Nonameuser678, avatar

Everyone should try and reduce the amount of meat they eat as much as they can. Same goes for flying and driving.

toomanypancakes, avatar

The amount they can reduce it by is “all”. Claims of any less is simply making excuses for bad behavior.



How on earth do people go to work if they don’t drive

Moghul, (edited )

Walk, bike, scooter, train, tram, metro, trolley, bus. Plenty of countries can swing public transportation and plenty of people don’t need to drive but still choose to.

Edit: It occurs to me now this person may have been sarcastic.


Do you happen to live in the United States?


As a Europen I find it hilarious the utopian view you guys have of life outside America.


I drive among 12 different locations for work. Can’t really give up the car.


What shitty job requires that?!


It’s good. I drive from school to school seeing kids with disabilities.


It’s dishonest to pick the work that specifically requires driving to complain about driving.


It’s more dishonest to pretend such cases don’t exist, it annoys me so much when people act like public transport is a magical solution to everything because I’ve relied on it a lot and there are so many issues to fix - for a start you have to address how dangerous it is, I don’t like getting a night bus and I’m a scruffy male manual labourer - which cities would you want your 18yo daughter travelling across on bus and light rail at 11pm? Or you elderly mother?

Then there’s the logistics, if I was going to visit eight people at home and had to get the bus between them then travel to and from the bus stop, waiting, changing bus and waiting again… Most of my day would be on the bus compared to a small percentage of it in a car if that was used instead. And yes you can say jobs like that shouldn’t exist if you don’t care about other people, just chuck the elderly, disabled and vulnerable people into a home and forget about them, who cares if women can’t live normal lives let them stay at home if they want to be safe! All that matters is it’s now cool to hate cars


Happily I don’t live in your country, where, true, most cities seem to have been designed by car lobbyists.

All the arguments you imagined I’d use to rebuke you are, actually, part of the ethos and the public policy in your country, not mine, so you can stop projecting now.


I live in a European city with what’s widely regarded as one of the best public transit systems in the West, most of the city was designed before cars even existed.

So no I’m not talking about America, are you trying to pretend that getting a bus in Barcelona, Rome, Paris or any other major European city is some magic fairy journey free of pick pockets, aggressive youths, creeps and weirdos? Because I’ve been on buses in all those cities and seen all those things regularly.


I wasn’t complaining about driving - just saying that carless isn’t always an option.


Then you don’t fall within the ‘don’t need to drive but choose to’ segment. I don’t fully agree with the root comment of this thread, there are definitely some jobs that require a personal vehicle, and yours sounds like one of them. But for most people who are commuting twice daily, more environmentally sound options can replace their personal car.

transientpunk, avatar

I walk from my bedroom to my office.


That’s cool and all but I’m an industrial electrician. I have to drive to the shop every day, and travel all over the country. Can’t exactly just walk over to a coal mine in bumfuck nowhere Kentucky


Just use the bus, duh.


Can’t tell if this is sarcasm but just to put my city’s transit into context, it’d be a 2 hour bus ride to get to the shop via bus from my house. And that’s:

12 minute walk -> ride a bus -> 6 minute walk -> transfer and take a different bus -> 14 minute walk

Or a 22 minute drive


It was sarcasm.

But you could ride a bike! Which is really fun! In the winter, when there is heavy snow, or even on rainy summer days.

I don’t get that some people just don’t understand that it’s sometimes just really inconvenient to not use a car, at least for some people. Please let them use cars without blaming them for doing so…? 🥺


For the last time, putting your bed in conference room 6 did not make it your bedroom.

Also please remove your clothing from the filing cabinets.

Nonameuser678, avatar

It’s not really that simple and a lot of these things are out of people’s control. People who eat more meat than they need to just because they can are the ones who should be changing their behaviour. Not the people who have a constrained diet due to circumstances like poverty or medical conditions. But even then we should be targeting large scale polluters rather than just focusing on individual behaviour change.


But even then we should be targeting large scale polluters rather than just focusing on individual behaviour change.

This 1000%. The campains to put the responsability of recycling and not polluting in the common citizen, given the immensely greater damage companies do, is just a trick to distract, create guilt and not work actively to visibilize the main culprits.


