does anyone else feel enslaved?

When I was growing up the internet was a place to be liberated from the world say what you want to say, be whoever you want and form genuine communities with shared interests. Now the internet feels like a tool to enslave the mind with identity echo chambers and any deviation leads you to being banned and blocked shunned and silenced within a void that is inescapable. Novel unique websites coded manually by hobbyists running servers for free in the commons allowing people access to the free flow of information under the banner of “information should be free” has largely gone away with corpratisation. I miss the days when the internet was populated largely by nerds aiming to make a better world not this controlled censored hell hole of profiteering.

hsl, avatar

This conversation has gotten out of hand. There are too many comments that are making it personal rather than focusing on the discussion. Locking it now.

1984, avatar

I’m adding diamond strength to your lock. :)

Neato, avatar

I agree with your premise, but no, I don't feel like the internet is just " echo chambers and any deviation leads you to being banned and blocked shunned and silenced". And anytime I see someone complain about being systematically censored or banned, you've gotta look at what they're posting.

Banned because I made a meme that reddit was once a platform for free speech now a social engineering tool, found any excuse on my profile to give me a label of hate speech, and also because I disagreed with abortion.

What is it with you lot with your obsession and fixation on rights? Why do you want the government to dictate your thoughts and actions so much?

Enforcing policy is dictating lives though, how about just use a different name for marriage and do a different ritual? Unless that’s only if you actually only care for inheritance laws.

How about people just treat each better than forcing it on people by the state.

Marxism-leninism isn’t fascist though

Like when your get older you appreciate the professionalism and authoritarian rules. No being more conservative doesn’t mean you hate gays and want death upon them, you libs sure do like to assume and generalise.

Well the western left does have issues like being sex obsessed.

So bad because he wrong thinked? Tate bad because he said a word? Please if he helps young men go to the gym and improve mental health then what’s the problem but it also highlights a gaping hole in society that hasn’t been addressed and neglected by this Western woke ideology, largely the needs of males have been neglected, shunned and ignored.

Just a quick 5 minutes of scrolling. So maybe people dislike what you're saying because what you're saying is anti-LGBT, anti-rights, pro-forced birth, conservative, tankie apologia? Also a fan of Andrew Tate so pro-rape, pro-human trafficking. I mean your record is speaking for itself.

HopeOfTheGunblade, avatar

Thanks for doing the digging on the very same suspicion I had. It's kind of amazing how reliable a tell this tone is.

State's rights to do what?

greyscale, avatar

I fucking knew it was gonna be goobus

HopeOfTheGunblade, avatar

@greyscale it was too good not to share.


No it’s not, why should positions be bannable? What if you got banned for simply having an opinion?

Neato, avatar

I'd need to know what communities/subreddits it was. But many subreddits restrict types of posting that may be seen as hate speech or against the community's limited scope. Posting pro-tankie stuff to socialist communities, anti-abortion stuff to women's communities, anti-lgbt stuff in general, etc, could get you banned. Most of that is probably fine in more general subs but I can't imagine the pro-Andrew Tate stuff would fly in XX, for instance.


I said in r/atheist that I disagreed with abortion and that got me a permanent ban. Just for that opinion alone, I triedexplainning to the mod but they went on a tirade that I hated women against women’s rights etc etc which is completely untrue, I just disagree with abortion.

HotDogFingies, avatar

If you're anti-abortion, you're anti-woman. You can't say you care about women if you deny our right to healthcare. Sorry, but you suck.


That is flawed logic, I want to develop the economy so people can afford to have a family and women don’t feel the need to abort their child because they can’t afford to have or raise a child. It would be preferable if people took personal responsibility and not have sex if they can’t afford children and not delve into hendonism having sex to have fun. I think it’s wrong for men to be pro-abortion just to exploit women into having sex without consequences for yourself.


The fact that you think that’s the only reason (or even just the main reason) people get abortions shows how you, like most anti-abortionists, haven’t bothered to look at the facts and have your head so far stuck in the sand that its not even worth talking to you.


There are other reasons but it’s largely to do with being in a capitalist system with the cost of living causing hardship straining the ability to afford a home let alone raise a family.


