
Baldur’s Gate 3 style CRPG set in a Cowboy Bebop/Firefly style universe.

Alternatively, the My Dinner With Andre arcade game from the Simpsons, either works.


robin hood rpg like red dead redemption

Transporter_Room_3, avatar

I like stealing every oil cart I come across, and going around collecting charity bonuses from people from the proceeds.

But now I want to be able to Rob caravans and feed the hungry with a sword and a gang of merry men. Possibly in tights.


Manly men?

Transporter_Room_3, avatar

snaps Yes!

ensignrick, avatar

An actual good survival zombie MMO. Ala what day z and h1z1 were supposed to be. H1z1 had the idea to be a procedurally generated middle america setting that sounded amazing. But it turned into a battle royal. Day Z was supposed to be the hardcore survival zombie but it’s too just turned into essentially a battle royal. I don’t know. I know there has been so many in that genre but I don’t feel like any of the ones I’ve played hit it right. 7 days to die is maybe the closest and I also really liked project zomboid too. I guess I thought dayz captured the realism of the combat with it’s arma roots.


Have you tried Days Gone? It had a rough launch, but it ended up being quite good, IMO. Might be worth a look.

ICastFist, avatar

A wizard duel game. 1v1. The gimmick is that you have to do the somatic (arm waving) component for your spells to fire. Could work with VR controllers or even a Kinect. The longer your arm travels, the stronger the spell becomes. You, as a wizard, can “create” a list of somatic components and attribute them to an effect, like “fire” or “darkness” or “lightning”. By mixing and matching your waving, you could cast a variety of spells with different effects, like a lightning bolt that sets the enemy on fire and engulfs them in darkness. To avoid being hit, you could either finish a counterspell faster, hit the enemy with an appropriately strong spell (at least 1 somatic component less than his current casting) or set up shields that will absorb a number of damage before dissipating.

To make the game fancy, you’d be able to customize your wizard and your wizard tower, both of which would be the centerpieces of the duel. Everything you’d unlock through gameplay, no battlepass bullshit, no microtransactions, no bullshit grind to make it last longer than it should.

Cracks_InTheWalls, avatar

Not exactly the same, but if you have/get your hands on a Quest I think you’d like Wands.


Damn that would be so cool! It’s an excellent idea. And it doesn’t seem too farfetched (I have no idea tho), but I can see it as one of the next big things. You are on to something man. Also, username checks out.


Imagine that with Switch joycons.


Magica on the PC had a really great intuitive spell system that was a “minute to learn, lifetime to master” sort of thing. I also played it with a controller, and found it lacking. But something like that PvP would be fun without waving your arms for 15 minutes at a time.

ICastFist, avatar

Yeah, duels would have to be short-ish, max of 8 minutes or so. Beat Saber and Just Dance sessions are better with some time to rest between songs.


I would love a version of Satisfactory that has the depth and procedural terrain/resource generation of Factorio.


Have you seen Dyson Sphere Program? It’s kinda a blend of Satisfactory and Factorio, and the enemies are finally being released next month, maybe.


I have DSP, and for some reason it just doesn’t click for me. I get bored and I don’t know why.


Perhaps the no enemies thing? I dunno…


Could be. It was just too easy. Nothing to work around.


A modern remake of Saints Row 2. But, since Volition shutdown it’s no longer possible.


I think Volition were dead long before they shut down, tbh.

Every game since SR2 was a step backwards.


Yeah I guess. My first Saint’s Row game was SR3. I got around to playing SR2 about a couple of years ago. It was whole another level. It did almost everything right. In fact, I would argue that it was better than most GTA games. So, I have to agree with you.

vulgarcynic, avatar

I know it’s not the most popular opinion but, I’ve really been enjoying the reboot from last year.

Despite a lot of the derision against it there really is a ton of saints row 2 at its core. I think it being wrapped in an updated world built around characters that are more representative of the time the game was made lead to a lot of people not understanding that at its core, it was still a pretty faithful reboot.

