How many Lemmy users are non-technical background?

I think most all of us here on Lemmy are people with technical background. Most of my professional contacts remained using Reddit, Twitter and even excited when Threads launched.

If you are non-tech background, please comment and share what you do for life.

If you have tech background, upvote this to help promote this post so that we can find more non-tech users on Lemmy.

AttackBunny, avatar

Work on/build racecars. Some of it's very technical, but probably not the type you're asking about. Also a woman. I'm checking off all the abnormal demographics here. Right?


We should normalize what you do. Woman can build racecars or do any other work a man can. Great work, keep it up!

AttackBunny, avatar

@techconsulnerd I agree!!! It's been a very, very slow process, but I have been seeing more women in motorsports, which is awesome. Even F1 has a new series F1 Academy, which is an all women series. I'm way too old, but if I was younger, I'd sure be trying to get in.

mrmanager, avatar

As long as high physical strength is not required, I strongly agree. These days the need for that is becoming less and less unless you want to be a marine.

AttackBunny, avatar

Eh, it's still required to work on cars/engines. Thankfully we work on smaller vehicles (Mazda/Nissan mostly) and not some big ass diesel stuff.

I can "engineer" my way out of most situations, and have been very successful accomplishing things that many men can't, because they can't "think outside the box". What I mean by that is that I have to approach things differently. I have to understand things more completely sometimes, so I can work my way around the lack of brute force, where many men can just push/lift/torque something without thought, and they get complacent. That allows me to see different solutions to things that may stump others.

That said, I have found instances where I am just not physically big, or strong enough to do something, and need help.

I also have the benefit of being much smaller, so I can get into places a lot of men can't. It has its benefits and drawbacks.


You’re conflating physical strength with gender, but when it comes to who can do the work, only one of those is relevant.

I think we’re on the same page, I’m just pointing out that the statement “women can do any work a man can, as long as high physical strength is not required” is just as inaccurate as saying “all men can do work that requires high physical strength”. As a man, I’ll be the first to say there are a huge number of women who are more physically capable than me. Turns out, a task that requires high physical strength doesn’t need a man, it needs a person with high physical strength.

mrmanager, avatar

Sure but you are probably aware that all boys being born have higher strength than females, just because of biology. Then of course in life as we grow, some men don’t maintain that strength and lose it. But I think it’s still accurate to think that men in general are stronger than women, even if there are exceptions.

Otherwise we are just ignoring a fact of how our bodies are different.


But due to how natural selection works, that’s a self-fulfilling argument. Men are biologically stronger specifically because people have made the argument you’re making for hundreds of thousands of years, thereby selecting for the pattern you’re claiming exists.

When you’re looking for someone to do a task, you aren’t looking for a biological explanation, you aren’t looking for a man, you’re looking for someone who can do the task.

mrmanager, avatar

I don’t think people have selected for that. It was necessary in the past to be strong to survive and provide for your family. So those genes were selected because those people could survive long enough to have kids. If you were too weak, you didn’t make it.


I’m not saying it was deliberate (i.e. artificial) selection, the selection was natural. I’m just saying, think on it more.

It was necessary in the past to be strong to survive and provide for your family

But you’re saying those genes weren’t required by females for some reason? Why? Honestly the only answer is: because it just happened to work out that way. The evolutionary coin could have just as easily flipped the other way and resulted in women being biologically predisposed to be stronger. We see this in many animal species, in fact.

We have a history of giving jobs to men because we’ve conflated their gender with other capabilities, not because they actually are the most capable. But my point is, we’re smart enough as a species to not do that anymore.


Gee, Mr. Manager, that’s odd, I lift and carry my husband in and out of his wheelchair everyday because he’s a quad and was a floppy baby who’s never walked, but apparently “all boys being born have higher strength than females just because of biology.”

You’re sure it’s ALL boys? You’re absolutely sure that strength between two individuals is dependent upon their sex? We’re the same age and height. I weigh more because he has no muscles and I do. And yet, SOMEHOW, I’m a woman.

