
Gross, who uses bar soap in 2023? Shit just smells bad

I lather and then spread it around though. My hands are clean because, y’know, it’s a shower and I’m using soap


Uh, I use bar soap and it doesn’t smell bad. There a loads of small, cottage soap makers who are making really great (and great smelling) soaps. I just prefer those over body wash or whatever.


I’ve never heard anyone complain about the smell but I also don’t understand why anyone would use bar soap in this day and age. Do people just like having dried out oddly sticky skin?

I honestly don’t get why you would even have body wash as a separate thing … shampoo is perfectly capable of washing everything.


Gotta use the Dove original beauty bar, at the risk of sounding like a shill it’s seriously the only bar soap that doesn’t leave your skin feeling all weird and sticky

Alto, avatar

I've found the same, although I'm sure other good ones exist. Just haven't had a reason to try them.

Used Duke Cannon for a while, liked them too but frankly I'd much rather pick up a pack of soap when I'm shopping than have to worry about ordering some online.

garrettw87, avatar

I’ve seen Duke Cannon in lots of brick-and-mortar stores.

Alto, avatar

I see them here and there, and occasionally still pick them up when I do (love the fragrances), but unfortunately it's usually at shops I don't frequent or as a seasonal end cap.

Edit: highly recommend their solid cologne too, nice scents and it lasts forever

garrettw87, avatar

Solid cologne?? Ok now I must Google. Never heard of such

Alto, avatar

It's great. I don't use it too often, only really when I'm going out, but I've had the same container for 3 or 4 years now and it's maybe half gone. Think it cost me maybe $30 shipped?

guyrocket, avatar

I have been using Dove for a long time now. Recently I have been thinking that it moisturizes too much. I wish I could find a bar soap that moisturizes like Dove but maybe half as much moisturizing.

I've not yet gone down the interwebs rabbit hole to find it.


I’ve been really liking Aleppo Soap. 3 ingredients: olive oil, laurel oil, and lye. I find it moisturizes just enough, and doesn’t have that weird smell that Dove has.

norbert, avatar

I alternate between Dove and Caress both leave my skin nice and smooth; I'll occasionally use a gel but they feel like they leave a layer so I don't use them much.


Bar soap is actually a lot better about moisturizing your body now than it used to be. It’s also a lot better for the environment and creates a significant less amount of plastic waste than liquid soap. And it tends to last longer than a bottle of liquid soap.

I’m sure you could use shampoo to wash everything. But it does have different moisturizers and oils and additives then soap for your body does. And that can make a significant difference to some people

scott, avatar

I buy bulk shower gel, in 5L containers and have used the same 1L gel pump for 3 years so far. Much less waste.


I only have paper waste you still have plastic waste.


To be fair, I’m a bar soap user…and while the bars are individually wrapped in cardboard, there still is usually plastic overwrap around all of the cardboard boxes of bars.

livus, avatar

What kind of soap do they sell where you are??? It sounds super gross and I'm not surprised you think it's weird people use soap.

But plenty of soap is nothing like that.


Another bar soap user. And they don’t smell bad. Not sure what you’ve tried. Liquid body soap feels like it leaves a layer on my skin. Bar soap doesn’t do that.

Btw, your liquid soap is more watered down than a bar of soap. And bars are less expensive.


Granted, different bar soaps will have different smells. Like any soap, there are multiple brands and multiple fragrances to choose from. I’m sure there is a gross smelling bar soap out there lol.


$10 of bar soap lasts longer than $50 of that gel stuff.

ShakeThatYam, avatar

Tell that to my Kirkland body wash that I’ve had for what feels like over a year.


Bar soap needs to be cleaned/washed after use or it can become dirty/micro-organisms can develop on it.


The thing is that it’s in the shower, though. So even if this is an issue, it is for sure going to get wet again before you use it. “Soap is self cleaning.” - Friends


You know there is bar soap other than name brand stuff, right? Currently getting my bars from the local farmers market. Bergamot and whiskey barrel is one of the most euphoric things I’ve ever smelled


There’s more bar soaps than ever. You can even get special hair shampoo and conditioner bars or shaving cream as a bar

erogenouswarzone, avatar

I use a bar of soap that is exclusive to me. I lather somewhere hairy, like my stomach, to build up some suds.Then, I soap everything with the suds and soap.