I’m not advocating that you jump out and purchase it right away. But, if you’re ever in the mood I highly recommend giving it a shot. I picked it up as soon as it landed on steam and found it pretty damn enjoyable.


Yeah, SR1 was kind of a prototype. Not really much to differentiate it from GTA.

SR2 was a breath of fresh air after GTA IV though. Good story and that, but it took you about an hour to get a gun. SR2 was like, “here’s your shotgun, go nuts” about 2 minutes into the tutorial. It really felt like a spiritual sequel to Vice City after the po-faced seriousness of San Andreas and GTA IV. Just the right mix of grounded and madness.

And then SR3 came out and kind of lost me. Seemed like the game was 90% minigames at that point, like they ran out of budget for the actual game. There was a balance somewhere in SR2 that was perfect, but it felt like Volition took the wrong lesson from it and just went “crazy it is”.

Although I did like the They Live bit in SR4. Far too few moments like that though to keep it alive.


rip the dude who was working on the remaster


Half Life 3


At this point I have to accept that Half-Life Alyx is as close as that dream is ever going to get.

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

Oni 2

It will never happen, having its IPs torn apart between BungieWest/Microsoft, Rockstar and Take-Two.

Olhonestjim, (edited )

I want to build various types of orbital and planetary megastructures like Isaac Arthur describes. Ixion has been the closest fix for me, but I want much larger structures than just a Stanford Torus. No idea how Ixion ends yet. But I’d like to see a lot more interior space available, vastly more green spaces, and experimentation with other styles of governance than capitalism. I want to walk and fly around whatever I build, preferably in VR. And while I wouldn’t object to the option, I don’t really care about fighting in this setting. I just want to build out a Dyson Sphere.


“Dyson Sphere Program” exists, it’s more focused on factory and logistics management. But the games central progression is to go from small factory to a Dyson Sphere powering multiple solar system


I can’t wait to see what The Dark Fog adds to the game


To get more specific, I think it would be fun to build out a single O’Neill Cylinder within a Dyson Swarm. For multiplayer, just give everybody their own cylinder. But I definitely don’t just want an overhead view. I want to build a little world that can fully explore in first person. And no damn microtransactions! The only exception I’d accept would be paying for other people’s models.


Okay bear with me as I go on an unhinged rant about a game I’ve wanted for years but is very unlikely to happen. For this we need to go into the deep Elder Scrolls lore, which I am going to butcher mostly because my version is amusing to me and all ideas are canon.

Imagine a magic steampunk world completely alien from our own, none of this Skyrim nonsense but truly alien. A time traveling thousand foot tall Magical Murder Mech decides ‘yolo I’m destroy the planet’, and almost does too, until Some Demigod shows up in their own time traveling magical murder mech (this one isn’t nearly as impressive though). They go fisticuffs with each other, a bunch of the planet is destroyed. Some normal people with hopes and dreams or whatever are like ‘this blows’ so they build a magical space ship. Not like a magical space rocket; I mean like a Sailboat on Steroids. They decide to fuck off to the moon because where else would you go. Anyway Some Demigod gets mangled by the other, better Magical Murder Mech who then follows the normal people with hopes and dreams or whatever to the moon, because that’s the most obvious choice for them to escape to because where else would you go. They show up ready to fuck up the moon colony when Complete Rando walks up and back-sasses the time traveling Magical Murder Mech to death. He then wanders up to Guy In Charge and is like ‘hey I want to fuck your daughter’, but surprise! The daughter is actually an intersex pansexual enby, oh and also they’re a god. So Complete Rando takes one look at that Gorgeous Deity (who is also maybe a lot a bit fascist but that’s a different story) and is like hell yeah, with our libidos combined we can repopulate the planet together.

Now that we’ve got that out of the way, I want a game that takes place from the perspectives of multiple normal people with hopes and dreams or whatever. Different characters follow different sections of the story. So the first character you might be learning about the Magical Murder Mech that’s running loose on the planet. You’re trying to prepare, you catch glimpses of the thing while fleeing your home. Another character could be someone who is in the Sailboat on Steroids and trying to get by on limited supplies while looking for people you were separated from in the chaos. However many characters there ends up being though, it would be crucial that the last scene in this game is watching Complete Rando suck face with Gorgeous Deity because I also want a game that tilts phobes.


