Hubi, avatar

who shower barehanded

There is another way…?

KoboldCoterie, avatar

What? What kind of heathen doesn’t have a pair of heavy duty work gloves for showering? Am I the only civilized one among us?!


My local supermarket sells these “exfoliating gloves” that you wear in the shower and basically just use like a wearable washcloth. They’re awesome.

norbert, avatar

I love these, it's the best of both worlds. You get the scrubbing and exfoliating of a wash cloth with all the ease and precise control of hands.

They're like $4 I highly recommend them to everyone.

finthechat, avatar

Personally I never get in the shower without my circular saw

konalt, avatar

This is wonderful


Wtf did I just watch… and why did I watch the whole damn thing!?


Same reason I did. If you figure it out please let me know.


I know toasters are for bathing, but hadn’t heard circular saws were better for showers. TIL.


Personally I never shower.



Arc welding is my favorite shower activity. You need ppe


I lather up a washcloth and scrub that way.


That’s the way all our great-grandparents did it. But with a bowl of warm water.

Uses just a fraction of energy & water. With the abundance of cheap energy, affordable piping and heating became affordable for the masses.


I mean, I also use an actual shower for the rinsing and hair, I just use a washcloth instead of my bare hands or a bar for soaping everything up.


That’s what I thought, hence I mentioned the bowl of water. Which was heated with wood or coal which had to be carried manually… in buckets… Imagine that :-)

Walter_Ego, avatar

you dont wear shower mittens?

the people on this federation, i fucking swear.

TheAndrewBrown, avatar

I imagine they mean without a cloth, poof, or loofa. As a kid I would put body wash in my hand, lather, and rub it over my body. But it tended to use up soap quickly so either I had to add more soap part way through or the things I washed last didn’t get washed well. Which is why I switched to a poof.

norawibb, avatar

I use the korean version of that


a washandje

That sounds like something you ask for at an unlicensed massage parlour

FartsWithAnAccent, avatar

Wash cloths?

dingus, (edited )

I have some stupid questions from someone who rolls barehanded…

  1. How do you get the soap to lather well when using a wash cloth? I tried it once but it didn’t work all that well.
  2. Are you supposed to use a new washcloth every time you shower? If yes, how many washcloths do you go through a week and how much does this add to your laundry bulk. If no, aren’t you kind of grossed out by a used, wet, bacteria filled rag being rubbed all over you?

I once saw a post from someone not understanding how bare handers could possibly get clean from only using their hands. But…it’s not like you use a washcloth when you wash your hands and no one is grossed out by that. Why are people then randomly grossed out when you apply that to showering? The action of soap with mechanical disruption, be it with your bare hands or a washcloth, does well to remove grime and bacteria.

To the OP, I lather in my hands with a bar of soap and then wash my body with my sudsy hands…going back to the bar of soap and even “washing my hands” often enough when necessary.


How do you get the soap to lather well when using a wash cloth? I tried it once but it didn’t work all that well.

It lathers better than soap/hands for me.

Are you supposed to use a new washcloth every time you shower? If yes, how many washcloths do you go through a week and how much does this add to your laundry bulk.

Not I. I change mine weekly. Even if I did daily, they’re tiny, so 7 would be about the same mass as a shirt.

If no, aren’t you kind of grossed out by a used, wet, bacteria filled rag being rubbed all over you?

Not anymore than rubbing a used, wet, bacteria filled bar of soap being rubbed all over you. Or used, wet, bacteria filled hands.


I use an exfoliating washcloth like this. It lathers really well. Scrubs off the dead skin and it’s long so you can scratch your back. It air dries fast.

Faresh, (edited )

First time I heard of that. What is the advantage they have compared to just using your hands, besides the lathering abilities mentioned in one of the replies to this comment which is something I never had a problem with?


You can also get shower brushes, mostly for dislodging dead skin cells…


I use soap bar bags… I can’t figure out if that qualifies as barehanded or not


I wash myself with a rag on a stick.


I shove the bar of soap strait up my ass and just express the foam into my hand from there until I’m done.


Dat special scent from Yankee Candle


A yes, the Gere technique


I do this too, but I use the moves I learned during my breakdancing days to spin on my head and evenly distribute a layer of suds all over my body. It’s super efficient!


I mean, yeah?? I just put the soap wherever it needs to go??

The soap isn’t dirty folks. Half of the time all I’m showering off is sweat and dead skin cells anyways. And if any bugger dares reply to this with some clever comment about taint smears, I’ll inform you beforehand I do not speak with bidet-less miscreants.

Doxin, avatar

I mean… doesn’t the soap get washed as you use it to wash yourself?




