MaxVoltage, (edited )

Yes it’s full of liberals now this used to be a leftist safe zone. Soon they will be mods and any dissent will result in permant ban

Edit: libs proved me right so fast check those salty replies bet they even Reported me. Healthy discussion involved some heat love y’all


This is hilarious and probably true.


What? The whole point of Lemmy is to be defederated. A leftist safe zone still exists, they have their own instance.


A leftist safe zone still exists, they have their own instance.

The leftist safe zone is and always was a lie, anyway. They're just fascists LARPing as a communist vanguard.


I wasn’t gonna start a fight here though lol. The entire place was infested with tankies. The dude I responded to is probably a tankie.

I laughed when the complaint was liberals invading Lemmy lmao.


Vanguard ideology is the weakest point of Leninism. It always attracts those seeking power. But there’s nothing stopping a leftist group from owning a lemmy instance and banning everyone that disagrees with their flavor of leftism.



purahna, avatar

I have never once met a person who talks like this who has also made a good faith effort to under Marxist thought. Why are you so confident? We’ve been around for hundreds of years, we have a lively and robust intellectual landscape, and calling us red fash without even making an attempt to hear us out hurts you more than it hurts us.


Communism is decent, tankies rarely are. Zealots in general are awful, in my opinion, but especially political zealots.


Dissent = ban happens either way. I’m already banned from Lemmygrad for "anticommunism ".


Try going to any “scientific socialist” community and tell them you don’t believe what Trotsky said about the Kronstadt sailors.

Watch criticism of party structures and leaders get flattened into base-anticommunism.

I’ve read and listened to plenty of Marxists, enough for me to trust in their analysis, and not their ability to talk to people who don’t know how, or don’t want to learn how to walk on your eggshells.


Thank you sir for helping defend us. I’m not very smart but I try to say what I can


I’m dying. This is my favorite comment of yours by far. I’m amazed that you realize that you have some deficiencies in the intelligence department. Fuckin brilliant


You don’t have to be smart to want people to not be hungry

purahna, avatar

A leftist safe zone still exists, they have their own instance.

Liberals not realizing that liberalism is also an ideology and not just “default way of being”. What we really need is a liberal safe zone so that y’all can have your own instance.


Dude that’s a genius idea 💡😂


This is some big brain snowflake behavior.

Brunbrun6766, avatar

He said long time not “joined 12 days ago”


Eh… Instances are like countries and federations are like Alliances. A leftist safe zone still exist and they federate only with like minded instances.

purahna, avatar

I prefer to think of this as the liberal safe zone and the rest of lemmy as leftist, as it has been for years before exploded from the massive influx of reddit refugees


That’s actually what’s happening. As an og Lemmy user from chapotraphouse days it kind of bizarre seeing Lemmy world get libified

Brunbrun6766, avatar

ALSO would your solution be ONLY leftist mods, would they be any more or less likely to quash dissent and perma ban whatever they don’t like?


Nah let people fight

LibertyLizard, avatar

My experience is that most extremely ideologically driven communities tend to devolve into the same heavy-handed moderation tactics. I think this happens because it’s easier to imagine that the ends justify the means, and because small minority communities that are far from the larger consensus viewpoints are going to have issues with relatively large number of outside users coming in and wanting to debate or denigrate the fringe ideology.

FranklinsBeard, avatar

Are you talking lemmygrad leftists or real leftists?

Deceptichum, avatar

Tankies are not leftist.


Tankies are straight-into-the-crowd-ist

purahna, avatar

Have you ever made an effort to try to understand why us tankies believe what we do, or even what we actually believe? I’d be happy to talk with you about it if you’re curious.

Deceptichum, avatar


Do you agree with invading countries with tanks or using tanks on your own population to stop democratic revolt in an authoritarian state?

purahna, (edited ) avatar

“Democratic” and “Authoritarian” are extremely loaded here. The tankie line, that I believe, is that modern Marxist nations face ruthless ideological attacks from both without (imperialism, foreign influence, infiltration, demands to liberalize, war) and within (vestiges of the former bourgeoisie). Two schools of thought exist in how to go about implementing socialism: the friendly, open process that allows external and internal forces to collude and infiltrate and institute genocide, pain, and destitution (Sukarno’s Indonesia, Allende’s Chile, Revolutionary Catalonia, Iran, anywhere touched by Operation Condor…) and the more aggressive form of socialism that clamps down tightly on dissent and develops socialism with ideological protection and close management (Vietnam, Cuba, the USSR). Nations in the category of the former invariably see mass death, starvation, and the ultimate repurposing into a state managed by imperialist powers (Suharto, Pinochet, Hitler…). States in the latter category (verify this information for yourself, I don’t want you taking what I say as gospel) invariably see world-best ascents in literacy, employment, public health, GDP, life expectancy, gender equality, income equality, and more.

