Did anyone have any positive results with CBD products?

Not too long ago, regulations on CBD changed in Germany leading to a plethora of products containing it. As someone who occasionally needs pain medication, I tried some of the products to avoid regular pain killers (ibu). Especially on days with lighter pain, I wished for an alternative to the sledgehammer meds. But I was left standing in the rain. I didn’t feel any effect. That’s why I would love to hear from your experiments and experience.

@Tippon@lemmy.world avatar

If you’re taking any other meds, speak to a doctor before you try it.

I have a chronic illness that led to organ transplantation, and cannabis would interfere with one of my rejection meds. That would have caused me much bigger problems than the pain that I was trying to stop.

Unfortunately, cannabis has an almost cult like mythology around it. There are lots of people who will tell you that it cures everything, from mild pain to every type of cancer, and will even clean and polish your car 😉

I hope you find what you need. Good luck 🙂


I find CBD oil helps with anxiety. Not a severe case of anxiety, but it does take the edge off.


Yes, they stop my panic attacks and help me sleep at night. But I’m super picky on brand. I use only lab verified, US companies that have been in the business since before it was legalized nationwide. A lot of growers and such are being bought up by corporations and even Chinese companies and quality is going in the pisser. And I’ve even gotten a nightmare experience that had me trapped under the influence of something that definitely wasn’t cannabis based at all.


CBD is wonderful if you’re not purchasing it from a gas station or something.

I recently got some CBD flower from WNC CBD and I definitely notice an effect when smoking it, albeit not as strong as actual bud but it’s still nice, especially when on T breaks.

With that said, cannabis has never helped me with pain (outside of distracting me from it when I get high enough), so I can’t speak on the capabilities of CBD there.

@housepanther@lemmy.goblackcat.com avatar

I’ve tried CBD oil and no worky for me. 😕

@FartsWithAnAccent@lemmy.world avatar

Yes, I used CBD herb (hemp) along with a dynavap to quit smoking: It worked great! I still vape dry herb partly to relax and partly to quell any urges for cigarettes since a dynavap is very similar in shape and use. I have been cigarette free for 5 years now!


CBD has to have a small amount THC to work at all in my experience, which will not be the case in most places outside of the US.

CBD-only stuff may as well just be a scam


I tried it and it did absolutely nothing for me I don’t think that enough CBD gets absorbed into the body. When I was a teenager I tried marijuana a few times (the second time was years later and with different people) this was back in the 1980’s and it also did nothing. I thought everyone around me was faking.



You're getting a lot of answers from Americans. Be aware that CBD oil sold in Germany (Dm, Rossmann, etc.) almost certainly doesn't contain significant levels of THC.

The evidence doesn't seem to suggest CBD alone is effective in pain management:


Cannabis oil that contains THC is almost certainly a different matter.

@FUsername@feddit.de avatar

Thank you for the heads up! Half way through the answers I asked myself if a German community would have been a better pace to ask in terms of obtaining the substances, but the effect should be globally available I guess.

Are you informed if the latter is legally available in Germany?

@Fisch@lemmy.ml avatar

THC is illegal, at least for now. That’s what they’re aiming to change at the moment.


Medical marijuana is legal in Germany. If OP needs it for health reasons he could go through legitimate process.


I heard it’s legal in theory, but super complicated to impossible to get a prescription.


That’s surprising given how close you are to recreational use legalization. Here in Poland MM is legal but we don’t have any producers and get fair chunk from Germany (Aurora Deutschland, 420 Pharma).

At the same time medical marijuana business got so silly that you basically go to a website, fill out a form, pay ~€20 fee and get an e-prescription in a couple of hours. There’s been some ineffective attempts at cracking down on it in the past weeks that resulted in slight fee increase.


You can’t think about what you feel; you have to think about what you don’t feel. What’s gone or lessened - anxiety, irritability, general discomfort, insomnia, etc.? Also, you have to be careful where you get it. For oils i like Lazarus naturals and Hoku Seed Co. Not sure if either so outside the US. It may take a bit for youto get max benefit from it - almost the inverse of thc tolerance.

@FUsername@feddit.de avatar

Thank you! As a human, I’m excellent in leaving behind what bugs me in an unpleasant way until it hurts on a level I cannot ignore.

The thing with THC tolerance is also interesting. Does a CBD/THC mixture remain equally effective of the percepted effects of both constituents have mirrored tolerance/effect characteristics?


It does for me, but I use pretty small amounts and not every day. Also, i have flower in all different strengths and i mix it up a lot. My son takes two hits on a 1:1 CBD:THC four times per day and says that amount works for him without needing to increase.

