What do you swear by?

Brand, thing, behavior, method, advice, mantra, etc.

I swear by Blackwing pencils.

Also, the ‘two minute rule’, which has really improved my life: “if it takes two minutes or less to do, just do it now; if it takes longer, schedule it.” I’ve got untreated attention issues and it’s very easy for me to notice something needing done, and overlook or procrastinate it because it seems inconvenient in the moment. Having a totally painless rule that forces me to acknowledge that thing I should pick up, that trash bag I should change, etc, or, to at least put on my calendar anything I mustn’t forget in the long run has been great for me.


Your two minute rule is a lot like my rule where if I think of something I just do it now, or never do it at all! I don’t quantify the time it takes which can be problematic but it helps still.

I swear by Mitsubishi 9850 HB pencils. They are incredible.


Your two minute rule is a lot like my rule where if I think of something I just do it now, or never do it at all! I don’t quantify the time it takes which can be problematic but it helps still.

I swear by Mitsubishi 9850 HB pencils. They are incredible.


I’m a pretentious black wing purist but I love writing the cold too much to resist a good recommendation. Might have to order a pack!


I write sheet music, doodle and diary a TON and I’ve been through the gauntlet of pencils. They are the absolute best I’ve ever tried


Jailbreaking my iPhone because stock iOS is boring and there are so many QOL features I’m used to, I can’t imagine using iOS without them

@transientpunk@sh.itjust.works avatar

I can’t imagine using iOS…


With Apple making jailbreaks harder to achieve by beefing up security in 16 (there’s progress on a potential <= 16.5 JB) & even 17, I can’t imagine using iOS for much longer either lol


My very first smartphone was a hand me down iPhone 3G. I ended up modding the piss out of it with jailbreak stuff. Eventually used a friend’s Android phone, which I hadn’t really interacted with at that point and realized I had essentially turned my iPhone into an Android. My next phone was an Android and all of them have been since. If you’re the type of person who likes (and gets value out of) doing tweaking, you probably should just get an Android. Many of the things you listed are doable with apps downloaded straight from the Google Play store.


I’ve been keeping my eye on the Galaxy line of phones, my last Android phone was a rooted S6. The fact that nearly-every iPhone out there is the same (OS-wise) makes it that much more valuable to me vs switching, since most Androids have easy root capabilities/customization so it’s overlooked. Going out in public and watching confused eyes watch my phone because it looks & acts different from what they’re used to is the beauty and value of it, from my perspective. Not to mention the resale market for iPhones on a jailbreakable version.


What are some of your favourites?


Activator - I use this to automatically enable LPM when a charger is connected or when I leave my house, holding Vol Up for Next Song/Vol Down for Prev. Song, Hold Vol Up & Down to Pause, Hold top-right of Status Bar for a custom App Drawer from any App

CCSupport - I mainly use this for putting something that should already be in the Control Center toggles, a damn location button!!

AppStore++ - Let’s you downgrade any app to any version you wish & block app updates

BetterCCXI - Make the CC Music Module display the Now Playing song/video Album Cover/Art without holding it down

ChromaHomebarX - Customize homebar color to your liking or do a RGB animation at what ever speed you prefer

Facebook/Messenger/Instagram/Twitter No Ads - Self Explanatory, and allows downloading pics/videos

DLEasy - Downloading of pics/video from even more apps

EvilScheme - A more powerful Default Apps picker

MYbloXX - A more powerful Ad Blocker than any App Store equivalent bc Apple doesn’t allow hosts file editing on stock iOS

Rose - Haptic Feedback on not just Keyboard, but almost anywhere of your choosing. For example, when I change songs or the volume I get haptic feedback.

Shortmoji - Replace prediction bar with sliding emoji drawer or Cut/Copy/Paste/etc functions or add either between the Emoji & Dictation buttons. Can even customize keyboard color or make it an animated RGB keyboard

This is just a few I can remember off the top, but there’s a whole lot more. A lot of iOS “features” originate in the Jailbreak scene. Screen recording functionality/code was in iOS 8 by Apple, but wasn’t introduced/enabled until iOS 11. JB Tweaks to do that existed before then.


Wow, thank you for the comprehensive reply! I think you can do the Low Power Mode automation with Shortcuts, but none of the rest.

The holding vol up/down is cool, as are the no ads apps.

You’ve given me something to ponder, maybe on an old phone. Cheers!


