle of a gigantic empty field, but never inside a city, fall the wrong way there and they can bring a couple of blocks down with them.


Are you talking about 7? Don’t remember if that was the building number, but the one that wasn’t hit? I assume you don’t mean the twin towers.


All the "jet fuel can't melt steel beams" nonsense like the fact that demolitions grade high-powered explosives being used is some conspiracy instead of the obviously necessary act to take when a skyscraper is damaged and no longer structurally sound.


I know this is kinda vain, but wouldn’t it be unconstitutional for the government to orchestrate things that killed its own people? It wouldn’t be the only time because I know the pentagon(?) was considering staging domestic terror attacks on US cities to justify invading Cuba (I can link the Johnny Harris video)


Just because it’s unconstitutional doesn’t stop the government from doing whatever it wants to its citizens if someone thinks they can justify/get away with it. Government entities have a long history of doing what they want regardless of what the Constitution says. Sherman’s March to the Sea, the interment of Japanese Americans, nuclear weapons testing in the Pacific Ocean, the Tuskegee Experiment, the MOVE bombing in Philadelphia, etc… The Constitution is just pieces of paper. Its power comes from those willing - and able - to enforce it.


Epstein isn’t even dead


Interesting theory. In order for this to work he’d need to mastermind the operation to fake his death. He would have to, at a minimum:

Obtain a suitable body and some kind of face mask based on his likeness.

Convince the two guards to malfunction the camera, move the newly acquired body into the cell and stage a suicide, then fall asleep.

Find a way to escape the prison, obtaining a suitable disguise to aid in the escape.

Grease the palms of the medical examiner to look the other way when the body is examined post-mortem. May also need to bribe other officials as well.

Obtain means to escape the country (probably the easiest part of this entire operation).

If he can’t go back to his Island, purchase another one. Perhaps get cosmetic surgery so he doesn’t obviously look like Epstein.

Keep a low profile for essentially the rest of his life.

boredtortoise, (edited )

Yeah. He has his blackmail and beneficieries so there’s a ton of powerful people to make that happen

Also there was the “wrong ears on the corpse!” situation.

I like theories which are plausible yet also stupid.


A cabal runs the world. Every market becomes a monopoly or a cartel in the absence of regulatory forces. There’s no world police, therefore the Rothschilds, Carnegies, Mellons, etc. would have coordinated to divvy up territory and install puppet rulers. They’re not going to waste resources competing when they can cooperate. They stay out of the public eye so they don’t get targeted and don’t have to suffer the burdens of being famous.


The issue with this type of conspiracy is that it seems a little too optimistic. If there was a secret organisation with the power and cunning to control the entire world in secret, then you’d expect they’d do a better job of running the place. Right now, the economy is in shambles, there’s wars just about everywhere, and the planet is on fire. I doubt anyone who can put the world in a condition this bad could keep a secret from literally everyone.

czech, avatar

When the economy is in shambles they buy-up assets at a steep discount. Wars are big money-makers too. It looks like things are going great for them.


I’m not denying there are rich assholes who profit from disasters, but there’s no master plan. There’s no group with total control over the world. The vultures are pecking at the same carcass, but they definitely didn’t kill the beast. If they were strong enough to kill it, then why are they fighting each other over the scraps?

The conspiracy is a pipe-dream that there’s someone in control of a world constantly thrown into chaos. It’s a belief that the pilot is in control of the plane and this turbulence is just them having a bit of fun, even as the engines catch on fire. I’d love to be idealistic enough to believe this could be true, but I can feel the heat coming off of the engines and I can hear the pilot yelling at his co-pilot about who gets to fly.

czech, (edited ) avatar

That may be, I'm just dismissing that "assets are cheap" is evidence that there is no cabal. I'm not sure who is fighting over the scraps- Rothschilds and Carnegies? I haven't heard of that.

I don't know about "pipe-dream". There are organizations we're aware of that literally control economic conditions of the world such as the Federal Reserve. Do you remember voting for anyone on the Fed board? They are appointed by presidents. We vote for a president in America- but we can decide between the rep-party backed candidate or the dem-party backed candidate. If you can't convince one party to support you there is literally 0 chance to win in a "first-past-the-post" electoral system. I see a system of "checks and balances" but not one that benefits us.

I think that your scenario is more likely (which to me, is that what we're seeing is just the outcome of deregulated capitalism) but I wouldn't fall out of my chair to find that strings are being intentionally pulled by the people who control the world to benefit themselves.


They’re living high on the hog and don’t care how the sheep are doing. In fact it’s better for them if the sheep are in disarray so they don’t have the energy to revolt. And as another commenter said, constant war and economic turmoil is good for them because they can buy up assets and war profiteer to stay in control of the lions share of the wealth. They could totally run the world so it’s a better place for everyone but then they wouldn’t get to stay in power and live on mega yachts. Or in their private bunkers if it comes to that.


The pentaverate. Don’t forget the Colonel.