Gee, ladies , why are we NOT surprised at that “boys”/“females” word choice in Mr. Manager’s assertion?

I guess it didn’t take long for the incels to follow the crowd over from Reddit.

mrmanager, avatar

I’m sure there are exceptions like in your case. But in general yes, boys are born physically stronger. Your insults won’t change those facts. But you know, you can have your own beliefs. That’s the great thing about life. If you want to believe that females are physically stronger, or that there is no difference between men and females physical strength, you can do that.

You are acting quite immature with your insults here. If you can’t even talk about these things without getting upset, maybe you are not completely objective here. Give it some thought.


Oh you’re also one of the ones who likes to pretend he’s being strictly logical and doesn’t realize how his prejudices and emotional insecurities show through in his posts. I’m sorry you’re threatened by the fact that your masculinity doesn’t guarantee you greater strength than most women. If you want to be physically strong you’re going to have to get off the couch and exercise those muscles and ligaments. And if you want your opinions to be respected, you need to exercise respect for facts, even when it’s women telling them to you. You speak like someone whose notions of “biology” haven’t changed since they were 5 years old. There’s a whole lot of “Mom said I can’t hit girls but I really wish I could” leaking out all over the place in your comments. I’m sorry you’re so emotionally stunted and I sincerely wish growth for you.

mrmanager, avatar

I’m sorry but you are not acting emotionally stable here. There are many things you are saying that obviously have been painful experiences in your life, but they have made you wrongfully interpret things people are saying. You have no idea who I am but your comments show you are visualizing someone who have hurt you before I guess.

Anyway let’s move on in other posts. Have a good day.


Sorry dude, you’re projecting. Not unexpected from a delusional person, I guess. I am already having a nice day, and you’re having no effect on it. Feel free to dodge if you’re uncomfortable.

AttackBunny, avatar

I don't think you were replying to me, but objectively the average man, of similar size, is going to be stronger than me, in the brute force, or explosive force aspect. It's just an unfortunate fact of human genetics. Men typically have denser bones, ligaments, and tendons, muscle fiber, more muscle mass, and testosterone to help build and maintain all of it. Women are said to be something like 60% as strong as a man on average. HOWEVER, women typically have better stamina, longevity, are better at enduring trauma, etc.

I am by no means frail or weak, and am probably stronger than a lot, but I will never be as strong, or as lean as a man with equal work put toward it.


There is no disagreement that, in the current day and age of the human species, men are biologically predisposed to be more physically capable on average. There is no contention about that.

The point I am making is that two bodies with similar bone density, muscle mass, testosterone, etc. are going to be physically capable of the same thing, regardless of their genders. The gender is a red herring, what matters is the capability of doing the work.

As I told the other commenter,

We have a history of giving jobs to men because we’ve conflated their gender with other capabilities, not because they actually are the most capable. But my point is, we’re smart enough as a species to not do that anymore.

AttackBunny, avatar

But my point is, we’re smart enough as a species to not do that anymore.

Lol. Are we? Maybe it's just my small world but I don't see that at all. I encounter sexism CONSTANTLY. Hell, scroll down to the bottom of the comments on my main reply, it's right there for everyone to see.

The point I am making is that two bodies with similar bone density, muscle mass, testosterone, etc. are going to be physically capable of the same thing, regardless of their genders.

But gender does matter because one gender is predisposed to be bigger, stronger, have more testosterone, and has the ability to be stronger/build muscle more easily. I'd love to agree with you, that in a perfect world, gender didn't matter in brute strength, but it does. All things are not equal out of the box.

Now, as I have clearly proven, brute strength isn't everything, in fact most of the time it only means so much, but it's still there regardless. I think a more accurate statement would be something like "strength only gets you so far, capability is more important"


Male prostitute


(Seriously, agree with you in general though)

Plaid_Kaleidoscope, avatar

Def need an AMA. Or whatever we call it here. What kind of racing?

AttackBunny, avatar

Can definitely do an AMA, but not sure how interesting it would be.

