charonn0, avatar

When my paid Paramount+ subscription included unskippable ads.

scrubbles, avatar

I loathe the trend where I pay money and they still expect me to sit through ads. That’s why we all left cable to start with.


by the time I had my own money I didn't even think of getting pay tv because it was already running more ads than free to air.

Never had subscription fatigue because paid services have never been better than the free option in my experience.


What’ll really aggravate you is that way back when cable was first rolling out, it was billed as paid TV service without ads (as opposed to the ad-supported OTA local networks). Obviously that promise didn’t last long.

It’s a tale as old as time. Its happened before, it’s happening now, and it’ll happen again.

GlowingLantern, avatar

Why limit yourself to subscriptions if you can do both and earn even more money? 🤑

PS: Microsoft perfected this with Windows bloat ware, adverts and tracking. Why did they need to integrate that, if you already paid ca. 150€ (Home) or 250€ (Pro) for a licence? Those prices are integrated into the prices of hardware purchases too, in case anyone is wondering. Purchase a laptop without an OS and it’s generally about 100-150€ cheaper. Anyone interested in Microsoft 365 and Windows 365?


That’s why people switched to cable to start with. Broadcast TV had ads and cable didn’t.

People have depressingly short memories and a depressingly long patience for megacorporate thievery.


Ads on cable channels first happened in 1971. I doubt most people on here were born yet then.


Luckily I did the 6 month free trial and learned. 6 months is generous, ads are not.


What’s the point of paying for a subscription if you still get ads 🤷🏻

Marvelous strategy model.


I’m still refusing to pay for P+ in the UK. They nicked us about so much with Discovery, Picard and Lower Decks all being on Netflix and Amazon, then started pulling the rug from under us with Dis S3 and it appears maybe LD S4 this year. I’m not paying for a whole new service for one franchise no matter how much I love it. At least Disney got Marvel, Star Wars and all the Fox content before trying D+.

mobyduck648, avatar

Yeah it’s such a shameless cash grab, I know corporations mug us off every day but it’s disrespectful when they’re so desperate about it.


Even worse when it’s regarding Trek, a franchise that’s always been critical of capitalism.


Imagine how we feel over here in NZ when we wanted to watch S2E1 of GH we actually got S1E3 of DOOL instead! Boy when the NPD were told about this I bet they ASAP’d their pants!

I hate acronyms.

Scary_le_Poo, avatar

YouTube premium raised their prices. I had got it back when Google music was the thing. Then they raised the price. Then they raised the price again. Then they raised the price again. The last price raise gave me the motivation to check out Spotify and newpipe.

I haven’t looked back.

Gawdl3y, avatar

I’m still grandfathered in from the Google Play Music days, paying $7.99/mo for YT Music + YT Premium. I will never interrupt that subscription and lose that price, haha.


Use InnerTune and you can drop the price to 0 ;-)


Pardon my ignorance, I don’t mean to insult, but how does a python library drop the price to zero? Do you have your own app built using this library?

jack, (edited )

I’m sorry, I could’ve been more clear. There is an app called InnerTune (F-Droid is an app store on Android that contains only free/open source software) which lets you stream and download all of yt music for free. You can also use the website to stream.

Youtube Premium is also unnecessary when you use the adblocker Ublock Origin on Firefox. On Android, NewPipe is also a great app to watch and download the videos ad-free.

That is possible because Google badly protects its content APIs.


Huh, thanks for the info! I will definitely need to read up on all this.

lukini, avatar

You likely lose that price in December. I got an email telling me so and I believe it applies to all of us grandfathered in. Here’s the relevant part of the email:

As a long-standing and valued member, you are currently paying a lower rate for Premium than the rate available to new subscribers. To show our appreciation for your loyalty, we’re giving you at least three extra months at your current price before the price increase will impact your plan. Your price will not increase before your December billing date. Don’t worry, we’ll be sure to notify you again at least 30 days before the new price is effective.