I think the taking point you’re sharing is actually the one pushed by corporations to curtail social movements that could end them.

I always hear people talk about how ten companies are responsible for 90% of plastic use, one of those is Coca-Cola who create billions of tons of plastic bottles which the CEO swims in like Scrooge McDuck… oh no, they put drinks in them and everyone that’s too lazy to carry a water bottle buys them, drinks the liquid then maybe puts the bottle in the trash, many just throw them on the ground.

You know what happened when we all stopped renting videos? Blockbuster died, also all those VHS cassette stopped being made… Try and imagine how it would look in the coke corporate office if everyone decided they weren’t going to buy drinks in plastic bottles. How long would it take for them to turn off the machines when all the outlets cancel their restock orders? How long could they sit paying rent on factories sitting idle and stacked with unsold product?

Of course we need policy and regulation but ignoring our responsibility to make personal choices only benefits the corrupt and damaging corporations, we could crush them so easily but instead of trying it’s now popular to pretend our choices don’t matter

richieadler, (edited )

We couldn’t make anything happen, because they bought the legislators and such necessary laws would never pass


Unless you think they could pass mandatory consumption laws, not eating meat would absolutely work. We’re at just 2% vegans, and we’ve got Beyond and a lot of vegan options in soo many places, compared to just 10 years ago. Imagine just 10% vegans.


When I was in school people didn’t even know what a vegetarian was, like my parents had to argue with the school to get them to belive it. Now McDonald’s has a whole vegan menu (UK only, look it up online) things have changed so fast.

It’s getting so much easier that I really think we’re only going to see it continue to grow in numbers.


Exactly, if we went to defeat them we first need to destoy their source of power, if we stop buying bottled drinks then they’ll be so tied up trying to pay rent on their factories they won’t be able to afford the legislators. This is why they’re scared of us collectively taking personal responsibility


Everytime i stand at the bins and try to decide if an item is trash or recycling, i think of the amount of single use packaging trash that every hospital creates and wonder what difference my once-a-day cat food can will make.


So tomorrow all politicians decide to do the right thing. Meat (just as one example) suddenly costs 5 times as much, because environmental and animal welfare regulations (ones with teeth, this time). In what universe do you think the population would accept that???

ANY sustainable policy change absolutely REQUIRES the support of the voting population. And that’s a million times easier in a world with even just 10% vegans. Any collective action is comprised of INDIVIDUALS choosing to participate, and do their part.


I agree that not everyone can go 0%, but the vast, vast majority can. Especially if we’re talking about people with access and time to chat on some internet platform, aka everyone reading this.

Not every man can stand up for womens rights either. For example, his sexist boss might constantly make sexist jokes about his coworkers. He needs the job, though. He can’t afford to do the right thing. Do you think, therefore, it’s a good thing to ALWAYS BRING THIS HYPOTHETICAL UP, whenever the topic is that men should stop supporting the patriarchy, feminism is good, etc.? If non-feminists were the ones always bringing up the exceptions, would you believe they actually cared?

CookieJarObserver, (edited ) avatar

Actually a non meat diet in many places is way more expensive and way less Filling than just eating meat or fish.

You can down vote me all you want, but consider bringing a argument against it if possible.


That’s entirely down to economies of scale and cultural bias, you’re talking about weird rural towns where the local shop almost caused a riot by accidentally stocking a type of bean no one was familiar with.

The cost to produce vegan food is well below that of meat equivalents, it takes a lot less resources at every stage of the process

CookieJarObserver, avatar

The production cost is, yes. The price it’s sold for absolutely isn’t.


Because in some areas it’s rare so anyone choosing it is forced to pay a premium, where it’s more common it’s the cheaper alternative because there’s more competition.

CookieJarObserver, avatar

Some? You mean basically the entire EU?


That’s not even close to true, I’ve eaten cheap in every country in Western Europe, I can’t speak for the rest but I know Slovakian and Polish vegans who post great looking meals on their social media.


it takes the same resources. like THE EXACT same resources. because we feed animals the parts of plants we can’t or don’t want to eat. any given acre of soy beans has an 85% chance it will all be used to make soy bean oil, and the industrial waste from that process is fed to livestock.