So are things like non-viable pregnancies due to the inability to afford a home? How about rape? How about a minor kicked out because their parents don’t approve, is their inexperience, immaturity, and lack of support just because they can’t afford a house? What if it’s a viable pregnancy, but the baby will be brain dead and require constant care; is cost of living the only burden the parents have to be concerned about? What if there’s only a chance it’s non-viable, but delaying the abortion puts the mother at risk; at what percent chance is a person allowed to terminate the pregnancy and not put their body at risk? 50% chance of living? 10%? Less than 1%?

These aren’t exceptions, these are the types of reasons people get abortions. Let me say it again with emphasis: These aren’t exceptions, these are the types of reasons people get abortions. It is so God damn ignorant to think the main reason people get abortions is because they’re poor and can’t afford to have kids. And to plow ahead and support anti-abortion legislation isn’t just ignorant, it’s dangerously idiotic.

As we are already seeing in states that have banned abortion, even ones that have some half assed medical exemption, doctors just won’t perform them. Or they’ll wait to perform them until it’s much more risky; like when the patient is literally bleeding out. What doctor is going to risk getting constantly sued (and let’s just set aside how fucking asinine it is to allow lawsuits from third-parties in no way affected) because some jackass isn’t convinced it was REALLY medically necessary?

Here’s an idea, how about we leave the decision of abortion up to doctors and their patient’s? That way, we don’t have to try and legislate around all the very legitimate reasons people get abortions. Do you think it’s immoral? Great, no one’s forcing you to get one and others having them has literally zero impact on your life.


Those are issues yes, however from the information I’ve looked at the majority of abortions are because of affordability. First off you can’t get pregnant just because of getting kicked out of a house, however housing should be allocated for that scenario. You’re assuming I would pass laws to ban it, your not seeking out what I intend, the point is to develop the economy and provide for people in abundance so women no longer feel the need to get an abortion because they can’t afford to raise a family.


So you don’t want to ban it, but rather change the circumstances in society and individual people’s lives so they don’t want to get them in the first place? Congratulations! You’re pro-choice.


The fact you view politics as a zero sum sports game is the problem in pro or anti, us vs them. You’re mistaken I’m against the practice I just go about it a different way.


You can be against abortion and still be pro-choice. No one is pro-abortion. You want to go about it in a way that changes the circumstances in people’s lives so they choose not to have an abortion. So you do think the person’s choice matters. And you can see circumstances for why someone would choose to abort. But note how you don’t want to take actually away their choice, just change the circumstances so they don’t make that choice. That’s because…

You’re pro-choice.


No I’m against the practice and I don’t believe in the ideology of liberalism I am not pro-choice choice is an illusion presented from the environment.


You don’t want to institute a ban, but would rather influence people’s choices. That’s pro-choice, dumbass. Anyways you cut it, that’s pro-choice.


Influence no, a material solution with a planned economy to serve everyone’s needs in society so everyone has necessities and luxuries to afford and have a happy and healthy life. My solution goes beyond your simple petty plaster over a gaping wound.


Please keep going with that train of thought

What is your intended outcome of them having a happy and healthy life? Is it so they… choose… not to have abortions?


That they majority doesn’t need one because people in a planned economy wouldn’t have to the stress of affording a mortgage as housing would be allocated, wouldn’t have to worry about work because jobs would be allocated, wouldn’t have to worry about utility bills because resources would be allocated for need with the change of the economic calculation and wouldn’t worry about inflation causing food prices to fluctuate. Come on it’s not that hard to determine the factors.


The intended outcome is to develop the economy, develop the productive forces to provide for everyone in a planned economy. And hopefully bring the death rate down caused by capitalism.

livus, avatar

Serious question: do you want to ban abortion before you have developed your country's economy to "provide for everyone", or after?

N.B: 45% of the abortions in the world are unsafe. It is a leading cause of maternal mortality and millions of women are hospitalized each year due to complications of unsafe abortions.


I want to provide material abundance so women don’t feel the need to have to have them.

HopeOfTheGunblade, avatar

@foresight what if my partner and I just don't want kids? Even if we're economically secure? Are we not allowed to fuck because it offends your sensibilities? Because, uh, no. Don't like abortion? Don't have an abortion. I'm all for reducing the number by economic and social improvements, but there are cases where a woman does not for whatever reason want to grow another human inside of her body and that's her right.

