
Chick-fil-A isn’t that great.

I would never eat there because of their bigoted politics, but I am always shocked at how many people act like they can’t live without it. Weird.

TimeSquirrel, avatar

C and C++ are awesome and I hope they survive for another 50 years. Sorry Python folks. I just can't get past the strange syntax. Gimme my curly braces, away with this function block spacing crap.


The stock market should not exist. Investing in companies is fine, but we shouldn’t be able to buy our sell investment shares like a commodity.

All subsidies should not exist. They only alter the supply/demand in unnecessary and damaging ways. This must come with ending commodities trading like stock market investing.


Starfield is fun.


George W Bush was right when he said that faith based charities should not be excluded from receiving federal grants just because they’re faith based.


Non faith based charities are still religious too. We just don’t call their dogma “religion”. But that’s what it is.

DarkGamer, avatar

Why should our publicly funded social safety net encourage belief in absurd bullshit?


Because feeding people isn’t absurd.

DarkGamer, (edited ) avatar

Great let's do it through secular public means, where it can be done at scale, without dogmatic strings attached, and it can cover everyone and not be an ad hoc patchwork that causes some people to fall through the cracks

Grants to faith based charities are just a backdoor for siphoning public funds to religious groups. We already subsidize their absurdity and disinformation via tax breaks.

recarsion, (edited )

I don’t want to get rid of daylight savings, because it’s still a better option than keeping either summer or winter time.

Edit: another one: not having kids does not in any way contribute to solving environmental problems, we need MORE young, educated minds who have a chance to figure it out (as terrible as it sounds to push problems on the new generation), and we should ensure that in the event that we do manage to stabilize the situation, we won’t instead have fucked up demographics to deal with.


I mean we already know how to solve all environmental problems its not even a science problem anymore

But hey it doesnt make enough money as killing everyone so what can you do amiright


Not having kids to solve the environmental problem is like killing a homeless dude to solve his hunger problems. Sure, you’ve gotten rid of the problem, but along with it, you’ve also gotten rid of the entire reason for wanting to fix the problem in the first place.


People who are unable to smoothly merge or use slip roads without slowing down 500m before even starting to turn off should have their licenses revoked unless they take a driving course to correct their behaviour.

People who zigzag should just be put in a gulag however. Scum of the earth.


Coffee tastes bad, coke zero is great first thing in the morning, and egg nog is better without any alcohol in it.


Humans need to go extinct for the good of every non-human on the planet. We’re never going to get a critical mass of people worldwide on the right page to continue increasing our population without wrecking everything.

Live long and die out.


I sympathize with this deeply, but we can’t see defeatism as the path forward. Those last hopeless human conflicts won’t be good for the non-humans on the planet today either - I dont see humanity going out quietly. We gotta keep trying, and maybe it’ll be better in the next life, and for the new people, and maybe they’ll be better than us for it.


Hardly an unpopular opinion these days

kot, avatar

farquaad-point Ecofascist


And you are going to magically manage energy demand through gentle suggestion?

kot, avatar

I’ll ignore the smuglord response for the onlookers and bite anyway No, I’m not going to “magically” solve anything. Overpopulation is a malthusian reactionary myth and often two steps away from claiming that the poors have too many babies. The reason why the environment is being destroyed is because of capitalism. It’s simply not profitable for the people in charge to switch for cleaner types of energy or to look for any solutions whatsoever. The fact that you think the solution to this is not communism, but that everyone should die, is telling. Another comrade has put it better than I can:

The United States, for example, is 4% of the World’s population but still uses 25% of the world’s resources annually. The United States outsources their pollution and their production to the third world, where the labor is cheapest due to imperialism, and then says “the third world is responsible for the climate change because of their carbon emissions! We need to cut down on the number of people!”


Communism is better than nothing, but it’s going to have to be a global communism to make a difference, since any one of us on the planet can clearly consume 5x+++ their share of resources annually.

Even if we got 75% of the world population with the program, we could still have a consumption problem 5x that of America, because the greatest consumers will be the last to join the revolution.

Climate Stalin is the only thing that might, might improve the situation we’re going to find ourselves in. Other than that, we’re just going to pollute ourselves and everyone else to extinction, hence my belief that all non-human flora and fauna would be better off without us.


Subscription service is really convenient.

Caitlynn, avatar

Yes, but companies are really pushing it to its limit


C is not a great language but is the best language we have.


For doing what?


For doing C things


for programming.


What about rust? Isn’t its goal to be a modern c? Not that this is my opinion just something i read.


