DominicDeligann, avatar

i moved to lemmy before the reddit api changes. in january 2023 i stopped using all proprietary software and was looking for alternetives. its way better than reddit, im never going back…

chrizbie, avatar

There’s good reason to love Lemmy, and since joining I’ve also gone very Foss and privacy centric but I just feel like it’s a bit quiet, maybe it’s just me




How’s that?


chrizbie, avatar

🤌 perfection


It’s very quiet but it’s so much more personable in the comments.

chrizbie, avatar

For me it seems to have wained a bit, I feel like a lot of casual users have gone silent recently, the content I’m seeing is more specific to niche topics and communities

danielton, avatar

Have you tried browsing another instance’s All feed to see if yours is missing any communities? I started using Lemmy on a really small instance but switched to as my main because it could see a lot more content. My new alt runs a federation helper to fix this too.

My only real complaint with Lemmy is that instances, by default, only know about their own communities and the remote communities that their users have specifically subscribed to. Some smaller instances run federation helpers that scan other instances for communities. Manually initiating a federation request is not intuitive either.

chrizbie, avatar

I’ve just made myself a hexbear account because of the mentions on here, looks interesting

Blaze, avatar

Also, you can ask your instance admin to run this tool to have more communities in All:

chrizbie, avatar

Cheers, will mention it to them!

danielton, avatar

Hexbear looks like exploding-heads but for liberals


I feel the opposite, posts have more comments than ever, even when the migration started


So far so good. In a smaller community I feel more responsible for contributing to discussions. Others seem to be engaging too with thoughtful comments (not just karma-farming inside jokes).

This is helped by the fact that new interesting threads are not immediately buried in heaps of new content, so you actually have time to think of an answer that someone might actually read and reply to. I realize that this is mostly a function of the current scale of the Fediverse and that the more it grows, the more it might just turn into Reddit.


I find I tend to get more replies here.

lemmyseizethemeans, (edited )

Reddit is dead. Lemmy is


Nakoichi, avatar

I’ve only been active on Hexbear really since the cth sub got banned and we built that space, but I really like how federation has gone and the influx of new slop and occasional lost libs/chuds.

chrizbie, avatar

I know what some of those words mean


Once you understand the kind of people who are on hexbear, things will become more clear. Just go to some of their profiles and have a look at what they post


I think a considerably chunk of them are bots


It’s not impossible, but I doubt it…


I hadn’t heard of them until I saw blocked them earlier. If Canadians are blocking you for being hateful that might be saying something.


They’re one of the oldest instances around 3 years old but only recently federated with other instances.

AntiOutsideAktion, (edited ) avatar

Hexbear: the 3rd or so biggest instance on lemmy and by far the most active. It’s where all the people with pronouns next to their names come from. We’re a left unity trans positive community that’s been around for 3 years, mostly made up of Marxists and Anarchists. We were just recently federated with the rest of lemmy about a week ago.

slop: Food for the hogs. Content. Posts. Discussion. Drama. Romance. Danger! Hoggers

cth: a podcast no one really cares about. A community of leftists outgrew a forum that used to be about them. It got banned from reddit and the refugees turned into Hexbear.

libs: Liberals. From our perspective this includes about 65-75% of the American political landscape. This includes all democrats and about half republicans. These are people who support capitalism. Bernie Sanders is a lib. They are annoying and will betray you in the end but they’re usually the people who can be reasoned with so it’s extra frustrating.

chuds: Fascists. The other 25-35%. Confederate flag waving people who eat burgers as a protest against global warming. Kyle Rittenhouse stans. Coal rollers. The people who will kill you first if you have good politics. They believe above all else in natural hierarchies so the capitalists will turn to them when the left challenges theirs. That’s how Hitler happened.


thanks for the detailed description. feels like my online vocabulary expanded significantly


cth: a podcast no one really cares about. A community of leftists outgrew a forum that used to be about them. It got banned from reddit and the refugees turned into Hexbear.

what do you mean? people definitely care about citations needed.


This post is making me want to add hexbear to a word filter. Specially the blatant 4chan lingo such as “slop”.


Is ‘slop’ from 4chan? I thought that was one of our originals?


It’s their way of saying “low quality”, usually thrown at things they deem forced by a marketing team. Always gave me some anti-semitic vibes when I used to see it used in context but I’m not sure why off the top of my head.


This might be why. I hate that I’ve seen this stuff before.


That’s gross (thank you for sharing the link, I haven’t heard of that one) but it is 100% not what hexbears mean as they refer to their own forum posts as “slop”. They just mean low effort “content” in the more generic English slang sense.


Yes you’re right (though I am not familiar with hexbear). The chan slang was just derived from the standard slang and once you learn about them it can taint your interpretation of it because dogwhistles can sometimes be subtle.


I don’t believe there is any 4chan connection - instead slop is used in the sense of

sometimes in the plural) Scraps used as food for animals, especially pigs or hogs.

Synonyms: hogwash, swill

Swedneck, avatar

It’s absolutely not a 4chan thing, “slop” has been used for aaaaaaaages.