That’s the plot of Final Fantasy IV.


Complete with the intersex pansexual enby who is also a god who gets going with some rando who can talk robots to death? Because I can’t stress enough how crucial that detail is.

anarchoilluminati, avatar

Lord of the Rings, but as an open world game similar to Skyrim and with the entire map of Arda as explorable. All of it! Including Harad and Rhûn. Make it, for the love of God! Take my idea and make your billions, I don’t care, just let me FUCKING PLAY!!!


I would LOVE this. Especially if the war of the ring or other plot was on-going and you could participate as you pleased, potentially shifting the balance one way or the other. The idea of an open world RPG where the world exists and evolves with or without you is my dream. Mount and Blade is almost that, but for being too army/strategy/overworld focused, and the lord of the rings mod for warband had me hooked for a long time before the limitations got to me

anarchoilluminati, avatar

Especially if the war of the ring or other plot was on-going and you could participate as you pleased, potentially shifting the balance one way or the other.

That is actually a really cool idea if it can be done well! Not a new member of the Fellowship or anything too directly cheesy, but somehow get pulled into a quest to help at Helm’s Deep and then Pelennor or something. Or you can get connected to help Sauron through quests in Harad or Rhûn. Likewise, it would be cool to potentially help revolutionary movements in Harad or Rhûn that oppose Sauron.

So much potential!


Some sort of magical game that people with radically different skill levels can enjoy together. I tried to get my friend to play nioh2, but she just doesn’t have the practice to be any good at it yet. If we put in 100 hours she’d get competent, but that’s a big investment. I want someone to figure out a way that I can play like Nioh2, and my friend can play like Bejeweled, but we’re doing it together and it’s fun for both of us.

kenoh, avatar

Playing Dark Souls with one as melee and the other as a magic user is pretty much like this.


I almost also wrote that I wanted something like dark souls, but built for co-op from the ground up. The dark souls games typically have a fair amount of stuff each player has to do alone, and you’d have to do the game twice.

It’s still fun and I actually coop’d the franchise with a friend, but I don’t think I could get my “plays bejeweled” or even “plays Mario games” friends to do it happily.

(There is Remnant, but it didn’t really do it for me)


Have you tried Outward? It is built with co-op in mind. The solo and coop experience is exactly the same, maybe a bit tougher solo.


I think I tried the demo or free weekend and it didn’t quite click for me, but I was playing alone. Thanks for the recommendation, though.


Word of warning: the game is jank personified, but once you get past the animations, visuals, and weird storytelling, it has a lot of charm. It does quite a lot differently to other RPGs and survival games, and because of that, it has a hell of a learning curve.

Playing it makes me remember how I felt when I played Morrowind, for some reason. Not because it is the same caliber of game though, that much is for certain.


Making a standard dark souls or Nioh like game, but with a co-op that incorporated Puzzle Quest like mechanics could be cool. In order to power up the main character the side kick could make certain matches in their match 3 game, or to pick locks, or cast spells, or even Estus flask use.


A lot of team games can have something like this. I’m throwing my pitch in for Deep Rock Galactic because it is one I know well. I’m a decently good player at this point and I still have a blast joining games with greenbeards. I get the challenge of carrying and teaching the younglings and they get to see the kind of magnificent bears they’ll have one day. There is decent variety in how you can approach the game with different classes and the roles people pick for different challenges. As for two different genre of game where you’re playing together, I’m not sure. I think that Age of Empires 2 could do something kinda like this. You can assign multiple people to the same faction and everyone has control of everything in that team. It is a bit clunky but you can do i teresring things like one person is tasked with infrastructure, another with combat.