Rust is a better C++ replacement than C. Something like Odin would fit the mold better than Rust ever will.


Is it because c/odin is even lower level or what is the difference in your opinion if you don’t mind explaining.

I try to make sense of the whole programming world but it is just so complex and most of what is written is pretty dry so i like to ask people.


Simplicity of design. Rust is built cleverly. It has lots of features and there are also tons of clever ways to solve a problem. Odin is quite simple and although not entirely minimalistic, it is written in a very clear way when approaching a problem. The borrow checker in rust in one thing I would call clever. It takes time to get used and although can be quite useful for safety it is too clever.

lukini, avatar

My such opinion? What? This post is one of very few examples of this phrase on Google.


The phrase refers to the comic attached to this post. Specifically, the opinion that only that character has and “Everyone else is wrong”

DeepGradientAscent, (edited ) avatar

Extreme leftists, A.K.A. “tankies” (i.e., apologists for Lenin, Stalin, Mao, the CCP, the DPRK, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Xi Jingping, etc.), are threats to a free, egalitarian, and open society, are just as violently authoritarian as their religious, corporatist, and fascist counterparts, and should be treated with the contempt, distrust, and ridicule they deserve.

They claim to speak and fight for the proletariat, promising a new utopia, never before seen, once their revolution executes the last “class-traitor”. In practice, once they’re finished with “seizing the means of production”, they’ll never relinquish control and become the new ruling class.

They’ll assume the mantle of an enlightened elite post-revolutionary administration to guide the proletariat to their promised utopia of “each according to their need, each according to their ability”. In practice, they’ll “need the most, because they’re obviously the most able” in reorganizing the economic and political structure of society. The utopia of the “dictatorship of the proletariat” will never exist, only the dictatorship of the “revolutionary party”. Repression and execution await those who question their claims and decisions. The former champions of labor will become champions of death.

They’re akin to the pigs in Animal Farm, the loudest voices in the revolution, but a bit “more equal” than everyone else after the farmer is done away with. Fortunately, the pigs, like the farmer, got their comeuppance in the end of the story.

Your liberty and self-determination are beset by many threats: the religious, the nihilists, the corporatists, the fascists, and the supposed collectivists. They all claim to be the true authoritative “voice of the people”.

Beware of their cults. Your life is worth more than their “cause” and/or “solution”. Understand what they really are; power over everything, forever, is what they seek. They want you either as a willing pawn or dead, just like all the other presumably benevolent dictators throughout history. Arm yourself with knowledge and clarity in perception. Train your mind and body. Fight and deny the peddlers of arbitrary authoritarianism as if your life depends on it - because it does.

E: Lots of butt-hurt invertebrate Molotov-sippy-cup-throwing wannabe-dictator tankie shit-heels out there, all tryna start the revolution tomorrow. Good luck, comrades.🖕🏽

JamesConeZone, avatar

@CARCOSA can we make this entire post a tagline

TreadOnMe, avatar

Ah yes, as if anarchism, liberalism, libertarianism or really any other human ideology and methodology centered entirely on egoism don’t engender some strange communal cargo cult behavior. It’s almost as though they too are full of shit?

It is funny to believe in ‘self-determination’ when you can’t even recognize that all the important decisions have already been made for you. It is rich to pretend to fight against the nihilist when you only believe in yourself. So go egoist, live your life as you please, blissfully unaware that you are just as stuck the very herd of individuality that we all find ourselves in.

DeepGradientAscent, (edited ) avatar

No, you’re utterly wrong about what my beliefs are.

I believe in mutualism, in voluntarily exchange of ideas, labor, and value, all collectively bargained.

I believe in democracy, in secular federal republics, and forthright debate about the value of human life and who gets to make decisions about that concept and it’s implications, where words have actual meaning, balance is considered a virtue, and an individual can still have rights and protections from other individuals, collectives, and the state while being subject to the will of a popular vote.

I will never tolerate those who presume to speak for or demand my family, my friend’s, my colleagues’, or my labor, sacrifice, skill, and knowledge at the point of a gun or a knife.

Fellate yourself over your dreams of becoming the pEoPLe’s ChAmPiOn of ThE rEvoLuTiOn on your own time, not mine.


How do you intend to make such a reality happen?

DeepGradientAscent, avatar

vIoLeNt ReVoLuTiOn, oBvIoUsLy. 🫵🏽🤡


You can be as smug as you want about it, but the people who benefit from capitalism as it exists aren’t just going to let you change things.