Gawdl3y, avatar

Hmm, what was the subject of that email? I don’t see one like that, but I want to be sure.

lukini, avatar

“YouTube Premium Price Update”

July 20

Gawdl3y, avatar

Yeah, interesting, I don’t have that email. I guess I’ll find out if my subscription rate increases in December!



The term grandfathered in has a pretty fucked racist origin.


Had to investigate, and turns out you’re right about the origin. The original grandfather clause was meant to exempt blacks from voting. See

I’m not a fan of term banning, however. We still use the number 9 even though Hitler said it a lot.


Yeah but Hitler did not create the number 9. Slight difference. There is also no other term to express the number 9.

Legacied means the exact same thing and does not have the racist origin. There is certainly no ban on using ‘grandfathered in’ but there is no real reason to use it since it does not convey anything that the term legacied already does.

Usually_Lurker, avatar

I am also in that tier. They are raising the prices weather you like it or not.

Usually_Lurker, avatar

Reply since it won’t let me edit.

From my email:

“To continue delivering great service and features, we are increasing the Premium plan price to $13.99/month.

As a long-standing and valued member, you are currently paying a lower rate for Premium than the rate available to new subscribers. To show our appreciation for your loyalty, we're giving you at least three extra months at your current price before the price increase will impact your plan. Your price will not increase before your December billing date. Don’t worry, we’ll be sure to notify you again at least 30 days before the new price is effective.”


Check out InnerTune on Android or , you can listen to yt music gratis thanks to free/libre software!

Toribor, avatar

I did exactly the same thing. I miss Google Music. I also miss Songza which they bought, integrated into Google Music and then killed it off anyway.


HBO Max and Spotify were the only streaming services I paid for. I had HBO Max since the first few months of it’s launch but when they raised the already high fee I cancelled it. Shortly after they changed it to Max, definitely don’t regret it. HBO Max used to feel special but that specialness died.


To be honest, sporify is the only one I actually use. But I get a fuck ton of use out of it. I used to be able to use Netflix without paying for it. Bit it just didn’t really work for me


Evernote. I’m not sure why I even stayed with them for so long; probably the pain of moving after so many years. Switched to Joplin before they doubled their fees for zero new (useful) features.

DeltaTangoLima, avatar

Yeah, I dropped EN years ago, when they doubled (at the time) the fees after acquiring Skitch. I floated around trying to make other things work, then found Joplin in the past year or so. Haven’t looked back.


Have you heard of our Lord and Savior, obsidian?


Tell me more!


Sublime Text 4 going subscription based instead of major release based. I downgraded back to ST3 and am keeping my lifetime license on that one. The alternative is a 3 year usage license which is trash for the price you need to pay


It does say you get to keep access to everything in the three year window.


this is correct, you get access to every update in that window, instead of everything in that major release. It is better than it could be but, it’s rediculous to purchase a software that doesn’t even give you the full release of it. It also doesn’t alert you before upgrading/updating to a release outside your license window and relies on you figuring out how to downgrade after if you let it auto update.

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

When did it go subscription based?


it went subscription based starting with ST4, ST3 and lower had a lifetime sub to that major version


I bought a new PC in 2021 (because building was hard due to supply shortages) and it came with GamePass Ultimate. When I combined my existing Xbox Gold subscription, it gave me something like 1.5 years worth of GamePass Ultimate, which was really great! Once that subscription expired, I had saved up for a year worth of another subscription up front, but noticed they only offered month-to-month at that point. I realized I wasn’t playing GamePass games enough to warrant the subscription (might have been different if I could install on my Steam Deck, not through a Windows install or streaming).

Once that GamePass subscription came up, and then Netflix started cracking down on password sharing that I was sharing with my sister in the next city over, it made me question a lot of recurring subscription. For streaming TV shows/movies, I think going forward we’ll have one service subscribed to but bouncing around to catch up on shows that my wife and I may want to watch. For GamePass, I’ll probably resubscribe once Starfield comes out.