You can’t seriously belive that, endless studies have been done and they all demonstrate it’s incredibly clear which takes more resources


you have a study that shows that 85% of soybeans aren’t crushed for oil? a study that shows that livestock aren’t mostly fed crop seconds and silage and industrial waste? i’d like to see that.


that supports my case


No? You said 85% of soy goes to oil production. Only 11% is though. (Roughly 80% is produced for livestock)


you’re not reading that page very closely. a soybean is only about 20% oil, so to get 17% in oil uses, you’ll need to crush about 85% of all soybeans.

  • approximate percent of soybean that is oil = 20.00
  • percent of soy fed directly to animals = 7.00
  • percent of soy fed to dairy = 1.4
  • percent of soy fed to beef = 0.5
  • percent of soy fed to pets = 0.5
  • percent of soy fed to aquaculture = 5.6
  • percent of soy fed to pig = 20.2
  • percent of soy fed to poultry = 37.0
  • percent of soy that becomes human food = 20.00
  • percent of soy that becomes oil for food = 13.2
  • percent of soy that becomes soy milk = 2.1
  • percent of soy that becomes tofu = 2.6
  • percent of soy that becomes tempeh etc = 2.2
  • percent of soy that is fed to animals = 76.0
  • percent of soy that is used industrially = 4.00
  • percent of soy that becomes biodiesel = 2.8
  • percent of soy that becomes lubricants = .03
  • percent of soy that has other industrial uses = .07
  • percent of soy not fed directly to animals = 93.00
  • if all soy not fed directly to livestock were pressed for oil = (approximate percent of soybean that is oil / 100) * percent of soy not fed directly to animals
  • soy eaten not as oil = percent of soy that becomes soy milk + percent of soy that becomes tofu + percent of soy that becomes tempeh etc
  • if all soy not eaten directly by livestock and not as non-oil food is pressed for oil = (percent of soy not fed directly to animals - soy eaten not as oil) * approximate percent of soybean that is oil / 100

If we take 7% of all soy out because it’s fed directly to animals, and another 6.9% is eaten, but not as oil, and 20% of each of the remaining beans are made of oil, we find 17.22% is the maximum amount of oil we could get if all the soy beans not fed to animals or eaten by people are pressed for oil.

It turns out that the chart shows 13.2% is oil for humans to eat, and 4.0% is used industrially (and these are all oil uses), totaling 17.2%,then basically all soy not eaten directly by animals or as various human foods is pressed for oil.



Where does it say, that it counts secondary uses? My understanding of the chart is, that 13.2% of soy is pressed for oil for human consumption and it’s leftovers might also be fed to animals. But additionally to the other 76%


you’re misunderstanding the chart. it literally says "end uses " on the chart. do you see where the soy fed to cattle is called “soy cake”? that’s the byproduct of pressing soybeans for oil.

  • approximate percent of soybean that is oil = 20.00
  • percent of soy fed directly to animals = 7.00
  • percent of soy fed to dairy = 1.4
  • percent of soy fed to beef = 0.5
  • percent of soy fed to pets = 0.5
  • percent of soy fed to aquaculture = 5.6
  • percent of soy fed to pig = 20.2
  • percent of soy fed to poultry = 37.0
  • percent of soy that becomes human food = 20.00
  • percent of soy that becomes oil for food = 13.2
  • percent of soy that becomes soy milk = 2.1
  • percent of soy that becomes tofu = 2.6
  • percent of soy that becomes tempeh etc = 2.2
  • percent of soy that is fed to animals = 76.0
  • percent of soy that is used industrially = 4.00
  • percent of soy that becomes biodiesel = 2.8
  • percent of soy that becomes lubricants = .03
  • percent of soy that has other industrial uses = .07
  • percent of soy not fed directly to animals = 93.00
  • if all soy not fed directly to livestock were pressed for oil = (approximate percent of soybean that is oil / 100) * percent of soy not fed directly to animals
  • soy eaten not as oil = percent of soy that becomes soy milk + percent of soy that becomes tofu + percent of soy that becomes tempeh etc
  • if all soy not eaten directly by livestock and not as non-oil food is pressed for oil = (percent of soy not fed directly to animals - soy eaten not as oil) * approximate percent of soybean that is oil / 100

If we take 7% of all soy out because it’s fed directly to animals, and another 6.9% is eaten, but not as oil, and 20% of each of the remaining beans are made of oil, we find 17.22% is the maximum amount of oil we could get if all the soy beans not fed to animals or eaten by people are pressed for oil.

