@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

How to make drugs.

How to make explosives.

“1001 ways to kill a man.”


“Furthermore, the FBI ruled that The Anarchist Cookbook does not incite “forcible resistance to any law of the United States” and is therefore protected under the First Amendment. While much of the text was deemed to be inaccurate, the FBI concluded that the chapter on explosives “appears to be accurate in most respects”.”

From en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Anarchist_Cookbook


As someone mentioned earlier though, the US army published its own book on improvised munitions that is supposedly much more accurate


How to make controlled substances.

It’s not illegal for anyone to know, it is also technically legal to make and possess if you have the correct licensing for some substances, but it is illegal to synthesize them.


What’s the difference between making and synthesizing here?


In this instance it’s likely the same.


Same thing, just used a different word


Walter White rambles about process for 2 hours


How to pass/invalidate a lie-detector test.

They are not considered admissible evidence in court (but the criminal justice system still use them to a degree…), and they can be interpreted with intentional bias, so I think it’s fine to share.

One of my psychology professors told me that if you hide something like a sewing needle in your shoe’s insole, you can ever so slightly apply pressure so that the poke causes a physiological spike. They monitor for movement, so it has to be very minute. The goal is to do this on every control question so that they cannot establish a baseline and have to give up.


The best way to invalidate a lie detector test is to not take one, because you can not be forced to take one unless you are applying for a job to the CIA.

Phrenology is more legitimate than polygraphs, and Prenology is nothing but bunk hokum.


I had clients in federal probation whose freedom was dependent on the results of annual polygraphs. Refusal was considered a fail, and they’d be shipped back to FedMed or prison. Inconclusive results were also blamed on the clients, and would count as a failed test.

Was total bullshit, especially given the level of function and serious psychiatric symptoms and diagnoses of my clients.


Oh, right.

For one blissful moment I forgot that America was a festering, infected pustule on the ass of society.


A polygraph, often incorrectly referred to as a lie detector test, is a junk science device or procedure that measures and records several physiological indicators … there are no specific physiological reactions associated with lying.

Lead of Wikipedia article


I argued with the PO and complained to my team about it all the time. Polygraphs are definitely junk science and absolutely should not determine someone’s freedom.


The only functional use a polygraph has is as a tool of intimidation and coercion to people who are uninformed about the true nature of the device and how the handler can manipulate the results.

Which is why daytime TV shows like Dr.Phil looooooooooooved polygraphs.


Prenology is nothing but bunk hokum.

Modern IQ testing is often compared to phrenology. In the revised version of “the Mismeasure of Man” (a history of pseudosciences used to measure humans, and why IQ is among them) the author explained that the comparison was unfair… to phrenology.

While the methodology of phrenology is bunk, Gould explained, it’s theory is sound. Phrenology supposed that their were different locuses in the brain, each responsible for differing functions and that intelligence, behavior, and consciousness was the sum and synergy of these differing regions. This is still more or less the modern understanding of neuroscience. IQ meanwhile fails in methodology and theory.


I heard you can just pucker your butthole too and this will affect the readings on the detector


I’ve heard some of the more advanced bullshit detectors have pressure pads that the bullshiter sits on to measure how much actual shit they are holding back while taking a bullshit test to detect the actual bullshit, but that might be bullshit.


No, you are correct that they have you sit on a pad that monitors movement.


I remember seeing some cop show a long time ago where they couldn’t figure out how this guy kept screwing up their lot detector tests they were forcing him to take. They found out he was putting a tack under his big toe and using this trick so they scheduled him for another test, but they kept moving him from one building to another looking for the room they were supposed to be in, forcing him to walk a lot.


I think I remember that one as well. Likely was CSI or something




I’m not sure if this is true, likely not, since I saw it in a movie:

At the beginning, when they were establishing the baseline, they asked whether she had ever used marijuana. She said yes, which was a lie, but the interviewer thought it was the truth, because come on, who would’ve admitted that?

The bottom line is, when they’re asking the baseline questions, lie (sometimes).

Again, I don’t know how far this is from the truth, but that show was pretty cool.