Your idea for resubcribing to gamepass is an idea everyone should use for every subscription. Only pay for a subscription if there’s something on it that you want and stop paying for it when there’s nothing on it that you want.

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

There was never a last straw for me, because I never subscribed to any bullshit. I read and understood the dangers of SaaS as a school kid long before the term was cool and long before privacy community and corporate industry popularised it. Unless something really requires realtime work collaboration, like Google Docs/Office 365, or if there are realtime social activities like multiplayer gaming or messaging/chat/videocall, just about everything else does not require an active internet connection, and should be doable locally on a system. This is why devices like iPhone, iPad, Chromebooks and so on are NOT real computers, but merely rented kiosks.


I read and understood the dangers of SaaS as a school kid long before the term was cool and long before privacy community and corporate industry popularised it.

Ok, good for you, lol.

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar



Tagging communities with r/ don’t work on Lemmy.

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

You need to clear your foggy head and get some sleep. Your cheeky comment was BS and your comeback was too lame. Strengthen your game if you want to do these kind of replies.

Also someone else downvoted you.


I just thought that your sentence about being the first, was stupid and something a 5 heard old would say. It was admittedly funny.

And then I wanted to inform you that r/ doesn’t work on Lemmy, just in case you didn’t know. !communityname is the correct format.

No offense meant.

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

You came here 2 weeks ago. Open and check my account history… (눈_눈)


What does that have to do with your earlier statement?

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

I am speechless, astounded, astonished and flabbergasted all at the same time. You need to be in a museum.


Alright kiddo. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)



You can install Linux on them and make them real computers, though. Right? Right?

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

You can, but then they lack processing power. But they do become light computing machines.




The first subscription I turned off is my gym membership 10 years ago. That was the first time I realized I was paying for air. With a few hundred dollars spread over years, I’ve amassed a pretty stellar home gym with machines and weights. Granted, the trade off is space.

In the digital age, really nothing. The wife has Netflix but nothing on that service does shit for me. I get a screen of Max from a close friend and in return she has access to my Plex, and I let her make requests when I go sailing the seas. Max has some ok stuff.

Anyhow, I do everything not to have a subscription to anything, minus my VPN. I also still buy blurays. Conversely, I haven’t bought a physical video game in at least 5 years - so I’ve succumbed to convenience in that regard.


I pay for gym just to force myself to go. Uni had a free gym and I used it a lot the first month, then nothing. I just don’t have the discipline…

rubpoll, avatar

I also still buy blurays.


DeltaTangoLima, avatar

Netflix, and when they said I’d have to pay for password sharing for my stepkids, because they use my account when they’re at their dad’s.

That was the last straw. I cracked the shits, bought a couple of ex-enterprise servers, and setup … something different. I then cancelled all streaming services (I got wind of the second Disney hike coming).

The cool thing is they now email me with cheap rejoin offers, telling me about all the cool shows I need to be aware of. ;)

zakobjoa, avatar

How are your kids coping with, uh, something different? I imagine it’s a tad less convenient, even with your server. Also, I haven’t done something different since the rise of Netflix. Is the quality of something different generally higher with streaming services just putting their content on the internet themselves?

DeltaTangoLima, avatar

I admit, last time I tried something different years ago, it wasn’t that good, but thought I’d give it another go. I’d bought a lifetime pass way back, so had nothing to lose by trying.

The kids are coping fine - the apps for something different are all pretty rock-solid now - macOS, iOS, Android, Chromecast GTV. Plus I’m on a decent fibre internet connection, so even full high quality things work just fine when they’re not at home. Honestly, there’s not a lot of difference, except my catalogue of things is better than any single service.

Plus I take requests. :D Actually, I allow automated processing of requests, within certain limits.


Why tf are you guys talking in code

zakobjoa, avatar




No one cares if you pirate…what are they gonna do, track your lemmy account?

zakobjoa, (edited ) avatar

Lemmy is banning sea faring communities.

Edit: to be specific

Deiv, is, not others


You mean Nowhere else bans it to my knowledge. Pretty sure Lemmy itself doesn’t and can’t ban anything.