It turns out that the chart shows 13.2% is oil for humans to eat, and 4.0% is used industrially (and these are all oil uses), totaling 17.2%,then basically all soy not eaten directly by animals or as various human foods is pressed for oil.



Hell yeah to this! As a vegan it’s disgusting seeing how little anyone thinks of animals. Every little thing is “add eggs,” “add butter,” “more bacon” like, does anyone give a fuck at all about these animals? Disgusting, sick people


If I did, would I tell you?


The Beatles were overrated.

rikudou, avatar

Well, I partially agree with this. They weren’t overrated back then, but nowadays they for sure are.

charlytune, avatar

I live in Liverpool, and I’m really fucking sick of them.

LUHG_HANI, avatar

I’m sorry mate and the Beatles aren’t that bad.


Were they though? Every proper album after Rubber Soul was SOLID. They released five 9/10 or 10/10 albums in five years. Not many other bands have done anything even close to that.


People are judged more on their behavior than their gender identity or race.

Gargleblaster, avatar

That's probably true.

But you have to spend at least a little time with someone to judge their behavior.

The problem is that people are pre-judged based on their race, gender identity, sexual orientation, religious beliefs or lack thereof, nation of origin, first language, and a boatload of other things purely based on these factors without any personal contact or observation of their behavior.

Hence the word prejudice.

Likewise, people take the misbehavior of one or a small group and and apply it to everyone with the same characteristic.

Hence prejudice and stereotyping.


And there are many people out there whose behavior can be described as: judging others’ character based on superficial qualities such as gender presentation or race.

And my judgement of that behavior is that those people should be shamed and educated.


That’s why I generally divide people into two groups: assholes and not assholes.


Generally, social justice is at best, a distraction from real issues, albeit with very good intentions.

(We talk about human dignity, representation in film etc but not say, the fact most of our stuff is made by children who occasionally burn to death making it. If I were one of the billionaires running things, I would be overjoyed that people were so distracted about what a comedian said versus how our entire economic model is structured.)


Eyinah would like to have a word with you.


The lack of justice is exactly how the elite class gets the lower groups to fight each other. The thought of a unified working class would keep up every banker at night if it weren’t for apathetic privileged class claiming that social justice isn’t that important.


The thing is you can't provide "justice" to all. A society will always have conflicting beliefs and some things just aren't worth fight for. Like when people were trying to make Latinx a thing. And like someone else posted not all immigrants are going to agree with a minority movement just because they are a minority.


The thought of a unified working class would keep up every banker at night if it weren’t for apathetic privileged class claiming that social justice isn’t that important.

I think it depends on your definition of social justice. A real social justice, in my mind, would be concerned about the kids who die mining the cobalt for our phones rather than whether we should be saying latinx.

No banker or elite is scared because we now say policeperson instead of policeman.


A real social justice, in my mind, would be concerned about the kids who die mining the cobalt for our phones rather than whether we should be saying latinx.

With that criteria, nobody should do anything about anything until world hunger is eliminated.

People can do more than one thing at the time.


Except people don’t do more than one thing. And the frustrating part is that the very issues that depend on nothing more than simple cultural views/coolness are the ones we are ignoring.

Imagine wearing slave made clothes was as uncool as wearing a shirt with the N word or something. Companies would respond like lightning and the problem would be well underway to being solved.

Instead, we whine about the Oscars or get angry about a part of Dave Chappelle’s special. And I get it, it is MUCH easier to complain about things that necessitate zero change or effort on our part (besides complaining on twitter or agreeing with our friends about how evil whatever is.) It just annoys the hell out of me.


Except people don’t do more than one thing.

Except they do. Greedy people and responsible people exist, as well as all kinds of idiots in between.

The numbers are disheartening, yes. But no universal collectives exist.