Same here, I use a washcloth. When I was single, I always used just soap but then I got marries and the wifey forced me to use a washcloth. I’m divorced now and continue with the washcloth ritual.

I answered the wrong thread, maybe I’m getting drunk?


I answered the wrong thread, maybe I’m getting drunk?>

That explains your username.

aphonefriend, avatar

It’s soap. It’s self cleansing.


Yes, but think about the last thing I wash and the first thing you wash.


I just set the shower to massage setting and then point the end at my asshole.

match, avatar

At least you understand the need for a bidet even if you’re suffering from bidet inaccessibility

match, avatar

We need to invent a slur for bidet-non-havers


Shit smearers




You bidetless purveyor of fecal particulate!


…I’m supposed to wear gloves in the shower?


Wait, are we not all wearing gloves?


I used to wear mittens in the shower but I changed to fingerless gloves around 2014 when it became the new trend. You gotta know how to stay cool despite standing in a hot shower. Go with the flow.

aio2, avatar

what gloves

FlyingSquid, avatar

Fancy lady gloves with lacy cuffs.


How are you supposed to thoroughly clean your butthole?

argentcorvid, avatar


sentient_loom, avatar

My butthole is self cleaning.

federalreverse, avatar

If you ever do check that theory for its veracity, you moght be surprised.

kairo79, avatar

With a potato, in my anus…

kairo79, avatar

With a potato, in my anus…

Kolanaki, avatar

Soap on hands; hands on body.


I remember watching a black comedian many years ago and his bit started “Why don’t white people use washcloths?”, and it got me thinking. I started using washcloths and noticed I came away cleaner, soap on a hand doesn’t cut the skin oils and dirt like soap and gentle abrasion can. I also noticed, because I’m hairy, that I get lots of ingrown hairs, especially on my legs. Switched to one of those “poofs” and now I vigorously scrub my hairy bits and no ingrown hairs. Exfoliating helps.

Use a washcloth and don’t forget to brush your tongue, you filthy animal.


How can you tell that you “come out cleaner”? I don’t exactly have motor oil all over my body or anything when I shower.


How do you clean your ears, bellybutton, toes? And hopefully in that order. Some stuff needs extra attention, and some people have different skin types than you. Go scrub out your toes.


I actively try not to get soap in my ears because it will clog them up. I use an “ear syringe” to occasionally rinse out my ears with slightly preessurized water only.

riskable, avatar


That’s what the pressure washer is for. Takes the human skin right off!


They don’t properly clean those areas, they’re just gross

riskable, avatar

I don’t exactly have motor oil all over my body or anything when I shower.

Then you’re not doing it right! I know the vegan motor oil is supposedly the best for your skin but I prefer the synthetic stuff. The process is Exon, Exoff.


Soap bar bags are the superior option, they save you money too

guyrocket, avatar

You are correct.


Huh… I’m a huge proponent of brushing your tongue (it doesn’t take much, just a brush with a scraper on the back makes a big difference). I’ve never really tried washcloths, but now I’m going to give them a shot

On the flip side, my skin is weird. I get hives for literally no reason, I tried one of those plastic poofs and it makes me itch like crazy.



just a brush with a scraper on the back makes a big difference



Some toothbrushes have a tongue-scraping thing on the opposite side of the bristles.


I guess I didn’t know that was necessary. What’s the reasoning?


A lot of mouth bacteria lives on your tongue. Any dentist will tell you that cleaning your tongue is an important part of oral hygiene, even though it’s often overlooked. Doing it really helps with keeping bad breath under control and generally healthier teeth.

Anonymoose, avatar

The Asian body scrubbers are next level exfoliation. The best part is they dry super fast and are washable. I used to use the poofs but they retained so much dang water and weren’t washable.

Knightfall, avatar

Yes, but whose body?


I just rub the shower gel bottle over myself. It’s lasting me ages

BitsOfBeard, avatar

Watch out for Big Soap! They don’t want the people to know your one weird trick!


I don’t shower barehanded. I wear gloves at all times as to not scuff my jorts.





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  • Maltese_Liquor,

    This Arrested Development/Always Sunny cross over is exactly what I needed today, thank you both.


    There are dozens of us!


    The way this question was phrased killed me. lmao


    The same way you wash your hands


    Someone out there is rubbing the bar all over each hand and then just rinses. Knowing humans this has to be true for someone.


    If there’s a betting pool I’ve got $5 on Florida.

    Kushia, avatar

    What I do is I take several guns and a baseball bat with me when I shower so that I’m never caught barehanded ever.


