
Poe’e law states that there’s no such thing as satire, and that every post that could be considered a joke is actually a display of incredible stupidity


Not really. Poe’s Law just states that extremist positions are often impossible to distinguish from satire. It doesn’t say that there’s no such thing as satire.

TechyDad, avatar

That’s why I append my sarcastic posts with /s. It’s a habit I picked up on Reddit where you could easily see someone posting that same comment, but being 100% serious. The /s kind of ruins the joke, but I’d rather the joke be ruined than have people think I was serious when I said those kinds of things.


i mean, if people don’t know it’s satire, it’s because it’s not satirical, it’s just something people actually say.


Now THAT’s what I call Poe’s law!

AceTKen, (edited ) avatar
  • Every thread against people not strictly aligning with Leftist politics will be boiled down to: “There are three types of people: reasonable people who agree with me, crazy fascists on the other side, and lily-livered wimps who can’t pick a side (and are also secretly fascists who just won’t admit it)!”
  • Anyone with passable writing skills will be downvoted because creating cogent arguments against them is hard, and heaven forbid anyone see a smart argument that doesn’t align with your views perfectly.
  • In a similar vein, people will use the downvote as a “fuck you” button without commenting or adding any value to the conversation whatsoever.

(Edit: Yes, yes. You’re all hilarious. I may not have a button to hit, but fuck you too.)

otter, (edited )

Re: the silent downvoting: IMHO, it’s childish and worse than toadying as it’s both inherently cowardly and lacks any real effort at all. If I thought it would constructively improve the platform, I’d suggest a daily rationing of them, but what’s the point?

edit: D’awww, the chickenshits took the time to click. That’s adorable.

AceTKen, (edited ) avatar

It really is the embodiment of that old joke about people never wanting to hear other people’s opinions, and only wanting to hear their own opinion parroted back to them by someone passably eloquent.


I can only assume, that these downvotes are meant as a not so smart joke.

AceTKen, avatar

Funnily enough, “not so smart joke” is the same descriptor I have for no-discussion downvoters.


Upvote/DownVote/Likes/Thumbs Up/Etc etc are all bullshit and have ruined online discourse by, for the majority of online interactions, gamifying and distilling it into whatever reaction the poster… on some subconscious if not conscious level, whatever will get them the most positive praise and trigger that dopamine dump in the brain.

And thats when its not just dogpiling people who are saying things that are true, but you just dont want to hear.

internet would be better if this shit never existed.


That’s a tough one, the dopamine hit is real and encourages engagement, which drives up the active userbase and makes for more opportunity for discussion.

They get abused too but a forum with none of it won’t grow in nearly the same way as one that makes use of it. People like to earn something (karma, upvotes, whatever) even if it has no tangible value.

Honestly, reddit kinda nailed it but then made it very hard to keep supporting them when they took a steaming shit on the mods and massively overpriced the api to ensure they had more control of the userbase.

Overall I don’t think they’re hurting too badly from it though and I’m sure the extra ad revenue they get from ensuring everyone uses their app helps to dry their tears. Probably a smart business decision (at least in the short to medium term), depressing as that might be.


Many comments don’t deserve any effort beyond a downvote. Whether you like it or not, it’s how the system is designed to work.

In this case I downvoted you for being a condescending piece of shit in your edit. Otherwise I probably would have ignored you and moved on.


Sorry, kiddo, but that’s not “how the system is designed to work” (you’d know this if you actually read the community guidelines, rather than just wandering in and assuming it was Reddit 2.0), and instead is simply finding a similar fate that etymological morphology suffers at the hands of illiteracy.

Swing and a miss. Next.


We’ve got a linguistic prescriptivist here! Everyone come and look at the guy who’s sick of stuff shifting over time in response to community sentiment!


Necro much? FFS, boomer.


this is written like a lily-livered wimp who is anti-woke and won’t admit it

AceTKen, (edited ) avatar

My liver may be flower-scented, but I tend to not paint situations in broad-stoke terms like “woke” that are used to dismiss valid arguments.

You can’t disprove a label (especially a vague one that someone else applies to you), however you can very much disprove points.


That sounds like some of that woke socio-commu-liberalism to me.

/s for the oblivious


You summarised my feelings far more eloquently than I managed here yesterday.

Downvote for you!!

But seriously, lemmy feels like more of an echo chamber than reddit ever did to me (which is saying a lot), maybe that’s because it’s an echo chamber for views i don’t agree with and reddit was more aligned to my thinking so I notice it more here, but dear god it’s getting harder and harder to stick around.


Don’t worry, bud, ive got your right wing right here, despite not being right wing, an american, a frequent voter, or anything…I just apparently am to people so delusional they think a canadian style rational socialist is a fascist.