Adding another potential thing here, I just learned of a game called Silica. It is a hybrid play where some people play as RTS commanders and some people play as on the ground FPS soldiers. Haven’t played it yet but could be interesting for mixed skill level based on which genre someone is good at

BertramDitore, avatar

I want a third person single player Superman game, where Superman is actually as OP as he should be. No squish whatsoever unless kryptonite is involved (and kryptonite would have to be very rare). Because he’d be un-killable and have the edge in almost every situation, the game would have to be pretty creative in order to keep it challenging. And no, I don’t want a Clark Kent journalist simulator. I want to have full 3D flight, invulnerability, super-speed, and everything else. The whole shebang. With some creative storytelling and game mechanics, this could be so awesome.


Yes. Give me the opposite of a soulslike.


I would also take a bizarre, reverse tower defense game, where you have increasingly large hordes of bad guys at your disposal trying to take down an ever more powerful single Superman.

BertramDitore, avatar

Ooh I like this.


HP=moral+collateral damage, which would make it somewhat of a Hitman style strategy game to get done what you need to within the bounds of what Superman is… A giant moral pussy.

So while you can melt someone from space or fly through the building instead of around it, you cannot if you don’t want him to die of sadness, and managing that when you easily can, is likely hard.

BertramDitore, avatar

Now that’s a clever concept, very cool idea. It could even scale based on the difficulty or world-ending significance of the mission. Like, it’s okay if you cause a bunch of expensive damage by bursting through the roof to disarm a bomb because it’ll save a city block and hundreds of people. But you better not cause any damage or break any bones to save someone from a mugging.


You could take a look at Megaton Rainfall. Not Superman specifically and in 1st person, but a total power trip for sure.

BertramDitore, avatar

Totally forgot about this game! I messed around with it for a few hours a couple years ago, but the lack of a real narrative turned me off. Was definitely a fun power trip though!


Superman 64 should’ve been this. Like GTA, but with with opposite goals. They had the Timmverse look. They had mechanics for tossing cars and punching robots. They just used them in the worst possible way, because of absurd corporate demands.

The clever workaround for players being dicks is to say Bizarro’s on Earth, and obviously thinks he’s Superman. So any time you go completely over the line or fuck around beyond excuse, you get a soft game-over where you catch your reflection and it’s not Kal-El.

What I’d pitch is a fairly short game with replay value in optimization. It’s a day in the life. Superman has the ability to solve every problem in the city, that day. Superman has the ability to solve several major natural disasters happening around the globe… and still solve every problem in the city, that day. You, the player, are going to jump through your ass trying to schedule or predict more than about half. It has to be fair. There has to be a way, on every single playthrough, without memorization or guesswork. But it can be obscenely hard. It can be controller-through-television levels of difficult, both intellectually and mechanically, because that’s in-theme. It underlines how good the man himself must be, in order to stop every mugging in Metropolis, instead of just the ones he comes across. And it lets you feel his frustration when even one slips through the cracks.

Anyway, escalate through a few specific “heavy” days, spread across a month or so. At first you’re handling petty crime across town, with an invitation to rescue people from rooftops when a dam bursts in another state. By the end you’re fighting Brainiac atop the Daily Planet, and while he limps away from having all three of his dicks twisted, you find a quiet moment to help a child climb out of a tree. High-level play involves hearing about a disaster before it happens, so you can stop the dam bursting in the first place. Or throw a tornado back into the clouds, or redirect the faultline from an earthquake, or whatever the problem is on this playthrough. It’s variable enough that you can’t just fly somewhere pre-emptively (most times) but frank enough that you might prevent it the first time.

Knowing what’s right to do isn’t easy, but it’s simple. Knowing how to do all of it at once is neither.


There is an upcoming game called Undefeated Genesis. However, it is an indie game, so temper the expectation.


i want to first person, in VR frolic in the fields as a small furry animal, along with others MMO. could sweet fun sunshine therapy or watership down traumatic violence or crazy furry social scene.

can i be a young squirrel chasing others around a tree in the lazy afternoon?


A realistic singleplayer shooter game with multiple settings from WW1 right through to the Vietnam war. Extensive maps, vehicles, and weapons. You can play anything from an infantry soldier to the captain of a battleship or pilot of a bomber.

Closest thing to that is the Arma games.

ivanafterall, avatar

Especially if you could mix and match eras and maps.

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