I feel like jailbreaking is often a real chore. The ongoing game of cat and mouse, you know. Is it easy enough to do these days, and do untethered? I haven’t really taken great advantage of jailbreaking since like, iPhone 4. But your comment makes it sound like a practical necessity!


Those days are long gone, I’m afraid. It’s not as simple as patching an IPSW like it used to be. The jailbreak scene has been pushed to the edge of a cliff by Apple with each update, especially after iOS 10. iPhone 8/8+/X and lower are jailbreakable for life due to an unpatchable bootrom exploit (checkm8), but it doesn’t mean much now that those devices won’t get iOS 17. Recently, Apple added another security measure (cryptex1) to make it near impossible to downgrade. It’s pure luck these days if/when a jailbreak gets released & for what iOS version. Oh and it’s been so long since the last untethered jailbreak, I can’t remember the name of the last one. All of them are Semi-Untethered (sideload an app with the exploit, but you would have to resign it every 7 days in case your phone reboots unless you own an Apple Dev Account)


Damn. I left ios after iPhone 4 or 5, one of the reasons was that jail breaking was becoming nearly impossible and Android felt kind of like it was already jailbroken. I assumed it was a dead art by now. Is it still easy to do or a constant game of complex catchup?


Not as easy as it once was. Security was beefed up with every iteration after iOS 10, in the hardware (post-iPhone X) and the software. 10 was the last good time of jailbreaking ease, where a jailbreak.me type of exploit was released. It’s pure luck now. Most talented developers have either left the scene due to ungrateful people, sadly, or joined Apple’s Bounty program. You can’t tell what version a brand-new boxed iPhone is on because Apple obfuscated the serial numbers. iOS 15 introduced SSV (Sealed System Volume) meaning no touching root, forcing a halt which was eventually solved with “rootless” jailbreaks. They made it harder to downgrade to a jailbreakable version due to SEP (Secure Enclave Processor), and Blobs are useless now because of cryptex1, introduced in iOS 16. This means no downgrades to unsigned firmwares at all except within patch versions (like 16.3 and 16.3.1). iOS 17 could be even worse, time will tell.


Compeed Blister Plasters. They are the best and excellent to have on hand after a long walk or breaking in new boots. No other brand or non-name brand comes even close.



TokenBoomer, (edited )

Learn to be curious. Don’t know that word, define it. Never heard of that person. Wikipedia. Ever wonder how a combustion engine works. Look it up. I grew up when I had to write things down and go the library. We live in an age of wonder with unlimited knowledge at your fingertips. There is no excuse for ignorance today. You’re just being indolent. Learn to be curious 🧐

Also. Admit when you are wrong and apologize.

@InfiniteFlow@lemmy.world avatar

I say a variation of this to my kids almost every week. It boggles the mind how, with such an easy access to all the information in the world, they don’t know something and just shrug it off instead of searching for information (90% of times a simple google search would do). I imagine myself at their age with such resources at my disposal: I’d have been a much happier (and knowledgeable) kid!


There is no excuse for ignorance today. Your just being indolent

Fucksake 😂

TokenBoomer, (edited )

Autocorrect. I should’ve added not to be pedantic because you’re insecure about your intelligence.

Edit: That was mean. I’m sorry.

@o1o12o21@lemmy.ml avatar

Yes, yes. This is me. I also love a quote adjacent to curiousity.

Be curious, not judgemental - From Ted Lasso, originally by Walt Whitman


Can people actually learn to be curious?

It seems rare m, particularly in my circle. I seem to be the only curious one, they just plod along.


It’s a choice. It’s best instilled with kids. As an adult, not so easy. I guess it would be best to lead by example. If others see how it helps you, they may try to emulate. It becomes a habit. It gets easier the more you do it.


The journey is the destination.

I have a problem with rushing through things. This has helped me slow down and appreciate what I’m doing. I’m not doing something so I can enjoy it after it’s done, I’m doing it to enjoy what I’m doing.


Life Before Death, Radiant

@nirodhaavidya@lemmy.world avatar

Strength Before Weakness


Any wisdom to share about how to be successful slowing down in this way? I’m a major rusher through. I even got a tattoo to remind me to slow down. But I often forget.


It’s not easy.

When I feel myself rushing I try to think about why I’m in a rush and what I’ll actually gain. Like maybe rushing through a task will let me play a video game or something, but what does that do? Let’s me relax? Why not relax now and try to enjoy what I’m doing, or at least avoid having to do it twice.