We have built multiple kinds. We have build engines/cars for Rolex GrandAm, Drifting (Formula D), Land Speed Racing (we actually hold a bunch of records in our class), King of Hammers/Baja type off-road (engines/wiring only, not chassis), and then the more casual type stuff for the weekend warrior types (autoX, desert toys, etc).


Yeah the only other abnormal demographic I can think of is being totally normal and well functioning mentally.

But I mean c’mon, this is an internet forum, we are all nuts here haha


You’re my hero. I always wanted to work on cars. I ended up in IT. I miss repairing shit back in my tech bench days. Using my hands to repair, build, make better. What kind of racecars?

AttackBunny, avatar

We have built engines/cars for Land Speed Racing, Drifting (Forumla D, and lower classes), Rolex GrandAM, 24 hours of lemons (or similar series), more weekend warrior type stuff like AutoX or off-road toys, and engines/wiring for trucks that run in series like King of Hammers or Baja 500


Can I be you when I grow up? (Am already in my 40s but that’s okay right?)

AttackBunny, avatar

I mean, if you want to.....

Plaid_Kaleidoscope, avatar

That’s an amazing story! I’ve never been out west, but Bonneville would be awesome. Over 400 on salt sounds absolutely nuts.

Did you ever determine what was causing the spins? Aero or mechanical?

greatwhitebuffalo41, avatar

Ohhh what kind of racecar? I’m actually going after work to the shop to go scale our car. Cross is a bit off keeps getting a little loose at the corner exit.

Also a woman btw

Edit, just saw your other comment were racing very different cars but that’s awesome!

Phx333, avatar

62 years old woman, semi-retired, only work part time now. I was in the travel business. Found Lemmy thru a Reddit comment a few months ago. Felt the need for a change. Currently with Lemmy, Kbin and Mastodon, trying to find my place.

mrmanager, avatar

That’s like the coolest thing. I hope you feel super welcome here.


Very impressive. Kudos to you for taking the effort!


I want to be like you when I’m 60!

ClevelandRock, avatar

I’m disabled and unemployed with only a GED education. I’m not a programmer or anything. I taught myself basic HTML in 1997 when I was 10, but that’s about as far as I go. I know juuuuust enough about tech to understand and appreciate that Lemmy is decentralized and open-source.

But I think you’ll find that a lot of new users are only here because Spez is ruining Reddit. All they’re looking for is a Reddit that doesn’t suck.


Stay at home wife. I used to work as a bookkeeper, now dealing with some health issues. However I am 55 and have used computers since as long as i can remember, I learned how to use punch cards in what you yanks would call middle school. So I don’t work in tech, but it doesn’t bother me to learn new things. Lemmy reminds me of the good old days of BBS and just trying things out to see what stuck.


Before becoming a stay-at-home dad, I was a state investigator (and a police officer prior to that). I investigated medical doctors and nurses on behalf of their respective state licensing boards, investigating things like application fraud, substandard care, unprofessional conduct, and drug diversion.

My tech skills are limited to building a PC and basic troubleshooting.

My wife is a therapist and she’s considering making the jump from Reddit to Lemmy.

Fuck spez.


Non tech background here. I work in a steel mill and see social media as entertainment. A time killer.


Dope, steel mills always seemed like a cool place to work. The large mechanical machines everywhere and the way that Liquid Metal pours is always cool AF.


Personally, it sounds like quite a warm environment


I’m sure it is hot, but at the same time as a sysadmin that has former railroad work under their belt I always loved the physical labor. It’s gross, but it just felt like I did something. Plus someone has to work in those places and do those jobs. I might be a sweaty mess once it hits 70, so I appreciate anyone that does the work! 💪🏼


The conditions are less than ideal, but it’s interesting to watch.

BakingCookies, avatar

I’m a substitute teacher, and definitely not technical but my husband is, and he introduced me to Reddit many years ago. It was fun but I only ever used it on the RIF app. When I saw what was happening last month, I read a thread that suggested Lemmy as an alternative so here I am.