This terrifies the imperialist powers. These actually existing socialism (AES) countries demonstrate an ability to thrive despite America’s and the west’s interests and attempts at destabilization. So what can be done? You lie about them. There is absolutely precedent for the US lying to its people about their enemies, in fact there is no precedent for the US not lying about their enemies. So us tankies decide that the truth exists somewhere between the US state line that Stalin is more evil than Hitler, and that the Soviet Union was a Utopian paradise. It is just as foolish to go with one side as it is the other. The only thing we know for sure is that the US has a long track record of genocide, torture, propaganda, imperialism, and lying about all of it, so why would we trust them?

So to sum it up, if I were to believe the line that reactionary insurrection is “Democratic” like the US state line says, and if I believe that AES states are “Authoritarian” and forcing policy on the people without consent like the US state line also says, then no, I don’t support bringing in the tanks. I also believe it never really happens like that. I believe that AES countries make lots of mistakes, and I’ve never met a tankie who doesn’t, but I believe that countries that are hard on reaction are better for it.

btw, thanks for engaging in good faith discourse. It’s super hard on this topic and while I don’t like your framing I recognize that it’s not because you’re trying to antagonize me, it’s because you’re faithfully portraying your beliefs.


Amazing analysis dude I really enjoyed reading that. You did praxis man


Funny hearing the right whine about not having safe spaces. Seems like yesterday “safe spaces” were used as a slam against liberals.

Rom, avatar

Libs downvoting you but you have a point. All the users in this thread whining about “tankies” have accounts created since June lmao.

Deceptichum, avatar

Well, yeah?

Why would we want to be here when it was only a bunch of douches role playing as Stalin?

Like I remember visiting when CTH left reddit and Lemmy has certainly come along way in having a functioning user base these past few weeks.

Rom, avatar

Why would we want to be here when it was only a bunch of douches role playing as Stalin?

So don’t come here? You’ve got plenty of other options. Why come into leftist spaces then complain about how you don’t like how leftist it is?

sam, avatar

What does “here” refer to? You’re on, your instance has never been a “leftist space” afaik.

Lemmy is software, not a “space”. The network is ActivityPub, also not known for being “leftist”.

Rom, avatar

idk tell that to all the users complaining about “too many tankies” on lemmy. I’m not the one who turned this into a conversation about ideology, I’m just responding to it.

treadful, avatar

Because it’s not a “leftist space.” It’s a federated Web platform with many communities. If any of you identipols want a safe space go setup some password protected forum somewhere.

Deceptichum, avatar

Because I’m a leftie?

Tankies are not the only leftist’s out there.

teolan, avatar

It used to be much more dominated by the tanky rethoric of the devs, and most discussions were around FLOSS/Privacy. Now it’s much more diverse.

Also, lots of porn. I kinda wish it were possible to completely block instances as a user. If I understand it’s on the roadmap.


hmm, does kbin not get the porn? how annoying

snooggums, avatar

You can easily filter it and block users/communities/sites.

But you can get it if you want.


i'm on kbin and never have seen porn.


You may have the option unselected, therefore blocking all NSFW posts. I do this on both Lemmy and kbin as I don’t want to browse for content and come across porn on my screen

On my main account…

pgetsos, avatar

I don't, and still don't see any porn tbh. Is it just lemmynsfw communities?


Yeah, most instances are SFW content only, so the porn is mostly on a few specific instances which may or may not be federated with yours. I’ve come across 3 different instances with communities I need to block for being porn : / even with nsfw hidden on mine I still see the blurred posts and that’s not really much better… especially having to go into the community to block it…

I’d like to block the whole instances, especially after coming across a post asking where non-consensual stuff can be posted…

pgetsos, avatar

But lemmynsfw is federated with Still no NSFW posts



  • Loading...
  • Nfamwap,

    I’m using Liftoff and although I’ve got NSFW filter enabled I’m still seeing porn, lots of it.