I guess everyone is on the right when you’re on the absolute most extreme left.


Well, no, I don’t vote ndp because I’m anti union and anti gun control. I’m perhaps center right and want the national health care fixed, not privatized.

Globulart, (edited )

You’re missing my point bud. Everything is hot compared to something at 0 kelvin.

Everyone is left compared to the most right wing person, everyone is right compared to the most left wing person. It’s why people here often claim reddit is right leaning, despite it heavily favouring the left.

Being the most anything is rarely good, extremes prevent people seeing the other side way too often and very few subjects are 100% anything, most have nuance.

Just making a joke about why someone might accuse you of being a fascist.


Leftists famously don’t have uniform views and bitterly disagree on important topics. Some leftists aren’t reasonable in my opinion, with many non leftists having better reasoning behind their beliefs. Too many leftists are purity testing assholes, treating leftism with the same elitism that people on Lemmy treat using Linux. I hate elitism, even if you want to limit how big a community is. It’s just an unpleasant attitude.

1984, avatar

May i speak to you for a moment about Linux our great savior?


I mean, you probably should in order to observe unwritten rule no 1

kalkulat, avatar

There will never be an end to religious arguments in Computerland.


We shall talk about communism and Linux.


  1. liberalism > conservatism
  2. firefox > chromium based and yes, i found it the hard way.

What is… the hard way?


Printing out the source code and inserting it into yourself.

I don’t make the rules, just how it is.


My father printed the GNU license 100 times, rolled it up and gave me a good beating with it. The only true way to learn about the four freedoms.


needed something to replace the jumper cables


nice reply sugartits


Anally or orally?






Librewolf > Firefox

PP_BOY_, avatar

liberalism > conservatism

I don’t think you know what that word means. I can’t even enter a comment thread without someone arguing against liberalism


“Liberal” means different things dependent on the country.


The word has different meanings in different contexts. That said, unless you’re a complete moron, it’s usually very easy to figure out what sense of “liberalism” is intended based on context.

What I have no patience for at all are the insufferable idiots who insist that only one definition is correct, and oh by the way, it just happens to be their definition.


Don’t know. I haven’t found them yet.

Metal_Zealot, avatar

Each community, at some point in time, has to have someone with severe a case of Main Character Syndrome make a post that refers to another post where their feelings got hurt cuz their initial post didn’t get the exact kind of attention they wanted, which then results in a total shit fit in the comments.

I’ve seen it happen numerous times in my short time on Lemmy. Especially on !memes.

People need to learn how to just suck it up and move on ffs. I swear it’s the r*dditard mentality leaking in here.

Tattorack, avatar

Reddit has this too. Especially on subs with younger audiences… Or really old entitled audiences.

Communist, avatar

Pretend ai is insignificant

kalkulat, avatar

Don’t have to pretend. Ask your favorite AI for one example of a ‘glittering generality’.

Communist, avatar

You really do have to pretend that they’re insignificant.

They’re extremely significant. Overhyped? Maybe, but extremely significant nonetheless. I think a lot of people here have gone “well, if it’s overhyped, that means it isn’t even vaguely interesting” and I think the real truth, as much as I hate centrism, is in the middle.


What one would think is ai today is not really i. Chatgpt does not understand what it’s talking about and definitively can not lead the machine uprising. Straight up neural networks maybe could, but they’d need magnitudes more computing power then we have now. We would need a new ai for it to be practical.

In my experience gpt-s are more like “what are some examples of x” then “can you solve this problem”. Because the problems are either easy to google or, for the harder problems, gpt straight up lies or rambles uselessly. A search engine helper, in a way.

I’d rather we put all those MWh into solving real problems, instead of startups. Also; Nvidia, fuck you.

AdrianTheFrog, avatar

AI is going to significantly affect the amount of people who are able to (or, in a better world, would have to) work.

Communist, (edited ) avatar

I think LLM’s are on the right track, while an LLM with its current architecture likely couldn’t without a ridiculous scale, they do show signs of understanding (… ), pretending they are nothing more than autocompletes as the people here do is disingenuous, what it does is predict, and while that’s all it does, that’s also all that makes humans special, the human mind is an object that takes sensory input, and predicts what muscle movements would be best given the sensory input, in fact, our heavy reliance on prediction is the reason magic tricks fool us, the only way to accurately predict things is through reasoning and understanding, we don’t know what happens when we scale, and there’s a reason experts predictions of when AGI will come are getting closer and closer, right before the LLM boom the average prediction was something like 40 years (based on memory), now it’s like, 10.