DeepGradientAscent, avatar

If the violent revolution against the current brand of authoritarians in power is led, co-opted, or hijacked by the authoritarian left, the proponents of democracy, equity, and liberty will be executed very quickly after, as history has shown time and again.

So, no, the extortionist capitalists won’t go away quietly, but I don’t trust the tankies to bring about some utopia after they execute the “class-traitors and class-enemies”.


So you admit it will be violent revolution then?

DeepGradientAscent, avatar

Maybe. I don’t know. I hope not.

But history has a pretty clear record about what the authoritarian left does right after they “win”, and it’s not the “egalitarian equitable utopia” they claim they’ll usher in.


Authoritarian is a non-starter for me on account of the fact that it doesn’t actually mean anything. Is it the opposite of democracy? What is democracy in this context, and what would your revolution look like?

DeepGradientAscent, avatar

Authoritarian is a non-starter for me on account of the fact that it doesn’t actually mean anything.

You’re wrong. Words have meanings.

authoritarian /ə-thôr″ĭ-târ′ē-ən, ə-thŏr″-, ô-/

adjective Characterized by or favoring absolute obedience to authority, as against individual freedom. “an authoritarian regime.” Tending to tell other people what to do in a peremptory or arrogant manner. synonym: dictatorial. Similar: dictatorial Characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule; having absolute sovereignty; – of governments or rulers. “an authoritarian regime” Similar: autocraticdictatorialdespotictyrannical Expecting unquestioning obedience: “he was imperious and dictatorial”; “the timid child of authoritarian parents”; “insufferably overbearing behavior toward the waiter” Similar: dictatorialoverbearing Of, or relating to, absolute obedience to an authority. Characterised by a tyrannical obedience to an authority; dictatorial. noun One who supports the principle of authority, as opposed to that of individual freedom. Behaves like a tyrant. Similar: dictator The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition

Is it the opposite of democracy?


what would your revolution look like?

If we’re talking about the United States, non-violent, presumably brought about by collective action and enforcing laws regarding protections to citizens, labor unions, the environment, etc. that are already on the books.

Look, I’m assuming you’re a true-believer tankie; clearly, I’m not and never will be.

Let’s not waste each other’s time, anymore. I gotta walk my dogs, smoke a spliff and rub my wife’s back when she gets home, and you gotta do whatever it is you do.

Good luck with the revolution. 👍🏽


Sarcasm and posturing? How do you honestly plan to diplomatically redistribute power/wealth without this happening? When has meaningful change ever happened without those in power engaging in violent retaliation against the often peaceful and nonviolent exploited classes? And here you sit and smugly discard all the movements that actually managed to get something done as ‘fascist’ and ‘corporatist’’

DeepGradientAscent, (edited ) avatar

It may take a violent revolution, but I don’t trust any tankie to bring about a utopia after the dust settles once all the fascists and corporatists get their due. They’re just another flavor of authoritarian statists.

The rulership of the revolutionary party forever is all they’re interested in. Seizing the means of production “for the party”, never really for the proletariat, who they will happily execute once their usefulness has been served. As history has shown time and again.

Sorry your so butt hurt by sarcasm and “posturing”, but I’m old enough to spot wannabe populist dictators and their ball-garglers easily. They get nothing but contempt, ridicule, or fists, knives, and bullets when they get really grabby.

They can all kick rocks, barefoot.🖕🏽

space_comrade, (edited )

Oh my god dude you sound so pathetic right now. If you actually do hold radical left beliefs of any kind and it’s not just a cute online label for you (really doubt that but I’ll give you the benefit of a doubt) go outside, touch some fucking grass, and organize IRL, or at least talk to people IRL about it. We’ve all heard your bullshit “anti tankie” tirades from people like you a thousand times over, you’re not changing any minds and are not impressing anybody with your arguments, I can absolutely guarantee you that.

DeepGradientAscent, avatar

organize IRL, or at least talk to people IRL about it.

I do. I’m part of a union. And I vote regularly, and talk to my peers, colleagues and friends about politics especially at the local level. I have attended debates and lectures as well.

We’ve all heard your bullshit “anti tankie” tirades from people like you a thousand times over, you’re not changing any minds

Hey numbskull, did you forget what the original thread meme was about in the first place? I’m not saying any of this to change minds en masse; the question was to paraphrase, “what is your opinion counter to what many other’s is?”

You’re so butt hurt, you gloss over the original meme in the first place just to tell me I’m full of shit. Wow, didn’t expect that from tankies at all. 🙄

and are not impressing anybody with your arguments, I can absolutely guarantee you that.