Sterile_Technique, avatar

What opinion?


See the reply below, not explaining again

Sterile_Technique, avatar

So, bigoted opinions? Yeah those should be banned.

If we're talking about whether or not you like pineapples on pizza, no one gives a damn which way you lean.

If we're talking about human rights, there's a very clear wrong answer. If your 'opinion' falls on the Nazi side of that aisle, this might be your cue to ask yourself "are we the baddies?"


Instead of playing whack-a-mole how about seeing what inflames that ideology in their environment and fix that, at least if they’re vocal you can identify them and see where it comes from and fix that instead of forcing them underground and hiding it. No, no opinion should be banned, at least with bigoted opinions there an identifier that there is something wrong in the urban planning in which they live that needs to be fix, your solution is to ban and ignore the problems.


The larger point with pineapple was that where do you draw the line, in the future pineapple might be considered bigoted, just like the saying “stick a n##### on a rape charge” in considered bigoted despite it being normal before my time. In my day disagreeing with someone wasn’t considered trolling or hate speech. What is considered hate speech etc is largely down to perspective, being a nerd was considered a bad thing until we appropriated it and turned it into a compliment, would it not be better to turn offense to a compliment and just stop being so damn butthurt?

Sterile_Technique, avatar

You're conflating disagreeing with behaving like a Nazi. I don't give a fuck what was acceptable back in your day. Today we draw the line at human rights If you get butthurt at being ridiculed for lamenting at the opposition you face when you try to marginalize other groups, then keep that shit to yourself. Or better yet, make an effort to actually get to know some people from the groups you're directing hatred at - might find you actually start caring about them, and suddenly their rights will mean more to you than the pushback you get for posting slurs online


All I’m saying is why can’t you just be a better person and be respectful without being told to or by an authority or the big other, if you need to be told or ordered to be a better person, then your not really a good person are you?


Typing removed should not be an offence, buying a bag of faggots from a van should not be a crime and smoking a removed should not be punishable by law. I would like the UK not to be an Orwellian woke hell hole.


How does highlighting the positive aspect of someone’s message equate to being pro-rape? I don’t think anyone can possibly be pro-rape…

Gabbro, avatar

It's always the people you most expect.


Echo chambers are what happens often when you trust personalized algorithms. You pick specifically the things you agrree with, and then later you don’t get exposed to things beyond your own worldview and interests. And recently, algorithms have been proliferating all over the internet and there’s a lot of discouragement from using smaller services - a lot of it has to do with how the variety of content on the bigger social media networks is not yet replicated on smaller sites. The fact that smaller sites have now become usable thanks to Reddit and Twitter going down the drain makes me feel like on one hand I feel more free now because I can explore all sorts of sites and more people will be there, but on the other hand I am intimidated by the sheer amount of alternatives and my mind can’t manage with all of them at once, so I minimize my general social media usage. The fediverse is, in a way, consisting of “novel unique websites coded manually by hobbyists running servers for free”.


The complaining of censorship makes me think this is written by some guy just posting some bigoted shit lol. Also it’s true a lot of stuff has moved under centralized services, but this is very exaggerated.

Now the internet feels like a tool to enslave the mind with identity echo chambers and any deviation leads you to being banned and blocked shunned and silenced within a void that is inescapable.

Also this is just sounds ridiculous lol.

darq, avatar

Yup. That bit got me suspicious as hell. Looking at their activity, you are correct.

HappyMeatbag, avatar

Your first sentence made me wonder, so I looked at their post history. I can’t say for sure what their stance is. Maybe communist?


I thought this was gonna be a post about feeling the burden of wage slavery and debt necessity, which is a real thing. But you’re right, it sounds like they’re upset because they can’t say the n-word on Facebook lol


When you want to feel like a victim while being extremely privileged.


Try watching the documentary the great hack

Aatube, avatar

As bad as it is, harvesting user data for an election campaign is not censorship.


Never made that claim

Aatube, avatar

Then why are you replying this to a comment about your complaints on censorship?


Collecting information isn’t censorship, banning and blocking someone for a different opinion is censorship.

livus, avatar

I'm sympathetic to the argument that the internet is captured by corporate capitalism.