DeltaTangoLima, avatar

Lol - why do you care? If you know, you know. Right?



How do you process the automated requests? That’s my dream for my little slice of things.

DeltaTangoLima, avatar

There’s an *arr app that oversees requests.

Stumblinbear, avatar

Arrr! I be hearin’ tales of the five hearties of the Dutchman, sonarr, radarr, lidarr, prowlarr, and the most feared scallywag of 'em all: overseer!


These look like my kind of pirates, thanks!

lol3droflxp, avatar

It doesn’t compress video more on mobile devices, that’s all I need to know. When I connect an iPad or iPhone to the home cinema setup, the compression is much worse then on an old laptop.

aard, avatar

Mine are handling oit perfectly fine - and we have the added difficulty of having German as mother tongue, and wanting to keep the English language content in the kids library low. Finding german language torrents is rather tricky.


I’m a native English speaker so take this with a grain of salt.

Usernet? If memory holds there are a few German language indexers.


I started again since a year or so. And decided to set up a home server (from an old pc) with the whole *arr suite this summer. Automation these days really is marvelous. You just tell it once which show you want to watch. It fetches you all the shows that are already out and also fetches you each new episode every week. And it’s all in good quality. And you can set automatic subtitles straight from the app’s interface.

norb, avatar

If you have kids, the PBS Kids video app is pretty alright. And free (in the US of course)

frippa, avatar

Just watching all these new subscription services for everything gave me the fatigue and started my self-hosting and actually-owning-things journey, even just paying for Netflix (when I still did) was too much for me, it didn’t have everything I wanted, if it did it would remove it after a year or so, and every couple years the price would hike.


America Online.

That was a 6 month fucking ordeal to cancel, and it ended up taking bank intervention and the changing credit cards for it to finally go away.


My aunt is still paying those leeches $20/month. Her excuse was that she didn’t want to lose her email, but I’ve told her so many times that the email is free. I eventually just gave up trying to save her money that she’d rather burn.


AOL has always made its living not on providing a service worthy of the money, but by exploiting the technologically illiterate.

That said, I have a weird nostalgia about AOL since the early era of the internet was defined by my use of AOL, and AOL chatrooms, and “You’ve got mail” and all the various associated accoutrements, even if I’d love to stab Steve Case in the eye with a brick.


Ignoring anything I subscribe online for and can’t cancel example (Just cancelled my cable internet was more painful than ID like)?

Any service that tries to auto deliver me another product in a monthly and won’t let me order one without the auto replenish. (Example: Meal services and the like you tubers like to promote, but I’ve been seeing many things attempt this lately)


When I couldn’t just purchase a season of a tv show (Drag Race). You should just be able to buy a show or movie if you want to watch it.

The most recent season was exclusively on Paramount +. I guess they had exclusive right because it wasn’t available anywhere else. It was 3.99/month with a discount so I figured I’d keep it as long as the season aired. I was fucking amazed that there could be twenty fucking commercials in an hour show. If I wanted to skip backward or forward I had to watch three more ads first. Two weeks before the season finale they raised the price to 5.99 so I cancelled it. I didn’t need to watch it that badly. Their other content was shit, all nineties MTV and made for tv movies. When I signed up they advertised Yellowjackets so I was going to watch that. But no, that’s another subscription to Showtime.

It was the cheapest subscription I’ve had but the most aggravating experience, because it’s not about the money. It’s about feeling like I’m getting fucked over with every goddamn thing I buy lately.


I really want to watch Mike judge’s tales from the tour bus but it is only on cinemax. I would have no problem just buying the seasons but you can’t, the only way is to ad cinemax to my already paid sub of Hulu. Fuck that


Literally when there was only netflix and then Disney+ came out


Same but “when there was only netflix, and Hulu got caught being cool so they had to go legit and became a subscription service instead of a pirate streaming site.”

Held out on streaming until kissanime/kisscartoon started bugging me for my adblocker, then switched to downloads.

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