I’d say it’s just an american thing, possibly specifically new york? idk


“If I encounter a word I do not know used by communists, it must be from 4chan because I am the most highly educated and professional person ever to walk the Earth.” — liberals

(I am Jewish and have been terminally online for years and have never heard that ‘slop’ is anti-semitic. Sounds like libs are just using anti-semitism as an empty accusation to silence communists to me, especially heinous when you consider who funded the Nazis in the first place and who rescued the Nazis after the Soviets destroyed them.)

AOCapitulator, avatar

Yeah, it’s ironic. Cause the slop is for US

WE consume the slop, it’s not an insult for the posts it’s an ironic insult towards ourselves for being too online


Pretty good, it’s my Reddit replacement (except for Google searches where I still put, searching Lemmy doesn’t work that well…).

Choosing an instance sucked though.

I went like:

  1. Found out they’re Canadian, the latency was too much for Europe
  2. Overall pretty good, I liked that NSFW instances were defederated, so I could browse All without seeing porn. Till I realized there is a slur filter that censors your comments and others. So if someone calls you a ‘bitch’ on the Fediverse everyone can read it, except you. You see 'removed
  3. Largest instance, plenty of local content, good policies overall, but the stability was awful (due to DDOS)
  4. Smaller instance, full federation, super fast and in the EU, I’m staying there for now and moved all my subscriptions and blocked communities (mostly porn, again, I like to browse All) over

I run a tiny eu instance and am open to registrations


The problem with tiny instances is reliability and trust.

If you lose the motivation to run it tomorrow it’s gone. If you run out of money? Gone. If you’re the only admin and you die? Gone.

In addition to that you can read everything I do on your instance. Like all my “private” messages.

If an instance admin is scummy they could even modify the Lemmy code running and save away all passwords and emails in plaintext. Not an issue for me as I use a custom email and random passwords for every service, but it can fuck over random people.

So professional bigger instances do have their benefits too.


How do you create a custom email for everything? That seems hard to me


I own a domain, for example, which means I can create whatever email I want, like [email protected].

The mail server I set up forwards all emails to one inbox. Which means I still get an email if you send it to [email protected] or [email protected] and so on, you get the idea.

So when I sign up for an account I don’t use a general email (except for banking stuff, taxes, etc.). If I sign up for Facebook (good riddance) I’d use [email protected]. That way I also know when I suddenly get a lot of spam who lost my email or sold it off :)


Oh nice. I wasn’t thinking along the lines of self hosted email. Thanks for the insight.

Maybe I’ll try to set up something similar in the future.


In my case it’s self-hosted, but maybe there are email providers where you can use your own domain that enable the same feature (it’s called wildcard usually).


dude, all I ask for at registration time is a nickname and a captcha… reddit, twitter, fb and google all read your shit and train ai models and make billions of dollars every month

I’m sure your shitposts are top secret but idk, what’s your threat model?


Losing all my comments and posts?


embrace the ephemeral bro, I had a 15y/o reddit account (still do but fuck em)


also, you can just export them?


I saw “yarrrr” and chose a great one hahaha


A bit annoyed about defederations and community blocks. If an instance wants to be an island by itself, fine, but you shouldn’t have to stay up to date with random announcements from each instance to figure out all the places you need to have an account to access all the content you want to.

Blaze, avatar

I feel that in the end there will be 3 main clusters

  • vanilla, family-friendly content
  • piracy
  • porn

People who would want to have the whole experience would need 3 accounts, but that should be it


my predictions are:

  • explicit freeze-peach a la exploding heads (the so-called “alt fedi” over on mastodon)
  • reddit-style free-for-all with just enough moderation to not be voat 2 (the current default of the threadiverse)
  • strictly moderated "traditional fediverse with proper groups"
  • porn

of course there will be parts that overlap, but i absolutely expect a split to occur between the “reddit migratees” and “people who want a mastodon with threading” groups, if the second half hasn’t given up on the threadiverse and returned to mastodon already

Blaze, avatar



Ditched Mastodon pretty much entirely and Lemmy has been my go to. Sometimes will fill in content gaps with my RSS feeder. Definitely leaned me off of Reddit and I haven’t touched the site in like 2 months. The desktop site is still rough, but using Sync it feels like I’m on Reddit again. It’s just missing the niche communities I really missed, but the community is still building up here. Lemmy still has a lot to improve but overall the community has been pretty stable. The instance drama is entertaining lol.

moreeni, (edited )

It’s the Fediverse that I have been searching for.

Somebody on Lemmy made this quote I really like:

Twitter is people you care about posting content you don’t care about. Reddit is people you don’t care about posting content that you do care about

Twitter-like Fedi never clicked for me. I made a bunch of accounts over the course of two, maybe three years, each starting with the intention of maybe making new friends and having a good time. I met a ton of cool people but we never became good friends because I never got really invested into it, simply because my feed was never something I hoped it would be, something exciting.