I don't really understand why you think the fediverse censors you though? The source is open, you can literally make your own instance.


Well I type removed and it gets censored, in my country removed refers to a type of food, removed also refers to a cigarette and removed also refers to someone who is annoying. So yes the fediverse censors it’s no different than other platforms.

livus, avatar

Gets censored by who? If you run your own instance you have control over what gets said.

Everyone has the freedom to decide who to be friends with, what conversations to participate in, and who to let into their house.

Me, I'm on, that's Ernest's house. If I don't like it I can go host my own kbin or lemmy somewhere else.

You're on, if you don't like the rules there you can make your own lemmy instance.

That's the beauty of the fediverse.

theodewere, avatar

you're right that the problem is centered on identity, and the need social media platforms have to sort of get everyone categorized.. and fighting based on their categories.. it's what the advertisement thrives on..


Believe what your referring to is the term engagement.

theodewere, avatar

it's a cheap, easy form of it


So you can draw the notion that identity politics serves capitalism. Which is the point I’m making.

theodewere, avatar

i understand your point


Take my upvote been a while since someone understood

theodewere, avatar

haha i hear you.. one of the effects of what you're talking about.. on all of us..


Exactly apparently I hate women because communism is stateless… It’s ridiculous

theodewere, avatar

it's the assumption that dialogue can be won, or it is desirable to win at combat with words, that kind of thing.. they work hard to make the whole thing SEEM like an arena.. that way we come to it with a combative attitude, assuming we won't be understood.,


I can agree with that, if you examine it all it is are people’s ego responding to pixels on a device which they own, they expect a self reflection of their own ego hence when online discourse is terrible because we are all bombarded with information with people seeing different information and not understanding where that conclusion came from. It’s no surprise that the rate of narcissism has climbed with the rise of the internet as well as increasing polarisation, people aren’t self reflecting on why they react the way they do. I know this because over the years I self examined on why I react to what I was exposed to.

theodewere, avatar

we don't give ourselves time to reflect, yeah.. everybody is mentally exhausted from it. constantly listening to someone talk directly into their ears.. doesn't matter what.. you're not allowing your mind to rest and reflect like it needs to.. so everyone is sort of stuck on broadcast at the moment.. immediately announcing their profile characteristics when you meet them.. making sure you know their boundaries..


Couple that with 24/7 connection to the internet and smart phones etc. It’s a recipe for disaster. Back in the dial up days these were not issues you logged on updated yourself with the latest forum etc and you turned it off. There were serious forums and what can be called these days as shit post forums. The discourse was much more civil and friendlier than today’s standard. Everyone was anonymous and you was considered stupid for putting your personal information on the internet.


Couple that with 24/7 connection to the internet and smart phones etc. It’s a recipe for disaster. Back in the dial up days these were not issues you logged on updated yourself with the latest forum etc and you turned it off. There were serious forums and what can be called these days as shit post forums. The discourse was much more civil and friendlier than today’s standard. Everyone was anonymous and you was considered stupid for putting your personal information on the internet. Nowadays you get accused of trolling for having a different opinion, you get cancelled for wrong think and your life destroyed for not stepping in lock step, this kind of stuff was unthinkable in those days as it sounds straight from a nightmare dystopian novel depicting an extreme 1984 fascist society. The ethos around the internet was seen as a decentralised utopian world to free ourselves from the complex reality of our world, then the Normie’s came online.


These days you get accused of trolling for having a discussion, your positions and solutions are assumed to generalised pre-perscribed ideological positions, you are given death threats, harassed and given abuse for deviating from the norm. Honestly the internet could do with being turned off for a month.

theodewere, avatar

i'd make you all sit quietly in a corner for a week, if i could


Why? I thought we was having a decent civil conversation.

theodewere, avatar

just my natural inclination, don't take it personally.. see this is the problem..


Explain your rational please

theodewere, avatar

no.. live with it or leave it alone.. i don't answer to you.. it is what it is..


But why put me in a corner particularly?

theodewere, avatar

jesus learn to read and get your head out of your own ass.. i said "all of you".. ALL OF YOU.. EVERYONE.. i would make YOU ALL sit in a corner, asshole. because you all have your heads up your asses..