@livedeified@lemmy.world avatar

I recently got a medical card for cannabis. during the call, the doctor said to use a CBD:THC combo for the best results on pain relief. seems to be working well for me.

@FUsername@feddit.de avatar

Thank you! Would you mind to share what radio does the trick for you?



the most important thing you must understand is that QUALITY MATTERS. Even the stuff I got at dispensaries could be hit or miss.

I use AlliantHemp for my CBD, CBG, and CBN supplements and it truly changed my life in regards to replacing other medicines

The Reddit CBD sub was a big help for me on finding reputable sources. If the sub still exists check out their sidebar (and then leave so you don’t give Reddit more engagement)

AMA if u want

@FUsername@feddit.de avatar

Thank you for your response! Of it’s not tmi, can you dig a little deeper in what regards it has been a help for you? Also pain relief?


So I use CBG/CBD/CBN to get thru life

Mostly it’s for anxiety and stomach stuff but the inflammatory stuff is a great help as well.

But specifically for pain, I am unfortunately one of those people who gets kidney stones naturally (my whole family does). I almost exclusively drink water with citrus but no true escape. Anyway, I have been working a stone thru my ureter for the last 6 months or so and let me tell it it can be excruciating. Many ER visits many opioids etc. but the docs will not give you any pain meds unless you go to the ER, and what they give you spans a week max if you’re lucky.

In comes CBD and kratom, which have helped me greatly with managing the pain that comes with existing with a stone or two in a ureter smaller than said stone.

With the entourage effect CBG will potentiate CBD and together they have been a huge factor for my pain. CBN has been huge for my sleep as well

90 seconds of CBD tincture under the tongue and then another 90 of CBG and in minutes comes relief. It’s no opioid but it’s not nothing either. You mileage WILL vary but do not be discouraged!! Try different manufacturers, different cannibinoids (CBG/CBN/etc), different combinations of them, we each have a unique body which makes these things more complex than just swallow any kind of cbd

dingus, (edited )
@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

I’m having trouble finding it, but I ran across a study a few months ago whose results pointed to greater pain relief gains when CBD was consumed with THC, and that both substances alone do less to “relieve” pain.

I wouldn’t say it helps relieve pain as much as it lets you be distracted from pain.

Also, personally, when I have used CBD on it’s own, it never did anything for me at all. It only ever worked in combination with THC.

Finally, people taking other medications need to be careful about taking CBD.

The vast majority of medications are broken down by enzyme CYP3A4, an enzyme that CBD inhibits.

I am taking a life-saving/life-altering medication to manage a severe disease. It is handled in my body by CYP3A4. Meaning I can really fuck up my medication dosage by taking CBD on its own, because it will inhibit the ability of CYP3A4 to ingest the drug.

User [email protected] helpfully pointed out that grapefruit inhibits CYP3A4 as well, so if you’re not supposed to eat grapefruit, you should probably also avoid CBD. I hadn’t even made that connection myself, very astute, pizza_rolls!

FUsername, (edited )
@FUsername@feddit.de avatar

Thank you for pointing that out! In I’m in the happy place of not having to take anything else on a regular basis, but it sure makes sense to keep the heads up of required.

@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

Absolutely. I am glad I did the research myself and stumbled across this fact, because when I was prescribed this drug I bought a lot of CBD chocolates, thinking they would help. I was surprised that sooooooooo many prescribed medications use CYP3A4 as a pathway to enter the body, and how this isn’t discussed more often. I really haven’t seen very much discussion at all about how CBD can inhibit the effectiveness of a whole host of prescription drugs.

Anyway, cheers, glad to be sharing the info!


That is good to know. Guess I gotta research how my meds work

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

I used to take CBD every day for anxiety and I only found this out after a couple years so thanks for bringing it up. If your medication says to avoid grapefruit, then you probably should not take CBD

@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

If your medication says to avoid grapefruit, then you probably should not take CBD

I didn’t even make that connection, but yeah, exactly! Grapefruit inhibits the exact same enzyme. That’s a really good way to know, I’m going to add that to my post.


I think you need to find your dosage and stay on it to help with inflammation which can also reduce pain. I took a lot when I lifted weights regularly. But I ended up making it myself to make it affordable.

I’d use a reputable company. Some seem to try to keep costs down–I sometimes would buy theirs for convenience. (I would use an decarb/infusion machine and eventually bought an extraction machine. Basically cold alcohol wash hemp then evaporate the alcohol back out).