Very based


Thanks for being a substitute teacher. I’m EdTech and I always think of subs as being one of the most difficult jobs in education since you’re learning how to manage a class you’ve most likely never managed before, trying to work on technology that is never the same and varies from room to room, and all while being bombarded by staff when you show up if you can cover other classes on the day too.

BakingCookies, avatar

Thank you. I taught high school for several years, so I try to think of subbing as just getting the fun parts of teaching without a lot of the BS. (In saying that,I know that the school district I currently work in doesn’t have a lot of severe behavioral issues that other schools have.)

mrmanager, avatar

I feel like schools today are mad houses, because teachers are not allowed to have any authority anymore. And then on top of that, you have insane kids with weapons running around. I think humanity has lost the plot.

I know there are good kids too though. And I guess you wouldn’t be a teacher if there wasn’t.


Authority is useless. It’s all about building relationships, especially with the difficult kids. The rest will usually listen to you anyway just because you’re an adult.

queermunist, avatar

I’m an assembly line worker and have been for about five years now at different factories. Refrigerators, car parts, ag equipment, etc.

There’s a job opening coming up at a plant that offers college benefits though, so hopefully I get to join y’all in tech in a few years. Hopefully working with so many robots and machines will give me an advantage through sheer osmosis lol


I wish you luck! College/university is amazing! I wanna go back (went for trades) but it’s super expensive and I managed to land a job in tech without a degree. We will see though.


I’m a stay at home mom, no professional tech background. I came here to get away from Reddit. I am considered the “tech support” for my family and friends though. :-)


One of us one of us


I’m a social worker at an elementary school. My tech abilities are limited to addressing cyberbullying amongst 9 year olds.


By background, no. Current lawyer, Classics major.

But… I am presently defending a Bittorrent copyright infringement case and negotiated a software license agreement a few weeks ago.


I work in the restaurant industry.

I have a 14 year old MacBook pro.

Not very tech savvy

WarMarshalEmu, avatar

That MacBook is pulling overtime, gawd damn.


It breathes real heavy when I use it to watch movies I’ve downloaded

ciko22i3, avatar

I’m using a 12 year old thinkpad and I’m a mechatronics student. The older your laptop, more techy you are.

HidingUnderHats, avatar

I do invasive insect surveys


Can’t you think of the insects and not be so invasive about it?

HidingUnderHats, avatar

I wish!

sentient_loom, avatar

So you barge into ants’ nests and ask them to do surveys?

HidingUnderHats, avatar

I mean, they don’t have doorbells or anything so what am I supposed to do??


What kind of insects do you survey?

And also, what kind of surveys are we talking, cause that word has too many meanings!

HidingUnderHats, avatar

Excuse me, Mrs. Wasp, on a scale of 1-10 how much do you agree with the following statements?

I put out traps baited with pheromone lures (mainly) and then go around collecting samples and checking to see if we caught what we were looking out for. Some of the samples go back to the lab and everything gets identified to make sure there is nothing new or to track how far things have moved. We are mainly looking for crop pests that are not yet known to the area.


Been in the foodservice industry for a lot of years. Quit that and switched to nonprofit social services.

I am of the age that I remember helping my mom set the time on her VCR so it would stop blinking 12:00. Now I need my kids to help me with stuff they consider pretty basic.


I am a geek by nature and an IT tech by trade. But my kids still need to help me with basic windows stuff. It dawned on me qhen I entered my 40’s that while I’m technically adept beyond most people in many areas, I simply stopped caring about other areas that is still in the same field.

At work I usually say “If your PC has a monitor, I won’t be of much help” when I get asked about “normal” IT stuff. I can build you a petabyte-sized server cluster and route it around the world via VPN over maritime satellites, but ask me how to find stuff in any windows control panel and I’m going to come up short.


I’m a biologist, but have always been fairly techy in my own time outside of my work. Definitely not much of a tech person though, I can’t code or anything like that. Can troubleshoot most of my own technical issues though and built a PC.


I think if you can troubleshoot your own built PC, that’s pretty much a tech person, even though you can’t code.

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