I consider an LLM to be akin to what would happen if a persons thoughts were immediately transformed into words, without any layer of verification, you think plenty of wrong things, but you don’t say the wrong things you think because you have a layer of verification before speech, and it turns out, according to recent research, adding a verification layer to LLM’s is extremely potent:

It seems, according to this paper, that the trick is to have an LLM generate thousands of possible outputs, and have a separate tool verify their correctness, and then only present the correct output, this could possibly solve hallucination, which is one of the biggest roadblocks to actual intelligence.

While we aren’t at true intelligence yet, we are creating the building blocks that will allow for it, and it will happen, and the experts believe it’s coming soon, LLM’s are not insignificant in terms of progress.

These are tools made of the same component parts as our brain, admittedly, it takes approximately one thousand artificial neurons to simulate a real neuron, but the fact of the matter is, our minds are quite similar to these artificial minds, the artificial minds are just much, much, much, much more simple, it turns out, intelligence is likely a matter of statistical analysis.

gens, (edited )

When you look at a coffe cup from the side, you know it has a hole in it. Because you imagine, not because it’s a reflex.

LLM is basically a point cloud of words. The training uses neural networks and thus pattern recognition. But the llm itself is closer to a database. But hey, sql is also useful for ai (data storage/retrival according to logic).

I’m not an llm expert, by far. But right now they are not much more practical then a find out a bout things helper.

Edit: I do like them. It’s been helpful a couple times and i even got gpt4all installed on my computer for fun.

Communist, (edited ) avatar

When you look at a coffe cup from the side, you know it has a hole in it. Because you imagine, not because it’s a reflex.

You’re looking at this backwards, you know those things because of previous experiences, you predict this might happen due to those.

This is still a matter of prediction, and if that had never happened to you even once, I guarantee you wouldn’t look for it.

They’re also significantly smaller than our brains and multimodality has been shown to help with reasoning, so, considering they’re text only and significantly smaller than our brains, their significantly reduced functionality is to be expected. Especially when you factor in that our brain has verification layers, which have only recently been discovered to work for LLM’s, none of them even implement this yet as far as i’m aware.

Kolanaki, avatar

No! What are you doing?! If you write them down, they’re no longer unwritten!


Rule 34. Doesnt exist here

fushi01, avatar

Boy do I have some news for you…


I made a quick slook. Only 1 post per month. (Unless theres more i didnt find)

Tattorack, avatar

I dunno man… There’s already someone right here in the comments with “” as their account…

  1. Don’t be a os elitist

Something something arch

darcy, avatar


Teon, avatar

Rule 854. kbin is superior!


is it though, and why?

Teon, avatar

A. It's an unwritten rule on Lemmy.
B. kbinners are not lem-ings.


Nah, Lemmy is better.

applejacks, avatar

everytime elon musk so much as farts, it must be posted to at least 10 different communities here and discussed at length

AceTKen, avatar

With 400 permutations of “Fuck this clown” and “how can I block mentions of him” in the comments.

Unfortunately, shitty billionaires make the news. Get rid of billionaires and they won’t be in the news.

applejacks, avatar

oh cool, i’ll just eliminate billionaires then, that’s pretty easy for me to do.

AceTKen, (edited ) avatar

Hey I’m just writing the rules down, not telling you you shouldn’t be annoyed by them.


If a post from the Linux communities pops up on your feed, it is your duty as a Windows user to comment “wELL I dOn’t HavE tHAt prOBleM bECauSE I uSe wINdOws” to stop Linux users commenting the opposite on every fucking thread about Windows

kalkulat, avatar

But whatever they do they should not use the word it’s in their comment, or else we see something like itAಠ€’s … and thattAಠ€’s harder to read.


LolA%€d at that

MargotRobbie, avatar

Future Oscar winning movie Barbie is the only permitted commercial interest on Lemmy.


And the occasional Wolf of Wallstreet plug, if we mention Margot Robbie’s nude scene

MargotRobbie, avatar

Suspiciously named user, I literally plug all of my movies on this social media platform. Except the first Suicide Squad. And Terminal.

Also, that’s esteemed Academy Award nominated character actress Margot Robbie to you!

shapis, avatar

Except the first Suicide Squad.

The heck? That movie’s trailer slaps hard.

MargotRobbie, avatar

Unfortunately, somebody thought it was a good idea to edit the entire movie like the trailer…

Also, Jared Leto(🤮).

wavebeam, avatar

that time he sent you a fucking pig carcass is so fucking deranged


Good call on Terminal. Not the call to star in it, but to pretend it never happened. Also, no need to specify between Suicide Squad and The Suicide Squad, the second one had the The in the title suggesting that it is The one that counts.

When ‘you’ win an oscar I will probably add it to the title, but thanks for the suggestion. ;)

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