Lemmy gives me exactly what I was searching for. I didn’t use it prior to thr Reddit migration because there were too few people but now I am very happy


Yeah Twitter style never appealed to me either. Though I’m wondering if I should try Mastodon since it’s supposedly more active than Lemmy.


In my experience, no. I’m not a fan of the microblogging style of discussion as well. I never had a personal twitter account, only my artist account I use to post once a week. I thought I’d try Mastodon, and while it’s nice to be in the fediverse and there a lot of interesting people and posts there, the microblogging format still doesn’t work for me and I basically stopped using my account after 2 weeks. I feel more at home with Lemmy.



  • Loading...
  • TrustingZebra,

    Sounds like me. I signed up to Twitter in 2010 but practically never used it. The short message format never appealed to me and I always thought it was dumb. The heavy focus on politics also put me off.

    However if Mastodon is interesting I’m willing to give it a try! Do most people use it anonymously or with their real names?

    ShittyKopper, (edited )

    There are instances that bump up the max length. The word you’re generally looking for is “glitch” (instances will say they’re running “the glitch fork” or “glitch edition” or will have version numbers ending in +glitch, which has a few features on top of regular Mastodon), although some regular Mastodon instances may also increase the char count the hard way.

    Alternatively, Firefish/Misskey by default has ~3000 characters but it’s a completely different experience altogether (although it still federates with Mastodon (like kbin and Lemmy)). I’m not exactly sure on how Akkoma instances are usually set up but that’s worth taking a peek as well.

    Of course this doesn’t address the politics stuff but that’s more on you to curate your own experience.


    That twitter quote is so true.


    Just another quote I read about twitter/Mastodon:

    “You simply shout into the void and hope someone answer.”

    Lemmy and Reddit feel more like the old forum culture. And that’s better, imo.

    heartfelthumburger, avatar

    I mostly use Lemmy these days, especially after my preffered third party reddit app got ported over to Lemmy. I only use reddit for a few communities, Lemmy for everything else. I also only use reddit on desktop, never on mobile.


    Once I found Liftoff, I’ve used Lemmy exclusively. It’s fantastic, I don’t feel as intimated about commenting (even though this is my first on this account) I’ve found most of my interests again in different communities. There are still a few I don’t have, but that will sort itself out in time.


    Yep Liftoff is my favorite Lemmy app as well! For reference, Relay for Reddit is my favorite Reddit app (it’s still working for now), and I tried most of the Lemmy Android apps.


    I never used relay. I was a RiF fan, I had that for years… so long that I actually forgot Reddit had ads!

    I tired mastodon on the mobile web, but that just didn’t gel for me, the few times I’ve logged on to Lemmy on the PC it’s also just felt so much easier to scroll and read.


    I’m interacting with it far more and in far more varied contexts than I had been on reddit for several years. Overall, there isn’t as much useful or entertaining activity in total of course, but the signal to noise ratio is soooooo much higher.

    1bluepixel, avatar

    I like it and I think I can say with confidence that I’ve made the switch from Reddit to Lemmy as my default “internet frontpage.”

    Still rough in spots, though. The defederation drama is making this a bit of a rocky experience, so I’m not sure I’ve landed on my final instance just yet. I understand this is an unavoidable aspect of the Fediverse (i.e. relations between instances), but I still haven’t settled on an instance where I can say, “Yep, this is the one for me.”

    On the positive side, I love Infinity for Lemmy, even with some of the remaining bugs, and I love that I can open a discussion that’s on the top of my feed and I can still have meaningful interactions with the community. I hope my favorite subs from Reddit will eventually come to life here, because then I’d be golden.

    Overall, this all feels like a fresh new start and I love it.


    Well I’m using an instance ( that doesn’t defederate. But downside being that some extremist instances are also not defederated (like far-right stuff). I would move to another instance, but just too lazy to make another account. Those stuff rarely show up on my front page anyways, and I just ignore them if they do show up. If there was a feature to block an instance like how you can block users, this would be the perfect instance for me. Sadly there’s no such feature yet.

    Swedneck, avatar

    Fwiw the only annoyance i’ve had here on is not having instances defederated and needing to manually block miserable communities, and like half an hour of the server having a bit of a hiccup.

    thelastaxolotl, avatar

    Its been fine, there been more comments from users of a lets say diferent vibe from hexbear common culture but there been positive interactions from instances like lemmygrad,, midwestsocial, blahaj zone and some others.

    Over all i say federation has been a positive change for Hexbear, it gives us more slop in many ways

    davetansley, avatar

    Pretty good. It’s my default morning scroll, at least.

    I’ve got a lot more comfortable with it since using Alexandrite on desktop and Sync on mobile.

    The only thing really missing at the moment is content. It tends to be good for the high profile stuff, but a bit lacking for the niche stuff. I still sneak back to the other place on occasion to catch up on smaller communities… hopefully that will come with time.

    RovingFox, avatar

    I like it. I feel more comfortable to engage with others. I still have some communities on reddit that I go back to for specific information, but other then that, full transition.

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