Cool beans, tough guy, not here to “impress”, just answering a meme question. Remember?

Go suck each other’s dick on hexbear or lemmygrad about “how ya got me good”. I’m sure I’ll be malding all night about it.

Good luck with the revolution, “sPaCe_CoMrAdE”. 🖕🏽


Oh my god dude get over yourself, I feel sorry for the people around you if you’re this obnoxious IRL.

DeepGradientAscent, (edited ) avatar

Please cry harder about some stranger’s opinions about tankies, you butt-hurt twat. Then all the people who hate me can start a revolution for your fee-fees.



this is the mainstream view on the far-left

DeepGradientAscent, avatar

We have different opinions on what the extreme or far left are, or perhaps where the “center” is.


i didnt voice any opinion on what the extreme or far left are, so i imagine you either didnt understand my comment or are being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian

DeepGradientAscent, avatar

I think I misunderstood you.


On the western “far”-left maybe…


no, it is the mainstream view on non-western far-left groups too


They’re not leftists - they’re just red-coded fascists.

The clearest evidence of this is the total disregard for worker enfranchisement and meaningful decommodification.


The point of animal farm is “Communists are so shit, they’re almost as bad as capitalists”. Suggesting that Orwell wouldn’t prefer communism to capitalism is simply false.

DeepGradientAscent, (edited ) avatar

His writings on the matter in his essays seem pretty clear that he’s against arbitrary unchecked statist authoritarianism, which is what I’m talking about.

LoomingMountain, (edited )

As soon as you have any actual answer on how to demonstrably improve peoples’ lives and do this either within this system in a way that they’ll let you, or without this system in a way that they won’t assassinate you, I’m with you. I’m serious about that. But you don’t have an answer, I already know, because all I see is posturing and arm chair theorizing.

Edit for Michael Parenti who ofcourse has absolutely amazing things to day on the issue:

DeepGradientAscent, avatar

As soon as you have any actual answer on how to demonstrably improve peoples’ lives and do this either within this system in a way that they’ll let you, or without this system in a way that they won’t assassinate you, I’m with you.

If we’re talking about the United States, the “answer” is historically clear: collective action, the spread and dissemination of the history of the labor movements, what our laws say about capital and labor today, what our personages in government’s rhetoric is about labor, when the next elections are for their office, and how to organize, starting locally and building to the state and federal level. Kind of like what’s happening now.

If violence and aggression occur, be extremely wary of how quickly it can lead to purges and an even darker more authoritarian system, even if the religious, fascists, and/or corporatists are defeated. The pigs who squeal the loudest about how they’re the voice of the people tend to be quickest to put people’s backs against the wall.

This was my original point. Your whataboutism is expected and is boring.

all I see is posturing and arm chair theorizing.

This is exactly what I see and hear when I talk to the latest Bolshevik boot-lickers who pass themselves as experts on Marxist theory, capital and labor, history, and how to depose the government of the US.


At least those people are looking at places where actual revolutions happened and were sustained. Contrary to the US, where unions get busted, action groeps cointelpro-d, leaders assassinated, police violence used, and only the threat of the USSR to gain any social progress. And where QoL is on a steady decline? Please give me a better example.

Furthermore, historically, no one socialist nation has ever existed without being under continuous attack from those very forces - religious, fascists, corporatists, so I don’t know what your on about. You’re clearly passionate but I read your comments as incredibly idealistic to a fault.

Edit: and what’s happening now is the very likely possibility of a 2nd Trump administration and this insane 2025 plan they’re cooking up. So I don’t even know where you are getting your information.

DeepGradientAscent, avatar

Please give me a better example.

You’re clearly passionate but I read your comments as incredibly idealistic to a fault.

Edit: and what’s happening now is the very likely possibility of a 2nd Trump administration and this insane 2025 plan they’re cooking up. So I don’t even know where you are getting your information.

Hopefully this will be abundantly clear and we can both move on with our lives:

I’m not here to give examples of whatever vague (and very predictable) whataboutism tactic you throw at me and get caught up in some pointless argument with you on a meme thread.

My original point in answering this meme question posed by OP is to not trust authoritarian tankies who historically, time and again, purge their luckless proletariat “allies” after deposing the original authoritarians to retain a stranglehold on power and bring about an even darker and bloodier regime after they co-opt and hijack any mass political movement they can sink their parasitic little tankie dictator teeth into.

I don’t care if you don’t believe that.