@FUsername@feddit.de avatar

Thank you! This gives me some highschool vibes of chemistry. The useful aspects of it at least. Is it fool safe or would you recommend starting with ready products?


Weed in jar. Jar in freezer. 190 proof ethanol in freezer. Next day- mix, shake, freezer for one Netflix show, strain through strainer, strain through cheesecloth or coffee filter. Use an electric (NOT GAS!) appliance (rice cooker, crock pot, air fryer, dehydrator, or fan) to evaporate the alcohol. When you have a dark, sticky goo, add a little coconut oil for viscosity and heat to 250f, stirring occasionally until the tiny carbonation bubbles slow down.

@FUsername@feddit.de avatar

Thank you for you recipe! That sounds manageable - as soon as the base substance is legally available here 😉 I will keep an eye on that - it is supposed to be anytime soon…


This is a tricky question. I’m inclined to have a positive opinion about CBD, but if I’m completely honest I don’t feel much of anything from it solo. I’ve taken CBD by itself multiple times and it always just seemed like a placebo. I think CBD and THC together have a great synergy, but it really misses the mark when I only have the one without psychoactive effects.

On the other hand, I’ve had friends swear by CBD tinctures. They were doing large doses (like 50mg+) daily and claimed it had all sorts of benefits for their chronic pain or upset stomach. I never tried doing doses that big regularly just because of the cost and my previous experiences leaving me dissatisfied.

For what it’s worth, Extract Labs is one of the sources I’ve had recommended to me by a trusted friend.


Yes CBD and THC is synergistic but that’s not the end of that story. You should try two things:

  1. Buy actual quality CBD and CBG oil
  2. put each under your tongue for ~90 seconds, add THC if you want

You don’t need to chug a bottle of oil and the end goal isn’t to feel high it doesn’t manage pain the way THC or other pain killers do

@FUsername@feddit.de avatar

Thank you for passing on the recommendation! I’m a little scared to go with any significant fraction of THC… Maybe my dose was just too low so far.


IRC you can't even buy CBD oil with a significant amount of THC in Germany.

Honestly, if you live near the border with NL or know someone, you're better off smoking a joint or making some brownies, or buying actual cannabis oil with THC from time to time. It'll make you high if you take too much, but IME does actually work unlike CBD alone which has little scientific evidence of working.

Sure, drugs bad. But honestly, weed is far less dangerous than alcohol. IME also tends to wear off after max 4 hours even if you smoked far too much, unlike alcohol where you can be slightly drunk the next day, not notice, and end up driving drunk. Ibuprofen really isn't great used longterm. Neither is paracetamol. Be careful about interactions with other medication though.

Buy some actual cannabis oil, make some brownies, experiment how much is needed to get you high. Take a little less than that.

And hope Germany fully legalizes soon. Even if you never use weed, if some people smoke a joint rather than drink, it'll result in less vomit and fighting.

@wolfshadowheart@kbin.social avatar

On the other hand, I’ve had friends swear by CBD tinctures. They were doing large doses (like 50mg+) daily and claimed it had all sorts of benefits for their chronic pain or upset stomach.

That's because their endocannabinoid system is actively in use, unlike people who do not take CBD supplements. We metabolized CBD very well and our bodies will use it when it's there, so for a lot of people taking CBD they need to jump-start the endocannabinoid system to start processing it.

Often times people will take 1000mg for the first week (or two), then cut that in half to 500mg, then in half for until you are down to 50mg or 15mg doses. Normally we'd have been getting our CBD compounds from the things we eat that eat hemp, something that was prevalent as a feed in the U.S. and is still prevalent in other countries (Nepal, for example). However since we stopped using hemp, animals stopped passing on CBD compounds to us and here we are today with a society full of symptoms of a non-working endocannabinoid system (and well, signs of lead poisoning but lets just move past that...) which include - chronic nerve pain, gastrointestinal issues, issues with insomnia, mood and anxiety. You know, everything that we attribute to just the daily struggles of society today.

Of course, they most likely are just that, but it seems pretty crazy to me that we have a whole system in our body that is essentially on the backburner with very high correlation to many of the health problems.

Just remember, don't be afraid of THC. They need each other to work effectively, and THC doesn't have to mean high. Obviously, if it's a legality issue that's a different story, but in regards to an edible that has >5% or uses the letters LOC then don't even think about it for a second - it's fine. Think of its present as the catalyst for the reaction.


Germany allows max 0.2% THC. Ie. might as well have no THC at all.

Realistically, I think CBD oil sold in much of Europe is a scam because of similar regulation.

You're better off buying actual weed, but adjusting the dose, than wasting your money on what they sell in health shops here.

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