    I’m glad I’m not the only one who was wondering what on earth OP was taking about


    It’s like interdimensional cable but for internet forums. In my version of reality, we get completely naked when taking a shower, not just our hands. We have these kind of lay-down-showers called baths too, but that’s a whole other thing. Also, the chemical element with atomic mass 207.2 g.mol ^ -1, which may seem like a useful building material, especially for shower pipes, is actually dangerous to life that is based on the chemical element 12.011 g.mol ^ -1. Figured I should include that in case OP’s reality hasn’t figured that out yet. In exchange, consider sharing something dangerous your reality has discovered that might not be obvious to us yet.


    Maybe op has only used shower gloves and has now seen the light…


    Liquid soap, problem solved.

    stebo02, avatar

    doesn’t everyone use shampoo?? who tf uses a bar of soap for anything else than washing hands??


    There is shampoo as soap bars in Europe.

    I use it since it brings better cleaning results. There are also environmental reasons not to pack everything like shampoo into plastic. A soap bar comes with just a bit of paper around.

    Double_A, avatar

    Bar soap feels much cleaner at the end. Also it doesn’t create plastic garbage.


    Me too. I kinda do it in parts. Like arms, torso, legs and fave. Then lastly is use a nail cleaning brush to scrub my butt. I like to think I have the cleanest butt in town.

    Akasazh, avatar
    FlyingSquid, avatar

    I always wondered what it would be like to soak everything in Palmolive…


    There's liquid soap, you know. Didn't need to shove anything inside anywhere to stay clean.


    Liquid soap/body wash is a sham. It’s just the company selling you less soap by diluting it with water. Bars of soap are more economical.

    I’m old enough to remember when body wash was not the normal and now soap bars seem to be used less than body wash.

    BlueFairyPainter, avatar

    I actually wasn’t aware of soap bars before today. I only see those for hands, not the whole body. Reading these comments, I’m not sure if it’s more of a generational or cultural difference.

    vext01, avatar

    Use beard as soap distribution hub.

    Akasazh, avatar

    I’d like to see you distributing the soap to the loin area of even beyond the taint.

    By ‘I’d like to see’ I’m not really soliciting for pictures (moving or not), I’m merely enjoying the mental picture and it’s comedic implications.

    vext01, avatar

    Raises eyebrow…

    Akasazh, avatar

    For… science?

    s_s, (edited ) avatar

    Anywhere skin-on-skin contact occurs (butt, balls, armpits), I use a small amount of benzoyl peroxide facewash. It kills the bacteria responsible for BO and for 24-48 hours body odor is impossible.

    You apply it, wait 5 minutes and rinse well. If you don’t rinse well you can bleach your towel or clothes.

    As far as body soap goes, I use a a fragrance free body wash with salicylic acid. Heavy mechanical exfoliation is not necessary when using a chemical exfoliant. Also, loofas are just a bunch of plastic waste.

    After the shower, I use a lightweight gel moisturizer with cerimides. I use a thicker moisturizer on my hands and weenis.

    That’s just the body. I–of course–have a completely seperate routine for my face.


    This guy showers


    What’s your routine for face?


    How do you learn all this? Could you also explain your face routine? I’m taking down notes here.

    s_s, avatar

    Watching skincare youtube channels and going to a dermatologist.

    My face care is a lot. I’d encourage you to find your own products and routine, but I’ll list mine as an example:

    Daily Mornings:

    • Wash face using a gentle face cleanser (usually in shower, after washing /conditioning hair)
    • Niacinamide ointment to minimize pores
    • face specific moisturizer
    • eye creme around eyes
    • Mineral sunscreen (re-apply again in middle of day)

    Daily before bedtime:

    • Wash face with gentle face cleanser
    • Exfoliate face with lactic acid ointment (once per week: sub stronger AHA/BHA peeling solution)
    • Every other day, always skipping peel days: Adapalene (retinol) gel for wrinkle reduction
    • Niacinamide ointment to minimize pores
    • face specific moisturizer

    Everything kinda has a purpose, so if you have questions please ask.


    You can use an actual luffa if you don’t like the plastic. Originally they were just a dried out squash like plant.

    s_s, avatar

    Yeah, but the truth is it’s not great for your skin.


    However, they’re great for scrubbing really dirty hands, feet, etc.___


    3% peroxide shouldn’t be applied directly to the skin and its time to kill is 3 minutes.

    s_s, avatar

    benzoyl peroxide isn’t hydrogen peroxide the same way ethynol alcohol isn’t isopropyl alcohol.


    Now tell us about your business card.


    Have you ever heard of shower gel?


    Like with just your hand? No wash cloth?


    Yes. Why would I need a cloth?


    Why not?

    sxan, avatar

    I prefer a washcloth for my face. Don’t know why, other than better friction. It feels like my skin is getting cleaner, and washing the soap off is easier with a washcloth.

    That said, most of the time I’m too lazy to take the extra time.

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