Damn right.


This is the whole point of it though, you’re saying that other people should put up with being treated badly because you don’t care about them - that’s selfish but beyond that it’s very short sighted, you think you’re going to get everyone to fight to make a better society when you can’t even do the smallest thing to make people feel included?

It’s literally no effort to say police officer rather than police man, spokesperson is again no effort at all to say compared to spokesman - it’s more accurate and more inclusive, refusing makes no sense. The only reason you’d refuse is if you don’t want to acknowledge the reality that women also do those jobs, would you want to fight alongside someone who resents your existence? Who thinks you shouldn’t have the same rights and dignity as them? That’s shown even the smallest thing is too much for you to care about and that your brave new world you’re fighting for will exclude and denigrate you? Why should you?

We fight for everyone or we fight for no one


I think you misunderstand the point I’m making.It’s not that saying police officer in of itself is a bad thing, it’s that the majority of social justice is about smaller issues like that rather than actual serious things. Those smaller, albeit well intentioned issues wouldn’t be harmful in of themselves but they drown out or take the place of more serious, meaningful issues. And more irritatingly, make people feel lile they are “fighting” for real change when we’re arguing about semantics instead of the children who are maimed to support our cushy lifestyles.

Another way to think about it, it is sort of like a slave owner chiding someone for using the N word in the 1700s; that’s very enlightened but surely the slaves are the more pressing issue!


You really think we’re going to tackle large systematic problems when we can’t even agree not to use language that excludes half the population? The tiniest attempt at improving society is met by endless pushback, but sure let’s play your game - give me an ordered list of the first five things we should work on


You really think we’re going to tackle large systematic problems

I think we should at least try for real issues, like children burning to death, vs nagging people about slightly better language.

I don’t have an ordered list but like I said earlier, the women and children who die making our stuff is exactly the type of issue for which modern social justice is ideally placed. It would take nothing more than making slave made clothes uncool and then people’s buying habits change and then companies would follow for thay whole “profit” thing.

Make wearing slave made stuff as uncool as saying f****t and the rest follows.

Otherwise, you’re just patting each other on the back on twitter about being morally superior while not changing or doing anything.

Policing language is the junk food of social justice, it feels like real food and is fine in some quantities but the real harm is that it takes the place of real, nutritious/meaningful food/social change.


Otherwise, you’re just patting each other on the back on twitter about being morally superior while not changing or doing anything.

Isn’t this exactly what you are doing? You are debating that there are more important things so it isn’t important to think of the ‘little stuff’. So, instead of using inclusive language, which would be ‘changing or doing anything’, you are arguing there is a more morally superior thing to focus on.


instead of using inclusive language,

I mean, who says I don’t?

But really, my social justice isn’t usually online. Right now, this is me trying to contribute to Lemmy while I poop, with honest opinions.

And I do believe there is something absolutely more worthwhile that we should be focusing on instead of the latest silly social justice trend (latinx anyone?) And that is the children who are maimed and burn to death making our stuff. I live my life as best I can to avoid that and support ethical businesses, I encourage my friends to do the same and I think if half the energy that people spend on twitter being outraged about relatively meaningless shit (I am hard pressed to believe that Chappelle’s jokes are somehow worse than a 6 year old burning to death) that things would be a lot better.

I don’t feel morally superior so much as saddened that all those good intentions and energy are channeled to relatively meaningless battles instead of making real, tangible change that is entirely within our capability.


The cynical among us believe this pivot was deliberate.


I’ve wondered about that a lot. I think it’s more a natural consequence of social media algorithms. Surely you are more likely to reteeet/like/post something that doesn’t imply you yourself are, with your daily choices, supporting an abhorrent structure.


If you live in a city and have no backyard or similar, you should not be allowed to own a dog.


I don’t have one and I’m pretty sure my dog has a lot more daily stimulation than someone with a backyard. As if backyard = happy dog 🙄


I have both a dog and a backyard. Walking is far more interesting and stimulating for him than letting him run around in the back.