I’m pretty sure the baseline questions are things they already know the answer to. Like what’s your name, where were you born, etc. So lying about them would be obvious.


It’s possible to bioengineer yeast to turn sugar into morphine.


Unfortunately, I am allergic to morphine, wake me up when they can turn sugar into Dilaudid.

Or better yet, morphine into fully baked sugar cookies.


The proof of concept was done with Hydrocodone synthesis. It seems like they have the ability to tweak the yeast to complete complex synthesis to end product. I would bet Hydromorphone would be possible.


Nice try, FBI



@Appoxo@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Joke doesnt work if it’s actually legal.
Sorry mate


You can resist an unlawful arrest. But good luck with that in the real world.


Yeah at this point I feel like thats only technically possible, as even if the arrest was found to be unlawful, they’ll claim something else you did in defending yourself was illegal afterwards

Daft_ish, (edited )

Meh, if it’s truly unlawful the DA will drop the charges. Until then you are subject to whatever bullshit the cop subjects you to with virtual impunity. Slap you with disorderly conduct, arrested. Or say they arrested you because you were resisting arrest.


The slew of convictions for nothing more than resisting arrest would seem to suggest that’s outdated knowledge.


One might think so based on real world application; however it’s true. And while true, I don’t recommend it as a first line defense.


Yup I’m just trying to say it’s abuse doesn’t invalidate it.


That’s the whole system is a scam.


This one is the same as if you could prove you were in a simulation. So what, you’re still in a simulation. Same as the nsa. It doesn’t matter if you heard the Snowden leaks or not you’re still being recorded and stored.


It’s like fiat, mate: when we stop believing and living the lie, it collapses and we can co-create something better.


I don’t know if fiat is the problem, to be honest I’m not sure exactly what that means. Is it just government issued money? If you imagine it, we want some form of money. It’s a great tool and much easier to carry around than heavy rocks. Having a large entity enforce and guarantee its value is adhered to is also not always a bad thing. The issue is when the value is rigged against the average person, which is where we are. Printing and interest rates robbing the poor at a greater rate than the rich is just wrong. There’s not much else to say about it

SuckMyWang, (edited )

Thanks. So yes it could be used as government issued money. I realised I’ve used the word in that way many times but not really known for sure what it means.


That’s one meaning, but not what I’m referencing. I don’t know how to make it plainer.


I apologise but if you’re getting frustrated because you used a word that means something else as well and you showed me that a dictionary agrees, it appears you will need to clarify it with your own words rather than rely on implicit links and assumptions. If you think I don’t understand that money becomes useless if no one believes in it I’m aware of that. Money is made up as much as any other social contract is made up. My point is some social contracts are useful, like money. Money is simply a tool that acts as an intermediary for a social contract. If it wasn’t useful we wouldn’t use it.


The whole system. That is my original comment. It’s really not that difficult to understand.


I’m still having trouble understanding what you mean, and I realize it’s probably because I’ve never actually thought about what you’re saying before. I’ve heard “the system is a scam” before and probably said it a bunch of times but never thought about what that meant other than “everything’s unfair.”

It doesn’t really make much sense. There’s no nuance in it. Is the money system a scam? Is having access to it a scam? Without access I can only imagine life would be a lot harder. Is the education sysytem a scam? What part of it? The part where it’s free? Without it we wouldn’t even be having this conversation.

Can you please tell me what the system is a scam means? (Seriously I’m curious what you think) Or is it just pointing out the varying degrees of unfairness that exist throughout it?


09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0


What the heck is this for and what does it mean?


It’s the illegal prime number used to decrypt DVDs.

@Cheems@lemmy.world avatar

Can you eli5?


oh child come on I am WAY too dumb to understand that Wikipedia article. can you just explain it?

Chobbes, (edited )

It’s the password to unlock the content on the DVD (well, HD DVD / Blu-Ray) so you can just copy the video from it for redistribution.


How do you get to the password prompt?


More technically, the data on the disk is encrypted with that “password”, so there’s not really a password prompt. It’s more like your DVD player will have this encryption key stored on it somewhere (possibly on a separate chip where it’s hard for somebody to extract it and distribute it on the internet lol), and then it will automatically run the decryption algorithm with this key on the disk contents transparently.