    Is this just a thing? I’m on ml and I never see any of it

    itsAsin, avatar

    i have to block the same NSFW communities on and and

    lucky that the blocking navigation is quite simple on liftoff.


    Interesting. I’ve heard a lot of people complaining but never seen any of it. I have NSFW filters off on the site and on Memmy. Kind of thankful I don’t have to go through any of the blocking


    can’t see any porn here on

    teolan, avatar

    You might have disabled NSFW. But I don’t want to fully disable it as there are some NSFW posts that may not be porn which may be worth seeing.


    How do you disable it? I have tried on in the settings but doesn’t seem to work. It just blurs it.


    I’m on I think I’ve seen 1 nsfw post. Under configuration there’s a checkbox to not see nsfw content. I checked my alt account. The same checkbox is on


    Do you normally browse all? I just browse subscribed - and this isn’t a problem for me. “All” is a measure of what’s popular, and porn is popular.

    teolan, avatar

    Yeah but right now I want to discover the new communities.


    I actually hasn’t see any porn when from the browser… Only when I decided to download an mobile app I got flooded by a lot of NSFW… I wonder why… Maybe the itself doesn’t have much porn, but what is “hot” and “active” in other instances it is? That explains why going directly in to they doesn’t show up.

    teolan, avatar

    I think NSFW content is fully hidden by default, but then it depends on your app/account config.

    I don’t want to fully block it because some NSFW is not porn and is worth seeing.


    you can block instances with kbin


    Jerboa can block NSFW.


    been here a month or so.

    def seeing more abusive people show up, and nutcases who are spamming their ideological nonsense on every post who have think being first to post about their victim hood as misunderstood holders of THE TRUTH is some sort of relevant commentary and they are being oppressed by some other group of a different ideology.

    this thread seems to be exhibit A.

    also way more low quality shit posting and memes which i have to spend several minutes blocking each morning.

    MaxVoltage, (edited )


    Maybe you could just say I don’t agree with you instead of blocking things outright


    How do you appear in every single thread bitching about liberals? You know your people have safe zones? Why not just go there.

    Grab yourself a hot little Truth Social ™ account and you can rant about brown people and LGBTQ people all you want. Nobody will complain.

    Come on, it’ll be fun. Y’all can compare truck flags.


    Mate I’m a communist 😅


    Mate, you’re not a very bright communist.

    You seem more like a downvote collector.

    “Hey Lemmy, what’s your favorite bread?” Then, every thread your genius ass shows up and bitches about “liberals”. Fuck you’re exhausting


    This is the kind of user we should ban. The idea that having an honest conversation with a liar is ludicrous.


    He’s just your standard Lemmygrad genius. It’s like /r/theDonald, but somehow, almost dumber, which I thought would be difficult.

    ShakeThatYam, avatar

    Going through his post history he does seem to be a communist and not right wing.


    They are a troll who lies because there are no consequences for their lies. Their actually position is irrelevant if they will present any trollbait argument they think will further the anarchy in the discussion.


    a communist who wants to foster right wing voices? sure


    Nah mate you said some amazing stuff in your post. I’m not smart enough to say and those thing so I thank you for it. I’m more of a violent anti fascist words hard, hammer steong


    this person didn't even read my post. they just are making up shit to be angry about because they have some sort of complex.


    except that isn't what i said.

    i guess you no read good?

    purahna, avatar

    People like you show up and act like you have no ideology, that you’re just a fully blank slate. You are the guest, you are bringing your ideology here. We’ve been around for years. We are just used to being in a minority ideology and having discourse about it, you have never seen ideology in the way that a fish has never seen water.

    You’re dead on about the low energy shitposting and memes tho


    nah i'm just an asshole with a weird collection of opinions and viewpoints that don't fit into anyone neat little ideological camp.

    one thing i cam sure of is that whatever views i have tend to piss everyone off, left, right, or center.


    Yeah I really hate the gender mythology ideological nonsense


    The memes are way better and hitting real good these days.


    Lemmy.World has gained a lot more fascists. Seemingly not so much the case on the other instances. Maybe because beehaw defederated so they think that’s the place to be to troll lefties and liberals and organize? Uncertain but anecdotally it’s definitely happening.

    Mods and admins need to get proactive. We’ve all seen what happens to places when the right invades - everyone else leaves, it descends into a cess pit, even the nazis leave, site dies.