  1. Seasonic PSU-s.
  2. Locally roasted coffee that hasn't sat in some dusty warehouse and on shop shelf for 3 years.
  3. Sun Tzu's Art of War.
@Aviandelight@mander.xyz avatar

Invest in anything that comes between you and the ground; shoes, mattress, and tires.


You beat me to it by a minute or two!

Don’t forget office chairs if you have a desk job!


and lover!

@Aviandelight@mander.xyz avatar



Brew your own coffee. I used to drink instant coffee (think nescafe but with lots of sugar) or just buy from coffesshops. Now I just buy the beans I love, grind some and make it the way I want (how strong or milky etc). I no longer have acid reflux from goddamn instant coffee powder and stay fit since I don’t put any sugar in it. Also saves some money from buying in coffeeshop everyday.


I have a buddy that puts hundreds of dollars into the fanciest coffee machines he can buy. He buys bags of beans from all over the world.

I have a $20 grinder, a $11 coffee pot from Kroger purchased in 2013, and while I do buy nice bags of coffee several times a a year, my typical bag is store brand who bean for $7 and I’ll splurge on a nice $15 bag from time to time.

I can’t tell the difference in taste when I am at his place. However, instant coffee is disgusting and I cannot sip it without a shit load of creamer to dilute the awfulness.

@TrismegistusMx@lemmy.world avatar

Don’t ever, for any reason, do anything to anyone for any reason ever, no matter what, no matter where, or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you’ve been… ever, for any reason whatsoever…

@Thavron@lemmy.ca avatar

What say we order in some pasta?


Just a copy for me, thanks.


Do you have any context? We all do things for other people all the time almost every day. At least that’s how I see it.

@TrismegistusMx@lemmy.world avatar

Lol. I did not get the reference at all. No wonder it didn’t made sense.

@Fizz@lemmy.nz avatar

Indo me migoreng noodles blue pack on peanut butter toast. It’s so good and easy to eat.


uBlock Origin forever and always. I’ve recently reinstalled Windows within the last 30 days and thus have a fresh installation of my browser and uBlock Origin – I have already blocked 609,521 ads, wild.

https://ublockorigin.com/ (Platform links at the bottom)


I remember hearings about this few years back when AdBlock started getting shady. Haven’t looked back


Amen. I occasionally use other people’s phones or laptops and browsing the internet without an adblocker is an abysmal experience. I was surprised to see how many ads YouTube is pushing now. It’s a shame they aren’t accepting any donations.


I fucking love ublock origin. It really pains me that I cannot use it on my ipad.


Is Firefox not available for iPad? Cuz if it is you can install Ublock Origin on Firefox Mobile, too


Apple has some insane policy where every browser on their mobile devices (iPhone and iPad) must run Safari’s Webkit browser engine. So even though desktop and Android Firefox runs Quantum (including Mac OS), it’s actually running Safari Webkit on iOS devices. The Safari Webkit engine doesn’t have the option of running add-ons, much like your Safari browser.

Feel a little violated? I would feel that way, too. It’s just one of the many fabulous ways Apple decides which angles of freedom you’re allowed to have. If you don’t want this, vote with your wallet on your next device. Money is the only motivating factor for Apple, it seems like.


I wonder how browsers like Orion work on IOS. You can install FF extensions like uBO and Privacy Badger on Orion.


Oh wow I had no idea! That’s crazy! If only our legislators could recognize monopolies in tech like that. The inability to install your own desired browser without Apple seems like they have a monopoly on iOS browsers…


Thank you so much for bringing Orion to my attention! I have installed a few Firefox extensions to test it out. 👌


Yeah i might buy an android tablet if my ipad breaks.


While I agree that forcing an engine is really terrible, as a browser dev you do get the ability to do things with the web view. So in theory your browser could support addons. I think. Also isn’t the EU kinda talking about this? Or am I misremembering


Try using Safari and an extension called “AdGuard”

It’s not the exact same, but it’s better than nothing.


AdGuard works well. Can recommend.

@mog77a@lemmy.ml avatar

600K in a month sounds about right. I have an install that’s above 13 million, which is a little over 1 year of daily usage.

I also insta-install it when I see an ad and then remove it if it’s not my device. The modern internet is shockingly bad without adblocking.


Make sure you use it with Firefox. It works better.

@rm_dash_r_star@lemm.ee avatar

uBlock Origin forever and always.

Haha, most important program on my computer. My browser is a uBO support system.


Try leave everyone and everything better than you find it.


Usually right next to the thing that caused me to cuss.

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