I like to frequent a nearby pond + trail and every time I go I’ll see dogs there looking so happy. It makes me want to adopt a dog just so I can take them on walks there too.

zoe_codez, avatar

Have yard with dog door, it’s good for a bored sniff, and occasionally howling at an ambulance. Doesn’t come close to the stimulation he gets from the park or some active interaction. It made housebreaking easy, but that’s it


My dog absolutely hates being outside in the yard, but she loves walks and hikes. Unfortunately the nearest place that’s safe for us to walk is a long car ride away because I live in a somewhat rural area. So she only ever gets these on weekends when I’m able to dedicate several hours to it. If I were to live in a city she’d be getting a ton more stimulation daily.


I’m curious how far that stance goes. I live in an apartment and own a small breed dog. I work from home, so I’m with her all day. Additionally, she gets a minimum one mile walk in the morning regardless of weather or season, and the same after work in the evening. I’ve trained her since she was a puppy to be silent. She doesn’t bark at all, the most noise she makes is some light whining when one of her favorite people come over.

In your opinion, should I not own her? Obviously I think I should, and feel like I’ve done my due diligence to provide exercise, entertainment, and training to give her and my neighbors a high quality of life. But I’m curious if your stance holds in every circumstance.

CookieJarObserver, avatar

What about parks? Many cities where i live have gigantic parks…


I hate dog owners letting their dogs piss on my mom’s lawn, killing the grass by the sidewalk. When I walk to work in the morning, in NYC I hate dodging piss on the sidewalk as if I’m in SanFran dodging needles.


Star Wars sucks.


I myself only like the TV shows, mainly Clone Wars.

lukzak, avatar

I’ve been a fan of Star Wars since I was a kid. But Disney’s management of this IP has totally ruined it for me. I still haven’t seen The Rise of Skywalker after the trash that was The Last Jedi. They also seem to be focusing on pumping out as much content as possible, which has diluted any feelings of longing I had to see more.

They also need to branch out a bit more. The best of new star wars imo (Rogue one, Mando, and Andor) are so awesome because they focus any other aspect of the immense galaxy instead of focusing on the same 1 family from sand planet.


As much as I disagree, I upvoted you just for being brave enough to say that.

Lumun, avatar

I downvoted because this is a popular opinion. MCU is the same thing. Most people probably don’t have a strong opinion on Star Wars either way, but for the people who do there are plenty who think it sucks.


I agree with this take.

I like Star Wars fine. If they make something, I’ll probably watch it. But I don’t consider myself a fan. I don’t keep track of the lore and would be hard pressed to tell you the plot of anything I hadn’t seen recently. Which is a long way of saying I’m in the don’t have a strong opinion camp.

HuddaBudda, avatar

It was a different perspective on an imperfect galaxy and one that felt like it was lived in.

Not just Aliens visit earth!

But a new perspective like.... what if just because we have faster then light travel, racism didn't go away, and it had laser swords and near super human abilities powers!


Finely and actual unpopular opinion.


On the last day of my college internship a senior VP at my little company invited me into his office presumably to get to know me prior to extending a full-time offer. To break the ice he asked me what my favorite Star Wars movie was. I smiled and replied that I could never get through any of them.

As I was uttering these words I began to notice the giant Star Wars poster directly behind the gentleman. It then dawned on me that his office was chalk full of Star Wars memorabilia.

The man did not ask me any further questions. He shook my hand, thanked me for my great work, and I never stepped foot into those offices ever again.

sadbehr, avatar

If I come across you in a dark alley and we’re all alone then you better be ready cos I’ll accept your opinion and offer some other suggestions of movies that we might like, such as all 3 Lord of the Rings (extended editions of course).

Fixbeat, (edited )

I’ll bring my blue rays and we can watch…in the dark alley (where you totally won’t murder me for my terrible opinions)

sadbehr, avatar

So…you single?

Squirrel, avatar

I absolutely loved Star Wars as a kid. Every movie since then has been a major disappointment. I’ve only watched the first of the OT as an adult so far (with my kids), and I was not as into it as expected. Luke was one whiney kid.


I disagree, which I now realise was the point of this post


Yeah I loved it as a kid but as an adult I realise that there’s only one decent Star Wars film… The Empire Strikes back.