    Let’s not turn into voat.

    The right has nothing to offer anyone who isn’t a giant bigot, these days. They have no positions beyond, “hurt the people who I say need hurting.”

    There is no valuable discussion that can come out of talking to a right winger. At this point they are all Sartre’s antisemite.

    In fact, including right wingers only strengthens left and liberal echo chambers because instead of discussing nuanced matters everyone jumps up to dunk on the Nazi.

    Kill baby Hitler in his crib. Autoban right wingers before they destroy the fediverse.


    The level of self-delusion lmao


    Yeah I really hate the gender mythology ideological nonsense

    case in point: this guy


    I think you replied to my other comment. Nvm

    So, you want to selectively pinpoint me now, just because I refuse to believe in your stupid tribal ideologies?


    here's my honest advice:

    try to learn to fly

    step one: go up someplace really, really high


    And you should start tolerating people who think differently from you. Be a little open minded


    i'd point out the hypocrisy but i know your nazi ass doesn't care

    so instead i'll suggest putting your hand in a blender and turning it on to own the libs


    Wow, a violent threat from the person who goes around calling others fascists and nazis? You are in a cult man

    And how exactly do you know I’m a nazi? Just because I didn’t blindly reciprocate you? That’s a very very weak argument


    i don't think you know what a threat is

    a threat would be something like: you should watch out because i love doxxing you motherfuckers to your bosses and kids.

    i'm not arguing with you. i don't argue with nazis.


    Ok. I agree it’s not a threat. But still something close. You "suggest"ed me to harm myself in a very brutal way

    You still haven’t explained me how I’m a nazi? I think you are not being reasonable here


    i asked chatgpt and it said you're a nazi and that you should jump into CERN right when it turns on


    Lmao. So should we agree you have no arguments left for your case, other than namecalling and verbal abuse?


    is this 4D trolling?

    Rom, avatar

    I’m not the other user, but the phrase “gender mythology ideological nonsense” is some Nazi-level transphobic shit. Cute of you to pretend like we all forgot about that line after just a few comments, though.


    I never said I hate trans people. They are perfectly normal humans, and should allowed to live freely

    But whether you like it or not, most of the gender ideology is utter nonsense/pseudoscience/mythology. It’s just made up bullcrap

    I still don’t understand how all this relates to nazis. It’s like you use it as a swear word and have forgotten the underlying meaning

    Rom, avatar

    “I don’t hate trans people, I just believe Nazi-adjacent shit about “gender mythology ideological nonsense””

    Whether you like it or not, calling something “utter nonsense/pseudoscience/mythology” and “made up bullcrap” doesn’t make it so. Just admit you don’t understand it. Not understanding something is perfectly fine, everyone has something they don’t understand. But if you’re going to insult the entire concept of gender identity because you can’t wrap your fragile little ego around it, be prepared to get called names because you are literally indistinguishable from transphobes.

    Also the Nazis threw trans people in concentration camps for being trans, so yes, the comparison to Nazis is apt.


    Putting it in a classic Richard Dawkins fashion… Come on, you are a man of the 21st century, you don’t need me to tell you that Diamoric changing into a Pomosexual overnight because he also happened to also be gender fluid, is a myth

    Just because I despise the Christian ideology / Bible, doesn’t mean I despise Christians. Similarly, for most of the gender ideology and trans people

    I never harmed or “threw trans people in concentration camps”. By your own logic I’m not a nazi

    Rom, avatar

    Diamoric changing into a Pomosexual overnight because he also happened to also be gender fluid, is a myth

    What the fuck are you even talking about? Look, gender is a sociological construct distinct from sex, and people existing as a gender that doesn’t perfectly align with their biological sex has an anthropological basis going back millennia. I looked those words up, and they’re just…words people use to describe sexual orientations that don’t fit neatly onto the gender spectrum? Seriously, that’s what you’re upset over? Never mind the fact that those are extremely esoteric words that the vast majority of trans people are never going to use. What makes you think the mere existence of these words somehow invalidates all trans people?

    Just because I despise the Christian ideology / Bible, doesn’t mean I despise Christians. Similarly, for most of the gender ideology and trans people

    Trans people isn’t a religion, nor is it an “ideology” like you and other reactionaries keep trying to claim. Your constant attempt to compare it to religion or other ideologies makes it clear you’re trying to make the idea of transness as something that can be invalidated so you can pretend you hate the trans and not the person but no one is buying it.