Rothschilds are actually a fascinating family, almost none of the accusations thrown at them are born out in real history and a huge part of the stories are opposites - Alex Jones was yelling about them doing all the intentional slave trade, actually they lent the money to the British government to end it when all the other bankers refuse because they were outspoken campaigners against slavery.

Of course he’s an idiot even for right wing conspiracy theorists but the more reasonable anti Rothschild taking points all stem from the same pedigree, it’s like a snowball that’s kept rolling. I’m sure they’ve got plenty of corruption in their past and present but the idea of them as this super powerful evil elite just doesn’t really hold water.

Oh and I agree with your concept but rich people are too greedy to cooperate, they work together to fuck us over but they’d fuck each other over in a heartbeat


That’s interesting and good to know. Is there a good biography or show you’d recommend to read up on them?

I get your point about selfishness, but we still got the 5 Families mafia, and the cartels in Mexico. And the robber barons had to be taken down by the Sherman anti-trust act. Are the super rich above them somehow at a different level of selfishness? It may be true, that you have to be a sociopath at a higher level to be at the true top of the totem pole, that’s an interesting question. Unfortunately not something that’s easy to research for obvious reasons.


Yeah it’s a sorting problem, in capitalism every decision where it’s morality Vs profits the worst person gains more power. Take Microsoft as an example, they used immoral business practices because they were obsessed with creating monopolies while many of the company’s they famously destroyed were run by people who were tech obsessives and cared about making a better world.

I absolutely agree the super rich are conspiring to fuck over regular people, I also think being super rich is horrible for your mental health. Elon as a great example, so many of them end up lonely and isolated but also in the spotlight so they feel they have something to prove and the only thing they have is money so they use the to try and get the respect they’re desperate for - I think that’s why a lot of them turn heavily towards people that do worship their money.


2012 is the end of the world

FatTony, avatar

I certainly haven’t felt alive since.

CaptainBlagbird, avatar

Now that you mention it, it went pretty downhill from then. Is this the underworld?


So this is dark, but… my brother died in 2012 and nothing has felt the same since so… slightly different reasoning but I’ve been saying this for years.

charlytune, avatar

My partner died in 2013 and I feel like the world has gone tits up ever since, in a way he wouldn’t believe. Like if it somehow turned out he’d been in a coma all this time and woke up and I had to catch him up on the last 10 years he’d tell me to fuck off out of here with this bullshit.

chicken, avatar

i have actually heard a theory that it did end in 2012 but that the infinite life parallel universe thing (forgot what its called but when you just go to a new universe when you die in the current one) was/is true


MLK was killed by the US Government/with Government warning and approval not because of his policies on race, but because his message was getting (though somewhat always had been) socialist/anti-capitalist, and between the historic fear of slave revolts, the new fear of communist revolutions, and the monied business interests not wanting to cede any power they ended MLK to prevent potential calls for a social revolution.


It's insane how many left leaning leaders were assassinated. And it isn't a coincidence that it was during the red scare. What we KNOW about McCarthyism is crazy enough, now think of all the stuff they wouldn't say out loud to fight the "red menace."

Alto, avatar

J Edgar Hoover wanted to round up all the "leftists" and put them in camps.

I put quotes around leftist because simply not hating black people was enough to get you on that list.


Fun new things keep coming out.


In both the BLM movement and OWS, leaders and organizers were still meeting untimely deaths and I don’t think the clandestine agencies of government have changed enough, (or at all), to rule them out.


People are so unaware how common politically motivated murder was in the late 19th/early 20th century in the US. Our country is rittled with shallow graves belonging to labor and civil rights activists. Wikipedia for example has a list documenting anti-labor murders totaling just over 1100 that we know of. Much of that violence was especially targeted towards black labor organizers.


Also tupac and biggie got removed becuase they spoke about things elites didnt like to be replaced by the prosperity rap clowns to worship them and their money to the plebs.


sardines are actually a cheap, nutritious and filling dinner

Alto, avatar

That ones not really a conspiracy. We know the FBI did it.

People just don't care, which is the most fucked up part


People care, but what are you going to do? Until the majority is ready to violently overthrow corrupt institutions you’re stuck with it. Now getting the majority to agree on which ones are corrupt… hoo boy. Good luck, America.


That doesn't make it not a conspiracy, it makes it not a conspiracy theory. Instead, it is a factual conspiracy that is just not well known.


Do you really think making a martyr out of MLK is a strategy the US gov wouldn’t have anticipated had they murdered him/let him be murdered?

Dude would not be what he is today had he not been murdered.


But as a martyr the government can paint him as being only about racism, not about economics.


Also he was assassinated 4 years after the passage of the Civil Rights Act, so to say he wouldnt remembered without being killed is a gross exaggeration. It may have boosted his legacy, but there is not doubt he would still be an important figure in American history.

Nonameuser678, avatar

Have you ever listened to MLK speak or read anything he’s written? Dude would absolutely be what he is today if he had not been murdered.


Have you ever listened to MLK speak or read anything he’s written?

No I was raised in Antarctica.

Dude would absolutely be what he is today if he had not been murdered.

Not a chance. There is no shortage of motivational speakers in this world.