Blue ray movies are encrypted to prevent unauthorized copying. Someone figured out and published the decryption key making copying possible. The movie companies went nuts and tried to suppress dissemination of the key, but it was out of the bag. That 09f9 number is the key that was formerly a big secret. Now that you know it, you can copy blue ray discs.

@radix@lemm.ee avatar

Why didn’t they just change it? Set a new encryption key for every disc?


Can you imagine having to update your Blu-ray player each time a new movie came out?


Any Blu-ray player has to know the key in order to play a disc. So they’d have to have some way to update every single player. There would be no feasible way to do that.


Tldr: DVDs can not easily be played unless using authorized hardware (or software in the case of WinDVD)

Once the key was leaked, this was no longer the case, and now DVDs can be played by anyone with the key (enabling piracy)

@tjhart85@kbin.social avatar

It's the key needed to unencrypt a video DVD, it's how people were able to make duplicates of DVDs. This was technically illegal to use thanks to the DMCA, but not illegal to know, so people had fun with it and plastered it on T-shirts, mugs, etc...


I remember thinking I was hot shit for ripping a ton of Netflix and Redbox movies back in the day…

@tjhart85@kbin.social avatar

Blockbusters mail rental service was amazing since if you returned the movies to the store instead of mailing them they counted as a free in store rental coupon AND would flag the movie as returned and prep the next set to be sent to you. They were slower than Netflix but if you were willing to go into Blockbuster, it was crazy worth it.

I had Netflix and Blockbuster and a huge rotation of DVDs coming and going.

I didn't have time to actually watch anything I was ripping, lol, but it was fantastic to expand the collection.


I had a high school acquaintance who rented a ton of games from Blockbuster right as they went under. I was so mad I didn’t think of that…

@Appoxo@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Man, you got me with the verified profile picture! Good job!


Is that the illegal hash?

@legios@aussie.zone avatar

Hahaha, many many years ago that was in a meta tag on my website and the welcome banner for my mail server!

@aarRJaay@lemmy.world avatar

anyone remember when this flooded Digg.com the day it came out? Happy days.


Peperidgefarm members


You can find the PS3 key floating around too.


What poppy is

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

You can legally create, own, and use your own flamethrower in the majority of the US.


Insanely easy too. Fill a nerf super soaker with gasoline and glue a match to the end.

@punkwalrus@lemmy.world avatar

Just in case people actually think this is a good idea: do not. Plastic, uncontrolled spray, and blowback is just really shooting uncontrolled fire in all directions. It works in your cartoon world head, but I know someone who tried and suddenly the failure (like escaping fumes around the holder, gasoline versus rubber gaskets meant for water) make you go, “Oh. Right.” Thankfully, they only got first degree burns on their face, head, hands, and arms, a weird balding patterns, and missing eyebrows. Thankfully, someone had an ABC fire extinguisher nearby. Yes, alcohol was involved.

The ones I have seen that work involve metal tubing and a secondary mixing of forced air along with a special fuel. recoilweb.com/flamethrowers-once-tools-of-war-now…


We were all thinking it, he just said it


Gas tends to dissolve/soften plastic.


I’m starting to get a little scared considering the amount of people taking this seriously. Perhaps it’s time to begin a charter to research and develop the most readily available and destructive improvised flamethrowers and other destructive devices


I’ve known at least 3 idiots in real life that has tried that at various points in time.

So, yeah, welcome to reality.


So just fire it faster.


You can just buy them from hardware stores. They’re great for clearing weeds and such.


I can’t do that in Australia, but I can buy a toy encased in a chocolate egg.


Real freedom


I don’t see the connection here… still, that’s pretty neat, good for you


Kinder eggs are super illegal in the US. People actually get in trouble sometimes instead of just having it confiscated.

It is an extreme application of a rule saying that you can’t have non food items in food.


non-boneless meat has left the chat

Just kidding, but yeah that kinda makes sense. When I was a kid I would always try to eat cake toppings because I didn’t know if they were plastic or not. I can see how kinder eggs could be problematic.