    Also you claim to despise Christianity but this is literally the exact same shit Christians use against gay people. “Hate the sin, not the sinner” bullshit and all that. Word for word the exact same shit.

    I never harmed or “threw trans people in concentration camps”. By your own logic I’m not a nazi

    Nazis hated trans people, which was the point that you’re pretending to ignore. And as much as you want to claim you don’t hate trans people, it’s pretty obvious you’re desperately trying to make excuses to do exactly that.

    Fuck off, Nazi.


    It’s really. Really. Not hard. To actually critize groups like LGBT without being a bigot. Are some of them jumpy? Yeah I would be too when political parties actively want me dead.


    Hah, sorry guy, you seem to have found yourself smack in the middle of lemmygrad brigade. You can keep replying to them, but it doesn’t matter.

    They’re just gonna keep saying shit that makes zero sense, then 10 tankies will upvote them and downvote you

    It really doesn’t matter what you say. It’s the same in every thread

    Rom, avatar

    You’re welcome to leave and never come back if our intolerance of Nazi bullshit upsets you that much.


    Calmly obliterated that guy


    Nah, I think I’ll stay and keep chatting with you fine folks. You seem so grounded. Your points are always well articulated.

    Plus,I think making fun of you is entertaining


    I know nothing would change with just me. I had a little bit of free time this evening

    Ataraxia, avatar

    Do you mean… anyone who isn’t a pro russia/China shill? Sorry but the LM/fascists/nazis are all the same. Bad people.


    literally didn't mention china or russia but yeah some tankies circlejerking their bad takes on the internet are not equivalent to the nazis who are out there murdering people on the reg.

    the fact that you think they're equatable, as well as the fact that you bring them up out of nowhere points to your true ideology, even if you aren't aware of what it is.

    MaxVoltage, (edited )

    You just ratiod that guy holy smokes 🍳🤌


    Based AF comment glad to have you here comrade


    Damn straight.


    “Left wing, right wing. We’re all under the same bird” so let’s fly together. People. Are. People. The only difference is experience over the course of life. Meet in the middle, agree to disagree, try to have an intellectual and thought provoking discussion with anybody. Deciding to blindly hate half of your country’s people is bot a good decision. It’s a blanket treatment. If you were treated a certain way by those you despise just for being who you are, I’m sure it isn’t fair. Dont be a hypocrite and do it back, assuming anything will be better. You’ll just drive the wedge that divides you from them deeper. The world is uncomfortable


    If you were treated a certain way by those you despise just for being who you are, I’m sure it isn’t fair. Dont be a hypocrite and do it back

    TIL being queer is the same as voluntarily adopting an ideology of hatred.

    can't you, like, come to common cause with NAZIS

    Jesus fucking Christ with you people.

    Miss me with this milquetoast appeasement nonsense. Google Chamberlain.


    Got my first explicit scatological DM from someone with no fewer than three actual slurs (n-word included) in their username yesterday, from the instance (yes, my instance), so that was “fun”. I’ve also seen the same sort of posts, from the same sorts of users, elsewhere in comment sections. Fun times.


    I know it’s kind of getting bad here for people who like don’t want to say slurs

    ShakeThatYam, avatar

    I saw the r-word two separate time on one post and thought that was unusual.

    mrmanager, avatar

    More rude people yes. But it was to be expected. On the plus side, more content also created by people who are not rude and immature. Most are not.


    Gettin’ hot in here. Remember Rule 1 people!

    People who engage in debate in good faith are welcome. People who abuse and name call are not. Doesn’t matter what your political ideology is, BE NICE!


    you are assuming that people are capable of good faith.

    some simply are not.


    That’d be a lack of sympathetic understanding. Kindly educate someone, peacefully correct them, relate to them and ask “how could they be so wrong?” Be genuine. Too often are people berated for a differing opinion over a matter of fact. It’s just a lack of awareness in nearly every case. People (usually) don’t want to be ignorant on purpose, they just are

    Phantom_Engineer, avatar

    While there is some bad, overall it had genuinely changed for the better. There’s a lot more diversity in the kind of people here and the kind of content posted. It used to be a lot more dominated by Tankie nonsense.


    OK, I’m going to lock this post. People obviously didn’t get the message from my previous comment.

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