He would have eventually run for President. Malcolm X couldnt, but King could. King had lots of white people starting to side with him.


A small part of me (not fully) thinks that COVID was a biological weapon that got out of hand from some pseudo dictator, there’s too many of them and they aren’t that bright/care to measure the consequences.

Neato, avatar

Came from a lab? Possible. But it doesn't really have the hallmarks of a bioweapon. It spreads way too rapidly. There's no functional antidote/vaccine/treatment. There's no preventives. It mutates waaaay too quickly. All things that remove control from the users. If you're going to bio-bomb a population, you definitely don't want major blowback.

whileloop, avatar

I’d believe COVID was a bioweapon if the main suspect wasn’t also the country that was hurt most by COVID.

dual_sport_dork, avatar

And also, if COVID was a bio “weapon” its efficacy was really crap considering that the majority of people still survived it, even without medical assistance.


Heh. Survived but at what cost? 10% infected are temporarily disabled, 2% permanently. Unless you design it for battlefield, quick death is not a priority. In the era of directed refugee streams used as bargaining card at best, weapons at worst it’s not hard to figure out, that disabling/incapacitating a part of population is a better long-term strat than going for decimation: you burden the social services and diminish the workforc. For the record: I DO NOT believe COVID was a weapon and I DO NOT believe it leaked from a bioweapon lab.

mlg, avatar

I actually read a pretty funny theory that claimed it was a bioweapon designed to function like a naturally occurring disease.

The basis of the argument was that it was used to rapidly disrupt the global market which would cause many large international corporations’ stock value to drop, allowing China to buy out ownership of direct competitors or expand control for cheap.

In that sense, it would have been a perfect bioweapon because it absolves China of having manufactured it in a lab, and its rapid spread but low mortality did have the disruption effect that China wanted.

tbh though I’m still convinced it was just SARS’s cousin that probably mutated in a bat lol


China didn’t really benefit from Covid, so one would think that if that was their plan, they would have planned better.


Sounds feasible. What was the purpose of the wuhan lab again? It could clearly be a facade for bio weapon research

skillissuer, avatar

chemical and biological weapons aren’t useful for modern military and this is the reason these were banned, not any ethical constraints…/collections-why-dont-we-use-chemical…

bizzle, avatar

Feds could have stopped 9/11, but chose not to.


After blm and j6, I am assuming feds did it.

No big ticket item crime in US gets done with out them playing at least some role.


Hell they don’t even need to do much. A few internet comments, and bada bing bada boom, you got a headline.


As far as I understand they could have stopped it but it would have required them swallowing their pride and sharing their data and cooperating with “rival” agencies.


The Looming Tower is a fantastic mini series which covers the inter agency bullshit that allowed it to happen


Yah, not really conspiracy, but BS that allowed bad things.

bizzle, avatar

Lmfao seems reasonable, hopefully he’ll be held accountable

Nonameuser678, avatar

The real truth of 9/11 is far darker than the idea that it was an inside job. It being an inside job implies that the Bush administration was competent.

bizzle, avatar

I mean, Bush and Saudi families have been friends for generations. Doesn’t seem too far fetched for them to work together.


They had all the information on 911 but all in different agencies and different people who didn’t connect the dots.


I don’t believe Lee Harvey Oswald managed to plan the Kennedy assassination all by himself.


Two great books that touch on this: Dr Mary's monkey and Mary's mosaic.

Two different people named Mary, but both go deep down the JFK rabbit hole.

mysoulishome, avatar

It’s really odd to me that after all these years we don’t have any solid proof. It seems so bizarre and unlikely that he did it by himself but also equally bizarre and unlikely that it happened and there is no proof

Alto, avatar

The way I see it, if it was a conspiracy it was done in just about the dumbest way possible.

Moving target and you don't make sure there was someone to concretely place Oswald on the floor at the time of the shooting?

If it's the CIA/FBI/any of the 3 letter agencies, there were so many better opportunities when JFK was standing still on a stage


Please keep in mind:

The CIA and FBI are not, and have never been, good at their jobs. They do dumb and reckless shit constantly, both in the past and today.

Alto, avatar

Trust me I'm well aware that a large portion of their power comes from the doublethink of "they're incompetent fools" and "their power is limitless and they're all knowing".

Doesn't change the fact that even a bumbling idiot knows its easier to shoot a guy that's standing still than one moving in a car


For examples please see Fidel Castro


It was mafia.

Today, (edited )

I met a guy who was there, Sam Pate. He was a radio reporter covering the event. He said the storm drains were larger then and the killer went down, took the tunnels, and was on a plane from Love to Chicago by the time Kennedy was pronounced dead at parkland.


Over thirty people making videos it taking pictures in the plaza, every story and statement poured over time and time again in intricate detail… And we’re still no where near a consensus opinion on what happened.


I think Oswald acted alone and got two shots with one making contact and the other hitting the curb. The kill shot was from a Secret Service agent who fell forward in a moving vehicle.

shadearg, avatar

Oh, the AR-15 got JFK too? Sheeit. /s


Why? It wasn’t much of a plan.

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