It wastes a ton of soap compared to a washcloth. And when I’m done I wash the bar off and wash my hands one last time. It’s the quickest way I have found to shower. I am usually out in about 15 minutes.


15 minutes is a pretty long shower

Ddubz, avatar

Seriously! A regular shower for me takes around five minutes. With a face shave, it’s still less than ten. Wtf else is there to do? Standing there staring at the wall?


Shower beer. Amazing after a hot day mowing / at the pool / exercising / etc…

Ddubz, avatar

“Regular” shower, boss. I’m not talking about extracurricular showers. The other commenters were amazed that anyone ever takes a less than 15 shower. Which is ridiculous that their bar for a normal shower is that long.


Some people shave other parts of their bodies, some have skincare routines, some have special hair products. If you are just washing with soap and using shampoo it is going to be quicker than someone who has different face and body washes and multiple hair products.

It’s like different people have different needs or something.


I hear you there. Personally in the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial masque which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.


Earlier today i had a shower vodka pink lemonade. It’s 100f outside and my ‘cold’ water is about 85°. Shower cocktail = 👍.


staring at the wall after I'm clean is like my zen moment man


Masturbate, with easy cleanup

ellesper, avatar

I have really long, thick, curly hair. My showers can easily take 45 minutes to an hour because of everything I need to do to wash, detangle, and finish my hair routine.


Me too, I always assume it’ll take at least 30 minutes, but only 5 if I don’t wash my hair


Dissociating, executive dysfunction and general existential dispair is a bitch. So yes, to answer your question, staring at a wall indeed. It’s really hard to get in the shower and when I’m there it’s hard to leave. But reading all of this has given me some encouragement. I’m gonna take a shower. :)


brushing teeth

Faresh, (edited )

I don’t spend 15, but I do spend more than 5. In my case most of the time spent is lathering up, i.e. the time when the water isn’t running. Do you count that in your five minutes? And how do you shave in the shower? Do you have a mirror in there? How doesn’t it get all fogged up?

Edit: Now that I think of it, a small mirror in a shower could work, you simply have to pass it through cold water when you want to shave.

DontTreadOnBigfoot, avatar

Not when you shave your head in the shower. Shit takes time and focus


Amateur. With the power of the Seifensäckchen, I manage to shower within 2-3 minutes.


Both, hard to shove soap on your back, easy on your belly


Lather and then I go “wax on, wax off” all over myself. Relather as I go.

Hubi, avatar

who shower barehanded

There is another way…?

KoboldCoterie, avatar

What? What kind of heathen doesn’t have a pair of heavy duty work gloves for showering? Am I the only civilized one among us?!


My local supermarket sells these “exfoliating gloves” that you wear in the shower and basically just use like a wearable washcloth. They’re awesome.

norbert, avatar

I love these, it's the best of both worlds. You get the scrubbing and exfoliating of a wash cloth with all the ease and precise control of hands.

They're like $4 I highly recommend them to everyone.

finthechat, avatar

Personally I never get in the shower without my circular saw

konalt, avatar

This is wonderful


Wtf did I just watch… and why did I watch the whole damn thing!?


Same reason I did. If you figure it out please let me know.


I know toasters are for bathing, but hadn’t heard circular saws were better for showers. TIL.


Personally I never shower.



Arc welding is my favorite shower activity. You need ppe


I lather up a washcloth and scrub that way.


That’s the way all our great-grandparents did it. But with a bowl of warm water.

Uses just a fraction of energy & water. With the abundance of cheap energy, affordable piping and heating became affordable for the masses.


I mean, I also use an actual shower for the rinsing and hair, I just use a washcloth instead of my bare hands or a bar for soaping everything up.


That’s what I thought, hence I mentioned the bowl of water. Which was heated with wood or coal which had to be carried manually… in buckets… Imagine that :-)

Walter_Ego, avatar

you dont wear shower mittens?

the people on this federation, i fucking swear.

TheAndrewBrown, avatar

I imagine they mean without a cloth, poof, or loofa. As a kid I would put body wash in my hand, lather, and rub it over my body. But it tended to use up soap quickly so either I had to add more soap part way through or the things I washed last didn’t get washed well. Which is why I switched to a poof.

norawibb, avatar

I use the korean version of that


a washandje

That sounds like something you ask for at an unlicensed massage parlour

FartsWithAnAccent, avatar

Wash cloths?

dingus, (edited )

I have some stupid questions from someone who rolls barehanded…

  1. How do you get the soap to lather well when using a wash cloth? I tried it once but it didn’t work all that well.
  2. Are you supposed to use a new washcloth every time you shower? If yes, how many washcloths do you go through a week and how much does this add to your laundry bulk. If no, aren’t you kind of grossed out by a used, wet, bacteria filled rag being rubbed all over you?