I loved the original trilogy & the prequels i thought were decent too. The newer films have been terrible tho


Personally, i just find it boring. I don’t have any strong opinions on it but god, the fans can be really annoying sometimes.


Some of it does. Maybe even a lot of it. Andor is a pretty good miniseries though, I like that it’s more mature and has a bleaker undertone like Rogue One.


No Star Wars media compares to the idea of Star Wars.

Except maybe for Andor. I liked Andor. Make stuff that gets away from those fucking Jedis and the whole Skywalker family. They’re the worst bit about the whole franchise.


Star wars movies are boring af. I tried to watch several movies multiple times and I couldnt. I got bored to tears.


I think so much about it is awesome (visuals, design of ships and sets, music, etc.) but maybe due to lack of repeated exposure to the movies as a child I don’t feel much about them. The modern movies were especially meh, since they all feel like they are trying to recapture the feeling of people who saw the originals in the cinema in the late 70s and 80s, but without doing anything new. I did quite enjoy the Fallen Order game and will probably play the follow up at some point too though.


New Star Wars sucks for sure. The originals are much better.


I feel the originals were great when they came out, but haven’t aged well. Of course, I was a kid and the special effects were cutting edge at the time.


They’ve aged fine if you don’t expect the effects to be 2023 effects. If you accept that they were top of the line 1978 effects, it won’t bother you at all. What always made me laugh is my mother telling me how they were all dumbfounded, not by laser blasts and cool ship exteriors, but rather the introductory text moving off into infinity. I think she’d have been something like 21 at the time.


Corporations should only be allowed to exist as long as they’re doing more good for society than the damage they do. Businesses should either be a net positive or run by people who are individually and jointly liable.

UnhappyCamper, avatar

I don't think regular people would disagree with you.

rikudou, avatar

Sadly, yes. Probably not here but on the global scale… Because a lot of people see themselves as a future billionaire and they don’t want to ruin for their future self.


as long as they are doing more good for society than the damage they do

Isn’t that what profit is?


100% no.


Most company lawyers are only here to fight other company lawyers. Huge expensives company that do not profit anything to society.

Most of the trading and investment world makes money for barely anything useful for society.

Lobbying in a net negative for society financially and politically.

Basically most corporate jobs are useless, they do not produce anything valuable for society despite bringing profit for their employee and owners.

CookieJarObserver, avatar

Ok, wich company does more harm than good? Only i can think of are a certain banana company and a certain company from Switzerland…

xigoi, avatar

How exactly would you define such a law? “Doing good” is extremely subjective.


Not all migrants are good for the country. Many come with views incompatble with western culture. Stuff like homophobia, transohobia, mysogyny. And they are often brought over as cheap labor, undercutting local labor.

The right to keep and bear arms is an inalienable right. We should be able to carry on all public lands, and other places open to the public.

Tattoos look bad like 90% of the time.

The government is not to be trusted.


[The right to keep and bear arms is an inalienable right. We should be able to carry on all public lands, and other places open to the public]

Even schools huh? 😐


I’m not from or in America, but imagining a school where every person in that building (kid or adult) is holding a gun walking from point A to point B is very dystopian.

rikudou, avatar

In US they call it “a normal Tuesday”.


Schools aren’t really open to the public. You have to have a kid, or be a teacher or something.


The fact that you’re getting downvoted means that you’re on topic.


I like to imagine its because of the tattoos.

Granixo, avatar

Agree with everything except for the guns part.

frontporchtreat, (edited )

On my drive to work every day, I see a man and woman of Middle Eastern ethnicity, walking and she follows approximately 5 -10 steps behind him. I don’t know what their story is but I am botherred by the fact that she MAY not be allowed to experience the freedoms her new country can offer her while she is influenced so heavily by whatever her previous culture was.


Maybe she just has shorter legs? That’s what i would choose to believe.

applejacks, avatar

It is hilarious that that timidly suggests that it might be possible that 100% of people brought into the US from wildly incompatible cultures might be an issue is considered so unpopular it’s being downvoted in an unpopular opinion thread.


I think the downvotes are for the other opinions. Nobody denies that inmigration for the sake of inmigration is damaging for a country.


A lot of leftists seem to act like it.