It’s OK dude everything will be ok

theodewere, avatar

one way or another


If you have to start a statement with “these days” you don’t exactly have a strong position.


Here’s 3 interrelated things that happened, I guess:

  1. Corporatization.
  2. Centralization.
  3. Moving away from privacy by default.

Essentially, a few companies have found a good way to make money on the Internet: gather your personal information, and use it to put advertisements in front of your eyeballs. Part of that is figuring out every little preference, trigger, and micro-identity you have so you can be fed increasingly targeted ads, and be cajoled into engaging more and more with these advertising platforms.

Are you a liberal recently single White gay man who owns a condo in a gentrified urban neighborhood in a major US city in the Pasific Northwest, who is between 25-35 and who cares deeply about social justice? Here’s some suggested products specifically tailored to you, along with some communities you can join that our algorithm has found keeps people with similar characteristics on the platform for longer periods of time. Is that increased engagement due to the discovery of a warm and welcoming community or an unending flow of rage bait? Doesn’t matter! If you become increasingly attached to your community, we’ll sell you things that appeal to you along those lines. If you become increasingly despondent and enraged, will sell you a solution for that too.


Yup, and programme into you that identity politics is the solution to your problem despite it being the problem causing people to fight over stupid shit in order to sell shit. And if anyone is to bring this up well they are obviously guilty of being a racist, sexist, homophobic evil mansplainer who is worse than Hitler etc etc just because you don’t like looking at a particular coloured flag everywhere you go.


Ahhh see you exposed yourself. This is about you being pissed about pride flags. I got that sense when you used the word enslaved. We get it no one is more oppressed than the straight cis white man. You miss the old days of the internet when browns and queers and women didn’t force you to acknowledge they exist.


No I just don’t like seeing the same brand and advertisement everywhere.


Wanna know how I know you don’t go outside ever? You are literally buying the rights bs culture war. Go outside. There aren’t gay flag products everywhere. Log off.


Then come to the UK in my area they hang these stupid fucking flags out there windows, on bins and bus stops pubs and logos.Just fuck off.


Oh God the oppression of having to acknowledge that gay people exist and are accepted now in a time of rising homophobia and transphobia! The horrors! Please wont our dear white European Jesus please come and rescue us from this damnable oppression!


oh my god I’m literally so enslaved right now

livus, avatar

You, upthread:

causing people to fight over stupid shit

You, here: wanting to fight over stupid shit.


You lot keep responding so I keep replying

livus, avatar

No bro, I don't mean in this thread. I mean you're all upset about flags in your neighbourhood? That's you getting distracted into conflict over stupid shit.


Cory Doctorow may have you covered; he just posted recently about his next book, which sounds like it deals with what you’re talking about, and tries to find ways to fix it:


Thanks for this! Love his writing. Just pledged for the audiobook on Kickstarter.


I get what you’re talking about, but maybe it’s being a decently-educated American with a black mom talking, but “enslaved” is not the right word for this.


Yeah I don’t give a shit what you yanks think and your bubble, maybe when you keep your own cultural bullshit to yourselves and not enforce it onto ours and everyone else’s country then maybe I’ll change my mind, until then I’d still prefer to buy a bag of faggots from a van.

z3rOR0ne, avatar

Well you gave enough of a shit to express your not giving a shit, so maybe you give at least a little bit of a shit? Enough to express yourself anyways.

And it doesn’t appear that the above individual was attempting to enforce any kind of “you can’t say that”. More like its probably not the most nuanced or well thought out way of expressing your opinion, as it equates restrictions on internet speech with slavery.

It is intriguing that in expressing your lack of giving a shit on the aforementioned opinion you have basically shut down a possibly genuine discussion on the topic and dismissed an expression of the very free speech you are supposedly bemoaning the demise of.


I don’t like woke imperialism, you can cover your empire in rainbow flags all you want but imperialism is still imperialism still exploits the poor for your own gain.

z3rOR0ne, avatar

If by imperialism, you are inferring a supposed encroachment on a traditionalist culture, I would posit that cultures have never been a static entity, holding onto a static identity. Rather, cultures have been, and always will be an ever evolving and constantly changing collaboration of individuals who hopefully continually evolve as they continually re evaluate who they wish to be collectively.