@Karlos_Cantana@kbin.social avatar

They sell them where I live in the US.


Are you sure those aren’t kinder joys? They are in the shape of an egg, but it splits down the middle and one half as some kind of soft chocolate candy and the other has a toy

@ThatWeirdGuy1001@lemmy.world avatar

Knowing how to make explosive whether chemical or otherwise


You can go to the store and just buy tannerite

@Gormadt@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Yeah but anyone can buy it

Knowing how to make them from a trip to the hardware store is another thing entirely

@tourist@lemmy.world avatar

I feel like I’m in trouble for clicking that


It’s just ammonium nitrate and super fine aluminum powder


Anyone remember the Anarchist Cookbook?

@Gormadt@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

A terrible resource full of things that could easily get you hurt if what you did worked

TM 31-210 Improvised Munitions Handbook is better

Edit: I should clarify that you shouldn’t do anything in this book as it is very dangerous.

@CorrodedCranium@leminal.space avatar

Probably either research chemicals or jailbreaking tech.

As for the former I fell down a rabbit hole reading about research chemicals on some subreddit and hearing people’s reports.

Jailbreaking doesn’t feel as illegal, I’m not in Japan, but it makes me feel like a badass early 2000s hacker helping my friends with their 3DSs and PS3s and seeing their reactions.


Is “research chemicals” a euphemism or are you literally referring to chemical substances/precursors purchased and used by laboratories that are also available to the public?


“Research chemicals” is a term used for new psychoactive substances that haven’t been covered under any laws yet. They were called “designer drugs” decade ago, but that was bad PR.

Chemicals substances and precursors are just called chemical substances or chemicals. You can order almost anything off of a laboratory store online and they’ll ship most of it to you through the mail.


Anything you see on LockPickingLawyer.


This is the LockPickingLawyer. Today …


the april fools episodes are the best content he produces.

The man could be a comedy writer if he wasnt a lawyer.


Chrisfixit also has great April fools ones


Na, according to TOOOL as long as you are picking locks you own or have expressed permission to pick you are fine.

@troyunrau@lemmy.ca avatar

Making amateur rockets and pipe bombs are basically identical – for a rocket, one end of the pipe is open. There’s a vibrant amateur rockets community nevertheless.


Not really, the whole point of a pipe bomb is for the reaction to happen as fast as possible. This is sub optimal for rocketry.

@dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world avatar

However, anyone who has tried to make their own DIY solid fuel model rocket motor has inevitably wound up with their first attempt being something between a small bomb and a large firework.

My first attempt certainly was…


A rocket makes for a bad, inefficient pipe bomb. But it’ll still take your hand off


The contents of The Jolly Roger Cookbook.

I’m prob on a list now for mentioning it


Is that different from the anarchist’s cookbook?

@AmberPrince@kbin.social avatar

They're pretty much the same. I think anarchist took Jolly Roger and expanded on it. Worth mentioning, don't actually do any of the stuff in there. The chemistry is suspect and the tech stuff is laughably outdated.


Me and some buddies tried smoking banana peels in our teens in the 90s because of the Anarchist Cookbook. What a colossal waste of time lol


Same, but never realized it was from the Cookbook. I think we baked them first to dry them out? It did absolutely nothing, but I guess the journey was fun nonetheless lol


I tried grinding and eating Morning Glory seeds as a teen to trip on the LSA in the seeds, but I learned the hard way that they spray the seeds with a noxious chemical which induces vomiting, to stop people from having harmless fun…

I got so sick and puked so much, I still can’t eat almond butter due to the similar texture, like 13 years later… I’ll instantly feel nauseous and have to hold back vomiting.


It’s funny that someone intentionally did that knowing what it would do to you


We also wasted time with that, one of my friends from back then had an even bigger fail the first time he bought hash.

Stood there for an hour burning it on the gas stove to get it to crumble, eventually came to the conclusion that he had been sold a stone hahaha.


Blotto Box!


Prob showing my age, as I think that’s what it used to be called!


Knowledge is power!

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