Just like how neo-nazis think the Holocaust wasn’t real, plenty of tankies believe the USSR never really invaded Poland the same time Nazi Germany did. Or the purges in Ukraine weren’t that bad. Or not that many people died during the invasion of Tibet. Or in the Cultural Revolution. Or Tienanmen Square. History from multiple non-western sources have a lot to say about the so-called authoritarian left. You can start with The Kulak Archipelago.

When I said “what’s happening now”, I’m referring to recent labor union victories all over the United States that have been documented in the news.

Though you might be, I’m not a Bolshevik true-believer (obviously) and I’m done with the authoritarian Kool-Aid. I’m old enough to recognize wannabe jack-booted thugs and dictator ball-garglers pretty easily nowadays. It’s not that hard, they’re everywhere from just about every economic and political stripe.

The only thing that ties them all together is when they say something along the lines of “tHe true VerSiON oF __________ HASN’t BEeN Tried YeT”, while glossing over the historic oceans of blood on their ideology’s hands.

And as soon as you mention any of that? “wHatAboUt ________ism aND tHEIr blAh BLaH BlaH blAH?”

Whatever point you’re trying to prove, you’re not going to convince me. I used to be pretty hard Auth-Left myself, back in the day. I’ve left that cult in the dumpster where it belongs. You’re either trying to catch me in some “gotcha” circle-jerk, or are too butt-hurt about me condemning tankies to remember what the original point of OP’s thread was, or are just really dense.

You go your way, rhetorically fellate whatever autocrat-of-the-week your heart desires, and I’ll go mine, and, hopefully, we won’t ever have to meet in real life.


You clearly care, deeply. I look forward to reading something you write on the subject, or to see you organise.

DeepGradientAscent, avatar

In the United States, I was part of IATSE. Now, due to my wife’s health diagnosis I live in the Netherlands.

Writing about Authoritarian cultists will only remain a hobby. Far better men have written far more important pieces on the matter.


“I support the upcoming American Hitler 2.0 rounding up and elimination of undesirables fascism because a system that forces me to contribute to the healthcare of others is equally bad.”

Cool story bro

DeepGradientAscent, avatar

The fuck you talkin’ about here, “bro”?

Funkwonker, (edited ) avatar

Hey, do you mind showing me where they said that, “bro”?


Righties: YoU cAnT rEaD lOl

Also righties:


All things, including human life experiences, are absolutely and completely predetermined as part of a chain of causal events.


Ah, the system of everything, didn’t that go out the window with quantum mechanics?


Nope, not really. But even if we did have 2 completely different solved sets of physical rules for minuscule quantum stuff versus everything else, all events would still be casual. It wouldn’t change anything.


Measuring quantun superpositions can have different outcomes under the same circumstances, right? So therefore, it cannot be deterministic (= what you described) because randomness is involved.


Sounds to me like we lack the understanding as to why there are different outcomes in what we perceive as identical circumstances.

A dice roll appears random too, but it isn’t if one understands all of the inputs and variables precisely.

DarkGamer, avatar

It's not that we don't know, it's that we can't know, via Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Iirc, hidden variable interpretations of quantum physics have thus far failed to explain what's happening. It seems to be probabilistic.


We don’t need to know for it to be deterministic.

DarkGamer, avatar

Outcomes must be knowable/predictable if it is deterministic. Things could have played out differently at least at small scales, which often have large effects.


Fwiw I agree, the concept of “true randomness” never set well with me… often we use probability to model systems that are too complex to understand or calculate directly. However, in this case I defer my personal beliefs to genius scientists and mathematicians who have spent their whole lives exploring just this dilemma. So far we have no deterministic model for quantum mechanics, and no indication that such exists.

(not an expert or formally educated on the subject, but I recommend reading A Brief History of Time for an accessible overview)


A good while back we had no working model for a heliocentric solar system nor any solid indication of it…until we did. But I’m pretty sure the earth was going around the sun even before we realized it, and even before we existed at all.

A Brief History of Time was great! I’d also definitely recommend it to all.


Humanity cannot and will not change its practices fast enough to avoid running out of resources we keep ourselves dependent on because it’s “profitable.” We are a doomed species and won’t be around for very much longer. We are likely living in the flash of bright before the long dark. I don’t think the world my grandchildren live in will be remotely like the one we have now.

I’m perfectly fine hedging my bets and living life normally, but I think our longevity is an uncomfortable truth most people don’t want to face.


Unfortunately I find it hard to disagree with you. There’s no ordained purpose to us here and we are certainly legion enough to topple the ecosystem we depend on. It’s wholly depressing and utterly insane that we don’t act with the urgency the situation requires. Country-borders don’t help.

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