There will always be backlash against this change of culture and values, which you are obviously exemplifying here, but I’ll point out that historically this kind of holding onto the past has never really worked out nor has such resistance ever lasted in the face of the general trend of humanity becoming more and more accepting of different ways of living and loving.

I encourage you to consider not holding on so tightly to the past and instead find your place as a peaceful member of the ever changing and evolving and more accepting society that will, in spite of the adversity to it, eventually come to be.


No I mean using woke shit as an excuse to push imperialism to maintain the global system of exploitation for cheap labour.

z3rOR0ne, avatar

Well now you’ve peaked my interest. If you would please elaborate?

papertowels, (edited )

“there was once a time when the sky was open, when the twilight beckoned one forth, when the nascent rivers of the internet flowed free with information”, he waxed nostalgic.

“Fuck you and keep your ideas to yourself”, he says when someone says something he dislikes.



Lol, spot on


Well that’s taking what I said out of context


Please fuck of to whatever “Free speech” site idiots like you fuck off to these days.


This is suppose to be open source freedom of speech you know free as in freedom not beer


This guy is why I think karma was a useful metric. I looked at his profile on voyager, saw a negative number and had a pretty good grasp on what he was all about.


So you judge appearances than content of character… The kkk is waiting for your application


No I’m definitely judging the content of your character and finding it wanting.


Now the internet feels like a tool to enslave the mind with identity echo chambers and any deviation leads you to being banned and blocked shunned and silenced within a void that is inescapable

This so much. Go against the narrative and you’re banned even for breaking no rules. Reddit is in the endgame of this at the moment. The admins and their power mods decide on the narrative and if you don’t play along and circle jerk you get banned, often from subs you have never even been to.

Unfortunately in my short time here I’m seeing much the same, though at least the bannings aren’t at the same extent yet. Give it time though.


Yup exactly the word removed is censored, I could really do with a pack of fags and smoking a removed


For sure, I’m slowly quitting the www and moving more towards gemini instead.


I like the idea, but Gemini lacks the accessibility & performance HTTP brings & the spec has issue too. I’d rather see like a new compliance suite for the non-shitty web because the last year’s tech is/was good, but some of the reigns should be pulled in—especially the web appification of web pages that have no business being anything other than just a static page.


Maybe just stop posting racist homophobic shit?


And where is that?


Complaint about state of current internet/censorship of ideas? CHECK Hyperbolic comparison to slavery? CHECK “MUH FREE SPEECH”? CHECK

Nothing to see here fellas, just another person who doesn’t (can’t?) realize that people are not required to entertain your shitty ideas about how a society with less human rights for “others” is actually the best society.


Ask yourself what results in the outcome of, everyone owning everything or everyone owning nothing.


What is the United States of America?


No, the point is they result in the same outcome just with a different path.


Yeah but will I be able to say the n word there?


I would prefer to be able to criticise identity politics and peoples self serving egos that maintain the status quo of capitalism

ada, avatar

I get what you mean, but I also feel like the fediverse has given many of us a return to some of the freedoms and feelings of the early internet.

I’m writing this from an instance I admin, an instance that exists, specifically to make a better world for queer and gender diverse folk. We prioritise minority safety over “federate with everyone”, but that freedom to exist without institutionalised transphobia being ignored like it is on most social media platforms, with the ability for us to exist and communicate without being dogpiled by haters, and to actively remove the bigots, that is a freedom I haven’t felt in a long time!


Your joking right? The whole of society caters to you lot! Especially reddit!


Have you tried to post something that was censored? I haven’t run into that, though I’ve heard a lot of people complaining that they’ve been censored. The worst I’ve gotten is downvoted, which is not the same as being censored.


Have a look at the mod log for MaliciousCompliance on if you want to see censorship and extreme mod abuse.

If you dare say “biological sex exists and is different to gender” - a pretty factual statement that not even trans people would deny - you’ll have your comment deleted and be banned.

Have to hope those same power tripping mods aren’t also mods in many other subs, but unfortunately the most active one doing all the censoring and banning is.


I have seen a couple of comments removed by mods that I thought were perfectly fine, so there’s that. 🤷‍♂️ I just hope it doesn’t become a regular thing.

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