I once saw a post from someone not understanding how bare handers could possibly get clean from only using their hands. But…it’s not like you use a washcloth when you wash your hands and no one is grossed out by that. Why are people then randomly grossed out when you apply that to showering? The action of soap with mechanical disruption, be it with your bare hands or a washcloth, does well to remove grime and bacteria.

To the OP, I lather in my hands with a bar of soap and then wash my body with my sudsy hands…going back to the bar of soap and even “washing my hands” often enough when necessary.


How do you get the soap to lather well when using a wash cloth? I tried it once but it didn’t work all that well.

It lathers better than soap/hands for me.

Are you supposed to use a new washcloth every time you shower? If yes, how many washcloths do you go through a week and how much does this add to your laundry bulk.

Not I. I change mine weekly. Even if I did daily, they’re tiny, so 7 would be about the same mass as a shirt.

If no, aren’t you kind of grossed out by a used, wet, bacteria filled rag being rubbed all over you?

Not anymore than rubbing a used, wet, bacteria filled bar of soap being rubbed all over you. Or used, wet, bacteria filled hands.


I use an exfoliating washcloth like this. It lathers really well. Scrubs off the dead skin and it’s long so you can scratch your back. It air dries fast.

Faresh, (edited )

First time I heard of that. What is the advantage they have compared to just using your hands, besides the lathering abilities mentioned in one of the replies to this comment which is something I never had a problem with?


You can also get shower brushes, mostly for dislodging dead skin cells…


I use soap bar bags… I can’t figure out if that qualifies as barehanded or not


I wash myself with a rag on a stick.


I don’t rub the bar on my body. Lather, wash, rinse.

Mcballs1234, avatar

I personally use the Turkish oil ass grab method, super easy to clean and grab.

garrettw87, avatar

Is this something I should Google, or…. maybe I shouldn’t?

Mcballs1234, avatar

You totally should look it up


I ain’t takin googling advice from someone named Mcballs1234

garrettw87, avatar

This seems like sound logic 👍


Why not both?


Soap work with friction, so you are forced to use your hand to apply optimal on your skin and actually wash yourself.

ErKaf, avatar



No one in here uses a loofa?!?


I think the question is to those that don’t.


Loofah all day! I will even take a loofah on trips. Just never feel clean without it.


I raw dog bar soap all day ery day. I don’t lather it up, just rub it on my body. Wash clothes are a PITA and I honestly don’t see an exfoliating benefit. Loofahs are gross. I prefer dove. Very cost effective and leaves me smelling fresh.

PhantomPhanatic, avatar

What’s gross about loofahs?


I just imagine that they really enjoy rocking a layer of dead skin.

EuroNutellaMan, avatar

I definitely did not misread that as lawyer amd pictured a very cursed Saul Goodman


Do you wash loofahs like you can a washcloth? If no, it just sounds like it could get gross like using an old dirty sponge.

russjr08, avatar

I just replace mine often (each week) since they’re only like a dollar or two, personally.


That sounds wasteful

russjr08, avatar

Well the little card that they come with says to replace it every two weeks… And you can very clearly tell when they’re getting to the “old gross sponge” feeling that the other person mentioned.


You mean the plastic ones or the real ones? The plastic ones you can hand wash but I wouldn’t stick it in a washing machine (you probably could if you used a laundry bag and put it on low spin)

PhantomPhanatic, avatar

I don’t have the time or patience to wash a washcloth after every use. Loofahs dry out more quickly than washcloths or sponges (I’m talking the plastic artificial ones). I’m sure it could get gross, but I throw them out before they get too bad. You can wash loofahs in diluted bleach every few weeks to keep them clean.


I use liquid body wash and shampoo. I pour on a hand, lather with both, then clean where needs to be cleaned. I can feel what’s dirty and I’m washing my hands immediately.


Soap ain’t got no soul

So to the hole it go!!

Putykat, avatar

Bar goes where it needs to go

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