People have different ideals. For some, a more fair distribution of resources is more important than rich fucks remaining rich fucks. Btw, any problem immigrants may cause is already being caused 1000x over by the absurdly rich.


What are you talking about, a ton of people do. "No human is illegal " is an overused, shitty slogan that is constantly everywhere, even though it doesn’t nake sense.


Those are two different things. One is acknowledging uncontrolled inmigration is a negative thing for a country. The other one is not giving a shit because it’s more important to help people fleeing life threatening situations, even at the expense of one’s own privileged quality of life. At this point it’s important to note that rich countries’ quality of life is only made possible by unfair distribution of planetary resources and human exploitation of the same people being denied entry.







We only need guns in a dysfunctional society. Whatever you believe about the right to bear arms, the fact is that gun violence is rampant, and needs to be addressed. Everything else is a distraction.

And I agree with your statement on migrants, but it is a really difficult issue due to how hard it is to filter who should and who should not be welcome, without succumbing to blatant racism. After all the USA was built on migrants, and we still need them. Ultimately I think private businesses need to be regulated more harshly on how they pay all workers, including migrants and natives, to close the pay inequality. This would be beneficial not only to the migrants but also to our economy as a whole in providing better opportunities for all.


I agree with your first point. As for your second point, beliefs like that are why we should not allow Americans to immigrate to Europe.


are often brought over as cheap labor, undercutting local labor

I came to the US on a work visa and my company had to pay thousands of dollars for the visa fee, prove that my salary is in line with local averages, publicly post a job opening for the position I was going to fill, and in general show proof that there are no equally or better qualified local candidates for the job. I don’t see how they could have gotten my visa approved if they tried to pay me less.


Sadly, these opinions are not nearly as unpopular as they need to be.

Blaze, avatar holding such a prevalent place in the Lemmy/Kbin part of the Fediverse makes it a major single point of failure.

They should still be the newcomers instance, but communities and users should migrate to other instances to increase the resilience of the Fediverse.

scrubbles, avatar

in a weird way it’s good that it’s failing, I’ve seen an uptick in signups as people search for other instances


I created my first account there, which still exists. But on day 3 I created one at another instance, which I have used almost exclusively since.

I wonder how many of their users are actually active.

Blaze, avatar

22k active monthly users


Doesn’t say much as many of these could have just tried for a few minutes and then discarded the account. Or they could be super active. The statistic doesn’t say.


Same here, I created my first account there while simultaneously creating this one on With all the issues there were with I've decided to use this one for a while instead to see how I like Kbin. It's been pretty nice so far, the only thing that sucks is that I haven't found a good Kbin app for Android yet.

Blaze, avatar

Isn’t Artemis in beta?


It is and I have it installed but it's not fully doing what I want it to do yet. For example, as far as I'm aware I can't log in with my account in the app.

Blaze, avatar

Interesting, I thought it was implemented

MxM111, avatar

It is not what is called “single point of failure “. Usually if “single point of failure “ fails, the whole thing fails. I am on kbin and experience zero failures.

Blaze, avatar

If they were to actually go down (the current failures do not affect the backend), all of the communities they host wouldn’t be usable anymore, taking down a large portion of the Lemmy/Kbin communities.

MxM111, avatar

Only those that are on There are tons of communities/magazines elsewhere. When goes down, I learn about it from posts. Otherwise, I would not notice.


The uptime on is terrible. currently shows 95% uptime, but it has been “down” from a UX perspective more than half the time I attempted to use it. The uptime reporting is simply not picking up when something is off as much as it should. And they recently added an proxy for when it goes down… what the heck? I understand that it is run by volunteers and all, but what a buzzkill.

rufus, (edited )

They are been attacked with a DDoS attack for quite some time now. I’m afraid there isn’t much they can do.



now who...


now who what?

CookieJarObserver, avatar

I see so many things hosted everywhere, also is very big as well.


The post mentioned unpopular opinions.

Blaze, avatar

I was unpopular 3 months ago

Philo, (edited )

Mets have been and forever will be the best team in baseball.

NewEnglandRedshirt, avatar

I’m upvoting, not because I agree, but because this is probably the least popular opinion on this thread, and I commend you for taking such a stance.

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